War and peace are quiet, chipped. Tikhon's chipped image and characteristics in the novel War and Peace tolstoy essay


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In Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" in most cases the heroes of the story are representatives of aristocratic origin. There are only a few characters of peasant origin in the novel, despite the large number and variety of images. The main emphasis is on the images of the military having a simple origin: Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty.

While the image of Platon Karataev has a deep meaning and versatility of characteristics, the image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is actually considered only in the context of the military sphere of influence and does not have such an impact on other characters.

Who is Tikhon Shcherbaty

Tikhon Shcherbaty has a simple origin, he is a peasant who does not have any privileges. Nothing is known about his civil past. The only message of his past life is the mention of his small homeland - the village of Pokrovskoye in the Smolensk region. We get acquainted with this character only in the context of the military sphere.

The role of Tikhon Shcherbaty at the front

At the front, Tikhon Shcherbaty served in Denisov's partisan detachment in 1812. Tikhon himself expressed a desire to take part in military events. At first, he did not play the most significant role - he cleaned horses, made and maintained fires, from time to time Tikhon Shcherbaty went to the enemy camp and always returns with significant trophies - clothes, food, weapons.

Then his action became more significant, Tikhon rose to the rank - he is ranked among the Cossack detachment and now his duties include sorties into the enemy camp for prisoners who could tell the necessary information, allowing the partisans and the regular army to be in a winning position in relation to the enemy . Tikhon did an excellent job with this work. Colleagues noted that he had a very developed intuition. Shcherbaty always brought the "necessary" people, who are called "tongues" in the novel.

Appearance of Tikhon Shcherbaty

His nickname is connected with the appearance of Tikhon Shcherbaty. Tikhon did not have one front tooth, and therefore the nickname "Shcherbaty" firmly stuck to him.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the novel by Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

Tikhon Shcherbaty did not have a pleasant appearance; rather, on the contrary, his appearance caused hostility and even disgust. First of all, this was due to the fact that Tikhon Shcherbaty had been ill with smallpox, and therefore his face was mutilated with specific scars. Apparently, Tikhon Shcherbaty was a man of age, since a network of wrinkles was very noticeable on his face. Tikhon had small narrow eyes, he often smiled a stupid smile.

It is likely that Tikhon Shcherbaty was tall, Tolstoy describes him as a man with long legs and long arms. The author, while describing his appearance, says that Tikhon has flat feet, probably Tolstoy meant flat feet.

In the text, in relation to Tikhon Shcherbaty, such a word as gelding is often found. Our ancestors used this word in relation to people who were distinguished by a strong physique.
His voice can be described as a bass with a hoarseness. This timbre of voice was a good addition to his image.

Characteristics of the personality of Tikhon Shcherbaty

While Platon Karataev is depicted as an economic man - a jack of all trades, Tikhon Shcherbaty is an ideal military man.

He is distinguished by courage and dexterity - it was thanks to these qualities that Tikhon was able to earn respect and respect from the leaders of the detachment, in particular Denisov. Tolstoy speaks of him as a person who is needed and significant in the partisan movement.

The next no less important quality that allowed Tikhon to distinguish himself favorably from the crowd of partisans was his cunning. Tikhon could always come up with something unusual that would best translate the order into action.

Tikhon never rides a horse. Tolstoy does not explain this phenomenon, the author thus only focuses on the physical capabilities of this person, adding after this information that Tikhon easily covers a distance of 50 km in a day, while he in no way lags behind the cavalry.

The main characters of the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "Wail-pa and Peace" are representatives of the nobility. However, the author seeks to paint a picture of Russian life in its entirety, therefore characters from the common people appear in the narrative - Tikhon Shcherbaty and Platon Karataev. Both heroes, as Russian national types and exponents of the spiritual essence of the Russian character, are dear to Tolstoy, each in his own way.

In the image of Shcherbaty, the active beginning of the Russian spirit is expressed, the ability of the people to fearlessly fight against the invaders is shown. Tikhon is the embodiment of a heroic people who rose to defend the Fatherland.

Karataev, on the other hand, embodies the idea close to the writer of "non-resistance to evil by violence." The writer appreciates in this hero the manifestation of “everything Russian, good and round”, all those qualities that, according to Tolstoy, constituted the moral basis of the Russian people, the Russian peasantry. Patriarchy, gentleness, humility and religiosity are features without which, according to Tolstoy, the spiritual warehouse of the Russian peasant is unthinkable.

Tikhon Shcherbaty personifies in the romance that "club of the people's war", which rose up and "nailed the French with terrible force until the whole invasion died." "Non-resistance" Platon Karataev is another type of national character, the other side of the "people's thought".

Tikhon is "the most useful and brave man" in Denisov's partisan detachment: "No one else discovered cases of attacks, no one else took him and beat the French." Shcherbaty occupied a special, exceptional place in Denisov’s detachment: “When it was necessary to do something especially difficult ... everyone pointed, laughing, at Tikhon.” At night, he left the detachment and got everything that was necessary for his comrades, for a common cause: weapons, clothes, and when he was ordered, he delivered prisoners. Tikhon was not afraid of any work. He wielded an ax well (“like a wolf owns teeth”), deftly, with all his might, split logs. If necessary, the ax in his hands turned into a formidable weapon. This character embodies the heroic forces of the people, their resourcefulness, camaraderie, and prowess.

An important feature of Tikhon is the ability not to lose heart, not to lose heart under any circumstances, an indestructible sense of humor. This feature makes Shcherbatov a universal favorite in the detachment: "... he was the jester of all Cossacks, hussars", and "he himself willingly succumbed to this chip." Probably, some features of Tikhon (for example, his cruelty) could be condemned by the writer if it was a question of peaceful

time. But at a critical moment in history, when the question of the future of Russia, the fate of all Russian people (the Patriotic War of 1812) is being decided, the activities of people like Shcherbaty are saving both for the country and for the people.

Each of the heroes of Tolstoy will give a vivid portrait and speech characteristics. From the whole appearance of Tikhon vests dexterity, confidence, strength. A funny and expressive feature of his appearance is the lack of a tooth (for this, Tikhon was nicknamed Shcherbaty). His language is riddled with humor, a rude joke. Plato's appearance is also peculiar. He is over fifty years old, but everything in his appearance was preserved intact: not a single gray hair was in his beard and hair, everything was round - both his face, and his shoulders, and his back, and his stomach. Everything had the appearance of some kind of drowsiness, softness.

If Tikhon is merciless to the enemy, then Karataev loves all people, including the French. Other important features in Karataev are the spirit of truth-seeking, spiritual clarity, love of work: "He knew how to do everything, not very well, but not bad either."

Plato is a vivid exponent of the philosophy of patience, characteristic of the Russian peasantry and conditioned by the uniqueness of Russian history and culture. This philosophy of life was also reflected in the proverbial wisdom that often sounds in Plato's melodious speech: "Rock is looking for the head", "An hour to endure, but a century to live." Sometimes, it seems that he covers up his helplessness, his inability to actively resist circumstances, with the philosophy of patience. Karataev seems to be completely devoid of individual consciousness, at any time he relies on worldview stereotypes that have developed over the centuries in the people's environment: “Where there is a court, there is a lie”, “Never refuse from the bag and prison”, “Not by our mind, but by God's court” .

Unlike Karataev, Shcherbaty does not remember God, relying only on himself - on his strength, ingenuity, mental vigor. Shcherbaty is sharp, and if circumstances so require - and cruel. In these features, he differs from Plato, who strives to see “solemn goodness” in everything. Shcherbaty, experiencing a patriotic feeling and hatred for the invaders, goes at them with an ax. Plato is ready to “suffer innocently in vain” rather than shed human blood, even if it is the blood of an enemy.

Karataev and Shcherbaty are two hypostases of a single whole. Salvation for Russia consists, according to Tolstoy, in the synthesis of these two principles - meekness, humility and peacefulness, on the one hand, and energy, will, ability to take active action, on the other. Having learned the truth of Karataev, Pierre in the epilogue of the novel goes exactly in this way.

Tikhon Shcherbaty is one of the minor characters in Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. He is a simple man who started a war with the French without anyone's help. He served as a partisan in the Denisov detachment. Left with him, Tikhon initially did all the dirty work. But after a while it became clear that he was capable of much more.

At night, he went hunting, bringing with him the dresses of the French inhabitants. Sometimes, it also happened that he was ordered to bring the people themselves - prisoners. He always preferred to move with his feet rather than on horseback. At the same time, he never lagged behind the cavalry. His primary weapon was an axe, which he was proficient in, and he carried a musket to give it an intimidating look.

Tikhon is not just the personification of the male power of ordinary men. He, like many other heroes, gives color to the main ones. He got his nickname due to the fact that he is missing one front tooth, because of this, his image was rather awesome. After some time, Tikhon began to be sent to take languages ​​from opponents. There was a premonition in him, thanks to which he could bring the necessary officers. Tikhon is an open and positive character who has always been distinguished by his kind soul. But when meeting enemies, he changed his cute image and was very short with him, sometimes extremely cruel. Tikhon - there is a people's defender who is needed in order to protect his native lands from unfriendly people.

With the image of Tikhon, Tolstoy was able to provide us with a lot of emotions. The main idea embodied in the image of Tikhon was that even the most ordinary people did not stand aside and, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, began to defend their people on an equal footing with the rest of the soldiers who were created for this.

A native of the village of Pokrovskoye, who is a peasant, without question is one of the most needed people in the detachment. His appearance is very funny and interesting. Tikhon has a feature that makes him attractive. He is a jack of all trades. Able to do whatever the owner wants. But his main task is military affairs.

Option 2

This character is the personification of the elements of the people's war, which the author sang. Tikhon Shcherbaty is presented as a vivid image of a partisan fighting against the Napoleonic troops, the force that crushed the foreign invasion of Russia.

Tikhon is one of the scouts in the detachment of Denis Davydov. Tolstoy emphasizes the success of his actions and the dexterity and courage shown by him in the performance of tasks.

The writer did not deviate from the historical truth, showing the real historical person of officer Denis Davydov as the commander of the detachment and one of the initiators of the partisan movement in this war. However, Tolstoy was very skeptical about the role of the individual in history.
, which was expressed in his assessment of the role of Napoleon or the Russian emperor. Because of this, the writer preferred not to distort real events, but to add his own touches to their presentation. To do this, he brought out a vivid image of a simple peasant Tikhon Shcherbatov.

Tikhon becomes a partisan on his own initiative, asking to join the detachment. By this, the author shows his character as an exponent of the collective will of the Russian people, a symbol of their awakened patriotism. He has no military training, and his success in capturing "languages" and performing other tasks is entirely due not to military education or training received in the army, but to his talents, in which the common people are rich.

The appearance of this hero of the novel also emphasizes the author's admiration for the Russian people. Tikhon is depicted as a tall and strong man. Its appearance symbolizes the hidden forces of the people, manifested in the extreme situation of the Napoleonic invasion.

At the same time, Tolstoy showed this character not as a born warrior, a kind of “killing machine”, a person who was given the opportunity by circumstances to show the aggressiveness that was sleeping in him. He gets the nickname "Jerky" for the absence of a tooth, which constantly becomes visible to those around this laughing person. The very good-natured jokes of this man, which amuse his comrades in the detachment, show Tikhon's lack of malice and the fact that the duties of a scout he performs are not an expression of cruelty, but only the following of necessity.

A hoarse and deep voice, as well as an ugly face and Shcherbaty's "stupid mug" mentioned by the author, are designed to prevent the formation of the image of a classic hero when readers perceive this partisan. The author wanted to be seen as an ordinary peasant, honestly fulfilling his duty to the Motherland. Tolstoy's goal was to prove that the courage shown by the partisans is rooted in the most ordinary people.

Composition Tikhon Shcherbaty

Tolstoy created a novel, which shows the role in the creation of historical events of both great rulers and people from the people. The writer believed that the rulers set the vector of the country's development, and ordinary soldiers and partisans determine the outcome of the battle.

Tolstoy is deeply struck by the love for the Motherland of his people, whose heroism is often manifested in imperceptible actions, which therefore have great weight. The author is convinced that war always acquires a popular character, therefore partisan movements, generated by a sense of revenge, have great strength.

Tikhon received his nickname due to the lack of a front tooth and the gap formed from this. This feature draws the image of the hero cunning and cheerful.

Tikhon is one of the most useful and necessary people in his squad. He does everything properly and easily: to chop wood, to build a fire, to cook food, and to make wooden dishes. At the same time, his main occupation is military affairs.

Tikhon initially appears in the role of a man doing menial work: he looks after horses and lays fires. Over time, it turns out that Shcherbatov's abilities are much higher. He went out at night for reconnaissance, getting the gun of opponents, and, if necessary, brought captives.

After a while, Tikhon is enrolled in the Cossacks. Among the cavalry, he was a foot fighter, keeping up with the general move, he was fluent with a pike and an ax. All the strength of the hero is spent on fighting the French, despite the fact that in peacetime he is a worker of the earth. In his image, Tolstoy embodied the spirit of the people's avenger, the courage and sharpness of the peasants.

Good-natured Tikhon during the battles becomes cruel and desperate. Comrades in arms admire Shcherbatov and his dedication.

In addition to combat characteristics, it is important to note the mobility of Tikhon Shcherbatov. His movements are quick and sharp, which characterizes him as an aspiring hero. He is always in action and impulse. Even his speech has distinct dynamics. And his sense of humor is always with him: both in everyday life and on the battlefield.

The image of Tikhon Shcherbatov is the embodiment of incredible strength and patriotism. This hero is a collective image of the people in Rus', ready to fight desperately in the name of saving the Motherland.

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Tikhon's appearance was impressive. A real Russian man. Healthy, strong. The demeanor left much to be desired. Rough and brash. He could easily get nasty to a stranger, but only for the cause.

Tikhon got his nickname for the absence of a tooth. Since then, no one has addressed him except Shcherbaty. It firmly stuck to him, but he was not offended and soon got used to the fact that no one called by name.

Despite the heaviness, Tikhon's gait can be called light. The legs are long, as are the arms, constantly dangling from side to side. The movements are jerky and jerky.

Tikhon's face cannot be called pretty. Pockmarks, coupled with deep wrinkles, did not color him. And why should a man be handsome, tea is not a woman.

The eyes are small, like slits.

Pitted with smallpox and wrinkles, his face with small narrow eyes shone with self-satisfied amusement.

The facial expression is roguish and at the same time good-natured.

Of the clothes, the hat and bast shoes became invariable attributes. \"A man in a jacket, bast shoes and a Kazan hat, with a gun over his shoulder and an ax in his belt\".


Tikhon was born in the Smolensk region in the village of Pokrovskoye. He was from the people, from a family of simple hard workers, accustomed to making a living with their own hump. During World War II, he joined the partisans, getting into the detachment to Denisov. Sitting at home, lying on the stove, when people are dying all around - this is not about him. For courage and dexterity he was appointed to the Cossack scouts. He was given the most difficult tasks, and not by chance. Everyone in the detachment knew that Tikhon would definitely cope and not let you down. He was respected and loved, admired sincerely, from the heart.

He soon became indispensable.

«... was one of the most needed people in the party».

He preferred to move exclusively on foot, passing a huge distance. Another would be in his place already falling down from fatigue, and he would at least henna. After walking 50 km, he could go further without showing that he was tired.

He instantly became the soul of the company. He knew how to make anyone laugh and cheer up. He himself never lost heart and did not allow others to become discouraged. Life optimist.

Industrious. He took on any job, doing it from the heart and conscience. Growing up in the village, he used to plow from morning to night. Everything in his hands was arguing and burning. The guy has golden hands, so they say about such people.

Tikhon's favorite business is military. The ax in his hands is both a tool and a formidable weapon. The enemy will not be greeted if he gets caught by Shcherbaty on a narrow path.

Military life made him cruel but only towards the enemy. He hated those who encroached on the sacred. The feeling of true patriotism was too developed in him. His cruelty did not reflect on his friends. With them, he remained the same kind and sympathetic.

Tikhon is the personification of the strength and power of the entire Russian people rolled into one. With people like him, no enemies are scary. His fearlessness and willingness to sacrifice in the name of victory is a worthy example to follow.

Tikhon Shcherbaty is a simple peasant who independently started a war with the French. He explained to Denisov: “Two dozen Miroderov were beaten, otherwise we didn’t do anything ...” Staying with Denisov, Tikhon did all the dirty work at first: laying out fires, caring for horses, but it turned out that he was capable of “more. At night, he went to booty, bringing clothes and French weapons, and when ordered, he brought prisoners. Vtere he was enrolled in the Cossacks. He constantly walked, but did not lag behind the cavalry. He carried a blunderbuss with him more for laughs, and his weapons were a lance and an ax, which he wielded "like a wolf's teeth."

Tikhon not only embodies the strength and courage of the “simple Russian peasant”. He, like many other "passing" heroes of the novel, enhances the characteristics of the primary heroes. Petya Rostov, having guessed that Tikhon killed a man during the sortie for the “language”, feels very embarrassed. Although it doesn't last long. Sitting at the table together with the partisans, "Petya was in a state of enthusiastic, childish love for all people." He tried to please everyone and treated everyone to raisins sent from home. Petya's death emphasizes the tough grandeur of the "Tikhons" and the weakness of the naive noble boys. “Ready,” Dolokhov said coldly about Petya. Denisov drove up to the body of the boy. “I'm used to something sweet… Excellent raisins, take them all,” he remembered.

The image of Platon Karataev is self-sufficient in itself. What is worth at least his story about a merchant who was unfairly convicted of murder ... And at the same time, Karataev plays a crucial role in shaping the character of Pierre Bezukhov. It is known that for Karataev “life did not make sense as a separate life, it made sense only as a particle of the whole, which he constantly felt.” Karataev lives in complete harmony with his surroundings. It merges with it like a droplet with the ocean.

For Pierre, after the execution scene, the world collapses. “The world collapsed before our eyes, and only meaningless ruins remained.” Brings him back to life exactly Platon Karataev. His special gift of love heals Pierre's soul. Having gone through the trials of captivity, knowing the organicity with the world, characteristic of Karataev, Pierre understands that all misfortunes are not from lack, but from excess. This surplus can be not only material, but also spiritual. Burdened with the spiritual excesses of civilization, a person becomes an observer, analyzing his life, which dries up the soul.

Thinking about Karataev, Pierre, by a strange association, remembered his geography teacher. He showed him a globe, an active, oscillating ball. Its entire surface consisted of drops. These drops moved, now merging, then separating. “Here he is, Karataev, now he spilled and disappeared,” thought Pierre, woke up and saw Karataev’s dog. Pierre was already ready to understand that Karataev was killed ...

There is an expression in theatrical art: to play an artist. Other artists enhance the role of the hero with their behavior. Leo Tolstoy used the same technique with great skill. Karataev, Shcherbaty not only enhance the characteristics of other heroes, they personify all Russian people, with powerful national strength and high feelings.

“The Russians, who were half dying, did everything that could be done and should have been done to achieve a goal worthy of the people, and they are not to blame for the fact that other Russian people, sitting in warm rooms, intended to do what was impossible,” Tolstoy noted, adding. “Historians who wrote about this event wrote a history of wonderful feelings and words of various generals, and not a history of events ...”

Precisely because the work is saturated with images of people like Karataev and Shcherbaty, one can confidently say that this is not a novel that describes what events happened to people, how they lived and fought; this is a novel about what happened to the people, how the people's self-consciousness changed. It was the people who won that war, exactly the people became the bearer of paramount spiritual values. The mass of the people, consisting of Platons and Tikhonov

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