"That's how it happened." What happens to the star of the "Inhabited Island" Vasily Stepanov


The blue-eyed star of the "Inhabited Island" Vasily Stepanov has long disappeared from the field of view of fans and journalists, but this week everyone is talking about his fate again. The day before, there were conflicting reports that on April 10, the artist either fell or jumped out of a fifth-floor window. At the same time, the actor has not had a serious job for a long time, and he himself has been suffering from prolonged depression for many years. Medialeaks tells how Stepanov's life turned out after the film by Fyodor Bondarchuk, when everyone thought that Stepanov was a rising star of Russian cinema.

Reports that 31-year-old Vasily Stepanov fell out of a window fifth floors in Moscow appeared in the press on April 12. Life reported that the actor was diagnosed with a fracture of the pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. According to eyewitnesses, he allegedly deliberately jumped out of the window, but many conflicting statements have accumulated around the incident. First, Stepanov said that he had fallen from third floors by accident. And later he allegedly claimed that the fall was not accidental.

Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... Now everything is fine with me, they put a plaster cast on me and let me go home. It’s just a pity that he let people down with the shooting, missed the deadlines, ”he said.

Vasily's younger brother Maxim stated that the actor has no suicidal tendencies and he did not jump out of the window. According to him, Vasily explained what happened with the phrase "that's how it happened."

protracted depression

Stepanov's acting career began when he was noticed by Fyodor Bondarchuk, who was looking for actors for the film "Inhabited Island" based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers. The director liked him despite the fact that he had no acting experience (not counting participation in social advertising). Boris Strugatsky also approved the choice of Stepanov for the role of Maxim Kammerer. After the release of the film, Vasily quickly acquired an army of fans and admirers.

After filming the film, the actor, while continuing his studies at a theater university, took part in several more projects: the films "Insured Event", "Kiss of Socrates", "Near Football" and the play "Veronica Decides to Die". On this, his acting career, in fact, ended.

In recent years, Stepanov lived with his parents.

According to the artist, material difficulties never ended: he spent the fee for the "Inhabited Island" very quickly, and did not receive any money for photo shoots and interviews. At the same time, Vasily declared that he no longer wanted to act in films. Parting with the bride Daria Egorova, who repeatedly said that Stepanov was diagnosed with "manic depression", was also a heavy blow.

Vasya has a psychological trauma that lasted for several years. No one can figure out what's wrong with him. It's just a psychological breakdown. He starts talking and can easily forget what he started the phrase with, she explained.

Protracted depression required high-quality treatment, which needed money. According to Stepanov, his family took out a loan to pay for medical care, and the actor himself washed trolleybuses at night to earn at least something.

A year ago, Stepanov also made no progress with his work.

I've been to a bunch of castings, but they don't take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything calmed down. I was offered to shoot in a video clip in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport, and I don’t have connections to get it in three days. I’m looking for any job, I even tried to get a job with the police, ”he said.

At the end of 2016, physical problems were added to the psychological problems: the actor slipped on the stairs, fell and broke his spine. Stepanov's relatives then asked all those who were not indifferent for financial assistance.

After seven years of unemployment, the actor finally began to receive proposals. Last year, he even started an Instagram account, where he posts personal pictures and photos from the filming of the Tankers project. Filming, however, was prevented by a spinal injury.

Instagram hasn't been updated for about six months.

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MOSCOW, April 13 - RIA Novosti. Actor Vasily Stepanov, who played the main role in the film "Inhabited Island", fell out of the window of an apartment building in Moscow. Now the artist is at home.

What's happened

A source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti that the incident occurred on Monday. According to him, the actor fell from a small height - from about the third floor.

"After the fall, he remained alive, refused hospitalization," the source said.

As the source noted, Stepanov himself jumped down, but the motive for this act is not yet known.

The fact that happened in the house on Davydkovskaya Street was confirmed by the press service of the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, they refused to name the victim.

On the state of the actor

The film is an adaptation of the fantastic story by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. According to the plot, Maxim Kammerer is a pilot of the Free Search Group, whose starship made an emergency landing on the planet Saraksh.

Both parts were leaders in Russian distribution and were among the highest grossing films in Europe in 2009. At the same time, given the large budget (more than 35 million dollars), the film never paid off.

"Inhabited Island" won the Golden Eagle awards for Best Cinematography (Maxim Osadchy), Best Music (Yuri Poteenko) and Best Editing (Igor Litoninsky).

Actor Vasily Stepanov, who played the main role in the film "Inhabited Island", fell out of the window of the fifth floor. The incident became known on April 12, but according to the actor's acquaintances, it happened on the morning of April 10. Stepanov suffered multiple fractures, including a broken pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones, and multiple bruises. The actor claims that the fall was not an accident and no one pushed him. We tried to figure out why a young handsome man, who made his loud debut with one of the highest grossing Russian directors, disappeared from the screens, what he did in recent years and what led him to such an act. Childhood, sports and technical school Publication from Vasily Stepanov (@vasiliystepanov_official) May 2, 2016 at 1:11 PDT Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986 in Moscow. His family is not an actor at all: his father is a policeman, originally from the village of Krupenikha in the Smolensk region, his mother used to work as a teacher, then as a salesman-cashier. There is a younger brother Maxim. As children, the boys often spent their holidays with their grandmother in the countryside. After nine classes of school, Vasily entered a technical school and studied to be a physical education teacher. During training, he was engaged in hand-to-hand combat and even became a candidate for master of sports. In my last year, I managed to work as a physical education teacher at a school: “In my last year, I had an internship at a regular school on the Molodezhnaya metro station, three lessons a day. The work is hard and in many ways thankless, because most children are not at all interested in physical education. Girls generally refuse to do it at all. If a child is not instilled with a love for sports from childhood, he simply does not understand why he should spend time on this. But, on the other hand, I do not regret that I left the school where I studied for the sake of a technical school: it was much more interesting there. A lot of subjects that differed from school ones: psychology, for example. Yes, and the teachers were qualified - they really tried to hammer something into us. Vasily Stepanov The beginning of a career and the "Inhabited Island" After college, the young man studied as a lawyer, but did not study for long and, according to him, "with great disappointment" left the student bench to become a bartender. Around this age, Stepanov was offered to participate in social advertising, and he starred in the video “I choose contract service”: he campaigned for contract service in the army, although he himself did not serve. Then, on the advice of friends, I decided to try my hand at acting classes at VGIK. Publication from Vasily Stepanov (@vasiliystepanov_official) May 2, 2016 at 1:18 PDT After talking with students, the young man decided that it was better to enter theater universities, and not VGIK. I passed the exams at once in several specialized institutes, as is customary for future actors. On one of the tours at the Moscow Art Theater School, he was noticed by Pavel Kaplevich, who was casting for the film "Inhabited Island" based on the novel by the Strugatsky brothers. Even before he had time to become a student at the Shchukin Theater School, the aspiring actor was approved for the main role - and this despite the lack of skills and burr, because of which his hero was eventually voiced by another person, Maxim Matveev. “I burred in a terrible way. I was given a probationary period at the institute in my first year: I had to correct my reprimand in a year, otherwise I would have simply been expelled. On the set, Gosha Kutsenko listened to me - and he also burred in his youth - then he came up to me and said: “Listen, you need to do something about this.” And he started working with me. Then I bought various speech therapy books myself, suffered with them for a long time, walked around the set and growled, which made everyone around me howl. And when I auditioned for voice acting, my tongue got wildly tired - even now it is difficult for me to pronounce "p". Since this is a film, in particular, about how Maxim is looking for a relay center, and he has to pronounce the letter “r” even too often, Fedor Sergeevich, apparently, had no choice but to invite another actor to voice acting. In the end, everything turned out very harmoniously, and I really liked it - for some reason I was worried that they would take an actor with a higher voice. But the voice turned out to be pleasant, low and very similar to mine. Vasily Stepanov

Fyodor Bondarchuk, who tried many young actors with experience for the role of Kammerer, first of all appreciated Stepanov's appearance. He explained that Stepanov, at the first meeting, seemed to him a young god, and Maxim Kammerer, in some way, is a young god from a parallel ideal world. For the sake of the role, Stepanov also pumped up his muscles and lightened his hair - so after the release of the film, the fans rhetorically exclaimed how one could live with such beauty. The newcomer's partners on the set were such famous actors as Gosha Kutsenko, Sergey Garmash, Andrey Merzlikin, Evgeny Sidikhin and Alexei Serebryakov. “They sent me the script and indicated the scenes that I had to play. Fedor Sergeevich explained very well at the auditions what I needed to do, it seems that not everything worked out for me - but Bondarchuk still liked it, and as a result, the producers did too. As he said, the main thing for him is that I know the text. The rest, he said, I'll do everything. Vasily Stepanov Stepanov’s candidacy was also appreciated by Boris Strugatsky, co-author of the story “The Inhabited Island”: “He is an almost ideal performer of this role - with his glorious, slightly bewildered smile, with his ridiculous (but so endearing!) conviction that everyone he meets is a kind person, disinterested , honest, worthy of all support and help. Screen debut. Depression The big-budget blockbuster Inhabited Island was released in 2008 and made Stepanov a star: thousands of female fans, glossy covers and new proposals appeared in the life of the 23-year-old actor. The whole country admired the curly two-meter handsome man. At this time, the personal life of the actor also took shape: he began dating classmate Daria Egorova, then they began to live together. Vasily is happy in love, famous, secured.

After filming, Stepanov decided to devote himself entirely to his studies at a theater university. Vasily quickly spent the fee from the filming of "Inhabited Island": when he wanted to buy a car, he only had enough for the "nine". “I acted a little frivolously with the fee. I just lived on this money, existed, took the girls somewhere - and as a result, almost everything has already been spent. True, this fee was not measured in millions, after all, debutants are not paid much ... In addition, a large amount of money confuses me a little, unfortunately, I still don’t know how to manage them very well. You could buy a Toyota, but the more expensive the car, the more expensive maintenance seems to be ... in general, I somehow discarded this thought. Vasily Stepanov It remains unclear whether the actor received offers for new roles after his debut with Fyodor Bondarchuk. There is evidence that he was made many offers, but he rejected everything. Stepanov himself said that he "did not want to settle for cheap TV shows and comedies that are filmed in twenty days." Judging by an interview with Life, in 2014 he did not show any enthusiasm for working in films. “I was told that after Fyodor Bondarchuk no one would take me to good projects, because he has a certain reputation. They asked me: “Oh, Vasily, you don’t know what Bondarchuk’s reputation is? Well, you don't need to know." I tried to understand this scheme, but alas. I came to the conclusion that Bondarchuk is not a director and he does not position himself as a director, rather he is just an experienced clip maker. And I have already acted in films, it’s not that uninteresting to me in films ... But what am I, some homeless person with a black eye to play? Alcoholic? The guy is 28 years old, and he will play an alcoholic? Who else should I play? I got some kind of big gap with the movie, so many moments did not come true. I am now in control of my destiny." Vasily Stepanov It would seem that the handsome actor had a direct path to the model, but it did not work out either: Stepanov claims that he did not fit the agencies outwardly. In the end, he received a diagnosis of "manic depression" and was registered in a psychoneurological dispensary. There was no time for filming, performances and interviews. Stepanov's agent, actor Sergei Rublev, suggested that he could not stand the test of popularity: "This sudden collapse of fame, the most difficult filming conditions and workload could break him." These words were heard in the program "Live", which was released in February 2017 on the channel "Russia". The ex-girlfriend of the actor Daria Egorova also believes that Vasily simply could not stand the increased attention to his person, and the world of parties was alien to him. “From the epic, which lasted for a year and a half of filming, I still can’t come to my senses and believe that all this is finally over. During the filming, we were constantly watched: they took pictures of me in a dressing gown while I was on a smoke break, and they filmed naked, somehow penetrating into the dressing room. I will recuperate and find something to do in the next five years. For example, restoring my hair after the stupid one that I did in the "Island". Vasily Stepanov On the advice of Vladimir Poglazov, who taught with Stepanov at the Shchukin School, the young man went to the neurosis clinic. When the actor was offered to star in the series in the title role, a blood clot suddenly broke off from him. Stepanov was urgently hospitalized and rescued, but he had to refuse filming. In addition, information appeared in the media that Stepanov had problems with alcohol.

In August 2009, Stepanov became the face of the Attraction project, a novel published by the Eksmo publishing house. In 2011, he was the host of the musical entertainment program “Long time no see!” on the TV Center channel. He played in the play "Veronica Decides to Die" based on the novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho at the Yuri Vasiliev Theater, but left the project a few months later; also played the role of Edward (the role of a dumb schizophrenic). He was also noted for his participation in the films "Insured event", "Kiss of Socrates", "Near football". That's all his work after a high-profile debut. “The only thing I could do after the picture “Inhabited Island” was to play roles. I starred in several projects, went to Ukraine and Belarus, and then in Saratov I starred in an advertisement for sausage. There were a lot of actors from the Saratov theater, I was personally introduced to all of them, we shook hands. And these shootings are vanity of vanities. I have no desire to continue working in this area.” Vasily Stepanov Personal life

Vasily Stepanov met Daria Egorova for several years, lived together for two years, and the actor even proposed to the girl, but the wedding never followed. The couple broke up due to Vasya's health problems. Egorova claims that the actor himself refused roles: “When we were together, Vasya was a very popular actor. He had many offers from worthy directors. He himself refused them. And now he is invited to appear, but he rejects the proposals. Doesn't even read. He just says no, that's all. And then, for some reason, he says everywhere that they forgot about him. I took care of Vasya's health for five years. I had strong feelings for Stepanov, I went to hospitals with him, took him to psychologists. Doctors diagnosed him with manic depression. Today, Vasya's mother has forgotten this and blames me for all his troubles. Actress Daria Egorova, former girlfriend of Stepanov

The actor's mother, Lyudmila Stepanova, really accused her son's ex-girlfriend of indifference: “When misfortune happened to him, she did not ring the bells. She herself took Vasya to the clinic and left him at the last stage, ”the woman said. After that, Stepanov did not have a serious relationship. He himself says that the point is in his disorder and lack of money: “There is nothing in my personal life - I am now alone. I never got married, I no longer rent an apartment and moved back to my parents. Girls need stability, they tell me: “You either work, or you don’t work, that is, you have money, then you don’t have money, so I don’t want to meet you. I want to live together, buy a car, go to the store together, but you haven’t taken place yet in life.” And I spent all the money that I earned in cafes, in movies. I didn't even buy anything for myself. Everything went to entertainment. I spent it on food, on a buffet at the university - I ate there 3-4 times a day, because from all these stresses I was terribly hungry. I ate just for five, I had no other choice. So I didn’t go further than the cafe. I sometimes suggest that my friends meet, have a drink, at least a beer. But they all have wives, children, they are busy with their families. I still don't have a family." Vasily Stepanov Washing trolleybuses The family tried to persuade Stepanov to go to work, but he did not have enough strength and self-confidence to go to auditions again. The former debutant did not have a permanent job, he decided to put an end to acting work and began to look for work in other areas. To pay the actor a psychiatrist and pills, his parents took out a loan in the amount of about half a million rubles. Vasily needed to help them pay off their debt, and he looked for work wherever he could: at some point, he even washed trolleybuses at night. He was not taken even by a policeman and a salesman in a household appliances store for fear that they would rush to him for autographs. Posted by Vasily Stepanov (@vasiliystepanov_official) Aug 3 2016 at 5:16 PDT In 2015, Stepanov was again offered to star in the series, but it did not work out: the actor had a blood clot in his left leg, and he was saved only by a timely operation . Due to professional sports in his youth, Stepanov developed problems with blood vessels, he even underwent surgery on his leg like a bypass, but due to prolonged depression, he stopped doing health work, which led to complications. In 2016, Vasily turned 30 years old, he celebrated the anniversary with his parents in Khrushchev. The actor complained to journalists that he could not find a job: “I was at a bunch of castings, but they don’t take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything calmed down. I was offered to shoot in a video clip in Germany, but, unfortunately, I did not have a foreign passport, and connections to get it in three days, too. I am looking for any job, I even tried to get a job with the police. A new project and a new failure At the end of 2016, Vasily finally started acting for the first time in many years - he took part in the historical project of Alexei Pimanov "Tankers" and was very inspired by this work, he even began to lead instagram. Posted by Vasily Stepanov (@vasiliystepanov_official) Oct 20, 2016 at 5:01 pm PDT However, in December, shortly before the New Year, Stepanov slipped on the stairs and broke two vertebrae, which forced the shooting to be postponed. “Walked, fell, open fracture. Then he ended up in the hospital. I wasn't drunk. Previously lay on psychosomatics. I was supposed to have an operation, but for some reason it was postponed, ”said the artist.

The younger brother of the actor Maxim Stepanov explained: “We ourselves don’t understand how it is possible to fall like that ... But the doctors have already given a consoling forecast, my brother will walk. But the rehabilitation period is likely to be long, from three to six months. And we, of course, will be grateful for any financial support.” Jump from the window A source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti that the incident occurred on Monday. According to him, the actor fell from a small height - from about the third floor. The fact of the accident in the house on Davydkovskaya Street was confirmed by the press service of the capital's department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, they refused to name the victim. “Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... It’s only a pity that he let people down with the shooting, missed the deadlines, ”said Vasily Life. Vasily says that he jumped from the third floor, but his neighbors are sure that the actor jumped from the fifth floor of the apartment in which he lives. The actor himself explains: “I was given the necessary medical care, but the psychiatrist recommended next time to choose a higher floor. The impression was that I was attracting attention to myself, but this is far from the case. ” Posted by Vasily Stepanov (@vasiliystepanov_official) Oct 5, 2016 at 12:43 pm PDT According to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Vasily is now in the Alekseev neurosis clinic, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Stepanov will be treated for at least a month if his relatives do not take him home on their own responsibility. Maxim Stepanov assured journalists that he and his mother would look after Vasily in turn. He is optimistic: “He will heal before the wedding. Until his next career, everything will be fine, he will be ready for creativity. I talk to him every day, but I try not to raise this question - why? I asked, he replied: "That's how it happened." Alive, healthy, and thank God! Thank you. He has a guardian angel, you see, guarding him. It will also run and jump. Everything is fine". Publication from Lena Lenina (@lenaleninaofficial) Apr 12 2017 at 12:11 PDT The artist's friend Lena Lenina wrote words of regret and support to the Stepanov family on her Instagram: “After a spinal injury, he lay in the hospital for a long time, and the state of constant pain made his existence unbearable. He wanted to end his life. And left the window of his apartment. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, he did not succeed, and he survived, but was very badly injured. But it is difficult to list all the harm that he did to himself, it is easier to say that he did not break. His poor mother! His poor dad, Sergei Vasilievich, who courageously bears all the problems of the family on his shoulders! His poor brother Maxim, who, although the youngest, always took care of his brother like an elder. And even poorer Vasya himself, who, with unearthly beauty and great success, was broken by the glory that fell upon him. Now he will forever remain disabled. His friends will try to help him and grieve that they were not there at that tragic moment when he stepped out of the window. Courage to Vasya and his long-suffering family! And I will not be horrified to imagine him in a wheelchair! I will always remember him dancing lightly with me at a housewarming party visiting my mother in Marseille on the Kaluga Highway in a beautiful tuxedo!”

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A 31-year-old handsome blond man with bright blue eyes, who became famous after the release of Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Inhabited Island", fell out of the window of the 3rd floor of the "Khrushchev" in the Fili-Davydkovo area. The incident happened on Monday morning. Vasily Stepanov was taken to the Botkin hospital, where doctors diagnosed a broken leg, right shoulder and numerous bruises.

My brother has already been discharged. He is at home, although in a cast, the district police officer came to see him, - the younger Stepanov, Maxim, told us rather optimistically. - There is no re-fracture of the pelvis, fortunately. He received a spinal injury in December and healed it. The main thing is that Vasya is alive.

What made you take this step? On the Web they write about unhappy love, lack of demand in the profession, depression ...

I can't find an explanation for what happened. Write that there was no reason for suicide. And Dasha Egorova (an actress who gained fame after the series "Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maidens", who allegedly had an affair with Stepanov - ed.) has nothing to do with it. Creative lack of demand? Also past. Vasya really did not act in film for a long time. But at the end of last year he was invited to the series "Tankers". Everything was fine, if not for a fracture of the pelvis (in December, the actor returned home on ice, slipped on the steps and fell, hitting his spine hard. As a result, a fracture of the hip bone and two vertebrae. After a month of strict bed rest, Vasily learned to walk again - Ed. ).

Actor in the film "Inhabited Island" directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk.

- How does Vasily feel now?

A little depressed, but holding on. He is a strong, real man. Vasya is a trusting, sympathetic, very bright person. He could not buy himself a normal apartment, because many people took advantage of his kindness ... But he will cope with the problems. Fractures will heal before marriage. When I found out that my brother had fallen out of the window, I was afraid that he had broken his spine again. Thank God, the spine is fine. Everything will return to normal, Vasya will begin career growth. You will see: he will get better, everything will be fine.

Vasily Stepanov was taken to the Botkin hospital, where doctors diagnosed a broken leg, right shoulder and numerous bruises. Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication in the social network

Please write that we are grateful to the people who helped when our family had financial problems.

KP wrote that Vasily Stepanov was suffering from a severe form of depression. Due to the lack of demand in the cinema, the actor even worked part-time as a loader, a night trolleybus washer. To help their son, his parents took out a loan of half a million rubles. One session with a famous psychiatrist cost 10 thousand rubles. The family has accumulated debts. This made the depression even worse. Perhaps the streak of bad luck chasing the "Inhabited Island" star provoked this desperate move. True, the brother of the actor Maxim assures that Vasily coped with depression.

Yesterday it became known that the star of "Inhabited Island", 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, was taken to the hospital with numerous fractures and bruises after falling from the fifth floor. According to media reports, the actor himself jumped out of the window of his apartment in Moscow.

Shot from the film "Inhabited Island"

The former lover of the actor, actress Daria Egorova, shared with Life.ru that she saw him for the last time before the fall, when Vasily broke his spine: “I saw him for the last time a month ago when he was in the hospital with a broken spine. And he was in a great mood. He didn't even lay down, but sat quietly. With such injuries, it is impossible to sit. Therefore, I no longer believe in all this. This is what his mother comes up with to get their attention back. I'm about to find out if he really jumped out of the window, but I doubt it. If this is true, then he did it out of weakness. If a person commits such a sin, it means that he is weak and does not want to fight.”


Vasily's younger brother Maxim Stepanov told KP.ru reporters about his condition: “My brother has already been discharged. He is at home, although in a cast, the district policeman came to see him. Fortunately, there is no re-fracture of the pelvis. He received a spinal injury in December, and it healed. The main thing is that Vasya is alive.

Maxim also added that his brother had no reason to commit suicide: “I can’t find an explanation for what happened. He is a strong, real man. He can deal with problems. Fractures will heal before marriage. When I found out that my brother had fallen out of the window, I was afraid that he had broken his spine again. Thank God, the spine is fine. Everything will return to normal, Vasya will begin his career growth. You'll see, he'll get better, everything will be fine."

Recently, Vasily himself commented on his act: “No one pushed me ... Now I’m fine, they put a plaster cast on me and let me go home ... It’s a pity that I let people down, missed the deadlines - I’m scheduled for May and April to finish filming in the film“ Taxi Drivers ”, and also shooting in the project of Natalia Verevkina, where I was approved for the main role ... It is a pity that this accident interrupted the preparation for the roles.

It turned out that the story did not end there - according to MK.ru, after Stepanov was released home from the hospital, he began to complain of chest pains. The ambulance team that arrived noted Vasily's inappropriate behavior and diagnosed him with schizophrenia. Stepanov was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, where he will have a long treatment if his relatives do not take him under their own responsibility.

Recall that after the stunning success in the fantastic film by Fyodor Bondarchuk, Stepanov became perhaps the most popular artist in the country. However, fame played a cruel joke with him: the actor stopped getting roles.

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