Second name of Harry Potter. Characters from Harry Potter: Descriptions, pictures and interesting moments from their lives


In Beedle the Bard's tale, Death tricked the wizard brothers into taking their lives by inviting them to choose one gift each. The older one asked for a powerful wand, the middle one for a resurrection stone, and the younger one for an invisibility cloak. Thus, the Deathly Hallows were born.

Fans believe that Voldemort, Severus Snape and Harry Potter are the embodiment of the three brothers, and Dumbledore is Death. It all fits: the Dark Lord was selfish and greedy for power. Having obtained the elder wand, he lost his life. Snape grieved for Lily Potter and longed to be reunited with her. Harry had an invisibility cloak that saved him more than once.

Why is Dumbledore here? And despite the fact that the director of Hogwarts was the owner of all the deathly gifts. Moreover, it was he who gave them to the wizards. Some will argue that the Dark Lord stole the elder wand from Dumbledore. This is not entirely true. Do you really think that the greatest headmaster of Hogwarts would allow Voldemort to take possession of a powerful artifact?

And all three of them died because of Dumbledore. The Dark Lord was killed by Harry, but he would not have succeeded without a teacher. Snape sacrificed his life by trusting the professor. And Potter accepted death consciously, meeting Death as an old friend.

The theory is slightly spoiled by the fact that Harry Potter received both the invisibility cloak and the resurrection stone. But who are we to destroy such a beautiful metaphor for the tale of Death. Moreover, it is one of favorite JK Rowling's theories.

2 Professor McGonagall - Death Eater

That's definitely a crazy theory. It's hard to believe that the strict but fair McGonagall is a Death Eater. However, a user named miss DW considers the professor a traitor and treats her with distrust.

For starters, McGonagall was rude about Muggles in Sorcerer's Stone. She called them "not exactly stupid". Quite a harsh remark for a wise old sorceress. We know the professor teaches the perfect art for a double agent - transfiguration. This craft is based on changing matter and hiding one's own "I".

The most interesting thing is that the professor is not very concerned about the safety of Harry Potter. Sending a child to the Forbidden Forest inhabited by terrible creatures is a very drastic punishment.

But most of all questions are caused by details that lie in completely unremarkable things. Recall the scene with the troll in Philosopher's Stone. Snape and Quirrell appeared in the toilet, which is quite logical, as well as McGonagall. How did she know where to look for Harry? Look at the joint photo of all members of the Order of the Phoenix. She's missing someone. But McGonagall was close to Dumbledore, at least after the war with Voldemort.

There are many small details in books and films that support this theory, but we will not pay attention to them. Yet Minerva McGonagall does not look like an evil Death Eater. Moreover, in the battle for Hogwarts, she fought without hesitation with all the minions of the Dark Lord.

3. Harry Potter made it all up

The saddest and creepiest theory worthy of a separate film in the style of Martin Scorsese. Her supporters are sure that Harry Potter never left the dark closet under the stairs, did not receive a letter from Hogwarts and did not fight Voldemort. Some fans believe that he simply fell asleep and did not wake up, remaining in the magical world forever.

JK Rowling herself knows about Harry's theory of insanity. In one of the interviews, the writer admitted that the wizard is in many ways similar to her. They had the same unfortunate past. It can be assumed that the world of magic and wizardry is a rethinking of JK Rowling's childhood. That's probably why she didn't deny the idea.

4. Harry Potter became immortal

One of the pillars on which the conflict between Harry and Voldemort rests is prophecy. It reads: "One of them must die at the hands of the other, for neither can live in peace while the other lives." In Rowling's interpretation, Harry must kill the Dark Lord or die by his hand. But the words of the prophecy can be understood in another way: the one who remains will never die, because there will be no person capable of killing him.

Voldemort confirms this theory with an endless search for immortality. If you remember, he divided his soul into several parts. This allowed him to stay alive when his physical body was destroyed. Perhaps Harry will live forever, watching his loved ones and friends one by one.

5. Dumbledore is Ron Weasley from the future

This red-haired guy with a stupid hairstyle is a teacher at Hogwarts? It's hard to believe, but there are some similarities between the two characters. They are both red-haired, they love chocolate frogs, and Dumbledore confessed his love for Bertie Botts candies, although they were not there in his youth. In addition, the professor's dream of knitted socks as a gift is very similar to Ron's attempt to apologize to his mother for being so dismissive of her handmade gifts.

But how could this happen? Very simple. In the world of Harry Potter, they are not considered something unusual. Recall at least the time-turner from Prisoner of Azkaban.

Fans believe that there is a parallel timeline in which Voldemort won, killed Harry and Dumbledore and gave humanity hell.

In a parallel universe, there are separate resistance cells, one of which is Ron. Presumably, he found an unusual time-turner and traveled back in time, becoming Dumbledore.

If you think a little, there will be many questions for the headmaster of Hogwarts. Of course, he was a perceptive person, but throughout the story, it seems that Albus knows everything in advance. It is unlikely that Dumbledore could have sent Harry to certain death to the Basilisk if he had not been sure of the boy.

Another great screencap idea. Relying on this theory, you can look at all the actions of the director from the other side. That's just JK Rowling denied it in 2005, which is a pity.

6 The Dursleys Didn't Like Harry Because Of The Horcrux

The Dursleys are definitely unpleasant people. But what if there is another explanation for their disgusting behavior? It is known that one of the Horcruxes was in Harry. We all know how this artifact affects others. Ron almost went crazy because of him, and after all, Weasley was a wizard. It is unknown how the artifact affects ordinary people.

It turns out that the Dursleys lived next to the Horcrux for 11 years. No wonder they treated Harry so badly. This theory does not rule out that the Dursleys did not like the Potters, but even the most heartless adoptive parents could not mock a child like that. Perhaps the effect of the artifact fueled their dislike for the family of wizards and caused real hatred.

7 The Wizards Lost The War With Humans

J. K. Rowling described in detail the modern world of magic and sorcery. Sometimes she turned to his historical past, but we never learned about many events. Like why wizards hide from Muggles. The fans had to find the answer themselves. Reddit user Celeritas365 concluded that the wizards fought the Muggles and lost.

The Ministry of Magic is more like a department than a full-fledged government. Recall how the Minister for Magic in Goblet of Fire said he had to inform the Prime Minister of England about the dragon. Although wizards never let ordinary people into their affairs and secrets.

Dumbledore's dislike of the Ministry is quite right, because it is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of bureaucracy.

Ministers hush up high-profile cases, deny the negative consequences and hide behind the law, like ordinary officials. The ministry building also raises some questions: why are there so many elements from the Muggle world in its architecture? Why do wizards even need elevators when they have a teleporter?

The answer is simple. A long time ago, there was a conflict between wizards and Muggles, in which the latter emerged victorious. In this case, Voldemort's desire to destroy the human race seems completely justified. The Dark Lord hated humans because he knew the truth and wanted to save pureblood wizards from slavery.

Sometimes we miss the wonderful world of Hogwarts wizards a little. Then one of the actors appears on the screen, and we wonder what they are doing now.

Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter

At the end of the Potter series, Radcliffe turned out to be one of the most notable British actors. But, by the way, in order to stand out in this company, you need to bypass the most high-class colleagues. Only seven years have passed since the end of Harry Potter, and he already has a voluminous list of starring roles in films, each more surprising and unexpected than the other. Role in the film Victor Frankenstein"quite an ordinary thriller, but in a wonderful film" Man is a swiss knife» Daniel enthusiastically plays the role of a corpse. IN " Illusions of deception 2"He's a billionaire," Jungle"- an extremely tenacious traveler. He also has a theatrical role - Rosencrantz in the play "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead."

Emma Watson


The young, beautiful and intelligent actress is actively acting in films, while giving preference to complex roles and avoiding films for the mass audience. Willingly gives interviews and talks about women's rights. In general, did not disappoint Hermione. Now she has an excellent work in the film " The perks of Being a Wallflower”, the role of brave girls going against the system, in“ Colonies of Dignidad" and in " Sphere", as well as a wonderful image of Belle - in" Beauty and the Beast».

Rupert Grint

Ron Weasley

Grint admits he's choosing roles that will help him get away from his Potter persona. He played the guitarist of The Dead Boys in a film about the New York punk scene " Club «CBGB»", a God-fearing teenager who runs away with an adult actress to a theater festival in " driving lessons", a student of a professional killer in" to the wild thing". He shows a distinct flair for comedic roles, as in " moon scam”And the series“ Due to illness ”and“ Big jackpot ”. Rupert also dreams of playing a villain. By the way, as a child, he was terribly fond of the role of Draco Malfoy.

Tom Felton

Draco Malfoy

Terribly sweet young man: Raised in the countryside, fond of fishing, sentimental, posts on Facebook like "merry christmas to all who believe in love" and admits to reconsidering " Diary". He doesn’t worry a bit about the role of the nasty Draco Malfoy, he loves genre cinema, so, in January 2018, at the Sundance Film Festival, the premiere of the film “ Ophelia”, where Tom played Laertes, the brother of the main character. However, Felton devotes most of his time to music: he releases albums and travels around the world with small concerts.

Matthew Lewis

Neville Longbottom

The clumsy boy has grown into a handsome man, but like most Potter children, Matthew seems to be haunted by the old role. He is still trying to get rid of the image of an unsightly boy and often appears in various photo shoots with a naked torso. He works mainly in the theater, as Alan Rickman advised him in his time, but he does not mind acting in Bond films. True, while in the movie he gets small roles.

Robert Pattison

Cedric Diggory

Robert became famous for his vampire role in " twilight", and only then did the public remember that he had previously played the handsome and brave Cedric Diggory, who dramatically dies during the competition in the film" Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". The current work in the cinema does not bring him the same fame, but, nevertheless, they are worthy of attention: “ Dear friend», « Lost City Z», « Life», « good time". Great dramatic performances.

Evanna Lynch

Luna Lovegood

Of all the child actors, Evanna is perhaps the most devoted fan of the Potter series. She is now a consultant for The Harry Potter Alliance. These are fans of the magical world who do charity work, for example, collecting books for a school library in Uganda. She continues to occasionally act in films, but she does not get any noticeable roles.

Robbie Coltrane

Rubeus Hagrid

Not having a spectacular appearance, Robbie Coltrane, even at the peak of his career, starred mainly in television projects and shows. He has always been a comedian, and even the role of Haggrid was comical. After graduating from "Potteriana" he starred in a couple of episodic roles in dramas and voiced cartoons. The last role is in the mini-series "National Treasure" about a former comedian who finds himself at the center of a sex scandal.

Jason Isaacs

Lucius Malfoy

Jason, even before the "Potter" was recognized as an excellent performer of villainous roles, now works mainly for television projects. In a couple of series, he played the main roles: "Awakening" and "Digging". The show had interesting concepts, but they didn't last more than one season. Now Jason is involved in the series " Star Trek: Discovery as Captain Lorca. And in the cinema, the most notable appearance was the comedy " Death of Stalin”, where Isaacs played Marshal Zhukov.

Gary Oldman

Sirius Black

The role of Sirius Black spurred the career of Gary Oldman, which by 2004 began to falter noticeably. But after that, great work in the films " Batman Begins», « The Dark Knight», « The drunkest county in the world», « Spy, get out!», « Planet of the Apes: Revolution". This year, the actor finally received a well-deserved Oscar for his role as Winston Churchill in the film dark times».

Michael Gambon

Albus Dumbledore

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

Michael Gambon, despite his 77 years, continues to work quite actively in television films, mini-series, doing voice acting and occasionally appearing on the big screen. In episodes, it can be caught in the films " lady in the van”, where Maggie played an eccentric London old woman, she was even nominated for a Golden Globe in 2015. She would be called to act further, but health problems no longer allow her to work as intensively.

Ralph Fiennes


frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

Ralph Fiennes did well after the end of Harry Potter: his character is a hotel manager in the film Grand Budapest Hotel"- received critical acclaim and many award nominations, he was called to play M instead of Judi Dench in the latest Bond movie " 007: SPECTRE', and then everything kind of faded. In 2017, he did not have any serious work. And in January 2019, the film " Holmes and Watson where Fiennes plays Moriarty.

Alan Rickman

Severus Snape

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

The last work of Alan Rickman was released in late spring 2016 - in the film " Alice in the Wonderland he voiced the wise caterpillar. The actor passed away in January 2016, just five weeks before his 70th birthday.

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On July 31, 2016, Little, Brown and Company published the eighth part of the Potter series titled "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" - and this time it is not the usual "year in the life of wizards" format, but a script book for a play that has already been staged on the London stage. The authors of the publication were not only JK Rowling, but also screenwriter Jack Thorne and director John Tiffany. On this occasion, we decided to recall what important things happened in the seven Potter books, translated into 67 languages.

"Harry Potter" is a coming-of-age novel for millions of people, a 7-book about a boy who conquered evil in himself and in the world. Regardless of age, all people today are divided into those who have or have not read Harry Potter. You may not like these novels, but you cannot ignore the fact that it was this book that influenced mass reading at the beginning of the 21st century. All parts are filmed, and fans hunt for many owners of the Harry Potter name. For example, in the US state of Florida, a 70-year-old man named Harry Potter now lives, and the pensioner is constantly disturbed by calls from children, while TV channels seek to interview him.

Meanwhile, the first novel about Harry Potter could never come out: publishers did not agree to print such a thick book. Few people believed that in the age of short messages, children, and then, as it turned out, adults were ready to read hundreds of pages of a story about a young wizard. The first edition of the book - 1,000 copies - was released after a positive evaluation of the 8-year-old daughter of the publisher. Have we thought about the questions a children's book about the wizarding world raises?

Harry Potter

Harry Potter - an orphan 11 years old, a scar on his forehead, round glasses. He lives with his half-brother with his aunt and uncle, relatives consider him abnormal and keep him in a closet under the stairs. This story is somewhat reminiscent of the story of Cinderella, don't you think? Even before Harry was born, a prophecy was made that a boy would be born at the end of July, whose parents challenged Voldemort (popularly the Dark Lord or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) three times and remained alive. He will either be able to defeat the Dark Lord, or he will die at his hands. Voldemort is an evil mage who is defeated 10 years before the time the first book begins, while trying to destroy Harry's entire family. But thanks to the maternal sacrifice, the boy remained alive, and the Dark Lord became a ghost and now wants to be resurrected. The action of 7 books takes place in a world similar to England in the 90s.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

In the first part, Harry Potter is 11 years old and his relatives prevent him from learning that he is a wizard and belongs to another world. All 7 books they will harass Harry and consider him crazy. However, already at the beginning of the story, on Harry's birthday, a messenger from the world of wizards comes to Harry - the forester Hagrid: a half-giant who will become a true friend of the young magician. The forester guarding the forest - a place of initiation and mystery - invites Harry Potter to Hogwarts School of Wizardry (usually owl invitations are brought to children, but Harry's uncle and aunt burned these letters).

The boy turns out to have savings in the bank of wizards, patrons, and friends for life appear - Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. A journey of 7 years begins. Harry leaves the world of people (muggles) and goes to school on a train that leaves from platform 9¾, King's Cross station in London. Only the elite, young magicians, to whom the owl brought the same invitation, get to this platform. On the train, Harry also meets the first enemy - Draco Malfoy - an anti-hero, the cunning son of one of the servants of evil.

There are four faculties at Hogwarts: Ravenclaw - wise men, Hufflepuff - hard workers and kind people, Slytherin - cunning and zealots of blood purity, Gryffindor - brave at heart. Remember, Slytherin students, like the founding father of the Salazar faculty, stand for the purity of blood - only those who have both mom and dad wizards can get there. No direct fascism, but then it will become clear that the founder of the faculty, while he was alive, and many of his graduates - the future servants of Voldemort - would like to see a world without dirty blood, without those who have only one parent from wizards. A talking hat distributes the students among the faculties, which first offers Harry the path of "pure blood" - Slytherin. However, the heart of the young magician tends to Gryffindor.

Every year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter learns about his personal history. Voldemort, who represents evil in the world of Harry Potter, is still a disembodied spirit, but he really wants to gain physicality, and Harry regularly interferes with him. While the Dark Lord only has enough strength to capture weak creatures - from field mice to weak-willed people, one of them turns out to be a teacher of protection from dark forces.

Harry is a hero who will always cause discontent, because he is constantly lucky and often unexpectedly comes first. For example, he becomes the youngest player in Quidditch - a sport in which broomsticks are flown and balls are thrown into vertically fixed rings in the air. They try to kill Harry because he is the only one who survived after the attack of the Dark Lord, in fact, the boy carries the knowledge of death. The murder breaks down, and then Voldemort's servant wants to force Harry to get the philosopher's stone - an excellent remedy for aging, just for incorporeal evil. The stone that grants immortality is hidden in the mirror of desires - everyone who looks will see their dream on the mirror surface, so many went crazy at this mirror, spending most of their lives there. Only those who "really" do not want to get the philosopher's stone, for example, Harry Potter - the boy is completely devoid of selfishness. The director intervenes in the matter - the great and kind wizard Dumbledore, Harry's mentor and some analogue of Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. The boy is saved, evil remains in the air, and Harry realizes that his life is a struggle.

"Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"

In this part, the students of Hogwarts begin to freeze and turn into stone, and next to the petrified bodies, someone leaves the inscription "The Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts is open."
The school of wizardry keeps many legends, one of them is about a secret room - a place created by Salazar Slytherin - a monster lives there that kills "half-breeds" - a basilisk.

All the Harry books are built like detectives, we have suspense and anxiety, and the stone ghetto is actually waiting for young "wrong" magicians.

In the same part, Harry Potter suddenly learns about his ability to communicate with snakes - the possibility of evil within the young man himself. Soon he begins to hear a snake voice from the walls of the castle, but writes it off as hallucinations. Everyone suspects that it is Harry Potter who turns students into stone, that he released a monster - a young magician will rarely be trusted in this world, he is too strange.

Harry is helped not only by people, but also by things: the world of wizards is full of artifacts. So, in the hands of a young magician, there is a map of marauders, showing where all the living creatures are around you while you are at school and next to it, and an invisibility cloak that performs its usual functions. But evil also has its artifacts: Harry finds a strange diary that shows him fragments of the life of a young Voldemort. And here infantilism makes itself felt - Harry does not tell anyone about his video sessions with someone else's past.

In the chamber of secrets, young wizards meet a basilisk and a young Voldemort. Once upon a time, an evil magician studied at Hogwarts, found a basilisk and subjugated it to his will, and the bodies of petrified wizards helped him to gain a corporeal shell in this part of the Pottery for some time. Harry feels the connection between the Dark Lord and the diary, intuitively sticks the basilisk's poisonous fang into the pages and the diary goes into the world of waste paper - the evil has not yet revived. An important feature of the confrontation between Harry Potter and evil forces is that the young magician almost always acts intuitively, he does not know, but he feels. The Chamber of Secrets and the rest of the Potter books are built like detective stories, but in the end we are never told the whole truth.

"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban"

With each successive book, more death awaits us and fewer safe places. On the school train, Harry encounters the Dementors, servants of Voldemort, "blind dead bodies" floating in the air and sucking positive emotions out of living beings. The Dementor is our revived anxiety, when it approaches, a person experiences horror, fear, despair, the world darkens, the temperature drops. A new dark arts teacher, Remus Lupin, a half-werwolf friend of Harry's father, teaches the young wizard and his friends how to summon a patronus, a kind of positive force that takes the form of an animal. To invoke a patronus, a person will have to remember and experience joyful memories. Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers don't stay at school for more than a year and sooner or later die a violent death or go insane. Once again, we are faced with the fact that evil is usually active and attacks, while good repels attacks. Evil is always there, in this part we learn that Ron Weasley's rat is actually Voldemort's old servant, who has been hiding at his side for many years waiting for the darkness to come.

If evil usually attacks on the sly, then good can be carried by changing the laws of time and space. Hermione, Harry's friend, uses a "scholastic" time-wheel that allows her to go back in time and attend more classes. Harry travels back in time to save himself and his godfather Sirius Black in the present. Physical laws do not forgive only the meeting of different temporary versions of one person, and magical things teach the heroes of responsibility.

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

Serenity leaves the world of Harry Potter completely. Death Eaters come to an international Quidditch tournament and start a mayhem. Students are told about three forbidden spells, life in the magical world depends on this knowledge. Instead of sexual harassment, you can simply be tortured with the word “Cruciatus” for a long time - outwardly it looks like the body of a paralyzed person placed in a cube. Other forbidden spells are "Imperio" - control of someone else's will and "Avada Kedavra" - instant death. Wizards consider death, pain and lack of will - the choice of the person himself, and not another magician. The world of wizards is not only inhabited by magical heroes ready to fight and win, most magicians want peace, at least not to violate the integrity of their body, mind and life.

Harry is supposed to break the rules, all his actions show the reader that the rules do not exist. Harry, as a hero, cannot escape the adventure - and he becomes the fourth participant in the tournament of the three wizards - something like the Olympic Games, or rather a triathlon: steal the egg guarded by the dragon, unravel the secret of the egg and save your friend from the bottom of the sea, then go through the labyrinth in which everyone wants you dead, and finally, find the goblet of the three wizards. A hero who breaks the rules accepted by the community receives an unexpected ending as a punishment. After all the tests, Harry and the second winner, senior student Cedric Diggory, meet at the goblet. Victory in the hands of Gryffindor: touch - and the heroes are in the cemetery. So the victory turns into a short ritual of the resurrection of Voldemort, the cup turns out to be a portal. At the graveyard, Voldemort's servant sheds Harry's blood on the grave of the Dark Lord's father. The question of blood is one of the most important in Pottery - the dark forces and in the soul all the representatives of Slytherin are ready to destroy the "Mudbloods" - the most terrible curse in the world of magicians. The rest of the wizards are tolerant.

So, Voldemort has revived, but cannot kill Harry, their magic wands turn out to be made of the same material, a phoenix feather and part-time symbol of immortality. In this book, they tried to kill Harry for the fifth time, but his "comrade in arms" Cedric Diggory dies.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

The dark side of the magical world begins to seep into the human world. Harry saved his stepbrother from a long relationship with the Dementor. The court of wizards accuses Harry of illegal use of magic (you can conjure after 17 years and so that people do not see). Harry is justified, but the Ministry of Magic does not want to recognize the return of Voldemort: so far only Harry has seen the embodiment of evil, and Dumbledore takes his word for it. The media is on the side of the conservative ministry, it is easier to blame one teenager for insanity than to believe in the return of evil. By the way, Harry feels him physically - he has a scar (a trace from the first attempt on his life) - and mentally - at night the boy has only nightmares.

The Ministry decides to show its power over Harry Potter's body: the new dark arts teacher Dolores Umbridge forces him to come to her and write with a special pen "I will not lie anymore." This is how the ministry, through its protege, reacts to the appearance of uncomfortable information: a scar with this inscription remains on Harry's hand, and lines written in blood on the sheets. The Ministry not only turns a blind eye to such punishments, but ignores “protection from dark forces”: if, in the opinion of the authorities, dark forces have not been revived, then why learn to protect themselves from them?
And Harry again violates all prohibitions. For example, to meetings. And he creates a detachment of Dumbledore - trains students in case of the arrival of evil.
On the pages of The Order of the Phoenix, we are shown with maximum breadth the work of censorship and what the policy of closed eyes and tied hands leads to.

Evil constantly plays on the feelings of the young magician. Harry's consciousness in a dream is attacked by the Dark Lord, and the boy is deceived: he is shown a world in which evil wizards have caught the good ones and torture them in the secrets department of the Ministry of Magic, among the victims is Harry's godfather Sirius Black. What is the hero doing? He rushes to save his loved ones and does not expect help from adults, this preserves his infantilism: one of the laws of the children's world is not to involve adults in your problems. Dumbledore's detachment goes to the dungeons of the ministry, to the department of secrets and falls into a trap, only evil wizards are nearby, but somewhere on the shelf there is a prophecy that hides the secret of the relationship between Harry Potter and Voldemort - the answer to the question, is it part of is he of that strength? Joanna Rowling has done everything clearly: the prophecy can only be taken by the one to whom it is related - you will only know your fate yourself. The Ministry of Harry Potter is trying to kill for the sixth time, but Dumbledore helps him escape, but Harry's godfather, Sirius Black, dies. The peculiarity of the gradual battle between good and evil is that we often worry about the death of good heroes, usually more of them die than evil ones.

"Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince"

After the return of Voldemort, his allies, the Death Eaters, also awakened. The sleep of a simple wizard will no longer be peaceful. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​also resurrected - a collection of adequate and strong magicians who understand that evil is evil. And the place for their meetings is the house of Harry's godfather, Sirius. And this year at school, Potter again demonstrates incredible abilities - he begins to brew potions better than anyone, although he used to interfere with everything in a row and often his “brew” exploded. He is assisted by a potions textbook, with comments by the half-blood prince, and he was none other than Severus Snow in his school days. So, Harry grows up, and he increasingly has to make strengths out of his weaknesses, master unpleasant skills, learn more and more about the world. It turns out that Voldemort, during his first life, divided his soul into 7 parts, placing them in storage-horcruxes, such as a diary or a snake. To create one Horcrux, you need to kill at least one creature. Now it's time for Harry to find and destroy all Horcruxes. Then, and only then, Voldemort will perish completely. In this part, JK Rowling prepares Harry for independence. His mentor Dumbledore dies, and Harry decides that studying is undoubtedly important, but saving the world comes first. Next year, his plans are far from lessons and textbooks - to find and neutralize, this is what our hero is preparing for.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

As soon as Harry becomes an adult, the hunt immediately begins for him. Before the start of the school year, they try to kill him 7 times, now collectively. As a result, his bird, the owl Hedwig, and one kind wizard, the Auror Alastor Moody, die. Harry understands more and more that he has become a decisive pawn in the game of good and evil and brings death to his loved ones, and leaves. Together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they search for Horcruxes. And young wizards can be understood. In addition to saving the world, their quiet life is also at stake.

While Harry is destroying the soul of Voldemort in parts, evil forces are planning to attack the Hogwarts school of magic - death eaters, giants, the whole cheerful company from the side of evil. The school is preparing for a siege, and a sense of sincere solidarity is in the air. "Protect the school!" - the stone guardians of Hogwarts come to life on the orders of Minerva McGonagall. At this moment, you understand that Rowling was able to create a school that you want to protect and die for, for a place where you are happy "not like everyone else." Meanwhile, Harry learns from the memories of Severus Snow that the professor is not an enemy, but the last Horcrux is inside Harry Potter himself. So, this time, in order to defeat evil, you need to defeat yourself - to sacrifice yourself. And Voldemort kills Harry. True, death is still symbolic, in the end Harry is alive and defeated everyone.

What can we expect from the eighth book, when the world has already been saved, and Harry has grown up? Perhaps we will be told a story about a new evil that comes into the world with a new generation of children who have to grow up.

    The Harry Potter series of novels was written by the English writer J.K. Rowling from 1997 to 2007. This list lists all the main characters of the series of novels (which significantly influenced the plot of the works), as well as the characters ... ... Wikipedia

    This article is about the series of literary works. For the character, see Harry Potter; for the film series, see Harry Potter (film series). Harry Potter Harry Potter ... Wikipedia

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    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (meanings). The story description in the article or section is too long or detailed compared to the rest of the article. Please ... Wikipedia

    This article is about a series of literary works. For the character, see Harry Potter. Harry Potter Harry Potter A collection of seven Harry Potter books on ... Wikipedia

    This article is about the literary character. For the book series, see Harry Potter novel series Wikipedia has articles on other people with this last name, see Potter. Character of the world of Harry Potter ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (meanings). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (meanings). Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban Motion Picture Soundtrack ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (meanings). Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ... Wikipedia

The adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter became the main passion of fans of the fantasy genre in the late 90s. The epic about the young magician adorned the English treasury of literature and brought fabulous wealth and world recognition to the unknown author yesterday.


The idea to create a book about a young wizard came to an Englishwoman by chance - at the station while waiting for the train "Manchester - London". In four hours, the bored brain invented the main character of the future book, which was to change the girl's life beyond recognition. There were five long years between the birth of an idea and its implementation. Only in 1995 did the aspiring writer finish the first manuscript of a story about a young magician.

The woman, in a conversation with reporters about the details of writing books, said that she always kept the plots in strict confidence. Even the husband did not know the details of the affair. This rule is followed in the process of creating each work.

A book called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" went to 12 publishers, but none of them liked it. Luck smiled at Joan a year later - her literary brainchild decided to publish the Bloomsbury publishing house. According to rumors, and then thanks to the little daughter of the chairman, who was delighted with reading the adventures of a young wizard.

In 1997, a brand new book came out from under the printing presses with a circulation of only a thousand copies. And the "mother" of Harry Potter said goodbye to poverty forever, later becoming the only billionaire who managed to make a fortune in the writing field.


Who actually became the prototype of Harry Potter remains a mystery. As a child, JK Rowling was friends with a boy named Ian Potter, frail and small for his age, who wore round glasses. The fact that he is the prototype of the character is indicated by another feature - a friend constantly invited the future writer and her sister to play wizards.

However, after the literary debut, the author of the "Potterian" denied the connection of the protagonist with a childhood friend. The only thing that I really borrowed was a harmonious surname, and in general, the image of Harry can be considered collective, having absorbed the features of friends, relatives and just acquaintances.

Critics accuse Rowling of "stealing", and indeed, the writer borrowed some of the characters from ancient fairy tales and folklore, for example, the Phoenix bird or basilisks. Potter fans went further, looking for analogues of the main characters in literature and cinema. As a result, they found that Harry Potter is very reminiscent of Paul Muad "Dib from Dune - the character also inherited black hair from his father, and green eyes from his mother, also lost his parents early and has magical abilities.


Magic has surrounded Potter since infancy. To save her one-year-old son, the mother gave her life, giving Harry protection from the dark forces. The "amulet" disappeared on the day of majority - at the age of 17, or at the moment when the boy decides to leave the house of his aunt, his mother's sister, forever. The young man left the shelter of a relative shortly before the "fatal" birthday.

On the day of his mother's death, Harry Potter became a Horcrux - one of the eight parts of the dark magician's soul was stored in the boy. Horcruxes provided the dark magician with immortality. Harry was the only one of the Horcruxes who had the ability to penetrate Voldemort's mind.

In his third year, Potter mastered the difficult art of summoning a Patronus. A magical essence that protects from evil beings appeared with the help of a spell, and the main requirement was to remember the happiest events of life during the ritual.

An additional incredible gift that the boy possessed - the ability to talk with snakes, thereby joined the ranks of the so-called snake-tongued magicians.

Some appeared spontaneously in Harry. So, the boy managed to reduce the terrible sweater given by his aunt, after which he became simply small. He grew his hair overnight, and one day, in anger, he exploded the glass in Aunt Marge's hand, and then blew it up like a balloon.


A fairy-tale world filled with adventures of young wizards, detail by detail is revealed in seven volumes. In the first part, readers get to know little Harry, left in the care of his aunt and uncle, and in the last part, the adult main characters, who have become parents, send their children to Hogwarts - it's already 2017.

The "Potterian" also features the eighth book, in which events unfold from the moment the children are sent to the school of magicians. However, it is difficult to call the book a full-fledged volume, this is a play called "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child", created by Rowling in collaboration with playwright Jack Thorne. Director John Tiffany also had a hand in the work - the audience saw the play in the summer of 2016 on the stage of London's Palase Theatre.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

In 1980, a prophecy was made that a boy would soon be born who would defeat Lord Voldemort (he played a role in the films). The evil wizard was challenged three times by Harry Potter's parents, now it's up to their son to do it. When the child turns a little over a year old, the lord tries to kill him, the idea failed - the father, and then the mother, became the victims. Harry was saved by magical protection, which ricocheted the curse of Valdemort, leaving only a trace on his forehead in the form of lightning. The spell struck the lord himself, and the boy became his Horcrux - the keeper of a piece of the soul.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book

The school of wizards has a philosopher's stone that can create gold and give immortality. He was hidden at Hogwarts by a professor. In the room where the stone lies, Harry intersects with the teacher Quirrell, who has repeatedly attempted on the boy's life. And again he is going to kill Potter, as a result, he crumbles, freeing a piece of Voldemort's soul. The philosopher's stone would have helped the magician to be reborn, but the attempt failed.

In the same book, Harry receives a gift from Hagrid - an album with a photo of his parents.

"Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"

In the second year of study at Hogwarts, it turns out that there is a Chamber of Secrets in the school, where, according to legend, the terrible basilisk snake is closed by the founder of the school, Salazar Slytherin. Slytherin was considered a fighter against the training of novice half-blood wizards in the school, who would have to be destroyed by the monster released from the room.

From the beginning of the school year, strange things began to happen at Hogwarts: the inhabitants of the school became numb, and signs began to appear near them that the Chamber of Secrets was open.

Book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

The school of magic is preparing for the Triwizard Tournament, three of the best wizards from different educational institutions will fight on its site. Students over the age of 17 are allowed to participate in the tournament, however the Goblet of Fire inexplicably points to Harry. As it turned out at the end of the story, Alastor Moody had a hand in this.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book

The young man easily steals the egg from the dragon and rescues Ron Weasley underwater. The third test is to go through a labyrinth full of traps and take the Goblet of Fire. Potter gets to the "grand prize" along with the champion of the school, Cedric Diggory (actor). Having touched the cup, the boys find themselves in the cemetery, where Voldemort appears. But the evil magician again fails to kill Potter.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

Potter was nearly expelled from Hogwarts for using magic outside of school. On a walk, Harry met his cousin Dudley, suddenly the boys were attacked by dementors. Saved by the timely summoned Patronus. Thanks to the protection of the school principal Albrus Dumbledore, the young man was acquitted.

Book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

The young magician, restored to his rights, enters the secret society Dumbledore's Squad, created by Hermione at school, where young wizards learn protective spells on their own. And at the same time he learns oclumency to protect consciousness. The fact is that a hidden mental connection is revealed between Voldemort and Harry. The secret society was betrayed by one of the students, as a result, Dumbledore has to flee.

One day, Harry sees in a dream how the Dark Magician is torturing his godfather Sirius in the Ministry of Magic, and rushes to the rescue. However, he does not find Sirius, but a curious object awaits the young man - a ball with the Prophecy, on which his name and the Dark Lord flaunt. The dream turned out to be a trap.

In the battle, where the members of the Order of the Phoenix participated, Sirius Black dies, and Harry breaks the ball with the Prophecy. Voldemort's luck turned away again - an attempt to kill Potter was stopped by Dumbledore. He also spoke about the prophecy - the war will continue as long as Harry and the evil magician are alive, one must die.

"Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince"

The main events of the book - Harry learns about the existence of Horcruxes and Dumbledore's death at the hands of the new professor of defense against the dark arts Severus Snape (actor).

Thanks to an old "Advanced Potions" textbook signed by a certain Half-Blood Prince, Potter becomes a top student in the subject. Snape turned out to be the owner of the book.

Book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

Harry, along with Dumbledore, rushed to find Horcruxes, however, both almost died. One of the Horcruxes - Slytherin's medallion - was found, but turned out to be false.

After the death of Dumbledore, Harry is going to devote time instead of school to the search for the rest of the Horcruxes in the next academic year.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

The last Harry Potter book in which the main character is looking for Horcruxes. And he finds, but it turns out that a piece of the soul is stored inside him. The young man decides to sacrifice himself by going to Voldemort. The dark magician struck Harry with the Avada Kedavra spell, but he managed to escape death for the second time. The final duel with the evil wizard ends with the victory of the protagonist.

Book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

The end of the book takes the reader 19 years into the future. Ron is married to Hermione, and Harry is married to his best friend's sister, with whom they have three children. Potter is no longer bothered by the scar on his forehead.

Rowling didn't stop there. At the request of the British society Comic Relief UK, “copies” of books stored in the Hogwarts library came out from the pen of a woman: “Quidditch from antiquity to the present day”, which tells about the rules of the sport of Quidditch, a collection of folklore of wizards “Tales of Beedle the Bard” and “” .

"Potteriana" took over the world, spawning a whole series of fanfiction, memes and comics. Perhaps the most interesting comic version of the saga belongs to the American illustrator Lucy Neasley - one poster gives a complete picture of each part of the beloved fairy tale.

Films and actors

The film rights to the first four books about the adventures of a little wizard were bought from the author in 1999. The fee is £1 million, but Rowling also owed a share of the rental fees for each film. Stephen Kloves undertook to create the script, and at first he himself applied for the director's position. However, they later replayed it, and stood at the helm of the director's version of the magical saga.

While still on the beach, the writer discussed a curious detail with the filmmakers: she agrees to film adaptations of books if all the actors are English. They say that the main role, at the insistence of the director, was intended for the young American film actor Liam Aiken, but Joan resolutely rejected the candidacy.

In the autumn of 2000, British children were introduced to the press, who got the leading roles: (Harry), (Ron Weasley) and (Hermione Granger).

And yet, foreign actors wormed their way into the film: for example, an Irishman by birth, US citizen Zoe Wanamaker, and an American played the goblin who led Harry to the vault.

The role of one of the key characters - the director of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris. But in 2002, the actor died, he received the reins of the school of wizards.

The filming used many large venues in London and other cities. Even the cathedrals in Gloucester and Durem were lit up in the frames, for which the locals accused the authors of the picture of sacrilege. All parts of the "Potteriana" were also filmed in the studio studio Warner Bros, which later turned into a museum of the fantasy hero.

The trailer for the first Harry Potter movie was released a year after filming began. The tape, like the books, made a splash, and years later the full adaptation of the saga was recognized as one of the highest grossing films in the history of cinema.

Movies in order:

  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • 2004 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • 2005 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • 2007 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  • 2010 – “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I"
  • 2011 – “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part II»

After Chris Columbus directed the first two films, Alfonso Cuarón and Mike Newell directed the Harry Potter adventures, and David Yates directed the last four installments.

Five years after the release of the last picture, the viewer was presented with the next film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. And in order to please the fans of the "Potter" even more, Warner Bros arranged a world tour "Harry Potter: a series of film concerts" - the films were broadcast accompanied by a symphony orchestra.


Throughout the books, the boy grows and changes, both externally and in character. At the first meeting, Harry is 11 years old. He is a frail teenager with "knobby knees" who is not tall enough for his age. Handsome, very similar to his father with thin features and dark tousled hair, only eyes of a bright green hue were inherited from his mother.

Potter's special feature is a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, which appeared in infancy as a trace of the Avada Kedavra death spell. Rowling explained that she wanted to physically celebrate the chosenness and at the same time the curse of the character.

The boy wears duct-taped round glasses and wears his cousin's cast-offs. The clothes do not fit - hanging on Harry in a bag. However, already at Hogwarts it takes on a neat appearance thanks to the uniform uniform for students of its faculty, which consists of a white shirt, gray trousers, a jumper and a black robe with red cuffs.

Harry Potter is a downtrodden child, timid and modest, unquestioningly doing housework. Noble traits begin to appear in the school of wizards: the boy is always ready to help, is not afraid of danger, is brave and loyal to friendship. The glory of a man who knows how to get into trouble is fixed behind him, his father James had the same feature. Harry is alien to selfishness and ambition.

With age, Potter loses his timidity, does not hesitate to express emotions - the character of a young man becomes quick-tempered, he knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones.

Family and friends

Harry is a descendant of the Peverell dynasty of wizards, whose roots go back centuries. However, everyone who possesses magic belongs to this family. The boy was born to wizards at the end of July 1980. After the death of his parents, the baby ended up in the house of his maternal aunt Petunia Dursley, where he lived for ten years.

The aunt and her husband Vernon did not love their nephew, but they adored Dudley's own son. Harry also did not have a relationship with his cousin - a fat, unpleasant boy constantly bullied the main character and fought.

Even on the way to Hogwarts, Potter found two true friends with whom he would go hand in hand throughout his life. Ron Weasley, a representative of an ancient family of wizards, immediately conquered Harry's lonely soul with his openness and honesty. On the train, the boys also met Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born girl (Muggles are ordinary people), surprising with a brilliant mind and ability to conjure. By the way, according to Rowling, the girl is endowed with her character.

Harry married a girl with copper hair and a pretty face (actress), the sister of Ron's friend, a Hogwarts student who was a year younger. This is a long-awaited girl in the Weasley family of magicians - for several generations, only boys were born. The couple still has three children, although Potter was predicted the fate of a father with many children, raising 12 offspring.

The eldest son was named after his father and godfather Harry, the child bears the double name of James Sirius. The directors of the school of wizards - Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape - gave a double name to the second son. The Potter family also had a daughter, Lily Luna. In fact, the spouses have four children - the godson of the protagonist of the saga, Teddy Lupine, whose parents died, lives with them.

  • The namesake of Harry Potter lives in Florida. The man has long been retired, little fans of the saga about the wizard are sure that this is their aged idol. An American old man often has to communicate with children on the phone. And not only with children - local newspapers invite for interviews.
  • Tourists-fans of "Potteriana" have chosen a town in Israel. Near Raml is the burial place of a soldier named Harry Potter who died in 1939. Why this grave was chosen for the pilgrimage is not clear, because the burials of the namesake of the book boy were also found in Egypt, Libya and Belgium.

  • The author of books about wizards holds the record for the amount of money raised from sales of publications. Rowling for the first time in the history of literature managed to receive a billion dollars for his work.
  • Fans of the book, of course, single out Potter from all the characters, but the writer prefers the Phoenix bird.
  • During the filming of the fabulous epic, Daniel Radcliffe managed to take down 160 pairs of glasses, and make-up artists applied lightning to his forehead 5800 times.

  • Among the film's first filming locations is the Great Hall. 20 double-decker buses will easily enter this grandiose room. Another curious fact is that in preparing the hall, the builders used 100 tons of plaster, and natural York stone flaunts on the floor, an expensive pleasure, but durable, able to withstand the shooting of the entire epic.
  • Together with the people on the set, 250 animals worked as actors, from a tiny centipede to a huge hippopotamus.

  • In the scenes of the general plan (giant Hagrid) Martin Bayfield dubbed, whose height is 208 cm.
  • The Wizarding World of Harry Potter amusement parks were built in the cities of Orlando and Osaka, where the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey rides opened in 2010. A 20-minute trip introduces visitors to the scenes from the "Potteriana" - guests watch a game of Quidditch, fly over the Black Lake, "wander" through the Forbidden Forest and even see a flying dragon.

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