All uses of the definite article in English. Article a, an, the in English: examples, features of use and rules



An article is a word that defines a noun.

There are two kinds of articles in English: definite (the) and indefinite (a/an).

Based on the names, respectively, the indefinite article is used when we are talking about a phenomenon that we meet for the first time, an object in general, and a definite article is used when we are talking about something specific, or already encountered in a conversation.

The concept of the article is present in many languages ​​of the world, but in the same number of languages ​​it is absent.

So don't panic if your native language doesn't use articles.

The data will help you make fewer mistakes when speaking English.

It is very important to be able to use the correct articles in your speech or writing.

1. With the names of countries and continents

In this case, we do not use articles at all, BUT if the country name consists of parts, such as USA, UK, UAE, then our article appears the, and will be: the USA, the UK, the UAE, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands.

This also applies to continents and islands: usually we do not use the article, but if the name is collective, the definite article has a place to be.

For example: Africa, Europe, Bermuda, Tasmania BUT the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas.

  • She lived in America.
  • They live in England.
  • My friend is from the Czech Republic.

2. With the words breakfast, dinner, lunch

When it comes to eating in general, there is no article. But if you're talking about a specific breakfast, dinner, or lunch, use the.


  • I don't eat breakfast.
  • We didn't like the dinner.

3. With job titles, professions

In this case, the indefinite article is used. a/an.

For example:

  • I want to be a politician.
  • My younger brother wants to be a vet.

4. With the names of the cardinal points

Usually the names of the cardinal directions are capitalized, so they are easy to recognize: the North, the South, the East, the West .

True, if a noun indicates a direction, then it should be used without an article and written with a small letter.

For example:

  • They went east.
  • The North is cooler than the South.

5. With the names of oceans, seas, rivers and canals

Remember that the definite article is always used with the names of these bodies of water.

For example: The Amazon, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal .

  • I would like to swim in the Red Sea, and you?
  • The Amazon is the longest river in the world.

6. With the names of unique phenomena

It means that a phenomenon or an object exists in one copy, one in its kind, in particular, the sun, the moon, the inter net , the sky , the earth.


  • The sun is a star.
  • We looked up at all the stars in the sky.
  • He is always on the internet.

7. With uncountable nouns

This category of nouns implies those units and concepts that we cannot count. Plus, as an identification mark in most cases, they do not have an ending. -s- plural indicator.

But do not forget that there are ten exceptions to one rule, that is, if you are talking in general about any uncountable concept, there will be no article, but again, if the case is special, use the.

For example:

  • I like bread/milk/honey.
  • I like the bread/the milk/the honey. (Specifically this and nothing else.)

8. With surnames

If we are talking about members of the same family, you can put the article the before the surname. Thus, you designate a group of people, a family with one word.


  • The Smith are coming for dinner today.
  • Have you seen the Jonson recently?

These are not all uses of articles in English. However, to begin with, remember these rules, gradually deepening your knowledge.


An article is a word that defines a noun.

There are two kinds of articles in English: definite (the) and indefinite (a/an).

Based on the names, respectively, the indefinite article is used when we are talking about a phenomenon that we meet for the first time, an object in general, and a definite article is used when we are talking about something specific, or already encountered in a conversation.

The concept of the article is present in many languages ​​of the world, but in the same number of languages ​​it is absent.

So don't panic if your native language doesn't use articles.

The data will help you make fewer mistakes when speaking English.

It is very important to be able to use the correct articles in your speech or writing.

1. With the names of countries and continents

In this case, we do not use articles at all, BUT if the country name consists of parts, such as USA, UK, UAE, then our article appears the, and will be: the USA, the UK, the UAE, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands.

This also applies to continents and islands: usually we do not use the article, but if the name is collective, the definite article has a place to be.

For example: Africa, Europe, Bermuda, Tasmania BUT the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas.

  • She lived in America.
  • They live in England.
  • My friend is from the Czech Republic.

2. With the words breakfast, dinner, lunch

When it comes to eating in general, there is no article. But if you're talking about a specific breakfast, dinner, or lunch, use the.


  • I don't eat breakfast.
  • We didn't like the dinner.

3. With job titles, professions

In this case, the indefinite article is used. a/an.

For example:

  • I want to be a politician.
  • My younger brother wants to be a vet.

4. With the names of the cardinal points

Usually the names of the cardinal directions are capitalized, so they are easy to recognize: the North, the South, the East, the West .

True, if a noun indicates a direction, then it should be used without an article and written with a small letter.

For example:

  • They went east.
  • The North is cooler than the South.

5. With the names of oceans, seas, rivers and canals

Remember that the definite article is always used with the names of these bodies of water.

For example: The Amazon, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal .

  • I would like to swim in the Red Sea, and you?
  • The Amazon is the longest river in the world.

6. With the names of unique phenomena

It means that a phenomenon or an object exists in one copy, one in its kind, in particular, the sun, the moon, the inter net , the sky , the earth.


  • The sun is a star.
  • We looked up at all the stars in the sky.
  • He is always on the internet.

7. With uncountable nouns

This category of nouns implies those units and concepts that we cannot count. Plus, as an identification mark in most cases, they do not have an ending. -s- plural indicator.

But do not forget that there are ten exceptions to one rule, that is, if you are talking in general about any uncountable concept, there will be no article, but again, if the case is special, use the.

For example:

  • I like bread/milk/honey.
  • I like the bread/the milk/the honey. (Specifically this and nothing else.)

8. With surnames

If we are talking about members of the same family, you can put the article the before the surname. Thus, you designate a group of people, a family with one word.


  • The Smith are coming for dinner today.
  • Have you seen the Jonson recently?

These are not all uses of articles in English. However, to begin with, remember these rules, gradually deepening your knowledge.

That is, the absence of the article. Consider when the article the is used, which, by the way, according to linguists, is the most common word in the English language, although, of course, it is difficult to call it a word.

How to use the definite article THE - the basic rule

Most of the rules for using the definite article the are as follows: the is placed before a noun denoting something specific. The article the itself comes from the word that (this, that) - knowing this, it is easier to understand how it is used.

This is the place that we were talking about. - This is the place we were talking about.

You have the file what I need. – Do you have the document that I need.

The article here defines not, of course, but the noun defined by this adjective. The article the is needed because the superlative degree of a sign or person distinguishes it as unique:

This is the most delicious ice cream in the world. - This is the most delicious ice cream in the world.

He is the smartest student in the university. He is the smartest student at the university.

5. Before a number of adjectives implying the uniqueness of the subject.

These are words like the same(same), only(the only one), left\right(left \ right). Like superlative adjectives, they indicate the specificity of what is being said.

This is the only way out. - This is the only way out.

turn the left valve, please. – Turn the right valve, please.

My sister had the same problem. My sister had the same problem.

6. Before ordinal numbers.

Ordinal - denoting a number, not a quantity. If an item is "first" or "twentieth", this implies its relative uniqueness (in the context of the conversation). This also applies to words like the last(last), the previous(previous), which are similar in meaning to ordinal numbers.

Who was the first human in the space? Who was the first man in space?

I am reading the third chapter now. I am currently reading the third chapter.

Let's invite the previous candidate again. Let's invite the previous candidate again.

This is the last warning. “This is the last warning.

7. Before the names of people, when it comes to the family as a whole.

The surname is used in the plural, as in Russian.

I don't know the Allens, but they seem to be nice people. “I don't know the Allens, but they seem like nice people.

The Petrovs moved out on Monday. The Petrovs moved out on Monday.

8. Before wordspast, present, future, winter, spring, summer, autumn (fall).

These words are worth highlighting separately, because many expressions of time use the indefinite or zero article, for example: a week ago(a week ago) on Monday- on Monday. Speaking of the past, future, present, we use the:

That is my plan for the future. Here is my plan for the future.

Whatever happened in the past, stays in the past. Whatever happened in the past, it will remain in the past.

When we talk about the seasons, we use the when we mean, say, the fall of a certain year. Speaking about the season in general, we use the zero or definite article:

  • I moved to London autumn of 2010. – I moved to London in autumn 2010.
  • Poets love (the) autumn. Poets love autumn.

Note: words autumn And fall mean "autumn" autumn is the British version fall- American.

9. Before some place names

- a rather confusing topic, I will highlight the main cases:

  • The article the is not needed before single-word country names (Russia, Spain), but is needed before names that include words like federation, kingdom, states: the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Spain, the United Stated of America.
  • The is also placed before place names used in the plural: the Netherlands(Netherlands), the Virgin Islands(Virgin Islands), the Urals(Ural Mountains).

The article THE before adjectives and pronouns

Any article, both the and a\an, can be used before an adjective. The article at the same time determines the noun, the attribute of which denotes this adjective:

This is the new guy I told you about. “This is the new guy I told you about.

Have a nice day. - Have a nice day.

Neither the article the nor a\an is used before a possessive (my, his, your, etc.) or demonstrative (this, these, that, those) pronoun that defines a noun - it already speaks of belonging in itself, and therefore the specificity of the subject.

  • Wrong: Where is my car?
  • Right: Where is my car?

Hi all! Each language has its own rules that lend themselves to logic and explanation, and there are exceptions that are subject only to cramming. If your native language is Russian and you study English, then you are very lucky. You will have to learn a lot less rules. Studying irregular or modal verbs, you may not agree with me. But believe me, there are far fewer rules and exceptions in English than in Russian. Definite article

Many cases of using, for example, articles in English can be reduced to a few basic rules, and in other cases, you need to learn how to find the logic of these same rules. Well, the rest, of course, you just have to memorize :). In this article, I will tell you about the basic rules for using the Definite Article in English.

You already know from previous lessons that there are two types of articles in English: uncertain (a/an) and definite (the), expressed by the given singular form. Individualizing "The", like the definite, came from the Old English language, where it served as a demonstrative pronoun "that"(this that).

By pointing at something or someone, you rid your speech of any uncertainty, and the interlocutor will immediately understand what you are talking about. " The"That's why it is called definite, because when it is used, it is immediately clear about what object, person or event and it's about: The sandwich on the table(identifies a specific book lying on a specific table).

Thus, Definite Article sometimes used when the person or thing mentioned is known to both the listener and the speaker (from the environment, context previously mentioned in the conversation): It is a table - this is a table. The table is at the wall - the table is near the wall.

Basic Rules for Using the Definite Article

The fact that Definite Article is derived from a demonstrative pronoun determines the basic rules for its use. "The", unlike "a/an", can be used in any number and placed before any nouns. But in what situation? So, the definite article is used before:

  • One of a kind items: The Moon moves around the Earth. — The moon moves around the earth.
  • Items that have a definition: The boy that has stolen a picture, was caught. The boy who stole the painting has been caught.(Which boy? - who stole the painting)
  • Objects from a restricted collection or group: The wheel of the lorry was missing. The truck didn't have a wheel.(One of the 4 or 6 wheels of the truck was missing).
Article The

These are the basic rules for using Definite Article.

In general, try to do this: put the pronoun “this” or “that” before the noun.If the meaning of the sentence or phrase does not change, then feel free to sculpt "The", and if it changes, then before an uncountable noun. in units we put “a / an”, and if this is a plural noun, then we don’t put the article at all!Simply and easily! But you need to know the rules, so let's continue.

Other uses of the definite article

Definite Article applies in the following cases:

  • Re-mentioned object or phenomenon: The woman was beautiful
  • Indicates a sign of a person or object: This is the house that Jonathan built
  • When who or what is meant is clear from the situation: The lesson is over
  • Expressed by the superlative adjective: This is the shortest way to the mountain
  • Expressed by its own name: the London road
  • Before ordinal number: He missed the first beams of the sun
  • Before the words (they need to be remembered): same, last, next, right, main, upper, only, left, previous, central, following, very, coming, wrong
  • Uses with participles and adjectives that have become plural nouns: the young - youth, the old - old people
  • The surname is called in plural. (meaning all family members): The Sidorovs are at home
  • When seas, islands, mountains, deserts, rivers, hotels, theaters, yachts are indicated, as well as when they are generalized: I'm taking a trip to the black sea
  • When talking about the only object in a given situation: The teacher is in the classroom
  • Store name he is light: the North, the south, the west, the east
  • Creatures. in singular, which denote a whole class of something, that is, they are generalized: The ostrich is a bird
  • When it comes to the honor of matter: the tea on the table. I mean a cup of tea
  • After the words: some of, each of, one of, all, most of, many of, both of: Give me one of the books

These are all the rules for using the definite article in English.

You can learn about the use of stable idioms with articles from any grammar reference, and all other cases are described above in a logical sequence and according to its laws. Language is a logical subject, so turn on logic, memorize a few exceptions, and then the use of English articles will succumb to you!

See you soon on our website!

The definite article the

English nouns, which are used in the singular with the definite article, keep it in the plural:

He liked the present I bought. He liked the gift I bought. He liked the presents I bought. He liked the gifts I bought.

The definite article is also used with plural nouns if all representatives of this group are meant:

The city-dwellers often suffer air pollution. Urban dwellers (all city dwellers) often suffer from air pollution. This candidate is not very popular among city-dwellers. This candidate is not very popular among urban residents (not all, but only some).

In addition, the definite article can be used with combinations of nouns and cardinal numbers if they are already known to the reader:

Steven and Mark dislike each other, the two have a fight almost every day. Steven and Mark don't like each other, the two fight almost every day.

The definite article with proper nouns

The definite article is used with the following proper names:

    Astronomical names: the Sun, the North Star

    Geographical names: the South Pole, the Hague, the Crimea

    Mountain ranges: the Alps, the Urals

    Rivers: the Thames, the Oka

    Seas and oceans: the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean

    Parts of the World: in the North, to the West

    Channels: the Panama Canal, the English Channel

    Names of some countries: the USA, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom

    Nationalities: the Russians, the Americans

    Deserts: the Sahara, the Gobi

    City districts: the Bronx, the City

    Names of institutions, unique buildings: the Kremlin, the White House

    Vessel names: the Queen Elizabeth

    Newspaper titles: the Times, the Guardian

    Families: the Ivanovs, the Forsytes, the Simpsons

The definite article can also be used for additional clarification:

You are not the light-minded John I knew. You are no longer the flippant John I once knew. She married George Brown the George Brown who owns the local oil company. She married George Brown, but this is not the George Brown who owns the local oil company.

and before nicknames:

Nicky the Tall is a famous robber in this town. Tall Nicky is a famous robber in this city.

The indefinite article in English

Indefinite article (a) came from the numeral one and is used, as a rule, with singular nouns denoting countable items.

The indefinite article in English can have three meanings: classifying, generalizing and numerical.

The article in a classifying (accounting) meaning refers an object to a particular class or group of objects:

There is a ball on the grass. The ball is on the grass. (not a shuttlecock, not an elephant, not a man) It is a golf ball. This is a golf ball. (not for football or tennis) I smell an omelette. I can smell the omelet. (not soup or porridge)

That is, a noun with a classifying article assigns an object to a certain class, but does not directly refer to it.

This meaning also includes the use of the indefinite article in exclamatory sentences with the word what:

What a tall man! What a tall man!

and before singular countable nouns with words rather, quite, such And most(Very):

It's quite a difficult question. This is a rather difficult question.

The article in a general sense means that the noun is a representative of a certain class, and everything that is said about it in the sentence can be attributed to other objects of this class:

A limerick is a short comic verse consisting of five lines. A limerick is a short humorous rhyme of five lines. A kitten is a young cat. A kitten is a young cat.

Unlike classifying articles, which introduce a new concept or information, that is, the most important part of the sentence, generalizing articles only open the statement.

Numerically, indefinite articles express their original meaning of the number "one":

We could stay in Prague for only a day. We could only stay in Prague for one day. This task will take me an hour. This task will take me (one) hour.

Also, articles in a numerical value can take on the meaning of “glass”, “portion”, “variety”, etc.:

I'd like whiskey. I would like (one) glass of whiskey. Let's drink a coffee or two? Shall we have a cup or two of coffee? a very expensive wine

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