This is what dawn looks like on different planets. Distant Worlds


Sunrise on Mars

Sunrise at the bottom of one of the canyons of the Labyrinth of Night in the province of Tharsis on Mars. The reddish color of the sky is given by dust scattered in the atmosphere, consisting mainly of “rust” - iron oxides (if you apply automatic color correction in a photo editor to real photographs taken by Mars rovers, the sky on them will become a “normal” blue color. The surface stones, however, are at the same time they will acquire a greenish tint, which is not true, so it’s still correct as it is here). This dust scatters and partially refracts light, resulting in a blue halo around the Sun in the sky.

Dawn on Io

Dawn on Io, a moon of Jupiter. The snow-like surface in the foreground consists of sulfur dioxide crystals ejected to the surface in geysers similar to the one now visible beyond the nearby horizon. There is no atmosphere here that creates turbulence, which is why the geyser has such a regular shape.

Dawn on Mars

Solar eclipse on Callisto.

It is the most distant of Jupiter's four large moons. It is smaller than Ganymede, but larger than Io and Europa. Callisto is also covered with a crust of ice mixed with rocks, under which there is an ocean of water (the closer to the outskirts of the solar system, the greater the proportion of oxygen in the substance of the planets, and, therefore, water), however, this satellite is practically not tormented by tidal interactions, so the surface the ice can be up to a hundred kilometers thick and there is no volcanism, so the presence of life here is unlikely. In this image we are looking at Jupiter from a position approximately 5° from Callisto's north pole. The Sun will soon emerge from Jupiter's right edge; and its rays are refracted by the atmosphere of the giant planet. The blue dot to the left of Jupiter is the Earth, the yellowish one to the right is Venus, and to the right and above it is Mercury. The whitish streak behind Jupiter is not the Milky Way, but a disk of gas and dust in the ecliptic plane of the inner Solar System, known to earthly observers as the “zodiacal light.”

Jupiter - view from the Europa satellite

The crescent moon of Jupiter slowly oscillates above the horizon of Europa. The eccentricity of its orbit is constantly subject to disturbances due to orbital resonance with Io, which is now passing against the background of Jupiter. Tidal deformation causes deep cracks in Europa's surface and provides the moon with heat, stimulating underground geological processes that allow the subsurface ocean to remain liquid.

Rising on Mercury.

The disk of the sun from Mercury appears three times larger than from Earth, and many times brighter, especially in the airless sky.

Considering the slow rotation of this planet, before this, for several weeks, from the same point, one could observe the solar corona slowly crawling out from behind the horizon


Full Neptune in the sky is the only source of light for the night side of Triton. The thin line across Neptune's disk is its rings, visible edge-on, and the dark circle is the shadow of Triton itself. The opposite edge of the depression in the middle ground is approximately 15 kilometers away.

Sunrise on Triton looks no less impressive:

"Summer" on Pluto.

Despite its small size and great distance from the Sun, Pluto at times has an atmosphere. This happens when Pluto, moving along its elongated orbit, approaches the Sun closer than Neptune. During this roughly twenty-year period, some of the methane-nitrogen ice on its surface evaporates, enveloping the planet in an atmosphere rivaling that of Mars in density. On February 11, 1999, Pluto once again crossed the orbit of Neptune and again became farther from the Sun (and would now be the ninth planet, farthest from the Sun, if it had not been “demoted” in 2006 with the adoption of the definition of the term “planet”) . Now, until 2231, it will be an ordinary (albeit the largest) frozen planetoid of the Kuiper belt - dark, covered with an armor of frozen gases, in places acquiring a reddish tint from interaction with the gamma rays of outer space.

Dangerous dawn on Gliese 876d

Sunrises on the planet Gliese 876d can be dangerous. Although, in fact, none of humanity knows the real conditions on this planet. It orbits very close to the red dwarf variable star Gliese 876. This image shows how the artist imagined them. The mass of this planet is several times greater than the mass of the Earth, and the size of its orbit is smaller than the orbit of Mercury. Gliese 876d rotates so slowly that conditions on this planet are very different during the day and night. It can be assumed that strong volcanic activity is possible on Gliese 876d, caused by gravitational tides, which deforms and heats the planet, and itself intensifies during the daytime.

Solar dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction of the skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is also called photodermatosis, phototoxic dermatitis, sun allergy.

Currently, the term “solar dermatitis” unites a group of similar conditions (skin changes), the appearance of which is associated with exposure to sunlight or isolated ultraviolet rays. Determining the form of the disease is the basis for selecting adequate therapy.

What is referred to as solar dermatitis?

Most people use the term “solar dermatitis” to refer to the burn that appears on the skin after excessive sun exposure. In fact, the group of photodermatoses includes quite a lot of conditions that differ in the details of pathogenesis and prognosis. They are united by the dependence of local skin changes on the fact of solar (ultraviolet) irradiation.

The modern classification of photodermatoses (solar dermatitis) includes:

  • Phototraumatic reactions. These include sunburn, actinic dermatitis, solar elastosis, etc.
  • Photodermatoses, the appearance of which is associated with the existing deficiency of natural intradermal protectors. A classic example is xeroderma pigmentosum.
  • Photodermatoses caused by the presence of photosensitizing factors in the body, including those of medicinal origin.
  • Dermatoses, the clinical manifestations of which debut, recur or intensify after insolation. In this case, irradiation is not a key pathogenetic moment, but a provoking factor. Such dermatoses include dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Darier's disease.

But according to the current International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10), many forms of solar dermatoses are classified into different classes. And in modern clinical practice, doctors often miss the importance of insolation in the development and course of a number of dermatological disorders.

Phototraumatic skin changes are considered true solar dermatitis. It can be early (in the first hours after sun exposure), late and chronic.

Why does the skin react to the sun's rays?

The main cause of solar dermatitis is insolation. The sunlight reaching the Earth's surface is inhomogeneous. It includes rays of the ultraviolet, infrared and visible spectrum. Other forms of radiation are almost completely shielded by the protective ozone layer and the upper atmosphere.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the most traumatic for human skin. It is partially absorbed by epidermal cells, which in most people leads to the formation of characteristic temporary pigmentation - tanning. A person needs to regularly receive small doses of ultraviolet radiation, because it is a necessary condition for the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin.

But with prolonged or severe insolation, a significant portion of UV rays penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and even into the underlying tissues. At the same time, they act at the cellular and even molecular level, damaging various structures.

UV rays lead to the appearance of free radicals in the thickness of the skin, which have a damaging effect on large specific molecules and cell walls. This is also the reason for the activation of a nonspecific inflammatory reaction with local dilation of blood vessels, increasing their permeability, and the release of biologically active substances. Direct damage to keratinocytes is also possible.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals, defective proteins also begin to be produced in the skin. They are perceived by the body as foreign and act as antigens, triggering a delayed immune reaction similar to an allergy. Repeated insolation leads to the release of biologically active substances (acetylcholine and histamine). This provokes the development of diffuse pseudo-inflammatory tissue changes, the appearance of a rash and general signs of allergies. Local changes in “sun allergy” often extend beyond the area exposed to excessive insolation.

Ultraviolet light in large doses is also capable of disrupting the structure of DNA, causing mutations and thereby provoking tumor growth (and others). And with prolonged exposure, it leads to degeneration of the main structural protein molecules of the intercellular spaces (collagen and elastin), uneven atrophy of connective tissue and early aging of the skin.

Who is at risk

Under certain conditions, anyone can develop sun dermatitis. But the dose and duration of insolation will be different, as will the severity of the resulting skin changes. This depends on the presence of predisposing factors.

People belonging to Fitzpatrick skin phototypes 1-3 are prone to sun dermatitis. A feature of their dermis is a small amount of melanin, a pigment that can partially shield UV radiation coming from outside. Therefore, even short-term insolation can cause sunburn of varying degrees and practically does not lead to tanning.

At risk for the development of photodermatoses are people who are prone to excessive tanning (including in solariums) or who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to spend a lot of time outdoors. Therefore, chronic solar dermatitis is often detected in farm and logging workers, agronomists, gardeners, builders, road workers, rescuers, and fishermen.

Some somatic diseases also change the reactivity of dermal cells and thereby increase the risk of solar dermatitis even with relatively small doses of UV radiation. These include diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies, chronic endogenous intoxication (for example, with renal and hepatic failure), and obesity.

There is a high risk of developing pathology in individuals with photosensitivity. At the same time, the human body already has antibodies to substances formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Photosensitizers are also of great importance.

What are photosensitizers

There are substances that, when introduced into the human body, increase the sensitivity of its cells to UV rays. They are called photosensitizers. They usually enter the body from the outside through the digestive tract, but a transdermal route of penetration is also possible.

Photosensitizers include:

  • photosensitizer drugs specially prescribed to the patient, which is sometimes necessary to increase the effectiveness of phototherapy () for psoriasis, trophic ulcers, alopecia areata, vitiligo and a number of other dermatological diseases, as well as for photodynamic therapy of certain forms of cancer;
  • photosensitizers with selective accumulation in tumor tissues, their use increases the effectiveness of fluorescent diagnosis of malignant neoplasms;
  • some medications (tetracyclines, sulfonamides, griseofulvin, ibuprofen, typical and atypical antipsychotics and a number of other drugs);
  • medicinal herbs used in the form of decoctions (for example, St. John's wort);
  • oral contraceptives and sex hormone preparations used for therapeutic or replacement purposes.

A photosensitizing effect can also be observed in people who use cosmetics and deodorizing products with musk. Sometimes the appearance of solar dermatitis is facilitated by creams applied to the skin, settled plant pollen, and household chemicals not thoroughly washed off the hands.

What does solar dermatitis look like?

In the acute form of the disease, symptoms of solar dermatitis appear 3-4 hours after insolation. The main manifestations resemble a 1st degree burn and include:

  • The appearance of erythema - local redness of the skin with blurred boundaries. Its localization corresponds to the insolation zone; the closed areas of the body do not change. It is also possible that erythema may vary in severity over a limited area if, during insolation, a person partially covered the body with clothing.
  • Mild diffuse swelling of the skin, the lesion looks compacted.
  • Soreness. Even the touch of light clothing causes significant discomfort.
  • Itching and burning sensation in the affected area.
  • Feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.

With deeper injuries, intradermal blisters of various sizes with serous contents appear. After their opening, erosions are formed that do not involve the underlying tissues and heal without scarring. This form of solar dermatitis is called vesiculobullous. In place of the blisters, areas of depigmentation often remain, gradually matching the color of the surrounding skin.

With continued or repeated exposure to sunlight, a fairly profuse rash appears on the skin. It can be papular, nodular, or urticarial (blister-like). Polymorphic rashes are often found. Individual elements do not tend to merge; they are usually small and moderately itchy. When photosensitizing factors are eliminated and sun exposure is avoided, the rash gradually goes away over 3-8 weeks.

Polymorphic photodermatosis

General symptoms are also possible with photodermatitis. This is usually seen in deep or extensive lesions and in children. Malaise, weakness, headache, drowsiness, and possibly increased body temperature appear. Sometimes during the period of rashes the patient notes cheilitis (inflammation of the red border of the lips), conjunctivitis, and mild rhinitis.

Other forms of the disease

With prolonged exposure to sunlight and repeated episodes of acute dermatitis, the development of a chronic form of the disease is possible. In this case, the skin is hyperpigmented and looks dense, dry, thickened, rough, with an enhanced dermal pattern. It often shows scratch marks, an uneven papular rash, and small spider veins. These changes appear on the face, sides of the neck, ears, hands and other parts of the body that are not protected by clothing. The general condition of chronic dermatitis does not change. But the itching that occurs when the skin is exposed to sunlight can negatively affect the patient’s quality of life.

Chronic course in adults can take the form of keratosis. In this case, the skin becomes covered with hard, non-flaking small scales. They are tightly connected to the underlying layers of the dermis, so their removal is painful and can even lead to capillary bleeding.

A special form of the disease is persistent solar erythema. It initially does not differ from typical dermatitis, but the erythema and rash persist for many months. Any new exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to a worsening of the condition.

Why is solar dermatitis dangerous?

Solar dermatitis does not pose an immediate threat to life, even in a child. But it increases the risk of developing skin cancer. This is due to the appearance of a significant number of mutations under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as well as the immunosuppressive effect of excessive insolation. And some forms of the disease () WHO specialists currently classify as precancerous.

Actinic keratosis

Regularly received excess sunlight contributes to photoaging of the skin. The resulting defects are less amenable to correction by means of aesthetic medicine than natural age-related changes. Of course, photoaging is not dangerous, but it negatively affects the psychological state of women and can even lead to neurosis-like reactions.

Principles of therapy

Treatment of solar dermatitis includes avoiding sun exposure, eliminating photosensitizers, and using products to relieve skin changes. Hospitalization is usually not required.

For mild forms of the disease, local treatment with folk remedies may be sufficient. But protracted, severe cases accompanied by a rash require the use of topical and systemic medications.

In the acute stage of the disease, treatment at home includes the use of lotions with lead water and 2% boric acid. This allows you to reduce swelling and itching of the skin, and cope with the painful feeling of tightness. In the absence of signs of infection, treatment with folk remedies is acceptable: wet wraps with infusions of anti-inflammatory medicinal plants, green tea.

Ascorutin, antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the basic drugs for solar dermatitis. Aevit, Delagil, Plaquenil are also prescribed.

In case of severe inflammation, the addition of a photoallergic reaction and a tendency to a protracted course, glucocorticosteroid drugs are used as prescribed by a doctor. Ointment and cream for solar dermatitis are applied for a strictly defined period of time to avoid the development of secondary fungal infections of the skin and tissue atrophy. Short-term systemic therapy can also be carried out, with tablets or even injectable forms of the drug prescribed.

Solar dermatitis is a fairly common disease. And the deterioration of the environmental situation, the gradual destruction of the Earth’s ozone layer and increased solar activity make the problem more and more urgent. Treatment of photodermatoses is not only an improvement in the patient’s quality of life, but also the prevention of skin cancer and melanoma. Prevention includes limiting exposure to open sun and ensuring daily use.

"Post from the Past": On September 22, after the crew of Expedition 23 was sent into space, Colonel Douglas H. Wheelock assumed command of the International Space Station and the crew of Expedition 25. He can be found under the handle @Astro_Wheels on Twitter, where the astronaut posts photos taken from board the space station. We bring to your attention incredible, breathtaking photographs of our planet from an unusual point of view. Commentary provided by Douglas.

1. Go Discovery! On October 23, 2007 at 11:40 am, I went into space for the first time on the Discovery shuttle. He is wonderful... it's a pity that this is his last flight. I'm looking forward to boarding the ship when it arrives at the station in November.

2. Earthly radiance. The space station is in the blue terrestrial glow that appears when the rising sun pierces our planet's thin atmosphere, bathing the station in blue light. I will never forget this place... a view like this makes my soul sing and my heart wants to fly.

3. NASA astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock.

4. Juan de Nova Island in the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and Africa. The amazing colors of these places can compete with the views of the Caribbean Sea.

5. Northern lights in the distance on one of the beautiful nights over Europe. The Strait of Dover is clearly visible in the photo, as is Paris, the city of lights. Light fog over western England, particularly London. How incredible it is to see the lights of cities and towns against the backdrop of deep space. I will miss this view of our wonderful world.

6. “Fly me to the Moon...let me dance among the Stars...” (Take me to the Moon, let's dance among the stars). I hope we never lose our sense of wonder. A passion for exploration and discovery is a great legacy to leave to your children. I hope someday we'll set our sails and set off on a journey. Someday this wonderful day will come...

7. Of all the places on our magnificent planet, few can compete in beauty and richness of colors with. This photo shows our ship “Progress-37” against the backdrop of the Bahamas. How beautiful our world is!

8. At a speed of 28,163 km/h (8 km per second)... we orbit the Earth, making one revolution every 90 minutes, and seeing sunsets and sunrises every 45 minutes. So half of our journey takes place in pitch darkness. To work, we simply need flashlights on our helmets. In this photo I am preparing the handle of one device... "M3 Ammonia Connector".

9. Every time I look out the window and see our beautiful planet, my soul sings! I see blue skies, white clouds and a bright blessed day.

10. Another spectacular sunset. In Earth's orbit, we see 16 such sunsets every day, and each of them is truly valuable. This beautiful thin blue line is what makes our planet stand out from so many others. It's cold in space, and the Earth is an island of life in the vast dark sea of ​​space.

11. A beautiful atoll in the Pacific Ocean, photographed with a 400mm lens. Approximately 1930 km south of Honolulu.

12. Beautiful reflection of sunlight in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. There are no borders visible from space... From there you can only see breathtaking views, such as the view of this island of Cyprus.

13. Over the center of the Atlantic Ocean, before another amazing sunset. Below, the spirals of Hurricane Earl are visible in the rays of the setting sun. An interesting look at the vital energy of our sun. The sun's rays on the port side of the station and on Hurricane Earl... these two objects are collecting the last bits of energy before plunging into darkness.

14. A little further east we saw the sacred monolith of Uluru, better known as Ayers Rock. I've never had the opportunity to visit Australia, but one day I hope to stand next to this natural wonder.

15. Morning over the Andes in South America. I don’t know for sure the name of this peak, but I was simply amazed by its magic, the peaks reaching towards the sun and winds.

16. Over the Sahara Desert, approaching ancient lands and thousands of years of history. The Nile River flows through Egypt past the Pyramids of Giza in Cairo. Further, the Red Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, as well as the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and Greece on the horizon.

17. Night view of the Nile River, stretching like a snake through Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea, and Cairo, located in the river delta. What a contrast between the dark, lifeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River, on the banks of which life is in full swing. The Mediterranean Sea can be seen in the distance in this photo taken on a beautiful autumn evening.

18. Our unmanned 'Progress 39P' is approaching the ISS for refueling. It's full of food, fuel, spare parts and everything we need for our station. Inside was a real gift - fresh fruits and vegetables. What a miracle after three months of tube feeding!

20. Soyuz 23C Olympus module docked on the nadir side. When our work here is finished, we will return home to Earth. I thought you might be interested in seeing this spectacle through the Dome. We fly over the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus. The rising sun reflects from the Caspian Sea.

21. A flash of color, movement and life on the canvas of our wonderful world. This is part of the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia, captured through a 1200mm lens. I think even the great impressionists would have been amazed by this natural painting.

22. All the beauty of Italy on a clear summer evening. You can see many beautiful islands decorating the coast - Capri, Sicily and Malta. Naples and Mount Vesuvius stand out along the coast.

23. At the southern tip of South America lies the pearl of Patagonia. The stunning beauty of the rugged mountains, massive glaciers, fjords and open sea combines in amazing harmony. I dreamed about this place. I wonder what it would be like to breathe the air there. Real magic!

24. The “dome” on the nadir side of the station gives a panoramic view of our beautiful planet. Fedor took this photo from the window of the Russian docking bay. In this photo I'm sitting in the canopy getting my camera ready for our evening flight over Hurricane Earl.

25. The Greek Islands on a clear night during our flight over Europe. Athens shines brightly along the Mediterranean Sea. An unreal feeling arises when you see all the beauty of the ancient land from space.

26. Florida and southeastern USA in the evening. A clear autumn evening, moonlight over the water and a sky strewn with millions of stars.

27. Clear starry night over the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Ancient lands with a thousand-year history stretch from Athens to Cairo. Historic lands, fabulous cities and tempting islands... Athens - Crete - Rhodes - Izmir - Ankara - Cyprus - Damascus - Beirut - Haifa - Amman - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Cairo - they all turned into tiny lights on this cool November night. These places seem to emanate grace and tranquility.

Part 3

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Everyone knows what the Sun looks like from the surface of the Earth. Just look at the sky and see a shining disk that is located at a distance of 149.6 million kilometers from us. It is somewhat more difficult to imagine what the Sun looks like from other planets in the solar system. Artists' works and photographs will help those who lack their own imagination. On them you will see the Sun as it appears in the skies of the seven planets of the solar system and the “dwarf” Pluto.


Mariner 10 was the first spacecraft to reach Mercury (1975–1976). David Seal | NAS


The second planet of the solar system is 108 million kilometers away from the Sun. If you look at the Sun from under the sulfuric acid clouds of the Venusian atmosphere, the star looks like a dim luminous spot. The sun on Venus appears 50% larger than on Earth.

Magellan (USA) interplanetary station, which for the first time carried out detailed radar mapping of Venus, and continued the research begun by the Venus spacecraft (USSR) 6 years earlier. David Seal | NASA


In the dusty sky of the Red Planet, the Sun appears much smaller than on Earth. Mars is located 227.9 million kilometers from the Sun, 1.5 times farther from the star than our planet. Sunsets on Mars .

Sunset on Mars. NASA


View of the Sun from Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. Jupiter is located 778.5 million kilometers from the Sun, which is 5 times the distance between Earth and our “parent” star. On Europa, the Sun appears 5 times smaller than on Earth. In the image, Jupiter is about to cover the star with its disk.




Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, 19 times farther from the star than Earth.

Voyager 2 was the first and only spacecraft to reach Uranus (1986). David Seal | NASA


Let's admire the Sun from Triton, one of Neptune's moons. Neptune is the farthest planet in the solar system. The clouds of dust and gas spewed out by Triton's powerful cryogeyser partially obscure the tiny Sun, which is 30 times smaller than Earth's.

The closest star to our planet is the Sun. It is located at a distance of 149 million kilometers and has a diameter of more than 1.4 million km. Scientists have calculated the approximate age of the star - about five billion years. We are used to seeing this yellow dwarf as a bright ball, but what does the Sun really look like?

View from space

From space, our star looks different than from Earth. Astronauts claim that the star is not actually yellow, but white. This dazzling luminous ball seems to be pressed into black space. Its light is bright, but it allows you to see other space objects, including the Moon and some planets. So what does the Sun look like and is it possible to look at it in space? In fact, it is impossible to look at this dwarf without a special filter, since its light can cause severe burns to the cornea.

If you look at the Sun through this optical device, you will see the stellar disk and the radiation around it, which is called the corona. The star itself has a temperature of more than two million Kelvin. Despite such high temperatures, its light helped form a unique climate on our planet.

Solar energy

What does the Sun look like when viewed closely (by cosmic standards)? In this case, it allows you to consider the emissions of your energy. Powerful magnetic fields lead to the formation of stunningly beautiful arcs hundreds of kilometers long. During periods of intense activity, the Sun releases enormous amounts of energy. On Earth, we can observe it in the form of the Aurora or receive distortion of radio signals.

In addition to energetic arcs, spots are visible on the luminary. They differ from the rest of the star's surface by a lower temperature. Because of this feature, the spots appear darker: the temperature in these zones is about five thousand Kelvin. And the more sunspots, the stronger the solar activity.

What does the Sun really look like? This star does not have a clear boundary, although we see it as a ball. The visible surface is represented by a photosphere four hundred kilometers thick. Gradually this layer passes into the convective zone. But since the distance to the Earth is too great, we do not see this stratification, but only the celestial body familiar to our eyes.

The sun is our enemy

The dwarf emits a large amount of radiation. On Earth, the atmosphere protects from it: the ozone layer does not allow gamma rays to pass through, which have a destructive effect on all living things.

In space, radiation penetrates everywhere, but astronauts are always protected from it, even when they are outside the station. They are saved by a specially equipped suit: it has special devices that protect against the effects of radiation.

Sun from other planets

Many people are interested in what the star looks like from the planets of our solar system. It is seen at its largest from Mercury. From this planet it appears almost three times larger than we see it. Interesting fact: due to the lack of an atmosphere on Mercury, the yellow dwarf appears in its true light - white. We see the Sun as yellow only because of the refraction of its rays in the atmosphere, but once we go beyond it, the ball appears in its real form.

The Sun is not visible from Venus. Although many would like to know what the Sun looks like in a photo from Venus. But this planet is thickly covered with thick ones and light simply cannot get through them. If you could see the star from Venus, it would seem to simply hover in the sky at one point. This is due to the very slow rotation of the planet around its axis.

From Mars, the Sun looks half as big as we see it. Here the shade of the luminary is different: white with a slight purple sheen. Due to the high dust content, sunsets and sunrises have a blue tint, and not the yellow-red that we are used to.

Naturally, the farther the planet is from the star, the smaller the star appears on it. From some planets, the Sun appears as a very bright star in the night sky. But even this view does not mean that it is always night on distant planets. On Pluto, for example, there is four hundred times more light than we get from the Moon at full moon. Of course, you won’t be able to sunbathe in such lighting, but you can see all the surroundings quite clearly.

The sun at the moment of death

While searching for an answer to the question: “What does the Sun look like from space?”, few people thought about what awaits this star in the distant future. And it's not very rosy. According to scientists, in about five billion years the dwarf will begin to disintegrate: its size will increase until the outer layers reach the Earth's orbit. And as a result of such expansion, the atmosphere of our Blue Planet will simply burn out. And the Sun itself will turn into a white dwarf, that is, it will become a dense and very hot cosmic object.

Scientists believe that after rebirth the Sun will look like HD 184738 - this is a star with a mass approximately like our star. It is located in the constellation Cygnus. The telescope detected orange and red hues caused by the burning of nitrogen and hydrogen. This life path is typical for small and medium-sized stars.

NASA about the Sun

Several years ago, NASA launched a program to combine all the information received by different observatories about our luminary. By this time, scientists already had several million images of the dwarf.

Perhaps that's why NASA decided to collect all the most interesting images of the Sun and combine them into a video. In it you can see giant loops, spots and other mysterious phenomena, many of which are still unsolved.

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