"Amber" dream: a short and detailed interpretation. Amber interpretation of the dream book


Many of us rarely know the name of a particular gem - however, most of us still recognize it at a glance. What is the dream of this fossil pebble, obtained from the hardened resin of prehistoric trees? Does the dream book consider amber beads, a picture, “cobblestones” a good sign?

  • Most often, interpreters assure: to see amber in a dream is a great success. This sign can promise the dreamer wealth, longevity, success (in any field of life), and even a short but passionate one at a resort.
  • If it was a huge "cobblestone" (or just a very noticeable stone in any jewelry), the dream promises you a prosperous life, as well as (possibly) a pleasant journey.
  • If the sun's pebbles were carried to your feet by the waves of the sea, it means that luck itself will chase you. Let's say you can receive an unexpected inheritance from a foreign aunt.
  • If the dreamer is a woman, amber says: the long-awaited time of love has come in your life. Perhaps just tomorrow you will meet your betrothed.
  • If the dreamer is a man in years, such a dream promises him long life, as well as health.

Was it set in decoration?

  • Why dream of amber in a silver pendant, ring, earring, bracelet? Soon you will be offered something tempting - however, the case will seem suspicious, and you can refuse it. In general, listen to your intuition!
  • Was it a heart-shaped pendant that you (or the other person) wore on your chest? Whatever you get sick, your body will be able to overcome the disease.
  • A golden pendant with an amber pebble in a dream of a young girl says: your future husband will earn a lot, and also spend a lot on you.
  • A ring with amber dreams of a wedding. If, in addition to the yellow pebble, it was decorated with other jewelry, this means that the wedding will be extremely magnificent.
  • Thin beads (as well as a large number of stones) are a bad omen that promises you illness. In order not to take it to extremes, just watch your health, do prevention - and you will be healthy!

Or maybe you saw an amber work of art?

  • Was it a picture created from small grains of amber? Once at a crossroads, do not be torn between the dictates of the heart and rational thoughts, that is, the orders of the head. Listen to your heart - you won't go wrong!
  • The painting was created from large fragments? In this case, the dream promises fun gatherings in a cozy company.
  • Were they refined glasses, glasses, a decanter? Soon you will "buzz" at a noisy party.

Your actions in a dream

  • You received pebbles (and quite weighty ones) as a gift: soon you will meet the “powerful of this world”, and this person will greatly influence your life. If the dreamer is a young girl, such a dream says: you are destined to create a strong marriage and give birth to smart, healthy children.
  • The same meaning (successful marriage, faithful husband, beautiful children) has a dream in which a young girl is given amber beads or a bracelet.
  • You found gold earrings with red pebbles: you will be carried away by the personality of a person, but having got to know him better, you will understand that you want him physically.
  • Did you find an exquisite amber figurine while rummaging through various junk? If you take a simpler approach to any life situation, life will become much easier.
  • You were a jeweler and processed yellow stones? You love your friends and close relatives very much and want the best for them. Plan a family celebration, invite everyone! Yes, it will be expensive, and you will have to spend more than one day on your feet - but then everyone (including you) will be happy!
  • Did you collect a picture from small grains of amber? In difficult situations, listen to your heart.
  • Have you been choosing jewelry with amber in the store for a long time? What did you choose? If the ring is with a large stone, visit a cardiologist. Most likely, you have nothing serious, but it is better to know for sure!
  • You bought an amber bracelet as a gift: you are so healthy that you can even take a little risk. And soon your friends will offer you such a chance.
  • You bought a gold pendant with a pebble-droplet for yourself: your health can be kindly envied.

Were there any problems with the stone?

  • Your beads were torn, and you collected pebbles scattered in all directions? Your life will be filled with small adversities and troubles.
  • You have lost a ring with amber: beware of a quarrel with your loved one.
  • Did the burglar rip the honey-colored pebble earrings off your ears? You may get sick. Maybe it will be a seasonal virus, or an exacerbation of something chronic.
  • If in a dream you broke an expensive work of art, also presented to your loved ones, beware of injury. Be extremely careful while driving - you can get into an accident.

What about famous books?

The most successful interpreters were rightfully recognized by psychologists - Dr. Freud and Miller. Still, because these people know the secrets of the human soul better than others! Here are quotes from their books concerning amber - and for comparison, we also publish an excerpt from the dream book of the great Russian empress. Can he surprise you?

Freud's dream book

  1. Amber is a sign of a future holiday romance.
  2. If a dreamer woman received jewelry with such a stone as a gift, the dream promises: a man whom you have known for a long time and have not seen for just as long will soon remember you.
  3. You yourself gave it: soon you will meet a young man worthy of attention! Do not miss it, the beginning of a relationship depends only on you.

Miller's dream book

  1. In a dream, amber was scattered along the seashore - an increase will happen in your life. Maybe it will be an increase in salary, or maybe in your family.
  2. If an old dreamer found amber, the dream promises many years of life, as well as good health.
  3. If a young guy or girl sees the same dream (with finding jewelry with this pebble, or just a piece of amber), this means that a meeting with a person who can become the love of his (her) life is not far off.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

  1. Amber dreams of people who will soon be lucky.
  2. If a girl (young woman) in a dream received beads or a necklace made of this stone as a gift, the dream promises her a caring spouse.
  3. According to this old dream book, the amber that you found promises you success in any business. If you have long dreamed of doing something difficult - right now you can succeed!
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Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Amber in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream of Amber

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Condensed light, a clot of magnetism. It is believed that it protects from spells and the evil eye, brings health and strength to babies, drives away insomnia. Amber, in which there is an insect, protects from magical effects. If you dreamed that you saw amber, then this is a sign that a favorable period is coming in your life when you will feel warmth and calmness, moral comfort and security. If in your dream you got amber as a gift from some person who is familiar to you in real life, then everything listed in your life will come precisely thanks to him, for more details, if you dream of Amber, see below.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of Amber, interpretation of sleep:

Calming effect on the entire nervous system; good for dysentery; may be useful in the treatment of diseases associated with a lack of vitamin C (such as diseases of the liver, kidneys, throat, head, respiratory system, as well as asthma, Graves' disease, hay fever). Amber is not a mineral, it is the petrified resin of pine trees, in the next interpreter you can read what Amber is dreaming of in a different interpretation.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why dream and what does Amber mean in a dream?

See amber for a holiday romance. For a woman, such a dream portends the wind with an old friend, to whom she has tender feelings, this is how the dream in which Amber dreams is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why is Amber dreaming, how to understand a dream?

If you dream of amber, then such a dream is a sign that a holiday romance awaits you soon. If you received an amber jewelry as a gift in a dream, then in real life you will meet an old friend who, as you thought, had already forgotten about you. If you gave someone amber in a dream, it means that you will meet a very pleasant man in all respects. Put in just a little effort and your romance will be very happy.

Summer dream interpreter

There is a danger of committing stupidity, allowing recklessness.

Autumn dream interpreter

There will be a monetary temptation, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if Amber is dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why does Amber dream in a dream?

Auspicious sign. For a young woman, a dream in which she receives an amber necklace as a gift promises a loving husband. If you dreamed that you found amber, then good luck will accompany all your undertakings.

Modern dream book

Why dream of Amber in a dream book?

I dreamed of amber - perhaps you will soon have a holiday romance. If a woman in a dream received an amber jewelry as a gift, then a certain friend with whom she had known for many years, but had not seen him for a long time, would soon remember her. They gave amber in a dream - you will meet a very attractive person. But, if you do not make at least a little effort, love will pass by.

Spring dream interpreter

To the tears of an old man.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Amber mean?

According to the magic of minerals, amber symbolizes the awakening of nature, the realm of light and heat. Amber of cold shades bestows wisdom, the power of foresight, firmness in the hour of trouble. Red amber stops bleeding, heals female diseases. Such a stone is the most expensive treasure of the Mexican Indians. It is believed that the properties of jasper can "die" and "recover".

Probably every person has different dreams, but if you almost never dream, or rather rarely dream, then it is believed that such people have a rest in body, soul, and mind. What we dream about in a dream partly depends on us, on our thoughts and fantasies. In your dream, you can see what you thought about during the day, or even your brain can remember what you thought a week ago and show it in a dream.

You can also have prophetic dreams, and sometimes you have mysterious dreams and you don’t know what to think. Suppose very often people dream of jewelry with various stones or just precious stones. Below we will interpret the dream in which amber was dreamed.

Amber is dreaming - Freud's dream book

If a woman or girl dreamed of amber in a dream, then this means that soon you will meet your former friend, boyfriend. Seeing a ring with a ruby ​​on your finger means a stormy, erotic romance at sea or on vacation.

Seeing a stone that falls from your hands promises you that high hopes can be placed on you that you should not let down.

Seeing in a dream - Miller's interpretation of amber

What does amber promise in a dream in Miller's interpretations? To see shining amber in a dream means that soon you will have a big take-off at work or in business, the main thing is not to miss it!

Also, amber of a fiery bright color dreams of those who are in love and think a lot about the person they love and worry that love can be unrequited, but do not worry. because according to Miller's dream book, fiery amber portends love, great passion.

Amber dreamed in a dream - according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga interpreted the dream in which amber was dreamed like this: if you dreamed of amber that you found and picked up, then soon you will receive an offer from which you will be delighted, but before making a decision, think it over carefully!

Also, the amber that is given to you and in a dream you rejoice at this, then in reality you will also be presented with a present that will pleasantly surprise you.

Amber is dreaming - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, amber dreamed in a dream means longing for the past, which you cannot return for years if you are far from home - longing for your native land, for childhood, but soon you will visit your parent's house.

If in a dream you trampled on amber, then within a few days you can quarrel with your relatives.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - dreamed of amber

If you dreamed in a dream that you found amber, then according to Hosse's dream book, this means that the time has come for great undertakings and the sooner you start them, the greater success you will have in life.

Also, if you dreamed of amber that rolled under a table or bed, this promises you, on the contrary, a big find in the near future. If you dream that a stone is rolling and you are trying to get it with difficulty, then in reality you really lack support in some undertakings, this torments you even in a dream, talk and spend more time with loved ones!

In dream books, amber is a positive symbol that can portend a love adventure for young women or profit for men. If a sleeper in a dream puts on jewelry with amber, good news, pleasant meetings, well-being await him. But in some cases, such a dream can carry a negative meaning.

Seeing amber in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing amber in a dream is good luck. Finding amber means starting a profitable business. If a girl receives jewelry with this stone as a gift, then marriage awaits her, and her lover will turn out to be a generous and kind person.

Jewish dream book

put on jewelry with amber - refuse a tempting offer;

remove jewelry - avoid gossip and condemnation;

silver with amber - foresight will be needed in relations with colleagues;

hold in hand - minor troubles, illnesses;

amber heart - health, happiness.

Magic dream book

If you see amber in a dream, then everything will turn out well in your life. To lose amber jewelry is to lose money through your own stupidity.

Big dream book

A large amount of amber on the seashore in the dreamer's vision indicates his helplessness in starting a new business, ask for help or advice from competent people. In this dream book, putting on amber means being surrounded by ill-wishers, and buying means wasting money.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of amber, it means that in the near future the dreamer will face some temptation. Also, such a dream may portend a stupid mistake. Amber in the mouth - there will be tears, disappointments, resentment.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud

A woman who sees amber in a dream is given a sign - a new period of love relationships begins in her life, for which she is completely ready. Perhaps she will meet a very important person for herself, with whom her life will be connected later. To give amber or amber jewelry is a fleeting connection, parting with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

collect - you will give up the business that you liked;

a gift with amber - a talisman against dangers and adversity, you have nothing to fear;

to swim - portends danger, you may find yourself in a circle of people who wish you harm, envious people and gossips.

Eastern dream book

For young girls, seeing amber in a dream is a favorable sign. This means that the star of luck illuminates her life, and the sun will always illuminate her path. Amber beads - meet a lover, find a groom. Find or collect amber - well-being will come to the house, wealth. Also, such a vision may portend an inheritance.

Also interesting: why dream

Amber beads seen in a dream prophesy a happy marriage, a loving life partner with whom you will find spiritual harmony and peace. For those who are already bound by marriage, the symbol seen portends a calm family life, in which there will be no place for grief and suffering. For the rest of your life, you will enjoy the warmth of the hearth next to those who are currently nearby.

Apperciate things which you have. You should not try to compensate for the missing, in your opinion, qualities of your chosen one by another person. There are no perfect people, and if you spend time looking for them, you risk missing out on true happiness.

I dreamed that they found amber

A dream in which one was lucky enough to find amber promises the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, the implementation of all plans, and the achievement of success. Everything that is planned will come true in the best possible way. Any undertakings and even the most unrealistic ideas can be realized with minimal effort.

Use favorable chances to have time to realize all your ideas. Catching a wave of luck, try to make the most of the current situation.

Why dream that you are collecting amber

According to the dream book, collecting amber means that you deny yourself a lot for the sake of your goal. However, the sign you see says that you have chosen false ideals, which you strive for not because your heart tells you so, but because it is considered prestigious in society. In the future, you will often regret missed opportunities and unrealized potential.

Do not put off your true desires in order to satisfy imaginary ambitions and amuse self-esteem. Listen to your soul more often and try to understand what your true calling is.

Interpretation of a dream about amber jewelry

If you dreamed of amber jewelry, you will have to endure the company of people unpleasant to you. Avoiding imposed communication will not work due to your position dependent on them. It can be your management, who insist on spending time together, or business partners, on whom the successful implementation of the project depends.

Remain calm and suppress negative emotions. Remember that your career or business prosperity depends on your composure and self-control.

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