Is it possible to apply for a sole proprietorship for two? Legal ways to register a joint business. How to apply for an IP for two people


Doing business is a complex and responsible procedure. Most often, in order to open a business, a future entrepreneur needs to enlist the support of a partner and open a separate enterprise, which will be formalized for two. Small business owners prefer to open an individual entrepreneur, since in this case the entire procedure for starting a business will be greatly simplified - no additional reporting in the form of accounting will be required, and the founder can also choose the optimal regime for established taxation. That is why many novice business figures are interested in the question of how to open an IP for two.

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Individual entrepreneurial activity is fully regulated by the legislation on state registration of legal entities, as well as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and separate regulations approved by a government decision. The general status of the selected activity can only be formalized in a standard legislative manner.

Important! The question of whether it is possible to issue an IP for two at once has not yet been considered by the government. A separate type of business must be registered for each participant.

Individual entrepreneurial activity, regulated by law, assumes that registration, as well as organization of activities in any chosen area of ​​income generation, will be carried out only for one individual. Therefore, at the official level, it will not work to issue an IP for two.

Since an individual entrepreneur is not a legal entity, as well as any LLC organization, formal registration of this type of activity cannot be carried out for two. IP offers full legalization of individual business activities, therefore, in this case, the entire registration procedure is documented by one person in his own name. But there are some nuances of this provision - in the application that the entrepreneur pre-registers, you can indicate several options for possible activities at once, so there is no need to register a second business as an individual entrepreneur.

Many business owners produce IP registration, designed for two on an illegal basis - formally, one person is a business participant, but business is carried out on a partnership basis. In this case, cooperation is possible only if both business partners trust each other - one of them works as an unofficial employee, the other handles all the paperwork, puts a personal signature, and also pays all existing tax obligations.

This activity is associated with a high risk, especially for a partner who is not officially registered and is the owner of the business only in fact. That is why most often this type of business is suitable for relatives - most often individual entrepreneurs for two people at once are registered by persons who have family ties, as well as good friends.

Each participant in this type of business activity is exposed to the following risks:

  • the entrepreneur risks his own property;
  • the co-owner of the organized activity does not have legal rights to entrepreneurship, therefore, at any time, he may be left without profit;
  • an unofficial co-owner, receiving actual profit, can be punished at the state level for non-payment of taxes.

If, nevertheless, a decision is made to register an IP illegally for two people, running a joint business will require prior approval of the distribution of profits, as well as a detailed collection of initial capital and additional documentation. After writing applications in the prescribed form and obtaining permission to organize business activities, a registered entrepreneur needs to register with the tax office in a short time.

Options for opening a joint IP

For citizens who decide to open a business together, there is an opportunity to receive some guarantees - this is the only way some risks for an unofficial business partner will be reduced. There is a legal way to formalize this type of partnership - the creation of a partnership (an IP for two will be legalized in this case). In this case, it is not required to register a legal entity, but it is necessary that both partners individually have the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Standard registration involves the signing of a simple partnership agreement, which details the rules established by law for conducting organizational business activities. The document details the rights and obligations of both parties and additionally highlights the general parameters for the distribution of all existing income.

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Conducting a joint business involves a serious responsibility for each participant, since the rights of both parties are affected. The form of entrepreneurial activity in this case can be organized using other options.

Other joint business options

If neither party wants to put themselves at risk, and registration of a joint individual entrepreneurship is not possible, there are other optimal options for starting a business in which two persons will participate. It is possible to create a limited liability company, a special joint-stock company, as well as a separate economic partnership. One of the most common forms is an LLC, during the registration of which an honest distribution of profits is made between all participants, taking into account existing capital investments.

Each of the co-owners has an officially registered status, which will completely reduce all existing financial risks. Additionally, a corporate agreement is drawn up, which fully regulates the rights, as well as the main obligations of all parties involved in the business.

The only nuance that an LLC involves is a rather lengthy and difficult process of completing all the documentation. It will be difficult for partners to reach full agreement on the management of the established enterprise. In the event that the joint activity for the development of any business option is terminated, both participants can act independently - the total profit will be distributed in detail to a personal account in proportion to the individual contribution of each participant in the common cause.

Another form of entrepreneurship that can be registered for two people is an economic partnership. This option is a new form of doing business and has a specific registration procedure. Partners organizing a joint business do not need to register an IP - general registration is carried out in almost the same manner as for standard corporations. The difference lies in the closed nature of the general agreement of management activities, there is also a ban on organizing any advertising of ongoing activities. Some restrictions are possible - partners cannot issue bonds, as well as directly participate in any organizations and partnerships.

This type of activity is not regulated by the government at the official level, so the question of whether it is possible to issue an IP for two remains open to many business start-ups. If it is planned to create a large business that guarantees high income, it is best for entrepreneurs to create a joint-stock company, the regulations of which provide for the division of the total capital into shares in the authorized capital. The profit of each business participant will directly depend on the total number of individual shares.

The organization of this variant of business relations will be most beneficial for two participants at once, since the legalization of many types of activities is sufficiently expanded and the official “share” of each of the parties is registered in the general constituent documents (detailed information is displayed in the official memorandum of association). Additionally, the documentation prescribes the distribution of all officially received profits - this can significantly secure each holder of such a business option.

Thus, only one person can officially register an individual entrepreneur - an individual has the right to become the manager of his own business and bear full financial responsibility on an individual basis. If the activity is carried out by two persons on an informal basis, the second participant does not receive any financial guarantees. This option of organizing a partner business is illegal - participants can receive a significant fine and problems with the law for non-payment of mandatory tax deductions. Significant risks can be borne by both parties who are participants in this type of business. If the overall activity turns out to be completely unprofitable, the registered business participant will incur additional financial losses.

Good day to all! Looking through the materials already published on the site the other day, I came up with the idea that for the successful start of a new project, many of us may simply not have enough start-up business capital. Despite this fact, I personally know many people who would be only too happy to profitably place their accumulated savings.

Of course, there is an alternative called “bank deposit”, but there is also a certain risk there, and you won’t earn much on a deposit. Here in this case there is a docking of the two sides, both of which are united by a common vector - how to make money.

Suppose you have already thought about this topic, but have not made a final decision for yourself. Let's take a closer look at what a business for two is, the pros and cons of such a project, as well as its feasibility and organizational difficulties.

As in every business, in a joint business, partners are warned of their own characteristics, which should be prepared for. But I will start, nevertheless, with the advantages that distinguish a business for two:

  • Reducing the initial investment for . It is clear that the easiest way is to register a business alone, hire staff yourself and collect the cream. But in our time, even for ordinary trading, a certain capital is needed, which will allow you to stay afloat and not burn out in the near future. And for some business dollars
  • Reduction of risks, which are divided proportionally among all participants. This is especially true for new lines of business, and in cases where participants do not have full-fledged experience as a merchant
  • Savings on wages at the initial stage. It often happens that the invested funds are only enough to organize a business, and there is no longer enough money to hire several people. So the companions have to spin on their own. But doing it together is much faster and more efficient. Take, for example, the same controlling organizations and funds - how many of them you need to run around in order to obtain permits. This can help optimize business costs at the initial stage of the project.
  • "One head it's good, but two better". Together it is easier to overcome the first failures and figure out how to counteract the same inspection bodies. What does not come to one's mind, the second partner will tell. After all, no one is immune from difficulties, and creative ideas do not come to mind every day.

This also includes mutual psychological support of partners. The first failures can easily undermine self-confidence. In this case, one of the partners can successfully lend a shoulder to the other. The feeling that there is a partner next to you who is no less interested in the success of the common business than you can be great, no matter what.

What should be feared by future partners

At the same time, I would like to highlight the following main problems that await partners in a joint business:

  1. The sense of ownership becomes more vague. To understand what this leads to, it is enough to recall the Soviet era with its principle "Everything around is collective farm, everything around is mine." Of course, this does not happen in every joint project, but it is absolutely clear on a psychological level that the more owners there are, the more difficult it is to consider yourself a full-fledged owner. As a result, there is a loss of interest in their offspring and the potential collapse of the business model.
  2. Difficulties in management. As soon as there is more than one owner, everyone begins to pretend to be a kind of professional manager and business executive. Everyone is trying to impose their point of view on what should be effective business processes and communications in the team. Gradually, forces are invested not in the development of the case, but in the tug of war. The problem of “how to be in charge” is inherent in most joint projects, and few manage to get out of it with dignity.
  3. Deterioration of personal relationships. Unfortunately, the well-known parable on the topic of how to make an enemy out of a friend by lending him money is shown here in all its ins and outs. Moreover, conflicts can arise when the first difficulties arise, as well as with the first successes of the enterprise. For this reason, it is best to start a joint business not with a relative or friend, but with a stranger. In any case, relations in such a situation can not be sought to be preserved.
  4. The issue of profit sharing. Despite the apparent simplicity, not only losses quarrel partners, but also a positive financial result. In fact, if the business begins to bear fruit, then involuntarily there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the fact that you have to share money with someone else. In other words, you will receive only half of the profit, and not all of it, and this, in its own way, must also be able to survive.

Procedural tricks of setting up a business for two

Now let's talk about how to arrange a joint business, and what pitfalls exist here. The simplest is the registration of individual entrepreneurship, but this form provides only sole participation in the business from a legal point of view. If one of the partners trusts the other enough, then this method has the right to life.

Another thing is that you need to somehow secure your start-up capital. A loan agreement will come to the rescue, which is concluded between two equal persons. Such an agreement must be drawn up for each deposited amount of start-up capital. In this case, the second participant, the one for whom the business is not registered, will be able to claim at least compensation for their initial investments.

A slightly more complicated, but also safer way is to register both partners as entrepreneurs. Further, they enter into a partnership agreement between themselves, which may be referred to as an "agreement on the conduct of joint activities." It prescribes all the necessary rules that relate to the rights and obligations of each participant, the authority to manage the project, and the distribution of profits.

The disadvantage of this path is the need to submit reports and pay taxes in double size. But on the other hand, each of the participants will have full-fledged guarantees of security and financial responsibility, and this costs much more.

It is even better to follow the path of registration and creation of a joint company, for example, a limited liability company (LLC). Of course, it makes sense to register an enterprise for 2 founders at once, and not for one. If the registration of a business is carried out only for one of the partners, then he will have the rights solely. If any problems arise, it will be virtually impossible to prove anything to the second of the private traders.

So, both participants draw up a memorandum of association, which specifies the participation of each of them in the form of cash contributions, contributed assets, as well as their shares. The contract is sealed by the signatures of both partners and has quite significant legal force. Depending on the contributed start-up capital, each of the participants will own a certain percentage of the ownership of the business.

How to amicably disperse companions

Another interesting and important point is how to divide an existing business into two. Such a need may arise regardless of whether things are going well or not. When the partners have decided to part, it is important to correctly divide the assets and existing losses.

The greatest difficulties arise precisely in the division of losses, since this is what everyone will have “in the red”, but not “in the black”. The most loyal way is that both participants sit down at the negotiating table and agree amicably. Because otherwise you will have to go to the judiciary.

Raise all the agreements concluded at the initial stage. Assess the degree of participation of each of the parties proportionally and in monetary terms. If a particular property has been contributed as assets and it has been preserved, then the question of its right holder should not be raised at all.

The contract could contain a clause on the return of capital after the development of the project. Pay attention also to the points in which the powers of each of the parties were regulated. All this can be reduced to a mathematical component and evaluated in monetary terms, which will help participants exit the business with minimal losses.

Friends, I hope you could benefit from this material. Finally, I note that a joint business with another person is best done if you have the same views on the principles of doing business. And I’ll also say that without decent relationships that are built on mutual respect, a long-term business for two cannot be built. Therefore, carefully approach the choice of your companion. Subscribe to our news and stay up to date with the most useful information from the world of business and finance. See you!

An individual entrepreneur is understood as an individual engaged in any kind of entrepreneurial activity. Making an IP is much easier than registering an LLC, and closing it in case of failure will not be difficult. Plus, all the proceeds will be only at the disposal of the businessman, and there is much less trouble with taxes. That is why some groups of entrepreneurs start their business under one individual entrepreneur. So is it possible to issue an IP for two?

Sole proprietorship with one owner

Officially, only one person can act as an individual entrepreneur, if there are two or more owners, it is necessary to open an LLC. But there is an option - to open an IP for one of the owners. This option is dangerous for a person who will not go through the documents as a co-owner of the business, because he will only be an unspoken partner of the institution. Most often, relatives or friends who are confident in each other decide on this. However, even in this case, problems may arise when the business smells of the first major income. Usually at this moment there is someone who considers the division of funds in equal shares unfair, because he has invested more effort or money in the business. And then not family ties, not long friendships will not protect an unregistered partner from losing their share. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to register each receipt of funds from a “non-existent” founder in a loan agreement between two individuals.

To open an IP for one of the partners, you must fully trust each other

In case of strained relations, loan receipts will help return the invested funds to the co-owner. Of course, this is not half of the business, whose income can be ten times greater, but at least something. Unfortunately, according to the law, the unofficial co-owner will not be able to get anything else.

The danger of the official business owner lies in the fact that in the event of the collapse of the institution, it is he and his property that fall under all the debts. That is, in the case of large debts, an individual entrepreneur may lose all his movable and immovable property, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. At this time, the "invisible partner" comes out unscathed, as he had no official relation to the business. Therefore, when choosing the option of registering an IP for one of the entrepreneurs, you need to be absolutely sure that the partner will not deceive you and will not leave you.

partnership agreement

A less dangerous type of partnership is the conclusion of a “simple partnership” agreement. The essence of this method of cooperation is that both entrepreneurs are registered as individual entrepreneurs, and after that they conclude an agreement on joint activities. The contract prescribes the rights and obligations of both parties, which may be more than two, the conditions for the division of profits between the parties.

The advantage of the model is that entrepreneurs do not depend on each other, their profits are divided according to the partnership agreement, so in case of a conflict, you can safely leave, taking your funds. However, the main disadvantage of such an agreement is double reporting, since the partners will report both on their own activities (income and expenses) and on the activities of the partnership.

The ideal partnership is a partnership of two individual entrepreneurs

This may seem like a complicated bureaucratic process, but in the case of a simple partnership agreement, entrepreneurs pay taxes for themselves, which significantly increases costs compared to a single individual entrepreneur. But there is a positive side to this moment, in case of disagreement - the partnership can be liquidated and nothing to lose, so double taxation may not be the worst option.

As we can see, only one person can act as an individual entrepreneur, if two individuals open a legal entity for one of the partners, both of them seriously risk their money and property. To avoid losses, you can register a simple partnership agreement, falling under double taxation, or register an LLC and sleep peacefully.

No friendship or even family ties can guarantee reliability in business.

Opening LLC

The best way to start a joint business is to register an LLC. Firstly, because an LLC allows you to register all co-owners in the constituent documents, indicating the share in the authorized capital of each. This will protect all partners from a legal point of view from unforeseen redistribution of shares and profits. It will also limit the liability of the founders for the debts of the company, since in the event of a collapse, only the property of the company will be at risk.

The procedure for registering an LLC is a little more complicated than an individual entrepreneur, as it includes the preparation of constituent documents, various decisions, orders, and opening a current account with a seal. However, for a joint business, this form of legal entity is the most suitable option. Even in a limited liability company, there is an opportunity to save on paying taxes and mandatory contributions.

And doing business as an individual entrepreneur is safe and profitable only if the entrepreneur is actually an individual. In this case, he himself is responsible for his actions, conducts activities solely for personal profit.

If you intend to conduct business together with a partner, then take care of the form of business relations in advance. Perhaps, registration will require more time and in the future you will have to spend money on taxes, but, nevertheless, in case of misunderstandings with a partner, you will always be insured and will be able to keep your investment and share in the business. The above options for doing business are good in their own way, but before you save on taxes and come up with workarounds, think about what the consequences of such a scam can be.

To paraphrase an old joke, we can say: since it is formally impossible to issue an IP for two, but if you want, you can. The ways of business are inscrutable. The legislator, by encouraging entrepreneurial activity, provides opportunities. Not directly, sometimes indirectly. There are options, and each carries not only benefits, but also risks. Nothing can be done, business is a risky business.

Registration for one person

Individual entrepreneurship is at the lowest rung of commercial activity and, like a living organism, develops from simple to complex. Two people met, each has experience, qualifications, one has the means, the other has a room or equipment. Alone, neither one nor the other will pull their business, why don't they unite to open an IP for two? Together, it’s not so scary to take the first step.

And here comes the first problem. IP means "individual entrepreneur", in the singular. The form of activity of a loner for the extraction of income or material benefits, while without forming a legal entity. It is issued for one person who bears the burden of responsibility and receives remuneration if his goods and services are in demand by consumers. How to open an IP for two with such an apparent dead end?

The way out suggests itself: register for one. This is possible when partners trust each other. Close people or true friends decide on this form. Those who have family or friendly relations at a level where everything is done together and openly. Patriarchal type of farming. Many started and successfully developed a business in this way, not even for two, but for three or more partners, because the benefits are obvious:

  • business is run by several people - taxes and mandatory payments to the Pension Fund and Compulsory Health Insurance Fund from one;
  • minimization of reporting and document flow;
  • ease of management and relative freedom of partners.

Ideal relationships are found in works of art, sometimes they are found in life, but business is inherently conflict. Structures based on full trust do not last long. They are destroyed by 2 types of tests: excessive profits or devastating losses. Partners should prepare in advance.

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How to protect family and friends

When there is a conflict of interest, inequality arises. The person to whom the business is registered has all the rights, up to the liquidation of the enterprise. He can solve any financial, organizational or production issue without taking into account the opinion of the second partner. This means that at the very beginning the second participant must take care of protecting his interests. And not only theirs. Each of us is not alone, but is bound by obligations to many people. These are direct heirs, dependents, elderly parents. Their well-being must be ensured in any life situation, including the loss of a breadwinner or the loss of his ability to work.

There is a way out, and not one, here is a short list of possible options:

  1. Registration of an employment contract, in which the individual entrepreneur becomes an employer and bears his responsibility to the second participant - an employee.
  2. IOU for the amount that the second partner invests in production.
  3. Transfer of property and other assets of the IP to the second participant as a pledge guaranteeing his rights.
  4. An agreement on material maintenance in the event of certain circumstances, life, health, business insurance in favor of the second partner.

There may be other types of contractual legal relations, only all of the above complicates the relationship and does not give a full guarantee.

Litigation always runs the risk of declaring agreements as sham deals, rendering them legally null and void.

In the same way, the creation of an individual entrepreneur, under the guise of which other commercial and legal activities were carried out, can be declared unlawful.

The idea to register for one, and to conduct business with a team of like-minded people, is very good and profitable if all risks are calculated and all parties keep their word and do not violate mutual agreements. The family business is usually based on this principle.

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Partnership as a guarantee

For two entrepreneurs leading a common cause, there is another great form of cooperation. Each of them draws up their own IP, after which they conclude a partnership agreement. Art. 1041 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides such an opportunity. It clearly and in detail formulates the procedure and conditions for creating a simple partnership, when several persons are united for entrepreneurial or other activities without forming a legal entity. But at the same time, they must all be either individual entrepreneurs or commercial organizations.

In this case, each IP determines its material part in the common cause:

  • cash;
  • material values;
  • intangible assets (business reputation, professional level, connections, etc.).

The assessment of the contribution of each participant is determined by the agreement of the parties. The size of the contribution is the distribution of profits from joint activities. Organizationally, each of the partners is a full member of the partnership, and in the event of termination of cooperation, it can act independently.

The main disadvantages of such a combination compared to the first option are:

  • double expenses for registration of two individual entrepreneurs;
  • reporting by each entrepreneur on independent activities;
  • payment of taxes and mandatory payments by each individual entrepreneur;
  • reporting within the partnership with the payment of their taxes and fees.

You have to pay for everything, for the guarantee of the safety of your contribution to the common cause, too. A simple partnership is suitable for those who have already gained experience by running their own business, have learned the intricacies of tax legislation and are able to optimize tax deductions when creating a partnership.

Sometimes one business is not enough. Then there is the issue of doing two things. Professional lawyers know whether it is possible to open 2 individual entrepreneurs or not. However, this does not mean that ordinary people will not be able to understand this issue. It is enough just to spend a little time in order to independently understand whether it is possible to open two individual entrepreneurs.

Optimal conditions

Sole Proprietorship is one of the most popular and legitimate business methods. One person can open only 1 enterprise, so the question of whether it is possible to open a second IP is given a negative answer. And in this case there are absolutely no exceptions. Instead, it will be possible to include one more type of activity in the register, which, in principle, is equivalent to one more individual entrepreneur.

However, opening an IP correctly is also an art. There is nothing complicated in this, but all actions should be performed in accordance with an established algorithm. Almost any person who has reached the legal age and does not have an outstanding criminal record will be able to register an IP.

But even in this rule there are exceptions that make it possible to understand that it is possible to open 2 individual entrepreneurs and people under the age of 18. This is done on the basis of the following provisions:

  • valid permission from parents;
  • the presence of a spouse;
  • certificate of legal capacity obtained in court.

In addition, even a foreigner will be able to register an IP, but for this he must have a valid residence permit and a migration card. Meanwhile, with the apparent loyalty of the law, there are also groups of persons who are prohibited from opening IP. Among them are:

  • people in public service;
  • military;
  • foreigners who do not have a residence permit or a migration card.

You should not chase the quantity and think for a long time about how to open 2 IPs. It would be much more reasonable to fully delve into the issue and open 1 IP, but only one that will bring real benefits. Those who act thoughtlessly are more likely to be doomed to failure.

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Instructions for opening an IP

To date, there are only 2 ways to open an IP: simple and complex.

The first implies that a person comes to the appropriate office, where he simply explains his desires to a specialist.

Further, everything happens without the participation of an individual. This option, of course, is good because it saves a lot of time. However, for the services rendered, you will have to pay a tidy sum.

Another, more economical option is self-registration, on the basis of which you can gain invaluable experience in interacting with government agencies. Here you need to stock up on time and, most importantly, patience. State inspectors do not always welcome everyone who wants to join the ranks of entrepreneurs in a friendly and cordial manner. Therefore, it will take some time before the registration of IP takes place.

The first stage before registration is the choice of the main activities. At first, it is desirable to limit ourselves to a few basic options. If it turns out that something else is needed, in the future it will be possible to expand its activities somewhat. There is no problem in this. The next thing to do is to choose a taxation system. It can be 6% tax on income or 15% minus expenses. For entrepreneurs with large turnovers, the second option is clearly preferable.

After all the previous steps have been completed, you can begin to collect documents. Copies and original of the passport, TIN, receipt of payment of the state fee and the application for registration of an individual - this is the list of papers that everyone who goes for registration must have with them. And then it just takes time.

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