Doctors barely saved the ex-lover Dana Borisova. Dana Borisova's new relationship turned out to be a well-thought-out PR novel


More recently, TV presenter Dana Borisova delighted fans with romantic pictures with her new chosen one, hockey player Alexander Morozov, but the apparent fairy tale and idyll turned out to be just a well-planned PR stunt - as it turned out, the stars never had feelings for each other, and the relationship was “played out” for the sake of mutual benefits.

A source close to Dana Borisova told Life that the actress and athlete faked their love. The insider said that the woman was well paid for having an affair with Morozov and attending social events together. The actress received money even for interviews about the wedding, romantic photo shoots and frank confessions of feelings.

It turned out that Morozov's expensive gift to his beloved, a car for five million, was also a hoax. Borisova boasted about the present to her fans and praised her chosen one in every possible way, but in fact the iron horse returned to the car dealership stall a few days after the “donation”. Danya did not manage to ride a foreign car, because in this way Morozov only promoted the brand of the car for a fee from the manufacturer.

The situation repeated itself with the ring that Morozov was supposed to give to Borisova for their alleged engagement. The decoration was bought and the couple even gave an interview on the air of one of the TV shows, but again everything turned out to be fiction. The ring was returned to the store, and the fees received for live love confessions were divided unfairly - Dana received several thousand, and the hockey player dozens of times more. Offended by the greedy PR lover, the actress decided to break the contract and no longer deceive the public with her declarations of love.

Borisova repented of what happened and admitted that she really became a victim of scammers. “I have never been behind the wheel of this donated car. I don’t know how they will explain everything there, but personally I had feelings for Morozov at that time, not deep, but there were. In this story, I had only to hold the handle and faithfully look into the eyes, and I did it well. And then in the end it happened that the requirements on his part became somehow strange. He has a powerful press secretary "quack-quack", so she knows everything and rules everything, they, one might say, robbed me. I’m not going to make excuses to anyone, if everyone thinks that this is a PR novel, then please, but personally there were feelings on my part, but they trampled on them well for two months, ”said the star.

Recall that Dana Borisova was married only once - businessman Andrei Troshchenko became the chosen one of the sex symbol, the wedding with which took place in 2015. However, already in 2016, the actress announced a divorce. "Congratulate me on ending the only marriage of my life," Dana stunned fans when she posted on social media this March. Borisova illustrated the message about the divorce with a photograph from the wedding. Relations with hockey player Alexander Morozov began a few months later, but, as it turned out, turned out to be a dummy - an ordinary PR for the sake of money.

After the divorce, Dana Borisova announced that she would no longer flaunt her personal life, but recently photos with hockey player Alexander Morozov began to appear more and more often on her Instagram. Soon, the TV presenter announced that they were having an affair.

The blonde published romantic pictures with her beloved and showed off his expensive gifts. However, it turned out that their relationship was just PR. According to, Dana was offered a stable income for meeting Morozov, attending social events with him, posting joint photos on social networks. The TV presenter agreed.


Borisova said that her beloved gave her a luxurious Volvo car, but in fact, Alexander simply rented it for advertising purposes. The engagement ring that Morozov gave Dana also had to be returned to the store.

Everything went according to plan until Borisova waited for the promised fee for a pseudo-romance with a hockey player. The star refused to cooperate further with Alexander. It turned out that Morozov needed a relationship with the star to promote his hockey club "Komar" ("Team of Artists"), of which he is the producer.

According to Borisova herself, her romance with Alexander was not entirely a PR, because she really had feelings for him. “I have never been behind the wheel of this donated car. I don’t know how they will explain everything there, but personally I had feelings for Morozov at that time, not deep, but there were. In this story, I had only to hold the handle and faithfully look into the eyes, and I did it well. And then in the end it happened that the requirements on his part became somehow strange. He has a powerful press secretary "quack-quack", so she knows everything and rules everything, they, one might say, robbed me. I’m not going to make excuses to anyone, if everyone thinks this is a PR novel, then please, but personally there were feelings on my part, but they trampled on them well for two months, ”said the star.

In a close circle of Dana Borisova, they claim that her relationship with Alexander Morozov was clearly planned and even documented from the very beginning. When, according to the plan, the time came for generous gifts, Morozov began to have problems. For example, Dana never got behind the wheel of an expensive foreign car allegedly donated by Alexander. It turned out that the car was taken in a car dealership for a short period of time for advertising.


The same situation was repeated with the ring, which Morozov was supposed to present to Borisova on the air of one of the popular television shows. The most interesting thing is that both Alexander and Dana received a fee for participating in the filming, only the presenter got only a few miserable thousand, but the hockey player received more than 100. By the way, the ring then had to be returned to the store, notes.

As a result, when Dana Borisova did not wait for the promised reward, she stopped working with Alexander Morozov.

The journalists contacted the TV presenter to find out the details. “I have never driven this donated car. I don’t know how they will explain everything there, but personally I had feelings for Morozov at that time, not deep, but there were. In this story, I had only to hold the handle and faithfully look into the eyes, and I was good at it," said Borisova.

Then, according to Dana, Morozov's demands became "kind of strange." "He has a powerful press secretary "quack-quack", so she knows everything and rules everyone, they, one might say, robbed me. I'm not going to justify myself to anyone, if everyone thinks this is a PR novel, then please , but personally there were feelings on my part, but they trampled on them well for two months, "the TV presenter concluded.

Alexander Morozov was hospitalized. According to a friend of the hockey player Denis Matrosov, this was due to severe overwork. Now he warns his friends against overworking.

Last year, TV presenter Dana Borisova had a romantic relationship with hockey player Alexander Morozov. The souls in love doted on each other, but soon their idyll ended - the celebrity was invited to work in Hollywood. She could not refuse a tempting offer. The man set her a condition - either he or a career. Borisov was upset by the ultimatum of the chosen one, and the TV presenter chose to break off relations with the hockey player.


Alexander's friend, actor Denis Matrosov, is also fond of hockey and plays with him on the same team. The artist said that now the man is having a difficult period - he is trying with all his might to restore his health. The former lover of Dana Borisova is fighting for his life. His health deteriorated sharply due to excessive stress.

“Producer Sashka Morozov, the captain of the KomAr hockey team of artists, is now in a serious condition in the hospital, he was barely pumped out. And all because of the fact that earned. And he continued to walk on the ice, coughing and with a temperature ... He drank a pill and went ahead. They just pulled him out of the other world, ”said Matrosov.

After Alexander ended up in a hospital bed, he realized how necessary it is to maintain a balance between work and leisure. Now an acquaintance of Matrosov warns his friends not to repeat his mistakes and not to ignore the signals that the body gives, and also to avoid overwork.

“He wrote to me the other day: “Dinka, think about work, why the hell is it needed if we drive ourselves into a coffin with it? We do everything for children, for relatives, for parents. But do they need us there, or is it here, in this world? And I answered him: “Sasha, forgive me. But now you understand why I no longer had the strength to go to night training, ”said Denis.

However, there are too many things in the life of an actor that require constant attention from him. Now Matrosov is busy with his career, and therefore devotes a lot of time and effort to work. He is upset that he has to give up his favorite hobbies.

“So far, everything in my life is unsettled: I just created the Matrosov Theater, only now I am becoming a producer,” Denis admitted in an interview with Telenedelya. - With the advent of the theater and, as a result, responsibility for the team, which depends on me, on how I work, I could no longer afford to give all my best at night training. I really miss the team though."

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