Education - as a process of purposeful formation and development of personality. Education as a purposeful influence on the personality Purposeful process of personality formation in accordance with


Education is a process of purposeful formation of personality. This is a specially organized, managed and controlled interaction of educators and pupils, whose ultimate goal is the formation of a personality that is necessary and useful to society.

In the modern world, there is a variety of educational goals and educational systems corresponding to them. But among the enduring goals of education, there is one that looks like a dream, expressing the highest purpose of education - to provide every person who is born with a comprehensive and harmonious development. This goal is rooted in ancient philosophical teachings.

Today, the main goal of the secondary school is to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual, to fully reveal its creative possibilities, to form humanistic relations, to provide various conditions for the disclosure of the child's individuality, taking into account his age characteristics. Consider the components of education: mental, physical, labor and polytechnical, moral, aesthetic. Similar components are distinguished already in the most ancient philosophical systems affecting the problems of education.

Mental education equips students with a system of knowledge of the fundamentals of science. In the course and as a result of the assimilation of scientific knowledge, the foundations of the scientific worldview are laid.

Worldview is a system of human views on nature, society, labor, knowledge, a powerful tool in the creative, transforming human activity. It involves a deep understanding of the phenomena of nature and social life, the formation of the ability to consciously explain these phenomena and determine one's attitude towards them: the ability to consciously build one's life, to work, organically combining ideas with deeds.

Conscious assimilation of the system of knowledge contributes to the development of logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination, mental abilities, inclinations and talents. The tasks of mental education are as follows:

  • - assimilation of a certain amount of scientific knowledge;
  • - formation of scientific outlook;
  • - development of mental powers, abilities and talents;
  • - development of cognitive interests;
  • - formation of cognitive activity;
  • - development of the need to constantly replenish their knowledge, improve the level of educational and special training.

The enduring value of mental education as the most important task of the school is not in doubt. The protest of students, teachers, parents, the general public causes the direction of mental education. Its content to a greater extent is directed not to the development of the individual, but to the assimilation of the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities. From the sphere of education, sometimes such important components as the transfer of experience of various forms and types of activity, emotional and value attitude to the world, communication experience, etc., sometimes fall out. As a result, not only the harmony of education is lost, but also the educational character of the school itself.

Physical education is the management of the physical development of a person and his physical education. Physical education is an integral part of almost all educational systems. Modern society, which is based on highly developed production, requires a physically strong young generation capable of working with high productivity, enduring increased loads, and being ready to defend the Fatherland. Physical education also contributes to the development in young people of the qualities necessary for successful mental and labor activity.

The tasks of physical education are as follows:

  • - health promotion, proper physical development;
  • - increase mental and physical performance;
  • - teaching new types of movements;
  • - development and improvement of basic motor qualities (strength, agility, endurance, etc.);
  • - formation of hygiene skills;
  • - education of moral qualities (courage, perseverance, determination, discipline, responsibility, collectivism);
  • - formation of the need for constant and systematic physical education and sports;
  • - development of the desire to be healthy, vigorous, bring joy to yourself and others.

Systematic physical education begins from preschool age, physical education is a compulsory subject at school. A significant addition to physical education lessons are various forms of extracurricular work. Physical education is closely connected with other components of education and in unity with them solves the problem of forming a harmoniously developed personality.

Labor education - the formation of labor actions and productive relations, the study of tools and methods of their use. It is difficult to imagine a modern educated person who does not know how to work hard and fruitfully, who does not have knowledge about the production surrounding him, production relations and processes, and the tools used. The labor principle of education is an important, centuries-old principle of the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality.

Labor education covers those aspects of the educational process where labor actions are formed, industrial relations are formed, tools of labor and ways of using them are studied. Labor in the process of upbringing acts both as a leading factor in the development of the individual, and as a way of creative exploration of the world, gaining experience of feasible labor activity in various fields, and as an integral component of general education.

Polytechnic education - familiarization with the basic principles of all industries, the assimilation of knowledge about modern production processes and relationships. Its main tasks are the formation of interest in production activities, the development of technical abilities, new economic thinking, ingenuity, and the beginning of entrepreneurship. Properly placed polytechnic education develops diligence, discipline, responsibility, and prepares for a conscious choice of profession.


Moral education is the formation of concepts, judgments, feelings and beliefs, skills and habits of behavior that correspond to the norms of society.

Morality is understood as the historically established norms and rules of human behavior that determine his attitude to society, work, and people. Morality is internal morality, morality is not ostentatious, not for others, but for oneself.

Moral concepts and judgments make it possible to understand what is good, what is bad, what is fair, what is unfair. They turn into beliefs and manifest themselves in actions, deeds. Moral deeds and actions are the defining criterion for the moral development of a person. Moral feelings are experiences of one's attitude to moral phenomena. They arise in a person in connection with the conformity or inconsistency of his behavior with the requirements of public morality. Feelings encourage to overcome difficulties, stimulate the development of the world.

The moral education of the younger generation is based on both universal human values, enduring moral norms developed by people in the process of the historical development of society, and new principles and norms that have arisen at the present stage of the development of society. Eternal moral qualities - honesty, justice, duty, decency, responsibility, honor, conscience, dignity, humanism, disinterestedness, diligence, respect for elders.

Aesthetic education is a basic component of the educational system, generalizing the development of aesthetic ideals, needs and tastes. The tasks of aesthetic education can be divided into two groups - the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills. The first group of tasks solves the issues of initiation to aesthetic values, and the second - active inclusion in aesthetic activities. Attachment tasks:

  • - formation of aesthetic knowledge;
  • - education of aesthetic culture;
  • - mastery of the aesthetic and cultural heritage of the past;
  • - the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality;
  • - development of aesthetic feelings;
  • - introducing a person to the beautiful in life, nature, work;
  • - development of the need to build life and activity according to the laws of beauty;
  • - formation of an aesthetic ideal;
  • - the formation of the desire to be beautiful in everything: thoughts, deeds, deeds.

The tasks of inclusion in aesthetic activity require the active participation of each pupil in the creation of beauty with their own hands: practical classes in painting, music, choreography, participation in creative associations, groups, studios, etc.

The method of education (from the Greek “methodos” - “path”) is the way to achieve a given educational goal. In relation to school practice, it can also be said that the methods of education are the methods of influence of the educator on the consciousness, will, feelings, behavior of pupils in order to develop their beliefs and behavioral skills.

The creation of a method is a response to the educational task set by life. In the pedagogical literature, you can find a description of a large number of methods that allow you to achieve almost any goal. So many methods have been accumulated that it is only their ordering and classification that helps to understand them, to choose adequate goals and circumstances. The classification of methods is a system built on a certain basis. Classification helps to discover in methods the general and specific, theoretical and practical, and thus contributes to their conscious choice, the most effective application.

At present, the most objective and convenient is the classification of upbringing methods on the basis of orientation - an integrative characteristic that includes in unity the target, content, and procedural aspects of upbringing methods. In accordance with this characteristic, three groups of upbringing methods are distinguished:

  • - methods of formation of consciousness of the person;
  • - methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior;
  • - methods of stimulating behavior and activity.

1. A purposeful and organized process of personality formation is ... upbringing.

2. The process of comprehensive development of personality is ... purpose of education.

3. Education is ... purposeful and organized process of personality formation.

4. The interaction of the social environment, individuals and groups form ... socio-psychological phenomena.

5. The social environment depends on:

  • intra-class differences of certain layers
  • type of social economic formations
  • class and nationality
  • household and professional distinctions

6. The purpose of education is ... the process of all-round development of the individual.

7. Features of the upbringing process are ...

  • the duration of the process of education;
  • the complexity of the analysis of the results;
  • originality of forms and methods of education.

8. Features of the process of education are:

  • contradictions between the requirements of the teacher and the readiness of the student to fulfill this requirement;
  • contradictions between the purposeful influence of the teacher and the spontaneous influence of the environment.

9. Objectively existing connections of pedagogical phenomena and processes are ... regularity.

10. The driving forces of the upbringing process are ... contradictions.

11. The starting points that determine the content, organization, forms and methods of education are ... principle.

12. The patterns of the educational process are:

  • the dependence of education on the totality of objective and subjective environmental factors;

unity and interconnection of education and personality development;

  • the more expediently the activities of pupils useful to society are organized, the more rationally their communication is built, the more efficiently the educational process proceeds;

13. The principles of education are:

  • close connection of education with life, work;
  • taking into account age and individual characteristics;
  • unity of pedagogical requirements and educational influences.

14. The principles of education are:

  • consistency, continuity and consistency in educational work;
  • education in work and for work;
  • a combination of exactingness with respect for the individual;
  • education in the team, through the team and for the team.

15. Translated from Latin, external appearance, external outline means ... form

16. The external side of the organization of the educational process, which is associated with the younger generation, the time and place of education, as well as the procedure for its implementation, is ... a form of education.

17. The form of organization of educational work, which is provided for all students (duty, participation in self-service work, etc.), is called ... mandatory.

18. The form of organization of educational work, which provides for circle classes, sports sections, etc., is called voluntary.

19. The totality of ways and methods of influencing a person is ... method of education.

20. The totality of pedagogical means of organizing human life is ... upbringing reception.

21. The method of formation of consciousness (based on the process of moral education, the impact on the consciousness and behavior of the educated) is ... a method of persuasion.

22. Varieties of the persuasion method include:

  • conversation
  • dispute
  • lecture
  • report
  • conference

23. Importance of methods of persuasion:

  • contribute to bridging the gap between consciousness and behavior;

persuasion combines suggestion and explanation, and this leads to self-education);

24. General requirements for methods of persuasion:

teacher's conviction

trust and tact to the pupil;

the ability to penetrate into the inner world of the child, to understand the nature of the contradictions that have arisen;

mastering the art of persuasion.

25. The method of education, which is a variety of ways to organize the activities of students in the interests of the accumulation of moral experience and the formation of positive personality traits, is ... a method of practical training (exercises).

26. The group of exercise methods includes ...

the method of organizing socially useful activities;

· creative game;

Methods of accustoming to the norms of social behavior;

27. The group of methods to encourage positive action includes:

· requirement;

  • punishment;
  • promotion.

28. Types and forms of demand: advice, trust, request, hint, approval, threat, etc. refer to … indirect requirement.

29. A measure of pedagogical influence, expressing a positive assessment of behavior, actions (personality, team) is ... a method of encouragement.

30. The method of influencing a person in order to condemn wrong deeds is ... punishment method.

31. The specific application of methods in certain conditions is ... upbringing reception.

32. Types of techniques related to inhibitory ...

  • irony
  • parallel pedagogical action
  • warning
  • manifestation of indignation

33. Types of techniques related to creative:

  • moral exercise
  • organization of academic success
  • request
  • attention

34. The method of education, the educational power of which is based on the natural desire of people to imitate models of social norms and roles, is ... the method of example.

35. The method of education, which is one of the ways to mobilize the creative labor activity of people, contributing to a better and more efficient performance of any activity, is ... a method of competition (game).

36. The method of education, which is a process of discussing human actions and activities in order to identify merits, detect and correct shortcomings, is ... a method of criticism (self-criticism)

37. The formation of a person as a biological species and as a social being is ... Human

38. The socio-psychological essence of a person, which is formed as a result of the assimilation by a person of social forms of consciousness and behavior, the socio-historical experience of mankind, is ... a personality.

39. The totality of common genotypic hereditary properties of a biological species (we are born as an individual) is ... an individual.

40. The totality of socio-psychological characteristics (for example, temperament, character, etc.) that distinguish one person from another is ... individuality.

41. List the factors of personality development ... heredity, environment, upbringing.

42. The historically specific system of relationships between spouses, parents and children is ... family.

43. The structure of the family, which includes the relationship between formal power and informal leadership, is ... a power structure.

44. The structure of the family, where the most important is the establishment of interpersonal relationships is ... communication structure.

45. The structure of the family, which is associated with the performance of individual roles by each member of the group, as well as the system of their role expectations, is ... a role structure.

46. ​​A relatively stable pattern of behavior (including actions, thoughts, feelings) reproduced by individuals is called - this is ... a social role.

47. Satisfaction of social, group and individual needs is ... social status.

48. The functions of the family are:




49. Relationships between spouses, between parents and children, between other family members are ... the main purpose of the family.

50. Coincidence, similarity of social positions (value orientations, attitudes, interests, outlook on life) - this is ... marital compatibility.

51. The ability to yield, tolerance, the understanding that each person has the right to originality and individuality, that he should not be a copy of his spouse and his property, and it is for this originality that he should be respected - this is ... the culture of family communication.

52. Disagreements based on incompatibility of views, interests or needs are ... conflict.

53. Biological causes of childhood nervousness are:

  • traumatic effects;
  • infectious effects.

54. Microsocial causes of childhood nervousness are:

  • experiences of a pregnant or newly mothered woman
  • wrong upbringing;
  • unfavorable living conditions of the child in childhood.

55. The psychophysical immaturity of the child, which leads to a delay in age-related socialization and the behavior of the child, in which it does not meet the requirements for him, is ... mental infantilism.

56. Psychogenic disorder caused by people quarreling with each other, fright, conflicts, unexpected disasters, feelings of loneliness, sad memories, etc. - this is ... neurosis.

57. Neurosis, in which timidity, passivity, isolation, a tendency to despondency, surrender to difficulties, failures predominate in the character of a child - this is ... asthenic neurosis.

58. Neurosis, in which fears, anxiety, suspiciousness, indecision, reinsurance, pedantry, isolation predominate in the character of the child, which indicates a timid, affectionate, meticulous and reasonable child - this is ... obsessive-compulsive disorder.

59. Neurosis, in which selfishness, lack of independence, infantilism, suggestibility, hysteria predominate in the character of the child - this is ... hysterical neurosis

60. The reaction of struggle, which consists of dissatisfaction, protest, anger or obvious violence, occurs when a child tries to change the state of things - this is ... aggressiveness.

61. Forms of deviant behavior, which is the result of excessive demands on parents - is ... stubbornness.

62. Forms of deviant behavior, which is a consequence of the excessive compliance of his loved ones - these are ... whims.

63. Everything that surrounds a person in his social life, or this is a specific manifestation, the originality of social relations at a certain stage of their development, is ... a social environment.

64. Necessary conditions for the child to assimilate socio-historical experience ...

  • communication of the child with adults, during which the child learns adequate activities, assimilates human culture
  • assimilation and reproduction in the properties of the child of the historically established properties and abilities of the human race

65. The process of personality formation in certain social conditions, or the process of assimilation by a person of social experience, during which a person transforms social experience into his own values ​​and orientations, norms - this is ... socialization of the individual.

Upbringing is a purposeful and organized process of personality formation. IN social sense Education is the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones.

IN broad pedagogical sense upbringing is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled interaction of educators and pupils, aimed at the diversified development of the individual, striving to become the subject of his life. IN narrow pedagogical sense education is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems; in this context, the concept of education is used to designate the components of a holistic educational process. They say, for example, "physical education", "aesthetic education".

Education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students. Its goal is the assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of a worldview, the development of mental strength and potential capabilities of students, and the consolidation of self-education skills.

Knowledge- this is a reflection by a person of objective reality in the form of facts, ideas, concepts and laws of science. Skills- willingness to consciously and independently perform practical and theoretical actions based on acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills. Skills- components of practical activity, manifested in the automatic performance of the necessary actions, brought to perfection through repeated exercises.

Education- the process and result of assimilation by students of a system of knowledge, skills, methods of cognitive activity and the formation of personality traits on this basis.

Pedagogy widely uses the interscientific concepts of "formation" and "development". Formation- the process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception - environmental, social, economic, ideological, psychological, etc.

Development is the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in a person. It is associated with constant, incessant changes, transitions from one state to another, ascent from simple to complex, from lower to higher. There are physical development (of the body as a whole, individual muscles, etc.), mental (emotions, intellect, will, abilities, needs, character). It is also about spiritual development, covering the entire inner world of man.
In human development, the action of the universal philosophical law of the mutual transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones and vice versa is manifested.

In the process of differentiation of a scientific discipline, various branches of pedagogy- general, preschool, school, professional, social, age, comparative, correctional, military, sports. As well as the history of pedagogy, pedagogy of higher education, anthropology (training, education and development of a person throughout the life path). The totality of branches of pedagogy forms a developing system of pedagogical sciences.

The connection of pedagogy with other sciences:

Philosophical sciences

· Anatomy and physiology


· Story

Art sciences (art criticism, literary criticism, musicology, etc.)

Natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.)

· Mathematical and technical sciences.

Questions and tasks

1. How do you understand the statement that pedagogy is both a science and an art?

2. Name the objective socio-economic prerequisites for the emergence and development of pedagogical theory.

3. What are the sources of pedagogy development?

4. Which of the above categories is the broadest concept: upbringing, training, education, development, formation?

5. In what sense is the term education used? Expand the essence of this category.

Pedagogical activity is always purposeful. The purpose of the work of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions is socially significant, and reflects the general goals and objectives of society in the formation, development and education of preschool children.

The entire educational process in preschool groups is focused on the child. On his well-being, interests, giving the child a choice and planning activities in accordance with his

interests and needs.

Educational work is a complex of interrelated components that develops in time and space, capable of ensuring the interaction of all subjects that make up the concepts of "kindergarten" and "society".

The goal of our preschool groups is the individual comprehensive development of each child. The work of the entire teaching staff is aimed at improving the quality of preschool education.

The upbringing of a child is successful if it is systematic, therefore, we consider the main task of our pedagogical activity to be bringing all our educational actions, efforts into a certain system that would be a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts.

Educational work in preschool groups covers two age periods, which sets certain tasks for the team.

At preschool age:

To form the ability to navigate in human relations, to feel and realize the benevolent and unfriendly attitude of others; notice changes in mood, emotional state of a close adult, peer, show attention, sympathy;

Develop the ability to restrain immediate situational desires "I want";

To teach how to enter stable play associations of children, use verbal and non-verbal means in communication and joint activities

emotional expression to express joy, delight, sadness and other states;

Cultivate interest, attention and a friendly attitude towards others.

At senior preschool age:

To develop social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relations as a moral basis for social behavior and the formation of a sense of patriotism in children - love for their native land, native country, affection, devotion and responsibility towards the people inhabiting it;

Encourage children to learn moral values. Raise interest in the work of adults and the desire to protect the results of their work;

Cultivate ethically valuable ways of communication;

To develop an interest in self-knowledge and to cultivate self-respect in a child.

Our teaching staff has set itself the following educational tasks:

Development and strengthening of the interaction of all participants in the educational process;

Development and improvement of interdepartmental interaction between healthcare and education institutions;

Creation of the necessary conditions for the participation of parents in the educational process.

The primary task is the task of protecting the life and health of children, their physical development. A survey of parents showed that the main thing for them is the physical and mental health of their children.

You can not take care of the health of children and not instill in them the basics of safety and life of activity.

Only competent work in this direction will help us achieve significant results in strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Our team proceeds from the principle “a healthy child is a successful child”, teachers consider it impossible to solve the problem of educating a socially adapted personality without implementing a system of measures for health-improving work and physical education of children. Therefore, at present, much attention in pedagogical activity is paid to creating a health-preserving environment in a kindergarten.

Realizing the task of educating a culture of health among preschoolers through the creation of a health-saving environment in the conditions of educational institutions, the implementation of health-saving technologies, teachers and medical workers work in close relationship, taking into account the individual characteristics of the health status of each child, using all natural factors: water, air, sun.

In preschool groups, a comprehensive system of recreational and hardening activities is being implemented. Such as:

Invigorating gymnastics

Air baths

Extensive wash

Vitaminization 3 dishes


The map of the state of health of the child used in the work allows you to track the state of health and physical development of preschoolers during the entire period of his stay in kindergarten.

Issues of strengthening the health of children, reducing morbidity are considered by the team during the year at production meetings. Monthly analysis of morbidity by groups allows you to increase the efficiency of work in this direction and outline ways to reduce the incidence of pupils.

The teaching staff creates conditions for organizing the optimal motor mode in the educational institution. Regular sports events and entertainment, design of "Health Corners" contribute to the growth of children's interest in physical culture and physical activity. In groups, the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, the education of cultural and hygienic skills are ensured.

Preschool and primary school age is a valuable stage in the development of an individual's ecological culture. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude towards the environment, forms the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual, which manifest themselves in the interaction of the child with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to form ecological knowledge, norms and rules of interaction with nature, foster empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems.

The development of love and affection for one's home is the first step in the civil and patriotic education of preschool children.

At present, this work is relevant, the most difficult, and requires special tact and patience, because. in young families, the issues of education of patriotism, citizenship are not considered important and often cause bewilderment.

Involving the family in the patriotic upbringing of children is also our task. Since patriotic education should occupy a leading place in the system of social and personal development of a preschool child.

Teachers of our kindergarten use different forms and methods for raising children. These are conversations on various topics: about the culture of behavior, about the education of moral qualities about the Motherland, about the affairs of the people, about nature, about good people, etc. Teachers conduct classes, read fiction.

Together with the children, natural material was collected, which the children then use in the classroom for creative activities and research work.

Together with children, observations are made of objects of animate and inanimate nature. Educators teach to see the beauty and originality of the nature of our region. Children expressed their impressions in drawings and crafts. Teachers organize exhibitions of children's drawings and crafts, quizzes, holidays, and other events.

We replenish research corners with objects of inanimate nature (interesting stones, sand, clay, colored shells, etc.). All collected

children can use natural material in independent activities, in play, in their creativity.

In order for children to get better acquainted with the history of our region, we conduct local history classes with children, where we introduce the traditions and creativity of our region. In order for children to have a clearer idea of ​​​​the history of their native land, its traditions and way of life, pedagogies were together with children and their parents, they create corners of local history, where folk art products are collected. I am very pleased that the parents took an active part in this process, because. helping us, adults introduce children to it.

All the joint work of teachers, children, parents, in our opinion, gives children the most important thing - this is an introduction to a common cause, a sense of pride in themselves, their families, their parents, grandparents, and also makes it clear that the child himself is a part and families, and groups, and all people.

The upbringing and educational work of our kindergarten is built in close cooperation with the families of the pupils. The teachers of the institution came to the conclusion that it is necessary to form parents' ideas about the main goals of educating the development of children.

Currently, the teachers of the institution are striving for the most effective forms of involving the family in the educational process. Analysis of the plans revealed a variety of forms of work with parents:

Working with parents is carried out in four areas:

  1. informational and analytical (questionnaires, consultations, participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of thematic classes, “Open Days; in preschool groups there are: a parent committee, a general meeting);
  2. cognitive direction (consultations, exhibitions of children's works made together with parents; joint creation of a subject-developing environment);
  3. visually - informational (parental corners, sliding folders, family and group albums "Our friendly family", "Family - a healthy lifestyle);
  4. leisure (holidays "Mother's Day", "Birthday", entertainment, sports activities.).

In the future, we plan to organize parental living rooms, classes with the participation of parents, issues of family newspapers. Rational

a combination of traditional and innovative approaches to working with the family will give good results.

The level of socialization of the personality of a preschooler largely depends on a full-fledged upbringing.

"Childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life, and from how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become.

In a holistic pedagogical process, an important place is occupied by the process of education.

Education is a process of purposeful formation of personality. This is a specially organized, managed and controlled interaction of educators and pupils, whose ultimate goal is the formation of a personality that is necessary and useful to society.

In the modern world, there is a variety of educational goals and educational systems corresponding to them. But among the enduring goals of education, there is one that looks like a dream, expressing the highest purpose of education - to provide every person who is born with a comprehensive and harmonious development. This goal is rooted in ancient philosophical teachings.

Today, the main goal of the secondary school is to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual, to fully reveal its creative possibilities, to form humanistic relations, to provide various conditions for the disclosure of the child's individuality, taking into account his age characteristics. The focus on the development of the personality of a growing person gives a “human dimension” to such goals of the school as the development of a conscious civic position in young people, readiness for work and social creativity, participation in democratic self-government and responsibility for the fate of the country and human civilization.

Consider the components of education: mental, physical, labor and polytechnical, moral, aesthetic. Similar components are distinguished already in the most ancient philosophical systems affecting the problems of education.

mental education equips students with a system of knowledge of the basic sciences. In the course and as a result of the assimilation of scientific knowledge, the foundations of the scientific worldview are laid.

Worldview is a system of human views on nature, society, labor, knowledge, a powerful tool in the creative, transforming human activity. It involves a deep understanding of the phenomena of nature and social life, the formation of the ability to consciously explain these phenomena and determine one's attitude towards them: the ability to consciously build one's life, to work, organically combining ideas with deeds.

Conscious assimilation of the system of knowledge contributes to the development of logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination, mental abilities, inclinations and talents. The tasks of mental education are as follows:

Assimilation of a certain amount of scientific knowledge;

Formation of scientific outlook;

Development of mental powers, abilities and talents;

Development of cognitive interests;

Formation of cognitive activity;

Development of the need to constantly replenish their knowledge, improve the level of educational and special training.

The enduring value of mental education as the most important task of the school is not in doubt. The protest of students, teachers, parents, the general public causes the direction of mental education. Its content to a greater extent is directed not to the development of the individual, but to the assimilation of the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities. From the sphere of education, sometimes such important components as the transfer of experience of various forms and types of activity, emotional and value attitude to the world, communication experience, etc., sometimes fall out. As a result, not only the harmony of education is lost, but also the educational character of the school itself.

Physical education- management of the physical development of a person and his physical education. Physical education is an integral part of almost all educational systems. Modern society, which is based on highly developed production, requires a physically strong young generation capable of working with high productivity, enduring increased loads, and being ready to defend the Fatherland. Physical education also contributes to the development in young people of the qualities necessary for successful mental and labor activity.

The tasks of physical education are as follows:

Health promotion, proper physical development;

Increased mental and physical performance;

Teaching new types of movements;

Development and improvement of basic motor qualities (strength, agility, endurance, etc.);

Formation of hygiene skills;

Education of moral qualities (courage, perseverance, determination, discipline, responsibility, collectivism);

Formation of the need for constant and systematic physical education and sports;

Development of the desire to be healthy, vigorous, bring joy to yourself and others.

Systematic physical education begins from preschool age, physical education is a compulsory subject at school. A significant addition to physical education lessons are various forms of extracurricular work. Physical education is closely connected with other components of education and in unity with them solves the problem of forming a harmoniously developed personality.

Labor education- the formation of labor actions and productive relations, the study of tools and methods of their use. It is difficult to imagine a modern educated person who does not know how to work hard and fruitfully, who does not have knowledge about the production surrounding him, production relations and processes, and the tools used. The labor principle of education is an important, centuries-old principle of the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality.

Labor education covers those aspects of the educational process where labor actions are formed, industrial relations are formed, tools of labor and ways of using them are studied. Labor in the process of upbringing acts both as a leading factor in the development of the individual, and as a way of creative exploration of the world, gaining experience of feasible labor activity in various fields, and as an integral component of general education.

Polytechnic education- familiarization with the basic principles of all industries, the assimilation of knowledge about modern production processes and relationships. Its main tasks are the formation of interest in production activities, the development of technical abilities, new economic thinking, ingenuity, and the beginning of entrepreneurship. Properly placed polytechnic education develops diligence, discipline, responsibility, and prepares for a conscious choice of profession.

Favorable impact is not provided by any, but only by productive labor, i.e. such work, in the course of which material values ​​​​are created. Productive labor is characterized by: 1) material results; 2) organization; 3) inclusion in the system of labor relations of the whole society; 4) material reward.

To date, new technologies of labor education are being introduced, differentiation of labor education is being carried out, the material base is improving, and new training courses are being introduced.

moral education- the formation of concepts, judgments, feelings and beliefs, skills and habits of behavior that correspond to the norms of society.

Morality is understood as the historically established norms and rules of human behavior that determine his attitude to society, work, and people. Morality is internal morality, morality is not ostentatious, not for others, but for oneself.

Moral concepts and judgments make it possible to understand what is good, what is bad, what is fair, what is unfair. They turn into beliefs and manifest themselves in actions, deeds. Moral deeds and actions are the defining criterion for the moral development of a person. Moral feelings are experiences of one's attitude to moral phenomena. They arise in a person in connection with the conformity or inconsistency of his behavior with the requirements of public morality. Feelings encourage to overcome difficulties, stimulate the development of the world.

The moral education of the younger generation is based on both universal human values, enduring moral norms developed by people in the process of the historical development of society, and new principles and norms that have arisen at the present stage of the development of society. Eternal moral qualities - honesty, justice, duty, decency, responsibility, honor, conscience, dignity, humanism, disinterestedness, diligence, respect for elders.

Aesthetic education- the basic component of the educational system, generalizing the development of aesthetic ideals, needs and tastes. The tasks of aesthetic education can be divided into two groups - the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills. The first group of tasks solves the issues of initiation to aesthetic values, and the second - active inclusion in aesthetic activities. Attachment tasks:

Formation of aesthetic knowledge;

Education of aesthetic culture;

Mastering the aesthetic and cultural heritage of the past;

Formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality;

Development of aesthetic feelings;

Initiation of a person to the beautiful in life, nature, work;

Development of the need to build life and activity according to the laws of beauty;

Formation of an aesthetic ideal;

Formation of the desire to be beautiful in everything: thoughts, deeds, deeds.

The tasks of inclusion in aesthetic activity require the active participation of each pupil in the creation of beauty with their own hands: practical classes in painting, music, choreography, participation in creative associations, groups, studios, etc.

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