Juno and maybe based on real events. Great love stories: "Juno and Avos


Rock opera (musical) Juno and Avos is built on feelings and emotions, and of course, will not leave anyone indifferent.
Plot. Chamberlain Rezanov, having buried his wife, decided to devote all his strength to the service of Russia. His suggestions about the need to try to establish trade relations with North America for a long time did not meet with a response from the authorities, but at last he was ordered to carry out the desired journey. Before leaving, Rezanov says that from a young age he was tormented by one circumstance, the impression that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God made on him - since then he has treated the Virgin Mary more as a beloved woman than as the Mother of God. Appearing to him in a vision, the Mother of God tells him not to be horrified by his feelings and promises to pray for him...

Under the St. Andrew's flag, two ships, the Juno and the Avos, are sailing to the coast of California. In California, Spain at that time, the wedding of Conchita, the daughter of the governor, and Senor Federico is approaching. Rezanov, on behalf of Russia, welcomes California, and the governor invites him, as the ambassador of Emperor Alexander, to a ball in honor of his daughter's sixteenth birthday. At the ball, Rezanov invites Conchita to dance - and this event becomes fatal in their lives and in the life of Federico. The groom is openly jealous, Rezanov's companions make a cynical bet whether he can "pick a California flower." The men understand that none of them will step aside without a fight.

At night, Conchita prays to the Virgin Mary in her bedroom. Rezanov comes to her with words of love...

At this moment, a reciprocal feeling arises in Conchita's soul, and she reciprocates Rezanov.

But happy fortune from that moment turns away from Rezanov. Conchita's fiancé challenges him to a duel. The business of the Russian-American Company is not going well. The scandal caused by Rezanov's actions forces the Russians to urgently leave San Francisco.

Having made a secret engagement with Conchita, Rezanov embarks on a sad return journey. In Siberia, he falls ill with a fever and dies near Krasnoyarsk. And Conchita remains true to her love for the rest of her life. After waiting for Rezanov for thirty-five years - from sixteen to fifty-two, she takes the veil as a nun and ends her days in the cell of the Dominican monastery in San Francisco.

And after another two centuries, there was a symbolic act of reunion of lovers. In the autumn of 2000, the sheriff of the Californian city of Benisha, where Conchita Arguello was buried, brought to Krasnoyarsk a handful of earth from her grave and a rose to lay on a white cross, on one side of which the words I will never forget you are engraved, and on the other - I will never forget you. see.

Even shorter:

Nikolai Rezanov, one of the leaders of the first Russian round-the-world expedition, arrived in California in 1806 in order to replenish food supplies for the Russian colony in Alaska. He fell in love with 16-year-old Conchita Argüello, with whom they became engaged. Rezanov was forced to return to Alaska, and then go to the imperial court in St. Petersburg in order to obtain permission to marry a Catholic. However, on the way he fell seriously ill and died in Krasnoyarsk at the age of 42. Conchita did not believe the information that reached her about the death of the groom. Only in 1842, the English traveler George Simpson, arriving in San Francisco, told her the exact details of his death. Believing in his death only thirty-five years later, she took a vow of silence, and a few years later she was tonsured in a Dominican monastery in Monterey, where she spent almost two decades and died in 1857.

"Juno" and "Avos" is one of the most famous Russian rock operas by the composer Alexei Rybnikov based on the verses of the poet Andrei Voznesensky. The premiere took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (director Mark Zakharov, choreography by Vladimir Vasiliev, artist Oleg Sheintsis), whose repertoire still includes the play.

The name of the performance "Juno and Avos" uses the names of two sailing ships, "Juno" and "Avos", on which Nikolai Rezanov's expedition sailed.

Unlike the previous rock opera by Rybnikov, The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta, which was rejected 11 times by the commission, the new performance was allowed immediately. At the same time, according to the memoirs of Voznesensky, before the passage of the commission, Zakharov went with him by taxi to the Elokhov Cathedral, where they put candles near the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (which is mentioned in the opera). They brought three consecrated icons to the theater and placed them in the dressing room on the table of Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina and Lyudmila Porgina, who plays the role of the Mother of God (“Women with a Baby”, as it was written in the program).

The premiere of the opera "Juno and Avos" took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, starring Nikolai Karachentsov (Rezanov), Elena Shanina (Conchita), Alexander Abdulov (Federico) ..

Theatrical sensation was called a quarter of a century ago the production of director Mark Zakharov in the theater. Leninist Komsomol rock opera by Alexei Rybnikov to a libretto by Andrey Voznesensky. And it is not surprising, then back in 1981, Orthodox prayers and chants, St. Andrew's flag, the Mother of God with baby Jesus on the stage of Lenkom - all this seemed like a miracle. And the history of this work began with a meeting between Rybnikov and Voznesensky.

- a real, albeit sad, love story of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco, Maria Conchita Argüello de la Concepción. A huge difference in age, thousands of kilometers separating the lovers will not allow the lovers to live happily ever after.

This sublimely tragic love story inspired Andrei Voznesensky to create the poem "Perhaps", which was later reworked by the author into an opera libretto. Rybnikov, on the other hand, has long wanted to combine traditional Orthodox chants with elements of modern musical language. And when Andrei Voznesensky approached him with the text of his poem "Maybe", written on the basis of true historical facts, Rybnikov began working on a rock opera.

The plot of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

Two sailing ships "Juno" and "Avos" under the Russian flag arrive in California, where the captain of the brig "Avos" is Russian Count Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov fell in love with a local beauty Maria dela Concepsion Argüello, daughter of the commandant of the fortress of San Francisco. The love of the count and the young Spaniard aroused the jealousy and hatred of the rival in love with her. Urgent departure Ryazanov separated the lovers back home. For several years, waiting for permission to marry a Catholic, the count died near Krasnoyarsk, without having achieved it. A Conchita she waited for him for 35 years, until she received reliable information about his death, after which she took a vow of silence and retired to a monastery.

Juno” and “Avos” are one of the most famous Soviet rock operas by composer Alexei Rybnikov based on poems by poet Andrei Voznesensky. The premiere took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (director Mark Zakharov, choreography by Vladimir Vasilyev, artist Oleg Sheintsis), whose repertoire still includes the performance.

The name of the performance uses the names of two sailing ships, "Juno" and "Avos", on which Nikolai Rezanov's expedition sailed.
The plot of the poem "Perhaps! "(1970) and a rock opera based on real events and dedicated to the journey of the Russian statesman Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov to California in 1806 and his meeting with the young Conchita Arguello, the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco.

According to the memoirs of Andrei Voznesensky, he began writing the poem "Maybe" in Vancouver, when he "swallowed ... the flattering pages about Rezanov of the thick volume of J. Lensen, following the fate of our brave compatriot." In addition, Rezanov's travel diary was preserved and partially published, which was also used by Voznesensky.

Nikolai Rezanov, one of the leaders of the first Russian round-the-world expedition, arrived in California in 1806 in order to replenish food supplies for the Russian colony in Alaska. He fell in love with 16-year-old Conchita Argüello, with whom they became engaged. Rezanov was forced to return to Alaska, and then go to the imperial court in St. Petersburg in order to obtain permission to marry a Catholic. However, on the way, he fell seriously ill and died in Krasnoyarsk at the age of 43 (the years of Rezanov's life 1764-1807). Conchita did not believe the information that reached her about the death of the groom. Only in 1842, the English traveler George Simpson, arriving in San Francisco, told her the exact details of his death. Believing in his death only thirty-five years later, she took a vow of silence, and a few years later she was tonsured in a Dominican monastery in Monterey, where she spent almost two decades and died in 1857.

And after another two centuries, there was a symbolic act of reunion of lovers. In the autumn of 2000, the sheriff of the Californian city of Benisha, where Conchita Arguello was buried, brought to Krasnoyarsk a handful of earth from her grave and a rose to lay on a white cross, on one side of which the words I will never forget you are engraved, and on the other - I will never forget you. see.

Naturally, both the poem and the opera are not documentary chronicles. As Voznesensky himself puts it:

The author is not so consumed by self-conceit and frivolity as to depict real persons on the basis of meager information about them and offend them with approximations. Their images, like their names, are only a capricious echo of the known destinies. Yes, and the tragedy of the gospel woman, trampled down by the highest dogma, is unprovable, although undoubted. For the idea that corrects living life and feeling is not right.

Their sad love story ended over two centuries ago, but thanks to heartfelt poetry set to beautiful music, this story seems to live forever.

For more than 30 years, the phenomenal rock opera "Juno and Avos" continues to excite the hearts, immersing the audience in the romantic world of two lovers: Count Rezanov and young Conchita. Their sad love story ended over two centuries ago, but thanks to heartfelt poetry set to beautiful music, this story seems to live forever.


The modern opera Juno and Avos is based on real events that took place in the 18th century. In St. Petersburg, a son, Nikolai, was born into the impoverished noble family of the Rezanovs. The boy received a good education at home and showed a brilliant ability to learn languages. In addition, by the age of 14, he had grown handsome beyond his years and was able to enlist in the artillery. In a fairly short time, an ambitious and purposeful young man changed several positions and rose to the rank of the ruler of the office under the secretary of Catherine II, Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Portrait of Count Nikolai Rezanov, correspondent of the Russian-American Trading Company, by an unknown artist.

However, the appearance of a young, tall, handsome Rezanov at court aroused fears among the new favorite of the Empress, Count Zubov. The latter, having decided to remove a potential rival from the road, ordered Nikolai to be sent to Irkutsk. In the province, Rezanov was supposed to inspect the trading activities of the merchant and traveler Grigory Shelikhov, known as Russian Columbus. He became the founder of the first Russian settlements in America, it was with the help of Shelikhov that Alaska became part of the Russian Empire under Catherine II. From that moment on, Rezanov's fate was forever connected with Russian America. He married Shelikhov's daughter, the young Anna, both of whom greatly benefited from this marriage. Shelikhov strengthened his position at court, his daughter received a title of nobility and all the privileges associated with it, and Nikolai became a co-owner of a huge capital. By order of Paul I, who succeeded the Empress, a single Russian-American company was created on the basis of Shelikhov's trading company and the companies of other Siberian merchants. (CANCER ). Of course, Rezanov became its authorized representative, who did his best to merge the companies into one powerful organization. At his new post, Rezanov petitioned the emperor to establish sea communication with Russian settlers in America. Due to the irregular and long delivery of food from Russia, they often received food expired and already unfit for consumption. By 1802, a plan was developed for a round-the-world trip, the goals of which were to inspect Russian settlements in Alaska and establish ties with Japan. However, preparations for the expedition for the count were overshadowed by the death of his wife. Anna died 12 days after the birth of their second child. The inconsolable widower was about to retire and devote himself to raising children, but was stopped by the order of the emperor. He appointed Rezanov as envoy to Japan and leader of the first Russian round-the-world expedition. In 1803, the count set off on the two ships Nadezhda and Neva.

The brainchild of geniuses

The Land of the Rising Sun kept the diplomat on its soil for six months and eventually refused to do business with Russia. After the failed mission, Rezanov continued on his way to Alaska. Arriving at the place, he was amazed: the settlers lived on the verge of starvation, in devastation, scurvy “thrived”. Seeing the confusion of the ruler of Russian America Baranov, Rezanov at his own expense purchased the frigate "Juno" from a visiting merchant with a cargo of food. However, it was clear that these products would not last long. Then the count ordered the construction of another ship - the Avos tender. For provisions, he decided to go to the rich and prosperous fort of San Francisco in California, and at the same time establish trade relations with the Spaniards, who ruled this part of America. Starting from this journey, the action of the famous rock opera "Juno and Avos" unfolds, although at first there was only "Avos". The poet Andrei Voznesensky wrote the poem "Perhaps!" Based on the travel diary of Rezanov and the notes of J. Lensen, he had a very high opinion of the Russian count. The poem told the sad love story of 42-year-old Rezanov and 15-year-old Spaniard Conchita, a girl whom Nikolai met on the California coast.

Anna Bolshova as Conchita and Dmitry Pevtsov as Nikolai Rezanov on the stage of the Lenkom Theater in the rock opera Juno and Avos

When director Mark Zakharov turned to Voznesensky with a request to write a libretto for the plot of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, the poet was not at a loss and offered to put his poem as the basis of the performance instead. The director agreed, and invited Alexey Rybnikov as a composer. Thus, thanks to the initiative of three geniuses, one of the most poignant musical performances of the 20th century was born, which became a sensation both in the USSR and abroad. The premiere of the rock opera took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Lenkom Theatre. Those who were lucky enough to participate in the production of a rock opera later admitted that the performance owed its stunning success to love. Every syllable and every note of the work is saturated with an atmosphere of love and inspiration, and even with the replacement of familiar and beloved actors, the opera does not lose its charm. Nevertheless, it is customary to consider the version of the performance with Nikolai Karachentsev and Elena Shanina, the first Rezanov and Conchita, to be canonical. "I will never forget you" The events described in the rock opera are romantic, and the main characters are full of love and self-sacrifice. Reality differs from fiction, but, oddly enough, not much. When the Juno and Avos arrived in California in 1806, the Spaniards greeted the Russians unfriendly and refused to sell anything to them. However, quite soon the governor of San Francisco, José de Arguello, succumbed to the diplomatic gift of persuasion and the charm of Rezanov, especially since the young daughter of the governor, the beautiful Maria dela Concepción, or, simply, Conchita, fell in love with the count. Despite the fact that Rezanov was already 42 years old, he did not lose his attractiveness, in addition, he was famous, rich and revolved in the highest circles of society. Contemporaries claimed that in Conchita's desire to marry a Russian count there was as much love as calculation, she allegedly dreamed of a luxurious life at court in St. Petersburg, but subsequent events proved the sincerity of her feelings for Rezanov. The Earl stayed in San Francisco for only six weeks, but during this time he managed to successfully fulfill his mission and even more: he obtained provisions for the starving people from Alaska, enlisted the support of the Spanish governor and became engaged to Conchita. At first, Jose de Arguello did not want to marry his daughter to a Russian count. Parents took the girl to confession and urged her to abandon such an unexpected marriage, but Conchita was adamant. Then they only had to give their blessing to the engagement, but the final decision on the issue of marriage was with the Roman throne.

"Portrait of Conchita" by the American artist of Russian origin Anatoly Sokolov and actress Elena Shanina, who played the role of Conchita in the first production of the play "Juno and Avos"

On the way to happiness, lovers have an obstacle. Rezanov was Orthodox, Conchita was Catholic. In order to semi To obtain a marriage license, Nicholas had to submit a petition to Emperor Alexander I to intercede for them before the Pope. Taking a promise from Conchita that she would

will have to wait for him for two years, while he will fuss about permission, Rezanov, with ships filled with fresh cargo, went to Alaska, and then to the emperor in Petersburg. However, the harsh Russian winter and the long journey through Siberia undermined the strength of the diplomat. Due to a severe cold, Rezanov lay unconscious and feverish for almost two weeks. In a serious condition, he was brought to Krasnoyarsk, where he died on March 1, 1807. When news of the count's death reached Conchita, she did not believe him. True to her promise, she waited for Rezanov and for a year every morning came to a high cape, from where she peered into the ocean. Over the following years, the best grooms in California wooed the beautiful girl, but each time they received a constant refusal. Conchita remained faithful to the deceased count and saw her destiny in charity and teaching the Indians, in her homeland they began to call her La Beata - the Blessed One. After 35 years, Maria Concepción entered the third Order of the White Clergy, and after another 10 years she took the monastic order. She died at the age of 67, next to her grave in the cemetery of St. Dominic, a stele was erected in memory of her fidelity and love. Thanks to the world-famous rock opera, a symbolic reunion of unfortunate lovers took place. In 2000, the sheriff of the city where Conchita was buried brought a handful of earth from the grave of a Spaniard and scattered it over the burial site of Rezanov in Krasnoyarsk. A monument was erected on the grave of the count, where the lines from the famous romance are depicted: "I will never see you, I will never forget you."


For more than 30 years, the rock opera "Juno and Avos" continues to excite the hearts, immersing the audience in the romantic world of two lovers: Count Rezanov and young Conchita. However, not everyone knows that this story is based on real events that occurred at the beginning of the 19th century.

One of the main characters of the opera, Nikolai Rezanov, was born into an impoverished noble family. He received a good education at home and showed a brilliant ability to learn languages. In a fairly short period of time, Rezanov rose to the rank of head of the office under the secretary of Catherine II, Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Rezanov and Conchita on a mural in Post Interfaith Chapel (San Francisco)

However, the appearance of a new young tall handsome man at the court aroused fears among the favorite of the Empress, Count Zubov, and Rezanov was sent to Irkutsk. He inspected the activities of the traveler Grigory Shelikhov, who founded the first Russian settlements in America, and after a while married his daughter.

To stimulate the development of Alaska, on the orders of Paul I, in 1899, the private-state Russian-American Company (RAC) was created, and Rezanov became its authorized representative. He sought to establish sea communication with Russian settlers in America, because due to the irregular and long delivery of food from Russia, they often received it expired and already unusable. A plan was developed to inspect settlements in Alaska and establish ties with Japan.

However, at this time, the count's wife dies. Rezanov wanted to retire and take up the upbringing of children, but was stopped by the order of the emperor. In 1803, the expedition led by him set off on the ships Nadezhda and Neva. Negotiations with the Japanese were unsuccessful, "Nadezhda" and "Neva" continued their journey to Alaska. Arriving at the place, Rezanov was struck by the living conditions of the settlers: they lived on the verge of starvation, in devastation, and suffered from scurvy.

Rezanov at his own expense acquires the frigate "Juno" with a cargo of food. But this was only a partial solution to the problem. Winter was approaching, and until spring the products from the Juno would not be enough for the settlers. Then the count orders to build another ship - the Avos tender. For provisions, he goes to San Francisco, hoping to establish trade relations with the Spaniards.

For 6 weeks, Rezanov managed to impress the Californians. He completely subdued the governor of Upper California, Jose Arillaga, and the commandant of the fortress, Jose Dario Arguello. The daughter of the latter was 15-year-old Donna Maria de la Concepcion Marcella Argüello, simply called Conchita.

One of the members of the Rezanov expedition, the ship's doctor Georg Langsdorf, wrote in his diary: “She stands out for her majestic posture, her facial features are beautiful and expressive, her eyes are charming. Add here a graceful figure, wonderful natural curls, wonderful teeth and a thousand other charms. Such beautiful women can only be found in Italy, Portugal or Spain, but even then very rarely. And one more thing: “One would think that Rezanov immediately fell in love with this young Spanish beauty. However, in view of the prudence inherent in this cold man, I would rather admit that he simply had some diplomatic views on her.

Maybe the doctor was just wrong? But Rezanov himself, in his reports to Russia, does not look like a man who has lost his head from love. Despite the fact that Rezanov was already 42 years old, he did not lose his attractiveness at all, in addition, he was famous, rich and revolved in the highest circles of society. Contemporaries claimed that in Conchita's desire to marry a Russian count there was as much love as calculation, she allegedly dreamed of a luxurious life at court in St. Petersburg, but subsequent events proved the sincerity of her feelings for Rezanov.

The relationship between Rezanov and Conchita developed rapidly, and soon the engagement ceremony took place. Then, the groom left the bride to return to St. Petersburg and ask for the emperor's petition to the Pope for consent to the marriage. Nikolai Petrovich calculated that two years would be enough for this. Conchita assured him that she would be waiting...

Moving on, Rezanov was in a terrible hurry. The autumn thaw was approaching, but the count still stubbornly continued his movement through Siberia. As a result, Nikolai Petrovich caught a terrible cold and lay in a fever and unconsciousness for 12 days. And as soon as he woke up, he again moved forward, completely sparing himself. One frosty day, Rezanov lost consciousness, fell off his horse and hit his head hard on the ground. He was taken to Krasnoyarsk, where on March 1, 1807, Nikolai Petrovich died. He was 42 years old.

After 60 years, Russia sold Alaska to America for nothing, along with all the possessions of the Russian-American Company. Rezanov's plans were not given to come true. But he still won fame over the centuries - thanks to Conchita. True, she did not wait for him for 35 years, as the famous rock opera says. No. Only for a little over a year she went out to the cape every morning, sat on the rocks and looked at the ocean. And then, in 1808, Conchita found out about the death of her fiancé: a relative of Nikolai Petrovich wrote to her brother. He added that Signorita de Argüello was free and could marry whomever she pleased. But she rejected this unnecessary freedom. Whom was she to marry, what dreams to cherish? Twenty years after that, Conchita lived with her parents. She was engaged in charity work, taught literacy to the Indians. Then she went to the monastery of St. Dominic under the name Maria Dominga. Together with the monastery, she moved to the city of Monterrey, where she died on December 23, 1857. Having survived, thus, Rezanov for half a century ...

Not so long ago, in 2000, in Krasnoyarsk, a monument was erected on Rezanov's grave - a white cross, on one side of which is written: “Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov. 1764-1807. I will never forget you”, and on the other - “Maria Concepción de Argüello. 1791-1857. I will never see you." The sheriff of Monterrey came to the opening - specifically to scatter a handful of earth from Conchita's grave there. He took back a handful of Krasnoyarsk land - Conchite.

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