For those who died at 27. Robert Johnson


Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Robert Johnson - all these celebrities have passed away at the age of 27. The term "Club 27" was soon coined to refer to this disturbing trend. At first, it included musicians who died at this age - Jimi Hendrix and John Morrison. But in recent years, this list has grown substantially.

Current statistical research shows that the "Club 27" is a myth. Celebrities don't tend to die at that age. The highest mortality rate is observed at 56 years. In addition, many more celebrities pass away at 28 years old. Nevertheless, the number 27 is firmly planted in the imagination of conspiracy theorists. Below we present the twelve most famous members of the 27 Club.

Kurt Cobain

He shot himself at home in 1994. This Nirvana soloist was the most popular rock musician on the planet.

Amy Winehouse

Her album Back to Black, released in 2006, became the best-selling British record of the 21st century. Five years later, Amy died from alcohol poisoning.

Jim Morrison

The lead singer of the Doors group was a symbol of the youth counterculture in the 1960s. Jim was found dead in a bathtub in 1971. An autopsy was not performed, so the cause of his death is still a mystery.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Despite his young age, the neo-impressionist and graffiti artist achieved fame beyond the dreams of many celebrities. Basquiat died of a heroin overdose in 1988.

Janis Joplin

Considered the biggest pioneer of rock culture. Janice died of a heroin overdose in 1970. A few months later, her latest album "Pearl" reached the top of the Billboard charts.

Robert Johnson

During his life he was not very famous. Robert's talent became apparent to a wide audience only in 1961 (23 years after his death). It was then that his album "King of Delta Blues" was re-released. In the decades that followed, Johnson's folk blues had a huge impact on many rock bands. Little is known about his death. But the most common version is strychnine poisoning and pneumonia.

Jimi Hendrix

This musician is known for breaking through to the top of the rock industry in just four years of his career. In his work, Jimmy combined guitar, R&B and jazz into rock and roll. The cause of his death is disputed, but it is known for certain that Hendrix drank nine sleeping pills the night before his death.

Brian Jones

The founder and leader of the Rolling Stones died in 1969. The group was led by Keith Richards and Mick Jaeger. Jones was found dead at the bottom of the pool.

Jonathan Brandis

Gained fame as a child actor in the series One Life to Live. He became a teen idol in 1990 thanks to his participation in the mini-series based on the book It by Stephen King. In 2003 he committed suicide.

Richie Edwards

He was the rhythm guitarist for the Welsh punk rock band Crazy Street Preachers, popular in the 1980s. Engaged in a group of lyrical direction.

Richie went missing on February 1, 1995. Two weeks later, the musician's car was found at the North Bridge. Naturally, the most popular version of death was jumping into the river. The body was never found, so in 2008 police officially declared Edwards dead.

Ron McKernan

The founder and frontman of the Grateful Dead is known for being able to significantly improve the sound of music by combining rock with blues. He died in 1973 from intestinal bleeding caused by complications from alcoholism and a rare autoimmune congenital disease - biliary cirrhosis.

Anton Yelchin

The actor became famous at the age of twelve, starring in Steven Spielberg's sci-fi series Kidnapped. A few years later, Anton perfectly played the navigator Pavel Chekhov in the Star Trek film. This role brought him worldwide fame. Yelchin died near his home in a car accident.

1911 — 1938

The first member of the club is bluesman Robert Johnson, one of the most famous blues musicians of the last century. They joked about Johnson that he sold his soul to the devil for the ability to play the blues, and the musician grinned and did not deny it. Johnson died on August 16, 1938 under strange circumstances. The official version says that the musician was shot dead by the husband of one of his mistresses.

Brian Jones

Fotodom / Rex Features

1942 — 1969

Many years later, the founder of The Rolling Stones, Brian Jones, joined the first member of the then-defunct club. A month after breaking up with the group, on July 3, 1969, Jones, who by that time had severely undermined his physical and moral health with alcohol and drugs, drowned in his own pool.


Jimi Hendrix

Fotodom / Rex Features

1942 — 1970

After the death of Jimi Hendrix on September 18, 1970, fans started talking about the 27 Club. The musician choked on vomiting after an overdose of sleeping pills, which was mixed with previously taken amphetamine. Jimi's girlfriend Monica Charlotte Daneman was afraid to call an ambulance for Hendrix because of the drugs that were everywhere in the hotel room. The girl called the doctors only when Hendrix lost consciousness.

Janis Joplin

1943 — 1970

Before the fans had time to move away from the death of Jimi Hendrix, less than a month later, on October 4, 1970, the queen of rock and roll, Janis Joplin, died of a drug overdose. The absence of drugs in the hotel room and in the singer's personal belongings led the police to think about the deliberate murder of Joplin. They also talked about suicide.

Jim Morrison

1943 — 1971

Less than a year later, Jim Morrison, frontman of The Doors, joined the infamous club and died in Paris on July 3, 1971. The official version of death is a heart attack, but this is a conditional diagnosis that only intensifies the mystery around Morrison's death. There are a lot of assumptions around the death of the musician: an overdose of heroin, suicide, a staged suicide by the FBI, which was actively fighting the hippie movement. Morrison's girlfriend Pamela Courson was next to the musician at the time of his death, but she did not say a word about the incident and led a reclusive life, and three years later she died herself from an overdose.

Kurt Cobain

1967 — 1994

The next member of Club 27 joined the society many years later. On April 5, 1994, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain shot himself in the mouth with a shotgun. At the time of his death, the musician was under the influence of heroin. Cobain's body lay in an empty house for three days.

Klob, mass, disco Dictionary of Russian synonyms. club n., number of synonyms: 52 aviation club (2) ... Synonym dictionary

Exist., m., use. often Morphology: (no) what? club for what? club, (see) what? club what? club about what? about the club; pl. What? clubs, (no) what? clubs, why? clubs, (see) what? clubs what? clubs about what? about clubs 1. A club is an organization that… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

- (English clob). 1) a meeting of the society, for pastime. 2) a gathering of members of a political party. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CLUB 1) a public meeting for spending time; ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Or klob muzh., eng. assembly, a permanent society, which meets in a special room for conversation and entertainment; there are also political clubs, societies, partnerships. Club related to a club. Strawberry male. Nitsya wives. club buff. Clubbing… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

club- a, m. club m., eng. club. 1. A public organization that brings together people of a certain circle for joint recreation, entertainment, sports, etc. BAS 1. This city is unfortunate, Where every day is almost Both a club and a masquerade. Sumar. Flaw… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

1. CLUB1, club, husband. (English club). 1. A public organization that brings together people of the same social circle for joint recreation and entertainment. Artists Club. || Sports society. Mountaineering club. Football club. 2. Culturally ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Club. From the fact that the language is a series of synchronously not always clearly and precisely united and coordinated, internally fused layers, the historicity and traditional character of many types and systems of verbal ... ... The history of words

1. CLUB, a; pl. clubs; m. 1. Obsolete. Big ball. K. threads, ropes. / About a multitude of animals or insects closely huddled together. Deer gathered in the k., escaping from midges. 2. (what). The mass of what flying, rising, having a spherical ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Club, Rud Anna. Friday night, partying, friends, drinking and music. A standard set to have a good time. But wait. It looks like a girl named Mel is not having much fun... But the night is only...
  • Mephisto Club, Gerritsen Tess. The novel "The Mephisto Club" is the sixth in a series of works by American writer Tess Gerritsen about police officers and doctors who have entered the fight against murderers. During the Christmas holidays,…

Many people consider the number 27 to be unlucky. If this number “haunts” a person throughout the day (it catches the eye all the time on the clock, TV screen, signs, etc.), then he should expect trouble.

For many famous musicians in this release, the number 27 has definitely become fatal - there is even the infamous "Club 27". The impetus for the creation of this club was the death of Jones, Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison. All these famous musicians died at the age of 27, and all of them died one after another within 10 months. Two years later, on the day of Morrison's death, the backing vocalist of the rock band The Rolling Stones, Brian Jones, also died. Almost all members of the 27 Club died either under strange or unexplained circumstances.

(Total 17 photos)

1. Kurt Cobain - the lead singer and songwriter of Nirvana - committed suicide on April 5, 1994.

2. In the last years of his life, Kurt Cobain suffered from heroin addiction, depression and numerous illnesses. He was even burdened by his own fame and stage image. A few days before the suicide, Kurt was hospitalized with a severe overdose of alcohol and sleeping pills.

3. Official sources reported that the death of Kurt Cobain was the result of a gunshot to the head from a gun. But many believe that it was not suicide, but simply murder.

4. Amy Winehouse - one of the leading British singers, who had a rare voice - was found dead in her London home on July 23, 2011.

5. Emmy Winehouse struggled with her alcohol and drug addiction for several years. There are many speculations about the cause of her death. Among these assumptions are both claims that death was the result of drug and alcohol abuse, and suggestions that the singer was killed by too sharp a refusal to all this.

6. Jimi Hendrix, recognized as the greatest guitarist in the history of rock music, died on September 18, 1970. Hendrix was openly called a genius during his lifetime.

7. The death of Jimi Hendrix was not too difficult for himself, but truly terrible for others - he died in his sleep, choking on his own vomit caused by an overdose of sleeping pills.

8. Janis Joplin is considered one of the greatest vocalists in the history of rock music and the best white blues singer.

9. Unfortunately, in addition to her outstanding talent, Janis Joplin was also known for her addiction to drugs.

10. Janis Joplin died while working on her next album. Death occurred on October 4, 1970, believed to be from a heroin overdose.

11. Jim Morrison is the leader and vocalist of The Doors. He is still considered one of the brightest and most charismatic performers of rock music. In the Rolling Stones magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, he is ranked 47th.

12. The band's name, The Doors, was influenced by the book The Doors of Perception by English writer Aldous Huxley, in which he described his experience of using mescaline to expand the boundaries of perception.

13. Expanding the boundaries of perception in this way brought with it the opposite effect. Jim Morrison's health and appearance began to deteriorate very quickly. On July 3, 1971, the great poet and musician was found dead in his own bathroom. It is believed that death was due to a heart attack, although no autopsy was performed.

14. Brian Jones is the genius founder of The Rolling Stones. He was also one of the first to join the sad 27 Club.

15. When the figures of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards began to noticeably obscure his own, tension gradually began to grow in the group, which ended with Brian Jones finally breaking off relations with The Rolling Stones in 1969. After this gap, he did not live even a month.

16. Jones drowned in the swimming pool, which was located in his home on the estate in Hartfield on July 3, 1969. His girlfriend Anna Wolin even claimed that when Jones was pulled out of the water, he still had a pulse, but it was not possible to save the musician . After the death of Jones, many valuable things disappeared from his house, so there was a version that Jones was killed by one of the builders who worked on the restoration of the estate.

17. Ron McKernan (pictured right) is the keyboardist for the Grateful Dead. He also died at the age of 27. Death occurred on March 3, 1973 as a result of gastrointestinal bleeding, which developed due to prolonged alcohol abuse.

If you think that 13 is an unlucky number, you should take a closer look at the number 27. Once you realize how many celebrities have died at the age of 27, you will feel a slight chill on your skin, especially if you are now 26 years old.

Here are ten of the most famous people who left this world at 27. However, unfortunately, the whole list is not limited to ten celebrities; many more stars died at the age of 27.

Anton Yelchin

This is the last member at the moment to join the "Club 27", and at the same time his death is one of the most tragic, since he died as a result of a stupid accident. On June 19, 2016, the actor, known worldwide for his roles in leading Hollywood blockbusters, got out of his jeep at the entrance to his house in California. The car was not put on the handbrake and as a result rolled backwards, pinning the actor against a concrete fence post. By the time the friends found the actor, he was already dead. The cause of death was given as traumatic asphyxia.

Jonathan Brandis

Although he became a star of soap operas even when he was not even ten years old, the actor achieved his greatest fame when he was a teenager. However, since 1996, his career began to decline. Although he was still able to appear in several major films, in 2002 his role in the Bruce Willis film was cut as a result, and in 2003 he was not cast for the series. It is not known whether this is due to his fall from the podium or other reasons, but on November 12, 2003, the actor hanged himself.

Amy Winehouse

Although she began her career in jazz in 2003, the 2006 album catapulted her into soul music territory, and with it, she went from local British celebrity to worldwide top ten sensation. The singer's voice was magnificent, and her appearance and character led to the fact that she was very often discussed in the press. She has also landed on the cover of magazines several times due to her unusual intimate relationships and penchant for anything over the top. Unfortunately, the last point was the cause of her death - on July 23, 2011, an examination of her lifeless body led to the conclusion that her blood contained five times the legal norm of alcohol.

Kurt Cobain

If you write a song whose title translates as "I hate myself and want to die", hardly anyone will be surprised by your suicide. This applies specifically to Kurt Cobain, but it is impossible to write him off as just another rock musician who committed suicide. His contribution to music would have been great even if his band had recorded only the song Smells Like Teen Spirit, but they recorded many more world hits. This musician had his own demons, from which he escaped by writing songs, playing the guitar and recording songs, and he also found salvation in his wife and daughter. But all this was not enough to overcome these demons. As a result, he ran away from the institution where he was trying to overcome his heroin addiction, flew home and on April 5, 1994 shot himself.

Kristen Pfaff

She gained her first local fame as part of the Janitor Joe group. However, after another concert, Courtney Love convinced her to become the bassist for Hole. It didn’t work out the first time, but nevertheless the musician moved to a new team. Unfortunately, during the recording of one of the albums, she developed a drug addiction, which is why in February 1994 she began a rehabilitation course. After overcoming her addiction, she rejoined Janitor Joe to tour the death of Kurt Cobain. After that, she decided to leave both groups and fly home to Minneapolis. However, on June 16, 1994, the day before her departure, she was found dead in her apartment. The cause of death was a heroin overdose.

Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix is ​​considered the greatest musician in the history of rock music, and that is why his death still makes you think about how much music remained unwritten and unheard. Frustrated and angry at the music industry, the guitarist was not in the best of morale in his last days. He tried to work out a contract problem, considered giving up his manager's services, dealt with the bassist leaving his band, getting sued for paternity, being unable to sleep at night, and facing a wave of criticism in the press. On September 18, 1970, the musician tried to cope with insomnia by taking nine sleeping pills, which caused him to suffocate in his own nausea.

Brian Jones

Everyone knows Mick Jagger, but when the Rolling Stones first appeared, Brian Jones was in charge. He formed a group, gave it a name, chose the members, the style of music, organized concerts. He was very influential, very important, but gradually he lost all that. As the Rolling Stones began to move towards pop music, Jones became increasingly frustrated and began to abuse drugs and alcohol, which led to depression, mood swings, and leaving the group. On July 3, 1969, he was found at the bottom of his pool, and the cause of death was given as an accident.

Jim Morrison

On July 3, 1971, the vocalist of the legendary band Doors was found in the bathtub in his apartment in Paris, the cause of death was called a heart attack. The fact that no autopsy was performed led to a lot of rumors about why the musician really died. Among the most likely causes of death were an overdose and murder, and there were also rumors that he did not die at all. Of course, he died, but his legacy is so huge that it still seems as if he is still alive and walks among living people.

Janis Joplin

This singer quickly earned herself an impressive reputation in the rock community and became a real star. She blew up the audience at the largest music festivals, but along with fame came the typical problems of rock musicians. She developed a heroin addiction and also abused alcohol heavily. Numerous attempts were made to convince her to go to rehabilitation, but she refused and on October 4, 1970, she fell victim to her bad habits, dying from a heroin overdose.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

If you are interested in the neo-expressionist art scene, then you should naturally be familiar with this artist who impressed Andy Warhol himself, leading to their friendship and even collaboration. He also dated Madonna herself for some time. However, his fame also had a downside, which manifested itself in heroin addiction. And when Warhol died in 1987, the artist plunged into depression, from which he began to fight drugs. He tried to start over by going to Hawaii, but on August 12, 1988, it became clear that he did not succeed in starting over, since on that day he died from a heroin overdose.

And that is not all…

Naturally, "Club 27" is not limited to ten stars. In fact, there were significantly more of them, so it really makes you wonder if the number 13 is the most unlucky.

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