Calculation of the date of death according to Soviet journals. Numerology: how to calculate the date of death by date of birth


Every person sooner or later thinks about how much he still has to live. Numerology, which predicts certain events with a high degree of probability, will help lift the veil of secrecy and answer this question. It is very difficult to determine the exact date of death, but the calculation of a personal number will show the fatal years when a person is in greatest danger.

How to find out the date of your death: calculation and decoding

To calculate the date of death, you will need a pen and paper. Write down your date of birth and add the numbers together. For example, for a person with the date 04/17/1975, the calculation will look like this: 1+7+0+4+1+9+7+5=34

With the resulting number, you need to perform the same manipulations (until you get a single-digit number):

Now it remains only to find out the interpretation of the resulting value:

  • Owners of a unit, as a rule, live to a ripe old age (85-90 years). Their death is usually due to natural causes. In old age, “ones” can be overcome by diseases, but they will not have a significant impact on life expectancy.
  • Number 2 people often find themselves in dangerous situations and may die in an accident. Among them are many victims of air crashes, car accidents and natural disasters. But such a pattern does not exclude that the “twos” will live for a long time. They need to take extra care at ages 7, 19, 29, 45 and 67.
  • The life of the "threes" will be long, but painful. The state of health after 50, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. Their critical milestone is 44 years. If they overcome it, they will live quietly to 72 years, or even more.
  • The owners of the four are real centenarians, regardless of lifestyle and environmental conditions. They have good health, which is very difficult to spoil. They have a high chance of defeating even a very serious illness and living to the age of 90.
  • People with personal number 5 often find themselves in life-threatening situations. In most cases, they not only manage to avoid death, but also get off with minor injuries. However, not everyone is so lucky. For some "fives" the following years of life become fatal: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.
  • It is very difficult for a person with the number 6 to make an accurate forecast regarding life expectancy and the circumstances of death. His fate is subject to the Law of Karma. From what actions he performed in past incarnations, his present and future will depend. Numerologists tend to believe that the "sixes" do not live up to the 70th anniversary in most cases.
  • "Sevens" have a very strong Guardian Angel that protects them from accidental death. In order not to experience Fate once again, they should stay away from professions and hobbies associated with the elements of Fire and Water. You should also not settle in places that are most threatened by natural disasters. Fatal years: 24, 36 and 61.
  • Numerologists characterize people with the number 8 as "adrenaline addicts." They are distinguished by a low threshold of fear and a constant desire to test their capabilities. If they reconsider their priorities and refuse unjustified risk, they may well live to be 75 years old.
  • Nine portends a ridiculous and sudden death at a young age (bright examples are Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix). As a rule, the cause of death is vice, suicide or addiction to addictions. If a person with the number 9 leads a healthy lifestyle, he will live to at least 50 years.

Date of death by date of birth can be calculated using numerology. There are several methods for calculating the approximate date of death. It is worth considering that such calculations can only suggest an approximate date, which will depend on the likelihood of future events.

When receiving data, you need to evaluate your life, as well as adjust its direction. With this approach, life expectancy can be increased.

The easiest way to calculate the date of death

One of the simplest methods is the calculation based on the numbers of the date of birth. You can calculate the age at which death will occur using the following instructions:

  1. The day, month and year of birth are written on the sheet in full.
  2. Below the line is written the sum of the day (full number), month (indicated in full numbering), each day of the year. That is, if a person was born on December 24, 1986, the sum will look like this: 24+12+1+9+8+6.
  3. The number corresponding to the month and double the monthly number are added to the amount received. If we consider the previous example, the sum will look like this: 60+12+24.
  4. The resulting number will be the final result of the calculation.

This method of determining the date of death has an error of 5 years, and it can deviate not only upwards, but also downwards.

Method for determining the date of death with a decoding of the results

This technique allows you to determine the most critical years of life in which death can occur. The calculation is made according to the following scheme:

  1. The date of birth is written on the sheet, for example, 12/24/1986.
  2. All the digits of the written date are added together separately: 2+4+1+2+1+9+8+6=33.
  3. If a single-digit number was not obtained in the sum, all its components are added again: 3 + 3 = 6.

The above calculations allow you to find out the approximate date of death of a person. It is worth considering that depending on the sign of the zodiac, the time of birth, the phases of the moon, the results may differ, so many predictors recommend calculating using an integrated approach.

Building a life chart by date of birth

Another way to calculate the probable date of death from the time of birth is to build a life graph.

Such a sketch will allow you to evaluate all the ups and downs of a person, his dangerous and difficult years. How to make a chart:

  1. First of all, you need to write your own date of birth on a piece of paper, for example: 07/08/1990.
  2. Further, all numbers, except for zeros, are multiplied: 8*7*199=11144.
  3. A graph is drawn below: first of all, a horizontal X-axis is displayed, which will show time intervals. The x-axis shows all years that are multiples of 12.
  4. The probability of unpleasant incidents in life is displayed using the Y-axis. Marks are made on it from 1 to 9. The point of intersection of the axes is 0.
  5. The resulting figures of the product are marked on the graph with dots, which, for clarity, are connected by straight lines. Marking should start from the age of 12.

As a result, a graph should appear on the image. To find out the life expectancy, it must be deciphered.

Graph data interpretation


The resulting number 0 can portend the death of a person, as well as his being on the verge between life and death during the specified period.

It is worth considering that the struggle will be difficult, filled with torment.

In general, the display of 0 on the graph symbolizes a cardinal deterioration in a person's vital signs.

The marked unit indicates a strong decrease in the level of vital energy.

Depending on the location of this number in the chart, it can acquire different values:

  • if the unit is located at the beginning of the graph, the child is likely to live in poor conditions or struggle with severe pathology;
  • if 1 is in the middle of a broken line, the person will live in poverty and count every penny;
  • the location of the unit at the end of the graph portends a marginal life.


Most often, people who have a unit in the middle or end of the graph suffer from drug or alcohol addiction.

Also, 1 can talk about a possible depression or pathology that threatens a person's life.


The number 2 indicates that life flows stably passively, in this period a person will not expect either failure or success.

Two does not portend any danger to human life.


A result in the form of a triple can indicate stagnation in life. This period is characterized by the lack of personal development of a person in all his spheres of life.

In general, 3 is a difficult number that can also portend a deterioration in psychological health.


The growth of vital energy is personified by the number 4. It is also a symbol of success, new perspectives, the emergence of changes, as well as the successful completion of all the work begun.


Cardinal life changes portend the five.

At this time, a person is expected to move, professional changes, a wedding or a break in relations, the appearance of the first child.


Six is ​​a favorable period that will affect literally all spheres of life.

At this time, a person’s life will not be threatened by any dangers and diseases.


The number 7 speaks of a stable period, which will be filled with calm, measured life.

By this time, a person realizes his goals, will be formed as a versatile personality.


Eight portends an improvement in material well-being, a person will strengthen his position in career and professional terms.

During the realization of his potential, he will receive huge profits.


The number 9 is a symbol of loneliness, an indifferent attitude to material values.

During this period, a person begins to realize his destiny, the meaning of life.

The drawn life schedule most often turns out to be unstable. Its segments either rise or fall, which symbolizes life's ups and downs.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website


Tip 1: How to determine life expectancy

In past centuries, people believed that the longer the line of life on the hand, the more a person will live, but this is not entirely true. The life line does not show the exact duration, it plays only a small role in determining it. Palmist Philip May developed a theory on how to determine the life expectancy that is destined for a person by fate.

Pay attention to the left palm. In the middle are three main lines, the intersection of which forms a triangle. This figure carries a lot of information about its owner. Smooth, clear, deep lines tell you about excellent health and long life.
The definition of life expectancy can also be identified by a small triangle. Look at the hand, the small triangle is inside the big one, you can't see it on all hands. But if you have it, this is a good sign, meaning a harmonious, happy life.

Be careful. Rough lines, with various forks, weakly visible lines, or lines that do not connect and do not form a triangle, carry bad information. This, first of all, means a short life expectancy or serious diseases. Correct lines mean longevity and well-being. The level of your successful and long life depends on the severity of the lines. If the lines are hard to see, they are dull and blurry - this is an indicator of health problems.
If you pay attention to the rectangle in the center of the palm, you can determine your lifestyle, which also affects its duration. If the rectangle expands towards the hill of Jupiter, then you are a very kind person, everything in your life is going as well as possible, you shine with excellent health. If the quadrangle, on the contrary, looks wrong, then its owner is a weak, cruel, proud and unbalanced person.
You can also determine the life expectancy of a person using a scale bar. Determine the age based on the length of the head, heart and fate line. Let's say the line of the head ends at the 65th year of life, fate - at the 60th, head - at the 70th year of life.
Then summarize the results obtained, which were measured with a ruler. For example, 60+65+70=195 and divide this number by the number of lines (3): 195/3=65 This number will be the average life expectancy of a person.

A person's life expectancy depends on many factors, ranging from place of birth to eating habits and genetic characteristics. However, an approximate number of years can be calculated using the calculator of Dr. Thomas Perls.

You will need
- pen;
- paper;
- calculator.
Determine the starting point of reference. For women it is 72 years, for men it is 60 years. If you smoke, chew tobacco or constantly stay in a smoky room - subtract 2 years from the original figure, if the answer is negative - add 2. If you eat more than two pieces of smoked lard, sausages in dough or donuts during the week - subtract 0.6 . If the answer is no, add 0.6.
Do you prefer deep fried food? If so, subtract 0.4. No - add 0.4. If you try to avoid fatty foods - add 2, if you can not resist - subtract 2. If you prefer vegetables - add 1.8. Love meat - subtract 1.8.
More than 500 ml of beer, or 300 ml of wine, or 100 g of vodka a day takes you 1.2 years. If you do not abuse alcohol - add yourself 0.6. Living in an ecologically unfavorable place takes 1 year, living in a clean area extends it by 1 year.
More than 450 g of coffee per day takes you 0.6 years. If you abstain from this amount of caffeine, add 0.6. If you follow the recommendations of doctors and take aspirin daily in small doses, add 0.8 years to yourself, if not, subtract 0.8.
Using dental floss every day, you extend your life by 1.2 years, neglecting it, you shorten it by 1.2. A regular chair suggests that you can add 0.8 years to yourself. If you have a chair less than 1 time in 2 days - subtract 0.8. Risky sexual intercourse takes 1.6 years from you, abstain from them - add 1.6.
A strong tan shortens your life by 1.4 years. Add the same amount if you abstain from prolonged exposure to the sun. If your weight is normal - add 1.8 years, no - subtract 1.8. Marriage extends your life by 1.8 years, loneliness shortens it by 1.8.
If you know how to deal with stress effectively - add 1.4 years to yourself, no - subtract 1.4. Having more than one blood relative suffering from diabetes brings your death closer by 0.8 years, if your family has not been affected by this disease, add 0.8 to yourself.
If at least one of your parents died before reaching the age of 75, subtract 2 years; if your parents are long-livers, add 2 years. More than one close blood relative who lived to 90 adds 4.8 years to you, otherwise subtract 4.8.
Do you exercise regularly? Give yourself 1.4 years. Prefer to be lazy - subtract 1.4. Taking vitamin E, you prolong life by 1.6 years, without taking it, you shorten it by 1.6.
Calculate your score. This figure will determine the duration of your life if you do not change your habits.

How to find out the date of your death? Numerology: calculate date of death

A person is born in this world, starting his life path, continuing it for many years and then ending with his departure from life. His whole life passes under a certain number that patronizes him.

In addition to numbers, the zodiac constellations and planets have an influence. It's time to touch on a complex and very delicate topic - the calculation of the date of death. This topic is unpleasant, but you need to be able to calculate the horoscope of your death. So, a person has three main phases, milestones - this is birth, evolution and death.

They refer to the various time phases of the Moon, as well as to the waking period of the planet Earth. Numerology will help calculate the date of death, assuming the calculation of a measured life.
After the phase of old age (not only age, but also the spiritual state), non-existence does not occur, on the contrary, the course of life continues, but in a different dimension. Is it possible to calculate the date of death using the date of birth? It would be logical to assume that despite the fact that many people are born on the same day, their death falls on different days and years. There will not be the same dates of death, because many more factors influence.

The date of death may depend on the date of birth in the following way. The date of birth begins the course of its work when the data of the personality number of the full name are worked out, if the person lives in accordance with his karma. Date of birth and date of death complete the circle.
How to find out the date of your death? It is necessary to calculate the sum of all the numbers of the date of birth, but without raising them to a single digit. Then the dangerous years are calculated: the day of the month of birth and its doubled number. The third number is calculated by adding the last received number and the number of death that was obtained earlier. It is this number that can be considered a turning point. In this year of life, something should happen that will change the rest of your life. Now we need to add the month of birth, the third dangerous year and the number obtained before. If the month of birth is less than the fifth, then nine must be added to the first number and the number of death. If a person was born directly in May, then nine is added only to the first date.

Here is the result. It cannot be said that this numerological method is one hundred percent correct, but many people consider it very reliable. If you are not afraid, then you can calculate the fateful date in this way.



Sociologists have found that the month of birth affects life expectancy
Written on September 26, 2007 in the category Beauty and Health
Demographers from the Max Planck Institute in Rostock examined data on the population of Denmark and Austria and found that the month of birth affects health, illness and even life expectancy.

Sociologists, after conducting research, have found that the month in which you were born determines health, illness, and even life expectancy. So, for example, it was found that those born in the summer get sick more often, and those born in the fall live longer, FactNews reports.

Demographers from the Max Planck Institute in Rostock Gabriele Doblhammer-Reiter and James Waupel, after examining data on the population of Denmark and Austria, covering several decades, found that the month in which a child was born significantly affects what he should expect from life. .

Those born in December are more likely to live to a ripe old age. However, those born in winter have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis. According to research, those born in December can expect, starting from the age of 50, to live 4-8 months longer than their peers born in April or June.

The probability of surviving to 105 years for people born in December and surviving to old age is 16% higher than the average for their peers who were born in other months. For those born in winter, the risk of departing to another world is reduced due to the most common causes in the age category of 50 years and older: diseases of the cardiovascular system, age-related diabetes and cancer.

The fact that the reason for this is seasonal fluctuations in the range of products and the risk of contracting infectious diseases during and shortly after pregnancy was recently proved by American scientists.

An increased risk of getting schizophrenia or manic-depressive illness for those who celebrate their birthday in December or January is confirmed by more than 250 studies around the world. The number of psychiatric patients born in winter is about 8% higher than the rest. The explanation for this should be sought in the lack of sunlight during pregnancy.

The less ultraviolet radiation affects the expectant mother, the less vitamin D is synthesized in her skin - the substance responsible for the formation of the brain of the embryo. Other studies do not see the relationship between exposure to sunlight during pregnancy and the risk of disease in the future. Therefore, most scientists tend to think that currently unknown seasonal conditions also play an important role.

February March

Those born in February and March are more likely to suffer from pollen allergies. Being born a few months before the release of any type of pollen into the air increases the risk of later reacting to this irritant with allergies.

The most common forms of hay fever are caused by grass and birch pollen, which begins to appear in the air in Europe in April-May. One theory is that the newborn's immature immune system overreacts to the pollen, and this reaction can take hold.

In addition, it has been found that children born in February and March are especially prone to difficulties in perceiving school material. According to statistics, a large number of students who need a special approach (among them those suffering from autism or impaired attention, as well as children with Down syndrome) are born in February or March.
According to one version, the reason for this is the increased concentration of agricultural pesticides in drinking water in May and June, that is, in those months when conception occurs.

April May

For people who have reached adulthood, who were born in the months since March, life expectancy begins to decline. And the propensity for diseases of the cardiovascular system, on the contrary, increases - and the closer the date of birth to the summer months, the more. As, however, and predisposition to diseases of the respiratory system at a more advanced age.

Scientists find a possible explanation in the increased risk for children born in spring and summer to pick up in the first months of life, falling in the fall, a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, which can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. Infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract, suffered by a child at an early age, are considered a factor fraught with a tendency to chronic lung diseases in the future.

April and May may also affect the tendency to later mental disorders, depression and alcoholism. Suicide cases are 17% more common among those born in April and May than among those born in autumn or winter.

Those born in May face an increased risk of suffering from multiple sclerosis. Those born in May have a 13% higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis than those born in November, who are less likely to experience the disease than others, scientists say. It is not yet clear what environmental factors shortly before or immediately after birth influence this.

June July

Those who were born in the summer, in adulthood, are least likely to live to a ripe old age.

The mothers of those born in June-July had the early stages of pregnancy in the winter. While the quality of food in industrialized countries located in the northern hemisphere today is not so dependent on the time of year, researchers nevertheless reveal some seasonal fluctuations in average birth weight. In June and July, the weight of newborns was on average 30 grams less than the weight of babies born in autumn and early winter.

Thus, babies born in late summer and autumn are much better equipped for life than those born in June or July.

Aug. Sept

Since babies born between August and October are born just a few months before the cold season they spend at home, they, like those born in February or March and suffer from pollen allergies, have a natural enemy: house dust mite. It has been established that most allergy sufferers are born in August and September. The propensity for such an allergy increases due to more intense contact with the allergen in the first time after birth.

October November

The colder it gets outside, the closer the contact with pets. It has been established that between October and January, more babies are born who are prone to allergies to cat and dog hair.

Starting in October, children are born who, at a more mature age, can count on a longer life.

According to demographers, human height also affects life expectancy. According to this hypothesis, tall people live longer - and they are born more often towards the end of the year than in the spring.
But this is not the reason why those born in September-December are more likely to become successful athletes, as evidenced by data on the dates of birth of British football players from the Champions League.

The fact is that children born in autumn and winter simply celebrate their birthday earlier in the year when selection for football clubs takes place, and thus are somewhat ahead of their peers in physical development. Therefore, the demand for them is greater, and they are more likely to someday earn millions.

But, fortunately, in each case it is possible to refute the statistics: there are more significant factors than the date of birth. So, David Beckham, for example, was born in May. And the famous German biologist Ernst Mayr - in June. And he lived in good health and excellent physical shape to 100 years old.

When will we die? Is it possible, knowing the date of our birth, to determine the date of death?

A person is curious and he really wants to control what seemed to be completely in the hands of providence. He turns to astrologers and numerologists who are able to calculate the date of death from the date of birth and other numbers in a person's life. Are such predictions true and can you rely on them when building your life? Hard to say.
But it is believed that if a person knows about the date of his death, he seems to be programming himself for death. He projects it with the power of his faith and thought, and it comes exactly when he wishes.
This happened to A.S. Pushkin.
He said that one day he was walking along Nevsky Prospekt and went to the German coffee fortuneteller Alexandra Kirchhoff. He asked her to guess. The soothsayer said to him: - Maybe you will live long, but in the thirty-seventh year, beware of a white man, a white horse or a white head. Pushkin believed the prophecy, and the desire to avoid what was predicted did not leave him for all those twenty years that he had to live. But in the thirty-seventh year, the expectations of death escalated, and the poet nevertheless met with Dantes, who wore a white uniform and was blond from birth (white head).

There are such special critical periods in a person's life when, voluntarily or involuntarily, he risks dying. At such moments, life is overflowing with a critical character, it signals that it cannot continue like this, something needs to be changed in oneself, in the way of life, in relationships, etc. or leave it.
The correct laws of existence are enshrined in proverbs and sayings that help us in critical moments of life to find an ethically correct way of existence, approved by many generations.
Remember? “Away from the kings, the head will have goals”, “Don’t dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it”, “Don’t spit in the well - it’s useful to drink water”, “Don’t open your mouth on someone else’s loaf”, “A bad world is better than a good quarrel”, “ The elbow is close, but the tongue is short, etc.
In other words, living critically incorrectly, that is, contrary to the laws of the world order, common sense, ethical and moral harmony, we ourselves are bringing the date of our departure closer.

The day of death is close to the date of birth

Many consider the days and months approaching the date of his birth to be the most dangerous days for a person. Looking for a pattern, experts examined the data of more than 2 million people over 40 years.
It turned out that, as a rule, deaths caused by a heart attack, stroke, fall and suicide occurred on the day a person was born.
On average, people over 60 are 14% more likely to die on their birthday. This date accounts for an 18.6% increase in heart attack rates and a 21.5% increase in stroke rates. The risk increased with age. This is confirmed by the statistics of Canada (there, hypertensive patients were in a special risk group).
As for suicides, they occurred 34.9% more often, fatal accidents - 28.5% more often, and fatal falls - 44%. What is the reason for this pattern, scientists cannot say.
“Most often, people die within a period of time limited to two weeks before and two weeks after their birthday. During this period, according to statistics, about 33% of women and about 50% of men die, - says Ukrainian epigeneticist, MD, chief researcher of the laboratory for mathematical modeling of aging processes Vaiserman A.M.
- Scientists explain this by the fact that when a child is born, he feels the strongest pain sensations. The resulting stress is stored in the memory, and as the birthday approaches, the human body remembers everything experienced and prepares for stress again. In this situation, there is a decrease in the immune and other protective resources of the body.
Sometimes especially sensitive, prone to extrasensory perception people feel the approach of death. They see the “seal of death” on a person. If he is destined to die in a few minutes or hours, then he completely lacks an aura. If he has to live a few more months, then he has an aura, but it is very thin, gradually disappearing.
Mystics believe that a birthday is an open door through which we entered this world. It remains open as long as the person is alive. If a person died on the day of his birth, then he fully completed his task and left, closing the magic door behind him.
William Shakespeare was born and died 52 years later on the same day April 23, 1616.
Shakyamuni Buddha was born and died on the same day, 80 years apart.
Perhaps if the dates of birth and death coincide, then this indicates the enlightenment of the soul ...
They say death comes
*When a person completes his mission on earth, he has fulfilled his destiny.
* Or lost the meaning of life, never found himself, did not realize the opportunities given to him about nature in order to use them most effectively.
It is not always possible for a person to reach his destination. If he gets into an alien social environment, refuses harmony, from a whole and healthy lifestyle, then a recession occurs, the personality dies before all its unrealized interests and goals. There is a loss by the soul of a number of information arrays and blocks necessary for it to live in this world.
The absence of conflict with the environment makes it possible for a person to receive proactive information at the level of intuition, which allows him to timely bypass all the bumps and downturns in life.
Therefore, the death of a person is his free choice.
We are still alive, so fate has
There is something important for us.
And a wonderful story goes on
About how you and I happened to be ...

Date of death can be calculated

Only death is inevitable in life. But how soon it comes depends on your individual characteristics, country and race. So, in Botswana, the average life expectancy is 35 years, while in fertile and wealthy Andorra, people live up to 80 years or more.

In addition, life expectancy varies even within the same country among people of the same race and culture. For example, in the United Kingdom, life expectancy ranges from 70 to 80 years, yet some make it to 90, while others struggle to reach retirement age.

What determines the date of our death: is it due to genes or is it just luck? And if there is a certain date of death for each person, then how to calculate it?

According to scientists from Gifu University in Japan, the date of death can be calculated, and the calculation formula is surprisingly simple. This is the sum of the life years of the next of kin. All you have to do is add up the ages at which your six oldest relatives died: father, mother, and paternal and maternal grandparents. Then divide the resulting amount by 6.

This will determine the approximate duration of your life. However, even though this date is in your DNA, how you live your life affects how long you live. Smoke 50 cigarettes a day - and all your hopes for Longevity will disappear with tobacco smoke! Moreover, you will reduce the life expectancy of all subsequent generations of your family. If you eat well, exercise regularly, and avoid unpleasant people, activities, and activities, you will live much longer.

In order to check whether this theory is correct, the scientists calculated the sum of the ages of the relatives of prominent scientists: Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Irene Joliot-Curie.

The numbers are: Einstein's is 390, Darwin's is 378, and Curie's is 372. This is significantly lower than that of Jeanne Calment (477), a French woman who died in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days.

The report says that since Einstein and Darwin lived longer than calculated, by about 14%, their lifespan is the result of a favorable environment.

Irene Curie's father died in an accident at the age of 46, and her mother died at the age of 66 due to excessive radiation in the laboratory. Thus, the number of Irene is 62 years. However, she died 4 years earlier, at the age of 58, like her mother, due to radiation.

So, the number is the age at which you are expected to die if you lead a normal life. Live well and you'll win a couple of years, indulge in bad habits and you'll lose them.

Numerology is a science of antiquity, but its knowledge is also of interest to the current generation of the 21st century. Humanity is always looking for a way to know its future and numerology helps in this. Numbers surround people all the time: date of birth, passport series, house number, street number, and so on. Mankind cannot live without numbers. Numbers carry a secret meaning - that is what numerology studies.
Having mastered her knowledge, you can avoid difficult situations: do not make important meetings on certain dates, limit your circle of contacts with people who are not energetically suitable for you, do not go on the road knowing the critical dates of your life, and so on.

Surprisingly, numerologists assure that the date of birth of a person contains critical situations in life and even the code of his death. After all, psychics often resort to the number of a person’s birth in order to unravel the date of death.

Numerology of death has several ways to calculate the date of death. Do you want to know how many years you will live? Of course, many are afraid, and they definitely do not want to know such information. But, knowing the time allotted by your fate, you can rationally use the time of life. We offer several options for calculating the estimated date of death. Which one is true.

For example and calculation, let's take the date of birth of the Soviet legend Lyudmila Gurchenko - 11/12/1935.

First method

To obtain the estimated age at death, it is required to sum all the digits of the date of birth to a single digit. If after the calculation you get a two-digit number, then bring it to a one-digit number.

In our case, summing up, we get the number: 23; reduce it to monosyllabic, we get 5.

The number 5 is the key to the estimated age of death.

Have you figured out your number? Now it remains only to decipher it.

The meaning of numbers in the numerology of death:

1 - death will occur in extreme old age (after 80 years). Life is bright, and death is easy.

2 - most likely, you will die from an accident, the danger that can overtake you is too likely, but it will not be your fault. The most critical years: 7,19,29,45,67 - you should be extremely careful in these years.

3 - you will live long, but in old age you will get sick, the disease will lead to death. The most difficult years are 44 and 73.

4 - promises longevity. Numerology portends your 100th anniversary, even in old age you will feel great.

5 - despite the fact that death is always with you, fate is favorable to you. You will repeatedly avoid accidents and disasters. You are lucky, life will be long with one rule - if you do not harm others. The most fatal years of life: 3, 15.24, 48, 62, 76.

6 - your life is in the hands of karma. To find out the age of death, you must first find out your karmic debt. It is difficult to determine the exact age by date of birth, about the dangerous years in your life: 13, 22, 47, 68.

7 - your guardian angel constantly guards you. You should be careful in dealing with the forces of nature: fire and water. It is highly likely that death will be associated with them. The most dangerous years of life: 24, 36, 61.

8 - you are a player, you constantly take risks, and danger is on your heels. Be reasonable, and then your life will be long. The probable age of death is 65–70 years.

9 - people with this code die young. They rarely live past the age of 50. You need to carefully monitor your health, drinking and smoking are contraindicated. Most dangerous years: 16, 23, 38, 47.

From our calculation for Lyudmila Gurchenko, we got the number 5. Date of death of the great singer: 03/30/2011. She lived for 76 years. Based on the interpretation of code 5, we see that the estimated age of death is 76 years!
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Second method

Let's consider the following numerological analysis, we will use the Kravchenko method.

To find out the year of death, you should:

1. To identify the number of symbols, for this you need to sum up the digits of the date of birth, you do not need to bring the result to a single digit (12 + 11 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 5 = 41) - here is our number symbol;

2. Take the fateful years:

Date of month of birth (11);
twice the day of the month of birth (22);
Now we take the symbol number (41), sum it up with twice the day of the month of birth (22) and add the day of the month (11) to their sum: 41+22+11=74. In this method, the estimated period of death is +/− 5 years. As can be seen from our example, the difference in the estimated death is only 2 years, which is included in the gap.
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Third Method

Numerology also offers to learn the code of life. To do this, multiply the birth number (eliminate zeros, if any): 12*11*1935=255420.

255420 - this is the code of life, indicating vital activity and critical years. Now let's build a graph of life: the x-axis is a time period of 12 years, the y-axis is the level of implementation, activity and decline in life.

The graph is built according to the number of the code, as you can see, the period of Gurchenko's death occurs in the interval from 65 to 72 years.

Let's decipher the numbers symbolizing the twelve-year periods (y-axis):

0 - finding between life and death, illness, accident, and so on. If it appears in the middle of the graph - a harbinger of accidental death, at the end - a protracted illness.

1 - low level of vitality. If it appears at the beginning of the graph, it indicates the birth of a child in poverty and a dysfunctional family. Appearing at the end, in the middle, it indicates a period of personality degradation: alcoholism, drug addiction, severe depression, a decline in vitality.

2 - symbolizes the gray stripe in life. Internal reserves are running out, but there is no rapid downward fall.

3- period of difficulties, no spiritual and material growth, stagnation.

4 - an easy period in life, the top is still far away, but everything is going smoothly.

5 - a period of changes and relocations, a change of environment, discord in the family is possible (change of partner).

6 - a wonderful period, success in work.

7 - stable period.

8 - the achievement of material wealth. Success in business and work, career advancement. A period of profit and prosperity.

9 - loneliness, aspiration to God. Material problems have gone by the wayside, dreams come true, but this no longer worries a person.

Three examples of various numerological calculations turned out to be quite close to the date of death of the famous singer. But don't trust them 100%! Numerology indicates possible downturns, so take the critical dates of your life seriously!

The zodiac determines the length of life

Astrologers claim that they have managed to establish a close relationship between a person's zodiac sign and his life expectancy. This is not a profanity, but the result of these statistical conclusions, they had to involve in the experiment data on more than 60 thousand inhabitants of different countries of the world. The statistics of dates of birth and death spoke for themselves.
According to these studies, longevity is practically guaranteed for Taurus and, on the contrary, is not inherent in Scorpios. Among men, Taurus (81.5 years) are able to live the longest, Aries (79 years) are in second place, followed by Gemini (78 years), Capricorn (77.5 years), Virgo (76.5 years), Leo ( 74 years), Libra (73 years), Aquarius and Pisces (71.5 and 71 years respectively). Less than 70 years, unfortunately, are destined to live for Cancer, Sagittarius and Scorpio men. The latter, according to merciless astrologers, are the most fragile and painful.

As for women, things are somewhat different with them. They generally live longer. Life shorter than 70 years is predicted only by unfortunate Scorpios (63.5 years), but long-lived Gemini, under fortunate circumstances, can exceed 80 for five years. Virgos and Capricorns are also potential money-changers of the ninth decade, and ladies born under other signs zodiac, will have a long life in the range of 70 to 80 years.

Astrologers have also found out the reasons for this zodiac dependence. Each sign should be especially attentive to certain diseases. For example, for Taurus, the danger is obesity, as well as diseases of the reproductive system, liver and kidneys. And Gemini, on the contrary, is consumed by thinness, which is almost impossible to eradicate. Aries have remarkable health, but they can also be undermined by physical activity and excessive stress. Cancers - involuntarily think about the etymology - have a high probability of oncological diseases, and Lions suffer from eye diseases.

Virgos on the general background look the healthiest, but they are also prone to intestinal disorders. Scales have a flowering appearance, but are afraid of cold and dampness. The illnesses of Scorpios are aggravated by the flaws of their obstinate nature: they do not want to be treated! And they are threatened not only by disease, but also by death from fire and accidents. Sagittarians are prone to radiculitis and rheumatism, Capricorns often break their legs, Aquarius is categorically contraindicated in alcohol. Pisces in general are one of the most painful signs, and besides, they should be wary of accidents (here's a paradox!) on the water.

However, scientists did not stop there. It is generally accepted that myopia depends on two equal factors: genetics and visual hygiene. But according to a study published in the American journal Ophtalmology, poor eyesight depends on the sign of the zodiac, more precisely, on the month of birth.

Israeli professor Yossi Mendel analyzed data from 276,911 Israeli conscripts. It turned out that people born in the summer months are 25% more prone to severe myopia and 10% more prone to moderate myopia (compared to those born in December-January).

Is it possible to calculate the date of death from the date of birth? In numerology there is a corresponding technique. Another thing is, does it work in practice? This is easy to verify, but first, let's get acquainted with the technique itself, and only then, using specific examples, we will verify its effectiveness.

Description of the technique

Take a sheet of paper and write your date of birth on it. Let, for example, it be May 16, 1982. In numbers, it looks like this: 05/16/1982. Now add up all these numbers: 1+6+0+5+1+9+8+2=32. But we should get a single-digit number, so we add 3 and 2 together and get the number 5 as a result. It is the end result, which should give comprehensive information and satisfy our curiosity.

In numerology, each number from 1 to 9 has its own hidden mystical and strictly individual meaning:

1 - If as a result of calculations 1 is obtained, then this means that a person will live to a ripe old age and leave this world, having crossed the 80-year mark. He will live an interesting and eventful life, and death will be easy and quick.

2 - A bad number, as it portends tragedies and misfortunes. There is a high chance of dying in an accident. Such years of life as 7, 19, 28, 44, 63 are critical. It is at this age that the “twos” leave this world most often.

3 - It means that a person will live for many years, but in old age he will be overtaken by a serious illness. The most dangerous years are considered to be 44 and 73.

4 - Characteristic for centenarians. Moreover, you can even step over the 100-year milestone. Throughout his life, a person feels great and is not subject to serious illnesses.

5 - Indicates good luck, but not longevity. For such people, accidents, accidents and dangerous diseases are not terrible. Death bypasses them, but the body is not programmed for a long existence. "Fives" usually leave the mortal mer at the age of 58-63 years.

6 - A difficult and dangerous number. Its owner must prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. Critical years are 13, 21, 49, 67.

7 - Everything is fine here with the guardian angels. But you need to be extra careful in case of natural disasters. There is a high probability of dying from a fire, flood, earthquake.

8 - Those who have this figure in their date of birth are prone to increased risk. These are auto racing, skiing, parachuting, mountaineering and other types of similar activities. Such hobbies entail unpredictable, and sometimes disastrous results.

9 - Here the forecast is negative. This figure indicates a short life, that is, a person can die very young. Usually "nines" rarely live up to the 50th anniversary. Therefore, they need to take care of themselves and not get involved in alcohol, tobacco, and other bad habits.

Method validation

So, we roughly figured out how to calculate the date of death from the date of birth. Naturally, we did not receive an exact date. For example, like this: if someone was born on March 25, 1965, then he must leave this world on October 16, 2043 at 16 hours 32 minutes 5 seconds.

We were given only general recommendations, which is quite natural for mysticism and numerology. But we will still try to test this technique, even based on such shaky information. To check, let's take the dates of birth and death of famous Hollywood actors. Everyone knows them, and therefore any inaccuracies and juggling are completely excluded.

Philip Seymour Hoffman
Philip Seymour Hoffman was born on July 23, 1967. He died on February 2, 2014 at the age of 47. This is a famous Hollywood supporting actor. The cause of his death was a drug overdose.

So, by date of birth, we calculate the ill-fated figure. It is equal to 8, which means a propensity for increased risk, which can lead to disastrous results. But drugs cannot be attributed here, since we are talking about extreme sports. Hoffman did nothing extreme. As for drugs, the actor became addicted to them in his youth, then he was treated, but, as you know, there are no former drug addicts. Under old age, he broke, and it all ended tragically.

Paul Walker
Paul Walker was born on September 12, 1973. He left our world on November 13, 2013 at the age of 41. Died in a car accident. At the same time, a friend of the actor, who lost control, was driving. The car crashed into a tree and caught fire.

By date of birth, the number 5 is obtained. She denies accidents and accidents, but indicates a relatively short life as a result of not very good health. In this case, there was an accident that ended in the death of two people. As for health, Walker was excellent. He practiced jiu-jitsu for many years and had a brown belt. Loved surfing and traveling.

Natasha Richardson
Natasha Richardson was born on May 11, 1963. This is an English film, theater and voice actress. She died on March 18, 2009 at the age of 46. The cause of death was a traumatic brain injury received at a ski resort.

The unfortunate figure in this case is 8. We have already considered the "eight" and talked about the propensity for increased risk. But in this case, the situation is somewhat different. The woman rode on the track for beginners and for some reason did not wear a helmet. She fell, but did not receive any visible damage. The actress behaved quite adequately, but after 2 hours she fell into a coma and never regained consciousness.

Ron Silver
Ron Silver was born on July 2, 1946. This is a famous American director, actor and producer. He died on March 15, 2009 at the age of 62. The cause of death was esophageal cancer. This terrible diagnosis was given to him 2 years before his death. Doctors believed that the cause of the disease was smoking.

We calculate the required number. It is equal to 1, which promises a long, interesting, eventful life and departure to another world after 80 years. In this case, a person dies easily and quickly. But we all know that cancer patients die long and painfully. In addition, the person did not even reach the age of 65 out of the promised 80.


So, we examined the technique and tested it in practice. Let's be objective and admit that not everything went smoothly for us. Certain questions and doubts arose. However, psychics, fortune tellers, astrologers claim that it is possible to calculate the date of death by date of birth. But this issue needs to be approached comprehensively.

It is necessary to take into account the sign of the Zodiac, as well as the time of birth. All this, together with the date, the phase of the moon and numerology, can give an “uphill” accurate result. It is possible that there is some truth in this, but faith in such methods largely depends on the individual and on his attitude to everything mystical, mysterious and mysterious.

Calculation of life expectancy according to the theory of Krivosha

In the article "Sentenced by the Sun", dedicated to the bold hypothesis of a full member of the Russian Geographical Society, Candidate of Technical Sciences Maya Ivanovna Krivoshey, theoretical justifications were given for the existence of a relationship between the activity of the Sun at the time of human conception and the duration of his life.

Here I will try to demonstrate with concrete examples the methodology for calculating the life expectancy of a person, with the aim that any reader, if desired, can repeat these calculations for himself or for his relatives.
Life expectancy calculation

Since the practical meaning of calculating life expectancy exists only in relation to currently living people, let's take a specific person and calculate the expected life expectancy.

It is better if it is a well-known person. Therefore, I propose to calculate the estimated life expectancy, for example, Putin, using the Krivosha method.

Calculation of Putin's life expectancy

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin So, in order to calculate the expected life expectancy of a person according to the theory of Maya Krivosha, you first need to find the Wolf numbers (numbers that determine the activity of the Sun) at the time of conception of this person and for the first critical period of pregnancy.

Step 1. Determine the date of conception.

The moment of conception is calculated based on the date of birth. Since the average duration of pregnancy is 280 days, you need to subtract these same 280 days from the date of birth of a person.

For these purposes, it is convenient to use the perpetual calendar: (see on the website)

If we subtract 280 days from this date, we get the date of conception - January 1, 1952 !!!
We have just started the calculations, and already a small sensation.

Step 2. We find the Wolf number (Wzach) at the time of conception.

Wolf numbers have been calculated by astronomers for every calendar day since 1818. But to get access to this information until recently was technically difficult. Unless, of course, your relatives work at the Pulkovo Observatory.

For some time now, the situation has changed. A database with Wolf numbers for any day has appeared on the Internet.

To find this information, just go to the website of the Pulkovo Observatory

We find the year we need. And we click on it. We have a table like this:

1 1 67 56
1 2 54 28
1 3 49 25
1 4 28 12
1 5 32 14
1 6 11 11

The first column is the number of the month. One means January.
The second column is a number. We need January 1st.
The third is the Wolf number, for the given day. As you can see, it is equal to 67.
The last column is of no interest to us. It gives the number of spots in the central region of the solar disk.

That is, the Wolf number at the time of Putin's conception is Wzach = 67.

Step 3. We find the Wolf number (Wkr) for the first critical period of pregnancy.

The first critical period of pregnancy occurs on the 5-9th day of pregnancy, and it is associated with the fact that the fertilized egg is attached at this time to the wall of the uterus.

At this stage of the calculation, some difficulties arise. Since, no one knows exactly which of these 5 days this event occurred.

Let's determine the Wolf numbers for each of these five days. That is, in our case, on January 6,7,8,9 and 10, 1952.
For this we use the same database.

For Putin, the following Wolf figures are obtained:

January 6 - Wcr = 11
January 7 - Wcr = 26
January 8 - Wcr = 24
January 9 - Wcr = 32
January 10 - Wkr = 56

Step 4. We find the ratio of Wolf numbers at the time of conception to Wolf numbers in the first critical period of pregnancy.

But since we do not know the exact date of the onset of the critical period of pregnancy, we will calculate the ratio for each of these days.

Wzach / Wkr \u003d 67/11 \u003d 6.09 (this is the ratio for January 6)
Wzach / Wkr \u003d 67/26 \u003d 2.58 (this is the ratio for January 7)
Wzach / Wkr \u003d 67/24 \u003d 2.79 (this is the ratio on January 8)
Wzach / Wkr \u003d 67/32 \u003d 2.09 (this is the ratio for January 9)
Wzach / Wkr = 67/56 = 1.01 (this is the ratio on January 10)

Step 5. We find the critical points of life according to the Krivosha graphs.

It's time to turn to the charts built by Maya Krivosha.

On the horizontal axis, we find points corresponding to the ratios Wzach / Wcr found to us and draw vertical lines from them. On the chart, I depicted only three lines (for the ratio 1.01; 2.09; 2.58; 2.79) in red. The ratios 3.67 and 6.09 are out of the chart and there are no statistics on them.

At the intersection of these red lines with the "curves of death" we get the critical points of Putin's life. I marked them with red dots. But how to choose the only correct one from three lines?

Step 6. Choose one of the three lines.

This is where the creative process begins.
If you are doing the calculation for yourself or for friends, you can start from comparing the critical points on the chart with real events in your life. If at some point you experienced a pronounced deterioration in health - you were seriously ill, underwent a complex operation, etc. - then, quite likely, this was the very critical period.
Remember at what age those very problems arose and correlate them with critical points on the graph. Perhaps, as a result, you will choose one of the five blue lines - the most suitable for your biography.

Since we do not have information about Putin's health, this method will not work for us.
But in our case, this is not necessary.

This year, Putin turned 61 years old. So we can drop the right lines for the values ​​2.09; 2.58; 2.79 which give a maximum life expectancy of 43, 50 and 60 years.

Only one line remains (1.01) which) promises Putin death at the age of 63.5. That is very soon.
And if he survives this critical date, he will live up to 87 years.

That is, for Putin, the Krivosha theory gives the most probable life expectancy - 63.5 or 87 years.

I hope that now any person who knows arithmetic within the school curriculum can easily calculate the critical points of life for himself and his friends.

If someone has any questions during the calculations, I am ready to answer them.

Get to know yourself and the world around you. Love life and live happily ever after!

Many people would like to look into the future in order to find out the date of death and how much time they have left to live in this world.

It should be noted that not everyone wants to know the date of death. Many people consider this absurd or simply afraid to find out what awaits them in the future. Sometimes such a refusal is justified, in principle, there is no need to fill your head with unnecessary information, moreover, with a negative connotation. However, knowing the date of death in some cases is also useful, because it allows you to realize this fact and make more mature decisions in connection with this information. Here we help to find out the date of death for free, using a simple numerological calculation.

Find date of death by date of birth

Prepare paper, pencil and write down your date of birth. Then sum the available numbers together. This number will help us find out the date of death. The calculation implies exclusively single digits, that is, the numbers of the date of birth must be added until you have a single number (from 1 to 9). Therefore, a two-digit number must be divided into single numbers and also subjected to summation.

For example: 11/12/1986=29=2+9=11=1+1=2. The resulting number, in this case 2, is the key to finding the date of death from the person's date of birth.

Now that you have made the calculations for the date of birth you are interested in, it is time to find out the date of death, to see what happened in the end. Which numbers indicate a quick death, and which portend a long life?

Number designations for numerology about death:

1 - You will live to a ripe old age, and the day of death will find you at about 80-90 years old. Death for you will be simple and not difficult, because life will be beautiful and eventful.

2 - Accidental death is likely for you. Be on your guard, because numerology says that an accident will occur through the fault of another person. The most dangerous years for you: 7, 19 and 29, 45 and 67 years.

3 - You will also see old age, but for you it will be associated with the presence of a large number of diseases, one of them will eventually end in death. Bad years of life: 44 and 73.

4 - You are among the long-livers, numerology predicts your death at the age of at least 100 years. The aging process will not burden you much. Throughout your life you will not leave excellent health.

5 “Death literally steps on your heels, but you manage to avoid it. An invisible hand takes you away from accidents, damage and other dangers. Your luck will help you live long, but only if you do not harm other people. Danger lies in wait for you at 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.

6 - Your date of death depends heavily on karmic debt. In order to find out the date of death, you will have to find out what you owe in past lives. And only then deal with the calculation of the day of death. Dangerous age: 13, 22, 47 and 68 years.

7 - Your Angel protects you, but you should still be afraid of Fire and Water. Possible death from a natural disaster. Unfavorable years: 24.36 and 61.

8 - Death does not sleep and you should not play with it. Your restraint and prudence will help you live for many years. Death will befall you in about 65-70 years.

9 - Life can end at a mature or even young age. According to numerological calculations, your death will come for you before you reach the age of 50 years. It is important to monitor the state of your health, treat ailments in time. Bad habits should be completely eliminated if possible. Dangerous years: 16, 23, 38, 47.

No need to be upset after you find out the date of death, even if this is a pessimistic result and the predictions cannot be called rosy. Know that everything depends on you. At any moment you make a choice, take some steps, all this affects your future. Be responsible and attentive, then your life will be long and happy. Knowing the date of death is one thing, living life with dignity is quite another.

Date of birth and date of death are directly related. They contain a special algorithm, where the beginning is the birth of a person, and the end is his death. After doing some research, we can say with accuracy about the fate of man. But it cannot be said that this is exactly what will happen. Life is so unpredictable that it is almost impossible to predict what event awaits you in the next moment.

To calculate and find out the estimated date of your death, you will need a blank piece of paper. Write your date of birth on it. Then add all the digits of the date of birth one by one to get a single digit. You should get a number from one to nine. It contains the date of your supposed death. The numerology of the resulting numbers is as follows:

The number one means a quick death. It is most likely that the date of your death will be in old age. You will live a very long, bright and happy life. And your death will not be long and painful, it will be easy and swift.

A person with the number two is waiting for sudden death. The numerology of this number indicates a high probability of an accident. Such people are advised to beware of dubious activities. And the most unhappy years of life are the age of seven, nineteen, twenty-nine, forty-five and sixty-seven.

Troika speaks of illnesses in old age. You may live to a ripe old age, but you will die from comorbidities. Forty-four and seventy-three years of life can be considered the most dangerous for you.

Fours are long-lived people. According to numerology, they will be overtaken by death no earlier than at the age of one hundred. And even at that age, you can feel great.

Behind the five, death walks literally on the heels. But you're in luck. You are constantly being taken away by an invisible force from various troubles, accidents, and so on. You are lucky. You will live happily ever after if you do not harm others. The most dangerous years for you are three, fifteen, twenty-four, forty-eight, sixty-two and seventy-six.

For sixes, karma is very important. For them, in numerology, it will not be difficult to find out about the date of their own death. First, it is recommended to learn about karmic debt, and then calculate the death date. Thirteen, twenty-two, forty-seven and sixty-eight years are rightfully considered difficult years of life.

When you add up the numbers from the date of birth and you get a seven, this means that you are the owner of a strong guardian angel. You should be careful with water and fire elements. Numerology says that your death will directly depend on them. You are advised to be careful at the age of twenty-four, thirty-six and sixty-one.

Eights in life play with death. They are strictly forbidden to take risks. If you stick to this rule, you will live much longer.

For nines, life can end suddenly. The calculation of numerology speaks of a young age. Such people rarely live past the age of fifty. They are advised to carefully monitor their health, not to abuse alcohol and tobacco smoking. And the age of sixteen, twenty-three, thirty-eight and forty-seven should be treated with caution. Do not be alarmed if, after calculating by date of birth, you happened to find out that you will soon die.

Numerology is a science. She may be wrong. Each person has an individual prediction. It can only be calculated in conjunction with other indicators. You are responsible for your own life and will live as long as fate has given you.

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