Julius Fucik (Czech Julius Fucik; sometimes you can find the spelling Julius Fucik)


1. “Fear the indifferent! It is with their tacit consent that all the evil is done on earth!”
(Julius Fucik, February 23, 1903 - September 8, 1943)

2. "Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you.
But be afraid of the INDIFFERENT - they do not kill and do not betray,
but only with their tacit consent are made on earth
all the lowest crimes"
(the novel "The Conspiracy of the Indifferent", Bruno Jasensky - July 17, 1901 - September 17, 1938).

I give the official point of view on the “attitude of Russians” to the war in Ukraine, formed by the Russian power elite in the media.

“66% of Russians are against the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine;

Moscow, 7 July. The majority of Russians are against the introduction of Russian troops into Ukraine, but one in five admits such a possibility if there is a threat to the security of our citizens. This was reported by VTsIOM on Monday.

Thus, over several months, the proportion of respondents who admit that a war may break out between Russia and Ukraine in the near future has grown significantly - from 17% at the end of March to 30% in June. At the same time, there are significantly fewer of those who consider such a scenario of events unbelievable - today 54% think so (14% call military operations absolutely impossible, and 40% - extremely unlikely), while at the end of March there were 80% of them. Finally, 11% of those polled said that such a war is already underway.

Two-thirds of Russians (66%) are against the introduction of Russian troops into South-Eastern Ukraine in order to end the military conflict. This position is mostly shared by older people (71% over 60 years old), residents of large and medium-sized cities (74-75%). A quarter (27%) of the respondents, and above all, Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents (41%), supporters of the Communist Party (35%), respondents with low incomes (35%), declare the need for military intervention by Russia.
At the same time, reflecting on what events could cause the deployment of troops, already a third of respondents (33%) said that Russia should not do this under any circumstances. According to a fifth of the respondents, Russian troops may enter Ukrainian territory, first of all, if civilians continue to die in Ukraine (18%), or if there is a threat of terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian state (18%), if attacks on our checkpoints on the Russian-Ukrainian border (18%). Another 13% of respondents believe that the introduction of NATO troops into the territory of Ukraine may be the reason for military actions on the Russian side. And 10% would offer to respond to requests for troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

New deaths of Russian journalists are considered a good reason for the introduction of troops by 7% of the survey participants. Others (7%) are inclined to agree to military intervention, subject to continued sabotage against Russian trains and the gas pipeline. And only 3% of respondents said that everything that happened is already enough to make such a decision”


Since when is the strategy and tactics of military operations, the solution of the vital interests of the state decided by VOTING?

We (Russians) put up with it.

I'm not talking about billionaires and multimillionaires. There are a lot of them - about a million. They are no longer the Russian elite, they are the elite of the WEST. This is a cut piece.

The less wealthy (who are still living in “THIS COUNTRY”), not burdened with moral principles, have settled down quite well in this life, especially in large Russian cities. Acquired property in Geyropah, Maldives, Cyprus, Seychelles, etc.

They are still living and, most importantly, they think that it will be like this FURTHER ... Flying on business trips and on vacation to “Europe” and “America” - the main thing is not to show up in disloyalty to these “lights of democracy” (suddenly Mossad, NSA or CIA listens to them ???).

There are many of them - these cowardly and vile traitors to their peoples, who lay down as whores under the "New World Order" (in Russia there are 20-30 million of them).

Their rationale: the world government creates a new (even if fascist), but its own world order, and we should accept it (we have already settled down quite well in it).

But why a diabolical order and not a divine one?

To that question, their answer is: we don't care. . . - if only we could eat sweetly, have sex with beautiful female or male whores, have power, money and get high, get high ...

The point of NO RETURN has been passed.

70-90%% of our species will die. These are, basically, the indifferent ones (whose “huts are on the edge”). The Laws of Nature cannot be changed.

LIVE, indifferent...

And in the meantime:

This is the menu offered by one of the institutions of the capital, located right on the Maidan itself (fig. above).

The names of some dishes are not only surprising - they are shocking. The entrepreneur, who decided to play on the feelings of people, hit the mark: the tragedy in Odessa is presented to him as "Colorado potato beetles" in Odessa style "(baked)," President "of Ukraine merged in a pun along with Dmitry Yarosh, turning into a dish" P (Yarosh )enko in chocolate!!!", this businessman-cook also added Oleg Lyashko and Arsen Avakov to his list, and the name of the Russian president became, probably, the most favorite item on his menu.

These obscenities aroused quite fair RESPONSIBILITY among the people of Kiev.

BUT why, YOU, gentlemen of Kiev, were not indignant when your compatriots were burned alive in Odessa, and some of you even applauded this barbarity?

These are not groundless accusations - everything is captured on the Internet and you can’t get out ...

Do you agree with the statement of B. Yasensky "Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth"?

What is indifference? This is the worst quality of a person. It means indifference to anything: things, thoughts, life... And sometimes to people. B. Yasensky once said: "Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth."

And you know, he was right. Is an indifferent person capable of worse deeds than indifference?

This topic is of interest to both foreign and Russian writers. First of all, I would like to dwell on the story of F.M. Dostoevsky "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree" The protagonist arrives in St. Petersburg with his mother, who soon dies due to illness. After her death, the boy becomes useless: no one gives him a piece of bread to save him from hunger, no one sacrifices him any warm clothes so that the child does not freeze. Even the law enforcement officer passing by the protagonist turns away from him. Indifference has overwhelmed the souls of people too much.

This indifference to the problem of the child, who was left all alone, ruined him: the boy freezes in the street. And after that, do you still think that you should not be afraid of the indifferent? That you should not be afraid of those who simply allow death to take away an innocent soul like that? Very in vain...

As a second example, I would like to take Yu. Yakovlev's story "He killed my dog." Taborka, the main character, picks up a dog from the street and brings it home. The boy's mother immediately showed indifference to the animal: she told Sasha to take care of her himself. Even when Taborka's father kicked the dog out into the street, and then shot her completely, the woman showed her complete indifference. As is the man. The boy's parents showed indifference not only to the fate of the poor animal, but also to what their child would feel. Taborka's mother, a woman who should be everything for her child, allowed her father to act so inhumanly. She didn't kill, she didn't betray. But because of her tacit consent, the dog was killed, and first of all, the murder in the child of his soul.

Thus, it becomes clear that indifference is the most terrible quality of a person. It is only because of the indifference of people that betrayal and murder still exist on earth. So should we fear those whose worst act is indifference?

Updated: 2017-11-08

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In 1925, Bruno Jasienski, a Polish poet and prose writer of the radical left, left for Paris with his wife. Four years later, he was expelled for communist propaganda, specifically for the revolutionary utopian novel I'm Burning Paris. Yasensky became a citizen of the USSR, editor of the journal "International Literature" and a member of the board of the Writers' Union. In the thirty-seventh, he was arrested and a year later he was shot.

In addition to Polish, Yasensky wrote in French and, already in the USSR, in Russian. Due to his arrest, his last novel, The Conspiracy of the Indifferent, remained unfinished. However, his wife kept the manuscript, and in 1956 "Conspiracy ..." was published in the "New World".
The novel is preceded by an epigraph:
Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you.
Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.
Robert Eberhardt. "King Pithecanthropus the Last"

Robert Eberhardt is the name of one of the main characters of the novel, a German anti-fascist intellectual, an anthropologist by profession; "King Pithecanthropus the Last" is the title of his unpublished book. The epigraph to the novel immediately became a walking quotation for us.

It echoes the dictum usually attributed to John F. Kennedy:
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in moments of great moral crises, remain neutral.

Kennedy did quote these words in two of his speeches, in February 1956 and September 16, 1959, both times with reference to Dante.
An early version of this saying appeared in Theodore Roosevelt's America and the World War (1915): "Dante assigned a special inglorious place in hell to those low-spirited angels who did not dare to take either the side of good or the side of evil."

And this maxim (with the signature: “Dante”) received its final form in the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “What is Truth”, published in Florida in 1944. The author of the collection was Henry Powell Spring (1891–1950).
Theodore Roosevelt was much closer to Dante's text than Spring and Kennedy. At the beginning of the third song of the poem “The Divine Comedy. Hell" describes the eve of hell:
There are sighs, weeping and a frenzied cry
In the starless darkness were so great
That at first I drooped in tears.

And with them a bad flock of angels,
That, without rising, was and is not true
Almighty, observing the middle.

They were overthrown by the sky, not enduring stains;
And the abyss of Hell does not accept them,
Otherwise, guilt would rise up.
(Translated by M. Lozinsky)

In turn, Dante developed the idea expressed in the verses of the Revelation of the Apostle John, that is, the Apocalypse:
You are neither cold nor hot; oh, if you were cold, or hot!
But since you are warm and not hot or cold, I will spew you out of My mouth.

Neutral in the struggle between God and the devil, Dante places at the entrance to the underworld, and not at all in "the hottest places." But starting from the 17th century, Protestant preachers both in England and in the USA spoke about the “hottest places in hell”. These places were reserved either for unrepentant sinners, or atheists, or (already in the 19th century) hypocrites.

In Russia, and in other countries as well, the saying about "the hottest places in hell" came into use as a quotation from Kennedy's speech. But at least once it met with us much earlier.

At the end of 1929, a multi-day discussion of the mistakes of the literary critic V. F. Pereverzev was held at the Communist Academy. As usual, the discussion came down to sticking political labels on the subject under discussion. This event was led by S. E. Shchukin, a former Chekist and military worker who graduated from the Institute of Red Professors. In his concluding remarks, he attacked colleagues who denounced Pereverzev not zealously enough:
– First of all, I want to dwell on that category of those who objected, or rather, on that category of those who participated in this discussion, which, according to Dante, are destined for the hottest places in hell, mind you, not the lukewarm, but the hottest places. This is the category of people whom Dante calls neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm.

“History repeats itself twice: the first time as a tragedy, the second as a farce”. You involuntarily recall these words of the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, when by chance (who will do it on purpose?!) you look into the LiveJournal of Petr Popov (better known as Popova). In his journal, the PPP shamelessly calls himself Robert Eberhard, in any case, this is how his photo is signed at the red flag with gold fringe on the page of September 29 on the left, although on the right the same photo is signed “morodppp”. In addition, there is placed in green on white " Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but with their tacit consent they exist on earth.. Pyotr Petrovich, what is "pr with the tacit consent of the indifferent"? Readers were tormented by curiosity. And why on earth did you become Robert Eberhard? This username is already taken, please choose another username.
I still have a lot of questions, however, do not bother answering if you consider my curiosity inappropriate or tactless. Sorry, as they say, for the lack of collegiality.
How did you get the idea to turn the magazine into a watermelon - fresh striped greens on the outside, juicy red letters inside? How much time do you spend coming up with cool headlines for your notes like "We're tired of this stench!", "As a result of shame" or "Barbarians can get home"? How did you become friends with Yulia Tymoshenko? For what purpose on the first page of your LiveJournal in fiery-bloody texts are the names written a little bit in Chinese Shestakov, Yake-menko, Lyubimtsev? What's the point?
And finally, the most important question, who is the author of the main slogan of your watermelon-striped magazine: “Sometimes, everything is exactly as it looks”? I really want to get an answer, because everything looks crazy in your LiveJournal! The slogan works!


And now about Robert Eberhard. This is a character in the unfinished novel "The Conspiracy of the Indifferent" (in the original "The Main Culprit" - "Główny winowajca") by the Polish writer Bruno Jasensky, who tragically died in Stalin's camps. The epigraph to the work - lines from the book of Robert Eberhard "King Pithecanthropus the Last".
Here they are in different translations.

"Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you.
Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.

"Be afraid of the indifferent! Only with their tacit consent is an unparalleled triumph of baseness, stupidity and villainy possible!"

"Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. But be afraid of the indifferent, because it is with their silent consent that all betrayals and murders are committed on earth."

"Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Be afraid of the indifferent, because it is with their tacit consent that all the lowest crimes are committed on earth."

"Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent do betrayal and lies exist on earth."

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