Why was Pavel Dmitrichenko convicted? The artist convicted of attacking Filin: “I served an undeserved

June 26, 2016, 22:28

Pavel Dmitrichenko was born into a family of artists of the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble under the direction of Igor Moiseev. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of teacher Igor Uksusnikov, after which he was accepted into the Bolshoi Ballet Company. In 2004 he received a diploma from the International Ballet Competition in Rome (Italy). In 2005 he graduated from the Russian Theater Institute with a degree in choreography, class of Mikhail Lavrovsky.

At the Bolshoi Theater, Pavel Dmitrichenko rehearsed under the direction of Alexander Vetrov and Vasily Vorokhobko. Played major roles including:

Yashka ("Golden Age")

Evil Genius ("Swan Lake")

Abderakhman ("Raymonda")

Spartak (Spartak)

José (Carmen Suite)

Tybalt (Romeo and Juliet)

Hans (Giselle)

Ivan the Terrible (Ivan the Terrible, was the first performer of the part at the resumption of the ballet in 2012)

Abderakhman ballet "Raymonda":

Pavel Dmitrichenko as Tsar Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

The part of the Evil Genius in the ballet "Swan Lake":

The part of Tybalt in the ballet "Romeo and Juliet":

Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" part of Tybalt. Choir.Yu.N.Grigorovich
Photo by Irina Lepneva:

Pavel Dmitrichenko in the ballet "Golden Age" - Tango:

Part of Spartacus in the ballet "Spartacus":

Pas de Deux from the ballet "Le Corsaire":

"Deep Lagoon" Naomi Campbell watches Dmitrichenko dance:

Nikolai Tsiskaridze: "I can say Dmitrichenko - Pasha, hold on!"

Pavel Dmitrichenko and Nikolai Tsiskaridze at the graduation party
Academy of Russian ballet im. A.Ya. Vaganova in the Kremlin. 06/22/2016.

“We must not forget that the victim and Pasha Dmitrichenko were on good terms”

"- I can't help but ask about the fate of Pavel Dmitrichenko, who was accused in 2013 of the attempt on the life of Sergei Filin and was released a month ago.

I respect Pasha very much and treat him very well. And he said more than once, including at the trial, that he did not believe and to this day do not believe in his guilt. Yes, he came out, we saw each other, and my attitude towards him did not change one iota.

Did he come to you in St. Petersburg?

No, I was in Moscow, we met. He expressed a desire to continue his dancing career. I supported him in this and advised him to go to study, and he said that he was already studying.

But how realistic is a return to the profession for him? After all, for three years the form has been lost. Yes, for three years - a week the artist will not stand at the machine ... you yourself know how the matter will end.

He says he did. And then, perhaps, he will not be a classical dancer, there were wonderful character roles in his repertoire.

Since Pavel Dmitrichenko was convicted, does he have a chance to enter a serious theater or will the stigma of a “prisoner” not allow it?

By law, he has no right to hold positions in state institutions related to working with children. And in the rest, he can do everything. Why not? The most unpleasant thing for me in this situation is that no one is interested in the desire of the audience. The viewer spoke out so that I would not leave the Bolshoi - did anyone pay attention to this? It's the same with Pasha... He has a huge number of fans, and these people want to see him in the performances of the Bolshoi. And whether he will participate in them or not, it depends on the leadership. If he gets down to business with the mind, he has both opportunities and potential.

Are you ready to help him?

How can I help him? I work in another city and I can only say "Pasha, hold on." If you need any of my tutoring help, please.

Of course, I went to the trial of Pavel with an open visor, I did not hide anything from anyone.

Still, the guy has a hard life. Even the girl left him, because of which everything seemed to have happened?

I repeat once again: this situation had nothing to do with the girl. We must not forget that the victim and Pasha were on good terms. The rest is journalistic fiction.

But she didn't wait for him.

And why did she have to wait for him if he got married a year before she got married? They went their separate ways to all this mess. Do not confuse forks and bottles. It is Figaro at Beaumarchais who says: "I am much better than my reputation." How the whole situation of three years ago was covered at the Bolshoi Theater - not everything was as it was in reality.

The name of Pavel Dmitrichenko is in bold type in the ballet. The 33-year-old artist has gained fame for his bright roles in brilliant performances. However, the difficult years in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko are also known, which are associated with an attempt on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater. It is known that this story ended in a criminal case with a sentence.


Pavel Vitalyevich Dmitrichenko was born into a family of artists on January 3, 1984. His parents Vitaly Pavlovich and Nadezhda Alekseevna worked in the Igor Moiseev Folk Dance Ensemble. Pavel was the third, late child in the family and the first boy, so his father devoted a lot of time to his only son and developed in him an exceptionally athletic personality.

Pavel Dmitrichenko played football, hockey, martial arts; ballet was out of the question. A family friend and famous USSR hockey player Vladimir Lutchenko was ready to take on the boy and train him to be a professional athlete. However, the mother predicted the future of the dancer for her son, and her opinion determined the future fate of the future ballet dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko.

Carier start

In 1993, Pavel entered the State Academy of Choreography, where he was mentored by outstanding Bolshoi Theater artists Yuri Vasyuchenko and Igor Uksusnikov.

The perseverance and industriousness inherent in the dancer helped to graduate from the university with honors in 2002. Ballet for Pavel Dmitrichenko becomes a matter of life, he is invited to work by the best theaters, but he prefers the State Academic Bolshoi Theater (SABT). Rehearsals were led by Vasily Vorokhobko and Alexander Vetrov. At first, Dmitrichenko performed small parts, was a corps de ballet dancer, but even this required a lot of dedication, including health.

Work in the Bolshoi and the main roles

Having worked for only a year at the Bolshoi, in 2003 Pavel Dmitrichenko faced serious health problems. It should be noted that in his youth, the artist underwent surgery related to sports injuries. Another surgical intervention was associated with a medical error. An abscess that had begun in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon was urgently operated on again. A long rehabilitation, the strictest prohibition of doctors to continue dancing, every step was given through hellish pain - all this could put an end to Pavel Dmitrichenko's biography as a ballet dancer. Strong pain relief and the dancer's determination not only helped to cope with the disease, but also led to the first notable roles in the Bolshoi Theater.

In the same 2003, Dmitrichenko was approved for the role of Montecchi's father in the production of Romeo and Juliet, and in 2004 Pavel soloed in the play Ward No. 6. During this period, he undergoes a decisive operation on the foot, doctors return almost complete mobility to it.

The year 2005 is marked by two events: receiving a diploma in the specialty "choreographer-director" and acquaintance with the luminary of Russian ballet Yuri Grigorovich. The master notices the young man while learning the role of Yashka, the central figure in the play "The Golden Age". We can say that in the creative biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko this performance was fateful. The artist is one of Grigorovich's favorites. The ballets "Giselle", "Esmeralda", "Don Quixote" appear in the track record. In 2007, Dmitrichenko performed the part of the Evil Genius in the production of Swan Lake. 2008 brings two important and complex roles at once. The main roles in the performances of "Raymonda" and "Spartacus" were given to a talented artist. After a long reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, it was decided to return "Ivan the Terrible" to its stage, in 2012 the premiere of the play with Dmitrichenko in the role of the Tsar took place.

Drinking Big

Ballet, like any creative community, has its own intrigues, frictions, rivalries within the troupe and misunderstanding.between artists and leadership. Scandals originated in the Bolshoi from the beginning of the 2000s, they were associated with Anastasia Volochkova, Tsiskaridze. There were also checks related to the distribution of funds aimed at the reconstruction of the theater. The most loud and restless time for the troupe was the tenure as artistic director of Sergei Filin. There were many reasons for dissatisfaction with the new artistic director.

He was accused of demanding money for certain roles, of oppressing some ballet dancers in the creative plan. The troupe split into two camps: those who were satisfied with everything, and those who had questions for the leadership. The confrontation eventually resulted in a tragedy and a criminal case, which spread all over the world's media.

An attempt on the artistic director

On the evening of January 17, 2013, when he was approaching the house, an unknown person called him. Splashing a burning reagent in the face of the artistic director with lightning speed, the attacker disappeared. Filin was diagnosed with a severe burn and was hospitalized in Germany. In the case of an attempt on a person, a criminal case was opened, the Investigative Committee determined the circle of persons involved, which the victim himself declared while being treated. Filin accused Nikolai Tsiskaridze of being involved as an influential and ardent opponent of Sergei Filin's theatrical policy. The situation around the eminent dancer, which was inflated by the media, eventually cleared up. Tsiskaridze was summoned for questioning, where investigators did not find Nikolai involved in the attack. Other artists were also questioned.

Trial and versions of the motive for the crime

Some time later, the investigators came to Pavel Dmitrichenko's home with a search. After analyzing the calls to the mobile that took place that ill-fated evening, we soon managed to get on the trail of the direct perpetrator of the assassination. It turned out to be a previously convicted unemployed Yuri Zarutsky. They also detained Andrei Lipatov, who delivered the criminal to the scene of the assassination.

All three defendants in the case were arrested. Since March 2013, a new, difficult round has begun in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko.

"Guilty" verdict

As the investigation found out, Zarutsky was Dmitrichenko's neighbor in the country. In a conversation about the situation in the theater, Pavel advised me to contact Filin. As a result, according to Zarutsky, Dmitrichenko asked to beat the artistic director, having previously bought phones for the performers and financed the criminal operation.

During interrogation, Dmitrichenko denied that he was preparing a severe reprisal with acid. Zarutsky himself fully admitted his guilt and clarified that neither the dancer nor the driver Lipatov knew about the method of assassination of Filin. However, state prosecutors and Filin's lawyers insisted on a thorough investigation and the search for irrefutable evidence of Pavel Dmitrichenko's guilt.

The main motives were considered, among which were Dmitrichenko's desire to take the post of artistic director, revenge for the oppressed ballerina and Dmitrichenko's common-law wife, Anzhelina Vorontsova. The name Tsiskaridze surfaced again, with whom Dmitrichenko was allegedly in cahoots. Also, the characterization of Pavel as a quick-tempered "truth-seeker" and said that he was quite capable of such a crime. All motives were refuted, the theater troupe, headed by Tsiskaridze, repeatedly wrote letters in defense of Dmitrichenko.

Twenty-eight court sessions, and the verdict was delivered under article 111 of the Criminal Code ("Causing grievous bodily harm by prior agreement"). Zarutsky and Lipatov received 10 years and 4 years in prison, respectively. Dmitrichenko Pavel Vitalievich was sentenced to six years in prison in a strict regime colony. All three were also obliged to pay Filin compensation in the amount of 3 million rubles.

Prison wedding and early release

Dmitrichenko served his sentence in the Ryazan region. Throughout the time, he continued to keep himself in shape as much as possible. Colleagues did not forget about the artist, they constantly wrote letters, encouraged him. Pavel had a particularly dear addressee, to whom he sent letters and waited impatiently for an answer. It was an old friend Yana Fadeeva. The girl began to travel with Pavel's parents on dates to prison. After the next meeting, the artist made an offer to Yana. On July 3, 2014, the girl became the wife of Pavel Dmitrichenko. The couple got married right in prison.

Dmitrichenko's defense sent several petitions for early release of the artist. On May 31, 2016, the dancer was released from custody for good behavior. Pavel served three years in the colony.

Return to ballet

Returning to freedom, the artist immediately thanked everyone who supported him for three long years. Difficulties in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko are over. It's time to think again about what you love.

It should be noted that Pavel Dmitrichenko returned to the Bolshoi Theater, though only for the purpose of training and restoring the necessary form for ballet. The dancer also has a diploma as a choreographer, which he is going to apply in the future, since the "retirement" age of the artist is not far off. Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin said that he allowed Pavel Dmitrichenko to return to the Bolshoi Theater. But the artist will have to enter on a competitive basis and subject to availability.

After the release of Pavel, the story of the assassination attempt again began to be actively raised by the media. What Pavel Dmitrichenko was imprisoned for raises a lot of questions from observers of the process. The artist himself is sure that the disclosure of the truth and the true reasons is a matter of time. So far, Pavel Dmitrichenko is pleased with his wife, parents, true friends and fortitude, which he acquired as a result of this test.

Pavel Dmitrichenko was born into a family of dancers - his parents performed in the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble; it was at the behest of his parents that Pavel took up dancing himself. Dmitrichenko himself did not feel much love for dancing as a child, but he really showed good abilities.

After graduating from the Moscow Academy of Choreography, Pavel joined the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. Initially, Dmitrichenko planned to stay at the Bolshoi - and in ballet in general - for two years at the most; over these two years, however, Pavel managed to achieve quite impressive results and decided to stay on stage.

The young Dmitrichenko was called an extremely talented and promising dancer; he regularly got leading roles in fairly large and prestigious performances. By 2011, Dmitrichenko became, in fact, the leading soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater.

in the Bolshoi Dmitrichenko met the ballerina Anzhelina Vorontsova. There is no official confirmation of numerous rumors about an alleged romance between them, however, many acquaintances of the dancer tend to believe that these rumors still had some ground.

Vorontsova's career did not work out as well as that of Dmitrichenko; in 2009, the ballerina's mentor, Ekaterina Maksimova, died, after which Angelina went "under the wing" to Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Alas, this cooperation did not give much fruit; some tend to believe that Vorontsova could have achieved much more by speaking under the supervision of a female teacher. According to one version, it was the relatively low class that Angelina demonstrated in her last performances that caused her conflict with Sergei Filin; another version says that Filin disliked Vorontsova back in 2009, when she refused

to join his troupe. One way or another, Vorontsova's relationship with Filin did not work out somewhat.

Late in the evening on January 17, 2013, Sergei Filin was attacked - an unknown person splashed acid in his face. Popular rumor almost immediately made Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who often criticized the management of the theater and the former head of Vorontsova, the main suspect. Soon, however, the investigation established that on the evening of January 17, a certain Yuri Zarutsky called Pavel Dmitrichenko from Filin's house. Zarutsky had already been convicted several times and looked like a very suitable candidate for the execution of this kind of assassination attempt. Later, the investigation drew attention to another telephone interlocutor of Zarutsky - a certain Andrey Lipatov.

On the night of March 5-6, Zarutsky, Lipatov and Dmitrichenko were detained. All three confessed immediately; as it turned out, the first

actually carried out the attack, the second acted as his driver. Dmitrichenko admitted that he "ordered" Filin, although he made a reservation that the attack did not go as he had planned. The most likely motive is resentment for the unfairly oppressed Vorontsova - acquaintances described Dmitrichenko as an extremely impulsive, temperamental person and quite capable of something of that kind solely for the sake of revenge alone.

Lawyers argue that Pavel Dmitrichenko has certain chances to avoid imprisonment - with certain efforts, his lawyers can reduce the case to a less serious article; First of all, the fact that Filin received far from fatal injuries plays into their hands. Pavel's ballet career, however, is almost 100% over - and no innate abilities will be able to return Dmitrichenko to the stage.

The Meshchansky Court of Moscow sentenced 29-year-old Bolshoi Ballet soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko, accused of organizing an attack on his artistic director Sergei, to six years in a strict regime colony. As the correspondent of Gazeta.Ru clarified from the courtroom, the perpetrator of the attack, 35-year-old unemployed previously convicted resident of the Ryazan region, Yuri Zarutsky, was sentenced to ten years. Another defendant, a 32-year-old unemployed resident of the Moscow region, who delivered the performer to the crime scene by car, received four years in a strict regime. All of them were found guilty of intentionally inflicting grievous bodily harm committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy against a person in connection with the performance of his official activities (part 3 of article 111 of the Criminal Code).

The court decided to recover 3.5 million rubles from the defendants in the case as compensation for harm to Filin.

Earlier, Filin filed a civil claim for compensation for material damage in the amount of 508 thousand rubles. Half of this amount went to pay for the translation of medical documents. He estimated moral suffering at 3 million rubles.

Filin was attacked on January 17 in Moscow. Acid was thrown in the artistic director's face. He ended up in the hospital with third-degree chemical burns, including burns to his eyes. To save his sight, Filin underwent 20 surgeries.

According to investigators, it was Dmitrichenko who initiated the attack on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater. “To implement his plan, he attracted his acquaintances Zarutsky and Lipatov and, together with them, developed a plan of crime,” the report says.

According to investigators, on January 17, Zarutsky, together with his accomplice Andrei Lipatov, left for Moscow to implement this plan. Having received Filin's address from Dmitrichenko and having waited for the artist to say by phone that the ballet director had left home, Zarutsky began to guard him near the entrance. When Filin appeared near the house, Zarutsky splashed acid from a can in his face.

Immediately after the arrest, all three suspects pleaded guilty. Nevertheless, when the question of Dmitrichenko's arrest was being decided, 155 "members of the labor collective" of the Bolshoi Theater signed his positive testimonial for the court.

During the election of a measure of restraint in court, Dmitrichenko specified that he “did not order harm to a person.”

The perpetrator of the attack, Zarutsky, according to the testimony of the artist, himself offered to “drive up to Owl and hit him on the head.” “I agreed to his proposal,” Dmitrichenko confirmed. However, he did not know that Zarutsky was going to douse Owl with acid. Zarutsky fully admitted his guilt, and in September, during the extension of the terms of arrest, he stated that he had committed the crime solely on his own initiative.

Dmitrichenko's lawyer Sergei Kadyrov has already announced that he will appeal against the court's verdict handed down on Tuesday.

Earlier, the soloist of the theater agreed that, taking into account the sincere confessions of the defendants and the testimonies of witnesses, he can be held accountable, but only under Art. 116 of the Criminal Code (beatings).

Read a detailed report by Gazeta.Ru from the courtroom in the near future.

On May 31, the following entry appeared on Pavel's Facebook page: “Thanks to everyone who supported me! Your kind hearts were a beacon of hope on a difficult road... See you, friends.” On this day, the leading artist of the Bolshoi Theater Dmitrichenko, convicted in the case of the attack on Sergei Filin, was released.

I spent three years in prison: the court decided to release me ahead of schedule. Fortunately, I managed to survive, despite the attempts on the part of those who planted me, to do everything to destroy the person they did not like. Indeed, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Now I know - these are not just words. If you are given a test, you need to pass it with dignity.

I ended up in Moscow again, next to me were my parents, friends, my beloved, the most beautiful wife in the world. I don’t hold a grudge against anyone, although I consider myself punished for nothing. I let go of this situation. But my release from prison was greeted very violently. Sergey Filin's lawyer said in a TV interview that I was released illegally: “Dmitrichenko should be imprisoned. If he does not admit his guilt, then he is dangerous! After such statements, their legal illiteracy simply makes me laugh. I know perfectly well who is behind this whole story, but I do not feel hatred and thirst for revenge. There is only one question: why was three years of my life stolen from me?

It happened on January 17, 2013. Half an hour later, all TV channels, radio and the Internet exploded: “The artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater, Sergei Filin, was splashed with sulfuric acid in the face!”, “Filin has burns on his face!”, “An attempt was made on Filin!” The story, like a real thriller, was overgrown with new details, versions, conjectures. The journalists reacted with such lightning speed, as if they were sitting in ambush in the snowdrifts of the dark courtyard where the attack took place.

The Bolshoi Theater the next day resembled a military headquarters - there were many television cameras from all over the world behind the scenes. Journalists rushed to cover a high-profile criminal scandal. Endless press conferences, interviews, ballet dancers are confused and depressed... Everyone raced to build versions: someone said that this was revenge, someone thought that they wanted to take the artistic director's chair in this way, many were sure - "Cherchet la femme ”, even such an assumption was put forward - didn’t the theater management itself organize all this? Very quickly, literally from the first minutes, an attack began on Nicholas Tsiskaridze. Filin, who went to Germany for treatment, said in an interview with Der Spiegel: “Tsiskaridze should be in prison!” This produced the effect of an exploding bomb. The world-famous dancer was summoned for interrogation, he was pursued by the media. In an interview, Nikolai said: “This is bullying. I am sure that the case with Filin is an action planned against me. Indeed, savagery!

My part of the story began almost three months later. Before that, he lived a normal life. I went to the Benois de la Danse festival in Italy. He did not hide from anyone, did not hide. But he could have stayed abroad and never returned...

On the fifth of March at five in the morning in the apartment on Tverskaya, which I rented, the phone rang. On the threshold - seven, among them an investigator who came to the Bolshoi Theater: "We will conduct a search and look for material evidence."

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