Choose a topic for self-education of the educator. Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (younger group): topics, plan


Career self-education plan

Nikologorskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Kindergarten No. 40 "Bell" p. Fryanovo


"Education of the creative orientation of the individual

preschoolers in conditions of collective activity


Moral and aesthetic education can be achieved through various means. One of the important ones is the visual activity of children, including drawing, modeling, appliqué, which can be carried out individually, or can be combined into a common composition. Such work is called collective work.

As a rule, in the classroom in kindergarten, children perform the image individually, each drawing, modeling, appliqué. But the creation of general pictures, compositions, where the images of all the pupils of the group are combined, gives special satisfaction to children. Children are pleased with collective activities, their joint activities to create one common drawing, application, design. They are especially satisfied with the overall result, which in this case is always richer in content, makes a more vivid impression on them than an individually performed work. They understand that together they can get a greater image than either individually.

An important circumstance that determines the need to develop and implement a collective form of organization of visual activity is that preschool children really like this kind of work. Firstly, because everyone feels involved in the received common product, and this, of course, pleases the children; secondly, as a rule, the result - a picture created by everyone together - turns out to be more impressive, emotionally much more affecting children. At the same time, the collective form of the image does not reduce the significance of the activity of each child, does not level out his individual efforts. On the contrary, the overall result depends on the quality of the work of each: the better the child completes his part of the image, the more beautiful, richer in content, the more interesting the overall composition will be. Therefore, children try to do their part of the work as best as possible.

Explanatory note

Collective visual activity is an effective means of solving many educational and didactic tasks. The content of the depicted, which carries a charge of worldview, ethical, aesthetic ideas, contributes not only to solving the problems of aesthetic and artistic education, but also actively influences the formation of the consciousness of the individual as a whole, and the collective form of organization makes it possible to form skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develop the habit of mutual assistance, creates the basis for the emergence and formation of socially valuable motives.

Target: improving their theoretical level, professional skills and competence.


Development of abilities to analyze and redesign one's own activities in the context of development trends in psychological and pedagogical science and the social order of society;

Manifestation of your creative potential;

Promotion of their achievements;

Development of research activities;

Formation in children of skills and abilities to work together, develop the habit of mutual assistance.

Implementation period:1 year (2013-2014 academic year)

No. p / p



Difficulties and questions encountered during the implementation of the stage

(to be completed during the implementation of the plan)

Theoretical stage

The study of methodological literature on this issue

During the year

Studying articles in journals:

"Educator of preschool educational institution"

"Preschool education",

"Child in Kindergarten"


During the year

Practical stage

Studying the experience of preschool teachers


Studying techniques about technology educators on the Internet

During the year

Advice for parents

During the year



Video film "Collective activity in NOD"


Participation in competitions and exhibitions of various levels

During the year

Presentation "Children's team - let's have fun walking"


Presentation "When we are united - we are invincible"


Self-analysis of the work done

Holding open events for peer review


Progress Report

Summarizing the results at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution


Planning activities and development prospects

June August

Self-analysis and self-assessment of GCD in their group;

During the year

It is necessary that collective action be precededpreparatory stage, which allows children to deepen their own knowledge on the topic of future work, to form in them vivid images that give rise to a desire to embody them in their own visual activity. For this purpose, you can use excursions, conversations, discussion of books read, viewing reproductions, illustrations, etc.

main stage - stage of work. It includes planning, executing and evaluating teamwork. Its goal is not only to provide children with the opportunity to embody images of the world around them in the composition, but also to create conditions for the creative interaction of children in the course of collective work, contributing not only to the aesthetic and artistic development of children, but also to the formation of their skills to work creatively in a team.

It is conditionally possible to single out the thirdThe final stage.This is the period of interaction of children with the work already completed; in educational terms, it is no less significant than the previous stages. The composition made by children is best left for several days in the group room of children's soda. It will attract the attention of children more than once, become the object of various conversations, discussions, games, stimulate the birth of new creative ideas, proposals to complement the already created composition.

Self-education of preschool teachers

This list must include the head and senior teacher of the kindergarten. The plan clearly defines who works on what topic and in what form reports. Reports on self-education can be heard at pedagogical councils, as well as be part of any methodological event. The form of the leaders' report can be consultations or seminars for preschool teachers. The report at the workplace involves the inclusion in the operational control of this topic and the subsequent observation of the pedagogical process, in order to assess the practical application of the acquired knowledge through self-education. This is the most democratic form of reporting. In order for the work to be successful, the necessary conditions are created for this in the methodical office. Exhibitions "To help those involved in self-education", "It is interesting to know", "News", etc. are organized. The fund of reference and methodological literature is constantly updated and replenished.
It is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, abstracts). Summing up, we emphasize once again that the forms of self-education are diverse:
work in libraries with books, periodicals;
participation in the work of scientific and practical conferences, seminars;
maintenance of own card index on the researched problem.
The result of the teacher's efforts is the improvement of work with children, the growth of his professional skills.
A few tips for self-educators
IMPORTANT, so that knowledge on a subject acquired from one source is supplemented by information from another document. This forces the student to compare, analyze, draw conclusions and form his own opinion on this issue.
IMPORTANT learn how to use library catalogs.
This will reduce the time it takes to find the right literature, since many cards contain a brief summary or listing of the main issues covered in the book.
In our kindergarten, the following topics are on self-education in the period from 2015 to 2020, taking into account the choice of a priority area of ​​​​activity - cognitive and speech.

Download Making a teacher folder

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 of Rostov-on-Don



Mogilina Alena Alexandrovna



(Job title )


"Game activity of preschool children".


Subject : Game activity of preschool children.

Relevance of the topic:

The main activity of preschool children is play. During the game, the spiritual and physical strengths of the child develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a peculiar way of assimilation of social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

All aspects of the child's personality are formed in the game, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of the preschooler. The game for preschoolers is a way of knowing the environment. While playing, he studies colors, shapes, material properties, plants, animals. Through the game, the child enters the world of adults, masters spiritual values, learns the previous social experience. In the game, the child receives for the first time a lesson in collective thinking.

The purpose of self-education: Increasing pedagogical competence.


through play activities.
gaming activity.



Work with documents.

Study of the law "On Education", other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Increasing pedagogical competence

Planning work with children for the new school year.

Studying the literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Raise the level of pedagogical knowledge.

Material selection

Publication of material
“Counseling for educators. Development of play activities of preschoolers "

The study of literature on the topic.

Material selection

Exchange of experience on the problem.


Development of didactic material from felt for the game

Internet resources

Through the game to study body parts, ways of movement. Who eats what and how they talk. Word formation (call it affectionately, one-many, etc.). Compilation of phrases, sentences, stories.


O.A. Stepanova "Development of the child's play activity"

Introduction to literature.

Analysis and consideration of the game as a form of organizing the life of preschool children

Development of a didactic game on healthy lifestyle
"Be healthy"

Selection of material on the topic.
Internet resources.

Explore, develop and enrich children's play experience


Making a didactic game "Food"

Internet resources

The development of play activities for preschoolers

Work on the theme
"Classification of theatrical games"

Selection of material on the topic.

Through various forms of theatrical play, improve moral and communicative qualities, creative abilities, and mental processes.


Work on the creation of methodical folders.

Material selection.

Accumulation of experience

Development of a game project for a role-playing game
"Children's Cafe"

Internet resources

To form in children the ability to play the role-playing game "Children's Cafe".


Development of a developmental manual "Seasons: Wood"

Material selection.
Internet resources.

Familiarizing children with seasonal changes in nature, consolidating counting, composition of numbers, colors, development of fine motor skills

Card file development
"Games for the rallying of the children's team"

Material selection

To teach to establish trusting contact with each other, to provide mutual assistance, to listen to the opinion of a partner.


The study of methodological literature
"Games-fun in the kindergarten"

Reading literature, selection of material.

To form a system of consciously correct ecological ideas about nature.

Work on the card file of games for FEMP

Material selection

Development of intellectual abilities.


Development of a didactic game from felt "Cosmos"

Internet resources

Consolidate and systematize children's ideas about space, apparatus for its research and astronauts

Development of file cabinets:
outdoor games;
role-playing games;
finger games;
didactic games.

Material selection

All-round development of the child


Work on a card index of didactic games on patriotic education

To form an idea of ​​the state symbols, the surrounding world, the small homeland.

Development of a plan for self-education for the new academic year.

Selection of methodological literature

Report on the topic of self-education.

Topic: Playing activities of preschool children.

I decided to take the topic of self-education "Playing activities of preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education." I started my work on the topic from the senior preschool age.

She made a personal long-term plan for self-education.
Studied regulatory documents:
Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 1995 No. 61 / 19-12 “On the psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions” (Text of the document as of July 2011)

Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2004 No. 03-51-46in / 14-03 "Approximate requirements for the content of the developing environment for preschool children brought up in the family"

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” (as amended by Federal Law No. 139-FZ of July 28, 2012)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education." Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2013 No. 30384

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”

I studied the methodological literature on this topic.
O.A. Stepanov "Development of the child's play activity".
Fun games in the kindergarten area.
V.A. Derkunskaya "Games-experiments with preschoolers".
V.A. Derkunskaya, A.G. Ryndin "Game techniques and communication games
for older preschool children.
O.A. Skorlupova, L.V. Loginova. Pedagogical guidance of children's games
preschool age.
O.V. Dybina. "Game technologies for familiarizing preschoolers with
object world.
N. Lunina. "We play letters and words."
E. Volkova "We play scientists."

1. game realization factors:
- establishing a meaningful connection between children's knowledge about the surrounding reality (the content of the cognitive sphere) and their game;

Inclusion of all types of games in the pedagogical process;

Timely organization of a developing subject-game environment;

Qualified participation of teachers in the pedagogical process, ensuring the child's right to play;

Individual approach to the upbringing, education, development of children in gaming activities;

Long-term planning of game development (complex method);

Use of effective methods and techniques that contribute to the development of the game

2. conditions for the effectiveness of game development:
- free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game;

Children should have a good understanding of the meaning and content of the game, its rules,
the idea of ​​each game role;

The game should have a positive impact on all areas of its participants;

Sufficient amount of time to play and availability of necessary

toys for the implementation of children's plans;

When creating a play environment, the gender difference of children should be taken into account;

Implement timely changes in the gaming environment, taking into account

enriching life and play experience of children and in accordance with their

interests, mood

3. targets for GEF

The child shows initiative and independence in ... a game ... Able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities, discovers the ability to embody various ideas;

- ... Actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities. The child's ability for fantasy, imagination, creativity is intensively developed and manifested in the game.

The child owns different forms and types of play. Knows how to obey different rules and social norms, distinguish between conditional and real situations, including gaming and educational;

Can fantasize aloud, play with sounds and words.

In her work, she used the exchange of experience on this topic with other teachers. .
To do this, I registered on the sites :

Took part in the competition "Game activity of preschoolers."

For the practical part, I set the following tasks:
- Determining the role of play in organizing the life of children.

Development of intellectual abilities in children through
application of gaming technologies.
- Creation of conditions for psychological and physical health
through play activities.
- Creating conditions for emotional well-being through the game
- Actively influence the all-round development of children through
gaming activity.

In order to study and enrich the experience of children, she created didactic manuals:
didactic material made of felt for the game "Pets";
didactic game on healthy lifestyle "Be healthy";
didactic game "Food";
didactic game "Space";
Didactic manual "Road signs"
Development of a developmental manual "Seasons: Wood";
Development of a game project for the role-playing game "Children's Cafe".
In order to develop the gaming activity of preschoolers, I used these manuals in the game.

To gain experience, I worked on the creation of methodological folders:
outdoor games;
role-playing games;
finger games;
didactic games;
didactic games on patriotic education;
card index of FEMP games;
games for the rallying of the children's team;
classification of theatrical games.

Working on this topic of self-education, I made the following conclusions:

The game is a peculiar way of assimilation of social experience, peculiar to preschool age.
The game is designed to solve general educational problems, among which the tasks of forming the moral, social qualities of the child are of paramount importance.

The game, in the older preschool age, should be of an amateur nature and develop more and more in this direction, subject to proper pedagogical guidance.

An important feature of the game as a form of children's life activity is its penetration into various types of activities: work and play, educational activities and play, daily household activities associated with the implementation of the regime, and play.

The game is the most favorite and natural activity of preschoolers. Our task is to make play the content of children's lives, to reveal to children the diversity of the world of play.

Teaching children is most successfully carried out in the game, so the game is the main form and content of classes.
But this does not mean that classes should be conducted only in the form of a game. Teaching requires the use of a variety of methods. The game is one of them, and it gives good results only in combination with other methods: observation, conversation, reading, etc.

An interesting game increases the mental activity of the child, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in class.
Thus, the game plays a big role in the life and development of children. In the game activity, many positive qualities of the child are formed, interest and readiness for the upcoming study, his intellectual abilities develop. The game reflects and develops the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom, the rules of behavior are fixed, which are taught to children in life.

Using the game as a form of organizing the life of children, we will try to ensure that this life is interesting, meaningful, easy for the entire children's team. So that there are situations in it that encourage children to higher forms of social behavior and feelings. The value of the game lies not only in the fact that it expands the possibilities of cognition of the spheres of reality, but also prepares the younger generation for life in society.

The game itself is a universal stimulant.

The main thing in maintaining the interest in the game is the sensitivity, observation of the teacher, the manifestation of a creative approach in organizing the game, the ability to interest the child in the game plot.

Municipal preschool educational institution - kindergarten of a general developmental type "Batyr" in the city of Buinsk, Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Latypova Leyla Raisovna

Topic: "Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the improvement and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity"

academic year.

Self-education is designed for 5 years.



Municipal preschool educational institution - kindergarten of a general developmental type "Batyr", Buinsk RT

"Plan for self-education of a teacher"

Latypova Leyla Raisovna

Topic: "Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the improvement and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity"


academic year.

The topic of self-education MBDOU "Batyr":

Spiritual and physical education as the basis of a modern approach to the education of preschoolers.

The problem of the teacher: "Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the improvement and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity"

Thematic planning of self-education activities on the topic "Implementation of a system of activities aimed at the improvement and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity"

Purpose: To improve my professional level; to systematize work on the implementation of a system of measures aimed at the improvement and physical development of children.

Implementation stages




The study of psychological and pedagogical,

methodical literature

on the topic of self-education



Development of software and methodological support of the educational process

2011-2012 academic year


Generalization of own experience of pedagogical activity

2012-2013 academic year


Analysis of the created pedagogical conditions for development


Purpose: To continue to improve the pedagogical level, professional competence. Introduce new methods and directions in the upbringing and education of children. Involve parents in the moral education of their children.

Deadlines (beginning - end)

Results Submission Form

1Study of psychological - pedagogical, methodological literature on the topic of self-education 2010-2011 academic year

Objective: To improve my professional level, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity "

1. Find new long-term plans for all types of activities.

September October

Drawing up a long-term work plan for all age groups.

2. M. A. Runova., A. V. Butilova “Introduction to nature through movement (Integrated classes). 2006.



Studying the level of ecological knowledge of children;
Drawing up a system of observations for the year.

3. To study articles on the physical education of children in the MDOU magazine "Child in Kindergarten":

№5 2006
№2 2007
№4 2007
№5 2007

During a year

January February

Selection of methodological equipment.

Preparation of abstracts for classes, entertainment.

4. To study articles on strengthening the health of children in the MDOU journal "Preschool Education":
No. 7 2007 №6 2009
№5 2007 №8 2009
№4 2009 No. 32011

March, April

2. Development of software and methodological support of the educational process 2011-2012 academic year


Raise your professional level; develop software and methodological support of the educational process.

1. Develop long-term work plans for all types of activities for a group of different ages

September - May

Calendar - thematic planning

2. Make notes of classes for all types of activities.

During a year

File cabinets

3. Systematize practical material on this issue: * Internet resources (children's presentations).

*Developing computer presentations "Gymnastics for the eyes", "physical education minutes" and others..

Study the experience of educators through Internet resources.

October November



March, April

visual material

4. Workshop for educators: "Visiting geometric figures.".

View teacher activity

6. Parent meeting "".


Parent meeting (Consultation for parents on the topic: "Games in the family").

7. Preparation of material for information stands.

Open Day.

  1. Generalization of own experience of pedagogical activity 2012-2013 academic year


Raise your professional level; publications on social networks.

1. Final diagnostics on ecological education of children.




Information sheets in the form of a table with results

3. Generalization of work experience, systematization of the received material for its dissemination.


Drawing up calendar-thematic planning, class notes, consultations for parents and educators,
physical education entertainment.

Period of work: 2013-2014 academic year.

Topic: "Non-traditional use of health-saving technologies in physical education and health improvement of preschoolers."

Direction: physical culture and health.

Purpose: creation of an integrated system of physical culture and health-improving work with children, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, forming parents and pupils of responsibility in maintaining their own health.


Protecting and strengthening the health of children, improving their physical development, increasing the resistance of the protective properties of the body;

Formation in children and parents of a conscious attitude to their health;

Involvement of parents in the organization of health work with children.

I. Preparatory stage.

II. Work with children.

Selection of literature, conversation with m / s, parents.

Observation of children's behavior and health in everyday life.

II. Work with children.


Diagnosis of the level of physical development.

Identification of frequently ill children, identification of physical fitness and motor skills.


Efficient hardening system.

Mastering self-massage, gymnastics;

Sports games and competitions.

November December.

Correctional work

Games for the formation of correct posture,

Games for the prevention of flat feet.

January February.

March April May.

Creating ideas about healthy lifestyle

Development of ideas about the structure of one's own body, the appointment of organs.

Formation of ideas about what is harmful, what is useful.

The use of psychohygienic and psychoprophylactic means and methods.

Aroma and phytotherapy;

Music therapy;

Monitoring the well-being of the child and timely correction; Constantly.

III.Working with parents


Questioning, conducting seminars, consultations, organizing joint affairs, holidays.

IV. The study of literature.

- "The Green Light of Health" by M. Yu. Kartushina;

- "School of a healthy person" G. I. Kulik;

- "Improving work in the preschool educational institution" under the program "health island";

- "Improvement of children in the conditions of D / s" edited by L. V. Kochetkova;

- "Organization of physical culture and health-improving work in preschool educational institutions" M. V. Romanova

V.Expected results:

Creation of an educational environment that forms a healthy, physically developed, socially adapted, passionate about sports personality, consciously using knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Decreased incidence rate;

Positive dynamics of indicators of physical development of children.

2. The influence of direct educational activities on the play of young children.

4. Education of preschoolers through work.

5. Education of the moral qualities of preschool children through Russian folk tales.

6. Gender education of preschoolers in kindergarten.

7. Didactic game as a form of education for young children.

8. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.

9. Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

10. Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.

11. Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

12. Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.

14. Use of health-saving technologies in the first junior (second junior, middle, senior) group.

15. The use of a developmental game in mathematics classes with children of younger (middle, senior) preschool age.

16. The use of a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children 2-3 years old.

18. Methods of formation of correct posture and prevention of its violation in preschoolers.

19. Folk outdoor games in the physical education of preschoolers.

20. Enriching the social experience of preschoolers.

21. Health-improving gymnastics after daytime sleep, its significance.

22. The system of work in the pre-school educational institution for patriotic education.

23. Patriotic education of preschool children by means of fine arts.

25. Outdoor game as a means of developing speed and dexterity in children of younger (middle, older) preschool age.

26. Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers.

27. Rules of the road for preschoolers.

28. Techniques for enhancing mental activity in the process of familiarizing children with nature.

29. Project activity with children of younger (middle, older) preschool age.

30. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

31. Development of dialogical communication of children in a group of different ages (4-7 years).

32. Development of play activities in young children.

33. Development of communication skills of older preschoolers through communication with nature.

34. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children through gaming activities.

35. Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers.

36. Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques.

37. Development of cognitive activity of preschoolers.

38. Development of search and research activities of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.

39. Development of speech of children of early and younger preschool age.

40. Lessons in rhetoric and speech etiquette as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers.

41. Development of sensory abilities of preschoolers.

42. Development of sensory abilities through didactic games.

43. Development of children's creative abilities in visual activity.

Development of children's creative abilities using non-traditional drawing techniques.

44. Development of creative abilities of preschoolers by means of puppet theater.

45. Speech development of preschoolers

46. ​​The role of motor mode for the health of preschoolers.

49. The role of the family in the education of preschool children.

50. Fairy tale as a means of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

51. Modern approaches to the implementation of the tasks of the educational field "Cognitive development"

Modern approaches to the implementation of the tasks of the educational field "Speech development"

Modern approaches to the implementation of the tasks of the educational field "Social and communicative development"

Modern approaches to the implementation of the tasks of the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

52. Theater - as a means of forming a coherent speech of preschoolers.

53. Theatrical activity as a means of developing a child's creative personality.

54. Physical development of children in play activities.

55. Physical culture and health work with children.

56. Formation of communicative qualities in children of younger (middle, older) preschool age.

57. Formation of communicative qualities in children of senior preschool age through communication with nature.

58. Formation of a culture of health in preschool children.

59. Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschoolers.

62. Formation of children's speech in play activities.

63. Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.

64. Artistic and speech development of children through joint theatrical activities of children and parents.

65. Ecological education of children in kindergarten.

66. Ecological development of children in the younger (middle, older) age group.

67. Activity approach in the education of preschoolers

68. The influence of the developmental teaching method on the formation of the personality of a preschooler

69. The use of multimedia didactic games in the cognitive development of preschoolers

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