Second day of Holy Week. Every day is great


Holy Week(var. Red week, Red week, Ukrainian White day, Pure day, field. Rusalna Nedzelya, Christ. Passion Week, Holy Week) - follows after Palm, the seventh last week before the Great Day (Easter), lasting six days; it begins on the Monday and ends on the Saturday preceding Easter Sunday.

Throughout the week, preparations were made for the main holiday: tables, benches, benches, windows, doors were washed. They whitewashed the stove, and even the walls. Scraping, washing the floor, shaking out the rugs, washing the dishes. From Thursday to Saturday, cooking went on at the stove and in the yard: the housewives baked Easter cakes, dyed eggs, baked meat; men set up swings, prepared firewood for the holiday, etc. The villagers tried to be laconic. As during the entire Lent, loud street singing was avoided, there were no street games and round dances. According to the beliefs of the Bulgarians, the samovils monitored the observance of traditions. According to Slavic beliefs, before or after Great Day, the ancestors return to earth, where they stay for some time.

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    ✪ Holy Week, the last week of Lent before Easter

    ✪ PT221 Rus 68. Events of Holy Week. The anointing of Jesus with peace. Betrayal of Judas.


Holy Week Holy Week is a special period in Christianity. This is the last week before Easter, following Palm Sunday and established in memory of the suffering and martyrdom of Jesus Christ. They also call this week: Holy Week, Holy Week, Terrible Week, Great Week, Great Week, Red, Red, Holy Week, White Day, Clean Day. The last six days of Great Lent are devoted to memories of the last days of the Savior's earthly life, of His sufferings, crucifixion, death on the cross, and burial. This week is especially honored by the Church. This week is called Great, because in this week great and supernatural miracles and extraordinary deeds of our Savior took place. In Christianity, all the days of Holy Week are called "Great" - Great Monday, Great Tuesday, etc., the epithet "Passion" is also used. According to ancient custom, Holy Week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. During Holy Week, the Last Supper, the judgment, the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ are remembered. Divine services during Holy Week are of particular importance. During Holy Week, fasting is especially strict. The path of Passion Week is the path of fasting, confession and communion. Every day of Holy Week is filled with sacred meaning. Within just one week, Jesus Christ learned the price of human love and betrayal, life and death. At the beginning of Passion Week, he entered Jerusalem, in the middle he was captured and put to suffering, at the end of the week he was crucified. The course of the church service changes depending on what event happened on a certain day of the week preceding Easter. Every day of Holy Week is great and holy, and on each of them special services are performed in all churches. During Holy Week, the Orthodox Church does not celebrate the days of its Saints, does not commemorate the dead, and does not conduct such sacraments as weddings and baptisms. This is the week before Easter, every day of which is great and holy. Orthodox Christians spend this time praying fervently and staying in strict abstinence. Let's look at each day separately. Palm Sunday On Palm Sunday, the Savior entered Jerusalem to preach there, to be arrested, and to suffer. Jesus Christ knew what was ahead of him, and made a conscious sacrifice for the sake of the one whom he loved most in the world - for the sake of man. The inhabitants of Jerusalem accepted Jesus as a prophet and greeted him with palm branches in their hands. In the Slavic countries, they decided to replace them with willow branches. On this day, people consecrate willows in temples. From Monday to Wednesday, Jesus Christ preached in Jerusalem. Knowing that the period of his earthly life was coming to an end, he tried to put as much information into the ears of his listeners as possible. Great Monday On Monday, the story of the fig tree is remembered, on which Jesus found no fruit and withered it. This barren tree symbolizes souls that do not bear spiritual fruit in the Kingdom of God - true repentance, faith, prayers and good deeds. On this day, the biblical Joseph is also remembered - the son of Jacob, whom the brothers sold into slavery in Egypt, as a prototype of the suffering Jesus Christ. Joseph was brought out of prison and placed over Egypt. It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits, bread. Maundy Tuesday On Maundy Tuesday, Jesus denounces the Pharisees and scribes, as well as the parables uttered by Him in the Jerusalem Temple: about the tribute to Caesar and the resurrection of the dead, also about the Last Judgment and the end of the world, about ten virgins and talents. They eat hot on this day without the presence of vegetable varieties of oil in food. Great Wednesday Wednesday of Holy Week is the day on which Christ was given over to suffering. On Wednesday, two important events take place: the repentant sinner Mary of Magdala pours precious ointment on the feet of a tired Jesus and receives forgiveness, washing Christ's feet with tears and anointing with precious ointment, thus preparing Him for burial. On Great Wednesday, Christians remember with sorrow the decision of Judas Iscariot to betray his Teacher for 30 pieces of silver. This day is significant for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the cessation of great prostrations. Maundy Thursday On Maundy Thursday, Christians remember four events: 1. The Last Supper takes place on Thursday, during which Jesus Christ gives the last instructions to his disciples and foreshadows his imminent death and resurrection. 2. Washing by the Lord of the feet of his disciples 3. The Savior goes to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he prays and reminds the apostles that they cannot sleep that night. 4. But the apostles fall asleep, and, betrayed by Judas, Christ, on the night of Thursday to Friday, falls into the hands of Roman soldiers. Another betrayal falls to the share of Christ: a frightened Peter renounces his teacher in front of the soldiers. Good Thursday, also known as "Thursday" Good Friday - Good Friday Good Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was tortured, judged and crucified on the cross. After several hours of unbearable suffering, Christ dies crucified on the cross. This is the most mournful day of Holy Week, the day of sadness and the strictest fast. There is no liturgy on Good Friday. Divine services are dedicated to the crucifixion and death of Christ. There is no liturgy, and Christians hold burning candles - a symbol of the greatness of the Lord. According to the custom, alms are given to the poor, it is customary to distribute various foodstuffs to poor people. Even for those who did not fast during Lent, the priests strongly recommend that this Friday refrain from eating fast food and alcohol. Holy Saturday On Saturday, faithful disciples bury the body of Jesus Christ. Saturday is the most mysterious day of Holy Week. While the body of Christ lies in the tomb, his soul descends into hell, where it forgives the ancient prophets and the righteous who lived before the birth of Jesus. Hell groans with anger as Christ establishes his authority even in the realm of the devil. Only a few hours remain until Easter - the great day that marked the victory over death. On Great Saturday, one should prepare for the coming of the Resurrection of Christ. After the morning service, Easter, eggs, Easter cakes are consecrated in all churches. Priests dress in bright clothes and celebrate the liturgy. On Saturday, the Holy Fire descends in Jerusalem. After Great Saturday, Easter comes. Holy Week for Christians For a Christian, Holy Week is a time of strict fasting and repentance. The Church Fathers prescribe to spend this time in prayers and abstinence, visit the temple, attend services, confess sins. Being present on Holy Week at church services, representing all the events of the last days of the Savior as if taking place before us, we mentally go through the whole majestically touching and immensely edifying story of the sufferings of Christ. The Holy Church calls us this week to leave everything vain and worldly and follow our Savior. The Fathers of the Church composed and arranged the services of Holy Week in such a way that they reflect all the sufferings of Christ. The temple these days alternately represents either the Zion Upper Room and Gethsemane, or Golgotha. The Divine Services of Holy Week were furnished by the Holy Church with a special outward grandeur, sublime, inspired hymns and a whole series of deeply significant rites that are performed only in this week. Slavic traditions True believers are encouraged to reflect on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the events of the last days of his earthly life during Holy Week. The Russian people fulfilled the precepts of the Orthodox Church: they prayed, kept a strict fast, tried to attend church all week, behave with dignity, at this time it was forbidden to have fun, sing songs, laugh. Throughout the week, preparations are underway for the main Easter holiday: houses, yards, gates, and wells are being put in order. Previously, the stove was whitewashed, and even the walls. It is believed that Holy Week is a time of rampant evil spirits. According to Slavic traditions, before or after the Great Day, the ancestors return to earth, where they stay for some time. During Holy Week, many rituals of a cleansing and protective nature were performed. Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday. Customs prescribe to wake up before dawn and begin to cleanse yourself and your home. Folk traditions call this day "Maundy Thursday". Accordingly, believers at this time strive for both spiritual and bodily purification. Candles lit in the church and brought into the home, according to legend, bring happiness. On Maundy Thursday, according to Russian custom, it was necessary to wash the whole house: floors, ceilings, walls, doors and windows, clean icon frames, dry everything that had been stored in chests for the whole winter, burn old straw beds, throw away old shoes, clothes, take out all garbage, thoroughly wash all the dishes in the house. After Maundy Thursday and until Easter itself, the house was no longer cleaned and swept, this prohibition was explained by the fear of dusting the eyes of Jesus Christ lying in the tomb. On the same day, ritual ablutions of people were widespread, which were supposed to cleanse a person from sins, give him health, beauty. They were usually held at sunrise, before the birds wake up, when the water is still "not stained with anything." Ablution was carried out on a river, pond, lake or at home. People tried to enhance the magical effect of water by performing various additional ritual actions. So, silver coins were thrown into the water prepared for ablution, as well as into a natural reservoir, which, according to legend, had cleansing properties. On Maundy Thursday, according to custom, eggs were dyed, Easter cake was baked, Easter was made from cottage cheese. Kulich had to be baked, according to the peasants, on Thursday, since on this day Jesus Christ broke bread and gave it to his disciples to eat with the words “this is My body”. On Good Friday - the day of the crucifixion of Christ on the cross - all work was prohibited. On Holy Saturday, Easter cake, Easter and painted eggs were consecrated in churches. Holy Saturday ends Great Lent. You need to go to church and bless the prepared Easter cakes and other Easter food. No food is allowed until the end of the night service. After the end of the procession comes Great Easter

Pure, Terrible, Great Monday

The week of preparation for the meeting of the Holy Resurrection begins. On this day, they washed and whitewashed huts, cleaned cattle. Anyone who sincerely fasts on Clean Monday (does not eat or drink all day) will, as they say in the Vitebsk region, successfully find bird nests in summer. The Gomel Poleshchuks avoided keeping anything unclean (from food) in the house on this Monday and Tuesday, so that spoilage would not attack people and beef (cattle) [ ] . The peasants said about this day: “From Great Monday to Great Day, a whole week, the women are up to their necks!” .

In the Kherson region, a big commemoration for the ancestors is held at the "Living Monday" - "Dead Great Day".

Clean Tuesday

On Tuesday of the last week of Great Lent in the villages of the Tula province, flax and hemp seeds are collected from the bins together, crushed in a mortar, and then juiced milk is prepared from them with water. All this is done in the morning, before dawn. Such milk is given to all domestic animals at dawn, as a precaution against future diseases. Here is the main condition: men should not know this business, otherwise it will be useless. According to the remarks of the old women, it is known that if an animal does not drink juicy milk, then no good can be expected in it; it is then already either sick or enchanted [ ] .

Passion Wednesday

On a passionate Wednesday, they douse the cattle with snow water.

In Belarus, on the eve of Maundy Thursday, they put bread, salt and soap under the roof. With that bread, cattle were driven out of the barn on Yuri, salt was later used as a remedy for the evil eye, and the next day before sunrise, they washed themselves in a bathhouse with soap to be clean (healthy) for a whole year. If the bread taken out froze during the night, it was assumed that the spring ones would also freeze [ ] .

Pure Thursday

Pure Thursday, depending on the region, was called: “Navsky Great Day” (Ukrainian), Tree Thursday (Belarusian), Zhilnik (Belarusian)

Before sunrise ("until the crow ransomed her children") the whole family should bathe so that illnesses and illnesses do not stick all year round, and during the day they remove water, hang out winter clothes to dry. From the memoirs of a Voronezh peasant woman: “Clean Thursday is bathing. We got up early in the morning, before dawn, before sunrise. Grandmother would boil water with succession, wake me up early, before sunrise, and start by washing my hair. She washed my head - "Our Father" once read; she washed me up to the waist - she read “Our Father” a second time; and the third time she reads "Our Father", when she washed my legs and everything below the waist. Three times she read "Our Father", finishing: "Send, Lord, health to me and my child." Then she washed herself. She did not pour out this water, she gave it to the goats to drink. The goats drank it with pleasure. Everyone bathed before sunrise. Clean Thursday was not celebrated. Thursday, Friday, Saturday were revered as strict days. Everyone was at home, the village was quiet. The nights were dark and eerie. Bathed, washed, washed everything. They also slaughtered a pig before the sun, its fat was considered healing [ ] .

In the Kiev region, Podillya and the Left Bank, “clean Thursday” is Navsky Great Day (nav, other Russian - dead man, other world). According to old beliefs, God releases the souls of the dead from the "other world" three times a year: the first time on "Maundy Thursday", the second time - when the zhito blooms (probably on Semik), and the third time - on Spas. Mythological stories about the exit of the dead on Good Thursday have been preserved in Northern Russian and Ruthenian (among the Lemkos) materials [ ] [ ] .

On the Russian-Belarusian borderland, in the east of Belarus and in the Western Russian territories, large community bonfires are burned on Good Thursday.

Good Friday

They said about Friday in Passion Week: “Whoever fasts this Friday, that person will be saved from enemies and robbers” [ ] .

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday(rus. Dye Saturday, Belarusian Red Saturday, Vyalikzen Valachobny, Ukrainian great day saturday, Serbian Vrbica) - the eve of the Great Day.

In Belarus, bonfires were lit on the eve of Great Day. On Holy Saturday, back in the 20th century, in some villages of Belarus, a rite was observed that came from hoary antiquity: 12 girls, wearing white shirts, took a plow and prayerfully made a furrow around the village with it - they wanted to fence themselves off from everything dashing for a whole year [ ] .

In the west of Polissya, in Poland, Slovenia, the ban on sleeping during the all-night vigil was motivated by the threat of crop failure: they believed that the owner, who fell asleep / lay on Easter night, would fall rye, wheat and flax, the fields would overgrow with weeds, etc. .

Treat of the merman

It was believed that the merman lies on the river bottom all winter and sleeps in a deep sleep. By spring, he - pretty hungry for hibernation - wakes up, begins to break the ice and tortures the fish to death: to spite the fishermen. That is why they are trying to propitiate the angry river governor with a treat. After that, he becomes more accommodating, more accommodating and begins to guard the fish himself, lure large fish from other rivers “for princely bread”, saves fishermen on the waters during storms and unravels the seine for them [ ] .

Sayings and signs

see also


  1. “Rusalna nedzelya, yih try: big day, on Trinity and on Christmas”. See: Tolstaya S. M. Polessky folk calendar - M .: Indrik, 2005 - S. 216.
  2. , With. 161.
  3. , With. 267.
  4. , With. 102.
  5. , With. 163.
  6. , With. 209.
  7. , With. 257.
  8. Thursday candle // SEM
  9. Wiping fire // SEM
  10. Thursday bread // SEM
  11. Thursday salt // SEM
  12. Veres // REM
  13. , With. 621.
  14. Folk bichaјand and religion
  15. , A. Korinfsky believed that in the old days Holy Week was dedicated to Perun, and bonfires were lit on the hills in his honor., p. 213, 222.
  16. , With. 642.
  17. , With. 214-215.
  18. , With. 214-215.
  19. , With. 459.
  20. , With. 457.


  • Bonfire / T.A.Agapkina // Slavic Antiquities: Ethnolinguistic Dictionary: in 5 volumes / ed. ed. N. I. Tolstoy; . - M. : Int. relations, 2004. - V. 3: K (Circle) - P (Quail). - S. 620–6271. - ISBN 5-7133-1207-0.
  • Agapkina T. A. Mythopoetic foundations of the Slavic folk calendar. Spring-summer cycle. - M.: Indrik, 2002. - 816 p. - (Traditional spiritual culture Slavs. Modern research).
  • Easter /

Holy Week

The week from Palm Sunday to Easter is called Holy Week. It is dedicated to the memory of the suffering, death and burial of Jesus. Each day of the week bears the name of the Great and is filled with special symbolism. Holy Week is also the last and strictest week of Lent and implies spiritual and bodily cleanliness, which is why it is also called White or Clean Week. Holy Week is full of grief and sadness. It ends with the most revered holiday of the Resurrection in Orthodox Christianity, which is celebrated throughout the following Bright Week. During Holy Week, the church does not conduct the sacraments of baptism and weddings, the days of saints are not celebrated, and the dead are not commemorated. Each day of this week has its own meaning and is accompanied by the adjective "Great".
Great Monday
On this day, the gospel story is remembered about how Jesus Christ cursed the barren fig tree. This image symbolizes a soul that does not bring spiritual fruits - prayer, true repentance, faith and good deeds. On this day, it is customary to start a big cleaning in the house.
Maundy Tuesday
The restoration of order continues and the conversations and parables told by Christ on this day in Jerusalem are recalled: a tribute to Caesar, about the resurrection of the dead, about the Last Judgment.
Great Wednesday
On this day, Jesus was betrayed by his disciple Judas. Christians remember and compare two paths of life - the traitor Judas and the repentant harlot Mary Magdalene. On this day, a very strict fast is observed (cold food 1 time per day or a complete rejection of food) and a complete rejection of entertainment.
Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)
Pure Thursday. On this day, four important events are remembered: the Last Supper, Christ washing the feet of his disciples, prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the betrayal of Judas. By this day, everything in the house should be finally tidied up. They bake Easter cakes, cook Easter, you can paint eggs. It is customary to cut the hair of one-year-old children for the first time. And the girls on this day cut the ends of their hair to grow better. Water procedures, bathing, bath this day will bring health and strength. Be sure to bathe the children. In some regions of the country, it is customary to burn juniper and fumigate it at home so that there are no diseases and evil spirits for the whole year.
Good Friday
The day of the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus Christ. On this day, it is not customary to wash, do housework. All preparations are best completed the day before, on Thursday. A day of very strict fasting.
Holy Saturday
In churches, the consecration of festive food takes place. On the same day, one of the greatest religious miracles takes place - the convergence of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem. During a special service, fire is brought out of the Holy Sepulcher. It is believed that he himself appears there miraculously every year on the eve of Easter. The removal of the Holy Fire or Light symbolizes the resurrected Jesus Christ. Orthodox bring home from the temples a burning candle - a piece of sacred fire. Before the Vespers, it is necessary to completely abstain from food and break the fast only after the end of the service.
In some parts of the country, Great Saturday is called dyeing Saturday, since it is customary to dye eggs on this day.
Easter (Sunday)
Sunday this week is a bright holiday - the most significant holiday in Christianity, which symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The main symbols, that is, renewal and rebirth, are: fire, Easter cakes, colored eggs and hares. On this day in Rus', according to tradition, many people were baptized.
Night services are held in churches. Christians greet each other and exchange colored eggs.
In Russia, merry festivities, games, dances were always arranged for the Easter week, people went to visit. On Easter, cemeteries were also visited, painted eggs, Easter cakes and sweets were left on the graves. This custom still exists today.
Throughout Holy Week, the church does not hold weddings, baptisms, and the dead are not commemorated.

Great Week, or as it is also called Holy Week, got its name in memory of the last days of the life of Jesus Christ on Earth. This is the last week of Lent. It ends with Easter Sunday.

Each day of Holy Week is dedicated to a specific event from the Gospel. Every day of Holy Week, special services are performed in all Orthodox churches and special prayers are read. During the entire Holy Week, the church does not conduct the sacraments of baptism and weddings, the days of saints are not celebrated and the dead are not commemorated.

Why is it called Holy Week: Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday and Holy Wednesday

On the first day of Holy Week, the patriarch from the Old Testament is remembered - Joseph, the son of Jacob, whom his own brothers sold in Egypt as a slave. Like Joseph, the Jews who hated Jesus Christ put Him to death on the cross. Also on this day, they remember the narration from the Gospel in which Jesus Christ cursed the barren fig tree symbolizing the soul that does not bear spiritual fruit - true repentance, faith and sincere prayer.

On Tuesday, the second day of Holy Week, Christians meditate on the coming of the Last Judgment, the resurrection of the dead. On this day, they also remember the parables that Jesus told in the Temple of Jerusalem. On Tuesday, it is forbidden to add vegetable oils to food.

On Great Wednesday, Christians remember the decision of Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. On this day, the sinful wife is also remembered, who washed with her tears and anointed the feet of Christ with precious ointment, and thereby prepared Christ for burial.

Why is Holy Week so called: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Good Saturday

On Thursday of Holy Week, Christians remember four important events at once: the Last Supper, the Lord washing the feet of his disciples, the prayer of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Judas Iscariot.

According to signs, if a person wants to be healthy throughout the year, he needs to bathe before sunrise. Also, this water can wash away all the sins that have accumulated over the year.

According to popular belief, a person who does a general cleaning in the house receives from the Lord a gift to find long-lost things.

On Good Friday during Holy Week, Christians commemorate the trial, crucifixion, and death of Jesus Christ. The night from Thursday to Friday, people do not sleep, but pray. At the morning service, the 12 Gospels of the Testament of the Holy Passion are read. At the evening service, the shroud is brought out, after which the singing of the canon of the crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos begins.

On Great Saturday, the Church remembers the burial of the Savior, the presence of His body in the tomb. Divine services on this day begin in the early morning and continue until the end of the day. Great Saturday - Rest Day. This is the last day of Lent. On this day, pies, Easter cakes and Easter cakes are baked.

Why is Holy Week so called: the day of the Holy Sunday of Christ

On the day of Christ's Bright Sunday, it is customary to rejoice because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On this day, instead of greeting, people congratulate each other with the words "Christ is Risen!". Such a greeting should be answered with "Truly Risen!"

On the day of Easter, Great Lent ends, which is why it is customary for believers to set up a plentiful and tasty Easter table. The meal should begin with the fact that each person should break the fast with an Easter cake consecrated in the church. The main Easter dishes are colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter.

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The most important week of the year! Thank you very much, I did not know much!

There is no more important week of the year for the entire Orthodox world than Holy Week or Holy Week. This week is dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ: his Great Sacrifice in our name, his pain and crucifixion, writes Anna Kirova.

It is very important to keep the traditions of this week. Let's see what you should pay attention to in the first place. Holy Week is the week preceding and including the bright feast of Easter.
During Holy Week, with the help of prayers (primarily) and various traditions, we are preparing to accept the Savior's Passion on the Cross and the Miracle of His Resurrection.

Holy Week begins on April 2: what to do and what not to do every day.So, the daily schedule for Holy Week (what can and cannot be done)

Great Monday

On this day, a festive service is held dedicated to the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph, whom his envying brothers sold into slavery, and during the service, it is remembered how the Savior withered a tree that did not bear fruit. Also on Holy Monday, myrrh (special oil) is brewed for chrismation.

On this day, you can still do various housework, on the ground that needs to be repaired. On Good Monday, you should avoid even the slightest shadow of envy and condemnation, but if you are envied, bless such a person, so you will do good to him and yourself.

Maundy Tuesday

On this day, we all remember how the Savior taught people in Jerusalem, and his enemies were afraid to approach him.

On Maundy Tuesday, it is customary to do a general cleaning in the house, to complete the general washing and ironing.

It is worth avoiding despondency on this day, because our Lord Jesus did not succumb to despondency even when he knew that he had not come to certain death. What are we to grumble about then?

Starting from Great Wednesday, every Orthodox believer should try to attend at least a few minutes at all the services that are performed in the Temple. To Walk All the Way with Jesus: Judas Betrayal, Crucifixion and Resurrection

Great Wednesday

In all the Temples, a festive service will be held, at which the sacrament of confession will be performed en masse. Each of us should repent and confess our sins on this day.

There is a tradition to throw out all unnecessary, all rubbish from the house on this day.

Maundy Thursday

On this day, we all remember the Last Supper at which Judas betrayed Jesus. Why do people call this day "Maundy Thursday"? This name is rooted in the Last Supper: Jesus showed us all an example of the Greatest Humility, so she washed the feet of all her disciples before the start of the meal.

From the Temple, each believer carries a lit candle - it should be kept next to the icons for a year so that troubles bypass the house.

On Maundy Thursday, you should definitely wash yourself before dawn. Also, according to tradition, on this day, housewives bake Easter cakes and begin to paint eggs.

Good Friday

This is a very sad day for all Orthodox Christians. It is dedicated to the suffering on the cross and the death of our Savior. In the evening, the Shroud is carried out in every Orthodox church.

On this day, you can not do any homework, it is forbidden to swear, sing and listen to joyful songs, dance, etc.

This year, Holy Week or Holy Week falls from 2 to 7 April.

Strict day of the Greatpostconsidered Good Friday.

This year, Holy Week or Holy Week falls from 2 to 7 April. Then the main church holiday, Easter, will be celebrated on April 8th.

Top Prohibitions for Holy Week

During Holy Week, only annoyance about food, as well as the rules of Great Lent, is in effect. So, April 2-5 are “dry” days, you can only eat bread, vegetables and fruits; April 6 - complete abstinence from food, April 7 - hot food, but without oil.

Great Monday - April 2

On this day, you need to finish all the work around the house - paint, repair, clean.

Maundy Tuesday - April 3

On this day, it is customary to finish washing, ironing, repairing clothes.

Great Wednesday - April 4

On this day, the last rubbish was taken out of the house, eggs were prepared and everything necessary for their coloring.

Maundy Thursday - April 5

On this day you need to swim before sunrise. It is believed that the water on this day has healing properties. On Thursday, they also start cooking Easter cakes. Before kneading the dough, you need to pray, cleanse your soul and the space around, otherwise Easter cakes may not work out.

On Maundy Thursday, candles are lit in churches that you need to save and bring home - this candle will protect your house from fire for a year. Also, the people believe that on this day the souls of the righteous return to earth to produce the "Dead Easter". At night in the church on this day, you can see the dead priests and parishioners.

Good Friday - April 6

On Good Friday 2018, you can not do anything around the house, sing, dance or listen to music. In memory of the torment of Christ, food is forbidden. In the evening, during divine services, the Shroud is carried out in the church.

Holy Saturday - April 7

It is considered the most difficult day for housewives - on this day everything is prepared for the Easter feast. They also continue to color the eggs.

Great Sunday - Easter

After the end of the fast, when the soul and body are ready to receive the joy of salvation, Great Sunday comes - Easter Day.

Good Friday is considered a strict day of Great Lent. In 2018, it falls on April 6th. On this day, the bell stops in the churches, and the faithful eat almost nothing. It is believed that it was on Good Friday that Jesus Christ sacrificed himself and was crucified in order to resurrect three days later and then rise. To this day, the church encourages housewives to complete preparations for Easter. At the same time, people believe that on Friday it is better to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes.

Before starting work, the housewives should read “Our Father”, and then say “Lord, bless” and only then start cooking. Another belief is also associated with baking: Easter will be tasty and beautiful only if no one sees the dough. Don't speak loudly while baking.

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