Read a conspiracy on a coin. Money spells, Wealth spells, Money spells


Every modern person desires and strives to have enough money to live comfortably. But it is not always possible to earn such an amount that is necessary.

In this case, a coin plot comes to the rescue. The coin is the best item to attract profit. It is from one coin, or in the old way, money, that wealth begins to take shape. There are many rituals to attract money, which should be carried out according to the rules.

Many rituals for money are recommended to be repeated periodically, since the property of the old charmed coin ceases to operate at some point and the next one needs to be spoken to replace it. Many rituals involve the preservation of the first large proceeds, as it will be a talisman and attract new large incomes.

Financial conspiracies allow people not only to get big money and create wealth, but also to conduct commercial transactions profitably.

You can find financial rituals aimed at the profitable and successful acquisition of new things, including clothes. After carrying out such a conspiracy, the performer has to wait for some kind of income, which is intended for the purchase of new things. Of course, the speaker needs concentration to carry out such a ritual.

Rules for holding

The people know many rituals that attract money, but in order to use magic, you must strictly follow the rules for the ceremony and all the nuances. Financial rituals aimed at obtaining wealth are best done on the growing moon. It is desirable to get rid of debts on a decreasing basis. Coin conspiracies should be carried out exclusively on oneself - it is simply unacceptable to seek help from magicians or third parties.

It is recommended to attract wealth on the day of the growing moon - in its morning hours or in the evening after dawn. Only the performer should know about the ceremony. If other people find out about this action, unpleasant consequences may arise. The presence of strangers at the time of the conspiracy is prohibited, even close people are not allowed to know about it, and even more so, to be present during its implementation.

Coins attract wealth

In most cases, coin conspiracies are carried out without the participation of additional magical means, but there are exceptions. So, one ancient rite involves the use of two buckets and water. The ceremony should be performed at home, while it is recommended to close the windows, windows and doors, as well as completely turn off the lights.

One metal bucket is filled with scooped water, a coin is placed in another. At the moment of casting the spell, water should be poured from one bucket to another without spilling the water.

Conspiracy on a coin and buckets

“A wide river flows, a deep river flows, a circle of a clean field, a circle of Alatyr-stone, the river carries mighty water, boiling water, to every beast, every grass for life. So it would be with me, servants of God (name), gold-silver flowed like a river, washed the thresholds, filled the corners, the child - there I got stronger, the old people belongings, people for profit. My words are bound with iron, they cannot be pierced with a knife, they cannot be chopped with an ax, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After the ceremony, the coin must be put in the wallet and never removed from there.

Another rite to attract wealth is read for 5 rubles or 5 kopecks. On the day of the growing moon, 5 kopecks are spoken with a prayer and put into a wallet.

Conspiracy "For 5 rubles"

“I’m going to trade as a merchant, I’m returning on a sable, well done. I'm bringing home the treasure. Give, God, so much money, So that there is nowhere to put it. Amen."

The magical effect persists for a month, then you should take a new 5 kopeck coin and speak it in the same way.

Another ceremony for 5 kopecks is carried out differently. A hole is dug under the aspen, a nickel is put there, spoken and buried. The conspiracy is held on an even day of the full moon.

Rituals with a silver coin have the best result - they allow you to get wealth.

To conduct a wealth ritual with a silver coin, you will need a deep bowl. Half the bowl is filled with spring water, where a silver coin is then immersed. The ceremony is performed on a full moon with a cloudless clear sky. The bowl is set in such a way that the moonlight is reflected in the water. Symbolic movements are made above the water, as if hands are scooping up liquid silver, and words are spoken three times, then water is poured onto the ground. The coin goes into the wallet.

Conspiracy "For 5 rubles" on the full moon

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse cannot gnaw you, grind a worm, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen."

What can happen

Rituals with the help of a coin that attract money and good luck are white magic, so they do not cause consequences. However, there may be exceptions if the ceremony was not performed according to the rules. In this case, magic can have the opposite effect. So, conducting a ceremony to receive a large amount, and, violating the sequence of its actions, you may soon not make a profit, but lose your existing state.

With excessive use of magic, when the performer cannot get enough of the available funds and wants to get more, the consequences can affect other aspects of a person’s life, for example, negatively affect his health or destroy family relationships.

Video: Conspiracy for a coin

Everyone needs money. There is no such person who would not dream of getting rich. Therefore, magical rituals and conspiracies to attract money have become so popular. They belong to white magic, so they can not harm anyone. A plot for good luck and attracting money is often performed using a coin. They, being in many wallets, are charged with powerful monetary energy. And magical conspiracies make this energy work for good luck and attracting "their own kind."

A plot for good luck and attracting money is often performed using a coin.

A conspiracy on a clean saucer and a coin

To turn into a magnet and constantly attract good luck and money will help a conspiracy on a coin. To perform this ritual, you must:

  • Take a clean saucer and put a coin on the bottom.
  • Sprinkle wheat grains on top and cover with a damp handkerchief.
  • After three days, the first shoots will appear. They should say the following words:

    “Our mother, you provide food for babies and the elderly, and the poor, and the noble family. From a grain you give 10, and 1, and 20. Send good luck to me, the Lord's slave, so that money is born, like this sprouted grain of wheat. As it grows day and night, so they will increase, and they will feed the family, your blessing to me, Lord.

Monetary incomes will multiply and grow, just as wheat sprouts increase.

Spell for 5 kopecks

A conspiracy for a coin works well, which is performed on the full moon. To carry it out you need:

  • take a five-kopeck coin;
  • stand at the window and, looking at the moon, read the plot:

    “I’m going to the market as a merchant, I’m flying in as a young falcon, having wealth with me, send me, Lord, so that everyone has enough. Amen!";

  • repeat this slander three times, holding a coin in your right hand, and with your left, perform circular movements in a clockwise direction.

After completing all the elements of the ritual, you need to wash your hands in salt water. After that they go to sleep. In order for the ritual to work, it is necessary to store this bewitched coin for 30 days. Then you should spend it by buying something you need. If nothing can be bought with this coin, then it is added to the money that is in the wallet. And at the onset of the next new moon, make a conspiracy on a coin, already another, again.

To constantly have money, you can perform a ritual using yellow coins. They should be put under the rays of the sun and a love spell should be read out loud three times:

“The sun will shine with gold, which warms the earth. Here you are, penny, ignite with a golden fire, bring wealth.

After that, you must leave. The coin must be exposed to the sun for 12 hours. Subsequently, it must be carried in a wallet without spending on purchases.. This coin plot attracts good luck and money. It helps you get rich.

To constantly have money, you can perform a ritual using yellow coins.

When buying a new wallet, so that money is not transferred to it, the following ritual should be performed:

  • Put a small coin in your wallet.
  • Go to the spring, if it is not there, then you can go to the river.
  • You need to put your hands in the river, and then lightly sprinkle your wallet with drops of water. This should be done so that one drop remains on the coin in the wallet.
  • After that, the following slander should be read three times:

    “Vodichka in the river (spring) flows not to end. And money comes to my wallet, for my wealth, for all the good.

  • After the words of the conspiracy have been read three times, the coin must be spent during the first 30 days.

Full moon conspiracy

The following conspiracy for money must be performed on the full moon. Coins are laid out on the windowsill so that the moonlight illuminates them. Three times you need to read the words out loud:

“Moon princess, you are made of silver, gold, you grow up and increase. Direct the reflections of the moon on my pennies so that there is a cash gain. Moonlight gives strength to a coin, fills the house, adds wealth.

The coin must be charged by moonlight for 12 hours. The charmed coins are kept in a wallet. You can't use them for 30 days. Such a ritual will attract cash flow. After a month, these coins are spent, and the ritual is repeated with the next coins with the onset of the next full moon.

Water ritual for good luck

There is a ritual for good luck and luck, which must be performed during the growing moon and in solitude. To complete it, you need to take a copper coin and two buckets. Buckets can be anything. The door to the room should be closed and the lights off. The ritual is performed in the morning or in the evening. It is quite efficient and effective:

  • The coin is lowered into an empty container (bucket).
  • Another bucket is filled with water, which is called silent, that is, typed alone and silently. It is good to use undrawn water. This is water drawn from a well, from which no one took it for 12 hours.
  • Water must be carefully poured from a full bucket into an empty one and read the following text three times:

    “A long river flowed, a clean field around, a mighty stream of water rushes in the river, suitable for all animals, blades of grass for life. If only gold and silver would flow into my bins, wealth would fill the house. Words are forged with iron, a strong knife will not pierce, money is called into the wallet.

  • After the words have been read three times, the coin is removed from the bucket and kept constantly in your wallet. Under no circumstances should it be wasted. Loss will weaken the spell, and the ritual will have to be repeated with a new coin.

For a ritual for good luck and luck, you need to take a copper coin and two buckets

Conspiracy of a five-ruble coin

To perform this ritual, you need to find an aspen. Dig a small hole underneath. You need to put a coin in it and sprinkle it with earth. This action is performed on the full moon. The calendar day must be even. With this action, the following conspiracy is read:

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. How can a mouse not be able to gnaw you, grind a worm, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen!".

You can say words to your wallet that will attract a powerful cash flow into it. Must read:

“Hello king of copper, silver and gold. Hello and live with me, in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

poppy conspiracy

This plot is quite strong. It is performed as follows:

  • During the full moon, it is recommended to buy a poppy (preferably gray). A purchase must be made from a woman, change must not be taken.
  • A black handkerchief is laid out on the table. This table should be clean, there should be nothing on it.
  • Take a bar of soap and draw a circle on the handkerchief. Soap should be taken such as used only by yourself.
  • Poppy spills onto the center of the circle. A cross is drawn on it with a ring finger and the following slander is read:

    “There is a quiet island on the sea-ocean. The island is on solid ground. The Lord God lives there, the Mother of God and I. I will go closer to them, bow below. Mother of God, You lived on sinful earth, took bread with your hands, paid money for bread, carried money in your wallet. Without money, they don’t give food, don’t weave clothes, don’t sell candles in the church. Give me, Lord, as much money in my wallet as there are poppies on this table. I lock these words, I close this business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

The conspiracy on the poppy is pretty strong

Conspiracy for 12 coins

It is required to take 12 coins, so that each of them has a denomination of 5 rubles. During the full moon, you need to go to the crossroads, stretch out your hand with coins and say the following words:

“The coins are shining, they want to increase. Higher power help me! Give heavenly blessings, wonderful luck. One coin in hand for each month. So my wallet grows as the days fly by. Come get rich. Amen!".

After the plot is completed, all coins are removed into the wallet. For a month they cannot be spent and luck will not keep you waiting.

An effective conspiracy for aspiring entrepreneurs and businessmen. The result is not instantaneous, but reliable. Attract luck in the following way. They wait for the full moon and perform the following ritual:

  • you need to take a coin so that it is in denomination of 5 kopecks or 5 rubles;
  • turn to face the moon;
  • holding a coin in the left hand, draw the symbol of infinity with the right;
  • say the words

    “Powers of heaven, start an uninterrupted process of increasing my funds. Amen!".

Numerous coin conspiracies help to attract good luck and money into your life. Most of them are performed on the full moon. You should only regularly read the words of the chosen plot and perform the desired ritual. There are many conspiracies for good luck and luck, so everyone can check their effectiveness.

In some life circumstances, it is simply impossible to do without the help of white magic. If a person works hard, and the financial situation in his life does not change, you should think about additional ways to attract wealth into your life. A conspiracy on a coin or other types of magical influence will help a person achieve financial well-being, become more successful. Naturally, you should not sit idly by. It is important to keep working for your own good. And magic will help you achieve your goals faster.

To improve your financial situation, you need to work

Rituals for getting rich quick is a special formulation of words and actions that are aimed at changing the fate of a person, at increasing his financial well-being. It is very important to adhere to all the rules for conducting rituals, so the effect will be positive. It is also important to believe that the result will be fast and lasting.

Believe in a quick and lasting enrichment result

Such rituals belong to everyday magic, they can be performed even by those who have not previously encountered magic. No additional hard-to-find attributes or special knowledge are required. The bill plot is strong, to enhance the effect of it, you may need the following attributes:

  • dried plants;
  • tree bark;
  • teeth, animal hair;
  • large bills or small coins;
  • church candles;
  • consecrated water.

It is necessary to prepare in advance those things that will be needed for the ritual, so as not to be distracted during it.

Rules for conducting rituals

Before conducting a ceremony to attract money, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations with which you can increase the effectiveness of rituals:

All rules must be followed

By following simple rules, you can attract monetary energy, wealth, success and financial well-being.

Effective rituals for a coin

To the moon

Magical actions for a money wallet are carried out during the growing moon. On a saucer you need to lay a paper towel or napkin. Spray lightly with water. Sprinkle a handful of wheat on top. Top with a paper towel as well. Spray a little with water. Do this for three days in a row. On the third day, read the text of the spell:

During the growing moon, increase the capital of your wallet

“Mother Voditsa, Mother Wheat. As from one small grain a whole field of wheat grows, as from one spikelet you can make a lot of food, feed a large number of people. So let my money multiply, it makes me happy. They will only be mine. Just as wheat will feed the elderly, and babies, and the poor, and the rich, so let the money not be taken away from me, not go anywhere, although they will spend it, but on good and necessary deeds. Let it be so."

Then pour some warm water and say:

“As a grain of wheat grows, so my money multiplies, with wealth and good luck I will go through life.”

Then twist the entire contents of the saucer and bury it in a deserted place. When the wheat rises, there will be more money.

Another strong ritual for a coin can be performed during the growing moon. On a trifle, read the slander three times:

Coins can bring you income

“Beauty of the night, the moon. You are silver and gold, I look at your beauty and charm. And I call for help. Send your golden rays to my coins, charge them with your pure and powerful energy. Let my money be added, my wallet is shaking with wealth.

When the love spell on the coin is read, put a trifle on the windowsill. Leave until the morning. Let penny coins be charged with lunar energy. Put them in your wallet in the morning and carry them with you for 30 days. After buying something with that money.

On a nickel

A plot for a patch is carried out during the period of the growing moon or the full moon. A conspiracy for a 5 ruble coin is carried out on a moonlit night. Take five rubles in your hand, looking at the month, read on the nickel:

“I’m going as a merchant to a wide bazaar, with my income, with me wealth and prosperity, send me, Lord, so that everyone has enough. Amen".

You will need a coin of 5 rubles

When reading for a five-ruble coin or for 5 kopecks, stroke the coin clockwise with your left palm. Repeat the plot for 5 rubles three times. Then wash your hands in salt water and go to bed. Store change for 30 days, then buy something.

In the sun

The power of solar energy will also help with money. We are talking about a new or found penny (if you accidentally find it on the street). On a gold coin, read the following words three times:

“The sun shines bright and warm. Light up, coin, with clear gold, warm my wallet. Give me wealth."

Put the coin so that the sun's rays fall directly on it. Let it charge for 12 hours. Then, with the help of a coin, increase your wealth, as it will become a personal amulet. Carry it in a purse in a secret pocket.

On the water

You will need two buckets. Fill one with water, let the other remain empty. Plot on a coin to read at night. Dip a coin into one bucket, then pour water from a full bucket into an empty bucket and read:

Fill one of the two buckets with water

“The river is long and wide, you flow among the clean and wide fields. Your stream is powerful, you give life to all living beings, servants of God, plants and trees. So let financial well-being flow into my bins with a stormy stream. Let the money flow in a stormy stream. I can curb them, keep and increase. My words are strong and strong, no one can destroy them, no one can lure my money for themselves.

After reading the words on a silver coin or fiat coin, take it out and store it in your wallet.

Quick plot to get rich

Wrap 10 rubles in the hem of clothing (dress or shirt). Standing on the threshold of the house, whisper:

"The Lord is merciful to my house, and the money is in the stream."

It is necessary to keep rubles in a secret place

Keep the charmed money in a red bag in a secret place. Forty kopecks can be used for such spells. In this case, a plot for 40 coins will need to be read forty times.

How to speak a coin for a new wallet

To get rich, magic helps. To do this, you need to buy a new wallet. Put a ruble coin in it, go to any source of water. Wet your hands and take your wallet, read the conspiracy for the ruble:

“This coin lies, it cannot fall out or get lost. May it bring me only joy and success. I am waiting for my wealth, like a stormy river, like the moon and the sun, like food and water. Let it be as it is said and spoken in the bright hour and with sincere motives.

Some life circumstances force us to turn to esoteric and magical techniques in order to change the current situation for the better. All kinds of conspiracies for money, luck, love, prosperity, business, wealth are very popular. There are many ways to attract all this into your life. But often, when reading a conspiracy, and performing a magical ritual, people do not even think about the principles of their action, do not comply with the conditions, distort the rite in every possible way. However, magic does not tolerate thoughtlessness and negligence. And if you are going to conduct a ritual with a coin to attract money into your life, study the background of the issue, its rules and conditions. In my entire practice, I have repeatedly come across the fact that young practitioners, when doing rituals, make fatal mistakes. You need to know that the energy of money is too subtle and too distrustful, it does not tolerate mistakes.

To conduct a ceremony to attract money and understand the meaning of this action

What is the power of the money conspiracy?

Everything is vibration! Trees and stones, sound and light, living and non-living, water and energy - this is a vibration that constantly interacts with each other and the surrounding world. A conspiracy is a directed intention, dressed in words, to gain health, wealth, luck, love, or to answer your offenders. It should be understood that thoughtlessly reading the words of a magical conspiracy is pointless. Without awareness of the read and the energy, emotional message, the result is reduced to zero.

When you speak a plot, you send an impulse to the air, like a regular text message with a request. It interacts with the energy of the world and returns to you as a result. Thus, the verbal formula activated by you turns into money, health, love. As you understand, the conspiracy does not give immediate results. From the moment the ceremony was performed, it may take some time to obtain the desired effect.

How to conduct a ritual for money

In the past, a conspiracy was the lot of whisperers, sorcerers and sorcerers, healers, witches and soothsayers, since any witchcraft requires not only knowledge, but also strong will, vital energy. Now anyone can turn to the magic ritual. But for it to have an effect, it is important to adhere to strict rules:

  • the plot must be read in a whisper or in a muffled voice;
  • words are pronounced in strict order, as in a formula, without changes;
  • it is important to monitor the phase of the moon, and not to perform the ceremony at the wrong time;
  • only the specified ingredients and items must be used;
  • before pronunciation, the formula is comprehended and memorized;
  • the conspiracy is necessarily pronounced with an interweaving of energy.

I repeat, deviation from the rules threatens with a complete lack of effect or a negative result.

Magic attributes

In order to conduct a ceremony to attract money and understand the meaning of this action, it is necessary to understand the principles of selecting magical attributes.

  1. In order to bring wealth, money, luck, health into life, they use such components that symbolize countless. This is necessary in order to receive as much well-being and well-being, which is difficult to count. In conspiracies, grain, salt, sugar are used, stars, seeds, fish in the sea, a bird in the sky are mentioned.
  2. They perform a ceremony with what grows: dough, plant. This ensures the growth of financial condition, good luck in business, clients in trade, and so on. The principle of similarity is used.
  3. Ritual using money and new things. Metal attracts metal. New things attract new things, and, accordingly, money for new things. Therefore, the technique of an unchangeable ruble or nickel is very popular.

Moon phase

It is necessary to carry out this or that magical ritual in strict accordance with the phase of the moon. There are four phases according to the lunar calendar:

  • new moon;
  • young or growing moon;
  • full moon or full moon;
  • waning or old moon.

Our satellite not only illuminates the earth at night, but has tremendous power that affects all processes in the world: the ebbs and flows, the growth of plants, the behavior of animals and people, well-being and mood, the increase or decrease in energy, and so on. And therefore, magical rituals also depend on the phase of the moon, or rather on the strength and specificity of its energy impact.

Turning to the moon will improve the financial situation

On the new moon, they do not perform any rituals, do not charge water, do not speak. It is customary to rest and gain strength for the future.

On the full moon, the most serious rituals are performed. Efficiency is maximized.

Conspiracies for coins

How to attract money and wealth into life? Work hard, you will answer, and you will be right. But what to do if the bosses do not notice you for years, there are no career advancements, the business does not develop, and customers flow like water through your fingers? Don't go to the fortuneteller here! You need to read a conspiracy on a coin so that money is always kept in your wallet and pleases the eye with a tidy sum in a bank account. A conspiracy in itself cannot make a fortune, but it will make you a magnet for money, help you attract good luck, sell a car profitably, buy that very winning lottery ticket.

The ritual with a coin belongs to white magic, so you can not be afraid of negative returns. It builds and redirects the cash flow in such a way that wealth and finances themselves flow to you like a river, even from the most unexpected sources.

Ritual for getting rich quick

The ritual involves several magical laws at once: attraction to an innumerable multitude and growth. Spend on the growing moon:

  1. Lay a piece of paper towel on the saucer. Spray with water until the paper is damp but not wet.
  2. Sprinkle a handful of wheat on top.
  3. Cover with the same towel or paper towel. Moisten a little.
  4. On the third day after the manipulations done, pour some warm water in the saucer and read the plot:

“Our mother, you provide food for babies and the elderly, and the poor, and the noble family. From a grain you give 10, and 12, and 20. Send good luck to me, the Lord's slave, so that money is born, like this sprouted grain of wheat. As it grows day and night, so they will increase, and they will feed the family, your blessing to me, Lord.

Wheat will grow, money will come.

The second version of the conspiracy

Another fast money ritual is to charge coins with lunar energy. Put a handful of kopecks on the windowsill so that the moonbeams fall on them at night and read three times:

“Moon princess, you are made of silver, gold, you grow up and increase. Direct the reflections of the moon on my pennies so that there is a cash gain. Moonlight gives strength to a coin, fills the house, adds wealth.

Leave the coins for 12 hours, then put them in a wallet separately from others. Carry with you for 30 days - all this time they will attract wealth to you. Then spend them on a purchase, and spend a new ritual on the next young moon.

Conspiracy for a fiver

The ceremony is performed with a growing or full moon. A five-ruble coin is taken in the right hand. The gaze is turned to the month and the plot is read:

“I’m going to the market as a merchant, I’m flying in as a young falcon, having wealth with me, send me, Lord, so that everyone has enough. Amen".

The ceremony is carried out with a growing or full moon on a five-ruble coin

When whispering, they drive with the edge of the left palm over the coin. Read three times, in a whisper. After the hands are washed with salt water and go to bed.

Keep the amulet to attract money with you for another 30 days, and then spend it on any purchase. Repeat the ritual next month.

full moon money spell

On an even day on a full moon, you can perform a ceremony with another coin to attract money. Denyuzhka is spoken, looking at the sky, the stars and the moon:

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse cannot gnaw you, grind a worm, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, they dig a hole under the aspen, put a coin there and bury it with earth.

A simple ritual for making money

Until the full moon, you can attract wealth if you open a wallet with coins and say:

“Hello, king of copper, silver and gold. Hello and live with me, in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For lasting wealth

On an even day on a young moon, take any coin from your pocket or purse. Above it are the words:

“As there is a lot of mud in a swamp, as there are a lot of fish in the water, so much wealth I have. Month, grow and grow, and give me, God's abe (name), give wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After a charged money "magnet" is placed in the corner of the house and not touched for seven days. If disturbed, the rite is repeated anew.

A week later, the magic coin is taken away and must be spent. On a new growing moon, the ritual must be repeated with a new penny, and put in the same corner. The ceremony is carried out 3-4 times to consolidate success and bring wealth to life.

coin and sun

To lure wealth and money into your life, use the power of the sun's rays. To do this, take any yellow coin and put it outside on a sunny day so that the rays fall on it. Read out loud three times:

“The sun will shine with gold, which warms the earth. Here you are, penny, ignite with a golden fire, bring wealth.

Leave it to charge for 12 hours. Then put in a wallet in a separate pocket and do not spend. A charged coin will become an amulet and will attract you a lot of money.

To lure wealth and money into your life, use the power of the sun's rays.

Ritual for prosperity: Wealth is a full bowl

To make money flow like a river, perform a ritual to attract with a growing moon in the evening or early in the morning. A prerequisite is complete loneliness, no one should know about witchcraft.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. Take two buckets. Fill one in complete silence from the tap or from the well, from where they did not take water after 12 at night. Bring the buckets into the room, turn off the lights, close the doors. The action should be illuminated only by moonlight.
  2. Put the coin in an empty container and, pouring from a full one, say:
  3. “A long river flowed, a clean field around, a mighty stream of water rushes in the river, suitable for all animals, blades of grass for life. If only gold and silver would flow into my bins, wealth would fill the house. Words are forged with iron, a strong knife will not pierce, money is called into the wallet.

  4. Put the charmed coin separately in your wallet and do not spend it.

There are many ways to attract wealth. And if you perform the magic ritual correctly, finances will begin to flow into your life in various ways, expected and unexpected.

If you think that it is difficult to fix the financial situation on your own, turn to magic. A true conspiracy - and the problems will recede.

Every person dreams of a comfortable life. Money is a very important factor of success in society. But, unfortunately, it is often not possible to earn enough of them. That is why magical rites that attract financial well-being are in great demand. They allow not only to attract wealth to life, but also to receive good benefits from trade transactions.

Financial conspiracies with a coin are very powerful. They allow a person to get rich in a short time. There are a huge number of rituals that use a conspiracy for a coin.

Any such rite must be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations. Almost all such conspiracies require regular repetition, since the effect of the charmed coin ends over time.

Almost all rituals in which a coin is spoken are carried out in the phase of the growing moon. For the effectiveness of such an impact, full concentration and faith in magic are required.

A ritual that uses a special coin is considered very effective, it is best if it is an anniversary one. In addition, she should find a response in your soul, that is, she should like you. It is best, for some time, to carefully look at the coins that pass through your hands, and, believe me, you will definitely recognize the one that needs to be made magical.

The ritual should be performed on the new moon. In the future, with the growth of the night luminary, the coin will gain strength to attract small and big money to you.

In addition to the coin in the ritual, you will need to use:

  • Green candles of different sizes;
  • Red wine.

For the ceremony on one of the evenings, you need to prepare the room in a special way, you need to try to create a special magical atmosphere in it. It is important to make sure to clean up and remove all unnecessary things. After that, candles should be installed in different places in the room and lit; artificial lighting is not recommended.

Next, you should sit down at the table and put a coin in front of you, and next to it put a glass filled with wine. After that, you need to mentally describe everything you want, after the moment your well-being begins to improve. That is, you need to force yourself to dream, visualizing the scenes presented as much as possible. The deeper you plunge into the world of fantasy, the more powerful the magical coin you created will have.

After you feel that you have completely plunged into a fictional world filled with wealth, whisper clearly these words on the coin:

“I have as much money as there are fish in all earthly natural reservoirs, like stones in all mountain ranges, like stars in a cloudless night sky. My coin turns into a magical one and shines brightly, shimmers, money is sent to me, and their flow is not interrupted. Amen".

Such a spell must be spoken three times, after which the coin must be thrown into a glass of wine. Then you should drink three small sips of wine and immediately go to bed. A coin in a glass of wine should lie until the morning.

In the morning, the coin should be taken out and washed with water, then put in a separate compartment of the wallet. It will become your money talisman and should never be used to pay for goods.

To enhance the properties of a magic coin, such a rite must be repeated every month.

Ancient conspiracy from lack of money

From ancient times, an old ritual has come down to us, which helps to cope with constant lack of money. After all, it often happens that, despite hard work, there is no more money. Very often this is due to damage caused by ill-wishers.

It is necessary one of the evenings during the period of the growing moon to melt a white candle made of natural wax in a water bath. After that, a coin of any denomination should be thrown into the melted wax.

Then say these words:

“The Lord God Most High has a paradise in heaven in which a blessed garden grows. The devil has a hell, terrible with boiling tar underground. Boil and melt the magic candle, let my wealth accumulate along with it. The wax money will always be with me and all wealth will go to me. I see an Angel standing at the gates of the Garden of Eden, I see a black devil standing at the gates of a terrible hell. But I don't care about that. I close my word forever and attract money to me. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, the wax coin must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon. A coin doused on all sides with wax must be cooled, wrapped in a small piece of natural fabric and always carried with you.

Open air

The power of natural elements always enhances magical actions. And a coin plot is no exception. Therefore, magic offers rites that are held in the open air.

An effective ritual is performed on a clear sunny day. It is necessary to take a yellow coin out into the street and put it under the sun's rays.

Leaning over her, you should whisper these words three times:

“The sun shines in the sky, it illuminates the earth with its golden rays. Everything around from this solar energy is filled. So let my coin overflow with magical power and light up with gold, turn into real wealth for me. Amen".

After that, you can leave and leave the coin for several hours in the sun. Then you need to pick it up and store it in your own wallet. You cannot spend the charmed coin.

Improving financial well-being

An arc of a strong rite, aimed at improving your well-being, is held by the river. First you need to take your wallet, take out all the money from it, leaving one coin. Near the reservoir, you need to open your own wallet, moisten your hand in water and sprinkle its internal contents three times. It is imperative that at least one drop of water hits the coin.

In the process of this, you should say these words three times:

“Pure natural water flows, sparkles and silvers with a gentle light. As the flow of water in the river constantly flows, the springs never run out, so my wallet will never run out of money. They will fall into my wallet from all sources, they sparkle and silver there. I will be happy from this, I will be happy, and everyone will benefit. Amen".

The charmed coin should be spent within three days. After that, you will notice how much easier it is for you to earn money.

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