Riddles about the sky, earth and celestial bodies. And in winter and summer He is in summer and winter at least all


Both winter and summer AND WINTER AND SUMMER. Razg. All year round, always. He lived there constantly, both winter and summer, an old bee in a dugout, also my great friend(Aksakov. Memoirs). Yermolai walked both winter and summer in a yellowish nanke caftan of German cut(Turgenev. Yermolai and the miller's wife). Pyotr Vasilyich walked with a limp, with a long stick in his hand, winter and summer in a light, thin undercoat, similar to a cassock(M. Gorky. In people). BOTH WINTER AND SUMMER. After all, these trousers and shirt, indestructible, like chain mail, served you faithfully: they did not tear, they did not spread ... they served both in winter and in summer(M. Alekseev. Brawlers).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "In winter and summer" is in other dictionaries:

    Winter and summer in one color.- Winter and summer in one color. See SUFFICIENCY POORITY In winter and summer in one color (pine). See PLANT FARMING... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - AND WINTER AND SUMMER. Razg. All year round, always. He lived there constantly, both winter and summer, an old bee in a dugout, also a great friend of mine (Aksakov. Memoirs). Yermolai walked both winter and summer in a yellowish nanke caftan of German cut (Turgenev ...

    Winter and summer one color- Razg. Shuttle. What l. unchanged, permanent. SPP 2001, 79 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Winter and summer- one color joke. the nose of an alcoholic. rethinking. tree puzzles... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    Razg. Never. Entire generations of Pekshin people, not parting with an ax either in winter or summer, cut down, burned forests, cleared, planted scarce, sandy and rocky arable land (F. Abramov. Brothers and sisters) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    IN WINTER- WINTER, adv. During the winter, during the winter. In winter and summer in one color (a riddle about coniferous trees). Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    winter- adv., use. comp. often If something happens (happened) in winter, it means that something happens (happened) in the coldest time of the year (in December, January, February). We met in the winter, on New Year's holidays. | It wasn't very cold in winter, and… Dictionary of Dmitriev

    in summer- see: In winter and summer in one color ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.

No matter how much you drive, or walk,
You won't find the end here.

Cut - I endure
They break - I endure
I cry for everything.


Blue sheet
The whole world dresses.

Above the forest, above the mountains
The carpet unfolds.
He is always, always scattered
Above you and above me
He's gray, he's blue
He is bright blue.

sky and snow

Large sieve, blue sieve
Sows-breathes white fluff
To forests, houses, meadows.


What is higher than the fly
What is more beautiful than the world?

One morning slowly
Inflate a red balloon
And how to get out of hand
- It will suddenly become light around.

Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bakes?

good, good
Looks at all people
And people on themselves
Doesn't tell you to look.

blue handkerchief,
scarlet gingerbread man
Riding on a scarf
Smiling at people.

Walks across the sky
Painter without brushes
brown paint
Colors people.

Sun rays

Who enters the window
And doesn't break it?

sun bunny

I am always friendly with the world.
If the sun is in the window
I am from a mirror, from a puddle
I run up the wall.

Stars and sky

The carpet is spread
Scattered peas;
Do not lift the carpet
No peas to collect.

On blue ice
Silver grains are scattered.

On a black scarf
Millet is spilled
The rooster came
And pecking is not easy.

Stars and moon

Behind the countless flock
A tired shepherd walked at night.
And when the rooster crowed
The sheep and the shepherd fled.


Above grandma's hut
Hanging loaf of bread.
The dogs are barking
They can't get it.

Behind the house by the path
Hanging half a cake.

bagel, bagel,
Golden horns!
Cloud sat on his shoulders,
He dangled his legs from the cloud.

Now he is a pancake, then he is a wedge,
Alone in the sky at night.
Growing up, growing up
Was horned - became round.
Only suddenly a miracle circle
He suddenly became horny again.


In the blue station
Round girl.
She can't sleep at night
Looks in the mirror.

Decorated the night blue
silver orange,
And it's only been a week...
There was a piece left of him.

Milky Way

If you go out on a clear night,
Above you you will see
That road.
By day she
Not visible.


Sparks burn the sky
And they don't reach us.


Passes through the nose to the chest
And the way back keeps going
He is invisible and yet
We cannot live without it.


Run, run - do not run,
Fly, fly - do not fly.

He is both summer and winter -
Between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all your life -
He will be ahead.
The edge is visible
Don't come.


She's not too lazy to wander
By your side all day long.
It's worth the sun to set
How can you not find it.

You walk - lies ahead.
You look around - running home.

Where she runs, she does not know.
In the steppe - smooth,
In the forest - wandering,
Stumbles at the threshold.
What is this?..

Not alive, but walking
Motionless, but moving.

You go, you go
You won't find the end.

She walks between villages and fields,
And people keep following it.

Grandma wears a snow hat.
stone sides
Wrapped up in clouds.

In the hot summer I stand, I take out the winter with a hat.


It is both yellow and fluffy.
Heaped in the yard.
If you want, you can take
And play.


Leave - there will be more
You add - it will be less.

Run, run - do not run,
Fly, fly - do not fly.

He is both summer and winter -
Between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all your life -
He will be ahead.

The edge is visible
you won't come.

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.

Who in the year
Four times
Changing clothes?

How many do not go, do not go,
you won't find the end here.

Grandma wears a snow hat.
The stone sides are wrapped in clouds.

In the hot summer I stand
I take out the winter with a hat.

Where she runs, she does not know.
In the steppe is flat,
Wandering in the forest
Stumbles at the threshold.
What is this? …

Everyone knows her for a long time -
Waits obediently near the house,
Just go out the gate -
Wherever you want to lead.

If I got up
I would reach the sky.

Not alive - but walking
Motionless - but leads.

You walk - lies ahead,
You look around - running home.

Girded stone belt
Hundreds of cities and villages.

Similar to a stream
Leads a passer-by to the river.

Everyone tramples me
And I'm getting better.

It is both yellow and loose,
Heaped in the yard.
If you want, you can take
And play.

Passes through the nose to the chest
And the reverse is on its way.
He's invisible and yet
We cannot live without it.

Above the forest, above the mountains
The carpet is unraveling.
He is always, always scattered
Above you and above me
He's gray, he's blue
He is bright blue.

What is this ceiling?
He's low, he's high
Now he is gray, then whitish,
It's a little blue.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue!

Tortillas all over the pan,
Caravan in the middle.
(Sky, stars, moon)

The field is not measured
sheep are not counted
shepherd horned.
(Sky, stars, moon)

Carpet is laid
Scattered peas.
Do not lift the carpet
Do not collect peas.
(sky, stars)

Black swan across the sky
Scattered miracle grains.
Black white called -
White grain pecked.
(Night, stars, day)

On a black scarf
Millet is spilled
The cockerel came
And pecking is not easy.

white flowers
bloom in the evening
and fade in the morning.

The carpet is scattered
Scattered peas;
Do not lift the carpet
No peas to collect.
(Stars and sky)

Behind the countless flock
A tired shepherd walked at night.
And when the rooster crowed
The sheep and the shepherd fled.
(Stars and moon)

bagel, bagel,
Golden horns!
Cloud sat on his shoulders,
He dangled his legs from the cloud.

He is damn
Then he is a wedge
At night in the sky

Egor-Egorka fell into the lake,
Didn't drown myself
And he didn't stir up the water.

Growing up, growing up
Was horned - became round.
Only a circle, a miracle circle
He suddenly became horny again.

Decorated the night blue
silver orange,
And it's only been a week...
There was a piece left of him.

In the blue station
Round girl.
She can't sleep at night
Looks in the mirror.

white face,
Looks in all mirrors.

I walk in the sky at night
I dimly illuminate the earth.
I'm bored, I'm bored alone
And my name is...
(by the moon)

Sparks burn the sky
And they don't reach us.

If you go out on a clear night,
Above you you will see
That road.
By day she
Not visible.
(Milky Way)

Walks across the sky
Painter without brushes.
brown paint
Colors people.

Someone in the morning slowly
Blows up a red balloon
And how to get out of hand -
It will suddenly become light around.

red girl
Walks across the sky.

There is a scarlet ball in the blue bowl,
He is bright and hot.

one bonfire
The whole world is warm.

You warm up the whole world
And you don't know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...

At the door, at the window
It won't knock
And it will rise
And wake everyone up.

Sister visits brother
And he hides from her.
(Sun, month)


Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers: Book. for the teacher of children garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to guess riddles: A guide for the educator of children. garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.
Collection of riddles: A guide for the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.
A book for reading to children: from one to seven years. - Tula "Spring"; M.: Astrel: AST, 2005.

The section contains Russian folk riddles, as well as riddles by A. Artyukhova, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, A. Rozhdestvenskaya, O. Tarnopolskaya, V. Kremnev, V. Fetisov, E. Serova, T. Belozerov, I. Vorobyeva, L. Sandler, I. Demyanova.

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