The law on chipization of the population. How are living people being microchipped?


It began - and this is what is called a "medical fact", that is, undeniably attested.
Not yet mass, but it has begun, and mass character, given the trend that is indicated, is a question of the near future, there is no doubt that someone in power is clearly in a hurry, fulfilling the desire of the owners to turn all Russian citizens into digital slaves, biorobots, absolutely controlled and managed by the system, inside and out, with the help of methods so far only social impact.
Let's see - how it looks in practice and what threatens us all, literally everyone?

All of us, being carried away and distracted by the New Year celebration, which for many citizens turned into watching the Magnitogorsk tragedy, understanding its causes and empathizing with the victims, missed the event, perhaps the main and certainly fateful, for all its seeming smallness, for an unprepared and uninformed person.
The elites got down to business from the first days of the new, 2019 year, and a landmark object, a large Siberian university, was chosen, where a trial balloon of total chipping of citizens of the Russian Federation was launched ...

The first universal chip will be implanted under the skin of TSU vice-rector 6.01.19
TOMSK, January 6 - RIA Tomsk, Elena Tailasheva. The Mikron company will produce, on the order of Tomsk State University (TSU), a special chip that integrates the functions of a pass to TSU, a bank card, and even a metro ticket in Moscow; The chip will be implanted in the “experimental” volunteer, Konstantin Belyakov, vice-rector for innovation activities of the university, told RIA Tomsk, who will become a participant in the experiment.

Free access

"The largest manufacturer of silicon chips in the country - the Zelenograd company Mikron - will manufacture 10 chips by order of TSU, which will be implanted under the skin of several volunteers, including me. The chips will combine the functions of a bank card, an electronic key for accessing TSU facilities, Troika transport card, distributed in Moscow," Belyakov said.

He emphasized that this would be the first experiment in Russia on the implantation of unified chips: “There are people in Moscow who sewed transport card chips into their hands in order to pay for trips in public transport with the touch of a hand. But we wanted to go further and get a universal tool for different goals. I think that in February 2019 we will already receive it and set up an experiment on ourselves."

Test of the future

Belyakov specified that the chip will be a cylindrical tube about 4 millimeters in diameter and 1.5 centimeters long, insulated with glass (so that the metal does not react with the body). It will be sewn into the hand, and officially such operations are still prohibited, so Belyakov intends to sign an agreement to conduct medical tests on himself (and pay for them himself).

He is sure that the implanted chip will be convenient for him as a user: he won't have to store dozens of cards and keys. According to him, among other Tomsk volunteers there are mainly people who are involved in the TSU Campus Card project.

"We are developing the idea of ​​free passage in the classroom, building, space of TSU with the help of "friend or foe" identification. Now a universal key fob is intended for these purposes, combining the functions of an electronic key for entering TSU facilities, a bank card, a record book, a library card, a pass to hostel. But it's still a wearable device that can be forgotten," Belyakov said.
He explained that, for example, he left his key fob in Moscow during his last business trip.

"Maybe now it seems strange and incomprehensible, but after a while, biochips for people will become, I'm sure, commonplace. Chips for opening locks are already being sold abroad, along with a special syringe so that a person can inject it himself," he added. agency interlocutor.

* ibid., articles in recent years on the topic -
Professor of neuroscience: in the future, the human brain will be combined with a computer
Brain implant, chip from conception. Is progress turning us into cyborgs?
Live "under the hood". Total control - the reality of the future?

All clear? Yes, yes, everything is for the convenience of users and the arguments FOR are still the same - a) it will save the sick, with remote medical care through an implanted chip, b) it will help the forgetful, confused, because all the documents are forever sewn into your body, and indeed, an irresistible argument FOR - c) retrogrades also objected to steam locomotives and aircraft.
The latter is such a gross distortion and clumsy manipulation that it’s even embarrassing to refute - because you can’t help anyone who believes in these arguments and chipping is not scary for him due to the complete absence of independent thinking and free will, respectively.

Steam locomotives and airplanes did not make people slaves, it was possible not to get into them, but leaving them, everyone again became free in their actions and deeds, and even being in the closed space of the vehicle, they partially retained freedom of action, and completely freedom of thought ; the chips are an internal prison, a social concentration camp, implanted inside the human body, depriving it of any freedom, any kind of subjectivity, and forever.

Arguments AGAINST are expressed by journalists writing articles who do not yet separate themselves from the tax-paying population, that is, they reasonably fear the same thing that any normal person does.
Many people write and talk about this a lot, but most do not read, relying entirely on the good faith and good will of the authorities, despite the mass of signals to the contrary.
Meanwhile, everything was clear already several years ago, here is one of the materials based on many facts, which together give a depressing picture of preparations for chipization -

What are the goals of chipization of Russians?
Will this project become a reality or not, we will know in the near future. But the fact that the information about the chipization of the population is already included in the already existing order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 311 and regulates the implantation of chips as a necessary measure for the constant, round-the-clock integration of the modern human body into the global network inspires concern.

The developers of the Childhood 2030 project convince us that the total chipization of our children is needed only to improve security, prevent terrorist attacks, attempts to kidnap children, etc. And, indeed, from this point of view, the mandatory implantation of microchips looks logical: parents at any time will be able to track the whereabouts of their child. But, if you think about it, then not only parents can do this, but also any other person who has access to this information. And this already, on the contrary, contradicts the statement about safety.

In addition to the implantation of chips, the average Russian is afraid that his children and grandchildren, according to the development program described above, will grow up, in fact, left to their own devices, practically illiterate, following the ideals imposed on them, and therefore obedient tools in the hands of those who develops and finances this program. This is being done to gradually reduce the population of the Earth in general and Russia in particular, as the demographic situation of our planet is becoming more and more complex. Will the project described above be implemented or not? (note - old article, the project is already being implemented)

Chipping people until 2025 is a fairly popular theory today (note - no longer a theory, but practice).
So, what is the essence of the theory? In the near future, all Russian citizens will be implanted in the brain of some kind of "electronic device of a multifunctional nature," the so-called microchips.
They are needed for the gradual "enslavement" of a person, the ability to control each individual personality. To achieve such a complex goal, the creators of the chips will go through four main stages.


Chipization stages
The theory is called "Chipping people in Russia until 2025" for a reason. According to the ideological interpretation, the creators of the program will go through four stages to "complete control of a person."
The first stage is the creation of the chip itself. A certain document will be implanted into it, in which all the necessary information about a particular person will be stored. This will also include passport data, certificates, medical certificates and more. The chip will be encoded with a special key.
At the second stage, it will be possible to make purchases of goods and services. All credit cards will be linked to the chip.
The third stage involves the direct implantation of the chip into the body. And this, according to the developers of the theory, is very convenient: it will be possible to call an ambulance or the police not only by phone, the Glonass system will always be in the head, moreover, in the literal sense.
The fourth stage involves "total chipization". Payment for goods or services, receiving salaries, buying goods - all this can be implemented using a device implanted in the body.

Theories about chipping

Many supporters of the theory of chipization are seriously talking about the beginning of a "global information revolution". Representatives of the world elite allegedly want to create a planet of a new formation, where a human robot would be the norm, and the government could use high information technologies for political purposes. Some representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and adherents of the theory under consideration are calling for abandoning credit cards, travel documents and other electronic cards today. In their opinion, the use of such technologies is "the first step towards global enslavement" ....

The Russian Orthodox Church treats chipping a little differently. According to the clergy, there are even references to the inevitable electronic enslavement in the Gospel and spiritual books. A simple example is the "Apocalypse" of John the Evangelist. The apostle speaks of a certain "mark" that will be placed on the hand or head of every person in the world. According to John, this mark is the sign of the "beast", in other words, the devil. Further, the saint speaks of the well-known three sixes - supposedly demonic numbers...
(note - I omit the entire vast church part of the evidence of the evil of chipping).

Population chipping law

On August 7, 2007, the Russian Government signed the Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 311 "On Approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry until 2025".

The law contains a list of the main measures by which the electronic industry in the Russian Federation will be improved. This is, for example, the creation of basic design systems, modernization in the field of microwave electronics, the development of quantum and magnetic electronics, the production of microsystem technology, and so on. Paragraph 10 of the Strategy passport refers to the sources and amounts of funding for the program. From 2007 to 2025, it is planned to spend several hundred billion rubles. Proponents of the theory under consideration like to cite frightening figures, while not forgetting to substitute concepts. They call the development of electronics in the country "chipization". With the help of a simple trick, conspiracy theorists change the meaning of the whole law.

About chipping in the documentation of the Ministry of Energy

Is there anything in the government order about "chipping people in Russia until 2025"? Of course, there are no direct indications of something similar in the normative act. However, some citizens like to quote from the law, which talks about the importance of integrating nanoelectronics with bio-objects.
Thus, according to legislators, the standard of living in the country will be significantly increased ...


Rejection of chipization
What, according to supporters of the theory, will happen to people who refuse to chipization?
In short, the strongest pressure from the public. Such people will starve, they will simply have nowhere to live. All human infrastructure will become inaccessible to them: special types of medicine, babysitter robots, education - all this will pass by people without chips. And all because of the fact that some people did not want to become "slaves of the system."

Is chipping people in Russia until 2025 a myth or truth?

The innovation is presented in such a wrapper that no one will turn their tongues against it: how can one speak out against soldiers suffering less losses?

But in addition to the military, they also want to “protect” the ordinary population: several families have already voluntarily agreed to be implanted with a microchip, which will allow them to check in at airports absolutely without queues, monitor their health and more. The media is already making promises that those who implant the chips will live 10-15 years longer! And that's not all the perks...
Why do you think there are so many benefits, and is it really profitable for the government to spend billions of dollars to protect the population?

Here are some of the official arguments presented by Applied Digital Solutions (A.D.S.) and its subsidiary Verichip Corporation, which they cleverly cover up for the real purposes of implant chip applications:

Ensuring the security of all Internet electronic payment transactions related to electronic money (electronic commerce, electronic payments);
Search and rescue of people, including missing children or children taken as hostages, etc.;
Medical monitoring of high-risk patients;
Supervision, surveillance and surveillance of the military, diplomats and other important members of the government;
Tracking, supervision and authentication of valuables;
Tracking, detecting and monitoring people who love extreme sports (hiking, skiing, rock climbing, diving, etc.) and who could be seriously injured in an accident;
Tracking and locating kidnapped (or murdered) children;
Use during the war against "terrorism" (at airports and elsewhere).
But until recently, those who dared to talk about the impending total control and chipping of people were simply considered abnormal. How did everything change so quickly?

By the way, in India, attempts are already being made to collect biometric information about each of the 1.2 billion inhabitants. This plan is being implemented with the assistance of the National Population Registry and the Unique ID Program, which independently collect data on the population of India to create the world's largest database of biometric information. Every citizen of India will receive a 12-digit personal number, which will be read from a personal implanted chip and, according to official figures, this will be very convenient for those who are forced to constantly verify their identity during work. However, while participation in the Unique ID program is voluntary, registration in the National Population Registry is already mandatory for all citizens of India.

Financial arguments play an important role in the development of implantable chips: do not forget that from the very beginning, microchips were viewed from the point of view of the international government and the international common currency. This financial goal is almost reached: in the US, people have already accepted "contactless" bank cards that contain RFID chips. The problem is that these RFID bank cards are vulnerable to hackers and it's pretty easy to steal.

The next step will be: mass campaigning for the implantation of a contactless smart card UNDER THE SKIN (subcutaneous chip)! "Now you will not lose your money and no one will be able to steal it from you" (of course, it is absolutely painless and safe! Only pluses and conveniences!).

And of course, let's talk about children: if you want to protect your children in a safe way, you have to monitor them electronically, and a microchip is the best option for this. Chips can not only determine the location of your child, but also measure pressure, blood sugar levels and monitor the rhythms of the body: a kind of invulnerability illusion.
If children begin to accept chips as something natural from early childhood, then in one or two generations each of us will consider wearing this subcutaneous chip as "perfectly normal." This is one of the main goals that the representatives of the New World Order want to achieve, who have already begun the introduction of chips with quiet steps (the classic Overton Window technique).

RussGPS is importing subcutaneous chips to Russia.

The Russline.Ru company, operating in the market of services for tracking moving objects under the RussGPS brand, received the exclusive right to supply to Russia and the CIS countries the developments of the American company Applied Digital Solutions, created on the basis of radio frequency identification technology (Radio Frequency IDentification - RFID).

According to Pavel Panov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russline.Ru, this right applies to all products developed by Applied Digital Solutions to date, and systems that the American company will create using RFID technology in the future.

The microchip VeriChip, which implements radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, is designed to be implanted under the human skin. Its size is so small (length - 11 mm, diameter - 2.1 mm) that it is practically invisible to the naked eye. Each chip contains an identification code associated with a database that contains information of any kind, including medical intelligence. Reading is done with a radio scanner. The microchip is inserted under the skin using local anesthesia and a disposable syringe. The standard location is in the triceps area, between the elbow and shoulder of the right hand.

RFID technology (or, as it is also called, contactless identification technology) is based on the radio frequency principle. The system consists of three components: a radio scanner, a chip and a computer data processing system.

Applied Digital Solutions has become well known in the market thanks to the sensational chip-implant VeriChip.

"Russline.Ru" offers to implant it in elderly people, people suffering from severe diseases associated with memory disorders, as well as other groups of people whose professional activities are associated, for example, with constant risk. "More than 80% of deaths in Russia are due to the fact that a person did not have time to provide medical assistance," says Pavel Panov.
In his opinion, if ambulance teams used scanners in their work, and VeriChip chips were implanted in patients, there would be significantly fewer deaths in Russia. The information obtained from the chip can save a person's life by reporting on the blood type, individual intolerance to certain drugs or the diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, in the first place "Russline.Ru" plans to offer its services to medical clinics and insurance companies. Russline.Ru press secretary Dina Khusainova is sure that RFID technology will also be useful in the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and law enforcement agencies.
(note - campaigning by sticking out a few useful, for some citizens in some circumstances, pluses of the chipping system and keeping silent about the unconditional harm caused by chipping to most citizens)

During 2004, RussGPS will purchase 1,000 VeriChips and 100 scanners from Applied Digital Solutions, and over the next five years, the company expects to purchase 51,000 chips and 2,600 scanners.

Another brainchild of Applied Digital Solutions is known on the market - the VeriGuard-S.A.C. (Secure Access Control), which, according to the information contained in the implanted chip, determines whether a particular visitor has the right to enter a room with limited access. VeriGuard-S.A.C. can work offline, checking the access levels of personnel and even tracking their movement around the territory. Pavel Panov believes that this development should be of interest to businessmen.

Currently "Russline.Ru" conducts marketing research and develops a tariff policy for a new project. Pavel Panov notes that in the US the subscription fee for such services ranges from $5 to $19 per month. "This is a new line of business that will complement our core business," Pavel Panov said in an interview with a reporter. For this service, a telematics node and the Russline.Ru database will be used.

"Russline.Ru" has been working on the market for tracking moving objects for several years. The company uses the WEBfleet satellite tracking system developed by the German company datafactory AG. Throughout the CIS RussGPS is its exclusive provider. To determine the location of an object, WEBfleet uses the global satellite system GPS, and the data is transmitted to the user's terminal via the GSM network.

Russian supplier VeriChip: "I'm not afraid of the implantation procedure"
March 26, 2004, membrana ( [email protected])

The VeriChip implant was first introduced in December 2001. The chip took less than three years to reach Russia (photo by RussGPS).

In 2004, the Russian company will purchase 1,000 VeriChip implants and 100 scanners. In total, over the next five years, our country will receive 2,600 scanners and 51,000 chips. We tried to find out who will wear implants in their body, and why all this is needed.

For clarification, we turned to the exclusive supplier of chips and scanners in Europe and Russia, as well as the owner of the Russian patent for VeriChip. Vladimir Drobovtsev, General Director of RussGPS, answered Membrana's questions.

— Vladimir Mikhailovich, how did it happen that your company became a supplier of VeriChip in our country?

We became interested in this technology in 2002, held a series of negotiations with Applied Digital Solutions, as a result, in 2003 contracts were signed to start promoting VeriChip technology in Russia and the CIS countries.

— Why are you sure that VeriChip implant chips will be in demand in Russia? Still, it's too expensive.

In the early 90s, mobile phones were also expensive. Now it is a mass product. It's the same with VeriChip: the product is expensive because it's not "mass".

- Since the advent of both VeriChip and RFID technology in general, scandals have accompanied. Some talk about the "Number of the Beast" described in the Revelations of John the Theologian, others about Big Brother and so on. Doesn't this scare you and your company? What is your attitude to such points of view?

I think that sooner or later devices (scanners) will appear that will be able to remotely read the DNA structure of a person. But no one will say that the person himself is a walking "mark"?

Any new technology is accompanied by scandals, some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent. The question is the application of a particular technology.

For example, we are currently considering a new VeriChip-based product that allows remote monitoring of blood sugar levels. Is it bad or not?

The picture shows the chip itself, a device for its implantation and a scanner (photo by RussGPS).

- In America, Applied Digital Solutions had problems with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A lengthy showdown ended with an agreement not to use the chips for medical purposes.

VeriChip is now legal in the US.

- Yes it is. But your company's statement says: "Each chip contains an identification code associated with a database that contains information of any kind, including medical information" ...

— Each chip contains an identifier. With the help of a special scanner, you can find out this identifier, transfer information from the scanner to a computer, which, having contacted the database, will give information about the chip carrier.

— Have you received (do you expect) any response from similar Russian FDA regulatory organizations? Is it really so easy to bring a controversial product to the market?

We are currently working on certification issues. Accordingly, how simple or difficult the process will be, I cannot predict now.

- What "database" are we talking about, and where will it be located?

Each direction uses its own software (and its own "database"). For example, if someone buys 100 chips, puts them in company cars and controls the entry and exit of cars into the car park, this is their own base. If used in medical institutions, this is its own base. And so on.

- The "target audience" of chips named by your company are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and law enforcement agencies, as well as people suffering from serious illnesses. Have any of them already expressed interest?

"... Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and law enforcement agencies, as well as people suffering from serious illnesses" - this is a replicated phrase. Many are showing interest.

- Who will be the very first carrier of American chips in Russia?

I think we will prepare a separate article on this issue.

— The widespread distribution of VeriChip across the country, first of all, depends on the availability of scanners for reading data from the right people. In whose hands will the first scanners fall?

The first scanners fell into our hands, the next - to testers.

- In one of its latest announcements, Applied Digital Solutions introduced VeriPay technology - the implant replaces cash and credit cards, being a kind of subcutaneous wallet. Will this technology also reach Russia?

— Are you or your employees ready to wear implants in your body? If yes/no, why?

I am ready to answer for myself: I am not afraid of the implantation procedure, as a physiological process of inserting a chip. Also, the procedure for subsequent identification is not embarrassing.

Over the past 10 years, we have become accustomed to taking the maximum from the surrounding objects. We use "smart" kettles, washing machines and lamps, we buy more and more sophisticated smartphones.

It has become commonplace for us that mobile Internet is comparable in speed to home, and we are not surprised by wireless charging or NFC capabilities.

No progress has happened only with our body. But it turns out that modern technologies allow you to upgrade it too.

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From an ordinary hand, you can make a "smart" hand, and turn your earlobe into a full-fledged remote control.

We will talk about chipping - a phenomenon that allows you to improve your body by implanting electronic circuits.

Warning: The photos and videos in this article are not for the faint of heart.

Chipping is no worse than piercing

The smallest sensor, which is almost invisible on the x-ray.

The point of chipping is to save a person from the need to carry all sorts of electronic accessories. So, to unlock car doors or a door lock, many people use fitness bracelets or a smartphone.

Among the people who are thinking about chipping, there are many who are afraid of the “operation” itself. Yes, it is more logical to put this word in quotation marks, because the procedure cannot be called a surgical intervention.

Six months ago, I decided to have microchipping. I'm just tired every time, approaching the threshold of the office, putting the bags on the floor, looking for the keys, aiming at the keyhole.

“Damn it, why not replace this dull rite with a simple wave of the hand,” I thought. So I decided to implant the chip.

Is the procedure painful? Not at all. If you've ever had a piercing, it feels very similar. Just a few minutes, and in your hand you will forever have the key to all doors, a ticket and a couple of dozen additional chips. This is great!

Ellie, one of the people who got microchipped.

The procedure for implementing the microcircuit was demonstrated back in 2015. Although the founder of the Dangerous Things company, which supplies products for chipping, assures that he implanted himself with a chip to open doors back in 2005.

Since then, little has changed.

A microchip is inserted into a very thick needle-pin. It is then gently injected under the skin under local anesthesia. Perhaps this is the whole price for expanding the functionality of your hand.

The same syringe for inserting a chip under the skin.

Such microcircuits are called RFID chips or radio frequency identification chips.

Small chip with big features

This baby is able to significantly expand the capabilities of your arm or leg.

Chips with NFC tags and sensors are placed in a miniature glass capsule. Their size is not more than 1 centimeter. But, unlike a smartphone or a bracelet, such capsules cannot be lost or forgotten.

They become one with their owners. And the best part is that chips do not need to be recharged. They work for years. All due to the fact that they consume energy and “wake up” only when an external device is accessed.

Immediately after implantation, your hand receives several new features:

  • you can unlock any lock by pre-programming the chip with a digital key
  • pass authorization in the gym, "breaking through" the subscriber card
  • pay the fare
  • the microchip can be used as an identifier, replacing a passport
  • send information to your smartphone with a simple touch of your hand

The scope of such a microchip is huge. The day is not far off when they can be used to pay in the supermarket and use payment systems of choice.

Where can you find chipping

This little chip can open doors and activate switches.

If you were told 15 years ago that you would not let go of your iPhone, what would you say? Surely they reacted categorically, saying that "Tetris" and "electronics" have not interested you for a long time.

But today, the smartphone has replaced us with a means of communication, and a player, and a book. It has become a full-fledged entertainment center.

The same thing happens with chipping. It is in its infancy. After all, the first case of installing a chip under the skin was registered only three years ago.

  • Sweden is the country where chipping is most developed.
  • Around 12,000 chip insertion operations have been done around the world.
  • Chips do not require recharging.
  • All microcircuits are placed in tiny glass capsules, so they do not harm a person.
  • The cost of introducing an RFID chip is about $30.

Moreover, at the state level they supported the initiative to implant chips, and now it is enough to show your hand to present a ticket on local trains.

There are those who have decided on chipping in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Mexico. People with "advanced opportunities" meet regularly, share experiences, communicate.

But the development of chipping affects not only the technological component. It is in medicine, and in the image, and even in art.

For beauty. Five years ago, there was a boom in the special Polar Star accessory. The chip was a small patch with built-in LEDs.

Fashion trend of the last decade: shimmery tattoos.

He was implanted under the skin ... "for beauty." The tattoo glowed and blinked. The Polar Star was switched on and off with the help of tiny magnets that were installed in the fingers.

For medical purposes. The Circadia chip is installed by Grindhouse. He can track the current body temperature, but in the future, the developers plan to teach the chip to control the pulse rate and oxygen levels in human blood.

For functionality, you have to pay for the size of the chip.

There is also a company that is developing a chip that controls blood sugar levels, replacing the pancreas.

A dancer with a chip in her leg listens for earthquakes.

In art. For dancer Mun Ribas, inspiration comes when she feels the vibrations of the implant in her hand. A tiny microchip signals active earthquakes. The girl feels these impulses and begins to dance.

Modern art is hard to understand, but chipping has made its way here too.

Is there something dangerous in chipping?

X-ray of the hands of a person who implanted two microchips at once.

According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population is interested in the possibility of implanting a miniature chip under the skin. Someone wants to give up a paper passport and a driver's license, someone dreams of paying for purchases with a wave of their hand.

But after all, any microchip can be hacked? Is such a hack dangerous for those who have it directly in the body?

The developers of those same chips, for example, the founder of Bionyfiken, Hannes Sieblad, emphasize that chipping is absolutely safe and harmless.

Today, the human body is a new technological platform. And the implant can be called part of it.

We upgrade our bodies with chips, but the real boom in this type of upgrade will not come until 5 to 10 years from now. And, after all, who wants to carry around a clumsy smartphone or smart watch around when all their functionality can be placed in your own hand?

No need to be afraid of being hacked. All data collected in the chip is very limited and encrypted. Hackers will simply not be interested in them.

Chipping has become fashionable

The man spreads his fingers - thumb and forefinger. Zilch, and the microchip is embedded in his palm - another cyborg is ready to go. This is how superhumans are created. Who are they and why do they need it?

The Belgian startup Epicenter is almost the only company in the world that has put human chipping on stream. Microcircuits, implanted in the hands of employees of organizations, open doors, start printing on printers and allow you to pay for lunch. All you have to do is wave your hand over the device. Epicenter founder and CEO Patrick Mesterton provides a good example by having a microchip implanted in his hand. “The chip is very convenient. It replaces a lot of familiar things, whether it's a bank card or keys,” says Mesterton.

Chip technology is not new. People use chips like this to track the location of luggage and pets. Epicenter's goal is to prove that this technology is safe and beneficial to people. Companies can control when employees are at work, track where they are and what they buy. The person in whom the chip is implanted cannot get rid of surveillance, because the microcircuit is embedded under the skin and it is not so easy to remove it.

Epicenter serves more than a hundred companies, employing more than two thousand people. Since 2015, approximately 150 people have agreed to be microchipped and none of them have been disappointed. Epicenter chips use NFC, a technology that, among other things, is used with a contactless board. NFC allows you to exchange data between two devices that are in close proximity to each other.

Fredrik Kaiser, 47, Epicenter's chief experience officer, is also chipped, and when asked about privacy issues, he says he hasn't thought about it, he just likes to try new things, and he sees such technologies as something that empowers a person. and what will be ubiquitous in the future.

Every month, Epicenter hosts events where attendees can win free microchipping. According to Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, implanting a chip is safe for health, but the ethical problem is much more acute. The fact is that the data that hackers can steal from a chip embedded in the human body is different from data from a smartphone or computer. They are much more personal and can tell about a person’s state of health, as well as about his activity and movement: where he goes, how often he walks, how long he works, what purchases he makes, and so on. If this data gets to outsiders, they can be used for personal gain. Which ones - depends on the violent imagination of hackers.

Insertion of an implant chip takes only a few seconds. The specialist inserts the chip, using a special syringe, into the flesh between the thumb and forefinger. It doesn't hurt, and it doesn't even leave a scar on the arm. The chip does not require electrical energy, it is passive and works in the same way as a contactless payment module in a bank card.

There are very few chipped people on the planet, so hacking the implants implanted in them is of little interest to hackers. Interest in hacking data from the human body would undoubtedly grow if such technology became more widespread. Right now, hackers are mostly busy hacking smartphones and computers, since almost most people on the planet have them. Even if chipping is now safe from the point of view of data privacy, in the future hackers will find a weak spot in this technology and will begin to use vulnerabilities against those who decide to implant a microcircuit in themselves.

In the near future, all residents of the Russian Federation should be implanted with so-called "multifunctional electronic devices" or microchips.

Meanwhile, the order to implant chips in the brains of Russian citizens has already been signed by the Government of the Russian Federation. We are talking about the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 311 dated August 7, 2007 "On Approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Russian Electronic Industry for the Period up to 2025" and the "Strategy for the Development of the Russian Electronic Industry for the Period up to 2025" attached to it.

Volumes and sources of financing of the Chipization Strategy 2007-2025 (in prices of the respective years), including:
Stage 1 49442.22 million rubles, including: (2007 - 2011) 30478.32 million rubles. federal budget;
Stage 2 63250 million rubles, including: (2012 - 2015) 38916 million rubles. federal budget;
Stage 3 115,000.0 - 135,000.0 million rubles, (2016 - 2025) including: 70,000.0 - 80,000.0 million rubles. federal budget.

Which way will chipization go in Russia?
1. The very first stage is the creation of a document with a chip, which will store a number of information about a person, under the auspices of convenience, you do not need to collect certificates, have 10 documents, such a personal key for everything.
2. Gradually, the chip will be able to pay for goods and services. Credit cards are a convenient thing, why not tie it to a chip?
3. The implantation of a chip into the human body may appear simultaneously with the possibility of paying for goods and services. Yes, it's a little debatable, but now the ambulance will immediately have complete information about a person's health, and in the event of a cataclysm, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will find you using Glonass.
4. Total chipization. Receiving a salary, buying groceries in a store, paying for a taxi or subway - all through a chip. Why do you need money if you can buy everything for loans. Everything is fast and convenient.

Electronic implants

Electronic implants (lat. "plantatio" - transplantation) - electronic devices implanted in the body of a biological being (human, animal).


The first implants appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The two world wars intensified the development of medicine, and the invention of polymers made it possible to manufacture artificial bones and joints, which, in their properties, are not much inferior to real ones.

In 1956, Soviet scientists at the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics of the Ministry of Social Security of the USSR created a model of a "bioelectric arm" - a prosthesis that was controlled by the biocurrents of the muscles of the stump. This device was demonstrated for the first time in the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Brussels.

In the sixties, researchers at the General Surgery Hospital at the University of Massachusetts tried to treat epilepsy in the following way: electrodes were implanted into the brain, which, when heated, cauterized brain tissue in those areas that cause epileptic seizures. The results were very encouraging, but not enough to continue the experiments.

In the 1970s, implants ("artificial cochlea") began to be "implanted" into the inner ear of people with severe hearing impairments. In 1964, the US National Institutes of Health, on the initiative of Michael DeBakey, founded a program for the development of artificial hearts. In 1982, at the University of Utah, 61-year-old patient Barney Clark had his bad heart replaced with an artificial one. A man with an artificial heart lived for 112 days.

Until now, people with alcoholism are treated with the so-called "filing": implantation of an ampoule-implant into the body. Silicone implants are in constant demand, especially among women in highly developed countries, to increase the volume of the mammary glands, buttocks, lips ...

Tejal Desai of the University of Chicago, Illinois has developed a capsule containing insulin-producing cells. The pores in the capsule surface are only 7 nanometers in size. Therefore, they allow insulin to pass through, but prevent the penetration of antibodies produced by the immune system to fight transplant cells into the capsule. The capsules also contain a 100 micrometer chip for transporting the drug.

The Roslin Institute has created a 2-millimeter silicone microchip stuffed with drugs. The device, which can be swallowed or sewn under the skin, is programmed to release the right doses of drugs at a certain time. The microchip can have 34 reservoirs containing 25 nanoliters of various substances in a liquid and jelly-like state. In the meantime, this chip is planned to be used to anesthetize cancer patients and control blood glucose levels in diabetics.

James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau have developed a radio receiver chip that is installed under a dental filling. The radio receiver can be connected to a mobile phone using the Bluetooth interface, after which you can listen to messages and even speak yourself.

Cochlear implantation can restore the patient's hearing even in the most advanced cases, and can also help babies with congenital deafness: an electronic device perceives sound, encodes it using a sound processor and transmits electrical impulses to the auditory nerve through flexible multi-channel electrodes implanted in the cochlea of ​​the inner ear. There is also the possibility of direct connection to a TV or audio system to improve the quality of the transmitted sound. Currently, about 219,000 people in the world have cochlear implants.

To date, a large number of artificial vision systems have been developed, and several successful implantation operations of these systems have been carried out (some of them even under local anesthesia).

In December 2002, an operation was performed, as a result of which 39-year-old Mark Merger regained the ability to walk. He was implanted in the nerves and muscles of his legs with 15 electrodes connected to a processor in the abdominal cavity. Now he can control his walk with the buttons on his crutches, which serve as a remote control. Six countries were engaged in the development of electrodes: Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, France.

Electrodes implanted in the brain help patients get rid of very acute pain.

Philip Kennedy and Roy Bakay of Emory University in Atlanta implanted a microchip into the brain of a paralyzed 52-year-old John Ray, who, thanks to this, was able to communicate and control the surrounding devices directly with his brain. Synthesized substances were used that cause fouling of microcircuit contacts with nerve tissues. Implants of this kind are already being used to combat Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, sclerosis, nervous tics and neuroses. Scientists at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, led by Theodore Berger, intend to test a silicone chip that acts as an artificial hippocampus (the part of the brain that processes data obtained from human experience in such a way that they can be stored in the form of memories).

On December 19, 2001, ADS (Applied Digital Solutions) introduced for the first time the 12" Æ2.1 mm VeriChip chip implant, based on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology, which can contain up to six lines of information - medical, or any other. Modified a version of the chip with built-in GPS (Global Positioning System), according to manufacturers, will help in the search for abducted people.The chip can be implanted by any doctor under local anesthesia using a special device, and the implantation site does not need stitches.ADS has also developed a line of devices (some of them - implants) under the name "Digital Angel" (Digital Angel). On July 17, 2003, ADS began "chipping" Mexico: a year later, 10,000 inhabitants of this country began to wear implants in their bodies, and 70% of hospitals received devices that read from chips information.


Application areas of electronic implants:

Medicine, Healthcare
authentication, cash payments
communications, access to information
army, intelligence
self-expression, art.

Problems and restrictions on application

On the way to the development of electronic implants, there are a number of problems:

Physical and technological

Biological compatibility (in 2-3% of people, a chronic infection occurs at the implantation site, the treatment of which requires the use of powerful antibiotics);
- self-healing of the implant in case of damage (now in such cases surgical intervention is required);
- food sources (prototypes of batteries that use glucose contained in the blood have already been created, but so far they are ineffective);
-implant dimensions;
- exchange of information with the body of the implant carrier (connection to the nervous system has been mastered to some extent, the use of hormones has not yet been studied);
-implementation and standardization of information exchange interfaces with external devices and other implants;

Psychological and social

Legal (some of the technologies under consideration, in particular, the combination of RFID and GPS makes it possible to control people completely, contrary to human rights);
- xeno- and technophobia, non-perception of the new (the "Movement against biotechnologies" is already actively operating in a number of highly developed countries).

The theologian A. I. Osipov is convinced that humanity in the future will inevitably expect universal slavery, “moreover, such as has never happened in history. Previously, it was possible to escape, it was possible to reach an agreement, raise an uprising, but here nothing is possible. Any word will be fixed and it will not be possible to agree with anyone. He is convinced that for Christians it is not so much physical as moral freedom that is important. And he, turning to scientists who, in his words, "will not lie," asks himself whether the technical capabilities of electronic implants, influencing the consciousness and will of a person, voluntarily deprive him of this moral freedom, lead to the loss of the possibility of "free choice between good and evil? At the same time, he believes that people who have lost their freedom through the implantation of implants involuntarily are not responsible before God.


Childhood-2030 is an international socio-political foresight project initiated in Russia.

Project Manager - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the My Generation Foundation, Head of the Office of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Radchenko A.F.


The foresight project "Childhood-2030" was initiated in April 2008.

In May 2010, the foresight project represented Russia in Shanghai at the international exhibition "Expo-2010" as an innovative strategy for the future of Russia.


The stated goal of the project is to identify possible scenarios and priority areas for Russia for the development of the institution of childhood - those areas in which the efforts of society, business, the state and other interested parties are necessary and relevant.


The main tasks in the project are as follows:

A change in ideology and paradigm in society: a change in priorities, attitudes towards the topic and problems of childhood, a change in the public consciousness of outdated positions.
-Monitoring of structural changes in society.

Project strategy

As part of the foresight project, a step-by-step scenario for the development of the foresight project “Childhood” roadmap until 2030 was developed.

The plan will address a number of issues that are ambiguously perceived by the Russian public, including:

In education, the transition to the chipization of the brain of children "for communication with global information and control networks";
- genetic modification of a person in order to increase his abilities;
-Children grow up in educational communities
- abolition of the traditional family with the replacement of a variety of forms of family life


From the declared opportunities for 2020:

- "any profession can be mastered in virtual reality"
- "children can work and earn income on the Internet"

From the declared opportunities for 2025:

- "A child's abilities can be increased through genetic modification and chipization"
- "instead of children, you can start robots or a virtual child"
“Robots can take care of children”
- "you can program the abilities and characteristics of children."

Expert review

An article by the analytical Internet resource Expert Online notes that the foresight project contains many “fashionable” words, and a significant part of it is devoted to their interpretation. The author of the article calls Childhood-2030 "an exemplary helicopter made of branches and leaves." According to the article, the content of the project, which claims to be original, contains some "simple slaps in the face of public morality."

K. p. n. Fomin M. S. believes that from a pedagogical point of view, some provisions of the project are very revolutionary. In particular, he highlights the idea of ​​creating robot children, which, according to the project, can replace real children. He doubts the expediency of their application against the backdrop of an unfavorable demographic situation in Russia. At the same time, M. S. Fomin is not sure that a robot can replace a real, living child, who requires a far from playful approach. At the same time, he asks himself the question of “what value-ideological shift will occur in the minds of the adult part of the Russian population, which will be offered virtual parenthood, which in fact will clothe them in real personal incompetence.”

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