Conspiracy for a new shiny coin. Coin conspiracies: attract money and success


Sometimes in life we ​​are faced with an acute shortage of financial resources. Of course, happiness does not lie at all in money, but it is not possible to live without them these days. Many people in such cases turn to magic for help - they perform rituals that help increase financial well-being. Reading a conspiracy on a coin for money and good luck is one of the clearest examples of such rituals, and we will talk about it in this material. But first, let's look at certain tricks that will help you keep money in.

There are several valid methods. Let's consider the most popular of them further.

With the help of folk beliefs

Our ancestors were very wise, they had many signs and beliefs to attract wealth. So, if you want to always have a lot of money, use the following tips:

  1. Never spend money on the day you get paid. It is necessary that finances spend the night at home in full for at least one night (or more).
  2. You need to take one banknote of a large denomination and not exchange it for a whole year. It will "impregnate" your home with monetary energy and will contribute to the active attraction of money.
  3. Never leave your wallet completely empty - let it contain at least one coin. Also, when you put out-of-season clothes in the closet, put coins or small bills in your pockets. Also make sure that all pockets are without holes - this is not to the liking of the money egregor.
  4. Remember the famous expression - "Money goes to money" - this is the basic rule of money magic.
  5. When you drink tea and bubbles form on the cup - collect them with a spoon and drink - this will attract finance to you.
  6. It is recommended to buy 3 red carnations on Thursday and constantly keep them in your home - this will help attract material wealth.
  7. When you move into a new dwelling, if you want to live in abundance in it, scatter coins on the floor (preferably from silver).
  8. Take a couple of banknotes and put them under the tablecloth, do not take them out and do not exchange them - this way you will save yourself from loss.
  9. To ensure a constant influx of new money, it is necessary on the night when the moon is full to put an open wallet without money on the windowsill, and in a closed one, but filled with money.
  10. When you see a young moon in the sky, show her the highest denomination banknote you have. Then the amount of money will increase along with the growth of the month.

Through the Art of Feng Shui

Using the rules of the art of Feng Shui, you charge your wallet with monetary energy. To do this, you will just need to follow simple recommendations:

By the power of thought

All the methods above will be ineffective if your thinking is wrong. You need to forget about all the prejudices regarding money, sincerely love it and always perceive it only in a positive context.

Magic to attract finance

Having decided to use conspiracies to attract money, we advise you to familiarize yourself with certain magical rules that will help enhance the success of the rite.

Now we bring to your attention examples of effective conspiracies for money.

per coin

Any coin is taken and the following text is slandered on it:

An important rule is that you read the plot only on an even day of the week, when the moon arrives. When you have finished reading, hide the coin in the corner and do not touch it for seven days. Make sure that no one touches or shifts it - otherwise you will have to repeat the action described above.

When a week has passed, spend this coin. Then on the next even day, when the moon rises, take a new coin, having spoken it before. It will be necessary to repeat the ritual twice more, after which the level of your income will increase significantly.

For a large sum of money

This conspiracy helps to get a large amount of money.

To perform the next ceremony, you will need to stock up on five white church candles, light them, cross them three times and pronounce the following conspiracy words:

Wait for the candles to burn out completely, then you will need to roll the wax until a solid lump forms and put it in your wallet.

Using all these conspiracies, as well as adhering to the rules for attracting material wealth, you can significantly increase your income and will never need finances. The main thing is to always believe in the power of the rituals you conduct and perform all magical actions only in a good mood.

We also invite you to watch a video from which you will learn even more interesting conspiracies to attract money.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Financial stability provides comfort and quality of human life. But wealth does not always settle in fate for a long time, so people often turn to magic for help. How to speak a coin for money and good luck? Let's analyze the most effective ways.

Features of witchcraft

In the piggy bank of folk sorcery, not the last place is occupied by rituals to improve well-being. All actions aimed at enrichment have a number of unwritten rules. Any mistake will lead to negative consequences.

  1. Moon phase. In order for money to flow, it is necessary to carry out rituals during the period of the growing night luminary. On the full moon, we recommend getting rid of debt.
  2. Time. Financial rites depend on the position of the sun. The most effective actions are noticed during the morning and evening dawn.
  3. Independence. You can not trust the performance of a third party. Professionals advise to carry out manipulations only for themselves.
  4. Secrecy. If you tell about witchcraft to any person, then the action will instantly collapse. No one should be present at the sacrament.

Conspiracies for money and a coin are best chosen from white funds. Dark methods always require some kind of sacrifice from people - the health or life of the performer, his loved ones. By the way, a ritual performed with violations destroys the existing chances for financial success, so carefully study the algorithm of actions.

Winning the lotto

How can you get a lot of money? We recommend talking a coin for quick luck. The ceremony is performed on the full moon, when the window is a gray, gloomy day. Magicians note that during such a period, people give up trying to catch Fortune by the tail, so the chances increase.

In the morning they put on nondescript clothes and go for a lottery ticket. On the way to the left pocket you need to put a five-ruble coin. They go to the nearest pond, not looking back and not talking to anyone. It is necessary to find a secluded place on the right bank, stand facing north, take the money in the right and throw it into the water, uttering the words of the conspiracy.

“Money into the water, and I win the lottery!”

Arriving home, you need to put saucers with rock salt in each corner of the rooms, and fix forty candles around the perimeter of your bedroom. At midnight, a fire is lit from a torch, moving counterclockwise. After all the components have completely burned out, it is necessary to collect the cinders and fill them with salt crystals. In the morning, magical elements are collected and taken to the river, in which there is a five-ruble coin.

financial love spell

Our ancestors strengthened the effect of the money conspiracy on the coin with the help of ordinary herbs. Such magic does not need to be repeated on every waxing moon, and the effect will last at least a year. For a magical decoction, you need to take:

  • ash bark;
  • snapdragon grass;
  • clover flowers;
  • dill greens;
  • mint.

How to speak a coin for quick money? All components are placed in a ceramic container, poured with boiling water and left to cool. It is important that the liquid does not lose its aroma, so you need to cover the vessel with a lid on top. Then over the decoction seven times it is necessary to read the words of the love spell.

“What I say, it happens, what I do, everything turns into profit.”

At the end, the dishes are slightly shaken, and a coin with a face value of 5 rubles is thrown to the bottom with the right hand. The container is covered and left overnight in a dark place. In the morning at dawn, the liquid is filtered, separating the money from the elements of witchcraft. The talisman is placed in a wallet with banknotes. The amulet will attract wealth and help in all endeavors.

financial magnet

The seer Vanga left a huge legacy in the notes of her loved ones. A conspiracy for royal coins for the new moon is a quick and effective way to improve your well-being. It is important to follow the presented algorithm and not confuse the words.

It is necessary to take an old silver coin with the symbols of the monarchy. We recommend looking at the component at flea markets or online auctions. It is not necessary to look exclusively for Russian coins, you can use the old elements of any state with a royal family.

Money must be healed in the hem or under the lining of the clothes that you often wear. Before the rite, the Lord's Prayer is read three times over the objects. Making stitches, quietly whispering the words of the conspiracy.

“Just as a thread pulls on a needle, so wealth is attracted to me. Come money, big and small, gold and silver. I am happy and blessed by God. Amen."

After the component is sewn in, it is necessary to hang the item in the closet for the night. In the morning, you can put on a wardrobe element charged for good luck. For the magic to work, you must wear the talisman for several days in a row. He is not afraid of washing and ironing, but if the clothes are torn, then it is worth making a new “magnet”.

Growing Wealth

In order to attract money effectively, it is important to choose the right ritual. The Slavs believed that wealth is like a plant, and with proper care, it will be possible to live comfortably. On the growing moon, nickels were buried under the aspen, watering throughout the month.

Modern magicians offer a stronger money rite. To do this, you need to buy a new ceramic cup, a linen handkerchief and a handful of whole wheat in advance. During the purchase, you can not bargain with the seller and take the change.

In the evening, after the last ray hides behind the horizon, a coin with a face value of 5 rubles is placed on the bottom of the dish. Thoroughly washed grains are poured from above, poured with warm water and covered with a cloth. Three days later, as the cereals begin to sprout, they lift the rag and begin to read the words of the spell.

“Let money be born like this grain. It increases day and night, feeds the family, brings good. Amen."

It is necessary to take care of the sprouts as they develop. Regular watering and airing should become the norm. It is important to hold out until the full moon and not spoil the "harvest". If the crops are lost, then this is a bad omen. The bewitched coin is placed in the purse.

Conspiracy for water and a coin

Attracting money can be done with the help of water. Moisture perfectly absorbs energy, therefore it is often used as the main component. In witchcraft, there are two types of liquid that effectively attract good luck.

  1. Not scooped. Harvested from a stream or well after 12 o'clock at night. It is important that no one has time to touch the moisture.
  2. Silent. Typed alone, without a single sound.

The ritual is carried out on the growing moon, with the lights off and without strangers. The performer fills the above liquids into two buckets, and a metal coin is placed at the bottom in the third. Pouring moisture from the full to the empty, they read the plot on a coin.

“The flow is a strong river, bring silver and gold into my bins in a thick stream. Words are chained with iron, but the knife will not destroy. Amen."

Irreplaceable money is placed in a purse with banknotes. Now it is a strong amulet to attract financial luck. It can not be shown to anyone and spent. It is better to allocate a branch for a talisman to improve well-being.

To increase wealth

A conspiracy for a coin to the moon is an ancient ritual that has come down to us since pagan times. It is necessary to exchange a large new bill for twelve denezhek of different denominations. On the first day of the ceremony, half of the "metal" is given to the poor, and the rest is carried home.

Items are laid out on the windowsill so that the light of the night satellite illuminates them. We recommend that you perform the action in good, clear weather so that the young horn of the moon shines brightly. At this point, it is important not to do anything and not touch the enchanted elements.

On the second day, half of the coins are also distributed to the poor. The remaining three coins are filled at night with the energy of the moon. As in the previous time, it is necessary to "forget" the metal gizmos until tomorrow.

With the first rays of the morning, you need to go to the window, open the shutters and bow to the sun. Talismans are poured into a bag of red fabric, which must always be carried with you. Wherever the amulet lies, it will protect against any unforeseen financial situations.

Dozen Wealth

A conspiracy for 12 coins is made on the growing moon. At home, the ritual is performed at an open window or on a balcony. It is important that the weather is clear and cloudless.

At midnight they go out into the air, stretch out their left palm with money to the luminary. It is important that the reflections of the rays run over the entire surface. Slightly tinkling with shiny metal, it is necessary to read the words of the slander on the coins seven times.

“Grow, multiply and increase. May prosperity not leave me (full name). Come and breed good in your wallet. Let it be so!"

Then the money is clamped into a fist and immediately enters the living quarters. Enchanted items are placed in a purse with the rest of the bills. The effectiveness of the amulets lasts 6 months, at the end of the period we recommend spending the coins and making the amulet again.

Rituals for Orthodox holidays

With the adoption of Christianity, the attraction of wealth began to be performed during major religious celebrations. Naturally, the official church imposed a taboo on such experiments, but the ancestors did not stop using the energy of the holidays. What is the most effective coin plot?

Fortune tellers assure that if you knock small money on the glass of your home at Christmas, you can expect prosperity for the next year. The honor to perform the ritual fell to the eldest man in the family. In the absence of a breadwinner of the stronger sex, his duties were transferred to the main woman - mother or grandmother.

On Palm Sunday, it was customary to give alms to those in need. After that, at home they took out a ruble coin and read the words of the prayer “I believe” over it seven times. After that, the amulet was hidden in a wallet and was not shown to anyone. The talisman attracted financial luck and reduced spending.

During cleaning on Maundy Thursday, a silver coin was put into the water. Over the liquid they said “Our Father” three times, after which they proceeded to restore order. It was believed that charged moisture removes damage to poverty from the home and makes it possible to gain wealth over the next year.

The last Saturday before Easter also had its own peculiarities. The pre-holiday fuss made it necessary not to forget about getting a reliable amulet in your wallet. To get financial luck, you need to pronounce a conspiracy on a coin of 5 rubles.

“Money to money, and a penny to a penny. As on a bright day people go to church, so to me (name) wealth flowed like a river. Let it be so!"

Modern rites

Attracting money is relevant both in ancient magic and in updated rituals. Now there are interesting rituals that are not yet a hundred years old. They are not as complex as their pagan ancestors, but they are also aimed at obtaining material benefits.

To attract good luck, throw a coin into the water.

Money Ritual: "Spellbound Penny"

MONEY ritual "Fixed coin"

A strong conspiracy for a new coin brings not only prosperity, but also success in business. The object is placed on the right palm, blown lightly on it three times. To reveal the hidden energy, you need to utter a magical whisper.

“Luck is strong and reliable, like metal. Wealth is great and always with me.”

The amulet is carried with you in the lining, pockets of clothing or in any compartment of the wallet. If you feel financial difficulties, then we recommend that you get a talisman and repeat the ceremony again. Before the ritual, the object must be left in a glass of consecrated water.

A conspiracy for money and good luck for a coin is a proven tool that makes it possible to forget about poverty. Properly performed witchcraft will not only improve well-being, but also make life easier. In our recommendations you will find the optimal solution for any occasion.

From time immemorial, people have attached special importance to coins. It is believed that thanks to their strong energy, a person will be able to attract into his life not only wealth, but also good luck. However, for this, the coin must be spoken correctly.

Life and financial difficulties quite often make a person think about additional ways to attract wealth and good luck. It is in this case that one should pay attention to the effective methods that our ancestors used. Now we do not attach much importance to objects that used to be strong talismans, but once with their help people protected themselves from problems, and also attracted what they wanted into their lives. Common coins have always been the most popular. However, in order to strengthen the energy of the coins, you first need to charge them, and in this case, an effective conspiracy will help you. In this article, site site experts will tell you how to speak a coin for money and good luck.

What rules must be followed

Before you speak a coin, you need to mentally prepare for the fact that you can become a rich and successful person. If at the moment it seems to you a rather difficult step, postpone the manipulation.

If you want to speak a coin out of curiosity, this is not recommended. In this case, you risk attracting negative energy, which means that poverty and failure will haunt you for a long time.

Try to pronounce the plot loudly, pronouncing every word. It is best to learn it by heart, as this will increase your chances of success.

It is important that even close people do not know about your intentions. The intervention of outsiders can ruin your plans or adversely affect the rite itself.

It is best to pronounce a conspiracy while in complete solitude. Excessive noise and the presence of other people can distract you, which means it will be difficult for you to focus on the plot and its result.

How to speak a coin for wealth and good luck using a strong rite

There are many effective rituals with which you can speak a coin for money and good luck. However, one of them is considered the most powerful. To conduct it, you will need an ordinary coin (of any denomination), as well as a Chinese coin.

Place a coin in front of you, and then put a Chinese coin on it, then say:

“Let everything that I have planned (a) be carried out, let everything that I say be instantly realized. I wish this coin to become my helper, to attract money and good luck to me.

After that, wrap the Chinese coin in green cloth and hide it. Put the charmed coin in your wallet and always carry it with you. After six months, the ceremony should be repeated, since over time the energy of the coin may weaken.

Financial difficulties can arise not only because of low-paid work, but also because of the wrong worldview. It has already been proven that people who do not know how to think positively are much more likely to attract money problems. To improve your financial situation, you need to get rid of habits that prevent you from achieving your goals and getting rich. We wish you prosperity and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.07.2018 03:19

Whispers are the simplest way to conspire, but at the same time very effective. Learn how to attract success...

In this article:

The most popular are not love plots, but money ones, especially in the era of a total and widespread crisis! Today, everyone wants to get rich first. And if the majority of people can deal with love on their own, then only a few can deal with luck and cash flows.

Carrying out conspiracies

How to direct positive financial energy in the right direction, how to get rich, how to become more successful and rich? Read the plot for money! Yes, conspiracies cannot work for you, but they will help you become a magnet for cash flows.

By the way, financial conspiracies belong to white magic, which means that they do not have negative consequences for the author and customer.

Using conspiracies that attract money, you can not only make a fortune, but also profitably sell an apartment or car, buy a house and other property.

Conspiracy with a five-ruble coin

Dig a hole under the aspen, put a nickel there, slander it and cover it with earth. This should be done on the full moon of an even day. Hex words:

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse cannot gnaw you, grind a worm, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy to make money

Open your wallet and say:

“Hello king of copper, silver and gold. Hello and live with me, in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong conspiracy option

On the new moon he will buy a gray poppy from a woman without taking change. Spread a black headscarf on the table. In this case, the table should be empty and not covered with anything else. Draw a circle on the handkerchief with a remnant that only you yourself used before. Place a poppy in the center of the circle. Draw a cross on the poppy (with the ring finger of your right hand) and say:

“There is a quiet island on the sea-ocean. The island is solid ground. The Lord God lives there, the Mother of God and I. I will go closer to them, bow to them below. Mother of God, You lived on sinful earth, took bread with your hands, paid money for bread, carried money in your wallet.
Without money, they don’t give food, don’t weave clothes, don’t sell candles in the church. Give me, Lord, as much money in my wallet as there are poppies on this table. I lock these words, I close this business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Protection from poverty

This conspiracy is done for a young month. On Sunday, when the sky is lit up with stars, go outside holding any paper bill in your hand. Looking at the sky, say seven times:

“As there are no stars in the sky, so it would be with us, God’s servants (your name and spouse), iron, silver and paper money would not be transferred. Let it be so! Amen".

On Monday morning, take the charmed bill and any three coins, put them on the window, where they should lie for seven days. Every day, read the following conspiracy for money:

“I’ll get up on Monday, I’ll look on Tuesday, I’ll take it on Wednesday, I’ll bring it on Thursday, I’ll save up on Friday, I’ll live richly on Saturday, and I’m lucky on Sunday. It will be so and not otherwise! Amen".

Seven is a sacred number, so don't miss a day

When the specified period has passed, put the money in your wallet and in no case spend it.

Conspiracy for a coin

For the ritual, you will need a coin of any value, on which you should say the following words:

“As there is a lot of mud in a swamp, as there are a lot of fish in the water, so much wealth I have. A month, grow and grow, and give me, God's servant (name), give wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The plot is read on an even day on the growing moon. At the end of the reading of the plot, the coin lies in the corner of the house for seven days and is not touched by anyone. If someone touches the coin or shifts it to another place, the ritual should be repeated again.

After a week, the coin must be spent. On the next growing moon on an even day, a new coin should be spoken and put again in the same corner. After that, the ritual is repeated two more times.

Conspiracy for a rich life

To perform the ritual, you need to buy 12 apples without taking change. On the first day of the ritual, every second apple must be given to the beggar. You must bring 6 apples home.
On the second day, give every other apple to the poor again.

On the third day, take the remaining 3 apples to the church, putting them on the memorial table and saying to yourself:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let wealth with money be with me. Amen".

    Now, of course, this method of conspiracy is already difficult, since ten paper rubles are no longer produced, and you can’t find that kind of money .. If you just place an ad and ask who they have and exchange =) And so the conspiracy is good, I like it, you need to look for dozens . Although I will try to make a conspiracy on a five-ruble coin, there are plenty of them! I'll be rich in a month =)

    This is the secret of wealth, and I'm sitting reading smart books! By the way, ten-ruble bills are still being produced and they often give change, so if anyone needs it, then just ask around at the grocery! I even have a couple of pieces in my wallet now, I can try, if I get rich, I officially admit that I am due to the authors of this site !!!))))

    If people believe in talismans, then why not believe in her conspiracies. Because talismans probably speak the same way. I think this is the same, and there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just that they have always been conspiracies in our lives, it’s just that now everything is encrypted, for example, in prayers. it is also a kind of conspiracy. At least that's my opinion. If you work day and night, in the end you don’t see money, this is considered the norm. Then why don't conspiracies try and cheat the system of life?

    There were some financial problems. And then, as luck would have it, you have to pay for the loan .. In general, I didn’t come up with anything better than reading conspiracies to raise money. Moreover, I heard a lot about it, but at least the same money tree. I decided to try the method for ten rubles, and you know, I didn’t buy a pawnshop for myself, but I managed to solve the current problems with money. Therefore, my advice to you: do not neglect such ways to improve your financial situation)

    Made a conspiracy to multiply capital. I read additionally on the Internet that you do not know exactly how the conspiracy is being implemented. So they didn’t want to give me a loan, but today one of the largest banks called and said that I could come and take a loan. Happy and thank you very much :)

    I also sometimes use spells. Helps.

    I have read and tried many conspiracies in fact, but cash is the most effective! To be honest, I tried quite different ones, went to fortune-tellers and grandmothers, but the long-awaited capital did not grow. And the fact is that I am not asking for a money tree or coins from heaven, just a constant state of need and opportunity to buy toys for children tree me to despair! Conspiracies work! The main thing is to find the one that suits you!

    Of course you want to live in abundance, and get everything you want from this life. But it happens, especially in our country, that there is never a lot of money. It's very sad not to even go on vacation. Therefore, I decided to use conspiracies, what if I'm lucky? . Really worked.

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