Reed plucked musical instrument. What are musical instruments? (photo, names) Reed plucked musical instrument


Reed plucked musical instrument

The first letter is "v"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "r"

The last beech is the letter "n"

Answer for the clue "Reed plucked musical instrument", 6 letters:
jew's harp

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word jew's harp

Shaman Sound Recorder

Plucked musical instrument in the form of a horseshoe (or record) with a metal tongue

"musical horseshoe" in the teeth

A self-sounding plucked musical instrument in the form of a horseshoe (or record) with metal attached to it. tongue, pressed to the teeth

Antique musical instrument in the form of a small lyre made of metal, with a vibrating tongue

Muses. tool

Word definitions for harp in dictionaries

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Vargan (from varga - mouth, lip Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. Volume 1. St. Petersburg - M., 1880. S. 167. VARGA f. perm. mouth, mouth, pharynx, mouth. Vargan husband. common folk musical instrument, zubanka; an iron strip bent by a lyre, with an inserted ...

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(from Latin organum, Greek órganon ≈ tool; musical instrument), self-sounding reed musical instrument. It is a plate made of wood, bone, metal or a metal arc with a tongue in the middle. When playing, V. is pressed to the teeth or clamped ...

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
a self-sounding plucked musical instrument in the form of a horseshoe (or record) with a metal tongue attached to it. When playing, the jew's harp is pressed to the teeth. Under various names, it is distributed among many peoples.

Examples of the use of the word harp in the literature.

Having lined up in uneven rows, the Permians put their hands on each other's shoulders and slowly, waddling, swayed to the sound of tambourines, the dull rumble of wooden drums and the mournful howl of a copper drum. jew's harp, which was held in the teeth by a shaman who knelt down and hunched over.

Pavka said that, according to forecasts of meteorologists, tomorrow it will overflow its banks Vargan and flood the whole lowland to the very city.

rushed to Vargan greedy miners, but there was not enough iron in strange stones.

Delivery jew's harp from the pocket of his fur coat, he had already brought it to his mouth, and suddenly realized what it looked like.

It was Vargan, with the sensation of the difference in size immersed in consciousness, like an image under a stream of water.

Musical instruments are designed to produce various sounds. If the musician plays well, then these sounds can be called music, if not, then cacophony. There are so many tools that learning them is like an exciting game worse than Nancy Drew! In modern musical practice, instruments are divided into various classes and families according to the source of the sound, the material of manufacture, the method of sound production, and other features.

Wind (aerophones): a group of musical instruments, the sound source of which is the vibrations of a column of air in the barrel (tube). They are classified according to many criteria (by material, design, methods of sound production, etc.). In a symphony orchestra, the group of wind musical instruments is divided into wood (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon) and brass (trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba).

1. Flute - a woodwind musical instrument. The modern type of transverse flute (with valves) was invented by the German master T. Bem in 1832 and has varieties: small (or piccolo flute), alto and bass flute.

2. Oboe - woodwind reed musical instrument. Known since the 17th century. Varieties: small oboe, oboe d "cupid, English horn, haeckelphone.

3. Clarinet - woodwind reed musical instrument. Designed at the beginning 18th century In modern practice, soprano clarinets, piccolo clarinet (Italian piccolo), alto (so-called basset horn), bass clarinet are commonly used.

4. Bassoon - a woodwind musical instrument (mainly orchestral). Arose in the 1st floor. 16th century The bass variety is the contrabassoon.

5. Trumpet - a wind brass mouthpiece musical instrument, known since ancient times. The modern type of valve pipe has developed to ser. 19th century

6. Horn - a wind musical instrument. Appeared at the end of the 17th century as a result of the improvement of the hunting horn. The modern type of horn with valves was created in the first quarter of the 19th century.

7. Trombone - a wind brass musical instrument (mainly orchestral), in which the pitch is regulated by a special device - a backstage (the so-called sliding trombone or zugtrombone). There are also valve trombones.

8. Tuba is the lowest sounding brass musical instrument. Designed in 1835 in Germany.

Metallophones are a kind of musical instruments, the main element of which are plates-keys, which are beaten with a hammer.

1. Self-sounding musical instruments (bells, gongs, vibraphones, etc.), the sound source of which is their elastic metal body. The sound is extracted with hammers, sticks, special drummers (tongues).

2. Instruments such as xylophone, in contrast to which metallophone plates are made of metal.

String musical instruments (chordophones): according to the method of sound production, they are divided into bowed (for example, violin, cello, gidzhak, kemancha), plucked (harp, harp, guitar, balalaika), percussion (cymbals), percussion keyboards (piano), schipkovo - keyboards (harpsichord).

1. Violin - a 4-string bowed musical instrument. The highest in the register in the violin family, which formed the basis of the classical symphony orchestra and string quartet.

2. Cello - a musical instrument of the violin family of the bass-tenor register. Appeared in the 15-16 centuries. Classical samples were created by Italian masters of the 17th-18th centuries: A. and N. Amati, J. Guarneri, A. Stradivari.

3. Gidzhak - stringed bowed musical instrument (Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Uighur).

4. Kemancha (kamancha) - 3-4-string bowed musical instrument. Distributed in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, as well as the countries of the Middle and Near East.

5. Harp (from German Harfe) - a multi-stringed plucked musical instrument. Early images - in the third millennium BC. In its simplest form, it is found in almost all peoples. The modern pedal harp was invented in 1801 by S. Erard in France.

6. Gusli - Russian stringed musical instrument. Pterygoid gusli ("voiced") have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66 strings.

7. Guitar (Spanish guitarra, from Greek cithara) - a lute-type stringed plucked instrument. It has been known in Spain since the 13th century, and in the 17th and 18th centuries it spread to the countries of Europe and America, including as a folk instrument. Since the 18th century, the 6-string guitar has become common, the 7-string has become widespread mainly in Russia. Varieties include the so-called ukulele; in modern pop music, the electric guitar is used.

8. Balalaika - Russian folk 3-string plucked musical instrument. Known from the beginning 18th century Improved in the 1880s. (under the direction of V.V. Andreev) V.V. Ivanov and F.S. Paserbsky, who designed the family of balalaikas, later - S.I. Nalimov.

9. Cymbals (Polish cymbaly) - a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

10. Piano (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer action (piano, piano). The pianoforte was invented in the beginning. 18th century The appearance of the modern type of piano - with the so-called. double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

11. Harpsichord (French clavecin) - a stringed keyboard-plucked musical instrument, the forerunner of the piano. Known since the 16th century. There were harpsichords of various shapes, types and varieties, including cembalo, virginel, spinet, claviciterium.

Keyboard musical instruments: a group of musical instruments, united by a common feature - the presence of keyboard mechanics and a keyboard. They are divided into different classes and types. Keyboard musical instruments are combined with other categories.

1. Strings (percussion and plucked keyboards): piano, celesta, harpsichord and its varieties.

2. Wind (wind and reed keyboards): organ and its varieties, harmonium, button accordion, accordion, melody.

3. Electromechanical: electric piano, clavinet

4. Electronic: electronic piano

pianoforte (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer action (piano, piano). It was invented in the early 18th century. The appearance of the modern type of piano - with the so-called. double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

Percussion musical instruments: a group of instruments combined according to the method of sound production - impact. The sound source is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with a definite (timpani, bells, xylophones) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) pitch.

1. Timpani (timpani) (from the Greek polytaurea) - a percussion musical instrument of a cauldron shape with a membrane, often paired (nagara, etc.). Widespread since ancient times.

2. Bells - orchestral percussion self-sounding musical instrument: a set of metal records.

3. Xylophone (from xylo... and Greek phone - sound, voice) - percussion self-sounding musical instrument. Consists of a number of wooden blocks of various lengths.

4. Drum - percussion membrane musical instrument. Varieties are found in many peoples.

5. Tambourine - a percussion membrane musical instrument, sometimes with metal pendants.

6. Castanetvas (Spanish: castanetas) - a percussion musical instrument; wooden (or plastic) plates in the form of shells, fixed on the fingers.

Electric musical instruments: musical instruments in which sound is created by generating, amplifying and converting electrical signals (using electronic equipment). They have a peculiar timbre, they can imitate various instruments. Electric musical instruments include theremin, emiriton, electric guitar, electric organs, etc.

1. Theremin - the first domestic electric musical instrument. Designed by L. S. Theremin. The pitch in the theremin varies depending on the distance of the performer's right hand to one of the antennas, the volume - from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.

2. Emiriton - an electric musical instrument equipped with a piano-type keyboard. Designed in the USSR by the inventors A. A. Ivanov, A. V. Rimsky-Korsakov, V. A. Kreutser and V. P. Dzerzhkovich (1st model in 1935).

3. Electric guitar - a guitar, usually made of wood, with electric pickups that convert the vibrations of metal strings into electric current vibrations. The first magnetic pickup was built by Gibson engineer Lloyd Loer in 1924. The most common are six-string electric guitars.

reed musical instruments
Reed musical instruments are perhaps one of the most interesting groups of musical instruments. The sound is created using a specific tongue, which is fixed at one end and free at the other. Air flow or pinching of this reed creates sound. To understand what exactly these objects are, it is worth imagining in front of you such well-known reed musical instruments as button accordion, harmonica, accordion. Now such items are little used to create modern music, but it is worth giving them their due - at one time there was no alternative to them.
Reed musical instruments can also be mixed with brass or even keyboards. The saxophone is a vivid example of the wind reed class, which works with the help of air blown in by the musician and a reed that vibrates precisely under its flow. There are also keys on the surface that regulate the alternation of the necessary notes. Clarinet, oboe, bassoon - they all also belong to reed instruments. Among the non-standard are Chinese hulus and bau, as well as African kalimba. There are also self-sounding, where the sound is reproduced by pulling and releasing the same tongue.

Wind reed instruments
Wind reed instruments are representatives of the fusion of two classes. In them, sound is created by getting air into a musical instrument and vibrating the reed under its influence. This class can be divided into two large groups: ordinary (copper) and wooden. Clarinet, oboe, saxophone and bassoon are representatives of the first large group. Balaban, duduk, shalmey, zurna, tutek and chalumeau are made of wood and, due to their specificity, are rarely used to create classical and modern music. These are, rather, national items with an ethnic color, used by our ancestors to perform songs. An interesting fact is that many modern musicians who have mastered the art of playing, say, the saxophone, do not know how to play the harmonica or pipe. This is due to the fact that these instruments, although they are in the same type class, have a different sound range and original working technique. Melodies created using the above musical instruments cannot be confused with anything else. Our ancestors used them to announce important news, to accompany festivities or important events. The saxophone is rightfully considered to be the king among wind and reed musical instruments, because it alone gave rise to several directions in music at once.

Reed instruments - the high art of music in elementary things
Reed instruments are a collection of objects that reproduce a melody due to the movement and flexibility of a special plate (reed), which vibrates due to air flow or a pinched key. The class of reed instruments includes bayans, harmonicas, jew's harps and harmonicas. Each example of this type of musical device has its own characteristics. For example, an ordinary accordion consists of so-called "bellows" and special bars, which, when pressed and in a certain position, make a sound. The location of the buttons corresponds to the specific note you want to play.
Reed instruments are a very original class of musical instruments. They have experienced different levels of popularity at different times. Today, reed instruments are predominant in folk art and in some formats of modern stage. The well-forgotten old — this is how you can safely call harmonicas and accordions, playing them is now fashionable and unusual, which allows us to judge their further active implementation in modern music.

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