Yakubovich Leonid Arkadievich funeral. Yakubovich is alive or not: the latest health news


The famous host of the capital show "Field of Miracles" Leonid Yakubovich was born in the summer of 1945 in Moscow. The romance between his parents broke out at the front: first, the couple corresponded, and then met. The reason for the correspondence of two unfamiliar young people was a curious incident.

The mother of the future TV star, Rimma Schenker, worked at the post office during the Great Patriotic War. In parcels to front-line soldiers, she packed the collected gifts and warm clothes knitted with her own hands. Parcels went to the front without a specific address. Once a parcel with gifts from Rimma was received by Captain Arkady Yakubovich. He was amused and puzzled by the fact that an unknown needlewoman, along with a touching letter, put two mittens on one hand into the box. Arkady Solomonovich decided to write to the unknown girl Rimma, and she soon answered him. The ensuing correspondence led to a meeting and a passionate romance. So the son of the couple Yakubovich and Schenker appeared as soon as the fighting died down.

From an early age, the father taught his son to be independent and responsible for his actions. He never checked his diary, because he believed that Leonid himself should decide how to study for him. Perhaps that is why the boy showed special diligence in preparing homework, but most of all he liked literature and history.

However, Leonid Yakubovich was expelled from school in the eighth grade. During the summer holidays, the guy, along with a friend, went on a short expedition to Siberia: the guys responded to a street job advertisement for young people. They tested new mosquito remedies: young Yakubovich with the same "volunteers" as himself, just sat in the taiga and wrote down when and how many mosquitoes would bite them. But the business trip dragged on, and the guy returned to the capital when his classmates finished the first quarter.

Yakubovich had to finish his studies at evening school, and during the day he worked as an electrician at the Tupolev plant.

Who to be Leonid Yakubovich decided in the sixth grade. On New Year's holidays, the guys staged a play-tale "Twelfth Night", in which he played the Jester. On the impromptu theatrical stage, the boy experienced such a storm of pleasant emotions that the question of a future profession fell away: of course, he would become an artist.

After successfully graduating from the evening school, Leonid Yakubovich did not forget about his childhood dream: he successfully passed the exams at once in three metropolitan theater universities. But then the father intervened, who worked as a designer at one of the factories, and demanded that his son acquire a “livable” specialty, and only then go wherever he wants. For Leonid, dad has always been the most authoritative person, whom he could not disobey. Therefore, the guy entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

Leonid Yakubovich in his student years

At a technical university, Leonid Yakubovich continued to do what he loved: he enrolled in the Theater of Student Miniatures and soon made his debut on its stage. But soon the young artist left the engineering institute, preferring the engineering and construction institute. The fact is that in this university there was a strong team of KVN "MISI", in which Leonid Yakubovich "fit" perfectly. The guys toured all over the country, gathered applause in its farthest corners, found new friends, fell in love. According to Leonid Arkadyevich, these were the happiest years of his life.

Thus began the creative biography of Yakubovich, which continues successfully to this day.

A television

In 1971, Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the institute and went to work in his specialty at the Likhachev plant. At the same time, he continued to write humorous stories and scripts, which he became addicted to during the years when he performed in the KVN student team. Many monologues written by him were read by novice artists and.

Peru Yakubovich owns several plays that have been staged on the stage (“Earth Gravity”, “Parade of Parodists”, “We Need Victory Like Air”, “Haunted Hotel”, “Ku-ku, man!” And others).

In the early 80s, the cinematic biography of Leonid Yakubovich began: for the first time he appeared on the screens in the famous film directed by Yuri Egorov "Once Twenty Years Later", where the main characters were performed and. It is unlikely that the audience noticed Yakubovich in this melodrama, because he played a cameo role: one of the classmates who gathered at the meeting of graduates.

In his youth, Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich became famous as a screenwriter of the popular Soviet programs “Come on, guys!” and “Come on, girls!”. In addition, he made successful steps in business by founding the first Auction House in the USSR in 1984.

In 1991, the artist was invited to the casting of the host of the entertainment television program Field of Miracles on Channel One, and already in November of that year, Leonid Yakubovich appeared on the screens in the show loved by millions. "Field of Miracles" enjoyed incredible success and popularity: they went to it from all over the former USSR, and the presenter himself became not only the face, but also the symbol of the rating project. Until now, most people associate the host's name with this show.

The principle of the TV show was very reminiscent of the American analogue of "Wheel of Fortune", but Leonid Yakubovich brought a lot of his own into the show: he improved and came up with the main "chips" of the project. The head and author of the show approved the appearance of a black box in the program, as well as the organization of the legendary museum of the show "Field of Miracles", where numerous gifts from the participants were sent.

Even the mustache of Leonid Yakubovich became a symbol of the "Field of Miracles", it was not for nothing that the artist's contract with Channel One contained a clause prohibiting them from being shaved.

The well-known presenter was often invited to other projects. In 1996, on the RTR TV channel, Leonid Yakubovich hosted the “Analysis of the Week” program. In the same year, he became the host of the Wheel of History TV game on the Rossiya TV channel. In this game, the participants had to guess the historical event that the actors played in front of them. But the show did not enjoy much success, and was bought out by the ORT TV channel, where it existed until 2000.

Leonid Arkadyevich also acted as the author of the musical television game "Guessing Game", where the participants had to guess songs by melody. But the program had low ratings, although it turned out to be quite expensive, which is why it was soon closed. In 2000, Yakubovich returned to KVN as one of the jury members.

In 2005, Leonid Yakubovich was appointed director of the VID television company, which produced the Field of Miracles show. In the same year, he created a series of programs dedicated to the last hours of the life of famous artists - "The Last 24 Hours". She came out in 2010.

In 2004, 2006 and 2010, Leonid Arkadyevich led the program "Washing for a Million".

In the spring of 2015, the authoritative TV presenter delivered the opening and closing words in the program “Channel One Collection”, and since March 2016, Leonid Yakubovich has been leading the Star on a Star program, which is broadcast on the Zvezda TV channel, since March 2016. This is a talk show to which famous personalities are invited: artists, artists, athletes, with whom Yakubovich and Strizhenov have intimate conversations.

Today Leonid Arkadyevich is a star himself, so a huge number of people listen to his opinion. In connection with the recent events in Ukraine and the excitement that arose in the light of these events around the name, Yakubovich outlined his position quite clearly: he stated that he was outraged by the desire of some politicians and public figures to deprive Makarevich of all state awards.


The seething energy of the artist is enough not only to appear on the screen as a TV presenter - Yakubovich has a considerable filmography, which includes three dozen film titles. Leonid Arkadievich played the most striking roles in the films Moscow Holidays, They Don't Kill Clowns, Quick Help, Russian Amazons, Paparatsa and Three Days in Odessa.

Leonid Yakubovich in the film "Grandfather of my dreams"

In 2014, Leonid Yakubovich tried his hand as a producer of the comedy Grandfather of My Dreams. He wrote the script for this film and played one of the key roles.

Leonid Yakubovich now

Today, the famous artist and TV presenter, despite his advanced age (Yakubovich will turn 72 in the summer of 2017), is full of strength and energy. He still hosts the Field of Miracles show, attends various events where stars gather, plays his favorite tennis and continues to build a career.

But Leonid Yakubovich is forced to abandon some plans because of his enormous employment. It happened in September 2016: the premiere of the play "The Last Aztec", where one of the roles went to the actor, was postponed indefinitely.

Disturbing rumors immediately spread that Yakubovich fell ill and urgently went to one of the clinics in Germany, where he was supposedly to undergo an operation. According to some reports, this rumor was confirmed to journalists by Joseph Reichelgauz, artistic director of the School of Modern Play theater.

Some fans of the star suspected an oncological disease in their pet, justifying their suspicion by the fact that Leonid Yakubovich has recently lost a lot of weight. Others suggested that the star got into an accident and is struggling with its dire consequences. There were others who claimed that the artist had a heart attack (according to another version - a stroke).

The artist remained silent for a long time, not wanting to refute rumors and speculation, but when they started talking that Leonid Yakubovich had died, he had to break the silence and reassure his overly alarmed fans.

Leonid Arkadyevich explained that he was still healthy and full of strength. And he decided to lose a couple of tens of kilograms of weight because it became difficult for him to move due to being overweight. To this end, Yakubovich regularly visited the gym and the tennis court, managing to get himself in the right shape in a short period.

For the second year in a row, Russian tabloids have been "burying" TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich. What kind of tales they do not invent! They even give the date of death and the day on which the funeral is scheduled. Fortunately, the host of the "Field of Miracles" is alive and is not going to die.

Leonid Yakubovich, what he dies from, news today about health 2017: date of death and funeral

Leonid Yakubovich himself tried for some time to refute the rumors about his death, and then, apparently, he got tired of doing it. At one time he even joked, saying that when he really dies, no one will believe him. And he also thanked the yellow press for calling a heart attack, and not another disease, as the cause of death. “It would be a shame if they wrote that Yakubovich died of hemorrhoids,” he used to say with irony.

Leonid Yakubovich is alive, as evidenced by the regular releases of the Field of Miracles program, which continues to be the rating and longest-running project on TV. The leader's health is quite satisfactory for his age. At least he himself thinks so. He is actively involved in sports, especially tennis, and maintains excellent physical shape.

Leonid Yakubovich: 71-year-old Yakubovich publicly had mercy on a young beauty

Every year on Children's Day, Channel One lands its starship in one of the cities. This time, Dubna, a science city near Moscow, was chosen for the celebration. The presenters and singers - the faces of the first button - had a unique opportunity to visit the country's largest physical research laboratory and see the famous accelerator with their own eyes.
One of the guests of the children's holiday was Leonid Yakubovich. Together with the famous figure skater Irina Rodnina, he distributed ice cream and other sweets to children. Actors and Dmitry Maryanov, Ekaterina Shpitsa, Irina Lachin and Channel One hosts Svetlana Zeynalova, Roman Budnikov, Dmitry Borisov, Vitaly Eliseev rode bicycles with the children and presented the kids with many gifts.

Leonid Yakubovich is rapidly losing weight

The permanent host of the TV show "Field of Miracles" visited the action on the occasion of Children's Day. The kids were so happy to see Yakubovich. But the artist could not stay at the festive concert. The attention to Leonid Arkadyevich was so great that it seemed that the fans would tear him apart. Law enforcement officers had to repeatedly ask everyone present to retreat to a safe distance. Yakubovich was urgently evacuated by helicopter.

Many noticed that the actor had lost a lot of weight and expressed concern. And this is not surprising. Since the end of 2016, speculation has been appearing in the press about the deterioration of Yakubovich's condition. The artist is “diagnosed” with either a heart attack or cancer. Leonid Arkadyevich only smiles when he hears this. He even had time to "bury" several times. The actor once jokingly revealed that he was celebrating 40 days from his supposed death.

Recently, a lot of articles have appeared on the Internet that Leonid Yakubovich either suffered in an accident, or is being treated for a heart attack.

In general, it is not in the best condition, the site writes. And the apotheosis of this whole story is the alleged death of the famous presenter. What is really wrong with him?

Rumors about the sudden death of the famous artist Yakubovich do not stop circulating on the network. Everyone understands the concern of admirers - old age, chronic heart disease, as well as frequent media reports that the artist was struck by a stroke or something else worse.

Each time, showman Yakubovich denies rumors about his state of health. Although he is old, he has no health problems.

Leonid Arkadyevich himself is no longer surprised that “death” is constantly attributed to him. He said that when a person is buried while alive, it means that he will live a long time. Despite this, he looks upset, because who likes to read rumors about his own demise.

TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich admitted that in the last six months or a year he had lost a lot of weight, went in for sports and actively participates in all projects where he is invited. Now he feels much better than, for example, a couple of years ago. The artist once again assured the fans that they have no reason to worry.

On Sunday, October 1, the premiere of the show of unique abilities took place on Channel One, hosted by Yakubovich.

The participants of the new weekly program will be people with phenomenal memory, endurance, strength and any incredible abilities. Some of them have already entered the Russian Book of Records, and someone will be able to enter there by setting a record right on the set of I Can. In this case, the participant of the show will also receive a prize - 50 thousand rubles.

Leonid Arkadyevich himself showed unique abilities on the set of the show: the 72-year-old presenter worked ten hours a day, without leaving the stage for a minute!

"Yakubovich is efficient, like a cyborg!" - spoke about him behind the scenes.

On "I can" the participants surprise - but the participants also surprise. The elderly contestant, who is a virtuoso of Morse code, had the shooting on his birthday. In his younger years, he was seriously engaged in boxing, and in retirement he loved this sport already as a spectator, followed Nikolai Valuev. And after the performance, a surprise awaited him: Valuev came out to him with a birthday cake!

Articles about the death of the permanent host of the "Field of Miracles" appear on the network with enviable regularity. However, Leonid Yakubovich is not the only one whose poor condition is constantly reported. Not spared and Dima Bilan, Valdis Pelsh. What can I say, the prima donna of the national stage herself was also a victim of such materials.

Leonid Yakubovich's sense of humor also saves him in this difficult situation, when news about his death is posted on many Internet sites.

However, not only Yakubovich was so “lucky”. There are many sites on the Internet that contain information about the death of a famous artist.

The presenter is afraid of one thing, that if this goes on, people simply will not come to his funeral when this happens for real. No one will believe in the accuracy of the information.

About the state of health of the famous Russian TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich recently, only the lazy did not say. The fact is that the press previously reported that the host of the capital show "Field of Miracles" was hospitalized in serious condition.

The reason for the discussion in this vein was the temporary absence of Yakubovich in public. Instead of assuming that the artist simply took a break in his busy creative life, reports began to circulate among fans that Leonid Arkadievich's health had deteriorated sharply and he was allegedly on the verge of life and death. It is not surprising that the search query has become increasingly used on the Internet: is Leonid Yakubovich alive or not?

Of course, this information had nothing to do with reality. It turned out that Yakubovich had no health problems, and he, as before, is doing his favorite job, while in his free time he pays attention to sports such as tennis, which he has been playing at an amateur level for several years.

It is noteworthy that the TV presenter himself, with a smile on his face, perceives reports of his death, complaining that he has repeatedly encountered such misinformation. For this reason, he developed a kind of immunity to lies in the context of his state of health.

The yellow press has a spring aggravation. Some tabloids again bury the famous Russian TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich. Sixth or seventh time in a row. According to such publications, Leonid Yakubovich died due to a heart attack. The date of death of the presenter and actor appears last Sunday. When and where the actor's funeral will take place, frivolous publications promise to tell later.

However, the latest news suggests that this is another duck that most viewers do not pay attention to. Leonid Yakubovich is alive and well, and is not going to die. He met the next news of his death on tour in Siberia. The actor only smiles and says that he is already tired of denying the news of his death.

Leonid Yakubovich died or not: the latest news for today

The only thing that worries him today is that when he actually leaves this world, no one will believe Yakubovich, and they will treat the reports as another newspaper duck.

The TV presenter now feels just fine. He is actively involved in sports and spends several hours a day in the gym. Lately, he has been playing tennis every day. The years take their toll, so taking care of his health, he switched to a proper nutrition system, refused to drink alcohol. This allowed him to "throw off" 30 kilograms over the past three months. So in the spring he can boast of his excellent physical shape.

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadievich date of death, funeral: latest news, video

The news that the famous TV presenter has died, and about his upcoming funeral, appear quite often this year. Leonid Yakubovich himself is afraid of only one thing, that not a single person will come to say goodbye to him when this really happens.

Information about the death of the main host of the Field of Miracles program appears on the Internet quite regularly. However, Yakubovich is not the only one whose morbid condition is regularly reported. Dmitry Bilan and Valdis Pelsh were not dined either. What can I say, even the Russian pop prima donna was also made a victim of similar materials.

Some time ago, the media provided information that allegedly Leonid Yakubovich was very ill and even allegedly went to Germany for treatment after he had a terrible accident. Other journalists reported a stroke, after which the popular presenter allegedly immediately flew to Europe to restore his health. Another version from journalists is that Yakubovich personally told them about problems with the cardiovascular system.

Leonid Yakubovich accepts with glee the statements of the domestic media about his death. For more than one month, information portals have been talking about the fact that the famous TV presenter is in poor health.

Some of them even pre-buried Yakubovich. In turn, the presenter does not take all this gossip to heart, and thanks the journalists for the fact that the media chose a heart attack as the cause of death, and nothing else.

Despite his middle age, the energy of Leonid Arkadyevich is in full swing. Yakubovich has been the permanent host of the Field of Miracles program on Channel One for many years. Some time ago, Yakubovich became the host in the new TV show "I can!".

The task of the original program

Unimaginable power, endurance and endurance, determination and fearlessness, the ability to think fast and capture large amounts of information, incredible intuition and many other unique abilities. TV viewers can see all these talents weekly on their TV screens.

Originality of the program "I can!" also lies in the fact that on stage no one will need to compete with others. The heroes of the program will compete only alone. Their goal is to beat their own achievement, their own record. Those who succeed will win a prize. No, not two black boxes, but immediately - a sum of money in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

Users of the global network found a dark-skinned double of Leonid Arkadyevich. The double turned out to be the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Guyana - Carl Greenidge.

The TV presenter believes that Karl could host his own television program in his country. Leonid Yakubovich said that he would host the "Field of Miracles" in his country, and Karl could become the host of the same program in his homeland. The very news of the unexpected appearance of a double, he called nonsense. Leonid Arkadyevich does not plan to invite Karl to his program.

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