Julia Mikhalkova in a transparent blouse. Yulia Mikhalkova - photos of a participant in the show "Ural dumplings" before and after plastic surgery


Julia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina was born on July 12, 1983 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region. Little Yulechka grew up as an artistic child: she arranged fashion shows and posed at the mirror, dressing up in her mother's dresses. At school, she studied "excellently" and already in high school got a job as a TV presenter on a local channel. After receiving the certificate, the girl entered the philological faculty of the State Pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg and there she became a member of the women's KVN team "NeParni".

The stage turned out to be everything for Julia. She resolutely abandoned the idea of ​​​​becoming a teacher of Russian language and literature and entered the theater institute as an actress in drama theater, cinema and television.

Soon a new KVN team "Ural dumplings" was formed, in which Yulia remained the only representative of the fair sex. She was immediately remembered by the audience for her beauty and talent for creating vivid images.

In 2009, the former KVN team launched their own show on television, and Yulia spun in the cycle of people's love.

The girl made her film debut, starred in a photo shoot for a men's magazine and presented a music album to fans.

Fans noticed that their favorite actress has changed slightly since participating in KVN. Some associate the transformation of Yulia Mikhalkova with growing up, others with cosmetic procedures and the desire to look more spectacular on the screen.

Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery: photo

Rumors that Yulia Mikhalkova did lip contouring appeared several years ago. Attentive fans noticed that the comedian's lips were narrower.

This gave rise to many Internet users to claim that she decided to increase her lips with hyaluronic acid.

Photos of Yulia Mikhalkova before and after instantly spread around the Internet, and in each interview the star was asked about contacting a beautician.

The artist denied the interference and said that the volume of the lips did not change, and the before and after photos were fantasies.

Once, Yulia Mikhalkova nevertheless spoke about the plastic surgery done to the whole country: “I made my own breasts and I will make roads.” True, this statement cannot be trusted, because Yulia said it in a humorous number - a parody of the pre-election debate.

Julia takes care of herself, maintains her figure in the gym and with a massage therapist, and before concerts she does hardware procedures. The girl does everything to look stunning in her 35 years both in life and on the screen.

The material is based on a comparative analysis of photographs and does not contain a statement of the fact of plastic surgery.

Everything is in order with the lips: the screen simply enlarges them.

Undoubtedly, the most memorable artist of the show "Ural dumplings" is Yulia Matyukhina-Mikhalkova. Her person was overgrown with spicy rumors: someone wrote that she was born in Yekaterinburg, someone predicted the girl to marry with a local authority, and someone released information about Yulia's career in striptease. However, now we know more about this mysterious beauty, and we are ready to tell you about her.

Julia Matyukhina-Mikhalkova - Biography

Full name - Yulia Mikhailovna Matyukhina-Mikhalkova. In fact, Yulia's small homeland is Verkhnyaya Pyshma, which is in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova? In 2018, it will celebrate its 35th anniversary. The height of the girl is 170 cm, weight - only 52 kilograms. Her parents were the most ordinary provincial residents: her mother was a saleswoman, and her grandparents were construction workers. Of course, none of them predicted a career as a TV star for their daughter.

Yulia Mikhalkova in childhood (4 years old)

However, Julia herself from childhood dreamed of the stage, but did not find support from her mother. The girl recalls how in kindergarten, where all the girls were dressed up with snowflakes and princesses for the holiday, she was alone like a Red Guard boy - with a bald head and a saber in her hands. Such injustice only made the dream of a fairy-tale adult life more and more every year. Having celebrated her fourteenth birthday, Yulia bought her first beautiful dress and long-awaited shoes with the accumulated money.

The girl's favorite subjects at school were the Russian language and literature. She was the author of the best essays in the school, as well as the most talented reader. The teachers advised her to enter the Faculty of Literature, but the dream of conquering the stage overshadowed all other possibilities, so Yulia went to preparatory classes at the local theater institute.

Yulia’s first stage experience is not associated with the brightest memories: among the tasks that were given there were, for example, “screaming loudly”, “imagine that you are a falling leaf or a fox hiding in the thickets”. According to the girl’s stories, the teachers were often rude, called names and in every way brought their wards to emotions, so that, as they themselves explained, “stretch the inside”. Such pressure eventually broke the aspiring actress, and she, frightened of potential competition, did not apply to a theater university and entered the Faculty of Philology.

Boring studies, in which there was not a grain of creativity, motivated Yulia to try herself in a team Club of Cheerful and Resourceful. After passing the institute casting, she became one of the members of the women's team called "NeParni". After some time, the girls already performed on the same stage with professional KVN-shchiks as part of festivals in Sochi.

Having gained experience in KVN, Yulia nevertheless decided to study as an artist and took her documents to the theater. At the entrance exam, the members of the admissions committee reminded the girl of her former classes at the courses, throwing their hands at her during the speech and driving her crazy. The tearful scene melted the hearts of the teachers, and they took Mikhalkov to the course.

And then a busy student life began for Yulia: classes at two institutes, rehearsals and games in KVN, as well as work on a local TV channel as a weather forecast host, where only she was accepted from the whole group.

Career in "Ural dumplings"

Despite the fact that Yulia's student life was associated with a lot of hobbies and creative successes, she got a real buzz only in KVN. Sergey Ershov was the curator of the NeParni team - today he is one of the permanent actors of the Ural Dumplings show, so when the guys needed a talented actress for the female role in the next program, they already knew who to take.

Soon Mikhalkova became "her boyfriend" in the "dumplings" company, and in 2009 they invited the girl to become a permanent member show "Ural dumplings" on STS. Today it is difficult to imagine a traditional show without this long-legged beauty, who can play any female role - from a painted fifa to a disgruntled cleaning lady.

Mikhalkov's personal life

The most burning topic that interests Julia's fans is her marital status. After all, artists often hide this point in their biography from journalists, and the latter only have to speculate.

Yulia Mikhalkova and Sergey Netievsky in the show "Ural dumplings"

So, at one time the newspapers wrote that Yulia had an affair with a colleague, Sergei Netievsky. The reason for this conclusion was the hands of the artists, reverently linked on each final song. But the rumors were quickly dispelled.

Since 2010, Yulia has been in a relationship with a deputy of the Sverdlovsk region named Igor Danilov, whom she met at one of the parties. The couple was often seen at social events and on vacation abroad. A respectable boyfriend often gave Yulia reasons to boast about her loved ones. What are only ugg boots in pearls and rhinestones for 800 euros, brought as a gift from France.

Yulia Mikhalkova with Igor Danilov

One of the most memorable moments for Yulia was their joint journey to the place of power Arkaim. The couple experienced dozens of kilometers on foot, barefoot ascents to the Mount of Repentance, and in the end rewarded themselves with meeting the dawn at the top.

By the way, Igor Danilov is not one of those officials who gives the townspeople a pretext for standard accusations of corruption and tricks. In his city, he is considered one of the most honest and therefore respected people.

A beautiful fairy tale was not destined to last forever. Having received a marriage proposal, Julia could not give a definite answer, and in 2014 the couple broke up. Today, the girl is dating a new gentleman, but so far she has not told anyone about him either on VK or on Instagram.

We can only follow how the personal life and creative career of the charming Julia will develop. Time will show.

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Yulia Mikhalkova is known to all fans of the Ural dumplings. Among the male comedians, she is the only woman. On stage with colleagues, it is convenient and easy for her to work. Many viewers, looking at this beautiful girl, are overcome by the question: does she have a friend and is he a member of KVN?

Julia Mikhalkova

Everything is in order. Julia is from the town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. In her early years, she dreamed of becoming an artist and performing on stage. After graduating from grade 11, the girl entered the Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. But she did not stop there, while still a student she entered the theater and became an actress.

Yulia Mikhalkova with her husband Igor and work colleague

Well, during her studies, in order to take her free time, Yulia joined the KVN team from her university. In 2009, she became a member of the popular show "Ural dumplings". After that, she became truly famous. Mikhalkov began to be invited to various ceremonies and programs. But television is not Julia's only hobby. She opened her own center for correct speech - "Speech".

Now Yulia Mikhalkova is one of the most beautiful girls in Russian show business.

As for Julia's personal life, she is busy. For a long time, the girl hid her chosen one from the public, but now we know who she is. Mikhalkova's favorite man was the deputy Igor Danilov. The couple has been living together for over 3 years. And recently it became known that Igor made a beloved marriage proposal. The date of the upcoming wedding has not yet been disclosed.

March 4, 2014, 20:08

About how it ended up in the "Ural dumplings"

Since childhood, I really wanted to become an artist. She lived in Verkhnyaya Pyshma and dreamed: “How good it is to be on stage. Wonderful life, all gifts are given to you!” At school, teachers praised me a lot for my artistry and expressive poetry reading. After school, she gave documents to the theater, but she was not confident in herself, she was modest and did not enter: she was frightened of a big competition. I entered the Pedagogical Institute, the philological faculty. Thank God, KVN appeared in my life! Sergey Ershov, the head of the group of authors of "Ural dumplings", organized the women's team of the Ural State Pedagogical University, I came to the casting, they took me. "Ural dumplings" in Yekaterinburg periodically made their shows and invited me to some roles. Then they decided that they needed a girl as a permanent acting unit: they arranged a casting, but in the end they didn’t take anyone from outside. Someone replays, someone does not look very good on stage with them. So I stayed in the "Ural dumplings".

About KVN

KVN has greatly changed my life: the most important thing is that now I constantly and over everything, not only laugh, but laugh! I can't take anything seriously anymore. It seems to me that all KVN players have this distinguishing feature: to insult everyone. Here is a case: I bought myself a beautiful Indian-style pendant, proudly put it on, and came with it to the rehearsal. I boast: here, I say, look, guys, what a beauty! Everyone neighs: “Oh, what kind of floor lamp do you have? Or is it a censer? Can I put a candle here?

About the men's team

I feel incredibly good among them. All participants of the "Ural dumplings" are my good comrades. Even more - brothers. My childhood dream came true - to have many brothers! The team is a great force, and I perceive it as my protection. We do not have a division into girls and boys - we are a team, one whole.

Once on tour we went to a disco. The guys say: "Oh, Julia, everyone looks at you like that, they want to get to know you!" I was even surprised that someone was paying attention to me! I'm used to being around my boyfriends. Here, it would seem, we are constantly together, we must get tired of each other, and on the long-awaited vacation we go in a crowd - all with our soul mates. My boyfriend is a serious man, a deputy, but with a sense of humor. He got on very well with the guys from the team, so we have a lot of fun.

Guys constantly make fun of my purchases. You see, I'm a terrible shopaholic! I’ll buy a bunch of clothes, and then I’ll sit on the couch in a dressing gown, look at the closet and think: “Why do I need all this ?!” Guys criticize me: "You're such a clothes-maker!" Although they themselves look in the mirror more than I do! They prepare to go on stage for two hours and vied with each other to attack the make-up artist: “Katya, make me sexy!”, “Katya, no! I must be sexy!” I will buy a fashionable dress, I will dress up, of course, I am waiting for compliments. And instead I hear: “Julia, how can you walk like that!”, “Why are you so dressed up?”, “Why are you so thin?”, “Why are you so fat?” In general, there are eight of them and everyone has their own opinion!

About the process of preparing the concert

First, the guys gather in groups of two or three people and come up with numbers. And then comes the so-called reading: everyone presents what they have written, edits and arranges the numbers one after the other. And then the rehearsal.

In fact, we take our work seriously. But precisely from all sorts of hee-hee and ha-ha, from behind-the-scenes jokes, from that very wave, from this “Let's do it! And let's do it like this! ”, From seemingly unrelated things, our concerts are born.

At the Yekaterinburg Hall, we are testing new jokes. True, sometimes what is funny to one audience will not make others laugh. Even in our city two days in a row the halls are different. After the first concert, we already, as a rule, notice: “Yeah, here we need to pause for a laugh, here, too, the audience reacted.” And the next day, this does not happen again, and the audience most of all laugh at other numbers.

About popularity

I can't say that I don't like being popular. I also like to give autographs. I am recognized on the streets, and the image of our team is good. Our viewers are very intelligent. It's funny, but not everyone knows that we are from Yekaterinburg. I recently came to the local market (I usually go there for potatoes and meat), and they ask me there: “Julia, what are the fates of us in Yekaterinburg?” And we've been living here all our lives...

About other participants of "Ural dumplings"

"Ural dumplings", like all men, are always on the lookout. They always need something new! It's like, you know, a husband lives for 100 years with his wife, and looks at other people's girls. A huge number of women tried to join us, I have already experienced so many women! Even the scariest! But I was the only one left in the team, so I think: probably, they really love me after all!

About personal life

It kind of happened by itself. I was very fond of party activities, since childhood I dream of becoming the Minister of Culture. At one of the party meetings, she met Igor. He was from the opposite party. I didn’t even notice how our relationship began, then I didn’t notice how I moved in with him ...

Igor goes to the concerts of the "Ural dumplings" and sometimes flies with us to Moscow. He is on a business trip, and the team is on tour. Igor is involved in politics and can plan work so that we part with him as little as possible.

I strive to ensure that there is harmony between personal life and work. Yes, I could not sit at home: I like to live at high speeds. But after rehearsals, I rush home to be at home by the time my beloved man arrives. Now there is no need to waste time on household chores, we have an assistant, and we spend our free time on each other. But I myself do everything quickly, in five minutes, once - and I will fry the cutlets. I just love meatballs. Two - and I'll cook porridge! I love baking pies. I cook well and I love it. Sometimes I even think: wow, what a talent I am! True, Igor sometimes complains that I will feed him and he will get fat!

About jealousy

I never give a reason to be jealous. Of course, I am a woman and I can make my beloved boil with jealousy, but I am not going to do this. Igor is an accomplished person, he has something to do, except to control my every step and look for reasons for jealousy. He is confident in himself - such people are not jealous. He is calm, but this is the calmness of a lion who does not need to roar to prove who is in charge.

About love

It is important for me that she simply always be - without love it is impossible to live together with any person. For me, if there is no love, then there is no relationship. I am an emotional person, I live with feelings. It is very important for me to love. Love work. Love the car. Even a telephone! Even a handbag! If there are no feelings, there is nothing. I wouldn't be able to work if I didn't love my job. Right now, I just love my job, I also like the fact that thanks to my favorite business, I can live the way I like, for example, to buy beautiful things. I feel good. At the moment I am happy.

About parents

I am grateful to my mother, grandparents - for the fact that they loved me very much, tried for me and allowed me everything. They never insisted on their opinion. My mother is a trade worker. When I dreamed of a theater institute, she did not quite understand me, she said that it was better for me to go to a trade technical school so that later I could have my own kiosk, but still did not forbid me to do as I wanted. Although sometimes my mother and grandmother make fun of me, they say, in whom, they say, you are so impudent with us, you all climb somewhere, after all, we are modest people. And it's true: I have them modest and highly decent people. They do not complain about their small salaries and pensions, so what, they say, we have enough. They even offer me help, they say: “Julia, do you need some money?” “Of course,” I laugh. “Mom, it’s necessary, five million!”

About children

To be honest, I like my current dynamic life so much that I'm not going to quit my creative activity or leave the stage for a while. It's too early to think about children, in my opinion. A few years will pass and you will see me as a mother.

About a possible move to Moscow

No, I like Yekaterinburg. We have the same shops and restaurants, but this is not the main thing. I have friends in Yekaterinburg, family and work is excellent. So there is no reason to live in Moscow yet.

About bad mood

I rarely get in a bad mood. But my teammates don’t let me be especially sad - they all translate it as a joke. They are rarely serious at all. And we have no time to be sad. I will come to boast about the purchase, and they: “Julia, well, you are crazy! My roof costs so much, and you bought yourself a ring.” But I'm a girl! I don't need to build a house.

About free time

I love being at home and watching TV. I love to chat with my friends. And I love to visit my mother and grandmother. But I have almost no free time, because when I have little to do, it's just a disaster. I love that I always have no time, I like it when I have to be in time for a hundred places and do a thousand things - only then I feel good!

About shooting in a men's magazine

I still don't understand why I needed it. I'm just very flexible. (Laughs.) I spend most of my time in Yekaterinburg, where show business is not as developed as in the capital. And sometimes I want to plunge into this world of metropolitan glitz and glamour, look through fashion magazines. The guys, of course, have repeatedly said that this is useless to me. But I made up my mind!

About plastic surgery and "beauty injections"

Nothing like this. It's just that in the frame my body parts look bigger, that's why these conversations began. Basically, I have nothing against it. It's every woman's business. But personally, I'm not going to resort to such procedures yet. Early!

About beauty

In my opinion, the key to good mood and beauty is healthy rest. I, unfortunately, do not often manage to get enough sleep because of the tour and the tight concert schedule. However, when I have a free day, I happily spend it on the couch watching TV. I relax, gain strength for further achievements. And I advise all women to sleep more, eat fruits and vegetables and lead an active lifestyle.

About life principles

Don't lie to yourself. Don't go against yourself, never do what you don't like. Do not live without love, do not work out of love. And don't take life too seriously - it's easy to live!

"Ural dumplings" about Julia

Dmitry Sokolov: Yulia is our boyfriend. That's what we call her: Mikhalych!

Andrey Rozhkov: At first, of course, we mistook her for beauty, but then it turned out that she was on the board. Julia is a very charming, sociable, sociable girl, so she easily joined the team. She constantly gives us advice: "Andrey, you need to throw out this stupid tie, put on a bow tie!" Or: "What kind of suit? Buy yourself a Louis Vuitton and a branded bag - you'll be cool!" So we were lucky with Yulia, just like she was with us."

Dmitry Brekotkin: Somehow they asked her for advice on what to give their wives on March 8th. You know, if you listen to her advice, you will go bankrupt right away! You ask her: "How much is your handbag?" She: "Cheap!" And he names such numbers that I would think to spend on a car! In general, Yulia is like a medal for us, which we carry with pride and awe!

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