Yuri Loza after Eurovision urged not to “pick up crumbs from the European table. Yuri Loza, after Eurovision, urged not to “pick up crumbs from the European table But what, we don’t have good songs


Last weekend, the name of the Eurovision 2017 participant, which will be held in Kyiv this spring, was announced. The contestant from Russia was Yulia Samoilova, who had previously shown her vocal abilities on the Factor A project. Many celebrities supported the girl who was chosen by the leadership of Channel One to travel to a music competition.

Since the age of 13, Samoilova has been confined to a wheelchair, but thanks to the help of doctors, she managed to solve some health problems. The actress told StarHit that she had recently undergone surgery, so now she can not be afraid of self-suffocation.

Netizens wrote words of support to Yulia. Singer Anita Tsoi said that in this situation, disability is not a vice, but an advantage. The artist wished good luck to the graduate of "Factor A" at the competition. However, some celebrities felt that Russia should not have chosen the English-language song for the Eurovision number again.

“Yesterday they called me ten times about our Eurovision participant, asking the same questions: do I approve of this choice, and what are our chances of winning. Although I’m tired of repeating the same thing, I’ll have to repeat it: it doesn’t matter who to send, the main thing is that an artist go with a number entirely made in Russia and sung in Russian ... Ours again bought a banal low-key English song (for this once the Israelis) and are going to explain to Europe that we ourselves are not capable of anything, and we have no culture of our own, ”Yuri Loza expressed his position.

According to the composer, Russia had a great chance to demand from the organizers of "this thoroughly rotten show" to return to the original rules of the competition. According to these provisions, all artists sang compositions in their native languages.

Another artist, Stanislav Sadalsky, known for his excellent sense of humor and the ability to make critical remarks, noted that Samoilova's nomination for the competition was a special marketing ploy.

“Then the Buranovsky grandmothers will be put up, now a singer with special features. Know, they say, ours, that we can always pay off the elderly and the disabled. The choice of Channel One in favor of Yulia Samoilova in the realities of today can only be described in one word - brilliant, ”the actor wrote in a microblog.

After the announcement of the results, Yulia Samoilova herself could not hide her joyful emotions. “I’m happy, it was a dream of my whole life, I said a lot in an interview that I was striving for Eurovision,” the artist told StarHit. And I'm so glad it's finally happening. Talk that I might be able to represent our country at this competition has been going on since my speech at the opening of the Paralympic Games in Sochi. Many noted my emotions, my performance. Then they began to consider that maybe I would get a chance to visit Eurovision. I immediately liked the song that I will perform.”

The Security Service of Ukraine has prepared a document banning entry into the country for singer Yulia Samoilova, who is supposed to represent Russia at the Eurovision 2017 contest.

Yuri Loza: Eurovision is a "freak show", and Lazarev must lose

Recall that the Ukrainian intelligence service checks the information in June 2015 in the Crimea.

Pravda.Ru asked singer and composer Yury LOZA to comment on the hype surrounding Yulia Samoilova.

- The SBU of Ukraine has prepared a decision to ban the entry of Yulia Samoilova. Dmitry Peskov commented on this decision, saying that all questions are for Channel One, which, in turn, does not comment at all. The singer's managers also took a break. And Robbie Williams set the heat by saying that he is ready to represent Russia at Eurovision in Kyiv. What do you think about the current situation? How do you assess the ban from the SBU?

— Don't misunderstand me… It turned out that the song was bought from the Americans and the Israelis, it is again in English. What happens? We again send a girl there not to promote our culture and show that we have something. It turns out that we are sending Samoilova to please the Irish housewife and popularize English culture? I don’t root for Yulia, but not because I don’t like her as a person: I have no complaints about her. I have a complaint about Channel One, which once again promotes the British. Whether she goes there or not, I don't care.

- In the event of a complete and open non-admission of Russia to the competition, how should our country act?

“In general, we should have done a long time ago what the Italians did when they found out that the British were crushing the competition. There began encroachments to the point that everyone should sing in English. It also turned out that it was also necessary to conduct a competition in English (after the victory) - and this is generally bullshit. All this plays not for the unification of Europe, but for division. Moreover, the competition has become political, bearded women are performing ... A long time ago we had to call on or force the organizers of the competition to return to the original rules that were in their time - in the final of the San Remo competition. With him, "Eurovision" and licked! Certain rules were adopted aimed at entertainment. There were statements that the competition was made in order to unite Europe, to acquaint us with our neighbors, with their culture and language. All this was fucked up a long time ago and broken! It was necessary to immediately make claims to them and act like proud Italians: do not drive. Or act like the cunning French: spit on everything and ride, take eleventh or twelfth places, but popularize your culture, and not try to win. After all, victory does not give anything, I have already said that.

Does everyone want our money?

- Remember: Dima Bilan, who won, went on tour to Syktyvkar, and not on a European tour. After all, no one will let us go on any European tours. What European stars? We are not needed in this regard. They need our money, which we regularly spend on popularizing English culture. And now we wanted to send Yulia Samoilova again to popularize English culture.

This is necessary for Channel One, because its leaders then use this money to travel abroad and hug Robbie Williams. That's what they need it for! I repeat: to cuddle with Robbie Williams, to ride there, to be your own there. And our country does not need it. And the appearance of our girl with a British, American or other song is absolutely not necessary for Russia. It hurts me as an artist!

You see, if Samoilova prepared a Russian song, I would cheer for her and fight like a gladiator. But with the English song, she works to my detriment, because she goes again as "one-on-one" or "exactly the same."

Accordingly, none of the Western artists or singers approach me as a composer for a song and ask me to give them this song, because they think that we don’t have songs. The only thing we can do is pump up oil and sell it. Then buy for the money what they write. All! None of our composers need her to appear - with an American song.

Recall that Samoilova will represent Russia at the competition with the composition Flame Is Burning, it became known on March 12. The singer is a disabled person of the first group (she was diagnosed with Verdnig-Hoffman spinal amyotrophy) and moves in a wheelchair.

State Duma Committee on Culture, People's Artist of Russia Iosif Kobzon also commented on the SBU ban: “I am very glad, because I kept saying: there is no need to go there, to a bandit country, to disgrace our performers. Therefore, it is very good that they have artificially created, as they say in football, “offside”.

According to Kobzon, Russia should have immediately refused to participate in the competition. "Do not disgrace yourself and do not go with outstretched hand to these American puppets," he said.

Show Business

Yuri Loza after Eurovision urged not to "pick up crumbs from the European table"

The singer advised Russian TV personalities to think about their culture

Musician Yuri Loza, after Yulia Samoilova's performance at Eurovision, said that it's time for Russian television bosses to think about their culture, and not "pick up crumbs from the European media table."

“Now it is being declared with might and main that the task of winning was not set for Yulia, that for her a pass to the final was already the ultimate dream. But then what was the point of once again licking the British? It was possible to break through for pity with a song in their native language, and a number made by the Russians!” - RIA Novosti quotes Vine.

According to him, "it's time for our TV personalities to start thinking about their culture, and not just picking up crumbs from the European media table." He wishes health to Samoilova and praises her for her courage, "after all, she mastered half of the song." “Well, it would be inhumane to demand more from her, because she is physically unable to fully sing, because due to the nature of the disease she cannot get enough air into her lungs. In addition, as she herself said, she didn’t feel well that evening, ”said Loza.

The second semi-final of Eurovision took place on Thursday. Yulia Samoilova from Russia, who performed the song I Won "t Break, did not reach the final. Representatives of Norway, Serbia, Denmark, Moldova, the Netherlands, Australia, Hungary, Sweden, Slovenia and Ukraine reached the final of the competition, which will be held on Sunday in Lisbon at the Altice Arena in the Park of Nations.

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