Riddles about fabulous mothers. The Scarlet Flower


Svetlana Borisova
Fairytale game "Literary chest"

Literary chest

"Dear fairy tales"

Purpose: the formation of children's cognitive interest in folk art, literature, the expansion of their reader's horizons, the development of logical thinking, the ability to compare, generalize, analyze.

Materials: puzzles "Magic Door", Baba Yaga's mask, a bunch of brushwood (made of cardboard, a ball of riddles, a scarlet flower with tasks, an apple, a saucer, questions from Zmey Gorynych, tokens, awards for participants.

I welcome you guys!

Good afternoon and good hour!

I'm a bit of a magician

I know something about you.

Have you come to the Road of fairy tales?

Are you good friends?

And you, no doubt,

Love stories like me!

Well then, do not hesitate, immediately

Let's go hiking:

Us to the land of fairy tales

Adventure is calling!

Troubles occur

In our fairy forests:

The five-headed serpent roams there

His friends are there.

Nobody is missed

Everyone gets hurt badly.

We guys need urgently

curb the hooligans!

But getting into the country is not easy -

You need to be able to open the door.

The door is disassembled into pieces -

Lots of little parts!

(names of three children who will collect puzzles)

Collect them quickly.

The test begins

"Open the Magic Door"

Children (three people) assemble the Magic Door puzzle.

For the completed task, children receive tokens.

Well done! open door

We are in a wonderful country!

Let's hurry forward, friends -

An interesting fairy tale!

To the will of the forest at the edge

The little house stands

And the mistress of that hut

He looks at us from the window.

Who is this? Guessed?

Right! Grandma Yaga!

You didn't scare her?

She's not that strict!

Come on, together, come on together:

What do you need to say to the hut?

Children say:

hut, hut,

Turn your back to the forest, and your front to us.

Baba Yaga appears:

To you from Grandma Yaga -

These three things.

Don't lose them along the way

May be useful:

brushwood bundle for you,

little ball

And magical, fabulous

The Scarlet Flower.

In front of you is a dense forest,

There is no light in it.

Fairy tales are mixed up here ...

What will help them to know?

The test begins

"Magic ball"

The host reads riddles from the Magic Ball, the children guess the name of the fairy tale.

He shot his arrow, Is he simple? No problem-

He hurried after her. After all, he was always lucky

For a long time our Tsarevich wandered ... Honest people for fun

Where did he find the arrow? He went to the king on the stove.

(In the swamp; (Emelya;

R. n. With. "The Frog Princess") n. With. "At the command of the pike")

The merchant got a flower of all blush and whiter,

For my beloved youngest daughter. And the groom was found by her.

The kindness of a sweet girl But from the evil done

She turned the beast into a prince. She slept a long sleep.

(S. T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower") (princess; A. S. Pushkin

"The Tale of the Dead Princess

and about the seven heroes")

In the field at night he did harm, Clinged to the twig with his mouth

But Ivan was caught. And south with a flock of ducks.

And then, as a friend to him, I decided to show off -

Did a great service. And landed in a swamp.

(Sivka-Burka; (Frog; V. M. Garshin “Frog-

R. n. With. "Sivka-Burka") traveler")

Where he strikes with his hoof, -

Like a rainbow sparkles.

Get it together soon

A pile of expensive stones!

(goat Silver Hoof;

P. P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof")

Tokens are awarded to children who guess the hero and the fairy tale.

Though difficult riddles

Done in one go!

Thank you guys -

The magic forest became clean.

And behind the forest - that swamp,

And the water one sits in it,

And Kikimora-girlfriend

Lurked under water.

We all through the swamp

Need to get over.

No perches, no bridge...

What to do, brothers?

The test begins


We put perches on the floor,

We all stand on them in a chain,

Well, the last one is free

We pass it forward.

Children, passing the last free log to the first player, must move to a certain place in a certain time.

We passed the quagmire

though it was not easy,

And the villains got scared

And sped away!

No more travelers

Lure together into the swamp!

Well, it's time for us to go:

We are going to the magical garden.

There are a lot of flowers in it, guys,

But, alas, he is insidious:

From this scent

Immediately falls into deep sleep.

How many travelers tried

Pass through this garden!

No one was able to

Everyone fell asleep along the way.

There is only one remedy

To break the spell...

Did you guys guess?

Can someone advise?

(The Scarlet Flower)

The test begins

"The Scarlet Flower"

The facilitator invites the willing participant to choose a petal on the Scarlet Flower. On the petal is a mystery. The participant guesses the riddle and receives a token for the correct answer.

Quests for the Scarlet Flower

1. In Russian fairy tales there are animals - heroes.

Any adventure can fall to them.

Give us five such animals

And try to tell a story.

2. Every fairy tale has magic items.

Tell us more about it

List who used them in fairy tales.

If anything, the audience will help with a hint!

3. In many fairy tales, a miracle apple was found:

It rolled on a magic saucer.

Drop an apple on a saucer

And, as expected, at least once, but ride

4. And you can become an artist,

Imagine that you are Gorynych - a snake,

Depict him so that in the hall

Guys: Great! - said!

5. Remember how many wonderful cartoons,

Sing us a song from the cartoon soon!

Well, get started! No need to be shy -

Everyone in the room will clap for you!

6. You can easily cope with the task,

After all, in every Russian fairy tale there is a beauty!

Name us five Russian beauties,

Described by a skilled storyteller.

7. Your task is not quite simple:

Draw any hero for us

From a Russian fairy tale - so that everyone knows

Whom for them now portrayed!

8. Tell us a proverb, my friend!

If you don’t remember, ask the audience to help.

And, of course, don't forget

Explain to us what this phrase is about!

9. A lot of not only beautiful heroes,

But different villains are found in fairy tales.

You tell us about the villains, my friend, tell us,

Give us more names, describe them!

The garden is no longer dangerous to us,

Quite the contrary!

He will give only joy

To everyone who lives in that country!

That's such a miracle! That's so amazing!

We don't want to sleep anymore!

Leaving the beautiful garden

We will continue our path.

Oh! Do you hear guys?

There is a terrible roar!

This is the evil Serpent Gorynych

Raises five heads!

Only us to him, guys

Can't scare!

Courage, friendship and ingenuity

Help us here again!

The test begins

"Questions from the Serpent Gorynych"

Well! Let's fight the cunning Serpent

And, of course, we will win!

We will answer questions

Let's complete the path with victory!

1. Here is the desert, the world of longing

After all, there are only sands around!

Suddenly ... swam under the sky

A marvelous fleet under sail!

He disappeared - appeared in the sands

City in rainbow colors

Or stood over the dune

A gloomy row of sheer cliffs.

What is the name of this miracle -

Will you give me an answer? (Mirage)

2. The North was asleep, covered with ice.

Suddenly over the white snows

A beautiful fire shone

Colorful, bright, clear!

Decorating the snowy land

What shines, guess! (Northern lights)

3. The rivers are all striving for him.

It contains treasures.

Carries hundreds of ships

Feeding thousands of people!

although sometimes it is dangerous,

But it's always great!

Answer immediately:

What am I talking about now? (Sea)

4. Through the forest, fields, meadows

The arc has been thrown

The bridge is elegant, the bridge is beautiful -

Blue, green, red!

Who decides to go through it,

Can't find a way to her.

So what am I on about? What is the bridge?

After all, the answer is quite simple! (Rainbow)

5. In severe cold, he will warm,

The darkness can be driven away.

But don't play with him.

He might be dangerous!

If it breaks free -

Where there was a forest, leave the field!

That gives both heat and light,

Come on, give me an answer! (Fire)

For the correct answer, the participant is given a token.

There were many tests!

And I'll tell you, not melting:

You are excellent and brilliant

They did it, my friends!

Like any good fairy tale

Courage, friendship and kindness

Defeated all obstacles

Trials and evil!

All-all-all who live

In this fabulous land

Congratulations on your victory!

In memory of this day

They give you awards

Thanks from the bottom of my heart

Strong, smart, friendly, brave

And resourceful guys!

Member tokens are counted. Active participants are rewarded.


Hello girls.

Hello boys.

Answer me in chorus:

Do you love books?

(Children's answers.)


There is no better friend in the world

To dream together

Reveals something new

Let's unify the globe...

She any time

Will talk to me.

Pelagia: And if so, guys, then listen to the riddle.

Dear father, dear,

My beloved, dear

I don't need gold

I'm so rich.

Bring a small gift

I have a flower ... (scarlet).

The Scarlet Flower is one of the most beloved children's fairy tales. And wrote it Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (1791 - 1859).

He was born Ufa. His father served as a prosecutor, his mother belonged to the bureaucratic aristocracy. The boy spent his early years in the steppe estate of his grandfather, a well-born, although not very rich nobleman, after whose death the Novo Aksakovo estate passed to the father of the future writer.

In his childhood, his mother, Maria Nikolaevna, had a great influence on his son. Together with him, she shared his sorrows and joys, dispelled doubts and perplexities, acted as his adviser, strengthened his decisions and warned against rash acts.

The noble origin freed from the need to be drawn into "practical life", and "a lively, receptive boy turned exclusively to nature and his inner feeling and began to live in this world." In his love, he invested not only passion, but also the talent of a naturalist, which he undoubtedly possessed. Sergey knew how to establish the signs of the approach of spring, inquisitively watched how the birds built their nests and raised their offspring.

Early entered his inner world and folk poetry. Bewitched, he listened in the long winter evenings to the storyteller Pelageya, the housekeeper from the serfs. In her vast fairy tale repertoire there were not only all Russian fairy tales, but also many oriental ones. One of them - "The Scarlet Flower" - Seryozha not only learned by heart, but he himself said it, with all the jokes, antics, groans and sighs of Pelageya. Seryozha "mimicked" her so well that all the household members laughed. But none of them suspected that a truly acting talent lurked in the boy.

Folk songs and Christmas games left an indelible impression in the soul and memory of the boy. And, having become fond of reading, Seryozha began to read a lot. Imagination, already developed beyond its years, rushed into a new direction: he invented adventures similar to those he had read, and told them as authentic, as if they had happened to him. This desire to convey to others his impressions with accuracy and clarity of evidence, so important, necessary for the future writer, Seryozha apparently inherited from his mother, who owned a rare gift of words.

In 1800, Seryozha was assigned to the Kazan gymnasium. Here the literary aspirations of the young Aksakov were ardently supported by the teacher of literature. Soon came the passion for the theater.

From the autumn of 1804 he was a student at Kazan University. But Aksakov's life developed in such a way that he had to leave the university and move first to St. Petersburg, and then to Moscow. Having married in 1816, he decided to settle permanently in the countryside in order to take up farming. But unlike his grandfather and father, Sergei Timofeevich turned out to be a bad owner, and after 10 years with an overgrown family, he reappeared in Moscow and entered the service of the Moscow censorship office.

In the 30s, Aksakov had the opportunity to devote himself entirely to literary creativity, but fame came to him only in his declining years, when the Family Chronicle, Memoirs and Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson were published. The last book appeared with the Scarlet Flower appendix.

There are many miracles and outlandish things in this fairy tale. Here, a merchant brought wonderful gifts for his daughters because of the sea voyage. And what exactly, let's guess.

(The class is divided into two teams. Teams ask tasks and questions to each other, Pelageya can also help them.)

Competition "Guess the Riddles"

1st team

One daughter of a merchant

Got the gold... (crown).

2nd team

And the other, I tell you,

He gave something from crystal.

Throws back many years

And it's called... (toilet).

Pelagia:“He ordered to bring travel chests, iron-bound; he took out for his eldest daughter a golden crown, Arabian gold, does not burn on fire, does not rust in water, with semi-precious stones; takes out a gift for the middle daughter, a toilet for oriental crystal; takes out a gift for the younger daughter, a golden jug with a scarlet flower.

What kind of flower is he?

Competition "Flower"

(Each team draws a flower.)

The merchant handed out gifts, and there was a hidden sadness in his heart: someone needs to return to the terrible beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, to go of his own free will.

Competition "Speech"

1st team.

Pelagia: Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale and say: to whom is the merchant addressing?

“You will live in his palace, in wealth and great freedom; but where that palace is - no one knows, no one knows, and there is no way to it either on horseback, or on foot, or a jumping beast, or a migratory bird. We will not hear or hear from you, and even more so from us. And how can I live out my bitter age, not seeing your face, not hearing your affectionate speeches? I part with you forever and ever ... " (To younger daughter.)

2nd team

Pelagia: And to whom are the following lines addressed, and who pronounces them?

“If you are an old man, be my grandfather; if you are a middle-aged man, be my uncle; if you are young, be my brother, and as long as I am alive, be my heartfelt friend.”

(The youngest daughter addresses the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea.)

Competition "What is it about?"

1st team

“... stands in front of him ... carved, of pure gold, on crystal legs, with a canopy of silver, with fringe and pearl tassels; down jacket on it like a mountain lies, soft down, swan down. (About the bed.)

2nd team

"... and that there be such light from them as from a full month, as from a red sun, and that it be light from it in a dark night, as in the middle of a white day." (About semi-precious stones on the crown.)

Competition "Magic Item"

(Each team receives cards with drawn objects: a ring, a wand, a book, a bracelet, etc.

It is necessary to quickly find an object with the help of which the heroes of the fairy tale quickly found themselves in the palace of the beast of the forest miracle of the sea or in the merchant's house.

The first team to raise the correct card wins.)

Pelagia: Listen to an excerpt from a book that talks about this.

“You have my golden ring, put it on your right little finger and you will find yourself in the house of your dear father.”

Competition "Complete"


The words ran like a river

But on the way they suddenly stumbled ...

What word is missing?

Say it out loud.

1st team

  • Cute, good, pretty… (daughter).
  • Dense, impassable, impassable ... (forest).
  • Basurman, Turkish, Indian ... (robbers).
  • Tall, big, small... (fountains).

2nd team

  • Ugly, scary, furry ... (monster).
  • Wild, loud, hoarse… (voice).
  • Beautiful, terry, fragrant ... (flowers).
  • English, German... (watch).

Pelagia: Well, now each team will answer questions. (After each answer the children read an excerpt from the book.)

Competition "Question - answer"

1st team

  • How does the fairy tale begin?
  1. Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests, beyond the wide steppes...
  2. By the blue sea...
  3. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant, an eminent person.”

  • Which of the three daughters did the merchant love the most?
  1. Senior.
  2. Average.
  3. Junior.

“He loved the older daughters, and loved the younger daughter more, because she was the best of all and more affectionate to him.”

  • Why did the merchant go overseas?
  1. For trade matters.
  2. On a visit.
  3. View the world.

“So that merchant gathered for his trading affairs across the sea, far away lands, in the thirtieth kingdom, in the thirtieth state ...”

  • Who attacked the merchant's caravan?
  1. Forest animals.
  2. Oncoming caravan.
  3. Robbers.

“Here he is riding along the road with his faithful servants through loose sands, through dense forests, and, out of nowhere, robbers, Busurman, Turkish and Indian, flew at him ...”

  • What did the merchant see in the “dense, impassable and impassable forest”?
  1. Hut.
  2. Castle.
  3. Dugout.

“In the end, he comes out into a wide clearing, and in the middle of that wide clearing stands a house, not a house, a chamber is not a chamber, but a royal or royal palace, all in fire, in silver and gold and in semi-precious stones, all burning and shining, but there is no fire see; the sun is exactly red, it’s hard for the eyes to look at it.”

2nd team

  • Who lived in the palace?
  1. Cannibal.
  2. Beast of the forest, miracle of the sea.
  3. Giant with family.

“And it grew, as if from the ground, in front of the merchant, the beast is not a beast, a man is not a man, but some kind of monster, terrible and furry ...”

  • How long did the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, give the merchant to visit home?
  1. 1 day and 1 night.
  2. 2 days and 2 nights.
  3. 3 days and 3 nights.
  • What did merchant daughters do?
  1. They spun yarn.
  2. Embroidered on a hoop with silver and gold.
  3. They sewed clothes.

“There was noise and hubbub in the house, the daughters jumped up from behind their hoops, and they embroidered silk fly with silver and gold ...”

  • What cunning and unkind deed did the sisters do?
  1. Moved all the clocks in the house back an hour.
  2. They hid the ring.
  3. They drugged my sister with sleeping pills.

“... and they conceived a cunning deed, a cunning and unkind deed; they took and set all the clocks in the house a whole hour ago, and the honest merchant and all his faithful servants, the yard servants, did not know that.

  • What did the merchant's daughter call the owner of the palace?
  1. The owner is kind.
  2. Good, dear sir.
  3. Dear comrade.

"Are you here, my kind, beloved master?"


Many different numbers are found in a fairy tale, but only one is used most often. What is this number?

(Children's answers.)

Competition "Magic Troika"

(Teams take turns giving examples of episodes in which the number three is mentioned.)

  • And that merchant had three daughters.
  • “And I give you a period to think for three days, and then you will tell me what kind of gifts you want.”
  • “He sells his goods at exorbitant prices, buys other people’s goods at exorbitant prices ...”
  • "I give you time to stay at home for three days and three nights."
  • “I did not lose my great wealth, but I made three or four times the treasury.”
  • “If you don’t return in exactly three days and three nights, then I won’t be in this world ...”

Each word in a fairy tale is like pearls that do not age over the years, but sparkle brighter and brighter. And although some words are out of use, we can guess and explain their meaning.

Competition "Words of distant antiquity"

(Teams name five words that have long been out of use, and explain their meaning.)

  • “He had a lot of all sorts of wealth ... gold and silver treasury (money)».
  • “Do not bring me gold and silver brocade (silk cloth woven with gold or silver threads), ... nor Burmic pearls(pearls especially round and large)».
  • “... and you bring me toilet(mirror) from oriental crystal, whole, immaculate "
  • “... in gold and silver dishes viands(food) there are sugar…”
  • "He sat down at the table without confusion(no doubt, no fear)».
  • “The beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea ... and records from it manual(receipts) didn't take it."
  • “There was noise and hubbub in the house, daughters jumped up from behind their hoops, and they embroidered with silver and gold fly(wide towels) silk."
  • “Then they all sat down at oak tables, tablecloths(tablecloths woven with patterns)».
  • “... you will not rest alone, your girlfriend is waiting for you hay(maid)»
  • “... we will not let the wind blow on you venuti(breathe, blow)».
  • “... there is no answer anywhere, no greetings and no voices of obedience(answer voice)».

Blitz Tournament

1st team

  1. Where did the merchant go on business? (“Over the seas, beyond distant lands, into the thirtieth kingdom, into the thirtieth state.”)
  2. What command did he give to his daughters? (“To live ... honestly and quietly.”)
  3. What did he promise to bring? (Hotels.)
  4. Why did the merchant abandon “his rich caravans with their faithful servants”? (I was afraid of captivity-bondage.)
  5. Where did he run from the robbers? (To the dark woods.)
  6. Who did the merchant dream about on the first night spent in the palace? (Daughter.)
  7. Where did the scarlet flower grow? (In the garden, on a green hillock.)
  8. Who did the merchant see when he picked the flower? (Monster.)
  9. How did he get home? (He put the ring on the little finger of his right hand.)
  10. What was his deadline? (Three days and three nights.)

2nd team

  1. What was the golden crown, brought as a gift to the eldest daughter, decorated with? (Gems.)
  2. What is interesting about the “crystal toilet”? (“All the beauty of heaven is visible in it, and, looking into it, the girlish beauty does not grow old, but is added.”)
  3. What did the older daughters do after listening to their father's request to go to live with the forest beast, the miracle of the sea? (Absolutely refused.)
  4. What happened to the scarlet flower when the girl wanted to plant it in its original place? ("Flew out of her hands and adhered to the stem.")
  5. What cunning and unkind deed did the older sisters do? (Moved all the clocks in the house an hour ago.)
  6. Why would they do that? (Out of envy.)
  7. Where did the youngest daughter of the owner of the palace find when she returned from her parental home? (On a hillock, near a scarlet flower.)
  8. What broke the evil spell and disenchanted the prince? (Girl love.)
  9. How many years did the prince live as a terrible monster? (Thirty years.)
  10. How did the fairy tale end? (Wedding.)

Competition "Where there is a fairy tale, there is a saying"

(Teams take turns calling sayings from the text.)

  • "Neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen."
  • "Soon a fairy tale tells, not soon the deed is done."
  • "Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided."
  • “And they began to live, to live, to make good.”
  • “I myself was there, I drank beer and honey, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.”

(The results of the competitions are summed up, the winners are awarded. Then the children watch an excerpt from the cartoon.)


Here we are to part

the time has come.

See you soon!

And do not be sad, children,

That the holiday is over.

Under the vaults of heaven

Each kid has his favorite fairy tales and favorite fairy tale characters. Children are very fond of guessing riddles about fairy tales, remembering them together and guessing their favorite characters. In addition, since most of these riddles are written in verse form, children will train their memory by memorizing rhymes and develop their quick wits.

And if the baby finds it difficult to answer, then you can show him a picture or illustration and ask what fairy tale it is from. Thus, the child can easily learn to memorize information and prepare for school.

In this section you will read not only riddles about fairy tales, but also riddles about your favorite heroes of kids.

The fat man lives on the roof
He flies above all.
Answer: Carlson

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,
Gone a little:
Didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window...
Answer: golden cockerel

Snow sleigh Queen
She flew through the winter sky.
Touched the kid, casually.
Cold, unkind became ...
Answer: Kai

The swamp is her home.
The Waterman visits her.
Answer: kikimora

The man is middle-aged
Here with such a beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who is this?
Answer: Karabas-Barabas

Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
Answer: Three Bears

Jin-la-la - the titmouse sings!
This is a fairytale
Answer: Mitten
The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
Answer: Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf

From flour he was baked,
On sour cream was mixed.
On the window, he was chilling,
He rolled down the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And along the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat it
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't get away from her.
What is a fairy tale?
Answer: Kolobok

The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
Tears shed, poor thing!
Answer: Snow Maiden

Here is quite easy
Short question:
Who put it in the ink
wooden nose?
Answer: Pinocchio

She is the most important of all in a mystery,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.
Answer: mouse

My outfit is colorful,
My cap is sharp
My jokes and laughter
They cheer everyone up.
Answer: Parsley

My question is not hard at all.
It's about the Emerald City.
Who was the glorious ruler there?
Who was the wizard there?
Answer: Goodwin

Above my simple question
You won't spend a lot of energy.
Who is the boy with the long nose
Did you make it from a log?
Answer: Papa Carlo

He was born in Italy
He was proud of his family.
He's not just an onion boy
He is a reliable, loyal friend.
Answer: Chippolino

His father was captured by Lemon,
He threw dad into the dungeon...
Radish is a boy's friend,
I didn’t leave that friend in trouble
And helped me get free
To the father of the hero from the dungeon.
And everyone knows without a doubt
The hero of these adventures.
Answer: Chippolino

I went to visit my grandmother
She brought the pies.
The Gray Wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed.
Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

Far away on the warm sea
Suddenly a boy appeared
Wooden, with a long nose,
They created a book about him.

There are many adventures in the book.
That boy experienced
golden magic key
He finally got it.

Turtle Tortilla
This key was given
And another boy met
Good loyal friends.

Although he had a hard time -
Karabas was defeated.
What was that book called?
Will you tell me now?
Answer: The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio
And a hare and a wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.
Answer: Dr. Aibolit

He lived in a dugout for thirty-three years,
And went fishing in any weather.
Yes, his old wife scolded him openly
For a broken, worthless trough.
He had a conversation with the mistress of the sea,
And she fulfilled three wishes of her grandfather.
And when I got angry, I rebelled -
The blue sea turned black, agitated.
Call me with a smile!
- This is a story about...
Answer: Fisherman and fish
(A.S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".)

He is a robber, he is a villain
His whistle scared people.
Answer: nightingale the robber

Like Baba's Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Answer: Mortar

There once lived a merchant
respected widower.
He was fabulously rich
but he is not happy with his treasury.
He did not see any use in the treasury,
if the heart is lonely.
Traded all the same until the night
for three beautiful daughters.
Their outfits for selection -
gold embroidered pattern.
Like swans swim
the conversation is like a thread.
The older ones, though more brisk,
the younger one is dearer to the merchant.
One day the merchant was going
and went beyond the sea
for some interest:
for profit al gain.
For a long time he was across the sea,
finally came home.
He brought gifts for his daughters.
The eldest - bright stones.
Younger, hiding in a bundle,
Answer: scarlet flower
(S.T. Aksakov, "The Scarlet Flower".)
This fabulous hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.
Answer: Puss in Boots

Sweet apple flavor
Lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And light around, as in the daytime.
Answer: Firebird

Remember the story quickly
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Snow Queen
Freeze your heart
But the girl is tender
The boy was not abandoned.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food, bed.
She went to help a friend.
What is the name of his girlfriend?
Answer: Gerda

They are always together everywhere
Animals - "nerazleyvoda":
Him and his furry friend
Joker, bear Winnie the Pooh.
And if it's not a secret
Please give me an answer:
Who is this cute fat man?
Piggy mom's son...
Answer: Piglet

This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees chased the flies.
bear name,
Certainly, - ...
Answer: Winnie the Pooh

This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone to the full,
That by itself she
Full of delicious food.
Answer: Self-assembly tablecloth
Mother's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Good, little one!
The little girl was about an inch tall.
If you've read a fairy tale
Do you know the daughter's name?
Answer: Thumbelina

Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
The post office is by the river.
The postman in it is an uncle ...
Answer: Pechkin

He loves to eat sandwiches
Not like everyone else, on the contrary,
He is in a vest, like a sailor.
Call the cat, tell me how?
Answer: Matroskin

What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog Bug
Helped grandpa and grandma
Have you harvested root crops?
Answer: turnip

That fairy tale is full of miracles,
but the worst of all is one -
who slew the pestilence of all in the palace.
The royal court became immovable.
The dark forest rose like a fence,
closing the review.
And there is no passage in more often
the palace for three hundred years.
Did you read the story, perhaps?
Answer: sleeping princess
gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
Answer: Emelya

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …
Answer: Bear

From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl?
Answer: Cinderella

Evening would soon come
And the long-awaited hour has come,
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.
Answer: Cinderella

She was an artist
Beautiful like a star
From evil Karabas
She ran away forever.
Answer: Malvina
Harmonica in hand
On top of a cap,
And next to him is important
Cheburashka is sitting.
Friends portrait
Turned out great
On it Cheburashka,
And next to him...
Answer: Crocodile Gena

Self-confident, though clumsy,
And by nature he is a big nerd,
Come on, guess him,
Known to everyone by the name…
Answer: Dunno

Among the flowers
in the shade of the leaves
there lived a boy
over five years.
All day its long
flew on a bee.
flower nectar
he loved very much.
And under the moon
sometimes at night
he danced with Moshka
yes beat in the palms.
Who is this handsome man?
Answer: Tom Thumb

The arrow of the young man hit the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!
And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.
The bride's name is...
Answer: Princess Frog

Thumbelina groom blind
Lives all the time underground.
Answer: Mole

Bought a samovar
And the mosquito saved her.
Answer: Fly Tsokotukha

She was a dwarf's friend
And, of course, you know.
Answer: Snow White

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
Tried to push him away.
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan.
Answer: ugly duck

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children?
Answer: seven kids

Once upon a time in a dense forest
The house grew up under ... (bush).
Happy scratching mouse
And green... (frog).

Glad and runaway
Long-eared ... (bunny).

Nothing that is small
Fur house -
And the boar got there,
And the fox and... (bear).
There was enough space for everyone.
What a wonderful... (house).

Jin-la-la - the titmouse sings!
This is a fairytale "…"


Once upon a time there were seven guys -

White little... (kids).

Mom loved them

Milk... (drank).

Here teeth click and click,

Gray appeared... (wolf).

Put on a white skin

Like a goat, that beast sang:

- Open up, kids... (door).

Your mother has come

Milk for you... (brought).

We will answer without prompting,

Who managed to save the guys.

We know this from a fairy tale:

"... And........... ........".

("The wolf and the seven Young goats".)

Masha is sitting in a box,

She is far... (looks).

Who bears her answer,

Quick steps?

And carries it... (bear)

Together with... (pies).

The path is not close

Far way.

Misha wants... (relax).

Sit on a stump

And a ruddy pie

On the way to... (eat).

Spent it baby

He will be smarter in the future.

Here we have a book

It is "... and...".

("Masha and the Bear.")

Ga-ha-ha - green meadow

Birds go... (one by one).

The blue river splashes

The sun is setting:

"Don't rush to eat us yet,

Redhead... (fox).

Eat us later, eat us later

Give us a song... (let's sing)".

Ah, like a song of debt,

Heard only... (ha-ha-ha).

The fox waits for many years

And the end of the song... (No).

That's how grandmother's birds are

In the tale of that "... and ...".

("The Fox and the Geese")

Cups three and three beds

There are also three chairs, look

And tenants here indeed

Lives straight... (three).

As you can see, it's immediately clear:

Visit them... (dangerous).

Run away, little sister

Fly out the window like... (bird).

Run away! Well done!

So, the whole fairy tale ... (end).

Fedya reads in syllables:

This is a fairytale "... ............".

("Three Bears".)

Who loved to play and sing?

Two mice - Cool and ... (Twirl).

Who woke up the mice in the morning?

Who's at the mill... (walked)?

Did you grind a sack of flour?

This is Petya... (cockerel).

He baked a lot of pies

And asked friends from strictly:

- What did you do, mice,

From dawn to... (sunset)?

Having fun all day

You had to work... (laziness)!

Now sit down at the table.

No, try hard first.

And read "........".


It was baked from flour

It was mixed with sour cream.

On the window, he was chilling,

Along the way he... (rolled).

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sings... (sang),

Bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and brown... (Bear).

And when the baby is in the forest

Met a redhead... (Lisu),

I couldn't get away from her.

What is a fairy tale?



In the garden, near the hut,

The harvest grows rich.

They sit on the beds densely

Turnip, beets and... (cabbage).

And they burn like the sun

Yellow... (sunflowers).

Who is puffing in the garden there?

Who is this grandfather from?

Run away without... (looking back),

And after him and the grandmother after?

The granddaughter went out into the garden:

"Where's the scary beast... (live)?"

I looked under the leaf

He sees - there lies a ball.

He is completely covered in gray needles,

Who is this? This - ... (hedgehog).

From the edges came the forest

Beast prickly in a fairy tale "...".


Far away on the warm sea

Suddenly a boy appeared

Wooden, with a long nose,

They created a book about him.

There are many adventures in the book.

That boy experienced

golden magic key

He finally got it.

Turtle Tortilla

This key was given

And another boy met

Good loyal friends.

Although he had a hard time -

Karabas was defeated.

What was that book called?

Will you tell me now?

("The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

He lived in a dugout for thirty-three years,
And went fishing in any weather.
Yes, his old wife scolded him openly
For a broken, worthless trough.
He had a conversation with the mistress of the sea,
And she fulfilled three wishes of her grandfather.
And when I got angry, I rebelled -
The blue sea turned black, agitated.
Call me with a smile!
- It's a story about...

(Fisherman and fish.)
(A.S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".)

In this fairy tale the king is on the needle
planted a gift - a bird.
If the circle of the capital is peaceful,
she sits quietly on the tower.
But only a little from the side
the smoke of war will pull towards them,
she screams, she screams
and turn back to that place.
The enemy is beaten from all sides.
Who rejoices? ...

(King Dadon.)
Remember the name goodwill.
Whose gift? ...

He gave the king from a bag

King Dadon would rule for a long time,
not suffering from war damage,
The maiden brought the king into the coffin -

(A.S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)

There once lived a merchant
respected widower.
He was fabulously rich
but he is not happy with his treasury.
He did not see any use in the treasury,
if the heart is lonely.
Traded all the same until the night
for three beautiful daughters.
Their outfits for selection -
gold embroidered pattern.
Like swans swim
the conversation is like a thread.
The older ones, though more brisk,
the younger one is dearer to the merchant.
One day the merchant was going
and went beyond the sea
for some interest:
for profit al gain.
For a long time he was across the sea,
finally came home.
He brought gifts for his daughters.
The eldest - bright stones.
Younger, hiding in a bundle,

(Scarlet flower.)
(S.T. Aksakov, "The Scarlet Flower".)

There lived two sisters.
That one is lazy, this one is a craftswoman.
One day, to get a bucket,
They had to climb into the well, to the bottom.
Met different divas there
And the owner of those beautiful places.
Who visited - that's the question,
Hiding in a well...

(Father Frost.)
Then they got out,
To the spring warmth from the cold.
Open boxes with joy.
At Lenivitsa - snow yes ...

And in the other box there are no snowballs,
Grandfather gave the craftswoman...

(V.F. Odoevsky, "Moroz Ivanovich".)

That fairy tale is full of miracles,
but the worst of all is one
who slew the pestilence of all in the palace.
The royal court became immovable.
The dark forest rose like a fence,
closing the review.
And there is no passage in more often
the palace for three hundred years.
Did you read the story, perhaps?

("The Sleeping Princess")
For a young princess
so terrible witches wicked
punishment for offence:
the dream struck down the king and his retinue.
Woke up, climbing into the forest,
young man the whole royal court!
Again the talk is here, fuss,
as usual in the middle of the day.
Who reached such heights?
Well, of course, ...

(King's son.)
(V.A. Zhukovsky, "The Sleeping Princess".)

Among the flowers
in the shade of the leaves
there lived a boy
over five years.
All day its long
flew on a bee.
flower nectar
he loved very much.
And under the moon
sometimes at night
he danced with Moshka
yes beat in the palms.
Who is this handsome man?

(Tom Thumb.)
(V.A. Zhukovsky, "A boy with a finger".)

There is no order in this story.
On the road without looking back
utensils run from the house,
and rattles and rattles.
Oh, let's go where
table, pot, frying pan?
Who shouts to them: "Oh-oh!
Come back home"?
Who is behind them along the fence
jumping? ...

(Grandmother Fedor.)
promises to love them
and wash off all the dirt.
Crying dirty dishes:
- Oh, without cleaning we are so bad!
But they decide so be it
Forgive the old grandmother.
They ask to clean them with sand,
wash their sides with boiling water.
The cups will become again
shining like the sun!
(K. Chukovsky, "Fedorino grief".)

In this story the hero
Not like you and me.
Small in stature,
He's not strong, he's not good.
Somehow the guy was blown away by the wind,
Sneaked across the river...
Here's the problem - the legs were hurt.
How can they run along the path?
How to get home on time
Unhealthy, sick?
Throw up your mind,
Who is this? ...

(V.V. Bianchi, "Like an ant hurried home".)

"Mom can do anything!" I have collected for you a large collection of riddles about the heroes of fairy tales. Try to guess them all together with the children. These riddles are suitable for both solving at home and for a matinee in kindergarten.

On this page you will find riddles about both the heroes of Russian fairy tales and foreign ones. Choose the ones you like and guess them for your child. Train your kid's memory and intelligence. Have a good mood!

Beware of any disease:
Flu, sore throat and bronchitis.
Calls you all to fight
Glorious Doctor... (Aibolit)

From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again
Who, tell me, is this girl? (Cinderella)

About the princess you have a riddle:
She needed a bed
With a hundred brand new mattresses.
I tell you without embellishment.
kind, good
Princess on the Pea)

Though he was steadfast and brave,
But he did not survive the fire.
The youngest son of a tablespoon,
He stood on a strong foot.
Not iron, not glass
There was a soldier (tin)

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? (Bear)

Baba beat - did not break.
Weak woman's strength!
Yes, the grandfather could not break it either.
After all, he is a hundred years old at lunchtime.
They called a norushka -
She broke like a toy
And ran down the stairs.
What did you break? … (Egg)

Baba beat - did not break,
Grandfather hit - did not break.
Baba was very sad.
Who helped the grandmother?
The little girl ran into the house.
Instantly broke the egg (Mouse)

Mother's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Good, little one!
The little girl was about an inch tall.
If you've read a fairy tale
Do you know the daughter's name? (Thumbelina)

A house appeared in the field.
Settled in that house:
A mouse named Norushka,
And the frog Kvakushka,
Hedgehog, Fox and Bunny.
And also shaggy Mishka
Later he settled here.
What is the name of the house?
Smoke curls over the chimney.
This house is ... (Teremok)

Your home in the winter, in the cold
She made ice.
But the house stood beautifully in the cold,
In the spring it turned into a puddle.
The bast house was built by Zaika.
Now, reader, remember
Who drove the Rooster into the forests?
Who deceived the Hare? (Fox)

Grandfather and grandmother lived together
They blinded a daughter from a snowball,
But the campfire is hot
Turned a girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog
Beetle Grandfather and woman helped,
Have you harvested root crops? (Turnip)

They are always together everywhere
Animals - "nerazleyvoda":
Him and his furry friend
Joker, bear Winnie the Pooh.
And if it's not a secret
Please give me an answer:
Who is this cute fat man?
The son of a mother pig - ... (Piglet)

This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees chased the flies.
bear name,
Of course - ... (Winnie the Pooh)

He played cards with his wife
He got angry and said:
"You're crazy, Goat!
You beat the ace with a nine!
And swept all the cards to the floor.
Who scolded the goat? (Goat)

She taught Pinocchio to write,
And she helped to find the golden key.
That doll girl with big eyes
Like an azure sky, with hair,
On a pretty face - a neat little nose.
What is her name? Answer the question. (Malvina)

For smart brains
He went to town with his friends.
The barrier didn't scare me.
He was a daredevil ... (Scarecrow)

Grandma lives in the forest
Herbs-potion collects,
The floor in the hut is swept with a broom.
In a mortar it flies through the sky,
From the bone of her leg.
This woman's name is ... (Yaga)

Pies are in a basket.
Rushed down the path
The girl is running.
Dark forest all around.
I met a wolf there.
And he doesn't really know
How can he quickly
Was at the door
And lay down in bed, rogue?
What is the girl's name? (Little Red Riding Hood)

Here is quite easy
Short question:
Who put it in the ink
wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

The turtle is three hundred years old.
She is no longer older.
And she told
The secret that I knew
And which she kept
Pinocchio gave the key:
“Here it is, the golden key.
Open the door to the city of Happiness.
I'll stay here in the pond."
What is the turtle's name? (tortilla)

He is always like a day of jam,
Celebrates a birthday
Pressing a button on the pants,
To take flight
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy in his prime.
Who is he? Give me an answer. (Carlson)

Remember the story quickly
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Snow Queen
Freeze your heart
But the girl is tender
The boy was not abandoned.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food, bed.
She went to help a friend.
What is the name of his girlfriend? (Gerda)

This fabulous hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

What is this old woman's name?
The grandmother asks for a hut:
"Unfold your facade:
To me - in front, to the forest - ass!
Stomp with a bone foot.
Call grandma ... (Yago)

Who walked the streets
spoke Turkish,
And when I was hungry
Swallowed the sun in the sky?
This is greedy ... (Crocodile)

Even first graders know this.
That Cheburashka has a big friend,
He sings songs to the harmonica.
Everyone will name a friend. (Crocodile Gena)

Who knows this fairy tale from childhood,
Understand what I'm talking about
What vehicle
Emelya brought to the king? (Bake)

I ended up in a strange forest
marvelous forest
I'm here with the rabbit.
Do you know what my name is? (Alice)

A gray bunny is crying
Crying clumsy bear
Cry wolf and sparrow:
“Sun, come out soon!
Who swallowed the sun?
Greedy, fat ... (Crocodile)

Lying on a plate
How cool - and ran away.
He met animals in the forest,
To his misfortune - a fox.
She got a tooth
Round, delicious ... (Kolobok)

At the first frost
On the first snow
Who rides on the stove
Lying on your side? (Emelya)

Pooh with Piglet
He invited to his house.
Two friends planted at the table
Long-eared, kind ... (Rabbit)

Though he insists that he is a master,
I got into trouble more than once,
He's just a big nerd
And his name is ... (Dunno)

His father was captured by Lemon,
He threw dad into the dungeon ...
Radish is a boy's friend,
I didn’t leave that friend in trouble
And helped me get free
To the father of the hero from the dungeon.
And everyone knows without a doubt
The hero of these adventures. (Cipollino)

Dishes lasted a long time
And I decided: "Let's get out of here!"
Even the spoons are gone and the glasses,
And only cockroaches remained.
Everyone left her, indiscriminately.
The name of this slut is ... (Fedora)

Live in peace, capital,
Watch both day and night carries
On a spire a golden bird
And the enemy will not approach secretly.
The city was surprised by the bird.
The bird left its stock,
Dadon was punished with a bird.
Who pecked the king? (Cockerel)

Malvina has a true friend.
If someone offends suddenly,
He will protect his girlfriend
Brave poodle ... (Artemon)

Leaving, mother asked
Don't open to anyone
But the children opened the door!
The toothy beast deceived -
Sang my mother's song.
Who then ate the goats? (Wolf)

Fat brothers lived
All three noses are patches.
Big brother is smarter than everyone
The house was built from stones.
Answer it guys
Who are those brothers? ... (Piglets)

The telephone rang in the apartment.
Papa Elephant spoke to me,
Asked for chocolate. More pud!
Tell me, where did he call from? (from camel)

The guests will knock, the guests
He will ask the question:
"Who's there?" That is a chick.
Guess what's his name? ... (Hvatayka)

Ivan the Humpbacked Horse told
How to catch a bird.
And gave him advice:
“You can burn your hand, you need a mitten,
It burns like fire and like the sun ... "(Firebird)

What kind of house on the edge
Gave shelter to the Hedgehog, Frog,
Mouse, Hare, Rooster?
House with a chimney at the top
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
This house is ... (Teremok)

He is a lover of cleanliness.
Did you wash yourself in the morning?
If not, then the order
He will give washcloths immediately,
Terrible strict commander
Washbasin ... (Moydodyr)

Riddles about the heroes of foreign fairy tales

Carlson lived in a small house,
His house is above the roofs.
Carlson was friends with the boy,
Called him... (Kid)

The fox house was made of ice.
The sun came out - suddenly the water.
From the bast house
Liska kicked out the oblique one.
Is this story familiar to you?
Who drove the fox out of the house? (Rooster)

Mukha bought a samovar.
Flea was invited to visit.
These guests fled
When the fly was thrown into the net
Evil, nasty old man.
Call the villain - ... (Spider)

Aibolit treated in the forest
Wolf, rabbit, fox.
On a mare suddenly a jackal
Jumped with a telegram.
And where, taking a bag,
The Doctor has begun his voyage? (To Africa)

“Let me, Alyonushka, sister,
Drink from this puddle!”
"Don't drink, Ivanushka, trouble
Yaga has poisoned the water!”
But he did not listen to his sister,
He bent down and… took a sip of water.
The brother was a boy. Child
Who has become now? Who is he? (Kid)

Zhenya, pulling a petal,
She said: "To the east,
North, west, and south
You fly, and after finishing the circle,
Make a miracle, petal!
What is the magical name of the flower? (Flower-seven-flower)

There was fun at the table
And the house was full of guests.
An evil spider grabbed a fly,
Twisted the web.
That would be the end of the fly
Yes, the daring one has arrived!
No mercy for the spider:
Sharp saber on the side
And in the hands - a flashlight.
Saved the fly ... (Komarik)

How the cold came
The house was made of ice.
The sun shone day by day
And this house melted.
She kicked out the oblique
From the bast house.
But a rooster came with a scythe -
Again in the house oblique.
Who is in the distant forests
Gone forever? (Fox)

The fox asks the crane:
"Give me a sip of water to drink!"
Crane was known to be cunning,
With a narrow end gave the jug.
The fox's nose didn't get through.
With that, I had to close the issue.
A day, another has flown by
Crane wanted to drink.
What is Kuma Fox made of
Did you give the crane a drink? (From a saucer)

Who ran across the bridge
Did you tear off a leaf from a maple tree?
It's a goat from a fairy tale.
Her name is ... (Dereza)

Just walking down the road
And I found a penny
I bought myself a samovar
I gave tea to all the beetles.
Who is the young mistress?
This is ... (Fly-Tsokotuha)

He's not a soft toy
And from a fairy tale an animal.
He worked at the zoo
And lived with a crocodile.
The fur on him is like a shirt.
The name of the beast is ... (Cheburashka)

He is an actor in Karabas.
He is sad, but he is not a crybaby.
And there is a reason for sadness -
He likes Malvina.
Even more! He is in love.
He composes poems for her,
I took paper and pen.
What is the poet's name? (Pierrot)

The hero of that fairy tale is famous
In a butter hat. He is iron!
He is bold, brave, with an axe.
But only, that's the trouble, while
Afraid of water. Just laugh!
Hero - ... (Tin Woodman)

He whispers: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid ..."
He is the King of Beasts and he is also a coward?
Give Goodwin courage. Osmelev,
The coward will begin to growl ... (Lion)

The boy grew up in a pack of wolves
He considers himself a wolf
Friends with a bear and a panther,
He is agile and bold. (Mowgli)

Smoke, smoke all around!
Who runs with a big bucket
Who with a tub ... What a nightmare!
Whose house is on fire?
Burned whose tail a little?
Pogorelec - aunt ... (Cat)

Snow sleigh Queen
She flew through the winter sky.
I accidentally touched the little one.
He became cold, unkind ... (Kai)

A piece of ice hit the heart
And the boy became impudent and prickly.
He sat down in the sleigh of the Queen, and she
He was carried away to the realm of snow and ice.
And Gerda, the boys friend,
A friend went to search.
Found him. She asked: "Thaw,
Frozen heart! Wake up, honey…” (Kai)

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