Magic ball 8 online. Magic balls


200 grams


quality plastic


not required

The magic ball will give answers to your questions. Ask a question to the ball, shake it a little and turn it over - the answer to the question will "pop up" by itself! Ball in Russian

Magic ball 8 - an assistant in making decisions, gives answers to questions (yes / no). Improved quality in a gift box with delivery across Russia. Order!

Attention! If the temperature is below zero, the goods are not sent by mail.

Let us help you solve the eternal problem of choice!

It often happens that there is some question, you need to decide something, choose, but it is not known how best to act. Sometimes it's so difficult to decide - to do something or not, to go somewhere or not, to say or remain silent...

We have a solution to this problem - magic ball 8 for decision making. Now you do not have to rack your brains for hours, choosing a course of action. Just ask the ball of predictions - and he will tell you how best to do it!

What is magic ball 8?

Magic ball 8 is a unique gadget capable of predicting the future in a way unknown to science, giving answers to almost any questions, bringing positive emotions and good mood! Ask a question that requires a positive or negative answer - get an answer!

It looks like a black ball with the number "8" and a window for answers.

And how to use it?

Easy to use. Turn it over like a figure eight and ask a question. Then shake a little, turn over - in a few seconds the answer will "pop up" in a special window. Read the instructions for using the magic ball on our website.

What size is it? What is it made of? Tell me more!

The magic ball predictor is made of plastic. Inside is a blue liquid, in which a “pyramid” with printed answer options floats. There are 20 answers in total, all in Russian (examples of answers: "yes", "of course", "indisputably", "should be so", "maybe", "the chances are few", "no", "the stars say no" , "can't tell", "now unknown", "ask later", etc.)

The predictor's ball diameter is 10 centimeters, weight is 200 grams. Batteries are not required. Warning: the ball must not be frozen (because there is liquid inside).

And why exactly black with an eight? Does he have a history?

Yes. He became popular after the film "Route 60", in which he helped the main character make the right decisions. The ball of predictions can be seen in films such as "Doctor House", "Friends", the cartoon "The Simpsons", etc.

To whom can it be given? Will he be interesting?

Magic ball predictor will be a great gift for any occasion. It is suitable for those who find it difficult to make decisions, who have many doubts. The ball of answers for making decisions will always help, in any situation.

How is your answer ball different from others?

Firstly, quality control is mandatory in the production of our answer balloons. We have somewhat improved the magic ball itself based on the feedback about this product. It became a little heavier, but it began to shine more, reflect better, and there were fewer scratches on it.

Secondly, we sell these answer balloons in a gift box with a plastic window through which you can see the balloon itself :)

Why is it better to order a magic ball from us right now?

We have magic ball 8 in stock, good quality and affordable price.

Other interesting facts:

1. We have direct contact with magic ball factories. This gives us the opportunity control the quality each supply of magic balls.

2. We sell 8 magic balls from the time when they were not in Russian. During this time, we have accumulated a lot of information and reviews about this product, based on which made them better. For example, in our version of the balls, all answers are written in Russian, neatly and clearly (compare with some analogues...).

3. In the production of our magic balls are used quality materials, making them shinier and harder to scratch. They also got a little heavier.

4. Original gift box(picture above on the page).

5. We have many pickup points and courier delivery in major Russian cities. We can send the order by mail of Russia.

6. When ordering from us, you pay for the goods upon receipt. You can test it and make sure that you are completely satisfied with it. You risk nothing!

7. Our 8 magic balls are certified.

Buy magic ball 8 right now at a low price!

Magic Balls is a free online strategy game. It is designed to develop and train strategic thinking.

Game description

Balls of different colors are randomly placed on the playing field: green, blue and red. They form groups of different numbers of balls.


As in the game "" - you need to remove all the same-color elements from the playing field. To do this, click on a group of identical balls standing side by side. The order in which they are placed does not matter. After clicking, they will disappear, and those that were on top will fall in their place. The level is considered passed after the destruction of all possible balls. At the same time, you need to try so that there are no unpaired balls. The next level of the game becomes more difficult. After completing ten or more levels, the player will feel a significant difference in difficulty. Despite the seeming initial simplicity, the game is very exciting, as this application is equipped with interesting levels.


Bonuses are awarded for each destroyed. The more of them there were in a particular group, the higher the score is given for each of them. When moving to a new level, the accumulative system operates, that is, the total account is not reset. But for each unpaired ball remaining at the end of the stage, a penalty of 10 points is removed.


  • When playing a walkthrough– balls are removed randomly. Just to get through the stage faster.
  • When playing on a total score, as in Zoom - you need to group them by color in order to get the largest number of bonuses at the same time at the end of the game.
  • Important- choose the color of those balls that are more and cut off from them those that are less.

This is a souvenir designed to receive predictions. For some, he is an ordinary toy, but for someone he will become a real adviser and assistant in an unusual situation. The ball is now popular throughout the country, but not every owner knows the whole truth about the work of the magic ball.

Magic ball device

The ball is made of plastic, inside there is a black liquid resembling ink in consistency. It allows, when shaken, to smoothly and slowly distribute a special icosahedron - a figure with 20 surfaces. The ball itself has a spherical shape of a dark color.

How the magic ball works

The principle of the device of the magic ball is simple and obvious. The sphere is filled with liquid with the addition of antifreeze, which allows the ball to be used without hindrance even under the influence of low temperatures (up to -20 °C). The liquid inside the balloon does not change its consistency at low or high air temperatures. In addition to the liquid inside the ball, there is a convex hexahedron - an icosahedron, with one answer on each face of the figure.

To get the answer to the question, the ball must be shaken. The icosahedron stops with a certain side in front of the window. The force of shaking the ball will not affect the result in any way. When shaken hard, the liquid inside the ball bubbles, making it difficult to see the answer right away. A few waves of the hand with the ball, and the answer will be in front of your eyes.

Do not let the ball fall and hit a hard surface.

Answer options:

    Spirits say yes


    Without a doubt

    Absolutely right

    Very likely

    It looks like yes

    I think so

    Should be like this

    The answer is not clear

    ask later

    Can not say

    ask again



    The answer is no

    The stars say no

    Don't hope

    Does not look like

    Little chance

Who needs a magic ball

Conventionally, people who like such a souvenir can be divided into three categories:

  • Those who believe in mysticism, the power of predictions and love to guess. Such a ball will help them make important decisions.
  • For those who love fun and jokes. The ball will become a way of entertainment and play. It is especially interesting to conduct fortune-telling in a company, asking various playful questions.
  • For those who are fans of foreign films. The series "Route 60", "Charmed", "Doctor House" in some series was shown as a way of prediction.

Does the ball predict the future?

It is difficult to answer this question. Those who take fortune-telling seriously, who are distinguished by the worldview that there is a place for magic in the world, will definitely find the truthful answers in this souvenir. And to convinced skeptics, on the contrary, the ball will seem like an ordinary toy, which, according to theory, cannot talk about the future.

In what language does the balloon give answers?

Now they sell more often Russified versions of balls. But if you need an English version, then it's not a problem to buy it.


The magic ball is a good gift and a pleasant souvenir. It is suitable for adults and children of all ages. Just do not forget that the ball should only be used for one specific purpose - either as a toy or for divination. Especially if you believe in magic and the power of divination, do not give strangers and children a magic ball.

In the online game "Magic Balls" you need to remove the same color elements from the playing field, thereby earning points. It is very easy to do this, you just need to click on a group of identical balls that are next to each other. The involved figures disappear, and those that were on top fall and occupy empty spaces.

As soon as you destroy all possible balls, the level will be completed and you will move on to the next stage, which will be slightly more difficult than the previous one. Of course, when a dozen or two steps pass, you will feel a significant difference in comparison with the first. The application has many interesting levels, so playing Magic Balls is quite interesting.

How points are awarded

Destroying in this free game, you get bonuses for each of them. The more balls there were in the group, the more points for each of them are given. When you move to a new round, your total score does not reset to zero, but continues to accumulate. If at the end of the stage you still have balls that do not have a pair, then they will also disappear, but for each you will lose 10 points.

Tactics in the online game

The strategy depends on your goals. If you are playing for passing, then you just need to remove all kinds of accumulations of figures, without thinking about how many points you will receive. If you are playing and trying to get the highest total score, as in Zuma, then you should choose one or two colors of balls and try to group them in order to destroy them at the end and get a large number of bonuses at once. Using this tactic, you need to think carefully about each move. The first step is to choose the color of the grouped balls. See which ones are the most, and save those for the end of the round. The second step is to cut off all the extra balls that remained in the minority. And only at the end you will win the round with one click.

Play in full screen

Information on the game "Magic Balls"

Games based on the classic Zuma are very popular and varied. One of the simplest, but most popular options is the Magic Balls game. There is nothing complicated in it, as, indeed, in other variations on the theme of Zuma. But it has a huge attractive power, which is why it got its name in many ways.

Game features

There are no specific features that distinguish this game in a series of similar entertainments. She has very simple and clear rules, which ensured popularity among people of all ages. It is equally well understood by both the child and the pensioner.

On the playing field there are balls of different colors, which are selected in a chaotic manner. The player's task is to remove all the balls from the playing field (at least most of them). To do this, you need to find balls of the same color, located at least two in a row.

By clicking on such a one-color group with a computer mouse, the player achieves the disappearance of the balls - they solemnly burst and disappear. For each successfully completed round, the player is awarded points. He also gets extra balls. They will help him complete the round without losing if he fails to collect marbles in groups. If the user does not earn such additional balls, he will lose.

The game is accompanied by specially selected music, which, as it were, musically comments on each ongoing event. In particular, bursting balloons are accompanied by a characteristic and easily recognizable sound. If the player does not like the music and accompanying sounds, they can be easily and quickly turned off. This can be done using the buttons to the right of the game screen.

Game Benefits

Despite the simplicity and unpretentiousness of the game, it is very addictive and captivating, because the player wants to win by overcoming all obstacles. A person simply cannot give in, because it seems to him that a game with such simple conditions cannot but succumb to his efforts. This simple entertainment perfectly develops ingenuity, speeds up reaction, helps to learn to think strategically and develop tactics of action even in the presence of such simple conditions.

This game will help not only unload the brain and relax after a hard day's work or classes. With its help, you can improve your abilities, learn how to make quick decisions and instantly respond to rapidly changing conditions.

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