Magic lamp of Aladdin theatre. Puppet show with Aladdin's magic lamp


The play The Magic Lamp of Aladdin is a fairy tale about the wonderful feelings of the daughter of the wise Sultan and a simple young man. This event is permeated with magic and a real oriental atmosphere. The play absorbed all the most interesting from the work "A Thousand and One Nights". Together with the characters you will find yourself in a magnificent Medina, and bewitching Arabic music will add even more mystery. You are waiting for not only an exciting story, but also a lot of oriental songs and melodies performed on traditional musical instruments, luxurious costumes and realistic scenery. For several years this performance has been a great success, delighting the audience.

The girl's father dreams of giving his daughter in marriage to a powerful and wealthy vizier and even set a date for the wedding, but the plans are not destined to come true, because fate decreed in its own way. One meeting at the bazaar turned the lives of all the heroes upside down, because the princess fell in love with Aladdin. It was for this that the protagonist of the story was exiled to the endless desert. Here he will find an unusual old lamp, which turned out to be Genie, who fulfills any desire. You will see an amazing piece of music in which there is a place for true love, magic, courage and bravery. The production will definitely appeal not only to young viewers, but also to their parents. To give a holiday and a great mood to the whole family, you need to order tickets for the performance of Aladdin's Magic Lamp.

Do you love theater? Do you love children's theatre? Do you go to daytime performances as an escort or are you really looking forward to meeting the beautiful?

In September, after a summer break, the discussion of theatrical premieres, sensational performances, and fashion trends begins. One is trying to buy a cheaper ticket to the Theater of Nations, the second scolds the new "Eugene Onegin", the third went to see Menshikov the other day.

I was waiting for the premiere at the Teatrium on Serpukhovka. Already in the summer they promised a new performance - "Aladdin's Magic Lamp". My son and I are big fans of the Teresa Durova Theatre. I have not yet seen a single (pah-pah-pah) unsuccessful performance. Moreover, I am endlessly pleased with the author's interpretation of classic stories. My 12-year-old Gleb did not like only one thing - “Pinocchio”. But I'm sure it's a matter of age. This show is for younger children.


As you know, everything on earth is done by the will of Allah.

And, of course, it’s not just that there is confusion in the oriental bazaar of Medina, and a simple guy from the people Aladdin meets Princess Budur. It would seem that a common thing - if you see a girl of royal blood without a veil - you will be left without a head. But this meeting was conceived in heaven, so no one died, but rather the opposite. Love struck them at first sight.

I really liked this spectacular scene - the meeting of Aladdin and Princess Budur. Is that how they do it? I believe in love at first sight only here, in the theater on Serpukhovka. Maybe the secret is in the selection of actors? They are always young, like heroes. To be honest, I keep waiting for Romeo and Juliet. I really hope that Tereza Durova will stage this performance someday.

You can escape from guards and guards,
And even elude the robbers,
And get away from the ferocious dogs.

A swindler will deftly hide in the market,
A hermit will hide in a cell from the world,
A beggar tramp will fall into a ravine,
But there is no escape from love.

Once upon a time we were all fugitives:
They ran away from their mothers with their fathers,
To the land where neither friend nor enemy can find us...
But there is no escape from love.

About the inevitability of fate and about love, a new performance this year. And where is the genie, the magic lamp, the insidious vizier and various magics, you ask?

Listen, listen and don't say you haven't heard

All children know the animated series about Aladdin and Princess Jasmine. The main character has a magic rug, a charming friend Genie, a monkey and a harmful parrot.

The adult generation still remembers the Soviet film about Aladdin and Princess Budur.

Serpukhovka has its own version, which brings us back to the original, to the fairy tales of Scheherazade. By the way, she herself is present on stage, telling the audience a story about a magic lamp and Aladdin in love.

She is echoed by another narrator who reads oriental verses and immerses the audience in the atmosphere of the Arabian night. After all, if during the day in the city of Medina it is noisy - the bazaar is boiling, merchants are shouting, thieves are being caught, the guards are reading the decrees of the Sultan, then the night is dark and full of mysticism.

I am delighted, I have been studying Arabic for five years, but I cannot say a word, and the narrator reads poetry in this complex language.

A breathtaking scene in the desert where Aladdin finds the magic lamp. I will not reveal all the details, but young children may even be afraid of how gloomy everything is staged. And now, breaking the darkness of the night, the Genie appears.

Of course, this is the most spectacular character in the play. In addition, he appears not alone, but in the company of beautiful girls who accompany him everywhere. “Jinn can do anything, Jinn can do anything,” he sings his aria. And I admire theater actresses more - in this performance they dance belly dance, but how beautiful. Who really can do anything!

Not enough (s)

I didn't have enough. I was under the impression that it was an abridged version. Just got a taste, plunged into the oriental atmosphere, when suddenly it all ended. And here are the inconsistencies in the plot. At first, I thought Aladdin split in two.

The fact is that he saves a bazaar boy who looks almost the same as him. So guess which of these two is Aladdin. Almost the next scene in which he appears is the finale, when he, in turn, rescues Aladdin from prison. What is missing is some development of the relationship between these two scenes.

Same thing with Aladdin's mom. Here she learns about Genie, here she is unhappy that her son fell in love with Princess Budur. The next scene - she changes the Genie's lamp for another at the Vizier, who disguised himself as a merchant, then helps Budur escape from the palace. There is obviously a lot going on behind the scenes. And such roughness of the plot prevented me.

And here I also wanted to complain that there are unusually few songs. Music sounds almost constantly, but there are no songs - memorable, bright, those that you then sing after the performance.

Do children like it?

But the children did not interfere. We tested the performance at two ages: 12 and 5 years old. Surprisingly, both loved it. I thought that Gleb was already too old for the Magic Lamp, but the Arabian tale about the Genie captured him too. And all these vicissitudes of the plot were absolutely simple and understandable for a five-year plan. For example, she immediately figured out the intentions of the insidious vizier to lure the magic lamp from Aladdin's mother.

Listen donkey!
Oh glorious people of Medina..

The theater's signature technique is comedy duets. In Aladdin's Magic Lamp, these are two guards reading the decrees of the Sultan in the square. One of them says something absurd all the time, and the second looks at him indignantly and corrects him. It seems that Boris Ryvkin seemed to me in the role of the second guard. Our beloved Khrapelkin!

Geography of performances

I action

East market
The market is bustling with life. What is not here: fabrics, carpets, clothes, perfumes, jewelry and jewelry! Merchants shout over each other, trying to sell their goods. Here comes Aladdin with his friends. They are busy playing and do not pay attention to others. Merchants are trying to calm down a noisy company.

A strange stranger is looking at Aladdin attentively. From his clothes, you can guess that he came from very distant countries - most likely from Africa.

Having called one of his friends, the stranger asks to tell him about Aladdin. From the story it becomes clear that Aladdin lives in poverty. His father, the tailor Mustafa, has died. The mother barely makes ends meet, and Aladdin, instead of finding a job, plays and smokes all day long.

“I am his uncle,” the stranger announces loudly and says that he is Mustafa's brother. He has made a fortune in distant lands and has now returned home to live with his family. He promises Aladdin a rich and happy life.

magic cave
Uncle took Aladdin to the mountains. The road was long and difficult. Aladdin was tired, but his uncle continued to lead him further and further, promising to show unprecedented miracles.

Uncle explained to Aladdin that he needed to go down into the cave and find an old lamp there. A magic ring will help you overcome all dangers. Only one person in the world can take the lamp, and that is Aladdin. Under his spell, the entrance to the cave opened, and Aladdin went in search.

Going down into the cave, Aladdin saw countless treasures. For a moment he forgot everything, blinded by the sparkle of the jewels. Unable to resist, he took a few stones with him. Coming to his senses, Aladdin took the lamp and hurried to the exit.

But instead of helping him get out, his uncle tried to quickly take the lamp for himself. Aladdin was seriously scared, and his uncle got angrier and angrier. Having lost his temper, the sorcerer (you, of course, already guessed that it was not an uncle, but an evil wizard) decided to leave Aladdin in the cave forever.

The entrance to the cave closed, and Aladdin realized that he would never see the light again. He raised his hands pleadingly, and accidentally touched the ring that was placed on his finger. A powerful genie appeared - the servant of the ring. By order of Aladdin, the genie opened the exit from the cave.

Aladdin's house
Hungry and tired, Aladdin returned home. He gave his mother an old lamp found in a cave. If you sell it at the market, you can get some money. To make the lamp look just a little newer, the mother decided to wipe it. Another genie appeared - a servant of the lamp. On Aladdin's orders, he brought a lot of delicious food on sumptuous platters. Aladdin and his mother ate their fill.

In the city
One day Aladdin went into a jewelry store. He saw the same beautiful pieces of glass that he once found in a magical cave. The jeweler explained to Aladdin that these were not just crystals, but precious stones.

Heralds announced that Princess Badr-al-Budur was approaching. But no one is allowed to see the beauty. Whoever looks at her will be executed. Aladdin was very curious. He decided to break the ban and look at the princess. Badr-al-Budur came out accompanied by maids. Her appearance was accompanied by the song:

Like a pearl you are from the foam of the sea
You appear to us, oh Badr-al-Budur!
You, like the moon, float in the clouds
In the silence of heaven, oh Badr-al-Budur!

Aladdin immediately fell in love with the beautiful princess. And she… Badr-al-Budur also dreamed of love.

Aladdin told his mother that he had decided to marry Princess Badr-al-Budur. As a gift to the Sultan, he decided to hand over the stones brought from the cave. After all, thanks to the jeweler, he learned that these are not just colored glass, but real jewels. No matter how his mother dissuaded him, Aladdin stood his ground. Badr-al-Budur will be his wife. For this, he is ready to risk his life.


II act

Sultan's Palace
Courtiers and petitioners praise the Sultan, the most powerful ruler in the world. Among the crowd is Aladdin's mother. The Sultan noticed the bundle she was holding and decided to find out what was inside. Slightly alive with fear, Aladdin's mother told that her son was asking Badr al-Budur for his wife, and gave the bundle to the Sultan.

Seeing the precious gifts, the Sultan shook with greed. If Aladdin brings him more treasures, he is ready to give him the princess as his wife. Servants walked one after another, carrying baskets of jewels. Aladdin proved that he would not yield to wealth and power to the Sultan himself.

And Badr-al-Budur did not need any jewelry. A beautiful young man seemed to her a guest from heaven. Badr-al-Budur became the wife of Aladdin, and they lived in love and harmony in a luxurious palace that the genie built.

Kidnapping of Badr al-Budur
One day Aladdin went hunting. An incomprehensible anxiety seized Badr-al-Budur. She was distracted from her sad thoughts by a merchant who changed old lamps for new ones. The maid found an old lamp lying around and gave it away, not knowing about its magical power. The evil sorcerer (and it was him again, not the merchant) grabbed the lamp and ordered the palace, along with the princess and all the inhabitants, to be transferred to their possessions.

Returning home, Aladdin did not see either the palace or the princess. Luckily, he still has the magic ring. The genie of the ring could not bring the palace back, but he was ready to help Aladdin find his beloved.

Palace in Africa
Laughter and cheerful songs ceased to sound in the palace. Badr-al-Budur and the maids longingly recalled their former happiness. But then Aladdin's voice rang out, and he ran into the princess's chambers. Joyfully met him Badr-al-Budur. Waiting for the return of the sorcerer, Badr-al-Budur gave him a sleepy drink, and he fell asleep soundly. The magic lamp was back in Aladdin's hands.

Aladdin ordered the palace to be returned to his hometown and never again parted with the beautiful Badr al-Budur.

Show summary

Duration - 1:30

Buy tickets to Aladdin's Magic Lamp

Buy tickets to Aladdin's Magic Lamp. Dear viewers, you will be presented with a charming fairy tale, in which the most formidable king Shahriyar lived and was in the world many thousands of years ago. Every night, the formidable ruler chose a new wife for himself and executed her at dawn. So it was until the ruler in the country did not have any young girls left. After some time, the king's vizier could not find him a young wife. Having visited performance "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin" you will learn how the vizier's daughter offered to become the wife of a formidable ruler.

Every long night, a beautiful girl told interesting tales to her master. But she never told them to the end. And the ruler could not kill the girl, because he wanted to know all the stories that Scheherazade told the ruler. All this went on for a thousand and one nights until the savior of the young girl appeared, whom you will learn about at the performance.

at the Obraztsov Theater will reveal to you the whole fabulous plot of the stage production and you will be surprised by the talented work of the actors. Performance "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin" at the Obraztsov Theater pamper you and your beloved children with their fascinating stories of a young lady .

First time at the Teatrium

It seems to me that all the children and parents of Moscow have already visited the Teatrium on Serpukhovka. But my daughter and I don't. I don't know how, but he "slipped" past.
Meanwhile, this theater has become for us a place where another reality comes to life, and therefore it has become a real theater. Because that's what people go to the theater for - to believe. "Believe" - ​​according to Stanislavsky. Or not to believe. And don't go there again.
Such a long preamble - but it contains all the most important things you need to know. My daughter (she is 9 years old), having learned that I am writing a review, said: “Write that everything is there - for real. It's like you're inside a fairy tale."
It was so pleasant to walk on May 7 to the Teatrium through a cozy deserted Moscow district. The foyer is small, without pathos and pomp, there are many children, children's joys in the form of animators and luminous swords are present, but in moderation. The focus of the theater on children is visible everywhere. Including, excuse me, in the toilet. Infrequently, I saw that sinks and dryers were designed for children's growth, so that without these sleeves filled with water from the handles raised to the faucet.
The hall is rectangular, stretches in length from the stage, and at the same time it is small, so it allows you to see the stage well from any place. There is a balcony, but I didn’t go up there, I can’t evaluate it. Armchairs - new, comfortable, the rise begins approximately from the 5th row. I advise row 7-8 without a doubt - for a voluminous and comfortable perception of the action on stage.
It is not cold in the hall, but not hot either: the tippet, taken with you, was quite useful.
Well, the most important thing for me personally, an allergy sufferer, is a technical moment. A smoke screen technique is often used on stage to convey the moment of disappearance and other miracles. But there are no unpleasant sensations for the sense of smell from this. I could be wrong, but water vapor is used for the task at hand. This is a huge plus for the theatre. Usually, few people think about it.
And now I will write about the performance for a long time. For what.
Aladdin's Magic Lamp.
A magical story in which everything is magical.
Magical, mesmerizing scenery. Such that you think: what will happen next, next? .. Oriental bazaar ... night in the desert and the cold of loneliness and fear ... a prison bag into which Aladdin was thrown, and above, just raise your head - heaven, freedom and freedom ... a palace with peacocks, which he built himself for the joy of a mischievous genie ..
The gentle beauty of Princess Budur is guessed in a magical silhouette .. and her hand, telling her fiancé, the Vizier, to save the life of Aladdin, who magically fell into a stretcher to the Princess ..
This long minute is magical when He and She look into each other's eyes.. and this is not about the Theater. This is about Love. And the children understand this, they look with bated breath at the Sacrament of Choice..
Magical costumes in this fairy tale! Everyone is worthy of admiration. And there is an endless stream of children who, after the performance, go up to the stage to present their flowers - to all, all of the incredibly beautiful heroes of this story! And, having handed it, hang for a split second in amazement.
And the most magical, the most elusive element of this performance, created every time anew and by inspiration, is music. Music!! The interweaving of the music of the stars with the charm of Arabic speech, the whispers and trills of oriental instruments and the muffled timbre of the voice of a Syrian musician. Who, in these speeches, incomprehensible to our ears, tells us both about himself and about his Motherland, and about everything that is beautiful in the world ..
The theater does not have an orchestra pit. But the musicians of the orchestra sit to the right and left of the stage, and the audience in the first rows of the stalls can clearly see them. Others can see the faces of the musicians on the big screen. And this is important. This live music, these live faces - carry the viewer along with them, and the oriental fairy tale becomes the reality that one does not want to part with.
Absolutely gone there - suddenly you have to get out of it! It's time for intermission. This is the only drawback of the performance, but nothing can be done about it. Little viewers need to rest, have a snack, etc.
But! What a pity! How the performance would have won if it had gone without intermission!
I persuaded myself that this is like in the fairy tales of Scheherazade (she and the narrator are present on the stage, “lead”, “weave” the story). The night of fairy tales is over - morning is coming, time for ordinary things. But the next night, the Shah will hear the continuation of the story. which has -
Faith in good
And the magic
Which is not necessary, because everything is within the power of a Man when Love lives in his heart!
And therefore - do not take the little ones to this performance! Let your kids grow up a little so they can appreciate the charm and wisdom of this tale..

Elena Dovbnya reviews: 30 ratings: 30 rating: 2

The East is charming, magical, delightful and dazzling.
The East is alluring and mysterious. It is this kind of east in the musical performance for children "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" at the Teatrium on Serpukhovka
The whole performance did not leave the feeling that we were in an oriental bazaar, in a sultry desert or in the dazzling palace of Budur. The luxury of costumes blinded the eyes. The beauty of the scenery was breathtaking. And at some point it seemed that these were not actors on the stage, but oriental beauties and sages.
The orchestra is a separate occasion for admiration. For the second performance in this theater, I am sincerely surprised how the director solves the issue with the orchestra. Each time he finds himself in an unusual and unexpected place, but at the same time he fits into what is happening on stage as organically as possible. But musical instruments are a separate item that you should pay attention to. This time there were a lot of oriental instruments in the orchestra, which helped to create a unique and charming oriental atmosphere (be sure to take the program. All the instruments are shown and named in it). Another highlight of the performance was the reading of poetry in Arabic while playing the Arabic lute.
The theater sets the age of 6+, but if the child already has a successful experience of watching a performance at 2 o'clock with an intermission, then you can go with a child under 6 years old. Misha watched the whole performance with bated breath and never taking his eyes off the stage. And, of course, he liked the genie.

ladyasya reviews: 19 ratings: 58 rating: 3

First, a few words about the theater itself :) I would like to note that Tereza Durova is an unusually progressive leader :) It is officially allowed to take pictures and even video during performances - which no other theater in my memory can boast of ... In addition, electronic tickets are available without any mark-up (!) on the theatre's website! It would seem that such a simple modern service, but far from all theaters have it. And even, quite the opposite, in almost none - you usually end up on reseller sites where you are forced to overpay ... Flowers are sold in the theater lobby - which is also very convenient ... And in general, everything is somehow modern and pleasant (with the exception of extremely cramped in the lobby - but this is the architecture of this building, there's nothing to be done about it).

There is, however, one point rather controversial: the option to take pictures with the artists after the performance! Yes, it causes a stir of the public and is in demand. But! Unfortunately, the magic of the theater and artists is completely and categorically lost ... And to be honest, it looks pretty vulgar ... That's really what you should not do for the needs of the audience !!! ...... Talented artists, only that those who have completed a difficult or not very performance, in their multi-layered make-up / costume, patiently act as extras for a photo shoot of dozens and hundreds of spectators ....
Nevertheless, a distance must be maintained between the public and the "fairy tale" (stage) - in many respects it supports this fabulousness, magic, faith in a miracle. It's sad that the chief director of the theater doesn't think so....... I sincerely feel sorry for the artists that they are forced to do this. I'm sure they're forcing...

Well, now about Aladdin. Bright, colorful show. Costumes, scenery, lighting! Of the artists, Jin is especially magnificent! :) In principle, it looks in one breath, ideal for the age of 6-7 years. Under 6 - I'm not sure, although I saw 5-year-olds in the hall, or even younger.
Unfortunately, dramaturgically, and musically, this production is much weaker than other performances of this theater (such as Pinocchio or The Flying Ship) - therefore, we hardly want to review it. But it's definitely worth seeing once. Because it's beautiful :)

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