South Russian State Polytechnic University. M.I

Scientific director Nikolay Ivanovich Gorbatenko students 22000 professors 255 teachers 2054 Location Russia Russia, Rostov region ,
Legal address 346428, Novocherkassk, st. Enlightenment, 132 Website Awards

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M. I. Platov- university in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region.


The first building of the Alekseevsky Don Polytechnic Institute, where the opening ceremony took place

Badge of graduation from the Alekseevsky Don Polytechnic Institute

Don Polytechnic Institute was opened on October 5 (18) and became the first institution of higher education in the south of the Russian Empire. At that time, the institute did not yet have its own buildings and was located in seven buildings of the city, remote from each other. In 1909, the institute was named after Tsarevich Alexei, and it began to be called - Alekseevsky Don Polytechnic Institute.

The construction of the buildings began on October 9, 1911 according to the design of the architect Roguisky. The project included the main, robotic (modern name), chemical, mining buildings and was completed only in 1930.

After 1917

From October 1918 until 1920, the institute was named after Ataman A. M. Kaledin, and then again was the Don Polytechnic Institute. In 1930, the Don Polytechnic Institute was divided into several independent higher technical educational institutions, some of which in 1933 were again merged into a single institute, which was first called the North Caucasian Industrial Institute, and a year later (in 1934) it was called Novocherkassk industrial institute. Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

In 1948 the Institute received a new name - Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. This name was retained until 1993.

The university received the status of Novocherkassk State Technical University on July 5, 1993.

On February 2, 1999, it was renamed the South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute).

  • University buildings in the 1930s
  • Mining Faculty

    Chemical faculty

    Energy Faculty

External images
Obverse of the 100th anniversary medal
Reverse of the medal

Student card, 1918

On October 18-19, 2007, festive events took place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the oldest university in the south of Russia. These days, festive events took place in the city and the university itself, which began in the covered courtyard of the university and ended with a solemn meeting in the city theater. Komissarzhevskaya. On October 17, the All-Russian Exhibition-Fair of Research Works and Innovation Activities, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university, opened at SRSPU (NPI). The opening was attended by: the mayor of Novocherkassk, the head of the city duma, the university leadership. By order of the University, Gosznak produced 20 thousand envelopes with a view of the main building and a stamp, which was specially cancelled. Commemorative cancellation of the "first day" was organized in the main building of the university. In a solemn atmosphere in the presence of teachers, university graduates of different years and guests, the right to be the first to put a commemorative stamp was granted to the director of the Rostov branch of the Russian Post V. Gorbaenko (a graduate of this educational institution in 1980) and the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation - A. Pavlenko . Also, special cancellation was made on postcards dedicated to SRSPU (NPI). . In the workshop of the Don medalist - Nikolai Shevkunov, commemorative medals dedicated to this significant event were made.

Until 2008, there was a presidential board at the university, its last president was Shukshunov V.E. Currently, the SRSPU (NPI) is managed by the rector, who is Perederiy V.G.

Official names

Modern name


The building of the Main building in its 100th anniversary

Indoor courtyard of the Main building on its 110th anniversary

The rectors were (by year of appointment):


The university includes:

  • 11 faculties (including the faculty of open distance learning);
  • 3 institutes as branches;
  • 5 branches;
  • 1 college;
  • intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists,
  • 12 research institutes;
  • 7 research and production enterprises;
  • publishing organizations and other units that ensure the activities of the university.

3919 employees work in SRSPU, including: 2054 people - faculty.

22,000 students study at its faculties and branches, including: more than 15,000 full-time students, about 4,000 part-time students, about 2,000 part-time students. More than 1,000 students undergo retraining every year.

The university has the largest university scientific and technical library in the south of Russia. The library fund contains more than 3 million publications.

The University publishes periodicals:

  • "Personnel of the industry" - a large-circulation newspaper of the SRSPU (NPI). Published since December 1929.
  • Scientific and technical journal “News of higher educational institutions. Electromechanics. Published since January 1958.

University staff

In the staff of the faculty of the university:

  • 255 doctors of sciences, professors,
  • 1058 candidates of sciences, associate professors,
  • 13 honored workers of science and technology,
  • 2 Honored Workers of Culture,
  • 9 honored workers of higher education,
  • 109 academicians of branch and public academies,
  • 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

University buildings

The complex of buildings of the South Russian State Polytechnic University includes:

  • main building;
  • robotic body;
  • chemical building;
  • mountain corps;
  • energy corps;
  • laboratory building;
  • sports facilities (stadium, swimming pool, tennis court, gym, athletics arena);
  • Currently, the construction of the educational and library building is underway.

The main, chemical, mining and energy buildings are architectural monuments of federal significance.


The verse of Vladimir Abramovich Schwartz, a member of the university literary group, a graduate of the NPI in 1964 - "I love you, NPI" - was set to music and became the anthem of the polytechnics.

Research work

The first university in the south of Russia

SRSPU (NPI) works in 26 scientific areas, including powder metallurgy, the theory of ore formation in volcanic sedimentary strata, micrometallurgy of semiconductor structures, antifriction materials, polymer synthesis, effective methods for solving problems of mathematical physics, simulator building and others.

Research and production and innovation activities are carried out at faculties, branch institutes, educational and research and production complexes (UNPK), Don Technological Park, research and production and other divisions of the base university, scientific complexes of institutes and branches. As part of the SRSPU (NPI), more than ten UNPKs operate. Each includes one or more faculties, departments, research institutes (NII) and other research and production departments of the university, as well as organizations, enterprises that are not departments of the university. On the basis of departments, scientific laboratories, pilot productions of the university, there are six research institutes:

  • Research Institute of Energy;
  • Research Institute of Water Supply and Sanitation;
  • Research Institute of Electromechanics;
  • Research Institute of Computing, Information and Control Systems;
  • Research Institute of the History of the Cossacks and the Development of the Cossack Regions;
  • TsKP "Nanotechnologies".


Kamensky branch of SRSPU


On the territory of the university and outside it there are monuments erected in honor of graduates.

South Russian State Technical University (SRSTU) is one of the oldest universities in Russia. The Don Cossacks stood up for its foundation, the best minds of the USSR were involved in its development. The university is one of the top 100 higher education institutions in the country.

Short story

In 2017 South Russian State Technical University celebrated the 110th anniversary of its foundation. The opening of the educational institution began to be discussed in the 1870s, but the decree on the establishment of the university was published only in March 1907. The highest permission was given to open a polytechnic institute in Novocherkassk. For students, departments were determined where they taught mining, engineering and reclamation work, chemical production and commercial activities.

Significant donations for the university were made by the Don Cossacks, who had long wanted to receive highly qualified personnel for the rapidly developing region. Despite the financial injections, the university did not yet have a separate building; students' classes were held in seven rented premises in different parts of the city. The South Russian State Technical University was officially opened on the name day of Tsarevich Alexei, for which he received the name Alekseevsky Don University.

The construction of the buildings started in October 1911, Bronislav Rohuisky became the architect of the project. All work was completed only in 1930. Revolutionary throwing on the Cossack land took place rapidly. From 1918 to 1920, the South Russian State Technical University was named after Ataman Kaledin.
In 1930, the university was divided into several technical institutes, but in 1933 some of them were returned under the wing of the university. The reorganization was led by S. Ordzhonikidze, as a result of the transformations, the educational institution was named the Novocherkassk Industrial Institute. After the war, the name changed again to

The university received its current name in 2013. Solemn events for the 100th anniversary were widely celebrated in 2007. The holiday began in the university courtyard and continued in the city theater. Komissarzhevskaya. The All-Russian Research Fair, which opened in October 2007, was also dedicated to the anniversary of the university.


Platov South-Russian State Technical University is the oldest university in the south of the country. The training of specialists in higher education programs is carried out at 5 institutes, at 10 faculties. The structure of the educational institution includes several branches. Every year, more than 2 thousand applicants become students of the budgetary form of education.

One of the largest areas of study at SRSPU (NPI) is postgraduate and doctoral education. More than 300 graduate students continue their education in 54 scientific specialties, and 21 scientific specialties are available for doctoral training.

Material base

South Russian State Technical University is located in a unique architectural ensemble, which includes buildings and facilities:

  • Main building.
  • Five separate buildings of the faculties - Mining, Robotics, Chemistry, Energy and Laboratory.
  • Sports facilities - tennis court, indoor swimming pool, gymnastic exercises hall, stadium for active sports, etc.
  • Library with a huge fund of scientific, educational, methodical literature, periodicals. Currently, work is underway to digitize the funds.

The campus (10 dormitories with their own infrastructure) is located in a convenient proximity to the educational complex. Four ancient buildings of the university (mining, main, energy, chemical) belong to the architectural heritage of federal significance. At the beginning of the 21st century, a chapel was built on the territory of the university in honor of the Orthodox saint and patroness of students - the Great Martyr Tatiana. Education of the younger generation, scientific activities and education of young people - this is what the South Russian State Technical University sees as its main goals.

Faculties, institutes, branches

The total staff is almost 4 thousand people, of which more than 2 thousand are the teaching backbone of the university. More than 15,000 students annually receive specialized education in full-time education, more than 4,000 people study at the distance education department, and more than 1,000 students study at the part-time department.

South Russian State Technical University invites to the following faculties:

  • Information technology, management.
  • Innovations, organization of production.
  • Mechanical, construction, energy faculties.
  • Technological, agro-industrial, electromechanical.
  • Mining and oil and gas business, geology.
  • distance learning.

The educational structure also includes institutions:

  • Fundamental
  • Additional education.
  • Military.
  • International education.
  • Graduate School of Management.

South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk) has branches:

  • Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (3 departments).
  • Bagaevsky (3 educational specialties).
  • Shakhtinsky (7 departments and technical school).


The South Russian State Technical University (NPI) is included in the list of the top 100 educational institutions in the country and is a multidisciplinary university.

Applicants are invited to gain knowledge in the following specialties:

  • mechanical engineering; jurisprudence; mathematics and mechanics.
  • Technics and technologies of transport; construction technologies and equipment.
  • Sociology, social work; biotechnology and industrial ecology.
  • Heat and power industry; materials technology.
  • Computing and Informatics; economics and Management.
  • Instrumentation, photonics, biochemical and optical systems, technologies.
  • Applied geology, oil and gas and mining, geodesy.
  • Environmental engineering, technosphere safety.
  • Light industry technologies; applied arts and fine arts.
  • Management in technical systems; radio electronics, electronics and communication systems.

Levels of specialist training

Novocherkassk South-Russian State Technical University trains specialists of the following levels of training:

  • Undergraduate - 40 areas of training in full-time and part-time forms of study.
  • Specialist - 5 directions, full-time and part-time forms of education.
  • Magistracy - 42 directions, full-time and correspondence education.

Military Institute

Separate words deserve the Military Institute, which trains officers in the reserve. Realized levels of training - bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree.

Training is conducted at the departments:

  • Engineering Troops.
  • Communication troops.
  • Air force.

Military Specialties:

  • Informatics and computer technology.
  • Information systems and technologies.
  • Nanoelectronics and electronics.
  • Management in technical systems.

Upon graduation, the graduate receives the military rank of lieutenant of the reserve.

Positive reviews

South-Russian received a positive character from graduates and current students. Most of them praise alma mater for the best years of his life, a huge amount of useful knowledge, an amazing number of new discoveries and vivid impressions.

Former students believe that at one time they made the right choice of educational institution and specialty. The vast majority of students study at technical and engineering faculties and declare with confidence that they eventually receive a demanded specialty and are going to work in their field.

This confidence is confirmed by recent graduates, almost all of whom found work in the industry for which they received theoretical knowledge.

The reviews mention that the teaching staff is very fond of diligent students, teachers are ready to answer all questions on their course, provide additional knowledge and try to present the material in such a way that it is understandable to everyone. The amount of knowledge given is very large, which requires time to master and successfully pass the sessions, but this does not prevent young people from taking part in various activities.

About life, leisure and architecture

Public and cultural life is no less saturated than the educational process. Students note that you can get so carried away with circles and events that the time for passing exams will come imperceptibly. For this reason, it is advised to devote more time to lectures and homework, being distracted by activities only for a small respite. One of the positive features of the university is the active work of the trade union - students can purchase vouchers for university campuses at an affordable price and relax during the holidays.

Living in a hostel was described by many as a baptism of fire, and this is due not to poor conditions, but to separation from home and parents. Students report that life on campus is quite comfortable. There are buildings where several people live in a room with amenities in the corridor, most of the non-residents live in such hostels. The best building is considered to be "dvenashka" - hotel-type hostel No. 12, where a separate sanitary unit is provided for several rooms.

The university provides several opportunities to organize meals: there are small buffets in the dormitories, in the main building there is a large comfortable dining room with excellent cuisine and low prices. In all reviews, former and current students talk about the university with admiration and love. The beauty of the buildings, the ancient buildings, the covered courtyard where all significant events take place - this is the outline of an excellent system of higher education, links together entire generations with a single history and goals. Many shared stories that parents, brothers, sisters, and sometimes grandmothers studied at SRSPU (NPI), who spoke of the university with admiration, love and respect, which determined the choice of many applicants.

In addition to students, tourists and townspeople left their reviews about the university. They assure that the university campus is one of the best places in Russia where the architecture has been preserved untouched, and the building complex itself has never changed its purpose. Visitors believe that it will be a great success for everyone to get inside the main building - the interior decoration has not changed and has been perfectly restored.

Negative Feedback

Negative reviews describe the university as an educational institution that has lost its former glory. The reviews say that if you wish, you can pass the session with the help of financial costs in favor of the teaching staff. It is also indicated that a student who simply attends classes will always receive a positive, albeit low, grade and eventually become a graduate.

Students also write that not all teachers are professionals in their field. It is pointed out that one can fall asleep at some lectures, but it is rightly noted that some of the teachers give lectures so brilliantly that every time there is a full house in the classrooms. Many complain that the main teaching staff is represented by pensioners who find it difficult to deal with inquisitive students, and this significantly reduces the degree of enthusiasm.

In general, reviews of the South Russian State University. Platov positive. Students like to be involved in the long history of the university, be part of a large scientific community and receive a modern education. In the stories of students, there is a strong confidence in the relevance of their knowledge, their usefulness for further work and life.

Useful addresses

To become part of the student body, it is worth entering the Novocherkassk South Russian State Technical University. The address of the institution is Prosveshcheniya street, building 132.

The campus is located at the address - Mikhailovskaya street, building 167 / Troitskaya street, building 98.

Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data

1. General Provisions.

1.1. These Regulations “On the processing and protection of personal data” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) have been developed on the basis of Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 (as amended on February 22, 2017), Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ of July 27. 2006 and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012

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Novocherkassk is one of the cities of the Rostov region. It has such a university as the South-Russian Polytechnic University (SURPU) named after M. I. Platov. It has been operating for over a century. During this period of existence, the university has accumulated a lot of knowledge and traditions, has achieved excellent results in educational and scientific activities.

That is why the university was included in the rating of the best higher educational institutions of the CIS several years ago. What faculties does it have, what specialties does it offer, is it difficult to enter here - questions that concern applicants.

History of the educational institution

The state educational organization, which currently operates in Novocherkassk and is engaged in the training of engineering personnel, appeared in Russia in 1907. It was created thanks to the decision of the Council of Ministers. It was the first institution of higher education in the south of our country. It was called the Don Polytechnic Institute. Since then, the name has changed several times. For example, one such procedure was carried out in 1948. The university was named the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute.

The educational organization has had this name for more than 40 years. In 1993, the Polytechnic Institute was named Novocherkassk Technical University, in 1999 - South Russian State Technical University, and in 2013 they only replaced the word "technical" with "polytechnic" and named the university after Platov.

However, the people continue to call this educational institution by its former names - Novocherkassk Technical or Polytechnic Institute (University).

YURGPU (Novocherkassk Polytechnic and Institutes

The structure of the state higher educational institution includes 10 faculties. Here is their list:

  • management and information technology;
  • organization of production and innovation;
  • mechanical;
  • building;
  • technological;
  • energy;
  • electromechanical;
  • geology, oil and gas and mining;
  • agro-industrial;
  • distance and open learning.

In addition to faculties, the structure has institutes of fundamental engineering education, sports and physical education, international education, and additional education. Novocherkassk Polytechnic University also has a military institute and a higher school of management.

Directions of undergraduate and specialty

Faculties and institutes of the educational institution offer applicants with a complete general or secondary specialized education various areas of undergraduate and specialist studies:

  • "Software Engineering".
  • "Instrument making".
  • "Robotics and Mechatronics".
  • "Metallurgy".
  • "Construction of unique structures and buildings."
  • "Ground transport and technological means", etc.

This is only a tiny part of the entire list of areas of study at the university. All specialties can be found in the admission committee of a higher educational institution or on the official website, which has the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute.

The full list includes not only technical areas of training. There are also such as "Municipal and State Administration", "Jurisprudence", "Economics". For creative individuals, there is a design direction at the university.

Master's programs

Or a specialist obtained at any university gives the right to continue studying at the South Russian Polytechnic University for a master's degree. It provides an opportunity to deepen your knowledge in a particular area or get a completely new specialization.

Novocherkassk Polytechnic University offers more than 30 different Master's programs. Here are some of them:

  • "Management and organization of science-intensive industries".
  • "Resource and energy saving processes in biotechnology, petrochemistry and chemical technology".
  • "Technological equipment and machines".

Required documents for admission

Upon admission to the South Russian State Polytechnic University, applicants write an application and attach a package of documents to it:

  • passport;
  • certificate or diploma with an application;
  • 2 photos.

You may also need a certificate of passing a medical examination (examination). It is mandatory for certain specialties. For example, a certificate is required in the areas of "Food from vegetable raw materials", "Mining", "Technology of transport processes".

A medical examination (examination) reveals serious diseases that can be dangerous for other people or for the applicant himself if he is engaged in the chosen activity.

Entrance tests for bachelor's and specialist's degrees

For admission to the South Russian State Polytechnic University, entrance examinations are required. Their list is presented in the table.

Entrance tests
Item group 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 item
I group of subjects Russian languageMathematicsPhysics-
II group of subjects Chemistry-
III group of objects Social science-
IV group of subjects Story-
V group of objects LiteratureDrawing

Each group of subjects refers to a list of specific areas of training. For example, the I group of entrance examinations is defined in SRSPU. Platov for specialties that require knowledge of physics. This list includes "Instrument making", "Construction", "Robotics and mechatronics", etc. The penultimate group of subjects is defined for "Jurisprudence", "Organization of work with youth", and the last - for "Design".

Entrance examinations for the master's degree

Entering the master's program at the South Russian Polytechnic University, applicants take an exam in a comprehensive program. It includes at least 3 special disciplines. The results of each of them are evaluated on a 100-point scale.

Entrance examination programs are defined in SRSPU (NPI) for each area of ​​training and posted on the official website of the university. Anyone can see them. The programs include a list of questions and a list of literature on which you can prepare for exams.

Minimum and passing scores

Entering Novocherkassk, you need to know about two nuances - about the minimum and The first concept means the result, which confirms the successful completion of the entrance examinations. Applicants who overcome the minimum threshold participate in a further competition. When the points scored do not reach the minimum values, the results are considered unsatisfactory. Applicants who have shown such a level of knowledge are not admitted to the university.

Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute annually determines the minimum scores. The following values ​​are set for 2017:

  • 25 points - in the creative entrance test;
  • 27 points - in mathematics;
  • 32 points - in history, literature;
  • 36 points - in the Russian language, physics, chemistry;
  • 42 points - in social studies;
  • 51 points - for each special discipline (for persons entering the magistracy).

A passing score is a result that turns out to be the minimum allowable for admission to paid and free places. At the beginning of the admission campaign, it cannot be determined, since it depends on the number of applications submitted, the level of training of applicants. Upon admission, you can only focus on last year's passing scores of SRSPU:

  • at the bachelor's and specialist's level, the highest passing score for the budget was 210 points in the direction of "Oil and Gas Business";
  • the lowest passing score for the budget was in the direction "Food from vegetable raw materials" - 107 points;
  • the highest passing score on paid education turned out to be 261 points on "Design" (according to the sum of 4 entrance tests);
  • a low passing score in paid education was in "Construction", "Mining", "Economics" - 105 points.

Branches of SRSPU (NPI)

The license issued to the State Polytechnic University in 2016 indicates that the university has 2 branches. One of them is located in a city such as Kamensk-Shakhtinsk (address - K. Marx Avenue, 23). In this educational institution, there are only 11 undergraduate areas.

The location of the other branch is the city of Shakhty. The educational institution is located on Lenin Square, 1. Here, applicants are offered 12 undergraduate areas, 1 specialty program and 3 master's programs. For those wishing to receive secondary vocational education, there are 6 training programs for mid-level specialists.

Novocherkassk Polytechnic University is a state educational institution that has a license and a certificate of state accreditation. It provides quality education.

In 2016, the educational organization entered the list. It was also included in the TOP-50 higher educational institutions in the field of "Exact, natural sciences and technical sciences".

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