During her work, she has established herself as an experienced one. Characteristics from the place of work


Letter #1

LLC "Delo.ru" is our permanent partner in the field of web design. During the long cooperation, this company was able to repeatedly confirm its high professionalism and competence. The projects developed by us were completed by the employees of Delo.ru LLC efficiently and promptly.

We are satisfied with the activities of Delo.ru LLC and recommend this company as a professional and reliable partner.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #2

The Delo.ru company, within the framework of cooperation with Standard Quality LLC, in 2013 undertook to develop new Internet projects for the development of our company. During our partnership, this company has earned the credibility of an organization that can be trusted to solve the most complex issues.

We were satisfied with the result of joint work and we recommend Delo.ru as a responsible partner.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #3

Delo.ru LLC has been a partner of Quality Standard since 2000. Over the course of many years of partnership, Delo.ru employees have established themselves as high professionals who do not allow project deadlines to be missed and are attentive to the tasks set. Customers have always been satisfied with the result of the work of this company.

Petr Ivanov

Letter #4

I confirm with this letter that Delo.ru really cooperated with Znak Kachestva LLC from 2000-2012 in the field of web design. During our partnership, we were able to repeatedly verify the reliability, professionalism and efficiency in solving work issues. We also want to emphasize the extraordinary creative approach of the company's employees in their work on various projects.

I, as General Director of Sign of Quality LLC, confirm that the services of Delo.ru correspond to the declared profile.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #5

Delo.ru LLC has been my regular business partner since 2000. During our cooperation, I have never been disappointed as a result of working on joint projects. Employees of Delo.ru are accustomed to fulfilling the assigned tasks, taking into account the needs of the Customer and in accordance with professional requirements. Establishing close partnerships between our companies was also facilitated by the high culture of communication between the leaders of Delo.ru LLC.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #6

With this letter, the management of Standard Quality LLC informs that joint cooperation with Delo.ru LLC has contributed to the development of our activities in the international market and the expansion of the client base. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the employees of Delo.ru LLC perform their tasks efficiently and on time. But in addition to the mandatory requirements, this company is used to working with an individual approach, taking into account the needs of each client.

Petr Petrov.

Letter #7

During the five-year partnership with Result LLC, the employees of this company have proven themselves from an exceptionally positive side. The result of their work always met the requirements of the Customer and corresponded to the professional level. I would especially like to note the responsibility and efficiency of this company in resolving any issues.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #8

By this letter, I, the head of Delo.ru LLC, confirm that the Result company is my permanent business partner.

Since 2005, we have regularly contacted the Result company to order high-quality printing products. I can also confirm that this company has repeatedly become our business partner, providing a full range of printing services.

During the partnership, I was able to make sure that the employees of the Result company work efficiently and professionally.

Peter Ivanov.

Letter #9

The Znak Kachestva company, being a supplier of printing equipment for LLC Result, has established itself as a reliable partner, working in strict accordance with contractual terms. During our cooperation, this company has never missed deadlines and has not provided low-quality products.

Often, various government agencies and non-governmental organizations require a reference from the place of work. For example, when applying for a new job or a job, to a court in civil, labor, criminal cases, as part of or considering a protocol on an administrative offense.

Strictly speaking, compiling a job description is the task of the personnel department. But most often such a document is drawn up by the employee himself, and is signed by the immediate supervisor and the main employer (chief manager). We will tell you how to draw up such a document on your own, what to indicate in its content, and also place an example of a characteristic from the place of work for the possibility of using it as a sample.

An example of a job description

Limited Liability Company "Latest Electronic Technologies"

TIN 364616841365 PSRN 3546516546 legal address: 394054, Voronezh, st. Koltsovskaya, 49


This reference is issued to Valery Stepanovich Abakumov, born on March 30, 1972, who has been working in the Newest Electronic Technologies Limited Liability Company from January 15, 2012 to the present as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

Abakumov Valeriy Stepanovich, born March 30, 1972, has been working under an employment contract at Latest Electronic Technologies LLC since January 15, 2012 as an electrician assistant, since December 12, 2015 as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 3 qualification.

He has a higher education as an auto mechanic, series PN No. 687461, issued on June 25, 1996 (Vologda State Technical University), secondary vocational education, diploma of the Voronezh College of Welding and Industrial Technologies, series AC No. 65874351, issued on June 20, 2011.

Marital status: married, 2 children.

During his work at the Newest Electronic Technologies LLC, Abakumov Valery Stepanovich proved himself to be a professional, competent and responsible employee. In the duties of Abakumov V.S. includes participation in the repair, inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, repair of transformers, switches, rheostats, magnetic starters, reconstruction of electrical equipment, processing of insulating materials.

Strives for advanced training (during his work he increased the category). He has no disciplinary sanctions, he was repeatedly encouraged by cash bonuses based on the results of his work. During the period of labor activity, there were no emergency situations with objects of work. Hardworking, high performance.

Non-conflict. He is on friendly terms with colleagues, shows delicacy and patience. Restrained, correct. He is distinguished by punctuality, high demands on himself and the desire for professional growth. He has proven himself to be an enterprising, responsible and reliable specialist, capable of completing assigned tasks on time. Able to independently make decisions in difficult situations and be responsible for the result of their activities.

This characteristic is issued for presentation at the place of demand.

CEO of Latest Electronic Technologies LLC

Viktorov V.V.

When a characteristic from the place of work is used

In Soviet times, such a document was very common. It was required for every new job placement, transfers, etc. But even now the characteristic from the place of work has not lost its significance. Such a document can be used in cases, in labor disputes, etc. as.

There are so-called internal and external characteristics from the place of work. Internal is used for transfer, promotion, assignment of a new rank. An external characteristic from the place of work is used exclusively for presentation to all other (except for the one where the employee works) organizations and authorities. In the first case, we recommend paying more attention to the description of work activity: advanced training, education, incentives, disciplinary sanctions. When the characteristic is compiled in other organizations, labor activity can be described in short form.

The characteristic from the place of work has its own structure. Such a document is given legal force: the signature of the head of the organization, who has the right to speak on behalf of the organization (sometimes the characteristic is also signed by the immediate superior), seal, date of issue. It is desirable to make the document on the letterhead of the organization indicating the PSRN, TIN, legal address, telephone numbers.

The content of the characteristics from the place of work

For your convenience, we have systematized the information that may be indicated in the characteristic from the place of work. Use them as a template for compiling a document:

  1. Letterhead of the organization, format - A 4
  2. Name of the document in the center CHARACTERISTIC
  3. In whose name it was issued, date of birth, position, period of work in the organization
  4. Information about the education of the employee
  5. Information about marital status
  6. Labor activity of the employee - date of employment, career growth, job responsibilities, results of work
  7. Assessment of professional qualities: disciplinary sanctions, incentives, work experience, self-education, study of the regulatory framework, self-improvement
  8. Evaluation of business and personal qualities: punctuality, responsibility, communication skills, relationships in a team, with subordinates, the ability to plan work, assessment of working capacity, behavior in stressful and conflict situations, relationships with a boss, etc.
  9. The purpose of compiling a characteristic from the place of work: for presentation to a state body or other.

The characteristic from the place of work does not have a statute of limitations, but it is more logical and expedient to present a document that is up-to-date by the date of compilation.

Our sample of characteristics from the place of work is not the only possible one, but, as practice has shown, when using it, the result is the most optimal.

The first days at work are not the finish line where you can relax and enjoy the moment. Now the most interesting and difficult begins. Your work in this company, and your entire career as a whole, depends on how you present yourself.

Your entry into a new team is largely influenced by corporate culture. In some companies, there are special provisions that stipulate all the nuances, up to assigning mentors to newcomers. But if this is not the case, it's okay, take the initiative yourself. Once in a new team, try to get to know your colleagues. For the first time, it is enough to introduce yourself and agree on the possibility of further contacts, to show your interest. Perhaps today you will need advice or you yourself will be asked for help. Remember, professionalism is only half the battle. The other half depends on psychological compatibility. If a person is charming, easy to communicate, he quickly manages to establish positive relationships with colleagues, gain respect, writes career.ru

On the first day, you need to get acquainted with the internal labor regulations of the company, even if they are not presented to the public. First of all, find out about the time of arrival and departure, smoke breaks, lunch. Remember, you don't go to someone else's monastery with your charter. Even if you don’t like the standards adopted in the team, don’t try to remake everyone in your own way. The main thing now is a sense of proportion.

Try to figure out who, to what extent, and by what criteria will evaluate the results of your activities. Never forget these people and help them see the results of your work. Make a plan of action for the coming days, define your tasks and priorities.

The first few days you may not be particularly loaded and not required to constantly do something. But don't relax. Remember that all this time you are being watched, you are being judged. The boss forms his impression, which in a couple of months will result in a decision to leave you at work or find a more suitable employee.

We recommend arriving at the office ten minutes before the start of the official working day. Thus, you will make a good impression and insure against being late due to traffic jams and other similar problems. Take care of your wardrobe. Even if the company allows an informal style of dress, you should always look neat and restrained. At first, you will meet a lot of people, and perhaps you will have one and only chance to make a good impression on them. You should not tell all sorts of gossip from your previous job: colleagues and superiors should see you as a loyal employee. And one more important detail - if something did not turn out the way you expected, in no case do not get depressed and do not hide mistakes. Minor miscalculations can turn out to be a big mistake in the future, so it’s better to honestly admit to the failure that has befallen you and immediately offer options for correcting the situation.

We want to warn you in advance against euphoria. Of course, you always expect only bright changes from a new job, but even here there are pitfalls. Get ready for the fact that not everyone will be happy with your appearance in the company. Everyone has their own affairs, for some - you are a competitor in this eternal struggle for a place in the sun.

Keep in mind that many applicants see their workplace after the contract is signed and there is no turning back. It's a pity. Because it's one thing - a conference room or a boss's office where you talked, and quite another - your work office. Sometimes it happens that in the "front" part of the office - renovation, and ordinary employees huddle in tiny closets, reports rdwmedia.ru

Even if you move to a completely identical position, get ready for the fact that you will have to do not quite the same and not quite the same as in your previous job. Each company has its own specifics. Starting from drafting a simple document in Worde and ending with reporting.

Finally, the work schedule. Of course, plus or minus, everyone's working day starts at the same time, but options are possible here. Let's say at your old job you had to come to ten, and at six in the evening you were happily turning off the computer. It may well turn out that in a new company you will have overwork, work on weekends and sudden business trips.

In a word, be realistic, find out in advance what awaits you in a new place in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. And you will succeed!

    prove yourself- To show, to show oneself with what l. side... Dictionary of many expressions

    RECOMMEND, recommend, recommend, sov. only in the expression: to prove oneself, to show oneself in such a way that a certain reputation is formed. Well, it's bad to prove yourself. Establish yourself as a good employee. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    RECOMMEND, blow, blow; conv.: to prove oneself as someone to prove oneself with what n. (usually good) side. Prove yourself as a good employee. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    recommend- recommender. 1. outdated. Testify about what. These plays did not show the director's taste well. OD 1880 10 2 187. 2. Only in expression: to prove oneself to prove oneself, to show oneself in such a way that a well-known reputation is formed. Fine,… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    recommend- do / yu, do / eat; recommended/bathroom; van, a, o; St. see also recommend whom what whom, what on a good side. prove yourself... Dictionary of many expressions

    I blow, you blow; recommended; van, a, o; St. whom what. Present to someone. whom, what on a good side. ◊ Prove yourself. To show, to show oneself with what l. sides. ◁ Recommend, ayu, aye; nsv ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    I blow, you blow; incl. suffering past recommended, van, ah, oh; owl., transl. (non-sov. to recommend). Present to someone. whom, what on a good side. My father ordered from the Butenopovs a cast-iron, well-recommended Turgenev fan ... Small Academic Dictionary

    United States federal court- (USA Federal judiciary) The US Federal Court is the US federal judiciary, created by the government to resolve federal disputes US Federal Court: the US federal judiciary, who appoints judges ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    Analyst- (Analyst) Specialist, employee of a company, bank Information about the field of activity of analysts, financial and business analytics, currency and stock market analytics Contents >>>>>>>> Analyst is, definition History Analytics appeared when ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

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  • French women do not tolerate competition, Florand, Laura. Laura Florand is the author of world-famous bestsellers translated into 7 European languages, recognized and awarded by such authoritative publications as Romance Today, Publishers Weekly,…

Letter #1:

Delopis.ru LLC is our partner in [field of activity]. During the cooperation "Delopis.ru" confirmed its high professional status, competence and activity in solving the tasks. All works are carried out on time, within strictly stipulated terms and with proper quality. Employees of the company competently cope with their duties.

We are satisfied with the work "Delopis.ru" and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:

Firm "Delopis.ru" while working in 2013 year on LLC "New Solutions" carried out the work of [name of work] and established itself as an executive, highly qualified organization.

The work was carried out with high quality and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the period of work.

Petr Petrov

Letter #3:

Delopis.ru LLC is a partner LLC "New Solutions" during 5 years. For such a long time "Delopis.ru" proved to be a reliable and stable partner, providing a flexible approach to the needs of the Customer, high efficiency and reliability, never missing deadlines. I recommend "Delopis.ru" as a reliable supplier and conscientious partner.

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:

I hereby confirm that Delopis.ru LLC has experience of cooperation with LLC "New Solutions" in the field [field of activity]. During the cooperation, the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity and efficiency in fulfilling the tasks.

We confirm that the services Delopis.ru LLC correspond to a highly professional profile.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:

Our cooperation with the company "Delopis.ru" continues from 2010 of the year. During this period the company Delopis.ru LLC has established itself as a sustainable enterprise and a reliable business partner. Due to the main principle of the company's work - the formation of partnerships with customers based on mutual cooperation and professionalism, it occupies, in our opinion, a stable position in the field [field of activity].

Petr Petrov

Letter #6:

By this letter, the company "New Solutions" reports that during the cooperation with Delopis.ru LLC This company has managed to establish itself as a professional and reliable partner. The distinguishing feature of the work "Delopis.ru" is the efficiency and high organization of the employees of the organization, the willingness to quickly respond to circumstances.

Based on the above, the company "New Solutions" I would like to note the high potential of the company "Delopis.ru", focus on further successful development and prosperity.

Petr Petrov

Letter #7:

For the period of work with Delopis.ru LLC employees of the enterprise have proven themselves on the positive side. Their work meets the given level, is performed qualitatively and strictly on time. I would like to note the efficient work of specialists and the efficiency of completing tasks, attentive attitude to the Customer.

Petr Petrov

Letter #8:

By this letter, we LLC "New Solutions", we confirm that Delopis.ru LLC is our reliable and long-term partner.

Delopis.ru LLC actively and successfully working with 2008 year, providing a full range of services. During this period, we were provided with services at a good professional level. Professionalism of specialists "Delopis.ru" ensures the high quality of the services provided.

Based on the above, "New Solutions" characterizes Delopis.ru LLC as a professional and reliable partner in the field of [field of activity] services.

Petr Petrov

Letter #9:

Delopis.ru LLC, being a supplier of [equipment] for LLC "New Solutions" has established itself as a reliable supplier that fulfills its contractual obligations on time, with good quality.

The volume of supplies for the period [date] exceeded [amount] RUB.

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