Unrest on the Manege Square. Riots on the arena


And fights with people from the Caucasus.

The security forces called on the crowd to disperse through loudspeakers, since the action was not authorized. In response to the riot police, which had cordoned off Manezhnaya Square, metal frames of the fence, empty bottles, Christmas decorations from the Christmas tree, decorated near the Manege exhibition center, were flying. The audience burned smoke bombs and fireworks. According to eyewitnesses, some brought explosives with them and also threw them at the riot police. One of the protesters fired upwards from a traumatic pistol.

According to eyewitnesses, the actions of the riot police were quite tough, but not comparable to what those who had gathered on the square were doing. The riot police did not receive a command to act tough for a long time, since the leadership of the police hoped for the prudence of the participants in the action. The police officers never used service weapons, despite the danger to their lives.

The actions of the police saved the lives of several citizens with non-Slavic appearance, who ended up not far from Manezhnaya Square. The riot police first had to recapture them, beaten, from the militant crowd, and then, while waiting for reinforcements, literally cover them with their own bodies from the rioters.

The protesters started to leave the square only after Vladimir Kolokoltsev, head of the Moscow police department, came out to see them. The official promised that the murder of Yegor Sviridov would be solved and those responsible would be punished.

After meeting with the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the protesters moved from Manezhnaya Square to the Teatralnaya and Okhotny Ryad metro stations and beat up "persons of Caucasian nationality" they met. The fight also took place at the Universitet metro station.

At the Okhotny Ryad station, the confrontation ended in a clash between riot police and rioters. The incident was quickly localized.

As a result of the riots on Manezhnaya Square, 32 people were injured, 7 people were hospitalized. According to the police, 34 people applied for medical assistance. In addition, eight OMON officers were injured, one of whom was thrown a flare.

Police officers detained 65 people. They were taken to the police department, had a conversation with them, and in the morning all the detainees were released, having previously drawn up administrative protocols against them. Among the detainees were six minors.

According to Rashid Nurgaliyev, who at that time held the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, left-wing youth were behind the riots.

Associations of football fans said that they had nothing to do with what was happening at Manezhnaya, where for several hours people rioted, shouting, among other things, slogans of a nationalist nature.

Alexei Zakharov, deputy city prosecutor, said that law enforcement agencies had opened about ten criminal cases against the rally participants. A separate case was initiated on the fact of the use of violence against the police.

The investigation into the criminal case on the riots on Manezhnaya Square was completed.

In the dock: a citizen of Belarus, an activist of the unregistered public association "Other Russia", a member of the "Strategy 31" movement Igor Berezyuk, an activist of the "Other Russia" Kirill Unchuk, who acted with him by prior agreement, an activist of the "Other Russia" Ruslan Khubaev, and also Leonid Panin and Alexander Kozevin. They were charged with incitement to riots, hooliganism, inciting hatred or enmity, using violence against a government official and involving a minor in a crime.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced five defendants in the case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square to terms of two to five and a half years in prison. The court sentenced Panin to two years in a penal colony, Unchuk to three years in a penal colony, Berezyuk to 5.5 years in a penal colony, Khubaev to 4 years in a penal colony, and Kozevin to 2.5 years in a penal colony. mode. The court acquitted the defendants on a number of episodes imputed to them.

So, Berezyuk was acquitted on charges of involving a minor in riots. Defendants Unchuk and Panin were acquitted by the court on charges of inciting mass riots. The court also considered unfounded the position of the state prosecution regarding the particularly active role of Khubaev and Berezyuk in organizing the riots on Manezhnaya Square. Thus, most of the defendants were convicted under two articles - "Hooliganism" and "Use of violence against law enforcement officers."

The Moscow City Court reduced the sentence for three defendants for several months. In particular, Ruslan Khubaev received three years and ten months in prison instead of four years. The court reduced Berezyuk's sentence by three months. Another convict - Alexander Kozevin - the court reduced the sentence from 2.5 years to two years and four months.

The investigation into the second criminal case on the riots on Manezhnaya Square was completed. Nikolai Dvoinyakov, Vitaly Vasin, Vladimir Kirpichnikov and Grigory Bilchenko are in the dock. Depending on the role of each, they were charged under articles on mass riots, hooliganism, inciting hatred or enmity, and using violence against a government official.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced the defendants in the second case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square to terms ranging from two years of probation to three years of actual imprisonment. The court sentenced Vladimir Kirpichnikov to three years in a penal colony, Nikolai Dvoynyakov to two years in a penal colony, Vitaly Vasin to three years of probation, and Grigory Bilchenko to two years of probation. According to the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Vladimir Markin, it was established that Dvoinyakov threw metal fences at OMON officers, Vasin pointed a traumatic pistol at them, Bilchenko threw metal sticks at policemen and hit the helmet of an OMON officer, and Kirpichnikov, trying to break through the cordon, struck foot to one of the law enforcement officers.

The Moscow City Court commuted the sentence of two of the four defendants in the second case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square - Vitaly Vasin and Nikolai Dvoynyakov. Dvoynyakov's sentence, previously sentenced to two years in prison, was reviewed and reduced by one month. The real term was replaced by a restriction of freedom. In relation to Vasin, the court reduced the sentence by three months, that is, to two years and nine months of suspended imprisonment.

The Moscow City Court again commuted the sentence of the Tverskoy Court of Moscow dated August 8, 2012. By decision of the Presidium of the Moscow City Court, Kirpichnikov's sentence was commuted for three months - from three years to two years and nine months in a penal colony. Dvoynyakov's sentence was reduced for one month. The judges also commuted Vasin's sentence from two years and nine months to two years and seven months of probation. In addition, Bilchenko's sentence was reduced to one year and ten months' probation.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced Pavel Vazhenin, the last defendant in the case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square, to three years in prison. Vazhenin in the commission of crimes under part 3 of article 212 (calls for mass riots), part 2 of article 213 (hooliganism), part 1 of article 282 (inciting hatred or enmity), and part 1 of article 318 (use of violence against a representative of authority) of the Criminal Code RF. The Tverskoy Court of Moscow found Vazhenin guilty of using violence against a representative of the authorities and hooliganism, but stopped the prosecution for inciting riots and inciting hatred due to the statute of limitations. The defendant's defense appealed the verdict.

The Moscow City Court upheld the sentence of Pavel Vazhenin, who was sentenced to three years in prison.

The Presidium of the Moscow City Court has reduced the sentence of Pavel Vazhenin, the last defendant in the case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square, from three to two years. As explained in court, the presidium excluded Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism) from the charge.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

And fights with people from the Caucasus.

The security forces called on the crowd to disperse through loudspeakers, since the action was not authorized. In response to the riot police, which had cordoned off Manezhnaya Square, metal frames of the fence, empty bottles, Christmas decorations from the Christmas tree, decorated near the Manege exhibition center, were flying. The audience burned smoke bombs and fireworks. According to eyewitnesses, some brought explosives with them and also threw them at the riot police. One of the protesters fired upwards from a traumatic pistol.

According to eyewitnesses, the actions of the riot police were quite tough, but not comparable to what those who had gathered on the square were doing. The riot police did not receive a command to act tough for a long time, since the leadership of the police hoped for the prudence of the participants in the action. The police officers never used service weapons, despite the danger to their lives.

The actions of the police saved the lives of several citizens with non-Slavic appearance, who ended up not far from Manezhnaya Square. The riot police first had to recapture them, beaten, from the militant crowd, and then, while waiting for reinforcements, literally cover them with their own bodies from the rioters.

The protesters started to leave the square only after Vladimir Kolokoltsev, head of the Moscow police department, came out to see them. The official promised that the murder of Yegor Sviridov would be solved and those responsible would be punished.

After meeting with the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the protesters moved from Manezhnaya Square to the Teatralnaya and Okhotny Ryad metro stations and beat up "persons of Caucasian nationality" they met. The fight also took place at the Universitet metro station.

At the Okhotny Ryad station, the confrontation ended in a clash between riot police and rioters. The incident was quickly localized.

As a result of the riots on Manezhnaya Square, 32 people were injured, 7 people were hospitalized. According to the police, 34 people applied for medical assistance. In addition, eight OMON officers were injured, one of whom was thrown a flare.

Police officers detained 65 people. They were taken to the police department, had a conversation with them, and in the morning all the detainees were released, having previously drawn up administrative protocols against them. Among the detainees were six minors.

According to Rashid Nurgaliyev, who at that time held the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, left-wing youth were behind the riots.

Associations of football fans said that they had nothing to do with what was happening at Manezhnaya, where for several hours people rioted, shouting, among other things, slogans of a nationalist nature.

Alexei Zakharov, deputy city prosecutor, said that law enforcement agencies had opened about ten criminal cases against the rally participants. A separate case was initiated on the fact of the use of violence against the police.

The investigation into the criminal case on the riots on Manezhnaya Square was completed.

In the dock: a citizen of Belarus, an activist of the unregistered public association "Other Russia", a member of the "Strategy 31" movement Igor Berezyuk, an activist of the "Other Russia" Kirill Unchuk, who acted with him by prior agreement, an activist of the "Other Russia" Ruslan Khubaev, and also Leonid Panin and Alexander Kozevin. They were charged with incitement to riots, hooliganism, inciting hatred or enmity, using violence against a government official and involving a minor in a crime.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced five defendants in the case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square to terms of two to five and a half years in prison. The court sentenced Panin to two years in a penal colony, Unchuk to three years in a penal colony, Berezyuk to 5.5 years in a penal colony, Khubaev to 4 years in a penal colony, and Kozevin to 2.5 years in a penal colony. mode. The court acquitted the defendants on a number of episodes imputed to them.

So, Berezyuk was acquitted on charges of involving a minor in riots. Defendants Unchuk and Panin were acquitted by the court on charges of inciting mass riots. The court also considered unfounded the position of the state prosecution regarding the particularly active role of Khubaev and Berezyuk in organizing the riots on Manezhnaya Square. Thus, most of the defendants were convicted under two articles - "Hooliganism" and "Use of violence against law enforcement officers."

The Moscow City Court reduced the sentence for three defendants for several months. In particular, Ruslan Khubaev received three years and ten months in prison instead of four years. The court reduced Berezyuk's sentence by three months. Another convict - Alexander Kozevin - the court reduced the sentence from 2.5 years to two years and four months.

The investigation into the second criminal case on the riots on Manezhnaya Square was completed. Nikolai Dvoinyakov, Vitaly Vasin, Vladimir Kirpichnikov and Grigory Bilchenko are in the dock. Depending on the role of each, they were charged under articles on mass riots, hooliganism, inciting hatred or enmity, and using violence against a government official.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced the defendants in the second case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square to terms ranging from two years of probation to three years of actual imprisonment. The court sentenced Vladimir Kirpichnikov to three years in a penal colony, Nikolai Dvoynyakov to two years in a penal colony, Vitaly Vasin to three years of probation, and Grigory Bilchenko to two years of probation. According to the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Vladimir Markin, it was established that Dvoinyakov threw metal fences at OMON officers, Vasin pointed a traumatic pistol at them, Bilchenko threw metal sticks at policemen and hit the helmet of an OMON officer, and Kirpichnikov, trying to break through the cordon, struck foot to one of the law enforcement officers.

The Moscow City Court commuted the sentence of two of the four defendants in the second case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square - Vitaly Vasin and Nikolai Dvoynyakov. Dvoynyakov's sentence, previously sentenced to two years in prison, was reviewed and reduced by one month. The real term was replaced by a restriction of freedom. In relation to Vasin, the court reduced the sentence by three months, that is, to two years and nine months of suspended imprisonment.

The Moscow City Court again commuted the sentence of the Tverskoy Court of Moscow dated August 8, 2012. By decision of the Presidium of the Moscow City Court, Kirpichnikov's sentence was commuted for three months - from three years to two years and nine months in a penal colony. Dvoynyakov's sentence was reduced for one month. The judges also commuted Vasin's sentence from two years and nine months to two years and seven months of probation. In addition, Bilchenko's sentence was reduced to one year and ten months' probation.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced Pavel Vazhenin, the last defendant in the case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square, to three years in prison. Vazhenin in the commission of crimes under part 3 of article 212 (calls for mass riots), part 2 of article 213 (hooliganism), part 1 of article 282 (inciting hatred or enmity), and part 1 of article 318 (use of violence against a representative of authority) of the Criminal Code RF. The Tverskoy Court of Moscow found Vazhenin guilty of using violence against a representative of the authorities and hooliganism, but stopped the prosecution for inciting riots and inciting hatred due to the statute of limitations. The defendant's defense appealed the verdict.

The Moscow City Court upheld the sentence of Pavel Vazhenin, who was sentenced to three years in prison.

The Presidium of the Moscow City Court has reduced the sentence of Pavel Vazhenin, the last defendant in the case of the riots on Manezhnaya Square, from three to two years. As explained in court, the presidium excluded Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism) from the charge.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

December 11, 2010 at the scene of the footballer's murder Spartak fan Yegor Sviridov, on Kronstadt Boulevard, held a commemorative event. Yegora was killed on the night of December 6 by Caucasian bandits and buried in the Lublin cemetery.

Later Mass riots took place on Manezhnaya Square. In memory of the murdered Yegor Sviridov, about 10,000 people came to the square by 15:00, at first they burned fireworks and chanted nationalist slogans, and after 30 minutes a clash with riot police began.

In the morning, Kronstadt Boulevard was blocked in Moscow. Thousands of people built a procession to the stop, near which their comrade Yegor Sviridov died. He was killed as a result of a fight that took place here on the night of December 6, 2010. Groups of fans constantly replaced each other. Everything was calm, no slogans, no flags, no disputes with the police.

The place of death of Sviridov is a stop at Kronstadsky Boulevard, 37, a 10-minute walk from the Vodny Stadion metro station:

At some point, the flowers lit up:

At 15:00 on December 11, 2010, events dedicated to the memory of Yegor Sviridov moved to Manezhnaya Square in Moscow. This action was known for 3 days! There were no police, the fans began to light flares and smoke bombs:

Not without Orthodox Banner-bearers. We will see this young man with a broken head again. In general, the abundance of “Orthodox” people who wanted to kill Caucasians was unpleasantly surprised:

Girls aged 15-16 screaming "Death to black-assed!" and “Russia for Russians!”:

Manezhnaya Square was not chosen by chance. It has long been chosen by guests from the southern regions of the country, who every day arrange chaos here. Young people act cheeky, pick on girls, provoke fights, and so on. National dances have become traditional, which the Moscow authorities have been trying to ban for a long time and unsuccessfully. There was no one on the square today.

Approximately 10,000 people gathered:

There were not even Balkars who have been starving for 150 days and are sitting here in any weather. The police took them away.

Several riot policemen are watching what is happening. Nobody interferes. One decided to say into a megaphone: "Your action is not agreed, disperse." After that, all the policemen had to quickly leave the square.

The crowd chanted: “Glory to Rus', suck the Caucasus!”, “Russia for Russians, Moscow for Muscovites!”, “Russian master in Moscow!”, “Forward Russia, we are with you!”, “F**k the Caucasus, f* *th!":

"Russians are coming!"

The reason for the start of the clashes was 7 young men from the Caucasus, who traditionally walked along Manezhnaya Square. When a crowd of fans noticed them, a fight broke out. Several fighters of the Moscow OMON fought off the guys from the crowd, but could not protect:

Ekho correspondent Vladimir Romensky writes:

“Suddenly there was movement. They fled, about 15 people from different directions. "Beat khacha!" one shouted. "Now let's play!" another remarked enthusiastically.

I didn't see how it started, but I saw how they finished it off. This body was kicked by several people. It seemed that a person could not be like that, rubber or something. Blows flew on the body, on the face, on the head. He was thrown up and dropped at the same time. “We don't kill, we don't kill,” one of the attackers remarked. A few more kicks. Above. Over the head. It seemed to me that this was the end of one human life. In a second they ran away. It lay in a dirty bag next to the illuminated dome. Only a few observers remained. “What is it? Did you kill the chick?" - surprised one of the young people passing by.

When reinforcements arrived, the crowd demanded that 7 still living young men be handed over to them in order to commit lynching over them. OMON refused, and then the fury of the football fans spread to the policemen:

Pieces of reinforcement, blocks of ice, decorations from the New Year tree, fireworks were used, in the midst of the battle, noise grenades, or powerful firecrackers, began to explode. They threw a few bottles with something combustible:

Most of all, I was struck by the preparations for this action by the authorities. She was known 3 days ago. However, nothing was done to prevent unrest. Merchants on the square sold beer in glass bottles, these bottles were then thrown at the police. Many merchants closed with the start of the action, but some continued to work.

Blocked off Mokhovaya Street. DPS clearly did not expect such a turn. Despite the fact that “shells” of protesters were flying onto the roadway, traffic was blocked when the crowd broke through the cordon and went out into the street:


In total, police officers detained more than 70 people, all of them were taken to the police department for disobedience to police officers, 15 of them were minors:

The same young man with a broken head:

There is no official data, but I heard that 9 police officers were taken to the hospital. One was delivered with fire burns.

This one is already being prepared for the Sochi 2014 Olympics:

At riots, I was always surprised by the audience in the forefront. As if nothing had happened, a man with a child is walking along the road, staring. He is asked:
"Get out of here, let's get you out!"
No, I came to see!
— What are you! Something will pop into your head right now!
- Okay, I'm careful!

After a partial clearing of the area, the crowd built barricades. OMON did not come. For about 30 minutes everyone stood and waited. Pieces of ice and fireworks flew to the police:

Periodically, the area was covered with smoke from lit checkers:

The head of the Moscow police, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, is trying to negotiate. Well done, went out alone to the crowd.
- Take off your mask!
I won't take off my mask!
- Take it off, the general is talking to you!
“I won’t take off my mask, are we talking or not?”

Promises to restore order, speaks in a dry protocol language. “Tell them you will solve the Caucasian issue,” the masked man advises:

Where are Volkov's killers!? We don't want to wait any longer! Why let the killers go!
- We held events, the investigator decided that the detainees could be released ...
Why did you let them go? How much did they pay you? When will they be punished?
- We do not punish, I cannot answer this question for you, this is a question for the prosecutor's office ...
"Then why did you even come?" Let the prosecutor come!
Despite the fact that the crowd was clearly not in the mood for dialogue, after 30 minutes the riot police retreated, and the protesters began to slowly disperse.

One Uzbek was stripped down to his shorts and beaten right on the platform, he lost consciousness. In total, about 10 metro policemen watched this, but they could not do anything:

Nobody interfered with the beating, the victims tried to escape, but there were a lot of fans. Ordinary passengers hid between the columns of the station, the police tried to take people of Caucasian nationality upstairs to the department in order to save them.

This Saturday in Moscow and St. Petersburg, regular actions were held in memory of the Spartak fan Yegor Sviridov, who died in a fight with the natives of the North Caucasus. In both capitals, there were clashes with the police and detentions of fans. And if in St. Petersburg the case ended relatively peacefully, then in Moscow there were real pogroms.

The first action ended peacefully

In the first half of the day, several thousand people, according to some sources, about 10 thousand, came to the Vodny Stadion metro station and from there moved in a column to Kronstadt Boulevard, where Sviridov was killed. There they laid flowers, scarves with Spartacus symbols, and lit candles at the place of his death. Not only fans gathered here, even bikers led by the well-known Surgeon came. The action passed without incident.

Pogroms on Manezhnaya Square

Around 15:00, fans began to gather on Manezhnaya Square. Representatives of a number of nationalist organizations also arrived here. Soon they filled the entire square, began to chant "Russian forward", "One for all and all for one" and other slogans and set fire to fires. Police officers and riot police present at the scene cordoned off the protesters. At the same time, they called on the audience through the speakerphone to show calmness and not succumb to provocations. According to various sources, from 3 to 8 thousand people gathered at the rally in memory of Yegor Sviridov.

It soon became clear that here, unlike the morning event, riots were inevitable. Some of the fans made an attempt to break through the cordon and go towards the Lenin Library metro station. As a result, fights broke out between the police and the fans. For some time, the protesters managed to block Mokhovaya Street, adjacent to Manezhnaya Square.

After that, OMON fighters began to clear Manezhnaya Square from the protesters. In response, the fans began to shower the law enforcement officers with everything they could get their hands on. They broke the Christmas tree standing on the square and began to throw Christmas tree decorations at the police, as well as metal rods torn from the fence.

Nevertheless, the riot police, using rubber batons, managed to push back some of the fans who went down to the subway. There are wounded on both sides. Shots were heard on Manezhnaya Square, but it is not known who fired and at whom.

During the action on Manezhnaya Square, five people from the Caucasus were injured, who were attacked by football fans. In addition, RIA Novosti cameraman Rustam Buzanov was beaten. He was hit on the head several times and the TV camera was broken. The exact number of victims has not yet been established. According to some reports, there are about ten of them.

According to Vladimir Kolokoltsev, head of the Moscow police department, the police tried to minimize the use of force against the crowd. The commander of the Moscow OMON came out to the protesters and asked to clear the square near the Kremlin. In response, they began to throw smoke bombs at him. Later, Vladimir Kolokoltsev met with representatives of the fans, who assured that the investigation into the murder of Yegor Sviridov would be completed. After negotiations with the head of the Moscow police department, which lasted about an hour, the crowd began to disperse. By 17:00, almost no one was left on Manezhnaya Square.

Riots in the subway

However, the riots continued in the subway. So, it is reported that the fans staged a rally right at the Okhotny Ryad station, after which they beat several people from the Caucasus, pulling them straight out of the train. The policemen who were nearby tried to repel the Caucasians from the angry crowd, after which the fans tried to storm the train departing from the platform. They broke in the composition of the glass. The next train, which arrived at Okhotny Ryad, went to Lubyanka without opening the door.

In addition, the fans broke the lamps on the Okhotny Ryad escalators, as well as on the transition from Okhotny Ryad to Teatralnaya. Now OMON fighters are on duty at these stations. All the trains that run along the red line are accompanied by police squads. In all districts of Moscow, security measures have been strengthened, additional patrols have taken to the streets.

Nurgaliyev: Left radicals are behind the clashes

According to the latest data, about five thousand people took part in the unsanctioned rally on Manezhnaya Square in the center of Moscow. In total, 29 people were injured, according to the latest data. One of them was stabbed. According to preliminary information, one fan died during the riots.

Another 65 people were detained. According to Viktor Biryukov, an official representative of the Moscow police department, protocols will be drawn up against the detainees on bringing them to administrative responsibility for disobedience to policemen. In addition, the detainees will be required to appear on December 13 in court.

Left-wing radical youth tried to provoke riots on Manezhnaya Square in the center of Moscow, said Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev, speaking of today's riots. According to him, "left-wing radical youth, who both provoked and incited mass confrontation and clashes," joined the fans' action. "No one in our country has the right to break the law, and the internal affairs bodies will ensure law and order and the safety of our citizens," the minister said.

Fan club "Spartak": What happened is a problem of society

The riots on Manezhnaya Square have nothing to do with football and are connected with problems within Russian society, Yegor Petrov, head of the Spartak fan club, told RIA Novosti. "You need to clearly understand: everything that happened before and today has nothing to do with the Spartak football club. This is not the position of a club that wants to move away from this. This is a problem that has become sore in our society. This is not football," he said.

According to him, people gathered at Manezhnaya who were united not by football, but by other ideas. “This underlines my words that it is very easy for us to blame everything on the fans. No, these are not fans. This is a problem in our society,” Petrov added.

Action in St. Petersburg

A similar action was held today in the center of St. Petersburg. It began on Pioneer Square. From there, a crowd of about a thousand people went along Zagorodny Prospekt towards the Pushkinskaya metro station, but the police and riot police blocked their way. Here, too, there were clashes. As a result, about 60 people were detained.

Death of Sviridov

Recall that Yegor Sviridov was a participant in a fight between fans and natives of the North Caucasus, which took place on the night from Sunday to Monday at a bus stop in the north of Moscow. More than ten people took part in the clash. According to the investigation, 26-year-old native of Kabardino-Balkaria Aslan Cherkesov fired several shots at 28-year-old Sviridov from a traumatic pistol. As Cherkesov later told investigators, he used the weapon in self-defense.

The victim received four wounds, including in the head, and died on the spot. His friend was sent to the hospital in critical condition. The deceased was a fan of Spartak, according to some reports, he headed one of the ultras groups.

Six natives of the North Caucasus were released after investigation by the police, and Cherkesov was arrested. The actions of the police caused indignation among Spartak fans, who, fearing that the case would be "hushed up," blocked Leningradsky Prospekt on Tuesday. And the day before, during the Champions League match, during which "Spartak" met with the Slovak "Zilina", the fans rioted, thus trying to draw attention to the death of their colleague.

The day before, two participants in the fight, Nariman Ismailov and Khasan Ibragimov, were again detained. And today, the third person involved in the brawl, Artur Alfibiev, was taken into custody.

Radio Liberty correspondent worked on Manezhnaya Square, where football fans, who came from a rally in memory of the murdered Yegor Sviridov, staged a pogrom. Traffic on Mokhovaya Street was completely blocked. Reports that there is a battle between OMON and an aggressive crowd have not been confirmed. However, the crowd descended into the subway, where they began to attack citizens with a Caucasian appearance.

The riot police pushed the fans gathered at the Manege exhibition hall to the roof of the underground shopping complex. Several people were detained

The riot police pushed the fans gathered at the Manege exhibition hall to the roof of the underground shopping complex. Several people were detained

The riot police pushed the fans gathered at the Manege exhibition hall to the roof of the underground shopping complex. Several people were detained

The riot police pushed the fans gathered at the Manege exhibition hall to the roof of the underground shopping complex. Several people were detained

Among the fans were injured

The Christmas tree in the square was half destroyed

Fans barricaded themselves on the roof of the mall

Shouting nationalist slogans, including obscene

The confrontation lasted for about an hour.

Firecrackers, fireworks and ice flew to the OMON

smoke screen

Teenagers predominated among those gathered on Manezhnaya Square

Fans dispersing from Manezhnaya Square chanted nationalist slogans in the metro as well.

The crowd, which descended into the Okhotny Ryad metro station, began to attack citizens with a Caucasian appearance, who come out of the arriving trains to the station. On the way, the ceiling on the escalator was broken. The police are not trying to detain anyone, at the moment their efforts are aimed at protecting people from the rampant mob that shouts "Only Russians - only victory!".


Shouting nationalist slogans, including obscene ones, the crowd descends into the subway. Traffic on Mokhovaya Street has not yet been restored, although at the moment there are no people on the roadway - it is blocked by the police.


On the roof of the shopping center "Manezh" in the midst of the crowd somehow ended up two people of Caucasian appearance, who were caught by the crowd and severely beaten. At the moment, heavily bloody, they lie on the snow. The ambulance was called.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev, head of the Moscow police department, arrived at Manezhnaya Square and is currently negotiating with representatives of the football fan movement. They demand an investigation into the murder of Yegor Sviridov. Vladimir Kolokoltsev asks for time to figure everything out. Slowly the crowd began to disperse. At the moment, there are no more than 300 people left on the square.

OMON moves away from the crowd rampaging on the roof of the shopping center further. A few minutes ago it seemed that there would be an assault, the riot police managed to get closer to the crowd, but in response empty glass bottles flew at them. The crowd provokes the riot police to attack, shouting "Come on, come on!". Smoke bombs and set fire to plastic bottles are burning, which cover everything around with black smoke.

Those who drove to Manezhnaya Square from the north of Moscow - from the Vodny Stadion metro station, where people with flowers and candles went to honor the memory of the Spartak fan Yegor Sviridov - have already managed to block Mokhovaya Street in the area of ​​the Bolshoy Manezh Exhibition Complex. There are about 1,000 people on the roof of the Manezh shopping center. They chant: "OMON is a traitor to the Russian people!", "Russia is not the Caucasus, the Caucasus is not Russia", "Russia for Russians, Moscow for Muscovites." There is about 50 meters between the OMON chain and those gathered on the roof of the shopping center.

The total number of football fans in the center of Moscow is about 3000 people. They smashed a huge New Year's tree set up in the square and started throwing the riot policemen with toys plucked from it. From time to time, rockets take off into the air, explosions are heard, apparently from firecrackers. Everything around is cordoned off by the police, the total number of guards is about 500. Through the loudspeaker they call on the audience not to succumb to provocations and promise that the instigators of the pogroms will be punished. The riot police push the fans towards the subway, in response, ice and firecrackers fly at them.

Meanwhile, reinforcements arrive, soldiers of the internal troops with large shields surround the Kremlin in the Alexander Garden. Obviously, the fans who arrived at Manezhnaya Square are very well organized. A man in a mask and with a megaphone stepped out of the crowd and demanded two colonels for negotiations, to whom the fans are ready to convey their demands. One of them is to bring Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin to the square. The aggressive mood of the fans has already been felt by the journalists, who are being bombarded with fireworks and ice cubes.

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