All books about: “with baruzdin Sea dagger. Stories - Baruzdin S.A. When people rejoice


Meet in the middle of what? Saransk, Novosibirsk or Petrozavodsk??? While choosing, I can not understand what will be more convenient :(

Baruzdin S. Pioneer Svetlana. art.Bychkov M.A. Petrozavodsk Karelia 1982 23c softcover, regular format. Delivery within the Russian Federation is free (no extra charges)

Condition: satisfactory, no title page

Baruzdin S. Pioneer Svetlana. We read it ourselves. thin. Korovin O. M. D. L. 1978 32c softcover, slightly enlarged. format. Delivery within the Russian Federation is free (no extra charges)
(Seller: BS - Orlik, Karelia, Petrozavodsk.) Price 115 rubles. Order
Condition: good, stamp

Baruzdin S. Pioneer Svetlana. rice. Bychkov M. Petrozavodsk Karelia 1982 24s soft typ. format. Delivery within the Russian Federation is free (no extra charges)
(Seller: BS - Orlik, Karelia, Petrozavodsk.) Price 115 rubles. Order
Condition: choir

Baruzdin S. Svetlana is a pioneer. rice. Bychkov M. Petroz-k Karelia 1982 24s soft binding, usual Delivery in the Russian Federation is free (no additional payments)
(Seller: BS - Orlik, Karelia, Petrozavodsk.) Price 150 rubles. Order
Condition: choir

Baruzdin S.A. Svetlana is a pioneer. art.M.A.Bychkov M Children's literature 1978. 24s softcover, slightly less. format. Delivery within the Russian Federation is free (no extra charges)
(Seller: BS - Orlik, Karelia, Petrozavodsk.) Price 115 rubles. Order
Condition: chor.

Baruzdin S. Pioneer Svetlana. (Stories). Drawings by O. Korovin. M. Children's literature. 1978 32 p. Softcover, slightly enlarged format.
(Seller: BS - Kurenkovich, Saransk.) Price 65 rubles. Order
Stories about the life and study of a third grade girl. Series: Reading.
Condition: Excellent.

Baruzdin S. A. Svetlana-pioneer. Hood stories. Korovin O. Ser. we read ourselves M Det Lit 1978 32c Softcover, Regular size.
(Seller: BS - kilrO, Sortavala.) Price 115 rubles. Order
Condition: Almost good

Baruzdin S. Pioneer Svetlana. series Reading for yourself. M. Det.Lit. 1978 30s. softcover, enlarged format.
(Seller: BS - Vasilich, Moscow.) Price 10 rubles. Order
stories for children.hud.Korovin O.
Condition: good.

Baruzdin S. About different differences. Poems, stories, short stories, fairy tales. Drawings by R. Pavlov, S. Savochkin, R. Melnikov, A. Gilev, M. Tkachev, R. Gabrielyan, G. Filatov. Chelyabinsk South Ural book publishing house 1965 194 p. Hardcover, regular format.
(Seller: BS - Hobbit, Saratov.) Price 300 rubles. Order
The first edition of stories and poems by S. Baruzdin. Contents: The Tale of the Tram, Big Svetlana, Svetlana is a Pioneer, Svetlana is our Seidesh, Who is studying today, Ravi and Shashi, Poems about a camel, Behemoth, Hands, Misunderstanding, How Snowball got to India, Step by step, Alyoshka from our house , A fairy tale that never ends.
Condition: Satisfactory, also missing the last page with the output data and there are prints of the disbanded library.

Baruzdin S. About different differences. Poems, novels, short stories, fairy tales Chelyabinsk South Ural book publishing house 1965 196 pages hardcover, regular format.
(Seller: BS - ALEX-A, Perm.) Price 300 rubles. Order

Condition: good, bruised ribs

Baruzdin S. About different differences. Poems, stories, short stories, fairy tales. Chelyabinsk South Ural book publishing house 1965 194 p., illus. hardcover, regular format.
(Seller: BS - bergam, Mari El.) Price 300 rubles. Order
Contents: The Tale of the Tram, Big Svetlana, Svetlana is a Pioneer, Svetlana is our Seidesh, Who is studying today, Ravi and Shashi, Poems about a camel, Behemoth, Hands, Misunderstanding, How Snowball got to India, Step by step, Alyoshka from our house , A fairy tale that never ends. Drawings by R. Pavlov, S. Savochkin, R. Melnikov, A. Gilev, M. Tkachev, R. Gabrielyan, G. Filatov.
Condition: block - very good, binding - good, worn edges, dedicatory inscription on the flyleaf.
See: see

Baruzdin S. Svetlana is a pioneer. Series: Reading. Drawings by O. Korovin. m. Children's literature. 1978. 16 pp. ill. Publisher's soft cover Enlarged format.
(Seller: BS - gornitsa, Novosibirsk.) Price 100 rubles. Order
Story.. With black and white drawings.
Condition: Excellent.
See: see see
Children's literature: Fairy tales, poems and fables

Baruzdin S. Pioneer Svetlana. Hood. O. Korovin M. Children's literature 1978 32s. Softcover, slightly enlarged format.
(Seller: BS - Bansarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Sarov) Price 35 rubles. Order
Condition: Satisfactory

Goals and objectives

- to instill ethical qualities of a person - modesty, altruism, responsiveness.

preliminary work

Learning poems on the theme of the class hour.

Class hour progress

Reading and discussion of the story by S. Baruzdin "Sea Dagger"

Teacher. Listen to the story and think about what quality of character Svetlana possessed.

Svetlana has long dreamed of staying at home alone. She really wanted to be the boss herself, to tinker with Alyoshka, so that no one would interfere - neither mom, nor dad, nor grandmother.

Finally the evening came.

Grandmother went to the village for a few days, and dad and mom went to the theater.

Svetlana remained at home as the main mistress. I washed the dishes, swept the floor, watered the flowers and began to play with my brother.

“I wish you would, Alyoshka, grow up!” Svetlana says, repeating her mother's words. We'll send you to kindergarten. You know how good it is!

— Wu-u-u! - answered Alyoshka, as if agreeing: “Grow up, they say! I'll go!"

They played, and at nine o'clock, as my mother said, Sveta put her little brother to bed. She shook the bed, shook it - Alyoshka fell asleep.

Then Svetlana unpacked her bed and began to read.

Time passes quickly. Svetlana did not notice how the night had come: it was half past eleven.

It's time to go to bed. Mom and dad will be back soon.

She walked around the room once more, looked to see if everything had been tidied up, looked into the kitchen, and then remembered:

“And the trash can? Completely forgot. Gotta take it!"

Svetlana went up to Alyoshka - she was sleeping.

“I am now! Fast!"

She took a bucket and ran into the yard.

And it's dark outside today. The sky is covered with clouds, neither the moon nor the stars are visible. Only the light bulbs at the entrances of the house barely glow.

Svetlana walks along the garden.

Now turn around the corner of the house - and that's it: there are boxes for garbage under a canopy.

Here is the corner of the house. But what is it? There is a man on the sidewalk in front of her. From fear, Svetlana stopped. Her legs trembled, a chill ran down her back.

Svetlana looked around, wanted to call someone, but there was no one around.

And the person lies prone and does not move.

He has a marine uniform on. The sailor's cap flew off to the side. And next to it are a suitcase and a dark overcoat.

- Uncle! Uncle! What's wrong with you? Svetlana bent over the sailor.

The sailor did not answer, only groaned a little audibly. So the person is alive.

"Help! The man is here! Svetlana tried to shout, but her throat was seized with excitement.

And suddenly she realized:

- Wait, I'm now.,. Just don't die!

The man did not answer, and Svetlana, throwing the bucket, rushed home.

Forgetting everything in the world, even Alyoshka, she flew into the apartment, grabbed the telephone receiver and dialed the number.

- Ambulance, ambulance! she screamed until she heard: "The ambulance is listening...".

Only after she gave the address and a calm voice said to her, “The car is leaving,” Svetlana remembered Alyoshka. Luckily he was asleep.

- Look, don't wake up! - Sveta whispered and again ran into the yard.

The man was still on the ground.

Svetlana bent down, listened - a man was breathing. So he's alive.

“Be patient, be patient…” Sveta whispered. - Now everything will be fine! Just don't die!

“Why is it taking so long to get a car? How many minutes have passed? Five, maybe, maybe more? If only sooner!

A few more minutes passed, and finally, Svetlana heard the sound of a siren.

"Here you go! That's her..."

Two bright beams of light crashed into the darkness of the yard, behind them a car drove through the gate.

- Here! Quicker!

Svetlana rushed towards the car and began to show the way. Having rounded the garden, the car stopped. A doctor in a dressing gown came out of it with a small box in his hand. He bent over the sailor.

- Stretchers! Quicker! he ordered, standing up.

The orderly and the driver put the sailor on a stretcher and put them in the car.

"Here are your things, don't forget," said Svetlana, handing over the overcoat and cap to the orderly. - There's another suitcase ... Heavy ...

The orderly picked up the suitcase.

- He won't die? Svetlana asked the doctor.

“We'll try ... Thank you,” the doctor said already from the car. - Go!

The next day, Svetlana met Arkhipov in the yard.

Sveta greeted.

“Hello,” Andrey Andreevich answered her.

Svetlana noticed that Andrey Andreevich today for some reason was sad and taciturn.

— Are you not feeling well? Svetlana asked.

“No, I’m fine,” Andrey Andreevich answered. “But I have a problem with my son. I arrived yesterday on vacation and did not reach the house - I ended up in the hospital. The heart got sick.

- With son? And what happened to him? Svetlana asked.

“Nothing today. Got better. I just came from there. And yesterday it was like that, don't ask! The doctor said that if they had brought him to the hospital five minutes later, I would not have seen my son ... And do you know who saved him? Some girl, very small. She was the first to notice him and was not at a loss, called an ambulance. How would you know who she is? After all, she must be from our house. The son said: "Search for her at all costs and hand over this."

Andrei Andreevich unfolded the newspaper. There was a dagger in it. A real sea dagger!

- This dagger son received at the beginning of the war as a gift from the admiral. You see the inscription: "For resourcefulness." And now he asked me to give it as a gift to the girl who saved his life. By the way, have you heard who this girl is? Arkhipov asked.

Svetlana was confused.

Now a combat dagger hangs in front of Svetlana's bed. It belonged to naval officer Ivan Andreevich Arkhipov, and now it belongs to Sveta. And if you take this dagger in your hands, you will read the inscription on it: "For resourcefulness."

Issues for discussion:

— What can you say about Svetlana?

- Why didn't Svetlana admit that she helped a naval officer?

Are we always rewarded for good deeds?

Teacher. Modesty adorns a person. Helping is a very good quality called responsiveness.

Reading a poem by A. Barto “How Vovka saved grandmothers”

On Grandma's Boulevard

Grandchildren cradle:

Sing patties to the grandchildren,

And the kids are screaming.

Two Olenkas burst into tears,

They are hot in the summer heat

Andrey in a wheelchair, naked,

Screams like clockwork.

- Sweets, sweets...

Ah, grandmothers are tired,

Oh, screamer Irochka

It's not easy to put down.

Well, again to the rescue

Vovka must be called.

- Vovka is a kind soul,

Have fun baby! —

He approached the grandmothers,

He stood next to them

Suddenly jumped up and sang:

— Okay, okay!

The screamers were silent

So they are surprised:

sings alrights

A boy instead of a grandmother.

Both laughed at once

little deer,

And Andrei does not frown his forehead,

And he laughs, naked.

Vovka dances on the track:

— Okay, okay!

"Here's our helper!" —

Grandmothers are happy.

They tell him:

- Thank you!

So dance

We couldn't!

Teacher. But responsiveness is good only when, having done a good deed, you do not trumpet it to the whole world.

The child reads a poem.

Gets expensive

Happiness difficult roads.

What good have you done

How did you help people?

This measure measures

All earthly works

Maybe grow a tree

On the land of Kulunda?

Are you building a rocket?

Hydro station? House?

Or warm the planet

Swimming with peaceful labor?

Ile under snow powder

Whose life will you save?

Doing good things for people

Be nice yourself.

L. Tatyanicheva

Teacher. Listen to M. Zoshchenko's story "Grandma's Gift" and think about whether Minka can be called modest.

Reading and discussing the story

I had a grandmother. And she loved me very dearly.

She came to visit us every month and gave us toys. And in addition, she brought with her a whole basket of cakes. Of all the cakes, she let me choose the one that I like.

And my older sister Lelya was not very fond of my grandmother. She didn't let me choose cakes. She herself gave her what she needed.

And because of this, my sister Lelya every time whimpered and got more angry with me than with my grandmother.

One fine summer day, my grandmother came to the dacha. She has arrived at the dacha and is walking through the garden. She holds a basket of cakes in one hand and a purse in the other.

And Lelya and I ran up to my grandmother to say hello. And we saw with sadness that this time, apart from cakes, grandmother brought us nothing.

And then my sister Lelya said to her grandmother:

“Grandma, have you brought us anything besides cakes today?”

And my grandmother got angry with Lelya and answered her like this:

- I brought it, but I won’t give it to an ill-mannered person who asks so frankly about it. The gift will be received by the well-bred boy Minya, who is the best in the world thanks to his tactful silence.

And with these words, my grandmother ordered me to stretch out her hand. And in my palm she put ten brand new coins of 10 kopecks.

And here I stand, like a fool, and look with delight at the brand new coins that lie in my palm. And Lelya also looks at these coins. And he doesn't say anything.

Only her little eyes sparkle with evil fire.

Grandmother admired me and went to drink tea.

And then Lelya hit me with force on the arm from the bottom up so that all the coins jumped up in the palm of my hand and fell into the ditch.

And I sobbed so loudly that all the adults came running - dad, mom and grandmother. All of them instantly bent down and began to look for the fallen coins.

And when all the coins were collected, except for one, the grandmother said:

- You see how I did the right thing, that I didn’t give Lelka a single coin! Here she is, what an envious person: “If she thinks it’s not for me, then it’s not for him!” Where, by the way, is this villain at the moment?

To avoid the beating, Lelya, it turns out, climbed a tree and, sitting on a tree, teased me and my grandmother with her tongue. The neighbor boy Pavlik wanted to shoot Lelka with a slingshot in order to take her down from the tree. But the grandmother did not allow him to do this, because Lelya could fall and break her leg. Grandmother did not go to this extreme and even wanted to take the slingshot away from the boy.

And then the boy got angry with all of us, including my grandmother, and fired at her from a distance with a slingshot.

Grandmother gasped and said:

- How do you like? Because of this villain, I was hit with a slingshot. No, I will not come to you anymore, so as not to have similar stories. Better bring me my nice boy Minka. And every time, in defiance of Lelka, I will give him gifts.

Papa said:

- Fine. I will do so. But only you, mother, praise Minka in vain! Of course, Lelya did not do well. But Minka is also not one of the best boys in the world. The best boy in the world is the one who would give his sister a few coins when he saw that she had nothing. And by this he would not have brought his sister to anger and envy.

Sitting on her tree, Lelka said:

- And the best grandmother in the world is the one who gives something to all the children, and not just Minka, who, due to his stupidity and cunning, is silent and therefore receives gifts and cakes!

Grandma didn't want to stay in the garden anymore. And all the adults went to drink tea on the balcony.

Then I said to Lela:

Lelya, get off the tree! I will give you two coins.

Lelya got down from the tree, and I gave her two coins. And in a good mood he went to the balcony and said to the adults:

- Still, my grandmother turned out to be right .. I am the best boy in the world - I just gave Lele two coins.

Grandma gasped in delight. And my mother gasped too. But dad, frowning, said:

“No, the best boy in the world is the one who does something good and then doesn’t brag about it.”

And then I ran into the garden, found my sister and gave her another coin. And he didn't say anything about it to the adults. In total, Lelka had three coins, and she found the fourth coin in the grass, where she hit me on the arm. And with all these four coins, Lelka bought ice cream. And she ate it for two hours, ate, and still she had left. And in the evening her stomach ached, and Lelka lay in bed for a whole week.

Issues for discussion:

What can you say about Minka?

What about Lela?

- What was the father of the children? (Fair)

- Do you agree with his words "did something good - do not brag"?


The teacher concludes that modesty adorns a person, that the best reward for a good deed is self-respect and respect for others. A person who helps others will never be denied help.

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.


Svetlana has long dreamed of staying at home alone. She really wanted to be the boss herself, to tinker with Alyoshka, so that no one would interfere - neither dad, nor mother, nor grandmother.

Finally the evening came.

Grandmother went to the village for a few days, and dad and mom went to the theater.

Svetlana remained at home as the main mistress.

I washed the dishes, swept the floor, watered the flowers and began to play with my brother.

If only you, Alyoshka, would grow up! - says Svetlana, repeating her mother's words. We'll send you to kindergarten. You know how good it is!

Woo! - Alyoshka replies, as if agreeing: “Grow up, they say! I'll go!"

They played, and at nine o'clock, as my mother said, Sveta put her little brother to bed. She shook the bed, shook it - Alyoshka fell asleep.

Then Svetlana unpacked her bed and began to read.

Time passes quickly. Svetlana did not notice how the night had come: it was half past eleven.

“Time to go to bed. And then mom and dad should be back now.”

She walked around the apartment once more, looked to see if everything had been cleaned, looked into the kitchen, and then remembered:

“And the trash can? Completely forgot. Gotta take it!"

Svetlana went up to Alyoshka - she was sleeping.

“I am now! Fast!"

She took a bucket and ran into the yard.

And it's dark in the yard today. The sky is covered with clouds, neither the moon nor the stars are visible. Only the light bulbs at the entrances of the house barely glow.

Svetlana walks along the garden.

Now turn around the corner of the house - and that's it: there are boxes for garbage under a canopy.

Here is the corner of the house. But what is it? There is a man on the sidewalk in front of her. From fear, Svetlana stopped, her legs trembled, an unpleasant chill ran down her back.

Svetlana looked around, wanted to call someone - no one.

And the person lies prone and does not move. He has a marine uniform on. The cap flew off to the side. And next to it is a suitcase and a dark overcoat.

Uncle! Uncle! What's wrong with you? - Svetlana bent over the sailor. I thought: “Maybe drunk?”

The sailor did not answer, only groaned a little audibly. So the person is alive.

"Help! The man is here! - Svetlana tried to shout, but her throat was seized with excitement.

And suddenly she realized:

Wait, wait, I'm just... Just don't die!

The man did not answer, and Svetlana, throwing the bucket, rushed home.

Forgetting everything in the world, even Alyoshka, she flew into the apartment, grabbed the telephone receiver and dialed the number.

- Ambulance, ambulance! she shouted, until she heard the long-awaited: “The ambulance is listening ...”

Only after she gave the address and a calm voice told her: “The car is leaving,” Svetlana remembered Alyoshka. Luckily he was asleep.

Look, don't wake up! - whispered Sveta and again ran into the yard.

The man was still on the ground.

Svetlana bent down, listened - a man was breathing. So he's alive.

Be patient, be patient… - Sveta whispered. - Now everything will be fine! Just don't die!

“Why is it taking so long to get a car? How many minutes have passed? Five, maybe, maybe more? If only sooner!

A few more minutes passed, and finally Svetlana heard the sound of a siren.

"Here you go! That's her…"

Two bright beams of light crashed into the darkness of the yard, behind them a car drove through the gate.

Here! Hurry!

Svetlana rushed towards the car and began to show the way. Having traveled around the garden, the car stopped. A doctor in a dressing gown came out of it with a small box in his hand. Bent over the sailor.

Stretcher! Hurry! he ordered, standing up.

The orderly and the driver put the sailor on a stretcher and put them in the car.

Don't forget your things," Svetlana said, handing over the overcoat and cap to the orderly. - There's another suitcase ... Heavy ...

The orderly picked up the suitcase.

He won't die? - Svetlana asked the doctor.

We will try ... Thank you, - the doctor said already from the car. Go!

The next day, Svetlana met Arkhipov in the yard.

Sveta greeted.

Hello, Svetlana, - Andrei Andreevich answered her.

Svetlana noticed that Andrey Andreevich today for some reason was sad and taciturn.

Are you not feeling well? she asked.

No, I'm nothing, - Andrey Andreevich answered. - I have a problem with my son. I arrived yesterday on vacation and did not reach the house - I ended up in the hospital. The heart went bad.

With son? And what happened to him? - asked Svetlana.

Nothing today. Got better. I just came from there. And yesterday it was like that, don't ask! The doctor said that if they had brought him to the hospital five minutes later, I would not have seen my son ... And do you know who saved him? Some girl, very small. She was the first to notice him and was not at a loss, called an ambulance. How would you know who she is? After all, she must be from our house. The son said: "Search for her at all costs and hand over this."

Andrei Andreevich unfolded the newspaper. There was a dagger in it. A real sea dagger!

The son received this dagger at the beginning of the war, as a gift from the admiral. You see the inscription: "For resourcefulness." And now he asked me to give it as a gift to the girl who saved his life. By the way, have you heard anything about who this girl is? asked Arkhipov.

Svetlana was confused.

Now a battle dagger hangs over Svetlana's bed. It belonged to naval officer Ivan Andreevich Arkhipov, and now belongs to Svetlana. And if you take this dagger in your hands, you will read the inscription on it: "For resourcefulness."

Sergey Alekseevich Baruzdin

What is it, the sea?

The moon floats outside the window. Round. Big. Cold. She swims fast. As if pushing the clouds and breaks out into space again.

It just looks like she's floating. If the moon were swimming, so fast, it would have disappeared around the corner of the house long ago. And the moon is visible all the time, and, therefore, these are the clouds floating towards it.

And the sky around is endless, dark and slightly incomprehensible, like everything that has no end and edge. If you look away from the moon, look at one point for a long time, you can see the stars. The larger ones are calm. And the smallest - flashing, like lights on a holiday in the evening. There are no stars near the moon, except for one - large and cold, like the moon itself.

The moon lights up the sky and the city - rooftops, walls, trees, sidewalks and people going to the movies. But roofs, walls, and trees, and sidewalks, and people, and even cars, which Sasha loves to look at during the day, are completely uninteresting in the moonlight, as if lifeless.

Maybe winter makes them so?

Winter is already starting. Snowball lies on the roofs and in the autumn, not yet quite yellow grass of the lawns, and on the branches of trees, and in some places on the sidewalks. But the snow has fallen everywhere, and at the cinema it glitters in the light of bright lights. And there, at the cinema, it's fun.

For some reason, Sasha does not believe that the moon is shining everywhere now. Is it over the sea? She shines here, above his street. And that's not everywhere.

Or maybe she shines everywhere, but in other places the lights clog her light. The cinema lights are on. And further; near the square, where in the summer a blue fountain beats into the sky. And even further, where the windows of a new factory sparkle, as big as a whole city, and quiet, as if it were not a factory at all. It is so quiet not in the city, but in the pioneer camp after lights out. There, in the camp, Sasha lived for three summers. And on the sea...

Ver! And what is it, the sea?

Well, that's how I knew that you were not thinking about that again! Problems must be solved! Problems! Vera looks up from her notebook and looks reproachfully at Sasha. - And about the sea then ...

Sasha himself understands. Moves away from the window, sits down, takes the textbook:

I know... Now... "There are an unknown number of pheasants and rabbits in the cage," he mutters. - It is only known that there are 35 heads and 94 legs in a cage. Find out the number of pheasants and the number of rabbits.

Sasha chews on a pencil.

Sasha has dark eyes and blond hair with swirls at the back of her head. Whirlwinds stick out, although Sasha smoothes them every minute with her palms. And during the day, Sasha's eyes are not at all dark, but blue, with blueness. And during the day he has freckles on his nose. Only they are not big at all. You won't even notice them at night.

Vera has no freckles, although her nose is snub-nosed, very suitable for freckles. Vera's hair has a reddish-gold tint. Some strands are lighter, others are darker. It is they who burn out at sea in the summer. And Vera's face is not that funny, not that serious - you won't understand. It's like she's trying to be serious when she's really not serious.

But Sasha doesn't see her face now. And the moon that swims behind the misted window, no longer sees.

He no longer chews on the pencil, but runs it over the blotting paper.

Finally asks:

And what are these pheasants?

Vera again tries to speak demandingly and seriously. The dimples under the eyes turn into wrinkles, the lips are pursed:

Well, what does it matter! Pheasants! Rabbits! Pipes! Numbers are important. They need to be addressed!

I know, Sasha agrees.

He is jealous of Vera. Somehow she does a great job with arithmetic. She takes only numbers from it, adds them up, multiplies them, subtracts them. But Sasha is not like that at all. If the problem is about the train, he starts thinking about this train. If about the ship - about him. The words in the puzzles confuse Sasha. And then he remembers: after all, this is a task - and well, in a hurry!

Now Sasha is ashamed. He runs his pencil over the blotter. And really: what does the pheasants have to do with it? Heads - thirty-five. Legs - ninety-four. Each rabbit has four legs. Each pheasant...

Have you really seen pheasants? Vera suddenly asks. - And at the zoo?

Sasha is happy. At least find out what kind of animal this is - a pheasant and how many legs it has. For some reason, the pheasant gets confused with the carp, but what kind of legs does the carp have? Fish!

I have been at the zoo for a long time, before school, - Sasha admits. - With pa ... - He does not finish, and he does the right thing: what's the point of telling Vera with whom he was at the zoo before school. Five years ago. Five years! For a long time!

Pheasant - a suborder of chicken. Pheasants have very beautiful plumage, long and wide tails. All of them are brightly colored. Our domestic chickens are descended from pheasants. We went through this...

Sasha is now clear. Since chickens, then pheasants are not carp and they have two legs.

Well, to explain all this at once!

I know, - Sasha says and takes on the task. “35 heads, 94 legs… Rabbits have four legs. Pheasants have two ... "

A few minutes later he asks:

Twelve and twenty three?

There are twenty-three pheasants, Vera clarifies.

Pheasants! Are there twelve rabbits?

Well done, I thought you...

Well, you don't know how to think, - Vera says not very decisively and, in order not to offend Sasha, explains: - Over problems.

And Sasha is already muttering the following problem:

“The father is twenty-four years older than the son. How old is the son if in three years he will be five times younger than his father?

Sasha rereads the puzzle several times. Then he looks out the window for a long time. The windows are fogged up, and the moon blurs, glitters with drops of moisture on the window, is reflected in the white window sill covered with oil paint.

Blue and red lights glow from the side of the cinema. Probably freezing. That's why the window fogged up.

Faith is busy with her task. She is sitting at the table next to Sasha and as if turning away from him. Her hair falls on her forehead and on the fist with which she props her head. A golden fluff gleams on a tanned arm, and on the left cheek - Sasha sees - also a fluff. There are no more wrinkles, only dimples under the eyes.

- “The father is twenty-four years older than his son ...” - Sasha rereads and begins to draw something in a notebook.

No longer in pencil, but in ink. Exactly in the cells. One line - through three cells. The second one is higher - in five cells. Even higher - a small one - in two. The lines connect at an oblique angle to the left and right. Two new ones go up. These are masts. They have flags. Below on the board are three mugs and a hook. There are portholes and an anchor on every ship, and even more so on a military one.

Sasha closes her eyes, trying to see the sea. He no longer thinks about the ship. He wants to imagine the sea on which the ship is sailing. But you can't draw the sea in a notebook. And than…

Well, that's what I knew! What have you done! Vera threw up her hands. - It is necessary to turn away - and you already! Yes, right in the notebook...

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