Vologda Regional Children's Library. Presentation on literature on the topic "New names


Author: librarian
MOBU Novobureyskaya secondary school No. 3
Pozdnyak O.P.
Recently, many new writers' names have appeared on the literary horizon. But we still often turn to books whose authors are venerable, well known to us. Entering the library or the book world, we look for the books of Zakhoder, Lingren, Volkov with our eyes. But the child reader cannot know only classical literature, he needs the fresh air of new literature. In order not to deprive children of first-class reading and to acquaint adults with new authors writing for children, the LUKOMORYE publishing house published the book New Names in Children's Literature. In it you can get acquainted with an overview of the work of writers, it is addressed to librarians, children, parents.
I want to introduce you to the latest in children's literature.
"Dreamer" by the English author Ian McEusen will be of interest to both adults and children. This is the best book of 2012. A little boy dreams of changing the world, making it kinder, and with the help of adults, he succeeds. Recommended for children 10-15 years old.
Andrey Zhvalevsky, born in 1967, writer, screenwriter, Laureate of the National Children's Award "Chested Dream" (2006), "The Funniest Book" for the ironic horror novel "No harm will come to you here." Winner of the "Alice" award (2007) Books: The cycle about Pori Gutter, Time is always good, True story of Santa Claus and others are very popular with teenagers
Marina Aromshtam (born in 1960), teacher, writer, Laureate of the "Cherished Dream" award. The novel "When Angels Rest" was included in the list of outstanding books of the world "White Crows-2011". Famous books "When Angels Rest", "Shaggy Child", lives in Moscow.
Anatole France is a Nobel Prize winner, she wrote only one work "The Bee", which brought her fame. A very beautiful tale about a golden-haired girl Pchelka, who was captured by the gnomes, only love saves her from evil. Interesting for both adults and children, recommended for children 8-13 years old.
Tom Tit, French author, his book "Scientific amusements. Interesting experiments, crafts, entertainment” is interesting for children and parents, the author wrote this book together with his son. A book that has stood the test of time for all time, guaranteeing an interesting pastime for both parents and children. For children 10-15 years old.
Konstantin Sergienko with his book "Cardboard Heart" is perfect for both independent reading and reading aloud. A very kind and sentimental tale, calm and unhurried, which is a rarity for literature published in recent years. Once upon a time there was a Cardboard Man, one day he decides to help a sick girl and gets a magic flower for her at the cost of his life. All the characters of the fairy tale, even the harmful ones, are spelled out very clearly, what children should like, recommended for children 7-10 years old.
Eduard Verkin (born 1975), writer, laureate of the Cherished Dream Prize (2007) for the book Place of Dreams, honorable mention Kniguru-2011. Books: Cycle "The Adventure of Vitka and Genka", cycle "Chronicle of the Land of Dreams", cycle "Blueberry Gull", lives and works in Ivanovo.
Elena Gabova (born 1952), writer, poet, translator from Komi. In 2007, she was recognized as the most widely read author of the "Pearl of the North", the literary prize of Vladislav Krapivin for the story "No one saw the Red". In 2008, she became a laureate of the Cherished Dream Award for the book “The Bore Dyoma”, live in Syktyvkar. Best books: Squirrel skin, Boiled icicle, Deuce in behavior, Love on seven winds.
Aya En (Krestyeva Irina, born in 1965), writer, screenwriter, 2nd place in the national competition "Kniguru-2011", for the novel "Bible in SMS", lives in Moscow. Best books: "Is there life on Nightmare or Merry adventures of Nyam, Chpok, Fi and Badi, not counting Slurp", "Tales of Winter Twilight". Children for middle age.
We also have new literature in our library. The book “Little Fairy” by Zlata Serebryakova, Stephenie Meyer “Twilight” is very popular among elementary grades.
but we, unfortunately, do not have it, the children saw the film based on this book and would like to read the book.
Marina Nekrasova, writer of children's detective stories. Best Books:
"Fat vs. Dragon Thief", "Fat Lord of Fire".
Valuable exhibits disappeared from the hotel museum, and the young artist Sasha Utkin, who came to the forum, had to do not draw, but investigate. And then you will learn even more interesting things by reading this work.
Dmitry Yemets, writer of children's detective stories. The most read book is a cycle about Tanya Grotter. "Tanya Grotter and Poseidon's Well"
"Tanya Grotter and the golden leech", "There is no exit at the entrance."
A girl discovers a forgotten prophecy of Drevmir in an abandoned gatehouse near a swamp. The predicted events begin to come true one after another. Such is the exciting plot of the work "Tanya Grotter and the Throne of the Ancient World."
But the biggest demand for the book Joan Rowling "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". The writer's books returned the passion for reading to children. Rowling managed to create a truly cult book and become famous overnight. The tale of Harry Potter teaches us to tell the truth, to always remain human, even in the magical world. The Harry Potter books have broken the line between children's and adult reading.

Attached files

Meet the New Names in Children's Literature You'll Hear About Again www.labirint.ru/now/novye-imena-v-detskoy-literature Over the past couple of years, everything has changed: modern Russian authors began to publish. The good news is that exactly the good ones. Tamara Mikheeva, Stanislav Vostokov, Nina Dashevskaya, Alena Veresova, Ekaterina Timashpolskaya, Yulia Kuznetsova, Anna Dobrochasova, Anastasia Orlova and many others - these are the new names that will shape the image of children's literature over the next ten years. Most of these writers are winners of national literary awards, have several published books and far-reaching plans. In a word, we can not be afraid for the reputation of professional children's literature. She is in good hands. Tamara Mikheeva knows how to find a special intonation. The one that makes books for children and young adult literature equally true. This is a very rare gift. There are not so many writers who confidently and talentedly work with different ages. Take Neil Gaiman, for example. Or Vladislav Krapivin. Or Astrid Lindgren. And how lucky we are that in our generation there is this born storyteller, with whose stories you can grow and mature! First it will be Shumsy, a forest fairy tale about tree miracles and friendly families, and then Asino Summer, Light Mountains, Dolphin Children - exemplary teenage stories where magic coexists with the truth of life. Julia Kuznetsova is a titled author, winner of many awards. Her work was noted by the jury of the "Chested Dream" (2009, nomination "Children's Detective"), awards to them. Krapivin (2011) and "Kniguru" (2013). In March 2013, Yulia Kuznetsova became the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best work for children and youth for the manuscript of the story “Where is Dad?”. She is not afraid of difficult topics and the genre of "psychological story", which she herself defines her work. But writing about ordinary, sometimes even not very pleasant things is much more difficult than inventing fantastic stories. But Julia Kuznetsova transforms the "prose of life" simply into prose - accurate, charming and truthful. Stanislav Vostokov himself looks like the hero of an adventure novel. For example, he worked in zoos and saved animals in Africa (not without the help of the Gerald Darell Foundation), and now he writes poetry and prose, draws, communicates a lot with a new generation of writers, and regularly receives literary awards (Cherished Dream, Scarlet Sails) and others), but he does not consider himself a “serious writer”. And he really loves to read: You can just talk about the benefits of reading. And here is an example from life. If I hadn’t read a lot of good books about animals, I wouldn’t have gone to work at the zoo, I wouldn’t have gone to Cambodia three times, driving all over Malaysia and half of Thailand at the same time, I wouldn’t have walked along Baker Street, I wouldn’t have met amazing people : French, British, Brazilians, Africans, Indians, would not have written at least two books. Alena Veresova comes up with touching and very tender stories for children. On the cover, her name often coexists with the names of young artists - Alena knows how to work in collaboration so that the artistic text and illustrations become one. Stories about Owl, fairy tales of Alenka, adventures of Shustrik the hare - these stories are full of cozy miracles and tell about what friendship, independence and courage are without annoying moralizing. Anna Dobrochasova not only writes wonderful fairy tales and stories, but also illustrates them herself! So we have in our hands a whole world created by the author from beginning to end. Here is "Orange" - a magical, as they used to say "Christmas" story, in which there is no fantasy, but there are everyday miracles that we create ourselves, especially at this time of the year. Here is "Button" and "Moon Beetle" - touching sketches from the life of a large and, undoubtedly, happy family, where there is always a place for adventure. It is impossible not to mention The list of important contemporary children's writers would be incomplete if we did not name a few more names. Marina Aromstam not only knows everything about how a good children's book works, but she also writes fairy tales and stories for different ages. Arthur Givargizov is known as a poet, writer, nominee for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Prize. Anna Yudina is an illustrator, author of bright and whimsical worlds, but now we can get acquainted with her artistic texts for children. Natalya Evdokimova writes short stories about important and difficult school and teenage times in a person's life. Maria Bershadskaya creates a series about Big Little Girl, in which she describes the problems of growing up and ways to solve them. Nina Dashevskaya also writes for children and adolescents, her works were awarded the Krapivin Prize, and were noted by the Kniguru jury. And let's not forget about the intriguing fantastic (in every sense of the word) debut of Victoria Lederman, the book "Calendar Ma (y) I." More.

Eduard Verkin (b. 1975).

At present, many young children's authors have appeared on the book Olympus, among them the writer Eduard Verkin. Eduard Verkin was born in May 1975 in Vorkuta. The writer's father is a miner, his mother is a pharmacist. He studied in parallel at the historical and law faculties of Syktyvkar State University (since 1993). After completing his studies in 1998-1999. worked in one of the universities of Vorkuta as a teacher of social science disciplines.

It was at this time that Eduard Verkin began to engage in literature. In 2003, on the recommendation of a local writers' organization, he received a referral to study at the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky.

The stories of Eduard Verkin were published in the Komi republican almanac "Bely Bor", in the magazine "ART", his play "The Rat and the Dog" was awarded a diploma and a valuable prize at the festival of theatrical art "Zarni yol". Russian readers with the work of E. Verkin could get acquainted on the pages of the magazines "Sever", "Ural", "BeregA". The works of E. Verkin were published in Boris Strugatsky's fantasy magazine Noon, 21st Century.

Since 2004, Eduard Verkin's books have been published by the Eksmo publishing house in several series: "Children's nightmares", "Desk book for girls and boys", "Only for boys", "Horrible stories", "Scary stories", "Black kitten", "Chronicle of the Land of Dreams".

In his books, Eduard Verkin writes about what worries children, and also about school and modern problems of teenagers.

When Eduard Verkin was asked where he gets ideas and themes for his works, he replied that these plots are from childhood: memories from the "kindergarten" age, "terrible stories" told during quiet hours, school everyday life of a Soviet high school, work on production, study at the university. Even E. Verkin noticed that he had a diploma of graduation from the university in eleven versions, perhaps the craving for writing came from there. In a word, personal everyday observations formed the basis of many of the writer's works.

The first attempt at writing was in the form of a competitive work dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. It was published in a local newspaper, however, it did not take any prize, but it brought the young author a fee of fifteen rubles. In this work, E. Verkin spoke about how good it would be if grandfather survived and did not die near Stalingrad.

Continuing his story about the beginning of his writing career, E. Verkin says:« Then I wrote something else. Creepy, boring, different... In the evenings, after work... Winter that lasted for nine months... Endless night, and in summer the same endless day with never-setting sun... All the conditions to become a writer... Everything you need to invent your own world . And the world was made up. The story of the "Place of Dreams". It cannot be said that this was the only text. There were stories, a story about a school, a satirical novel about vampires (well, of course, about who else?), some even serious ones. But the main and favorite was a fairy tale about a world where all dreams come true. Time dragged on. But one day the story was over and began to live».

E. Verkin works in different genres, as he says,« There are no special preferences in my work. "Horror Stories" - a tribute to the youthful passion for Stephen King, I always wanted to do something like that. At one time, I read a large number of our, domestic “horror stories”, I didn’t really like them, and I decided to compose my own ... Everything is closer to me: mysticism, and fantasy, and realistic stories, and I want to think of something about animals. Actually, it all depends on the mood. I don't do commission work. Sometimes, such a moment happens, however, for me it coincides successfully. It’s hard for me to imagine how you can work if you don’t like the work at all. And I don’t really understand authors who are tied to one genre and style, it seems to me to sound boring and tiring on one note».

The fantastic series received the greatest popularity among readers and critics. "Chronicle of the Land of Dreams" - novels "Place of Dreams", "Bee Wolf", "Cats Walk Across", "Snow Dogs" .

The works of Eduard Verkin were awarded the National Children's Literary Prize "Cherished Dream" three times. In 2007, the novel by E. Verkin "Place of Dreams" received an additional award in the nomination "For the best work in the genre of science fiction and fantasy". In 2008, the writer's novel "Cats walk across" won first place in the "Big Prize" nomination, and the story "Dead Man" in 2009 - the second place in the nomination "Big Prize". In 2011, E. Verkin was awarded the incentive prize of the National Competition for the best literary work for teenagers "Kniguru" for the story "Friend - April" .

The first major work of E. Verkin is the novel "Place of Dreams". This book invites you to the country of children's dreams. It is inhabited by elves, goblins and all kinds of computer game characters. Real children aged 13-14 also get there. How do they get in? In a variety of ways, for example - playing on the computer or reading a book. Once in this world, they become who they see themselves in the depths of their souls: knights, wizards, or even rangers. Some rob the dwarves for food, some pay tribute to the goblins, and some earn a living in nobler ways. In this country, everything is real: hunger and cold, suffering and even death. True, death turns into a return to the real world.

The genre chosen by the writer is not new. Clearly, this is fantasy. But behind all these miracles are reflections on who we really are. And what we will become, once in a country where there are no prohibitions, where you can do as you please. Why do some become bandits and others become heroes? And what is very important: there are two ways to return from that otherworldly, unreal world. The first is to die, but then you can forget about the country of your dreams, the second is to go “to another level”, and then everything will be different. In games, this means - kill all the monsters.

And in life?

The book turned out to be very funny in some places, and sad in some places. But the most important thing is that after reading there is something to think about and think about.
The last book of the writer - the story "Friend-April" tells about the problems of growing up teenagers in adverse social conditions, about the formation of personality, about the complexity of life choices. And it's also a story about love.

Currently, the writer lives and works in Ivanovo.

Books by Eduard Verkin:

The Big Book of Summer Adventures. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 381 p. - (The Big Book of Adventures).
Same: Ed. 2008.
Thief - iron jaw: a story. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 188 p. - (Black kitten).
Trap for a werewolf: a story. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 188 p. - (Summer detective).
Cats walk across: a novel: 3rd book from the Chronicle of the Land of Dreams series. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 413 p. - (The Big Book of Adventures).
Cats walk across: a novel. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 473 p. - (Chronicle of the Land of Dreams).

The best adventures for boys: stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 380 p. - (The Big Book of Adventures).
Boys under 16 and older: a reference book for life / ill. V. Lesnikov. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 361 p.: ill.
Real extreme: how not to get lost in the forest. - M.: Eksmo, 2004. - 185 p. - (Only for boys).
The island of the last villain: a novel. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 155 p. - (Space adventures).
Lord of the toothy monsters: a tale. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 187 p. - (Black kitten).
The Truth About Ghosts: A Tale. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 187 p. - (Scary stories).
Snow Dogs: (Chronicle of the Land of Dreams): a novel. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 378 p. - (The Big Book of Adventures).
Beast from Rose Street; The Truth About Ghosts: A Novel. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 377 p. - (The Big Book of Horrors; Book 1).

Literature about the work of Eduard Verkin:

Verkin Eduard Nikolaevich // At the bookshelf. - 2010. - No. 3-4. - S. 125.
Sukharev, S. Everyone has the right to their own childhood: [op. on the book by E. Verkin "Place of Dreams" (M.: Eksmo, 2006)] / S. Sukharev // Library at school. - 2008. - No. 3 (February). - S. 26.

Anna Gavalda (b. 1970).

At the moment, the French writer Anna Gavalda is one of the most popular and most widely read authors in the world, her works have been translated into dozens of foreign languages ​​and enjoy the unchanging love of readers.

Anna Gavalda was born on December 9, 1970 in the prestigious Paris suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt. Anna's great-grandmother was a native of St. Petersburg (ancestral line named Fulda) and was the daughter of a well-known St. Petersburg jeweler in pre-revolutionary Russia. Anna, after the divorce of her parents, lived in a Catholic boarding school from the age of fourteen, then received her education at the Sorbonne. She worked as a cashier and waitress. She began writing at the age of seventeen. At the age of 22 she won the national competition for the best love letter (1992), and at the age of 28 she received a prestigious award. "Blood in the Inkwell" for the novel "Aristot" . In 1999, while working as a high school teacher, she released her first collection of short stories. “I wished that someone was waiting for me somewhere” , which was warmly received by critics. For this collection, Anna Gavalda was awarded the RTL Grand Prix and it was translated into almost 30 languages, bringing fame to its author as a new star of French literature. However, Anna's real success was brought by the stories “I loved her. I loved him" (2002) and "Just together" (2004), the latter of which collected a huge number of literary awards. All of Anna Gavalda's books have become bestsellers and have been sold in huge print runs, exceeding a total of more than 5 million copies. Between 2004 and 2008, Anna received unprecedented fees of more than 32 million euros.

In one of the interviews, Anna admitted: “ Before I started writing, I never thought that I would become a writer. Actually, I wanted to be a journalist. But in fact, apparently, she didn’t really want to, because she failed the exams. I ended up teaching French. In the first grade of college, eleven and twelve year olds. So for a while I was a teacher. And then she started writing. I have a few ideas for stories. I wrote down these stories and they made my first book.».

In March 2007, Claude Berry's film Just Together, based on the novel of the same name by Anna Gavalda and starring Audrey Tautou, was released in France. French critics greeted the film with enthusiasm and did not skimp on praise. For four weeks of release in France, the picture was watched by almost 2 million viewers, and at the sixth International Forum of Literature and Cinema, held in Monaco, the director received an award for the best film adaptation of the novel. In 2009 Isabelle Brightman made a film based on the novel by A. Gavald “I loved her. I loved him” starring Daniel Auteuil.

Now Anna Gavalda lives in the city of Melun, in the suburbs of Paris, brings up two children - an 11-year-old son and an eight-year-old daughter. Every day he writes three short stories and articles for the ELLE magazine. Anna has a large household, a lot of animals - cats, chickens, dogs and even donkeys. He loves painting and comics, reads Russian classics, gives special preference to the stories of A.P. Chekhov. When compared with Francoise Sagan, she says that it is a great honor for her, and in fact they are very different, although their names are often put side by side.

The name of Anna Gavalda became known to the Russian reader not so long ago, although a collection of her short stories published several years ago attracted the attention of both Russian readers and critics.

In France, Anna Gavalda's books have long been bestsellers, and now Russian readers have the opportunity to discover this interesting writer.

In November 2009, Anna Gavalda visited Moscow for the presentation of her new novel "Consolation game of petanque" . The protagonist of this novel, a 47-year-old architect named Charles Balanda, is torn between work in Moscow and family in Paris. However, all problems fade into the background when he accidentally learns about the death of his childhood friend's mother. With this woman named Anouk, who worked as a nurse in a hospital, he was in love all his youth.

When Anna was asked how this, in general, sad story would end, she replied: “ In my opinion, the novel still has a happy ending. I became very attached to my characters and could not make them miserable. Usually people grow out of their first love like they are out of baby clothes, and begin to treat it with irony. Why did my hero Charles remain under such a strong influence of his friend's mother, with whom he was in love in adolescence? I believe that first love leaves its mark on a person's whole life. There is a saying that the first love is also the last. Of course, this is not so: a person falls in love several times in a lifetime. But first love is special. She leaves a deep mark on the soul. I also remember my first love. And although I have not seen him for twenty years, I think about him every day. Maybe also because this quality is characteristic of writers. We experience love not only as love, but also as material for future work, no matter how cynical it may sound. All writers in their books in one way or another talked about their first love.».

Russian newspapers spoke about the work of Anna Gavalda in the following way: “ Gavalda - the main French literary sensation"(newspaper" Interlocutor "); “The plots of her short stories are life itself in all its multicolors” (newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”).

"35 kilos of hope" - a look at the world through the eyes of a thirteen-year-old boy. At first it may seem that this is a naive confession of a teenager, but Anna Gavalda's book is much deeper - a parable about the main thing: about choosing a life path, about the power of love and devotion. About family. That dreams can and should come true. You just have to really want it. And try very hard. Solving his "childish" problems, the thirteen-year-old hero is looking for a way out - and finds it, so much so that adults have something to learn from the boy.

Despite the writer’s assertion that all her stories are pure fiction, and the characters do not have prototypes, the hero of the book by Gregoire Dubosque has a prototype - this is a negligent student of Anna Gavalda herself at the time when she worked as a French teacher at school. Although, in fact, such Gregoires can be found in any school in the world, where it is customary for all students to “comb with one brush”. But he was born differently, he has “a head like a sieve, golden hands and a big heart”, just no one wants to try to make him a good judge, no one tries to understand him, to establish contact with him, no one except his grandfather Leon. Here the boy is truly friends with him and will not exchange this friendship for anything. And parents? Parents swear all the time and take out their own irritation towards each other on Gregoire.

"35 kilos of hope" This is adulthood through the eyes of a child. A society that rejects anyone who does not want or cannot be like everyone else. Family troubles, because of which children find themselves in the "exclusion zone" alone with their non-childish problems. Spiritual growth through self-sacrifice and love. Still, this is a very good book. Touching and tender, she is full of optimism and faith that dreams come true.

“I wish someone was waiting for me somewhere” - 12 short stories included in the collection and conquered the world. The book has been translated into 36 languages. In this collection, the writer, who rightfully earned herself the fame of a new star of French literature, vividly and penetratingly draws before her readers the most ordinary life, the external transparency of which hides innumerable treasures of hidden desires, fears, dreams and insults, and most importantly - love in its various manifestations. You just need to be able to see them, and the amazing will be nearby. And the most unpretentious at first glance, the story with the light hand of the author can suddenly turn into a farce or become a genuine tragedy. Full of soft irony, laconic everyday sketches and portraits of heroes that are not at all “heroic” fascinate readers with the psychological depth and emotional richness of events.

"Just together" - amazingly wise and kind book about love, loneliness, about life. About happiness. This novel by Anna Gavalda is an amazing story, full of laughter and tears, gracefully woven from painfully familiar everyday life, from failures and unexpected victories, from accidents, happy and not so happy.

The novel by A. Gavalda is a measured story about losers, endowed with different talents, but unable to get into the rhythm of modern life and find themselves. There are many characters in the novel: Frank Lespefier is a skilled cook, torn between hard work for the owner and caring for an elderly sick grandmother, the only native creature. Camille Fok is a brilliant artist who cleans toilets at night. Marquet de la Dourbeliere Feliber Jean Louis is the offspring of an ancient aristocratic family, a connoisseur of the smallest details of French history, forced to sell postcards because he is shy and stutters. All these strange heroes with a difficult childhood and a twisted fate. They all search in vain for themselves until they find each other. The life lines of all the characters are closely intertwined and tightly connected. No one should fall out of this knot, otherwise everything will collapse, a catastrophe will happen. " For the first time in their lives, each individually and all of them together seemed to have a real family. They chose her themselves, this is exactly what they wanted, they fought for this, and in return she demanded one thing - that they be together, that's all».

There are many difficult, sometimes almost hopeless, situations in the novel, a lot of despair. But there are funny, even funny episodes in it. The book has a happy ending. " The heroes of this book have been unhappy for so long, - the writer admitted in one interview, - they had to endure so much, they felt rejected, lonely for so long, and I wanted to let them become happy ...».

This book won the hearts of millions of readers of all ages, collected a huge number of literary awards, and was translated into more than 30 languages ​​of the world. Based on the novel, a feature film was made in France.

Novel “I loved her. I loved him" - a piercingly sad and beautiful book about love, revealing the sharpest and most hidden facets of this beautiful and mysterious feeling. This novel is nothing more than a dialogue between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law Chloe left by his son. The old man loves his granddaughters and tries to objectively understand the situation. He tries to console the young woman at this terrible moment for her. And she just suffocates, dies of grief. And her husband's father, a man completely distant to her all these years, suddenly opens his soul to her. He painfully recalls that he himself was once in the situation of his son. His beloved then filled out a whole notebook, representing their life together. She wanted " ... go on a picnic, sleep in the afternoon by the river, eat peaches, croissants, sticky rice, swim, dance, buy shoes, underwear, read the newspaper, shop windows, ride the subway, keep track of the time, shove you in bed, to make you move, to lay your clothes, go to the Opera, go to Beirut, Vienna, go to races, go shopping in the supermarket, cook barbecue, get angry because you forgot the coal...».

But, unlike the son, the father made a different choice, remaining in the family. And now he is talking with his daughter-in-law in a cold house, which cannot be warmed in any way ... He has cooled down because the lives of several people have been broken. And upstairs, two little girls are sleeping - the daughters of Chloe and his son. And that's why we must continue to live at all costs...

In one of the reviews of this novel by A. Gavalda it was written as follows: “ The book is unexpected, but in the "signature" author's style it combines external simplicity with internal depth, subtle psychologism with impeccable accuracy of every word...».

Books by Anna Gavalda:

Just Together: A Romance. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2010. - 576 p.
35 kilos of hope: a novel. - M.: Fluid, 2007. - 119 p.: ill.
Consolation game of petanque: a novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 606 p.: ill.
I loved her. I loved him: a novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 188 p.

Literature about the work of A. Gavalda.

Anna Gavalda: In France, a girl after thirty is almost a child!: [a conversation with a French writer] // Koms. Truth. - 2009. - 5 Nov. - S. 42.
Gnezdilova, Y. Big heart of a holey head: [op. on the book of the French writer A. Gavalda "35 kilos of hope" (M .: Fluid, 2007)] / Y. Gnezdilova // Reading together. - 2007. - No. 6. - S. 39.
Davydova, V. [rec. on the book by A. Gavalda “I loved her. I loved him ”(M .: Free Flu, 2006)] / V. Davydova // At the bookshelf. - 2007. - No. 1. - S. 15.
Zubova, A. [rec. on the book by A. Gavalda “Simply Together” (M.: Free Flu, 2006)] / A. Zubova // At the bookshelf. - 2006. - No. 2. - S. 23.
Plural Confession: [op. based on the novel by A. Gavalda “I loved her. I loved him” (M.: Free Flu, 2006)] // Book. review. - 2006. - No. 42 (Nov.). - S. 5.
Nomirovskaya, N. A reason to be happy: [op. on the book by A. Gavalda "35 kilos of hope" (M.: Publishing House "Fluid", 2007)] / N. Nomirovskaya // Lit. gas. - 2007. - No. 30 (July-Aug.). - S. 14.
Shpalov, S. Just a novel together: [op. on the book by A. Gavalda "Just Together" (M.: Publishing House "Fluid", 2007)] / S. Shpalov // Culture. - 2007. - No. 12 (March-April). - p. 3.

Olga, what, from your point of view, is happening now in Russian children's literature? She died? Dies? Comes to life? Flowers and smells?

I have just returned from Tambov. A few months ago, modern children's literature was "dead" for them. Just because it's not there. There are no bookstores, no books in libraries. And a few months ago I was in Chelyabinsk, and there the teachers of a wonderful lyceum talked about working with a modern book. Time for them stopped at the "Scarecrow" by Vladimir Zheleznikov.

Is this the result of insufficient funding? Criminalized tender system? Wrong assembly? What is the reason?

There are many reasons. About how poorly the collections of fiction are replenished in children's libraries (and in school libraries they are not formed at all) - it's not worth talking about, this is a common place. In the new year, as far as I know, funding was further reduced. In this situation, librarians and teachers have no choice but to buy books at their own expense or ask publishers and authors to donate novelties. In Tambov, employees of the S. Marshak City Children's Library came up with the "Recognition" program: they talk about new books and contemporary authors, and if they have the opportunity, they send at least one copy of their books to the library. More than 20 writers responded to their request, and children take these books first.

Another reason is the lack of information. In Tambov, for example, there is no normal bookstore, by the assortment of which it would be possible to somehow judge new books. We did not find even the most sensational children's books in the bookstore in Novosibirsk.

But there are sites where they write about books. There are awards - Knigu.ru, Krapivinskaya. And they have websites too. Publishers, I think, would be happy to send their catalogs to Tambov - if libraries really wanted to learn about new books.

Websites, publishing houses, catalogs - all this is far from the province. It's all from another life. The technology that ordinary libraries are equipped with is far from perfect; working with Internet resources requires serious restraint from librarians. My “native” rural library in the Krasnoshchekovsky district of the Altai Territory does not have a computer, but in the middle of the reading room there is a strange device that the library got as a result of another fictitious library modernization program. Through it, you can access the Internet using a card. You need to buy a card in the district center, which is 25 kilometers away, and there is no regular bus there. For several years, no one has ever used this device.
Of course, at the Moscow Non-Fiction Book Fair, the picture is completely different. Here you get the feeling that everything is wonderful in Russia.

- But in Yekaterinburg, do they know about new books?

There are new books in Yekaterinburg. Our regional library has more resources than the libraries of small towns or villages, and many contemporary authors are represented there. The community of children's writers of Yekaterinburg invites authors from other cities to visit (at least once a year all the finalists of the Krapivin Prize come, the regional Ministry of Culture pays for the writers' tickets and accommodation), and the libraries organize city and regional events related to the book.

When we met for the first time in Yekaterinburg (it was, I think, in 2010), you had serious claims against new publishing houses. You thought that they fundamentally did not want to publish books by Russian authors.

And so it was. But something happened in the last two years. We finally waited our turn.

- There were books "ours"?

Yes. And not one, not two - many books appeared at once. Both educational and artistic. "Scooter", "CompassGuide", "Pink Giraffe" began to produce domestic literature.

What do you associate it with? At one time, publishers said: “Let Russian authors write better. Then we'll print them." Have Russian authors started to write better? Have new, high-quality manuscripts appeared?

Most of the works that are now published were written ten years ago. So I guess it's something else. It is possible that both publishers and readers "ate" the translation.

- Could you name the books of Russian writers whose appearance you are especially happy about?

I am very grateful to the Foma publishing house for publishing Ariadna Borisova's book Notes for My Descendants. And the whole series "Nastya and Nikita" is a real discovery for me. Svetlana Lavrova's book "Where the cock horse rides" will soon be published in "CompassGuide". A collection by Maria Boteva was also published there, in "Pink Giraffe" - "Death to Dead Souls" by Andrei Zhvalevsky and Evgenia Pasternak, in "Scooter" - a book by Natalia Evdokimova. Eksmo and Aquilegia published Elena Gabova, who lives in Syktyvkar. "Detgiz" released "Children's course in various sciences" by Sergei Iv. Ivanova. Several books by Elena Rakitina were published in Rech. I look forward to Dom P by Yulia Kuznetsova, Shchi by Ilga Ponoritskaya, Treasures of the Riphean Mountains by Elena Lenkovskaya - they are already being prepared for printing.

The Akvarel publishing house also publishes books by Russian authors.

- And it seemed to me that Aquarelle builds its image on the reissue of the classics.

They really released a big block of classics. But among their authors there are many modern ones. In the publishing house "Rech", probably less, but also there. There, for example, Ilga Ponoritskaya's fairy tale "Bulka, Belyash and others from Lesnaya Street" was published.
It seems to me that every publishing house this year discovered for itself and its readers the name of a new domestic author. We suddenly began to ask for premium manuscripts. Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin said recently that a publisher had been found for the finalists of the "Krapivinka". This was not the case before. And this is good news.

Interviewed by Marina Aromshtam

, Ekaterina Timashpolskaya , Yulia Kuznetsova , Anna Dobrochasova , Anastasia Orlova and many others - these are the new names that will shape the image of children's literature over the next ten years. Most of these writers are winners of national literary awards, have several published books and far-reaching plans. In a word, we can not be afraid for the reputation of professional children's literature. She is in good hands.

Tamara Mikheeva

Tamara Mikheeva knows how to find a special intonation. The one that makes books for children and young adult literature equally true. This is a very rare gift. There are not so many writers who confidently and talentedly work with different ages. Such, for example, is Neil Gaiman. Or Vladislav Krapivin. Or Astrid Lindgren. And how lucky we are that in our generation there is this born storyteller, with whose stories you can grow and mature! First it will be " Shums", a forest fairy tale about tree miracles and friendly families, and then " Asino summer", " Light mountains", " Children of dolphins" - exemplary teenage stories where magic gets along with the truth of life.

Julia Kuznetsova

Yulia Kuznetsova is a titled author and winner of many awards. Her work was noted by the jury of the "Chested Dream" (2009, nomination "Children's Detective"), awards to them. Krapivin (2011) and "Kniguru" (2013). In March 2013, Yulia Kuznetsova became the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best work for children and youth for the manuscript of the story “Where is Dad?”. She is not afraid of difficult topics and the genre of "psychological story", which she herself defines her work. But writing about ordinary, sometimes even not very pleasant things is much more difficult than inventing fantastic stories. But Yulia Kuznetsova transforms the “prose of life” simply into prose - accurate, charming and truthful.

Stanislav Vostokov

Stanislav Vostokov himself looks like the hero of an adventure novel. For example, he worked in zoos and saved animals in Africa (not without the help of the Gerald Darell Foundation), and now he writes poetry and prose, draws, communicates a lot with a new generation of writers, and regularly receives literary awards (Cherished Dream, Scarlet Sails) and others), but he does not consider himself a “serious writer”. And he really likes to read:

“You can just talk about the benefits of reading. And here is an example from life. If I hadn’t read a lot of good books about animals, I wouldn’t have gone to work at the zoo, I wouldn’t have gone to Cambodia three times, driving all over Malaysia and half of Thailand at the same time, I wouldn’t have walked along Baker Street, I wouldn’t have met amazing people : French, English, Brazilians, Africans, Indians, would not have written at least two books.

Alena Veresova

Alena Veresova comes up with touching and very tender stories for children. On the cover, her name often coexists with the names of young artists - Alena knows how to work in collaboration so that the artistic text and illustrations become one. Stories about the Owl, fairy tales of Alenka, adventures of the hare Shustrik - these stories are full of cozy miracles and, without annoying moralizing, tell about what friendship, independence and courage are.

Anna Dobrochasova

Anna Dobrochasova not only writes wonderful fairy tales and stories, but also illustrates them herself! So we have in our hands a whole world created by the author from beginning to end. Here "

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