Yulek kachok kovaleva vk. Julia Kovaleva and her pages in social networks


Yulia Kovaleva is the winner of the first season of the Boys show on the Friday TV channel. Having gone from a masculine young lady (Julia "Kachok" Kovaleva) to a beautiful feminine girl, she proved to everyone that she deserves this victory.


Her father, being a military man, dreamed of a son. He was also happy about the birth of his daughter, but he raised her in great severity.

The girl's morning began with dousing with cold water and physical activity: jogging, push-ups, squats and pull-ups. She did not receive gifts and sweets for her victories.

Most of the toys were related to weapons, there was practically no entertainment in Yulia's life either. This did not bother the girl - she liked being a tomboy.

Mom tried to instill femininity in her, but nothing worked. Only once did the girl put on a dress and heels. It was high school graduation.

Yulia Kovaleva graduated from school with a gold medal and easily entered the Higher School of Economics. Here she relaxed a little and did not go for a red diploma, however, she graduated from the university with dignity.

Career and personal life before the project

Having received the specialty “State Municipal Administration” at the Faculty of Management, Yulia Kovaleva got a job in Nizhny Novgorod as an assistant to the director of a company. Handled legal documentation and tenders.

In parallel with work, she made training and nutrition schemes for men who wanted to pump up. Thanks to this hobby of Julia, many young people have changed a lot in appearance and were able to improve their personal lives. She herself considers Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the standard of male attractiveness in his best years.

Yulia also had another hobby, not very typical for a tomboy. She saved homeless cats: she found, treated, fattened and placed them in good hands.

All relations of Yulia Kovaleva before the project lasted no more than a few months - it did not work out. She could not understand the reason for her unsuccessful personal life. She just thought she didn't know much about men.

Show "Boys"

One summer evening, Yulia Kovaleva saw an advertisement for a new show on the Pyatnitsa TV channel, in which they promised to make real ladies out of rude, drinking and smoking tomboys.

She knew that people perceive her like this: on the streets she was always addressed as a young man, asked to help with weights, demanded to show her passport and military ID.

Filling out a questionnaire for the show, Julia did not really hope for luck. But she was asked to make a video and then invited to the casting, where she constantly joked with herself. Apparently, her sense of humor played into her hands. The girl was approved.

The girls had practically no free time on the project: constant classes with teachers, psychologists, doing homework. Very strict conditions.

Julia appeared on the show and friends - Masha and Alice. And the biggest competition, according to the girl herself, was Nastya. Because they have similar characters in which masculinity prevails - one weight category, so to speak.

During the show, Yulia Kovaleva increased her hair and enlarged her lips. Even before the victory, the girl decided that when she returned home, she would burn her men's wardrobe, buy a bunch of cosmetics and feminine clothes. She also dreamed of having two children, preferably a boy and a girl.

The victory in the show made the dream closer: 500,000 rubles to update the wardrobe came in handy. Today, the girl leads her Instagram, where more than 100 thousand subscribers follow the changes in her life. You can see a photo of Yulia Kovaleva in the article.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Nizhny Novgorod" managed to talk with a participant in the reality show "Boys" on the TV channel "Friday" [exclusive to "KP"]

Jock, the savior of cats and the gold medalist - meet the tomboy Yulia Kovaleva. Photo: courtesy of Pyatnitsa TV channel.

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On the Friday TV channel, they set out to make real ladies out of drinking, smoking, swearing and fighting tomboys. And 24-year-old Yulia Kovaleva from the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod Region, is just that. Her military father wanted a son, raised Yulia as a boy. He succeeded - the girl became a real man.

The conditions on the Boys project are very strict - the girls have almost no free time, they constantly study with teachers and psychologists or do their homework. But as an exception, Yulia Kovaleva was nevertheless allocated half an hour so that she could answer questions from Komsomolskaya Pravda.

- Julia, how did your father raise you?

Since childhood - daily physical education in the morning. Running, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, dousing with cold water. A minimum of entertainment, a minimum of sweets. We ate oatmeal, barbecue, it happened once every six months. Toys - pistols, targets and machine guns. My father generally said that he wanted to raise an ensign out of me, so what if the ensign is a woman. Therefore, my requests have always been on the level: a new gun and oatmeal! And that's all (laughs).

Mother, of course, tried to sway my interests towards dolls, curled my curls and painted my lips for children's parties, but I was absolutely not carried away. Lego, transformers, Spiderman and Batman figures - that's what was really cool.

- What are you doing now?

I graduated from the Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Management, State Municipal Administration. I studied well, but not brilliantly. I was finished off by excellent studies at school, when it was necessary to receive a gold medal. Therefore, I decided to slow down a bit and not get a red diploma, I forgot, so to speak, to study. Now I work as an assistant director - these are tenders, legal documentation and all that. And my hobby is this - I train men, draw up nutrition programs and, like a matchmaker, establish a personal life for those who are particularly thin. They tell me: "Yul, what should I do, I have problems with my appearance, pump me up." So I have already pumped a lot of dristogans, as I call them, into more or less worthy males, who have begun a personal life. The model for this is my idol and ideal - Arnold Schwarzenegger. I would dream of shaking his manly hand.

Do you have any other hobbies besides sports?

Besides sports, I have hobbies… well, I don't know what to call it. This is not exactly like charity, I would call it “cat incubation”, rescue of cats. I'm like, that's it, a cat rescuer. I picked up a lot of cats from the street, I treated them all, fattened them, raised them and gave them to good hands. And about 50 cats passed through my hands for sure. Moreover, we gave away how many of our own, because when you bring a cat into the house, and you already have one there, their number grows exponentially.

- What places do you like the most in Nizhny Novgorod and Bor?

I have many favorite places there. My favorite is the training Chkalov ladder. When I dried myself - this is when I gained muscle mass and I need to form a relief - I came by ferry to the Chkalovskaya Stairs, threw my bike on my shoulder and climbed up these four hundred steps. That is, up and down, up and down, several approaches.

- Do you have close friends in your home country?

I used to have three friends, since school - and all guys. Now there is only one left. Moreover, I studied in two different schools, one of my friends is from one school, the other two are from another. I let them write off, well, they also helped me when I needed to write off at some test. We were still sitting on the first desk, and with their mighty male breasts they covered me from the teacher, I quickly took out spurs and helped myself and them. Such mutual assistance has been going on since school.

- Was there a love story in your life? Was in love with someone?

I have always loved men who are bigger than me. I have always loved wardrobes. Psychologists are probably right in saying that we are looking for our parents in our partners. My father is also such a closet, and I always chose men bigger than me. And so I fell in love, Maxim was his name, we studied together at school.

- And he did not pay attention to you?

No, hell, here I remember, he invited me and the girl whom I suspected he loved to his birthday, and a couple of other men to dilute the company of our classmates. Well, we ate, drank juice, whatever, 5th grade. And I think I was not, I confess my feelings. And I told him right at his birthday: “Max, I can’t love you.” He said, they say, Yulek, thank you, I appreciate it and all that. But I love Ira ... In general, my first love story is unsuccessful.

- And at a conscious age?

- (thinks) I don’t know, I didn’t have a long-term relationship with a man, a maximum of two months I had a relationship.

From drinking, smoking, swearing and fighting tomboys on the project they make real ladies. Photo: courtesy of Pyatnitsa TV channel.

- Why did you decide to participate in the project "Boys"?

Just one beautiful summer evening, I came home and saw an advertisement on the Pyatnitsa TV channel. I knew I was a kid. In any public place constantly: young man, man, help. Grannies ask to pick up and carry something, mothers with strollers too. In winter, they always attach me to pulling out the car. People who patrol the city and catch deserters run after me, asking for a military ID and passport. So I didn’t just guess that I was a tomboy, I knew that I was already, one might say, a full-fledged man.

Therefore, I filled out the questionnaire, but did not hope that they would respond to it. I also put a picture there, where bitsuha oh-oh, it’s simple. Here, apparently, they were led to bitsukha. And they called me the next day, they said that I needed to shoot a video about myself. And I have such an antediluvian phone that God forbid such a homeless person. And when three days had already passed, they called me, apparently at the last moment and said: let's quickly send the video! I'm running and running ... I think what to shoot? How do I train? No, I think it will be too banal. I take an axe, I put my foot next to it and I use an axe, like look how scary and fucked up I am.

At the casting, I constantly joked about myself, poisoned them with stories about my graduation, how we chose a dress with my mother - this was the only time in my conscious life when I put on a dress. A sense of humor, I think, played a big role.

- Tell me, with whom did you have the best relationship on the project?

On the project, I developed the best relations with Masha and Alice.

- And with whom did you not get along?

I didn't get along with a lady who is in the same weight class as me. This is Nastya. She is my enemy, I do not hide it.

- And why?

Well, in principle, I feel strong competition in her, we are, as I said, in the same weight category. We are similar people, even identical, I would say.

- Do you have similar fates?

Fates, characters, hobbies and excessive masculinity. She just looks more feminine than me.

- What are your goals for the coming year?

As soon as I get home, I burn my entire wardrobe - all these men's T-shirts and jackets. Then I go to the store and stock up on a ton of makeup, pencil skirts, dresses, cleavage blouses, bras, lace lingerie, go to make-up courses. I want to eradicate male habits in myself, find harmony within myself and become a normal girl. And the main dream - I want to live in Miami right on the seashore, and that I have a husband who would have his own business. And two children, preferably a son and a daughter. The son understands what he will do, and the daughter - we will decide, now it is difficult to say.

- And they will have a nanny Schwarzenegger?

- (Laughs) To get acquainted with Schwarzenegger is the second dream.

Last summer, 24-year-old Yuliya Kovaleva left her hometown of Bor in an old men's suit, with cigarettes in her pockets, dumbbells in her suitcase and a firm determination to change her life. And the girl succeeded - now she is the winner of the reality show "Tomboys", a star of social networks, an example and an idol for hundreds of thousands of fans from all over Russia. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Nizhny Novgorod"I visited the heroine and found out how she lived on the project.

- Julia, in some media there was information that the participants were specially soldered at the beginning of the project, so that it would be more interesting to watch them. This is true?

No. Of course, there was alcohol there, but it was a provocation to test us, no one forced us to drink. Yes, and there was no need - the first week we ourselves willingly got drunk like hell, because we ourselves wanted it. They poured everything they could drink into themselves. Before the project, we all had serious problems with alcohol - for example, it was not worth anything for me to drink a check of vodka a day. I worked then literally seven days a week, and alcohol was my only way to quickly relieve stress. So me "Friday!" I picked it up in a very bad condition - stones appeared in the kidneys and gallbladder, my heart gave out. The process of self-destruction has begun.

- The girls you all had, as a selection - dangerous, pugnacious. Were you afraid for your life and health?

I was not afraid, although I was already not in the best shape due to alcoholism, I was still the most massive and athletic of all, they preferred not to mess with me. Yes, I didn’t like to fight, on the contrary, I always pulled girls away. In general, we were barely allowed even to cutlery until the fifth week, more and more plastic ones were given. And the plates are unbreakable. They were afraid that all this might fly into someone's head.

But then you became friends, didn't you?

Gradually, all the girls broke into twos and threes. At first they were friends in the rooms, but someone was constantly leaving, and there was a shuffling. Now I communicate with all the girls, even with my main rival Nastya. If there were disagreements with someone before, now only good things are remembered. I love these people, we are one big family - we have experienced so much together! One burnt garment is worth something - what a heat of passions there was, how the girls roared! I didn’t feel sorry - I had only one men’s suit for 6,000 rubles and a couple of T-shirts.

- It was impossible to watch the first episodes at all - half of the words were stuttered ...

Yes, because we just talked on the mat! We had a disconnect if we did not use the mat. More or less civilized, we began to communicate when we were given books. And Maria Tretyakova worked a lot with our culture of speech - she offered us options for replacing some swear words. Our favorites were "This is a collapse", "Catastrophe" and "Oh my bastard" ( "My God!" - English. - ed.). Such is our omaiga substitution.

- The project has changed you, but have your relatives changed?

It seems to me that the family began to change after the first series. There was a lot said about my family, I was not shy about talking about all the negativity that I had accumulated. After all, I had never told my father before that I blame him for raising me like that, I never told my mother that she did not like me. After all, it used to be like a communal apartment here - she came, paid her salary, and went to her room. Now there is no such thing - we hug, kiss, a tradition has appeared to have dinner together at the same table. It is a pity that this is not for long - on November 26 I am moving to Moscow. I also began to communicate more with my sister, she is younger than me, but still she is better versed in fashion and cosmetics.

“But your sister wasn’t brought up as a boy, was she?”

By the way, yes (thinking). Apparently, the fact is that I was the first child, and my father was then just working in the military. And when Lisa was born, he was already a policeman, a district policeman, and in general he gave her at the mercy of his mother. She had no passion for the rocking chair.

- Are you really going to give up sports now?

Of course not. Here I learned about such a new type of fitness - EMS. They put on a jumpsuit and shock you in certain muscle groups. I worked out for 15 minutes - and it felt like I spent a day in the gym. And also, when I heal my leg, I want to take up dancing - tango, pole dance, belly dance. And in the future, perhaps, yoga and Pilates. But not a rocking chair, I will no longer be a “rocker in a skirt”!

- What about your leg? How did it happen?

It all started a long time ago, three years ago - on the way home I was attacked by two gopniks and beaten. And the gopniks have such a bad habit - to beat on the legs. And then they hit me so hard that the internal ligament of the knee was torn. But I sort of healed him. And then, on the project, I, on high heels - well, high for me, out of habit - fell into the pool and hit my knee hard. Here it is, that same shoe - then the girls left autographs on it for me. The next day, the leg was swollen and turned blue. The doctor said that there was a complete rupture of the ligament and meniscus, and an operation was needed. But I decided that I would not leave the project for this. I took painkillers every day, it still hurt, but tolerable.

- You wanted to spend the money won on the operation. Did you already? Enough?

I did one operation - by the way, the teachers of the “School of the Lady” and the employees of “Friday!” helped me with money and connections, for which I am very grateful to them. But now I need to do one more operation, and then go through a rehabilitation course, and this is what my winnings will come in handy for. And, of course, I will need money to rent an apartment in Moscow, for a new wardrobe, cosmetics - I haven’t really managed to buy anything yet.

- What do you plan to do in Moscow?

Maria Tretyakova and Natalya Kozelkova (teachers of the School of the Lady - author's note) actively help me with the search for a job in Moscow. I want to try to work on television, but for this I need to develop the speech apparatus, which we are now actively doing with Natalya Alexandrovna. And if it doesn’t work out, I’ll go to work in law – I have both education and work experience.

- After the project, did you meet with old friends? How did they react to the new you?

Some refused to see me right away! They said that I had deteriorated, became a stupid blonde. Someone even said that he was rooting for Nastya, they say, she is more honest than me, but here I am, such a snake, became friends with Christina. But I still had two friends - Nikita and Dima. They met me, support me, created a VKontakte group.

- You went to the project to "change sex", to become a woman. Satisfied with the result? What is femininity for you?

Femininity is harmony with oneself and with the outside world, the ability to combine an elegant appearance, the image of a real lady and the inner ability to please men, find an approach to them, the desire to be a mother and the presence of a certain intuition. And I think I have now found this harmony. In general, I got rid of many male habits that prevented me from living: I learned to yield in disputes, got rid of aggression - before, I definitely had to shout out, beat a wall or a punching bag. Now I don’t have an attitude that it is necessary to make a dizzying career in order to provide my entire family with money, like a real head of the family.

To be honest, when we went to the project, we thought that they would just change our clothes, make up and that's it. But in fact, there was a lot of psychological work, you have no idea how much time the psychologist spent with us. "Friday!" set out to not show off, but to change our lives, our worldview. And this really happened, and even for those girls who stayed on the project for a very short time. I was finally able to feel that I am first and foremost a woman who deserves love and happiness.

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The winner of the show "Tomboys" Yulia Kovaleva: "I will not return to the rocking chair, now I am a woman!"

Member Name: Yulia Kovaleva

Age (birthday): 24.11.1991

City: Bor (Nizhny Novgorod region) and Nizhny Novgorod

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Reading this article:

Yulia Kovaleva is a tomboy not only because she got on the show of the same name on the Friday channel, but also because she was raised that way. Her dad is in the military and always wanted a son.

It cannot be said that he was disappointed with the birth of his daughter, but he raised her rather harshly.

Every morning Yulia began with physical education. The first thing she received when she opened her eyes was a dousing of cold water. Then they beat squats and push-ups, pull-ups and jogging. For her victories, she did not receive sweets and gifts, her father raised her very strictly.

There was also a minimum of entertainment in the life of a girl. As toys, she always received weapons and everything connected with them. By the way, this did not bother Yulia at all - she liked being a tomboy. Mom tried to instill in her a love for dresses and curls, but nothing came of it.

Only once Julia tried to be feminine and it happened at the graduation
. Then the girl for the first and last time in her conscious life put on a dress and high-heeled shoes.

Before the show, the girl had only one friend and she tried to instill in Yulia at least a little femininity, to take her shopping, but there was absolutely no sense in this.

True, there is another reason why a girl is not up to ruffles and cosmetics. It so happened that her mother has big debts and all Yulia's money goes to pay them off. Because of this, family relationships are very strained.

At school, the girl studied perfectly(by the way, there were two schools, but the girl does not disclose the reasons for this fact), so it was not difficult for her to enter the Higher School of Economics. True, it should be noted that here she relaxed a little and decided not to go for a red diploma.

In any case, Yulia quite worthily graduated from this educational institution and graduated from the Faculty of Management with a degree in public municipal administration.

Then Kovaleva began working as an assistant director of one of the Nizhny Novgorod firms, dealt with tenders and various legal documentation.

At the same time, she had a very unusual hobby for a girl - drawing up training and nutrition plans for men who want to pump up.

Julia notes that thanks to her, many guys have changed a lot in appearance and improved their personal lives. It should be noted that Kovaleva herself considers the standard of male beauty Arnold Schwarzenegger in his best years.

True, there is a hobby in the life of a girl, which is completely uncharacteristic of a tomboy, and this is ... saving animals from the street, or rather saving cats. She not only found them on the street, but also treated, fattened and placed them in good hands.

On the personal front, Yulia's relationship did not develop very well. All her relationships lasted no more than a couple of months. The girl herself cannot name the reason for this, perhaps she is simply not very well versed in men.

The girl decided to apply for the show "Tomboys" because she is really a tomboy and it's stupid to argue with that. On the street, she is often confused with a guy, she does not take strength and her manners are quite masculine. At the same time, she sincerely wants to change and become a normal woman.

Moreover, they called the girl back literally the next day after submitting the questionnaire, but for the final decision on the choice in her direction, Yulia had to send another video.

And this turned out to be a problem - the girl's phone was such an old model that she was embarrassed to shoot a video on it. But when the organizers hurried her, Yulia gave up.

At a personal casting, Kovaleva was joking with everything and over herself. The girl believes that it was because of this that she was chosen. By the way, as part of the show, the girl became friends with Masha and Christina, perhaps she will even be friends with them in the future.

While still at school for future ladies, Julia firmly decided that she would return home and get rid of all men's things, buy dresses and cosmetics, in general, become a real girl.

Julia finally realized that she wants to be weak, and also - to become a mother! And be sure to have two children, ideally if it is a boy and a girl.

In general, she has a new life ahead, regardless of the outcome of the project. And the fact that Kovaleva won suggests that she definitely will not give up her plans! Moreover, the prize of 500 thousand rubles is clearly enough for a new wardrobe.

During the show, Yulia's lips were enlarged and long hair was extended.

Before the project, Yulia had a knee injury, and the condition of her leg worsened during the project. She was offered to have the operation immediately, but she refused and remained in Patsanki. Immediately after participating in the show, the girl underwent surgery and going through a recovery period.

Also, in the final pumping of Yulia Kovaleva, they showed how the girl began to reduce previously stuffed tattoos.

In 2017, Yulia Kovaleva became a member of the Revizorro School, she claims to be the new host of the Revizorro show.

Julia's photo

Now Yulia Kovaleva has a popular Instagram, more than 100 thousand subscribers are closely following her changes after the School of the Lady.

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