Identification of the grammatical basis of the sentence. How to determine the grammatical basis? Explanation of sentence parsing, complex cases



To highlight grammatical basis any offers, it is necessary to find and emphasize its main members. These include the subject and the predicate.

The subject is what is being said in the sentence. It always stands in the initial form (nominative or infinitive) and, as a rule, answers the questions: “who?”, “What?”. The subject is expressed by almost all parts of speech if they act in the meaning of a noun in the nominative case. The noun itself: "what?" The truth is not always on the surface. Pronoun: "who?" I am not a fan of drastic measures. Adjective or: "who?" the well-fed does not understand the hungry; "Who?" vacationers were waiting for the bus. Numerals: "who?" three were responsible for cleaning up the area. Infinitive (verb form): singing is her passion. Any word that has the meaning of a noun in the nominative case: "what?" oohs and aahs from the street. Phraseologism: "who?" young and old went out into the field. Composite name: "what?" The Milky Way stretched out in a wide strip. Syntactically complete phrase: "who?" Grandma and I went home.

The predicate indicates what exactly is being reported about the subject, and answers the questions: “?”, “What is it like?”, “What happens to it?” etc. Depending on the way of expression, the predicate can be simple; compound nominal; compound verb and complex.

Highlight the predicate in the analyzed phrase. It must denote an action performed by or on the subject. Most often, this is expressed by a predicate, o and occur in this role. The predicate must agree with the subject in person, number and gender.

When performing a written task, underline the subject with one, and the predicate with two lines.

When finding several subjects and predicates, analyze the structure of the sentence. If you see before you two or more semantically independent combinations of sentence members, then we are talking about a complex sentence with a coordinating or subordinating connection. In the case when several predicates refer to one subject and vice versa, then you have a simple sentence with an extended stem. However, such repeating elements must still be joined by "and" or separated.

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The grammatical basis of a sentence is its most important structural part, which largely determines the meaning of the entire phrase. The grammatical basis in linguistics is often called the predicative core. The term "predicative basis" is also frequently used. This grammatical phenomenon exists in many languages.


Determine if the phrase you need to parse is actually a sentence. Some of the phrases in are both and, and statements, but there are those that can only be attributed to the second category. In the first case, it is possible to single out the members of a sentence in a phrase or to determine their syntactic positions. As a rule, statements consisting of several words are sentences.

Find the subject. This member of the sentence denotes the subject whose action is described in the phrase itself. The subject is grammatically independent, it answers questions of the nominative case. However, the subject can also be expressed by another part of speech, which in this case will perform the functions. Therefore, define the active object, even if it is expressed by a not quite familiar part of speech or a noun not in the nominative. For example, in the sentence “VKontakte invites you to register”, the subject will be “VKontakte”. At the same time, in the sentence “The social network VKontakte invites you to register”, the subject will be the word “network”.

Define the predicate. It denotes the action of the subject and answers questions. Remember that the predicate cannot always be expressed by the verb. The verb predicate can be simple or compound. In the second case, both are included in the grammatical basis, that is, standing in the form and in the infinitive. The combination of subject and predicate is the predicative core.

One of the main members of the proposal may be missing. In this case, the statement remains a sentence if it is possible to determine the position of the missing member of the sentence. Sometimes it can only be learned from the context. For example, participants in a dialogue can discuss someone's actions and answer each other's questions. The interlocutors understand who or what they are talking about, they can only name the actions of the subject. In this case, there is, but it consists of one member of the sentence. For example, if earlier the interlocutors talked about social networks, then one of them may ask which one is preferable. The answer "VKontakte" is a sentence, since there is a subject and a predicate is implied.


In some cases, syncretic members of a sentence are part of the grammatical core. They are grammatically related to both the subject and the predicate and can simultaneously be the subject and, for example, a circumstance.

Helpful advice

Be especially careful in cases where phraseological turns occur in a sentence. The subject can be expressed in such a turn, and then in the grammatical basis there will be not two words, but several, and it is impossible to separate them.


  • grammatical basis is

A lot of time is devoted to the grammatical analysis of sentences in the Russian language lessons, it must be included in the final control program. Schoolchildren need to be able to correctly determine the grammatical basis of the sentence, because in case of an error, the entire task will be considered failed.

The grammatical basis of the sentence. The concept of the main members of the proposal

The grammatical basis of a sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.

The grammatical basis expresses the grammatical meanings of the sentence. They are connected with the meanings of moods and tense of the verb-predicate.

Troops move to the front.

(The action is actually happening and takes place in the present tense).

Yesterday he came to us.

(The action actually happened, but in the past tense).

Would you talk to your mother, Ivan!

(The action is not realized in reality, but desired by the speaker).

The subject and predicate are called the main members of the sentence, because all the minor members in the sentence directly or indirectly extend them.

We show the dependence of the minor terms on the main ones in the following diagram:

The astonished Varenukha silently handed him an urgent telegram..

The subject as a member of the sentence. Subject forms

The subject is the main member of the sentence, which denotes the subject of speech and answers the questions of the nominative case who? or what?

The subject in Russian can be expressed in different ways, sometimes in "unusual" forms. The following table will help determine the correct subject.

The main ways of expressing the subject.

Part of speech in subject position

Noun in and. P.

Language reflects the soul of a people.

Pronoun in i. P.

He left.

Who was there?

This is right.

This is my brother (when asked: who is this?)

The house, which was barely standing, belonged to a forester. (Here, pay attention to the subject in the subordinate clause.)

The sparks that flew from the fire seemed white. (Here, pay attention to the subject in the subordinate clause.)

Someone has come.

Everyone fell asleep.


Being honest is only half the battle.

To understand means to sympathize.

Smoking is injurious to health.

A combination of words (one of which is in I. p.)

We used to go there often.

Two clouds float across the sky.

Combination of words without and. P.

It's been about an hour.

Predicate as a member of a sentence. Predicate types

The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which is associated with the subject of a special connection and has a meaning expressed in questions, what does the subject of speech do? what happens to him? what is he? what is he? who is he? and etc.

The predicate in Russian is simple and compound. A simple (simple verbal) predicate is expressed by one verb in the form of some mood.

Compound predicates are expressed in several words, one of them serves to connect with the subject, while the semantic load falls on the others. In other words, in compound predicates, lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words.

(Verb was colonel

(Verb started serves to connect with the subject, on the word work the semantic load of the predicate falls.)

Among compound predicates, there are compound verbal and compound nominal predicates.

Learn more about predicate types. Simple verb predicate

A simple verbal predicate is expressed by one verb in the form of some mood.

It can be expressed in the following forms of the verb:

The present and past tenses of the verb.

The future tense of the verb.

Forms of the conditional and imperative mood of the verb.

We emphasize that in the case of you will be expected tomorrow, the simple verb predicate is expressed by the compound form of the future tense of the verb wait.

Compound verb predicate

A compound verbal predicate consists of two components - an auxiliary verb that serves to connect with the subject and expresses the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and an indefinite form of the verb that expresses its main lexical meaning and carries the main semantic load.

(Here it began - this is an auxiliary verb, and gnaw is an indefinite form of a verb that carries a semantic load.)

(Here I don’t want to - this is an auxiliary verb, and to offend is an indefinite form of a verb that carries a semantic load.)

The role of an auxiliary verb can be a combination of some short adjectives (should, glad, ready, obliged, etc.) and a linking service verb to be in the form of one of the moods (in the present tense, this link is omitted).

(here the linkage will be omitted).

So, let's imagine the structure of the compound verbal predicate by the formula:


Compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal predicate consists of two components: a linking verb that serves to connect with the subject and expresses the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and a nominal part that expresses its main lexical meaning and carries the main semantic load.

(Here the connective verb will become, and the nominal part is expressed by the adjective viscous.)

(Here the connective verb will be, and the nominal part of the predicate is expressed by the noun handball player.)

Let's represent the structure of the compound nominal predicate by the formula:


The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate is expressed by the following parts of speech: noun, adjective (full and short, different forms of degrees of comparison), participle (full and short), numeral, pronoun, adverb, word of the category of state, verb in indefinite form.

In Russian, at least four main types of one-component sentences can be distinguished.

The main types of two-part sentences

Expression form of subject and predicate


The subject is expressed by a noun or a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by a certain form of the verb.

The subject is expressed by a noun or a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears and the case in the predicate changes to instrumental.

The subject is expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate is also expressed by the indefinite form of the verb. Between the subject and the predicate, particles are possible, which means.

The subject is expressed by an indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate is expressed by an adverb.

The subject is expressed by an indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or a phrase based on it. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears and the case in the predicate changes to instrumental.

The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by an indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it. A linking verb appears in the past and future tenses.

The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by an adjective or participle (full or short) in the nominative case. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears in the predicate.

Knowing the main types of two-part sentences, it is easier to find grammatical foundations in them.

The main types of one-part sentences

Typical form and meaning

Nominative (naming) sentences

These are sentences where the main member is expressed by a noun or a noun pronoun in the nominative case. This main member is considered the subject and indicate that there is no predicate in the nominative sentence.

Nominative sentences usually report that some phenomenon or object exists (has) in the present.

Large area in the city.

Here is the bench.

Definitely personal suggestions

The predicate is expressed by the verb in the form of 1 or 2 persons. The ending of the verb in these cases clearly indicates the person and number of the pronoun (I, we, you, you). There is no need to use these pronouns as the subject.

Indefinitely personal sentences

The predicate is expressed by the verb in the form of the 3rd person plural (in the present and future tense) or in the plural form (in the past tense). In such sentences, the action itself is important, and the actor is either unknown or not important to the speaker, so the subject is absent in them.

impersonal proposals

These are sentences in which there is not and cannot be a subject, since they denote actions and states that are thought to occur “by themselves”, without the participation of an active agent.

In form, these sentences are divided into two types: with a verbal predicate and with a predicate - the word of the state category.

The verbal predicate is expressed by the verb in the form of the 3rd person singular (in the present and future tense) or in the form of the neuter singular (in the past tense). This role is usually played by impersonal verbs or verbs in impersonal use. The verb predicate can also be expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.

In order not to freeze she captured jacket.

In addition, the predicate in an impersonal sentence can be the word No.

The owners are not at home.

Secondary members of the sentence: definition, addition, circumstance

All members of the sentence, except for the main ones, are called secondary.

Secondary members of the sentence are not included in the grammatical basis, but spread (explain) it. They can explain other secondary terms as well.

Let's demonstrate this with a diagram:

According to their meaning and role in the sentence, secondary members are divided into definition, addition and circumstance. These syntactic roles are identified by questions.

Valued (to what extent?) high- circumstance.

appreciated (what?) canvases- addition.

Canvases (whose?) his- definition.

Complement as a member of the proposal. Types of add-ons

The addition is a minor member of the sentence that answers the questions of indirect cases (i.e. all except the nominative) and designates the subject. The complement usually spreads the predicate, although it can also spread other members of the sentence.

I enjoy reading (what?) magazines. (Here the addition of the logs extends the predicate.)

Reading (what?) magazines is an exciting activity. (Here, the addition of logs propagates the subject.)

Supplements are most often expressed by nouns (or words in the function of nouns) and pronouns, but can also be represented by an indefinite form of the verb and phrases that are integral in meaning.

He shaved in the campaign (with what?) With a bayonet. (Here, the addition of a bayonet is expressed by a noun.)

This is understandable only to connoisseurs of (what?) Beauty. (Here the complement of the beautiful is expressed by the adjective as a noun.)

And I will ask you (about what?) to stay. (Here the object to remain is expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.)

He read (what?) many books. (Here, the addition of many books is expressed by a combination that is integral in meaning.)

Additions are either direct or indirect.

Direct objects are transitive verbs and denote the subject to which the action is directly directed. Direct objects are expressed in the accusative case without a preposition.

I don’t know when I will see my relatives now (v. p.).

These furnaces used to melt steel (vp).

All other additions are called indirect.

Play the piano (p. p.).

I put the bread on the table (c.p. with a preposition).

I was forbidden to worry (expressed in the indefinite form of the verb).

As part of the grammatical basis, there are subject and predicate. If the sentence consists of one main member, then this is only the subject or predicate. There are no proposals without a basis (with the exception of incomplete ones)!

Stage number 1. We find the subject. WHO questions? or WHAT?

The subject is the main member of the sentence, grammatically independent.

In a typical sentence, this is the subject (in the broad sense) that the sentence is talking about. This word is in the nominative case. Most often, this is a noun or pronoun that answers the questions: Who? or What?


  • Wolf came out of the forest (What or what is the sentence talking about? About the wolf, that is, we raise the question: Who? Wolf. Noun).
  • shaggy black dog suddenly jumped out from somewhere in the thicket of sedge (Who? Dog. Noun).
  • I smiled and walked forward. (Who? I. Pronoun).

There are some cases when the subject is expressed in other ways (not a noun and not a pronoun):

Other ways of expressing the subject


Numeral noun (quantitative and collective) as a noun

Three came out of the forest.

adjective as a noun

well-fed not a friend to the hungry.

Participle as a noun

Vacationers having fun.

Will master the road going.

Tomorrow will surely come.


far away hooray.


We are with friends left earlier.

A lot of schoolchildren participated in the competition.


compose- my passion.

Stage number 2. We find the predicate. Questions: WHAT IS IT DOING? (and etc.)

What are the predicates?

The predicate is connected with the subject and answers the question that is asked to it from the subject: What does the subject do?

But with the appropriate expression of the subject (see the table above), these can be other questions: What is the subject?, What is the subject), etc.


  • Wolf left the forest (We ask a question from the protagonist, from the subject: what did the wolf do? Came out - this is a predicate expressed by a verb).
  • shaggy black dog suddenly jumped out from somewhere in the thickets of sedge (What did the dog do? Jumped out).
  • I smiled and walked forward. (What I did - smiled and went).

There are three types of predicates in Russian:

  • Simple verb (one verb). Example: The wolf is out.
  • Compound verb (auxiliary verb + infinitive). Example: I am hungry. I have to go to Suzdal (essentially two verbs in the predicate).
  • Compound nominal (verb-link + nominal part). Example: I will be a teacher (essentially a verb and another part of speech in the predicate).

see also:

  • Materials on the topic: and "".

Difficult cases in determining predicates

Situation 1. Often problems with the definition of the predicate arise in a situation where a simple verbal predicate is expressed in more than one word. Example: Today you will not have lunch alone (= you will have lunch).

In this sentence, the predicate you will have lunch is a simple verb, it is expressed in two words for the reason that it is a compound form of the future tense.

Situation 2. I got into difficulty doing this work (= found it difficult). The predicate is expressed by a phraseological unit.

Situation 3. Another difficult case is sentences in which the compound predicate is represented by the form of a short participle. Example: Doors are always open.

An error in determining the type of predicate may be due to an incorrect definition of the part of speech (should be distinguished from the verb short participle). In fact, in this sentence, the predicate is a compound nominal, and not a simple verb, as it might seem.

Why compound, if expressed in one word? Because in the present tense, the verb has a zero link. If you put the predicate in the form of the past or future tense, then it will appear. Compare. doors always will open. doors always were open.

Situation 4. A similar error can also occur in the case of expressing the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate with a noun or adverb.

Example. Our hut is the second from the edge. (Compare: Our hut was the second from the edge).

Dasha is married to Sasha (Compare: Dasha was married to Sasha).

Remember that words are part of the compound predicate can, must, can't.

Determining the stem in one-part sentences

In denominative sentences, the stem will be presented by the subject.

Example: Winter morning.

In indefinite personal sentences there is only a predicate. The subject is not expressed, but it is clear.

Example: I love the storm in early May.

The most difficult case of expressing the stem in impersonal sentences. Most often, these are just different types of compound nominal predicates.

Examples A: I need to act. The house is warm. I'm upset. There is no comfort, no peace.

If you do not form the skill of determining the basis of a sentence in the lower grades, then this will lead to difficulties in the analysis of one-part and complex sentences in grades 8-9. If you gradually develop this skill by the method of complication, then all problems will be resolved.

is a syntactic unit containing a thought and consisting of one or more words. With the help of a sentence, you can express thoughts and feelings, an order, a request, etc. For example: Morning. The sun rises from the horizon. Open the window! What a wonderful morning!

The offer is minimum unit of utterance . In sentences, words are linked together by syntactic links. Therefore, sentences can be defined as strings of syntactically related words . Thanks to this, even in a text without punctuation marks (for example, in the monuments of ancient Russian writing), one can guess where one sentence ends and another begins.

Features of the offer:
  1. A sentence is a statement about something in the form of a message, question or motivation.
  2. The sentence is the basic unit of communication.
  3. The sentence has intonational and semantic completeness.
  4. The proposal has a certain structure (structure). Its core is the grammatical basis.
  5. The sentence has lexical and grammatical meaning.

Lexical meaning sentences are its specific content. Winter was snowy and frosty.

grammatical meaning sentences are the general meaning of sentences of the same structure, abstracted from their specific content. She went on a tour (person and action). Travelers are cold and tired (person and his condition).

Meaning and intonation offers are narrative (contain a message) interrogative(contain a question) exclamatory (pronounced with a strong feeling, with an exclamation), incentive(induce to action), for example: Golden Moscow is the best. Are you funny? And what stars! Raise your sword higher! (According to I. Shmelev)

By the presence of secondary members both one-part and two-part sentences can be uncommon (no minor members) and widespread (there are secondary members), for example: I doze (simple two-part uncommon preposition). Ice has grown on the windows (a simple two-part common preposition).

By the presence or partial absence of members of the proposal proposals can be complete and incomplete , For example: In a cold room, a Christmas tree mysteriously slumbers a (full sentence). Glass - penny (incomplete sentence, predicate released costs ). (According to I. Shmelev)

Grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence

Offers have grammatical basis consisting of a subject and a predicate or one of them. For example: Freezing. White beauty birch. I'm afraid. There is a rainbow over Moscow. (According to I. Shmelev)

The grammatical basis may include both both main members suggestions, and one of them- subject or predicate. Stars fade and fade. Night. Freezes. (I. Nikitin)

According to the structure of the grammatical basis simple sentences are divided into two-part (with two main members) and one-component (with one main member): Trumpets rumble in the passage. It smells of rubbed floors, mastic, Christmas tree. Here is frost! (According to I. Shmelev)

By the number of grammatical foundations proposals are divided into simple(one grammatical basis) and complex(two or more bases related to each other in meaning, intonationally and with the help of lexical means). For example: Our Christmas is coming from afar (simple suggestion). The priests sing under the icon, and the huge deacon cries out so terribly that my chest shudders. (complex preposition). (According to I. Shmelev)

Subject and predicate

Subject- the main member of the sentence, which is associated with the predicate and answers the questions of the nominative case Who? or What?

Ways of expressing the subject:
  1. A noun in the nominative case or another part of speech used in the meaning of a noun. Meanwhile sky(n.) continued to clear. Our fallen(and) - like sentries.
  2. Pronoun in the nominative case. You you bloom alone, and I can’t return these golden dreams, this deep faith (A. Blok).
  3. Infinitive. Work it was not difficult, and most importantly - fun (P. Pavlenko).
  4. Phraseologisms. Skillful fingers were with this master (P. Bazhov).
  5. Indivisible phrase. We are with a friend we left before sunrise (M. Sholokhov).

Predicate- the main member of the sentence, which is associated with the subject and answers questions what does the subject do? what happens to him? what is he? what is he? who is he?Dissuaded golden grove (S. Yesenin).

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