Southern Federal University budget places. South Federal University


Do not believe that education can unite, then pay attention to the Southern Federal University, which helps more than thirty thousand students acquire knowledge. But most importantly, the motto of this university is the expression "education unites." So if you want to join this huge family, then check out the SFU 2017 admission rules. In order to make it easier to understand this huge amount of information, we suggest that you first consider admission to the first year.

Undergraduate admission

  • For those who want to become a student, first of all, you need to know the deadlines for submitting documents. After all, if you miss it, you will no longer be able to exercise your right to become a student in the current year. As in most universities, this stage will begin on June 20. As for the end, there are four different dates, namely:
  • July 7 - for those who are required to take exams of a professional or creative nature;
  • July 11 - for citizens who will take exams of a different type;
  • July 26 - for those who have the right to enter without passing exams.

Now consider the features of the documents that need to be prepared for submission. Firstly, it is an application of the established form and a document that can confirm the identity of the applicant. You also need to provide a document that confirms the availability of education. If the applicant has certain advantages, then he submits a document confirming the corresponding status. Applicants must submit two photographs if they belong to the category of citizens who are required to take exams.

As for the method of submitting documents, there are only three of them. The first one involves the submission of documents directly to the selection committee. Its main drawback is only one thing - you can spend time waiting in lines. But despite this, many still trust this form of filing documents the most. Please note that if the applicant fails to submit documents on his own, he will be able to do this through a trusted person. Just remember that such a person must provide the employee of the selection committee with a document that confirms his authority.

The next one is the submission of documents by mail. The main thing that applicants who have used this method of submission should know is that documents in this case must be submitted before July 26.

This university also provides the possibility of submitting documents in electronic form. So you can do it at home with only internet access.

You have the opportunity to choose any of the methods that is right for you, the main thing is to remember and respect the deadlines.


Firstly, the admission rules provide for the right to enter without passing the entrance exams. Only a few categories of citizens will be able to use it, namely prize-winners and winners of the All-Russian Olympiads. They are also joined by members of the teams that represented the Russian Federation at international olympiads. At the same time, only the results for the last four years before the start of the admission campaign are taken into account. Also, this right can be used by champions and prize-winners of the Olympic Games. In any of the above cases, the applicant will be required to confirm his status with the relevant documents.

Another type of benefits gives the possibility of pre-emptive rights in enrollment. More than ten categories of citizens who have a certain status will be able to use it, including the children of the fallen Heroes of the USSR. It is worth noting that such a right will only be valid if you successfully pass the exams.

Each applicant makes a lot of efforts to become students. It is in order for each student to have the opportunity to show all their abilities that various kinds of competitions and olympiads are organized, as well as other types of events, the winners or participants of which will receive additional points upon admission. Such achievements include the winners of the Olympiads, which are held directly by the university, world champions in Olympic sports. At the same time, your status, as in previous cases, must be confirmed by relevant documents. Note that for each type of achievement, an additional number of points will be awarded. If the applicant has several types of individual achievements, then, of course, for each of them the corresponding number of points will be awarded, but not more than ten.

It is worth noting that this university provides an opportunity for applicants to obtain status as students of the SFedU, for which an additional three points will be awarded.

So take an active part in such events, get extra points and easily become students.

Entrance exams

The first thing we pay attention to is that they will be held in Russian and in written form, the only exception will be physical fitness tests. Each applicant will be able to take each exam only once. If on the day of the test the applicant has certain circumstances and he cannot appear for the exam, then he will be able to retake it either on a reserve day or with another examination group. But in this case, the applicant must document such circumstances.

During the exam, the applicant has the right to use reference materials, as well as certain computer equipment, provided for by the admission rules. It is forbidden to use means of communication. In case of violation of this requirement, as well as in case of violation of other rules for conducting exams, the applicant will be removed from the place of the exam.

As for the results, they will be available no later than three days from the date of the test. They will be posted both on the university website and on information stands.

Please note that there is already free access to information about test programs, so you can familiarize yourself with them and prepare.

passing scores

In addition to the question of entrance exams, applicants, of course, are interested in passing scores, which are set for each direction and specialty, depending on the faculty and institute.

Please note that each subject will have its own passing score, which will differ depending on the priority of the exam at each faculty. For example, in the direction of "radio engineering" in the Russian language, the minimum score is 55, but in the direction of "chemistry" - 50. The same can be observed from exams in mathematics. So, in the direction of "radio engineering" the minimum score is 50, but if you choose "information security" - 60. Therefore, pay attention to these details when studying the features of the introductory campaign.

At the same time, do not forget that three types of tests have been established - mandatory, additional and provided by the educational organization. So each of them has its own passing scores ranging from 50 to 70.

Master in 2017

The introductory campaign, depending on the chosen degree that the applicant plans to receive, has features. Therefore, we will consider the main differences in admission to the master's program.

Firstly, the submission of documents begins on June 20, but this stage will end on August 5. Secondly, exams will be held in the month of August from the 7th to the 19th. As for their form of conduct, it is written and they will be evaluated on a 100-point scale. It will be somewhat easier in this case with passing scores - their indicator will be the same, both for the paid form of education and for the budget - 50 points.

It is worth noting that the benefits that applicants can use when applying for a bachelor's degree do not apply to this entrance campaign, with the exception of individual achievements. There are also several types of them, but we will pay special attention to some. For example, the winners of the Olympiads, which are held by the university specifically for those entering the magistracy, will be able to receive an additional 10 points, but the prize-winners - 5. Also, additional 5 points will be received by applicants who have a diploma of higher education with honors. Please note that for each achievement, which is provided for by the admission rules, the applicant will be awarded the corresponding number of points. But at the same time, the total indicator in this case should not be more than 25 points.

Consider all these features and let the admission procedure go quickly and without problems.

Prices in SFU

To choose a university, each applicant has his own criteria. One of them is the cost of educational services, which we will pay additional attention to. Note that so far there is no information on the cost of education in 2017-2018, but despite this, approximate indicators can still be studied. To do this, we use the prices for the current year. So, at this university, the maximum tuition fee is 160,000 rubles per year. And this amount will have to be paid by those who want to comprehend the basics of jurisprudence. As for the minimum amount, it is provided for such areas as tourism, sociology and some others in the amount of 73,000 rubles. Please note that these amounts are for undergraduate students.

The cost of a master's degree is traditionally, of course, more expensive than the prices for the first course. In this case, the maximum amount will have to be paid by those citizens who want to learn the basics of design, namely 149,000 rubles. The minimum figure is 79,000 rubles, and it is also provided for "personnel management".

We remind you that these figures are for previous years, so they may change. So consider these aspects, I choose an educational institution for education.

The information you can get about the university can be found either on the website of the university or by visiting open days. As for the latter, this is a great opportunity to get to know the teachers on your own, as well as the employees of the admissions committee and ask them questions that interest you. The main advantage of this university is that each institute and faculty hosts not one, but several such events per year. Therefore, everyone will be able to visit the walls of the university and see all its advantages on their own.

A graduate of this university: Having entered and studied for some time in different universities in search of a really high-quality education, I choose the Southern Federal University and enter the Faculty of Physics there. At first everything goes well, the subjects are taught by more or less normal teachers, the only teacher who did not suit us at that time was G ****** in A.L., a blind teacher, very wayward, rude, who did not write anything on the blackboard , by the way, he also did not have an assistant who would do this work for him, he taught us analytical geometry. The first failure of the exam was just in his subject, but it was not difficult to retake it, since there were good notes and practical tasks with solutions from previous commercial universities. Further, in the 2nd and 3rd courses, in addition to other subjects, there was a lot of mathematics, these are Differential and Integral Equations, Methods of Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Analysis, etc. I will not focus on other sciences, since their study was easy for me, I already had a certain good "baggage" of knowledge on special subjects and work experience. Unfortunately, some of the above subjects were taught to us by the same G ****** in A.L. At most 4 people came to his lectures, but two were consistently present. B*****v B.G. and F****v D.A. taught Mathematical Analysis and Methods of Mathematics, respectively. There were rumors about V*****a that he takes bribes, according to students who came to us as a transfer from another group for whom he taught and took the exam. One of the students who came to us as a translator wrote a statement in B *****a to the head. the educational part of F*******o, which set the case in motion, his statement was transferred to the prosecutor's office. As a rule, B*****v was always late for couples, didn’t read theory at all, we solved some problems that were incomprehensible to us and, naturally, solved them incorrectly, but B*****v pretended not to notice wrong decisions. Nobody knew how to solve, because for this you first need to chastise the theory, and then engage in practice. Another teacher, Zh***v D.A., was too young to know such a complex subject as Methods of Mathematical Physics. At his lectures, it was something like this: "We write: the wire is fixed at the beginning and not fixed at the end, the solution." At the next lecture, Zh****a had something like this: "Find the word "solution" in your lectures and cross out everything after it, this is not the right decision." It was clear that we would never pass these subjects without a tutor. I must say that we ourselves were passionate and engaged in reading literature, reference books on these subjects, trying to understand, but our time was limited and it was necessary to process a very huge amount of information in a short time. Now about tutors. Not all those who call themselves tutors know how to solve problems! My first tutor did not solve 2 problems out of 2. My chances of successfully retaking the exam in math analysis tended to zero, and my eyes gradually faded away. My second tutor was C******o R.A., one of the oldest and most experienced teachers of our university. We worked with her for several weeks.
Then there was the painful hope that we, who had not passed the exams in these subjects, would finally be weeded out, but our dean's office dragged on with the expulsion of debtors almost until the last year. In our group from the very beginning there was a programmer boy who, on a dare, wrote a program on a computer, trying to write it faster than a teacher, there was a girl who knew chemistry very well and was a smart student who was keen on electronics. Gradually, their gaze and hope to get a good education, which our university once gave, faded away. The words of C ******o R.A. stuck in my memory, who, having seen my notes in mathematics, said: “How the physics department was lowered, this didn’t happen before, how could it be lowered ...”
It’s good when there are smart, enthusiastic students in the group, in secret we even competed with each other, and the lagging behind students tried to equal the enthusiastic students, while the teachers, looking at us, were sure that the students needed knowledge, because they also sometimes had an extinct sight.
You know, no matter who you work for, even if you don’t work in your specialty or work at an unprestigious job, know that while you are passionate about something, you are alive and you live, but when the sparkle in your eyes goes out, it means that you are no longer live, that's how it is with the physics department!

For applicants who have not scored the required number of points for admission to the chosen faculty, there is an alternative - paid education. At SFedU, the cost of education will vary in accordance with the specialty and the form of study (full-time/correspondence). When applying for a paid education option, you still need to take exams (USE), with the only difference being that you need to exceed the minimum score threshold (50-60 points for each subject).

How to find out the passing score and how it is formed

The passing score depends on the competition. In fact, it is formed by the number of applicants who applied for the same specialty as you, as well as the results of passing the exam.

Stages of enrollment

First of all, students who fall under benefits are enrolled: those who occupy high places at the Olympiads, orphans, and the disabled. The remaining places are credited to those who pass through the general competition (the sum of three USE is considered). Of course, applicants with higher scores are more likely to get into a university. It is impossible to reliably say what the passing score will be before enrollment. Your chances can only be assessed by analyzing the list of all applicants entering your specialty. The passing score of the SFedU of the previous year will also help you navigate.

You should know that only those applicants who provided the original document of education on time are enrolled in the chosen specialty. That is, do not despair if you are a little lower on the list in terms of points: some people appearing on the competitive list will choose a different specialty or university, so you will automatically get closer to the desired result.

The selection committee advises to apply immediately for the chosen specialty for budgetary and paid education (no money is required at this stage). By law, you can choose three directions in one university (while applying to five different universities), in accordance with the exams passed.

In August, on the 5th, check the lists of all those enrolled on a budgetary basis. If you are on the list, then this is wonderful, you need to be happy and pick up an application for paid education at SFU, if not, then pay for it.

This university attracts people primarily because here you can get a high-quality classical education. Some get a great chance to go abroad and do an internship at leading foreign partner universities. Applicants who choose SFedU are primarily interested in what faculties there are. Before talking about them, it is worth understanding the history of the creation of the university and getting acquainted with its multi-level structure.

Creation of an educational institution and its goals

In 2006, a major Russian university, the Southern Federal University, began operating in Rostov-on-Don. It absorbed the traditions and knowledge accumulated by other universities, because SFU appeared on the basis of 4 united educational organizations:

  • Rostov State University, functioning since 1915;
  • Rostov Pedagogical University, which began training in 1930;
  • operating since 1952;
  • Rostov Academy of Architecture and Arts, which appeared in 1988.

The university was established with the aim of preserving and enhancing existing traditions, improving educational services, training highly qualified specialists, and actively participating in research and innovation activities.

The structure of the educational organization

Since the Southern Federal University was created on the basis of several universities, it has a multi-level structure. As part of the educational institution there are academies, institutes, faculties and other divisions that are engaged in organizing training in and specialties.

All existing structural units are combined into 5 large groups related to certain areas of knowledge:

  • physical-mathematical and natural-science direction;
  • engineering direction;
  • socio-economic and humanitarian direction;
  • direction of education and science in the field of pedagogy and psychology;
  • direction of education and science in the field of arts and architecture.

Faculties of Physics and Mathematics and Natural Science

This group of subdivisions includes the Faculty of Physics. This is one of the largest structural units of the Southern Federal University. This faculty works with schoolchildren. On its basis there is a school of additional education. In it, children from an early age study interesting science, immerse themselves in various experiments, and become interested in solving problems. After completing their studies at this school, many enter the Faculty of Physics at the Southern Federal University, choosing the most suitable and interesting specialties for themselves.

The Faculty of Chemistry also belongs to the physics and mathematics and natural sciences. On it, students study theory, conduct chemical research in laboratories. For applicants, one undergraduate direction (“Chemistry”) and one specialty (“Applied and Fundamental Chemistry”) are offered. In senior years, students improve their knowledge and skills in the most interesting specializations for them, of which there are more than 10.

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Military Education belongs to the engineering direction at the Southern Federal University. Its history began in the 1920s. The current faculty has several main tasks. It is in the structure of the Southern Federal University should:

  • to implement military training programs for reserve officers at military departments in military specialties;
  • carry out educational activities and work on the military professional orientation of young people.

Military education, which can be obtained at the faculty in question at the Southern Federal University, is considered additional. University students are accepted for training, who undergo a medical examination, the stage of professional and psychological selection, and successfully pass the standards for physical fitness.

Management department

It has in its composition the Southern Federal University faculties related to the socio-economic and humanitarian areas. One of these structural units is the Faculty of Management. It appeared in 2014 due to the lack of managerial personnel in the region and the country. This structural unit was separated from the Faculty of Economics.

For applicants at the Faculty of Management, one direction of bachelor's degree is offered - "Applied Informatics and Mathematics". On it, students receive knowledge on the use of information technologies and systems in business, mathematical methods for making important management decisions. The proposed direction is characterized by a large amount of project work, students undergo internships, perform research work and solve important practical problems.

Faculty of Economics

Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) has an economic structural unit. It grew out of the Faculty of Economics and Philosophy, which existed at Rostov State University since 1965. At present, this is a fairly large structural unit, which includes 8 departments, 6 educational and research laboratories, 5 educational centers. The faculty sees its goals:

  • in the qualitative implementation of the educational process;
  • expansion of services;
  • human resources development;
  • improvement of the material and technical base;
  • development of the research potential of the faculty;
  • development towards national and international recognition.

At the Faculty of Economics, applicants are offered 2 areas of training - these are "Management" and "Economics". In the first direction, students study financial and organizational management, business process management strategy, practice and theory of managerial decision-making. At the "Economics" students get acquainted with topical disciplines. Lecturers from different departments may be involved in lecturing on the same subject. This allows students to form a systematic vision of ongoing economic processes.

College of Applied Professional Education

Federal University Southern aims to train specialists not only with higher education. The structure includes a college of applied vocational education.

This division began its work in 2015. Created a college on the basis of:

  • College of Economics, related to the Higher School of Business;
  • College of Arts and Humanities, formerly part of the Academy of Architecture and Arts.

Directions of preparation in college

This structural subdivision of the Southern Federal University implements its educational activities in 6 specialties:

  • "Information Systems";
  • "Folk art";
  • "Organization and law of social security";
  • "Banking";
  • "Finance";
  • "Accounting and economics (by industry)".

In all available areas of training there is only full-time education. It is possible to enter some specialties not only after 11 classes (that is, on the basis of secondary general education). Persons who have completed 9 classes can also receive secondary vocational education.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Federal University of the South provides students with excellent opportunities to receive a quality education. Students can use modern computers, hardware and laboratory instruments, communicate with highly qualified teachers and receive from them the necessary baggage of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It should be noted that SFedU students study not only in Rostov-on-Don. It has a branch of the Southern Federal University in Gelendzhik, Zheleznovodsk, Makhachkala, Novoshakhtinsk, Uchkeken.

License series A No. 283373, reg. No. 9693 of December 25, 2007
Certificate of state accreditation, series AA No. 001070, reg. No. 1043 of December 29, 2007

Southern Federal University (SFU) is a Russian university, a center of higher education and science in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, located in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, Rostov Region.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2006 N1616-r as a result of the accession as structural units to the state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State University" of state educational institutions of higher professional education
- "Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art",
- "Rostov State Pedagogical University",
- "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University"
Southern Federal University was founded.

SFedU includes four separate branch institutes, the total number of faculties is 37, scientific structural divisions are 70, including 10 research institutes, as well as design bureaus, CCU, educational and scientific laboratories (including joint ones with institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences), 20 innovation activity structures (in including 2 pilot productions, 2 technoparks, 2 business incubators, 5 collective use centers), etc., employing about 800 researchers, including 354 candidates and 45 doctors of science. The total number of students is about 56 thousand people.


  • Faculty of Architecture (IARCHI)
  • Department of Regional Studies
  • Open faculty
  • Faculty of Radio Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Lifelong Learning (TTI)
  • Faculty of Biology and Soil
  • Faculty of Military Training
  • Faculty of High Technologies
  • Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • Faculty of Science and Humanities (TTI)
  • Faculty of Natural Science (PI)
  • Faculty of Fine Arts (PI)
  • Faculty of Information Security (TTI)
  • Faculty of Arts (IARCHI)
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Linguistics and Literature (PI)
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics (PI)
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science
  • Faculty of General Training (IARCHI)
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Practical Psychology (PI)
  • Faculty of advanced training
  • Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of educators (PI)
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Socio-Historical Education (PI)
  • Faculty of Sociology and Political Science
  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (PI)
  • Faculty of Management in Economic and Social Systems (TTI)
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports (PI)
  • Faculty of Philology and Journalism
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics, Management and Law in Education (PI)
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Electronics and Instrument Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Law

Southern Federal University, a leading center for the development of education, science and culture, is a higher educational institution of federal jurisdiction.

Southern Federal (Rostov) University is traditionally known for developments and research in various fields of science. Significant progress has been made in the field of analysis and synthesis of a number of organic compounds, the electronic and spatial structure of their molecular structure, in the development of new high-performance ferroelectric materials and technologies for their manufacture, non-destructive testing methods, theoretical and applied problems of mechanical engineering, construction and architecture, fundamental and applied problems of cybernetics brain, problems of artificial intelligence, automated biomedical systems, in the development of a new concept of management in a market economy, problems of dialectics of material and spiritual culture.

International activity University includes work on training students, interns, graduate students and doctoral students from foreign countries, including on a contract basis, joint research, exchange of teachers and researchers.

University scientists are actively working on international cooperation programs with colleagues from foreign countries: the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, etc.

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