Why Madonna adopted two more children. Madonna: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo


The legend of world show business, the queen of the stage - these are the epithets that are awarded to this unsurpassed woman, an outstanding personality. She knows how to attract attention and hold it. Singer Madonna is a star who needs no introduction. Comprehensively gifted with talents, she falls in love at first sight.

Star Trek

How old is Madonna? Such a question comes to mind when you look at her chiseled body, young face and shining eyes. She can be given about thirty years, no more. But facts are stubborn things, and they say that the singer was born on August 16, 1958. Thus, this year she will celebrate her 56th birthday. How old is Madonna now? 55.

The star's full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She is originally from Bay City, Michigan. In the veins flows the blood of French Canadians (on the mother) and American Italians (on the father). When Madonna was born, the family already had two children, after her three more were born. They lived together and piously.

The girl's relationship with others was difficult. Madonna recalls that she was not a favorite, but she did not allow herself to be offended. The loss of her mother at an early age (she died at thirty) turned out to be an expansion of the list of relatives for her. The father married again, thus, another brother and sister appeared in the family.

Dancing in the life of a celebrity

How old is Madonna difficult to answer, looking at her body. And all thanks to fitness and dancing. Very early, the girl persuaded her father to enroll her in ballet. Then she went to school, the University of Michigan, but left because the teacher persuaded her to devote herself to a career. The future queen of the stage moved to New York. The city of the big apple taught her to fight poverty and for her place in the sun. She danced in several bands, took part in the world tour of Patrick Eronandez, met Dan Gilroy. Together with this musician, she creates the first rock band, and then the second. Recordings were successful, and then fell into the hands of the founder of Sire Records Seymour Stein.

Madonna's rise as a singer

How old is Madonna - it did not matter. She set a goal for herself and confidently walked towards it. She personally distributed her notes to the right people at the Dunsteria in Manhattan. Then she began an affair with the king of disc jockeys, Mark Kamins, who did his best to get Warner Bros to promote the rising star. The first single - "Everybody" - gained immense popularity and became a real hit. The success of the song was repeated by the video for it, despite the extremely minimal budget. The second single confirmed that Madonna is popular and has a great future.

worldwide success

The perfect figure of Madonna, her passion for dancing determined the direction in which the girl worked. Dance compositions were close to her, and it was they who brought her to the top of the hit parade. The singer's first album was sold out in the amount of 19 million copies, and it is still considered the most successful. After that, the star began to be invited to act in films, she continues to sing songs and goes on her first world tour.

How old is Madonna the singer was already interesting to people, because in 1986 the first nude photos in black and white appeared in men's glossy magazines. True, the star, who began a serious relationship with Sean Penn, forbade them to be published. The celebrity's third album received good criticism from the outside and entered it into the Guinness Book of Records. Together with her beloved, Madonna plays in films and theater, writes soundtracks for them, and works on remixes.

Scandalous reputation

You can tell exactly how old Madonna is by looking at her passport. A woman who during her lifetime was given a four-meter statue (the city of Pacentro) always looks young and seductive. The rupture of relations with Sean Penn did not stop the singer's victorious march. And scandals fueled interest in her. The first such case occurred during the cooperation with Pepsi. The star with the chaste pseudonym used a lot of Catholic symbols and wore overly revealing outfits. An advertisement for a popular drink featuring Madonna was heavily condemned by the Vatican. As a result, the company breaks off cooperation, and the girl receives decent compensation. A year later, the star again shocks the public with a clip of erotic content.

Madonna and her professions

So, the world knows Madonna as an excellent dancer, a successful singer with a charming voice and a brawler. But in 1992, she founded Maverick, an entertainment company. Together with partner Time Warner, Madonna releases a book with a loud title (“Sex”), the album “Erotica”, but then she changes her style. Passion for Kabbalah and Judaism has borne fruit: the image of the singer has become restrained and more chaste. Confirming her unofficial title of "Queen of the Stage", Madonna records diverse albums. And between all this, she starred in Dolce & Gabbana commercials, creates youth clothing collections with her daughter, tries herself as a screenwriter and director, and opens a network of fitness clubs.

Madonna's personal life

Such an attractive and charming woman has always been the subject of adoration for the stronger sex. Madonna had many novels and connections, but there was also a place for a serious relationship. The singer entered into her first marriage in 1985 with Sean Penn. Their relationship was exemplary, but soon the couple began to compete with each other. The nickname "Mr. Madonna", given to Penn by journalists, he clearly did not like. Four years later they separated. Then the star had an affair with Warren Beatty, a famous womanizer, but it did not lead to anything.

There were rumors that Madonna loves women, and actress Sandra Bernhard, a model, was called her partners. But the queen of the stage herself refutes this, speaking out for traditional relationships. Her marriage to a British director lasted seven years, and after that she met with Jesús Lusa, a Brazilian young model.

Children of a successful woman

Madonna has four children: two biological and two adopted. The eldest is the daughter of Lourdes, whose father was the singer's personal sports coach, but did not become her husband. At what age did Madonna give birth for the first time? The girl was born on October 14, 1996, which means that the new mother was 38. In 2000, that is, at the age of 42, the woman gave birth to a son. An adopted daughter (Mercy James) and a son (David Banda) are from Malawi.

Parameters and other interesting facts

Madonna is an icon of beauty and style, the image of a confident and successful woman, a strong and purposeful person. Of course, the parameters of her figure are of interest to both fans of her work and the stronger sex. We will please both those and others by revealing some interesting facts about the singer.

The practically unchanged appearance of the star is the subject of controversy among her fans. Some argue that Madonna uses the services of plastic surgeons, others believe that sports, proper nutrition and anti-aging procedures support natural beauty. The singer herself denies rhinoplasty and other interventions by doctors, assuring that she uses high-quality cosmetics, does hardware lifting and chemical peeling, and loves Thai massage. She also tries to avoid stress, adheres to the correct regime of work and rest.

Madonna weighs only 55 kg, and all due to the fact that she does not have excess fat accumulation, but consists mainly of muscle tissue, which is heavier. Daily fitness, yoga and a special diet, as well as rehearsals of new shows, help keep fit. In addition, the celebrity is engaged in Pilates, karate, boxing, tennis, horseback riding.

The growth of the queen of pop music is small, only 162-164 cm. But, as you can see, this did not cause the complexes to appear. A high heel or platform always accompanies Madonna (with the exception of sports training). The star easily wears a heel about twenty centimeters high and looks down on everyone.

Here she is, Madonna, an inimitable symbol of the sexual revolution, emancipation and femininity!

The name of Madonna is known to everyone and everyone. And now we are not talking about a religious name, because Madonna is a legendary pop diva who was able to conquer the whole world with her talent, independence, courage and determination. Not to mention the fact that she did not pay attention to life's hardships and problems. Something that didn't always work out as well as she wanted. Her life path was filled not only with rose petals, but also with thorns that pricked very painfully. But there was always a bright woman in front of the audience, who never yielded to anyone in charisma and charm. Therefore, let's take a closer look at who she is, this mysterious and at the same time, well-known Madonna. After all, she looks really beautiful, and even young actresses and models are trying to penetrate the mysteries of her eternal youth and charm, self-confidence and passion for singing.

Height, weight, age. How old is Madonna

Height, weight, age. How old is Madonna - all these questions cause conflicting answers, because the singer seems forever young and always beautiful. It is even difficult to imagine what she does to always remain so. Therefore, various rumors often circulate, which may not be confirmed, but still go around the name of a celebrity. Madonna in her youth was uncensored, often discussed in the press, and it was all done quite harshly. The real name of Madonna actually sounds like that, this is her true name, which her mother once gave her. So, today the world-famous woman is already 58 years old, although it is very difficult to believe in this. The height is 163 centimeters, and the weight is 54 kilograms. Therefore, there is no need to say that she looks like a true queen, which she is on stage.

Biography and personal life of Madonna

The biography and personal life of Madonna deserves special attention, because it is not difficult to guess that she experienced the most different things in her life, otherwise she would not have been able to achieve such heights. Often there are such requests as Madonna without makeup, because many people wonder how much the singer looks like herself if her makeup is removed in several layers. But let's now consider her biography and personal life, which deserves attention. She was born into a Catholic family, was the third child out of six in the family, and already at the age of five she lost her mother. She went to a Catholic school, after graduation she decided to enter a dance university. By the way, from early childhood she studied ballet, danced, in a word, developed creatively. True, then she still did not think about how to really become famous, become famous not only in her country, but throughout the world.

But she did not finish her studies at the university and moved to New York in the late seventies. It was very hard in the big city, because there was no work, in addition, the young girl had nowhere to stumble. She lived practically in poverty, selling donuts and moonlighting in various dance troupes. Ahead of her were even greater difficulties on the way to the top. The young woman's musical career began in the early eighties, when she became involved in various bands and tried to record her own albums.

She also proved herself over time as an actress, because she was able to act in more than two dozen films. In other words, she was able to realize herself, despite the fact that it was really very difficult in places. As for her personal life, Madonna has been married several times. First, she married Hollywood actor Sean Penn, then director Guy Ritchie, with whom she lived for seven years, after which she divorced. Madonna has many children, both biological and adopted. The famous singer remembers very well how hard it was for her in childhood and adolescence, so she strives to give happiness to children who are not too lucky in life. But at the same time, she does not forget to continue to build her personal life, which is constantly replaced by new men and fans. It is even sometimes surprising how active a woman who is already almost sixty years old behaves.

Madonna's family and children

Madonna's family and children today are herself and her children. Although she can often be seen in the company of ex-first husband Sean Penn, still, so far there has been no official statement that she is getting married again. But she has a lot of children whom she loves and who love her. She has four of them in total, of which the daughter Lourdes from her first marriage, then the son Rocco. Two more children are adopted: a boy from Africa, David, and a girl, Mercy. So Madonna repeatedly became a mother, apparently realizing that the main task of a woman is not even to make an amazing career, but simply to give happiness to little creatures.

Madonna's Sons - Rocco, David

Madonna's sons - Rocco, David are her heirs, however, the first boy was her biological heir, and David is adopted. True, this does not prevent a star woman from loving them in exactly the same way. Especially considering that the singer had significant problems with the adoption of David. When all the documents were submitted, the boy's parents suddenly showed up and claimed their rights to him. And this despite the fact that up to this point in the direction of the child there was no attention. And although the "kind" relatives did everything possible to prevent the adoption, anyway, the baby found a new home and became happy. Son Rocco was born to Madonna from her second marriage to director Guy Ritchie.

Daughters of the Madonna - Lourdes, Mercy

Madonna's daughters - Lourdes, Mercy are her favorite daughters, and here is the same as her sons, because Madonna's daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon is her first biological daughter, who was born in marriage to Hollywood actor Seann Penn. Now she is already an adult woman, however, it is impossible to say exactly how much she followed in the footsteps of her star parents. The second daughter, Mercy, is adopted, and at the same time allowed the singer to become a mother for the fourth time. The celebrity herself does not have a soul in her daughters, teaches them to always be on top, beautiful, successful, and most importantly, not to pay attention to life's difficulties that have always been and will be in reality.

Madonna's Husbands - Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie

Madonna's husbands - Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie became the famous singer's legal husbands. I would like to note that Madonna's personal life does not stand still, that now, when she has already been married twice, she still has vivid novels in her life that make the press simply hold their breath. The first marriage with Sean Penn lasted several years, after which the star couple broke up, the singer lived with Guy Ritchie for seven years, but after that the marriage also could not stand the test of time. Although from every man, Madonna had legitimate and adopted children, all the same, this could not save their family. However, given the millions of celebrities, they are not particularly worried about this. Today, Madonna constantly starts bright novels with young boys, among them there are actors, models, mannequins. She fully enjoys life, but at the same time, most likely she is in no hurry to marry again. Although in Lately she is more and more often noticed in the company of her first ex-husband Sean Pen.

Instagram and Wikipedia Madonna

As mentioned above, only the lazy does not know about the Madonna, or pretends not to know. After all, it is difficult to imagine someone more famous than this amazing, interesting, talented woman. One has only to say her name, and every viewer will nod, even if he has never heard her songs or watched a single movie with her. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a lot of information about it on the Internet that can be found on almost any site. The first source is, of course, Madonna's personal Wikipedia page (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna_(singer)).

There you can find the necessary information about how she lived before she became famous, what was her creative path, and much more that accompanied her throughout her career. The singer also has a personal page on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/madonna/?hl=ru), where you can already get to know her life more closely. Photos from her concerts, family photos are posted, she shares her future plans with fans, talks about what she is going to do next. If you want to get in touch with a celebrity at least a little, then this is best done directly with her, that is, through social media.

This name is often heard on radio and television channels. She made her career not only thanks to her talent and incredible hard work, but also to frequent scandals and shocking. Today, she is famous as a producer, director, writer of books and fashion designer. Many are interested in the question of how old Madonna is, because she looks just great, and she has already accumulated a lot of merit. You will be surprised that a star was born in 1958 on August 16 in Michigan.

In 2017, Madonna is 59 years old.

Despite her age, the woman leads a very active lifestyle, works hard, engages in self-development and looks simply gorgeous. In this article, you will find out not only how old the famous singer is, but also her short biography, interesting facts from her personal life and professional career.

Childhood years of the future star

Many people think that Madonna is a pseudonym. Actually, that's her real name.

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born into a large Catholic family and was 3 out of 6 children. They led a rather pious lifestyle, and the girl attended a Catholic school. At the age of 12, during the religious rite of chrismation, she chose the name Louise for herself, but it is not considered official.

Her mother died early. During my 6th pregnancy I was diagnosed with cancer. The woman refused treatment and after the birth of the child, she died at the age of 30. This made a huge impression on the little girl and greatly shook her faith in God. A couple of years later, after the death of his wife, his father married a second time. Relations with the stepmother did not develop. The “new” mother will have joint children with the father, who have always been a priority. Although dad forced her to call her stepmother mom, Madonna considered this a betrayal and disliked her even more.

Home warmth girl was replaced by the school. She still considers one of her teachers, Marilyn Fallows, to be the iconic person of her childhood. Despite the fact that Ciccone's academic performance was always excellent, relations with peers did not work out. The girl was considered strange and her peers shunned her.

Only at the age of 15, the future star began to get involved in dancing. Choreographer Christopher Flynn had a huge influence on shaping her personality. Being engaged in modern jazz, she expanded her horizons, changed her style, and there was not a trace left of the former excellent student.

After graduating from school, the girl decided to continue her dance classes at the University of Michigan. This decision shocked my father. With her brilliant mind and school performance, she could get a decent profession at a prestigious university, but instead she preferred to just dance.

At 17, Madonna's IQ test score was 140.

Teachers always noted the student's endurance in the classroom and emotional return, but in technology, the girl was much inferior to her classmates. Due to the impossibility of being the best, Madonna tried to stand out with an extravagant appearance. She soon dropped out of school altogether.

The beginning of a creative career

After attending a class with renowned choreographer Pearl Lang, the young dancer was so impressed that she set herself the goal of working in her group. The fact that she had to quit her studies and move from New York did not stop her. According to the results of the casting, she got into the team, but did not perform in the first line-up and performed minor dances.

Despite the fact that there was a catastrophic lack of money for life, Madonna made her stage debut in the production of "I Never Seen Other Butterflies Again." These were difficult times in the career of the future star. Due to the constant lack of funds, she took on any side jobs. Malnutrition and hard work took a toll on her physical form. The girl practically lost faith in herself, and in her dancing future.

One of the castings finally went well. The dancer was liked not only by her plasticity, but also by her pleasant voice. The girl quits her job in the Lang group and goes on tour with Hernandez.

At the end of the contract, she received offers to try herself as a singer. Uninteresting material and a dull image did not attract Madonna, and she again returned to New York. The idea of ​​a musical career still remained. The future star is fond of music, begins to develop in this direction. Pretty quickly, the guy teaches her how to play the drums, and Madonna enters the Breakfast Club group. After working for only a few months, the singer begins to offer her material, and not finding support in the group, she leaves it.

Her role in an amateur film in 1979, after which Madonna was labeled a former porn star, attracted attention. Remembered her and as a singer. From that moment on, the star begins to search for herself in the musical direction, changes groups, creates her own, tries different repertoire and tries on new images.

The efforts are starting to bear fruit. The singer signs the first contract for 5 thousand dollars and releases the hit "Everybody". The singer's career is gaining momentum, in 1983 the first album is released, many of whose songs are already popular. He receives the title of diamond, and is bought up in huge numbers.

Singer Madonna finally finds her direction and begins to follow it. Songs come out one after another, occupy high positions in the ratings, videos are released, tours are held. In parallel, she begins her film career. Filmed in several films. Trying his hand at directing.

The star is worth about $ 1 billion

Madonna's Achievements

The singer is now 59 years old. Over the years, thanks to her diligence, outrageousness, luck and talent, she has achieved considerable success in many areas:

  • She released 13 music albums, most of which received awards and incredible success with the audience;
  • Conducted 10 musical tours not only around the country, but also far beyond its borders;
  • Played roles in 13 films;
  • Wrote and published 7 books;
  • Received a large number of victories in music competitions, both in the United States and abroad;
  • Received 2 Golden Globe awards for Best Song and Best Actress. Totally nominated 6 times;
  • Received 7 wins at the Grammy competition. Totally nominated 28 times;
  • Singer Madonna is recognized as the best performer of the year 5 times;
  • Earned the title of the best performer of the decade;
  • Her name has been inducted into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Despite all her achievements, Madonna does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Although 1 time she was nominated.

These are far from all the merits of a multifaceted personality. Given how old Madonna is today, she is actively working and receiving new titles and awards.

Singer's personal life

Books can be written about it. A large number of men have come and gone from the life of the Madonna during all this time. Given the popularity and outrageousness, she was often credited with novels or relationships with various celebrities. Officially, the singer did not formalize the relationship often.

  1. Marriage with Sean Penny lasted 4 years. Relationships were not easy. Two strong personalities could not get along, it often came down to scandals and assault.

Madonna gave birth to her first child, daughter Lourdes, out of wedlock from Carlos Leon in 1996. The relationship with her father lasted six months.

2. Guy Ritchie was her husband from 2000 to 2008. This person greatly influenced not only the work of the star, but also personal development. A son was born in marriage and they adopted another boy.

After the breakup of the family, the woman adopted a black girl. Madonna currently has 4 children.

A truly outstanding and multifaceted personality has already left its mark on world musical history. Considering how old Madonna is, her diligence and outrageousness, she will still delight and surprise her fans more than once.

Madonna Louise Ciccone was the third child of Italian-American Tony and his wife Madonna. The girl was named after her mother, and soon the name became for her the only memory of the closest person in the world. 30-year-old Madonna died of breast cancer - because of another pregnancy, she refused to treat the disease, and the issue of abortion was not even raised. Her daughter was then only 5 years old.

The widowed father will marry another two years later, and Madonna Louise will finally become a loner in her own family. Unlike her brothers, she studied roughly, obeyed her father, tried to arouse his love and attention, but to no avail. Tony Ciccone took all the successes of his daughter for granted until she threw out a real trick.

For a school concert, 14-year-old Madonna prepared a dance number and went on stage in bright shorts and a revealing top, all smeared with paint of different colors. The teachers were shocked, the father was furious, and the inscriptions “Madonna is a whore!” appeared on the walls of their house. Thus was born the image that in due time will make her a star.

Mistakes and Lessons from New York

At the age of 15, Madonna began to study ballet and experienced her first serious love - with her choreographer, who was not only 30 years older, but also adhered to an unconventional orientation. It was he who advised her to quit her studies at the University of Michigan and move to New York to join the troupe of the famous choreographer Pearl Lang.

With her she had a suitcase with things and 35 dollars. So Madonna became a tramp.

She was accepted into the troupe, but only in the second composition, so she had to earn a living behind the counter of eateries, from where Madonna was quickly expelled for harsh treatment of customers. She spent the night with casual acquaintances, some of whom became her friends or lovers. Money was desperately lacking. Then Madonna decided to take a bold and desperate step - she went to work as a model in an art studio and shoot nudes with photographers. One day she would regret it, but at that moment it seemed far from the worst way to get money.

This went on until she met Dan Gilroy, a talented musician and part-time lover, he was the first to see in Madonna not a dancer, but a singer. He taught me how to play the drums, accepted him into his group, from where she soon fled, taking several members with her. Collective creativity was not for her - Madonna wanted personal success.


They wrote the Madonna album with DJ and guitarist Jellybean Benitez. Both were in love and dreamed of the same thing, their record received positive reviews and gradually won higher and higher positions in the charts. The idyll ended when Madonna realized that she was pregnant. It was not the time to give birth to a child: the producers urged on the recording of the second album, she herself was full of creative plans and was not going to give them up for the sake of the child. She had an abortion without the knowledge of her lover. After learning about everything, Benitez no longer came to the recording studio. This page of her life was left in the past, ahead was a triumph.

The second album Like A Virgin instantly topped the US charts. Madonna shot her first video for the song Material Girl and went on tour. Her career developed the way she wanted, which could not be said about her personal life.

Sean Penn

The young actor, when meeting, was not at all shy in the presence of a popular singer, but, on the contrary, showed himself to be the same rebel as she herself. Madonna was taken by it. Their relationship was full of passion - they cursed and put up equally violently and quickly became the coveted prey of the paparazzi.

During their wedding, photographers sat in the trees, several helicopters circled over the site, and Sean Penn fired at them with a pistol. Such a marriage was quite in the spirit of the Madonna.

But not only the paparazzi became the object of the actor's rage. Soon Penn began to beat her during a stormy showdown. For a while, Madonna endured. She even dedicated the True Blue album to her husband, which became her most commercially successful record. Patience ended when a drunken Sean tied her to a chair at night and mocked her as best he could for half the night. A divorce followed, followed by a series of lovers, the list of which is not enough fingers on the hands. Madonna's name was ruffled in the press, accused of blasphemy and participation in pornography (someone published her nude pictures - that's when she regretted working as a model), but she, by and large, did not care.

She achieved her goal - she became a star and the "queen" of pop music. Now we could think about children.


Once, while jogging in the park, a muscular cyclist caught her attention. Madonna approached him herself, invited him for a cup of coffee. The athlete's name was Carlos Leon, he dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion, but for now he worked as a fitness instructor.

He never became a champion, but became the father of the child of Madonna herself - in 1996 she gave birth to his daughter Lourdes.

They really had a passionate romance, but the singer did not see her future next to Carlos, which she immediately admitted to him. When she became pregnant, she put forward a condition: the child should stay only with her, although the girl would see her father. Carlos went for it too. “The press wrote that I got pregnant for the sake of PR. Only men can think so. Getting pregnant and having a baby is so difficult that no one will do it for some stupid reason, ”Madonna brushed off the next attacks after the birth of her daughter. Lourdes changed her. After 1996 (the year the baby was born), scandals involving Madonna are becoming less and less, the style of music is changing and appearance singers. She seemed to know that fate was preparing for her a meeting with a representative of one of the most conservative nations in the world, from whom she would lose her head. They became the English director Guy Ritchie.

Attempted family life

They met at a party at Sting's house. Madonna, with her usual directness, asked Guy to teach her how to eat lobsters. As a result, they ran away from both the guests and the singer's guards in order to spend the whole night in pubs. For the first time in her life, Madonna lost her head. “I was sure that long-distance relationships, he was in England, I was in America, would cool my head. But no, it didn't. I thought Guy's and me's stubbornness would hinder the development of our love. You know, a clash, a struggle between two strong personalities is not a toy for you! Again, no ... I really then really blew the roof. ”, She later recalled. In 2000, she moved to London with him and gave birth to a son, Rocco. A few months later, the couple got married - and it was not at all like her first wedding with Penn. Ricci took care of complete confidentiality, the press did not get a single photo from the celebration.

For her part, Madonna made sure that people called her "Mrs. Richie" and not his "Mr. Madonna." Guy then had only two notable films on his account, she was also a superstar, although for the first time in her life she wanted to be just a wife and mother. “I generally think now: home is where your children go to school,” she said in an interview and sported a T-shirt with the words “Mrs. Ritchie.” Whether the singer overdid it in her pursuit of "normality", or Guy was fed up with gossip that family life with Madonna killed the director in him, but in 2008 the couple filed for divorce.

In 2016, the singer lost custody of their son Rocco in court - the guy now spends more time in his father's new family than with his mother. But Madonna made an effort on herself and accepted his desire for freedom - once she herself would have done the same.

Madonna, whose photo of 2017 you can see later, as a world-class star in the sky of show business has existed for a very long time. And her popularity is not hindered by either the coming old age, or the presence of huge and more “younger” competition, or the constant criticism of music experts. Yes, fame implies both a large number of fans and an equally significant army of anti-fans. But, despite all the vicissitudes of fate and the eternal "putting sticks in the wheels", this brave and brave woman does not cease to shock the public and develop her activities in various directions. Now she can be called with full confidence a singer, actress, producer, dancer, film director, screenwriter, entrepreneur, writer and even the mother of beautiful children.

celebrity biography

This is not just a goddess of pop music, but already a name that has become a label. The brand with this sonorous name is one of the hundred most expensive in the world. The Queen's full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. This famous woman was born in the middle of the last century, or rather, on August 16, 1958, in the not very developed state of Michigan at that time. In her family, in addition to this little girl, five more brothers and sisters were brought up. At the age of five, Louise Veronica lost her mother - the woman died suddenly, and her stepmother came in her place, who preferred not to burden herself with the burden of other people's children and raised only her own. The constant feeling of deprivation gave birth in a little girl to the dream of becoming famous and rich at all costs. And only after 9 years she was able to start realizing her goal.

The finest hour for a teenager is participation in a school talent competition, where she managed to shock her teachers with the power of her voice and the talent of an actress. The girl went on stage in a tank top and shorts, for which she was subsequently placed under house arrest by her own father. After that day, on the fence near the family nest, inscriptions appeared every now and then, characterizing the young Ciccone from the best side.

After graduation, the beauty entered the University of Michigan. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina that the whole world would talk about, which greatly angered her father, who saw her as a lawyer or a specialist in the field of medicine. But after a short amount of time, the young lady realized that the province is not the place for a brilliant start.

And after a few days, this brave girl goes to New York, where she begins to climb with all her might. For a long time she had to work only for food and rent a kennel in the most criminal area. In 1979, she went to a casting to find girls for backup dancers. Professional dancers saw talent in her and decided to turn her into a singer. Madonna did not like such changes, because she was not at all attracted to being a pop singer. She even tried to create her own rock band, but this project failed miserably.

Personal life

Already a rapidly growing star, Madonna never hid either the number of her lovers or her own husbands. It was as if with all her being she called people to the sexual revolution, demonstrating numerous admirers for all to see.

Even at the age of twenty, Great Marge (as her fans called her) entered into a romantic relationship with famous producers John Benitez. It was to him that the singer owes her fame - he gave her acquaintance with influential people and promoted her tracks in nightclubs.

After playing with Benitez, she fluttered into the arms of Jean-Michel Basquiat. But this novel was not long. The most memorable celebrity man was Sean Penn, with whom she lived for four years.

After a high-profile divorce case, journalists stopped focusing on the star's companions, because they did not stay for a long time in her life. Lenny Kravitz, who at that time was recognized as a pop icon, and Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of the RHCP, were especially vividly remembered. But Madonna decided to have a baby only during an intimate relationship with the Latin American Carlson Leon. As a result of their romance, a daughter, Lourdes, was born.

Guy Ritchie became the record holder for the amount of time spent in marriage with the goddess of the pop industry. In 2000, the happy couple became the parents of the boy Rocco. After 8 years of marriage, the boat of love still crashed on the stones of everyday life. Shortly thereafter, Veronica again went to the "dressing". The last companion was the dancer of her own ballet Brahim Zaibat. In a fit of feelings, he even made a marriage proposal to the singer.

According to media reports, at the moment, Madonna is raising not only her own children, but also two adopted black twins - Mercy James and David Band. After some time, you will learn about a big change in the life of the singer. Which one? A little patience...

For the past few years, the pop goddess has been battling with her ex-husband for the custody of her son Rocco, who has long been living under the supervision of his father. As you know, at the end of 2016, a meeting was held, during which the parents did not come to an agreement.

Advice!You probably already guessed what is the secret of such popularity from the male side. No, it's not about the desire to be as close as possible to the world Olympus. The whole secret lies in the incredible sense of style and the natural charisma of the star. I must say, her image is an example to follow. Carefully study her taste preferences and try to embody this in your daily bows.

Awards and achievements

It makes no sense to list the hits sung by her throughout the journey, and the films in which she starred. Five years ago, her name was included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The singer has repeatedly received all the current music awards, the Golden Globe and even the Grammy. On the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a personal star with her name has long flaunted.

Latest news from the life of Madonna and her children

Despite a fairly mature age, a woman with a maiden name Ciccone continues to shock the audience. Let's get acquainted with her eccentric acts committed this year together.

  • January. At a rally against the inauguration of the new President Donald Trump, the singer expressed her desire to the half-million audience ... to burn the White House to the ground! She did not choose expressions and often switched to swear words during her speech. She should have been arrested for such statements, but the star changed her mind at the time, saying that such manipulations would not change anything anyway.

  • February. Madonna adopted twins from Malaysia. Stela and Esther from Malawi became orphans shortly after their birth. For some time, their grandmother looked after them, but her extremely poor financial situation was the reason for the transfer of the babies to the shelter. For their sake, the singer abandoned litigation with Guy Ritchie for the right of custody of her son.

  • March. Star decides to build the first pediatric surgery and intensive care center in Malawi. This is not the first project implemented under her supervision. Madonna is the founder of a charitable foundation to help this country. During the ten years of its existence, dozens of schools, hospitals and shelters for local children were built.

  • April. Ludres got on the main pages of the tabloids thanks to the skillful work of the paparazzi. The girl at that time was resting in Miami. On several frames of the photo collage presented by the journalists, the public could see ... the unshaven armpits of the young heiress of millions of fortunes. Millions of ordinary network users savored the information received, scattering in reproaches and insults. I must say that the girl had no less defenders. They often spoke about the fact that a girl has the right to choose how she looks. In general, a serious stir was provoked, and perhaps not without the efforts of black PR people who want to stir up interest in the Madonna family.

Advice! If you are not trying to prove to the whole world the fact of the equality of men and women, it is better not to make such experiments. Modern people are not yet ready for such manifestations of individuality, so your vacation at sea can cause a wave of indignation and gossip.

  • May. The star decided to make style icons out of her adopted children. She is actively preparing her girls for the World Fashion Week, which will be held in Milan. The sisters, it must be said, have long been showing an active interest in cameras and cameras, demonstrating suits and outfits from their mother's collections.

  • June. Rocco was seen using drugs. The singer's son was recently found in an unsightly state. At the party on the occasion of the next premiere of the clip of one Hollywood star, whose name we will not pronounce, he behaved too defiantly and even frighteningly. Arriving police officers forced the young man to undergo a test for the presence of drugs in his blood. What this scandal will turn into is not yet known, in fact, the reasons for this behavior are not known either, because as far as the media knows, Madonna raised her offspring in strictness.

All life in cinema

Recently, Madonna was made an offer to make a film about her life. The producers of the film even announced the search for suitable actresses for the main role. And a few days ago there was information that celebrity will play Paris Jackson. From the point of view of external data, it is ideal for this case. Yes, and with acting skills, as the creators of the project assure, she is all right.

So far, no comments have been received from Paris, which cannot be said about Madonna. She reacted violently to the director's desire to make a film about her life in the distant 80s and 90s. The singer is sure that not a single living woman on this planet can fulfill this role, because no one is able to convey the range of feelings and emotions that pushed the beginning goddess of the pop scene to the heights of success. The producers assure that they will definitely find a girl who will please the expressive and outrageous star. But negotiations with Paris continue. They hint that it would be good to take a closer look at Jackson. As it became known recently, Madonna admires the talents of the young talent and will perceive her positive response as a gift from heaven.

Madonna is a very provocative character. Throughout her life, she proved to those around her that only thanks to true zeal in realizing her goals can real success and national glory be achieved. Surprisingly, she managed to always behave defiantly and frankly, which forced millions of fans to closely observe her activities. Maybe someone does not like her songs and music, but the fact that she is simply amazing in every manifestation is impossible to argue. We wish her further development in her profession and other areas and simple female happiness!

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