Magic colors. Story: Evgeny Permyak "Magic colors" How to draw magic colors


The protagonist of Permyak's fairy tale "Magic Colors" is one very benevolent boy. Santa Claus once every hundred years made a special New Year's gift. He chose the kindest child and gave him magical colors. Everything that was painted with these colors became real.

When Santa Claus gave such paints to a kind boy, the boy decided to help as many people as possible. He sat down and began to draw. He painted for several days, until the magic paints ran out.

The boy drew a handkerchief for his grandmother, a new dress for his mother, eyes for a blind person, a new school for children and much more. All this became real, but people could not or did not want to take advantage of the boy's gifts.

The handkerchief looked like a rag, the dress was ugly, the eyes could not see, and the school turned out to be so ugly that it was scary to approach it.

People asked the good boy why he did so much evil? The boy wept in frustration. He tried so hard, but did nothing good.

Then Santa Claus came to the boy again and gave him other paints. He said that these paints are ordinary, but the boy can make them magical. The boy sat down to draw again. He painted for many years until he became a real artist. And then people began to admire his magical colors and paintings that the boy created.

People liked the drawing so much that they began to create in the flesh those things that the boy painted - winged ships, glass buildings, air bridges and much more.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Permyak's fairy tale "Magic Colors" is that diligence and perseverance can work wonders. The boy from the fairy tale persistently learned to draw and became a real artist.

A fairy tale teaches you not to take on what you do not know how to do. The boy received magic paints and began to draw gifts for people, not having the ability to do so. As a result, instead of good deeds, he caused people a lot of evil. It is not enough to be able to do something. You also need to have the ability and skills to complete the task.

What proverbs are suitable for Permyak's fairy tale "Magic Colors"?

Do no good, there will be no evil.
Talent is hard-earned.
You won't become a master without messing things up.

Santa Claus brings these colors to the kindest of all the kindest children. And this is understandable. If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can do a lot of trouble. They will add a second nose to a person, and the person will be two-nosed. They will draw horns for a dog, a mustache for a chicken, and a hump for a cat, and the dog will be horned, the chicken will be whiskered, and the cat will be humpbacked.

Therefore, Santa Claus chooses for a very long time which of the children to give magic colors.

The last time he gave them to a very kind boy. The kindest of the kindest.

The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to draw. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for a blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades.

But no one could use the drawing. Grandmother's handkerchief looked like a washcloth, and the mother's dress was so crooked, colorful, and baggy that she didn't even want to try it on. The gun was no different from the club. The blind man's eyes looked like two blue blobs, and he could not see through them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so ugly that they were even afraid to come close to it.

Trees appeared on the street, similar to panicles. There were horses with wiry legs, cars with curved wheels, houses with falling walls and roofs on one side, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other ... There were thousands of things that could not be used. And people were horrified:

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?!

And the boy cried. He so wanted to make people happy! .. But he did not know how to draw and only wasted paint in vain.

The boy cried so loudly that he was heard by the kindest of all the kindest old people - Santa Claus. Heard, and returned to him, and put a new box of paints in front of the boy:

Only this, my friend, simple paints. But they can also become magical if you really want to.

So said Santa Claus and left.

The boy thought. How to make simple colors become magical and so that they please people, and not bring them misfortune? The good boy took out a brush and began to draw.

He drew, without unbending, all day and all evening. He painted on the next, and on the third, and on the fourth day. I painted until I ran out of paint. Then he asked for new ones.

A year has passed… Two years have passed… Many, many years have passed. The boy became an adult, but still did not part with paints. His eyes became sharp-sighted, his hands skillful, and now in his drawings instead of crooked houses with falling walls flaunted tall, light buildings, and instead of dresses that looked like bags, bright, elegant clothes.

The boy did not notice how he became a real artist. He painted everything that was around, and that no one had ever seen before: planes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like planes, air bridges and glass palaces.

People looked with surprise at his drawings, but no one was horrified. On the contrary, everyone rejoiced and admired.

What wonderful pictures! What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary.

The paintings were really so good that people wanted to bring them to life. And happy days came when what was drawn on paper began to turn into reality: palaces made of glass, and air bridges, and winged ships ...

This is what happens in the white world. This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or a sewing needle, and even with simple clay. So it is with everything touched by the hands of the greatest of the greatest wizards - the hands of a hard-working, persevering man.

Once in a hundred years, on New Year's Eve, the kindest of all the kindest old people, Santa Claus, brings seven magical colors. With these paints you can draw whatever you want, and the drawn will come to life.
If you want - draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want - draw a ship and sail on it. Or a starship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, please. Draw and sit on it.
Santa Claus brings these colors to the kindest of all the kindest children. And this is understandable. If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can do a lot of trouble. They will add a second nose to a person, and the person will be two-nosed. They will draw horns for a dog, a mustache for a chicken, and a hump for a cat, and the dog will be horned, the chicken will be whiskered, and the cat will be humpbacked.
Therefore, Santa Claus chooses for a very long time which of the children to give magic colors.
The last time he gave them to a very kind boy. The kindest of the kindest.
The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to draw. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for a blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades.
But no one could use the drawing. Grandmother's handkerchief looked like a washcloth, and the mother's dress was so crooked, colorful, and baggy that she didn't even want to try it on. The gun was no different from the club. The blind man's eyes looked like two blue blobs, and he could not see through them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so ugly that they were even afraid to come close to it.
Trees appeared on the street, similar to panicles. There were horses with wiry legs, cars with curved wheels, houses with falling walls and roofs on one side, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other ... There were thousands of things that could not be used. And people were horrified:
- How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?!

And the boy cried. He so wanted to make people happy! .. But he did not know how to draw and only wasted paint in vain.
The boy cried so loudly that he was heard by the kindest of all the kindest old people - Santa Claus. Heard, and returned to him, and put a new box of paints in front of the boy:
- Only this, my friend, simple paints. But they can also become magical if you really want to.
So said Santa Claus and left.
The boy thought. How to make simple colors become magical and so that they please people, and not bring them misfortune? The good boy took out a brush and began to draw.
He drew, without unbending, all day and all evening. He painted on the next, and on the third, and on the fourth day. I painted until I ran out of paint. Then he asked for new ones.
A year has passed… Two years have passed… Many, many years have passed. The boy became an adult, but still did not part with paints. His eyes became sharp-sighted, his hands skillful, and now in his drawings instead of crooked houses with falling walls flaunted tall, light buildings, and instead of dresses that looked like bags, bright, elegant clothes.
The boy did not notice how he became a real artist. He painted everything that was around, and that no one had ever seen before: planes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like planes, air bridges and glass palaces.

People looked with surprise at his drawings, but no one was horrified. On the contrary, everyone rejoiced and admired.
- What wonderful pictures! What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary.
The paintings were really so good that people wanted to bring them to life. And happy days came when what was drawn on paper began to turn into reality: palaces made of glass, and air bridges, and winged ships ...
This is what happens in the white world. This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or a sewing needle, and even with simple clay. So it is with everything touched by the hands of the greatest of the greatest wizards - the hands of a hard-working, persevering man.

Tatyana Sitnikova
GCD using non-traditional painting technique "Magic Paints"

Lesson 1

Subject: magic colors

Target: introduce unconventional way of drawing. To create a mood for joint work, to increase the activity and independence of children. Expand your child's understanding of life. Unity of the group, emotional and muscular relaxation, creation of an atmosphere of unity.

Tasks: to teach children the skills of making « magical colors» . Create conditions for self-expression, integration of the personality of children. Develop imagination, tactile sensitivity.

Composition of children: 5-6 persons.

Materials and equipment:

Flour, salt, vegetable oil, water, PVA glue, bowls for colors, a set of liquid gouache, napkins, aprons for children.

Lesson progress:

Children who have previously put on aprons enter the office and sit in a circle on the carpet. "Ingredients" For « magical colors» are already on the table.

- Guys, today we will go to a fairy tale. But getting into a fairy tale is not so easy. For this you need, magic spell.

- Guys, let's stand in a circle. Let's hold hands, close our eyes and say magic words: "Fairy tale open the door, we came to meet you!"

- So, guys, we are in a fairy tale! What is this tale about? Now I will tell you.

The teacher tells the children a story about magical colors(modified fairy tale by T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva)

Long ago, there was a good fairy in the world. Fairy Kingdom was very colorful and the residents rejoiced every day. The fairy had a very kind heart, she wanted all people to smile more often and that they all be happy. She did many good deeds, she made many happy. An evil terrible King lived next to her. The king lived in a black and white kingdom, he grumbled all the time, got angry all the time, and all the inhabitants of his kingdom were always sad. The fairy has long tried to cheer the king, but she did not succeed. Once again, she came to the reception of the evil king and asked why everything in the kingdom is black and white. To which the king replied that in his kingdom everything is right, good is white, bad is black, otherwise it doesn’t happen. Then the fairy understood why the King was so evil - after all, in his world there are no bright colors.

- gotta cook magic colors, so that the King's world becomes colorful. Then, probably, he will become kinder, - the fairy decided

After much persuasion, the king agreed, but did not allow to bring paints, A use only, what is in his black and white kingdom.

But how to make color out of black and white, and how to teach the king to rejoice in color paints. (Children's answers.) The fairy decided that for this a person should feel happy. Guys, what do you think makes a person happy? (Children's answers.) To answer this question, the fairy went to get acquainted with the children of a fairy-tale country, because children are happiness.

Guys let's do the same « magic colors» .

- For the manufacture of we need colors« magic pots» . Each take two hands one at a time "pot". For them to become magical need to remember « magic words» . What do you know magic words? Answers children: thank you, please, I love you, etc. Now whisper them softly to the potty. So, our pot is ready.

So, the fairy began to ask the children when they are happy? One boy answered: "If we have a lot of flour, mom will bake many, many goodies, and we will always be full." And then the fairy decided that in magical colors must be flour.

- They say that in our hands there is a special Magic power. That's why paint we will do it by hand. First, we will put a few handfuls of flour in a pot. Let there be more flour, because flour gives satiety, prosperity. Now let's tame the flour, make it magical. To do this, the flour must be thoroughly mashed, stir with your hands.

Another child said that he feels happy when he learns something new, the essence, or salt, as the people say. The fairy decided that the salt must certainly be in magical colors.

“Now put a handful of salt in.” Salt is knowledge, truth. When you put in a handful of salt, please mix the flour and salt together. Acquaint every grain of salt with every grain of flour. At the same time, make sure that our wonderful flour does not spill out of the wonderful pot.

A girl ran up with a pot of oil. She said that luck brings happiness to people, luck, when everything goes well in life. "like clockwork". Therefore, oil must also be added to paints.

Now we're going to add some butter. Butter is good luck so that everything goes like clockwork.

Then the fairy saw how one boy was carrying water from the well. And she decided to add to paint water Because water is the source of life. Now stir slowly paint. Wise people say that the most important thing is that there are no lumps. Therefore, we will add water gradually.

And suddenly the fairy noticed a girl on the sidelines, she was sitting near a broken plate, and it was her favorite plate, and was crying. The fairy thought that people feel happy when they can glue something broken, something very dear to them. So she decided to add paints, some glue.

And to paints have really become magical, it is necessary that they become multi-colored, but where can I get colors, because in the kingdom everything is black and white? How do you think? (children's answers)

The fairy took a piece of the sun, and paint turned yellow, a piece of the sky and paint turned blue, a piece of land and it turned out - brown dye, put a blade of grass in a pot, so it appeared - green dye, and from a berry - red.

And so the real ones were born. magic colors!

- Well, now we will paint the kingdom. Select the sheet on which you will paint. How are we going draw with paints? (Children's answers.) Can draw with fingers, drip paint- make it rain colors, drip paint on paint. (the teacher turns on calm music, the children draw.)

During drawing the teacher asks each child what he draws, encourages him to diversify the drawing ( draw fairy-tale characters or their footprints, encourages children use different drawing techniques).

After the children have finished paint, held discussion:

Let's put our pots on the table and gather around our fabulous paintings. Do you like what you have created? What did you get? Do you think the king became kinder from such beauty? (Children answer questions.)

- Guys, what do you think, is it possible in ordinary life use« magic colors» ? (Children's answers.) Indeed, such paints can be made when you are angry or upset, or to give to someone who has ceased to enjoy life, etc.

- So, dear friends, today we ended up in a fairyland, got acquainted with a new fairy tale about magical colors, learned how to make them and painted the kingdom. Now you know what to do when someone gets sad or angry.

Now, folks, it's time to go home. Let's circle again. Let's hold hands, close our eyes and say magic words: “Shut the doors! Don't forget about us"

- So, guys, we are back to kindergarten. It's time to return to the group. Goodbye!

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