Entertaining music. Crosswords


It happens that at school, as homework, they are asked to make a crossword puzzle on music. This, in general, is not tricky, however, this task can be solved even easier if you use a special program for compiling crossword puzzles. In this article, I will show you a simple musical crossword puzzle as an example, and tell you how easy it is to make the same one yourself. The music crossword puzzle was compiled by me taking into account the school curriculum - the questions are downright simple. When you yourself compose a musical crossword puzzle, in order not to rack your brains over inventing words and questions, just open a school notebook and use the notes that you made in class. Different terms, names of works, musical instruments, names of composers, etc. will fit for this work.


Horizontal questions:

1. The name of the famous play by I.S. Bach for flute.

2. Ancestor of Russian classical music.

3. An orchestral introduction to an opera or ballet that sounds just before the start of a performance.

4. An ensemble of four musicians, as well as the name of one famous fable by I.A. Krylov.

5. A work for choir, soloists and orchestra, a funeral mass, is, for example, by Mozart.

6. A percussion musical instrument, with tremolo (this is such a playing technique) of which Haydn's 103rd symphony begins.

7. Name of the ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky on the New Year theme, in which the tin soldier fights the mouse king.

8. The musical and theatrical genre in which such works as "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M.I. Glinka, "The Queen of Spades" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

9. Low male voice.

10. One of the "whales" in music: dance, march and ...?

11. A musician who directs a symphony orchestra.

12. Belarusian song - dance about potatoes.

13. A musical instrument whose name is composed of Italian words, translated meaning "loud" and "quiet".

14. Opera-epic by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov about the harp and the sea princess Volkhov.

Vertical questions:

1. A musical interval connecting two adjacent steps.

2. Austrian composer, author of the song "Evening Serenade".

3. A sign in musical notation that indicates a decrease in sound by a semitone.

4. Ensemble of three musicians-instrumentalists or singers.

5. Surname of the composer who opened the first conservatory in Russia.

6. Who wrote the "Pictures at an Exhibition" series?

7. The dance that underlies Strauss' play "On the Beautiful Blue Danube".

8. A piece of music for a solo instrument and orchestra, in which the orchestra and the soloist seem to compete with each other.

9. The musical style, which includes the work of I.S. Bach and G.F. Handel.

10. Austrian composer who wrote "Little Night Serenade" and "Turkish March".

11. Polish national dance, for example, in Oginsky's play Farewell to the Motherland.

12. The great German composer who wrote many fugues, and he is also the author of the Matthew Passion.

13. Consonance of three or more sounds.



1. Joke 2. Glinka 3. Overture 4. Quartet 5. Requiem 6. Timpani 7. Nutcracker 8. Opera 9. Bass 10. Song 11. Conductor 12. Bulba 13. Piano 14. Sadko


1. Second 2. Schubert 3. Flat 4. Trio 5. Rubinstein 6. Mussorgsky 7. Waltz 8. Concerto 9. Baroque 10. Mozart 11. Polonaise 12. Bach 13. Chord


Now I'll tell you a little about how I did this miracle. helped me crossword software entitledCrossword Creator. It is free, it is very easy to find it on the Internet and install it (it weighs about 20 MB - that is, a little). Before I entered this program, I tried a number of others. This one seemed the best to me.

As you can see, I didn’t include so many guessing words in my musical crossword puzzle - only 27. You can use any number of words. The list of necessary words is simply entered into the window of the program, which itself then distributes them vertically and horizontally and crosses them beautifully.

We just have to choose the design style, and then download the finished crossword puzzle. Moreover, you can download several necessary files at once: a crossword without answers, it is also with filled cells, a list of all answers, and a list of questions. True, here, the questions are taken from different dictionaries, so it is most likely that the questionnaire will have to be adjusted. For the example of a musical crossword puzzle that I showed you, I wrote the questions by hand.

Now a very important point. How to display the crossword itself in a graphic file? There is no separate export function to other formats in the Crossword Creator program. In fact, we just copy the image and then paste it wherever we want. It is best to paste it into some kind of graphics editor: Photoshop, for example. The easiest way is to standard Paint, or you can go straight to Word, to the same file where you have questions.

One technical moment. After the picture is inserted into the graphics editor, press "Save as", then enter the name and ( important!) select the format. The fact is that in Paint, by default, there is a bitmap bmp, and in Photoshop it has its own format, but it is most profitable for us to save the picture in JPEG format, and we select it.


Your music crossword is ready. Thank you for attention. If you find this material “useful for society”, please send it to “Contact”, “My World” or somewhere else - there are buttons for this right under this text. See you soon!

Musical crossword puzzle for schoolchildren 6th, 7th grade

Crossword for schoolchildren with answers

Crossword on the topic "Music"


1. A musical and dramatic work (often with comedic elements), in which singing alternates with dances and dialogues. (Operetta.)

5. Keyboard stringed musical instrument. (Piano.)

7. Four-string bowed musical instrument of high register. (Violin.)

8. Art that reflects reality in sound artistic images. (Music.)

9. Type of musical (artistic) works, characterized by certain plot or stylistic features. (Genre.)


1. A musical and dramatic work in which the characters sing accompanied by an orchestra. (Opera.)

2. Poetic and musical work for performance by voice or voices. (Song.)

3. A stringed musical instrument, medium in register and size between a violin and a double bass. (Cello.)

4. A small lyrical musical and poetic work for voice with musical accompaniment. (Romance.)

5. Woodwind high-pitched musical instrument in the form of a straight tube with holes and valves. (Flute.)

6. An artist playing a musical instrument. (Musician.)

Crossword with answers on music for grade 5

Crossword on the topic "Music" for schoolchildren


1. The name of the composer Borodin?

3. Borodin's profession?

4. Name of the composer Tchaikovsky?

5. The name of the opera written by Rimsky-Korsakov?

6. What was the cockerel in Rimsky-Korsakov's opera?

7. Solo number in the opera?

9. Name of the composer Rimsky-Korsakov?

10. What is the name of a group of people performing one piece on different instruments?


1. Alexander

2. Romance

3. Chemist

4. Peter

5. Snow Maiden

6. Gold

7. Aria

8. Tenor

9. Nicholas

10. Orchestra

3. Lip instrument of the peoples of the North
5. A melodic instrument with a lower range than a flute
6. The instrument played by Sadko
8. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole from Karl …………
9. The most virtuosic and technically agile instrument in the wind family
12. Large violin, which is played while sitting
15. Russian folk 3-string plucked instrument
16. Derived from a hunting horn
19. Scots wind instrument
21. His sounds accompany military processions

1. 4-string bowed instrument

2. Favorite instrument at rustic weddings

4. Piano in the concert hall

5. Musical instrument of tourists and bards

7. A percussion musical instrument similar to a cauldron covered with leather on top

8. They hit him with hammers

9. The lowest sounding woodwind instrument

10. Tool in the form of a geometric figure

11. The lowest sounding and largest stringed bowed instrument

13. Keyboard musical instrument

14. The main instrument of jazz

17. It differs from other brass instruments by the presence of a special movable tube - backstage

18. The oldest shock-noise instrument, similar to a rattle

20. The largest keyboard wind musical instrument that sounds with pipes

22. With its help, the shaman communicates with spirits

Crossword on Russian folk musical instruments

Yes, friends! Here is a new crossword puzzle for you, the topic is Russian folk musical instruments. As ordered! Only 20 questions - in general, their standard number. Stubbornness is average. Not to say it's easy, not to say it's complicated. There will be hints (in the form of pictures)!

Almost all the conceived words are the names of Russian folk instruments (except for one, that is, 19 out of 20). One question is a little bit about another - that's right, "lift the veil of secrecy" and show the possibilities of expanding the topic (if anyone will do their own crossword on this topic).

Now we can finally move on to our crossword puzzle

Horizontal questions:

    Percussion instrument, which is a hoop with ringing metal plates. A favorite tool of shamanic rituals, downright their “symbol”.

    It is a stringed-plucked instrument, three strings, rounded body - reminiscent of half a pumpkin. This instrument is played by Alexander Tsygankov.

    Percussion instrument, which consists of wooden plates impaled on a cord.

    A wind instrument is a tube (for example, made of reed) with drilled holes. Shepherds and buffoons loved to play such flutes.

    A voiced plucked stringed instrument played with two hands. In the old days, epics were sung to the accompaniment of this instrument.

    Ancient Russian stringed bowed musical instrument. The body is oblong, reminiscent of a half of a melon, a bow in the form of a meadow. Buffoons played on it.

    Another stringed instrument is of Italian origin, but has spread extremely widely outside its homeland, including in Russia. Outwardly, it is somewhat reminiscent of a lute (with fewer strings).

    What kind of musical instrument will you get if you take a dried small pumpkin, make it hollow and leave a few peas inside?

    A stringed instrument that everyone knows. Triangular "symbol" of Russia. It is believed that a bear can be taught to play this instrument.

    This instrument is a wind instrument. Usually its mention is associated with Scotland, but in Russia buffoons from ancient times loved to play it. It is an air cushion made of animal skins with several protruding tubes.

    Just a flute.

Vertical questions:

    This instrument is similar to Pan's flute and is sometimes also referred to as a fork. In appearance - several tubes-flutes of different lengths and pitches connected together.

    Such a tool is more in place when it's time to eat porridge. Well, if there is no appetite, then you can play.

    A kind of Russian harmonica, not a button accordion and not an accordion. The buttons are long and all white, there are no black ones. To the accompaniment of this instrument, the people loved to perform ditties and funny songs.

    What was the name of the hero-gusliar of the famous Novgorod epic?

    A cool instrument, its shamans love it no less than a tambourine, it is a small metal or wooden rounded frame with a tongue in the middle. During the game, the instrument is pressed to the lips or teeth and pulled by the tongue, characteristic “northern” sounds are obtained.

    Hunting musical instrument.

    A musical instrument from the category of rattles. Ringing balls. Previously, a whole bunch of such balls were attached to the horse troika, so that when approaching, a ringing was heard.

    Another musical instrument that could be attached to a trio of horses, but more often, decorated with a beautiful ribbon bow, they hung around the cows' necks. It is an open metal cup with a movable tongue, which makes this miracle rattle.

    Like any accordion, this instrument sounds when you stretch the bellows. His buttons are all round - there are both black and white.

Answers, as always, are given at the end of the page, but before I promised, I offer hints in the form of pictures. You can guess only one picture, without even reading the questions. Here are pictures for those words that are encrypted horizontally:


1. A musical and dramatic work (often with comedic elements), in which singing alternates with dances and dialogues.

5. Keyboard stringed musical instrument.

7. Four-string bowed musical instrument of high register.

8. Art that reflects reality in sound artistic images.

9. Type of musical (artistic) works, characterized by certain plot or stylistic features.

Vertically: 1. A musical and dramatic work in which the characters sing accompanied by an orchestra.

2. Poetic and musical work for performance by voice or voices.

3. A stringed musical instrument, medium in register and size between a violin and a double bass.

4. A small lyrical musical and poetic work for voice with musical accompaniment.

5. Woodwind high-pitched musical instrument in the form of a straight tube with holes and valves.

6. An artist playing a musical instrument.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic secondary school No. 14"

Polysaevsky urban district

Musical crosswords

(for students in grades 3-7)

prepared by the music teacher

Zakharova Anna Alexandrovna



The word "crossword" in translation into Russian means "intersecting words".

By entering the guessed words in the right cells, the guesser gets the opportunity to find out the control word or letters for other words.

One letter fits into each cell of the crossword puzzle.

The task for each puzzle is described separately.

Interesting in the music lesson for schoolchildren is also guessing crossword puzzles with questions on musical topics. Only in advance the teacher should show the students the principle of guessing such puzzles. To this end, you can even clearly demonstrate how to answer the questions of the crossword puzzle and enter the answers in the right cells.

Here are examples of several crossword puzzles, in the compilation of which the topics studied by children in primary grades were used.

Let's start solving musical crossword puzzles with the simplest ones.

I. Having solved this crossword puzzle, you will find out the names of the icons that record musical sounds.

Crossword questions:

(here everything is horizontal): 1

II. Having solved the second crossword puzzle, you will find out what you need to draw at the beginning of the musical staff in order to determine the name of the note.

Questions for the crossword

(also so far horizontally):

    What do we hear with our ears?

    The shape of the note head.

    Music as an exercise.

    A stick with hair stretched along it for playing the violin.

Crossword "About whom the song is sung"

If all the words in the crossword are guessed correctly, then in the column it will be possible to read the name of the heroine of the folk song, who "found the alphabet in the groove."

    A song that soothes.

    Song, dance, march - these are musical ... who?

    When several people sing or dance together, it is called...

    Musical "whale", under which it is convenient to walk.

The vertical control word is “fox”, the heroine of the Russian folk song “How the fox walked on the grass”.

Crossword "Hero of a musical fairy tale"

If you correctly guess the crossword, then in the highlighted column you can read the name of the hero of the musical fairy tale composer S. S. Prokofiev.

    A musical country where everyone sings.

    Musical whale.

    Overture by M. I. Glinka "Aragonese ...".

    Great song of the protagonist.

If the words are entered correctly, then in the selected vertical column it will be possible to read the control word - Petya, the name of the hero of the musical fairy tale by S. S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

Crossword "Music of M. I. Glinka"

In order to guess this crossword puzzle, one must remember the opera by M. I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

If all the words in the crossword puzzle are entered correctly, then in the vertical column it will be possible to read the word that denotes the big song of the protagonist in the opera.

    The protagonist of the fairy tale opera by M. I. Glinka.

    Evil Wizard from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

    The great Russian poet who wrote a fairy tale poem, based on which M. I. Glinka created the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila.

    Legendary Russian singer, character of the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Crossword with clue "Folk Orchestra Instruments"

Write in the horizontal lines the names of the musical instruments of the folk orchestra. The word “folk” written vertically in the crossword puzzle will serve as a hint.

    An instrument named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller.

    Ancient stringed instrument.

    Such an instrument is considered the main one in the string group of a symphony orchestra, but it is also among folk instruments. That's what they call it - folk ...

    Shepherds often played this instrument. It's a shepherd...

    A stringed instrument resembling a balalaika.

    A noise instrument with a leather membrane stretched over a hoop with bells. You can play it by hitting or shaking.

    A stringed instrument played by striking the strings with special spoons.

Crossword "Genres of folk songs"

Each line of this crossword contains the name of a genre of folk songs. Only the syllables in these names are mixed up.

Rearrange the syllables so that in each row you get the correct name of the genre of folk songs.

TO WORK (labor)

NEAR ABOUT (ritual)

CZEC LIRI (lyric)

E WATER HORO (dance)

RICH HISTO (historical)

Crossword "Remember the notes"

It seems that each of us knows the names of seven notes. Try to fit these names in horizontal rows using the "hint word".

Crossword "Musical instruments"

If you write the names of seven musical instruments in the horizontal rows, then the correct answers will help you guess the name of the eighth, which can be read in the vertical row. Hint: Most of these tools have an "a" in their name.

    A noisy musical instrument that can be played by striking or shaking it.

    Piano for those who are just learning to play it.

    What is the most commonly used string instrument in rock bands?

    Wind musical instrument with the highest sound.

    A stringed instrument with the lowest pitch, played by "plucking" the strings.

    A stringed instrument, which is called the "soul of the orchestra".

    The most cheerful musical instrument, to the sounds of which it is good to march.

Crossword "Musical play"

Write the correct answers in the horizontal rows, and in the vertical line you can guess the name of the musical performance in which all the performers do not speak, but sing.

    If all the performers who are present on the stage sing in the opera, then this is called ...

    If there is a singer on the stage, then most often he sings ...

    What is the musical introduction to an opera or ballet called?

    This is the name of the big song of the protagonist in the opera.

    A musical performance in which everyone dances.

A few more of the activities below require additional knowledge of music, but you may also find them useful for home and school entertainment.

Crossword "Music of M.I. Glinka"-2

To guess this crossword puzzle, you will have to remember the heroes of M. I. Glinka's operas "Ivan Susanin" and "Ruslan and Lyudmila", as well as what other works this composer wrote. Please note that in the box with the number you also need to enter the desired letter.


    The name of the daughter of Ivan Susanin

    The surname of the poet, on the plot of whose fairy-tale poem Glinka wrote his opera.

    Glinka's romance about a spring bird.


    Polish dance from Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin.

    The protagonist of Glinka's opera.

    The name of the adopted son of Ivan Susanin.

    The name of Glinka's symphonic fantasy written on the themes of two Russian folk songs. Of this fantasy, Tchaikovsky said, "All our symphonic music came from it, like an oak from an acorn."

Puzzle "Steps"

All the words in this puzzle start with the letter "B". Each subsequent word is longer than the previous one by one letter, which is why the words written in a column will resemble steps.

    The great German composer and organist, whose last name means "stream" in translation.

    An art form in which all content is conveyed through dance.

    Hungarian composer who created a music cycle for piano called "For Children".

    A great composer who lost his hearing in the middle of his life.

    A piece of music whose title in Italian means "song of the boatman".

Puzzle "Ladder"

All the answer words of this puzzle begin with the letter "Sh". They must be written in a column. A little hint: the answer words 1 and 2, as well as 3 and 4 are equal to each other.

Puzzle "Escalator"

All the words in this puzzle start with the letter "A". The answers to the puzzle must be written in a column, then you will get steps resembling an escalator. Little hint: words 1-3,4-5 and 6-7 are equal.

    A stringed instrument, the closest relative of the violin.

    A stringed musical instrument played by fingering its strings.

    In the opera, this is the name of the big song of the protagonist.

    Big aria.

    The name of the princess, the heroine of P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".

    Little aria.

    Break between acts of opera or ballet.

    A group of performers and musicians.

Crossword "Remember" Eugene Onegin "

If you guess this crossword puzzle, then vertically you can read the name of one of the heroines of P. I. Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin".

    Russian composer, head of the musical circle "Mighty Handful".

    Opera by A. S. Dargomyzhsky based on the drama by A. S. Pushkin.

    Hero of the opera by composer A.P. Borodin.

    The name of the hero of the opera M. I. Glinka.

    Composer, founder of Russian classical music.

    Musical whale.

The vertical control word is Larina.

Chineward "Musical Spiral" (opera).

Each last letter of a word is the first letter of the next word.

Chineward "Music Path" (singing).

The last letter of a word is the first letter of the next word.

Help the mushroom pickers to return home as soon as possible.

    A small vocal work of a lyrical nature.

    Lyrical song under the window of the beloved.

    The song of the character in the opera.

    Poet of the 19th century, to whose words the song "Our Sea Is Unsociable" (1829) was written.

    The word for "professional singing".

    The most famous Russian opera singer-tenor, People's Artist of the USSR.

    Contemporary pop singer.

    The name of the People's Artist of the USSR Obraztsova.

    Full collection at the theater when all tickets for this performance are sold.

    The solemn song is a symbol of the state.

    Another name for the tune.

    Instrumental loss before singing.

    A wonderful singer, pop artist, People's Artist of Russia, participant in the "Full House".

    The name of the host of the "Full House" Dubovitskaya.

    Performing group of singers, musicians, etc.

III. Crossword "Magic Castle" (tempo of performance of works)

E If you correctly enter in the cells horizontally the words denoting the tempo of the performance of a musical work, then you will read the name of a famous singer vertically.


    Very slow, wide, drawn out.


    Slowly, calmly.

IV. Crossword "Fruits"

If you correctly enter in the cells horizontally the words denoting the drawn fruits, then you will read the name of the woodwind instrument vertically.

V. Crossword "Royal"

If you correctly arrange the letters horizontally, then you will read the name of the musical mode vertically.

    Alteration sign.

    Alteration sign.

    Emphasis in music.

    Keyboard instrument.

    Simultaneous consonance of 3 or more musical sounds.

Chinword "Big Drum"

      Dissonance in music.


      Simultaneous sounding of three or more sounds.

      The interval, which can be denoted by the number 10.

      Emphasis in music.

      Movement speed in music.

      The sign of silence in music.

      Fast musical tempo.

VI. Crossword "Egyptian pyramid"

More than 5 thousand years ago, the Egyptians built the pyramids that have survived to this day.

If you can build a pyramid by answering the questions, then you will read the name of the brass instrument vertically.

1. What figure corresponds to this interval?

2. The name of this sign.

    An old Spanish slow dance in triple meter.

    Ancient musical instrument - a small organ.

VII. Crossword "Guitar"



    part of the opera.

    Parts of musical text separated from each other by vertical lines.

    The distance between two sounds in pitch.

    How many tones are in a tritone?

    A device for changing the nature of the sound in musical instruments.

    Keyboard instrument of a symphony orchestra, reminiscent of the sound of bells.

    A sequence of sounds that form a chant.

    Performance of a vocal work.

VIII. Crossword "Xylophone" (genres works)

Crossword questions:

    A short musical introduction that precedes the main part of a piece of music (in a sonata, symphony, opera).

    A concerto-type piece of music for solo instrument, but with less developed parts.

    A piece of virtuoso character with frequent "capricious" mood swings, with many unexpected effects.

    A large orchestral work, usually consisting of 3-4 parts, differing from each other in the nature of the music and tempo.

    A large piece of music for singing, usually with orchestral accompaniment, consisting of solo, ensemble, and choral parts.

    A piece of music for one or two instruments, usually consisting of 3-4 parts, united by a common artistic concept.

    Moderate or fast dance in triple meter.

    Musical piece as a kind of exercise.

. Crossword "Musical triangle" (Composers)

Crossword questions:

Vertically: 1. The most famous modern Russian composer, author of wonderful songs.

Horizontally: 2. Author of the opera "Prince Igor". 3. Norwegian composer. 4. French composer. 5. Famous Baltic composer, author of many songs written for A. B. Pugacheva.6. Russian composer, author of the operas “Rogneda”, “Enemy Force”, etc. 7. Russian composer, author of the song “Lonely Accordion”, etc. 8. Russian composer, author of “Musical Snuffbox”, “Kikimora”, etc. 9. Italian composer, author of the opera "Rigoletto". 10. Finnish composer of the 19th century. 11. The most famous composer of our time, laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin Prize, People's Artist of Russia, Hero of Socialist Labor. 12. Popular composer of Russia, author of the “Hymn of the Democratic Youth of the World”, songs “Vasya-Vasilek”, “Oh, roads”, etc.

X. Crossword "Cello" (performers)

Crossword questions:

P about vertical:

    The greatest cellist of our time.


    Polish composer of the 19th century.

    Famous Russian violinist.

    Famous symphony conductor, composer and pianist, People's Artist of the USSR.

    Russian pianist.

    Famous Leningrad (Petersburg) singer.

    Brilliant Russian pianist, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

    Famous American pianist.

    Outstanding Russian violinist, People's Artist of the USSR.

    Famous Russian harpist.

XI. Crossword "Barrel"

Horizontally: 1. A sign placed at the very beginning of each line of the staff. 2. A single shot on a film strip. 3. Summary of opera, operetta, ballet. 13. An outstanding Norwegian composer of the 19th century. 14. A device of two glasses, used for abnormal vision. 15. In music it is called "accent". 17. Moldovan dance.20. Group m musicians who jointly perform a piece of music on various instruments.21. The sign of repetition in music.

Vertically: 1. Transcription of an orchestral piece for piano. 4. A percussion musical instrument in the form of a leather-covered rim with bells along the edges. 5. Azerbaijani and Armenian string instrument. 6. String plucked musical instrument of the peoples of Transcaucasia, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey. 7. Iridescent, trembling sound from the rapid alternation of two adjacent tones (sounds). 8. A small vocal work of a lyrical nature. 9. The pitch of the voice or instrument. 10. A device for issuing a whistle. 11. An old French dance of a lively character. 12. Someone who rings church bells. 15. Caring for someone, helping someone. 16. French composer of the 18th century. 18. A group of singers performing a vocal piece together. 19. Sound distance between two sounds.

XII . Crossword "Painting and music"


    A play by E. Grieg, depicting the dawn of a new day.

    The hero of the opera by M. Mussorgsky, who is very similar to the image of the priest in I. Repin's film "Protodeacon".

    Beauty, euphony.

    Russian composer who had a "colored" hearing.

    French composer who has been called an impressionist in music.


    What most often inspires artists and composers to create?

    Lithuanian composer-artist.

    Russian artist, to whom M. Mussorgsky dedicated his cycle “Pictures at an Exhibition”.

    Music paint.

XIII . Crossword "Literature and Music"


    A musical performance based on dance.

    Ancient Greek singer, hero of myths.

    A musical performance where all the artists sing.

    A house designed for staging performances.

    Ensemble of four performers.

    Romantic song with instrumental accompaniment.

    The literary basis of an opera or ballet.

XIV . Crossword "Means of musical expression"



    Stringed instrument.

    Musical thought, the "soul" of music.

    The power of sound.

    way of presenting musical material.

    Coloring of musical sound.


    Alternation of sounds of different duration.

    The relationship of musical sounds, their consistency.

    Invoice type.

    The speed of the music.

    Method for extracting musical sounds.

    Alternating strong and weak beats.

    Simultaneous sounding of several sounds.

Crossword Answers

Crossword I. Answer: NOTES

Crossword II. Answer: KEY

Chineward "Musical Spiral" (opera). ANSWERS:

ainvord "Music path" (singing). ANSWERS:

TO crossword III "Magic Castle" (tempo of performance). Answer: Allah.

Crossword IV "Fruits". Answer: OBOE

Crossword V "Royal". Answer: MINOR

H ainvord "Big Drum".

Crossword VI "Egyptian pyramid". Answer: PIPE

Crossword VII "Guitar".

Crossword VIII "Xylophone".

Crossword IX "Musical Triangle". Answer: BOGOSLOVSKII

Crossword X "Cello". Musicians.

Crossword XI "Barrel"


SCHOOL № 690


Musical crosswords

(for students in grades 3-7)

preparedmusic teacher

Zakharyan Oksana Ivanovna

Saint Petersburg



The word "crossword" in translation into Russian means "intersecting words".

By entering the guessed words in the right cells, the guesser gets the opportunity to find out the control word or letters for other words.

One letter fits into each cell of the crossword puzzle.

The task for each puzzle is described separately.

Interesting in the music lesson for schoolchildren is also guessing crossword puzzles with questions on musical topics. Only in advance the teacher should show the students the principle of guessing such puzzles. To this end, you can even clearly demonstrate how to answer the questions of the crossword puzzle and enter the answers in the right cells.

Here examples of several crossword puzzles, in the compilation of which the topics studied by children in primary grades were used.

Let's start solving musical crosswords withthe simplest.

I . By solving this crossword puzzle, you will find out how tothe icons with which the muses are recorded are calledcallous sounds.

Crossword questions:

(here everything is horizontal): 1

II . Having solved the second crossword puzzle, you will find out thatit is necessary to draw at the beginning of the musical staff, so that opdetermine the name of the note.

Questions for the crossword

(also so far horizontally):

    What do we hear with our ears?

    The shape of the note head.

    musical workdening as an exercise.

    Wand with strungalong her hair for the gameOn the violin.

Crossword "About whom the song is sung"

If all the words in the crossword are guessed correctly, then in the column it will be possible to read the name of the heroine of the folk song, who "found the alphabet in the groove."

    A song that soothes.

    Song, dance, march - these are musical ... who?

    When they sing or danceseveral people together, it's called...

    Musical "whale", under which it is convenient to walk.

The vertical control word is “fox”, the heroine of the Russian folk song “How the fox walked on the grass”.

Crossword "Hero of a musical fairy tale"

If you correctly guess the crossword, then in the highlighted column you can read the name of the hero of the musical fairy tale composer S. S. Prokofiev.

    A musical country where everyone sings.

    Musical whale.

    Overture by M. I. Glinka "Aragonese ...".

    Great song of the protagonist.

If the words are entered correctly, then in the selected vertical column it will be possible to read the control word - Petya, the name of the hero of the musical fairy tale by S. S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

Crossword "Music of M. I. Glinka"

In order to guess this crossword puzzle, one must remember the opera by M. I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

If all the words in the crossword puzzle are entered correctly, then in the vertical column it will be possible to read the word that denotes the big song of the protagonist in the opera.

    The protagonist of the fairy tale opera by M. I. Glinka.

    Evil Wizard from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

    The great Russian poet who wrote a fairy tale poem, based on which M. I. Glinka created the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila.

    Legendary Russian singer, character of the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Crossword with clue "Folk Orchestra Instruments"

Write in the horizontal lines the names of the musical instruments of the folk orchestra. The word “folk” written vertically in the crossword puzzle will serve as a hint.

    An instrument named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller.

    Ancient stringed instrument.

    Such an instrument is considered the main one in the string group of a symphony orchestra, but it is also among folk instruments. That's what they call it - folk ...

    Shepherds often played this instrument. It's a shepherd...

    A stringed instrument resembling a balalaika.

    A noise instrument with a leather membrane stretched over a hoop with bells. You can play it by hitting or shaking.

    A stringed instrument played by striking the strings with special spoons.

Crossword "Genres of folk songs"

Each line of this crossword contains the name of a genre of folk songs. Only the syllables in these names are mixed up.

Rearrange the syllables so that in each row you get the correct name of the genre of folk songs.

TO WORK (labor)

NEAR ABOUT (ritual)

CZEC LIRI (lyric)

E WATER HORO (dance)

RICH HISTO (historical)

Crossword "Remember the notes"

It seems that each of us knows the names of seven notes. Try to fit these names in horizontal rows using the "hint word".

Crossword "Musical instruments"

If you write the names of seven musical instruments in the horizontal rows, then the correct answers will help you guess the name of the eighth, which can be read in the vertical row. Hint: Most of these tools have an "a" in their name.

    A noisy musical instrument that can be played by striking or shaking it.

    Piano for those who are just learning to play it.

    What is the most commonly used string instrument in rock bands?

    Wind musical instrument with the highest sound.

    A stringed instrument with the lowest pitch, played by "plucking" the strings.

    A stringed instrument, which is called the "soul of the orchestra".

    The most cheerful musical instrument, to the sounds of which it is good to march.

Crossword "Musical play"

Write the correct answers in the horizontal rows, and in the vertical line you can guess the name of the musical performance in which all the performers do not speak, but sing.

    If all the performers who are present on the stage sing in the opera, then this is called ...

    If there is a singer on the stage, then most often he sings ...

    What is the musical introduction to an opera or ballet called?

    This is the name of the big song of the protagonist in the opera.

    A musical performance in which everyone dances.

A few more of the activities below require additional knowledge of music, but you may also find them useful for home and school entertainment.

Crossword "Music of M.I. Glinka"-2

To guess this crossword puzzle, you will have to remember the heroes of M. I. Glinka's operas "Ivan Susanin" and "Ruslan and Lyudmila", as well as what other works this composer wrote. Please note that in the box with the number you also need to enter the desired letter.


    The name of the daughter of Ivan Susanin

    The surname of the poet, on the plot of whose fairy-tale poem Glinka wrote his opera.

    Glinka's romance about a spring bird.


    Polish dance from Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin.

    The protagonist of Glinka's opera.

    The name of the adopted son of Ivan Susanin.

    The name of Glinka's symphonic fantasy written on the themes of two Russian folk songs. Of this fantasy, Tchaikovsky said, "All our symphonic music came from it, like an oak from an acorn."

Puzzle "Steps"

All the words in this puzzle start with the letter "B". Each subsequent word is longer than the previous one by one letter, which is why the words written in a column will resemble steps.

    The great German composer and organist, whose last name means "stream" in translation.

    An art form in which all content is conveyed through dance.

    Hungarian composer who created a music cycle for piano called "For Children".

    A great composer who lost his hearing in the middle of his life.

    A piece of music whose title in Italian means "song of the boatman".

Puzzle "Ladder"

All the answer words of this puzzle begin with the letter "Sh". They must be written in a column. A little hint: the answer words 1 and 2, as well as 3 and 4 are equal to each other.

Puzzle "Escalator"

All the words in this puzzle start with the letter "A". The answers to the puzzle must be written in a column, then you will get steps resembling an escalator. Little hint: words 1-3,4-5 and 6-7 are equal.

    A stringed instrument, the closest relative of the violin.

    A stringed musical instrument played by fingering its strings.

    In the opera, this is the name of the big song of the protagonist.

    Big aria.

    The name of the princess, the heroine of P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".

    Little aria.

    Break between acts of opera or ballet.

    A group of performers and musicians.

Crossword "Remember" Eugene Onegin "

If you guess this crossword puzzle, then vertically you can read the name of one of the heroines of P. I. Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin".

    Russian composer, head of the musical circle "Mighty Handful".

    Opera by A. S. Dargomyzhsky based on the drama by A. S. Pushkin.

    Hero of the opera by composer A.P. Borodin.

    Name hero of the opera M. I. Glinka.

    Composer, founder of Russian classical music.

    Musical whale.

The vertical control word is Larina.

Chineward "Musical Spiral" (opera).

Every last letter of a word is the firstletter of the next word.

Chineward "Music Path" (singing).

The last letter of a word is the first letternext word.

Help the mushroom pickers to return home as soon as possible.

    A small vocal work lyricsky character.

    Lyrical song under the window of the beloved.

    The song of the character in the opera.

    Poet of the 19th century, to whose words the song "Our Sea Is Unsociable" (1829) was written.

    The word for "professionalnie".

    The most famous Russian opera singer-tenor, People's Artist of the USSR.

    Contemporary pop singer.

    The name of the People's Artist of the USSR Obraztsova.

    Full collection at the theater when all tickets arethis show has been sold.

    The solemn song is a symbol of the state.

    Another name for the tune.

    Instrumental before the startsinging.

    The name of the singer is Shavrina.

    Wonderful singer, entertainer,native artist of Russia, member of the "Full House".

    The name of the host of the "Full House" Dubovitskaya.

    Performing group of singers, musesedges, etc.

III . Crossword "Magic Castle" (tempo of performance of works)

E If you correctly enter in the cells horizontallywords denoting the tempo of a piece of music, then vertically you will read the name of a famous singer.


    Very honeylazy, wide,drawn out.



IV . Crossword "Fruits"

If you correctly enter in the cells horizontally the words denoting the drawn fruits, then you will read the name of the woodwind instrument vertically.

V . Crossword "Royal"

If you correctly arrange the letters on the horizontali, then vertically you will read the name of the musekal scale.

    Alteration sign.

    Alteration sign.

    Emphasis in music.

    Keyboard instrument.

    Simultaneous consonance of 3 or more musicalny sounds.

Chinword "Big Drum"

    1. Dissonance in music.


      Simultaneous sounding of three or more sounds.

      An interval that can be indicated by a digitswarm 10.

      Emphasis in music.

      Movement speed in music.

      The sign of silence in music.

      Fast musical tempo.

VI . Crossword "Egyptian pyramid"

More than 5 thousand years ago, the Egyptians builtwhether the pyramids have survived to our time.

If you can build a pyramid by answeringto questions, then read vertically the namebrass instrument.

1. What number corresponds to thisterval?

2. The name of this sign.

    Old spanish slow dancetripartite size.

    Ancient musical instrument - malazy organ.

VII . Crossword "Guitar"



    part of the opera.

    Parts of musictext separatedturn away from each othercalculus features.

    Distance betweendu two soundssound height.

    How many tones are in a tritone?

    Device for changing the nature of the soundvariations in musical instruments.

    Symphonic op keyboard instrumentkestra, reminiscent of the ringing of a bellchiki.

    A sequence of sounds that form a chant.

    Performance of a vocal work.

VIII . Crossword "Xylophone" (genres works)

Crossword questions:

    A short musical introduction that precedes the main part of a piece of music (in a sonata, symphony, opera).

    Concerto-type piece of music forsolo instrument, but with less developed parts.

    A piece of virtuoso character with frequent capvestry "change of mood, with many unexpectedeffects.

    A large orchestral work, usually consisting of 3-4 parts that differ from each otherha character of music and tempo.

    Major piece of music for peusually with orchestral accompaniment,consisting of solo, ensemble and choral parts.

    Musical piece for one or twotools, usually consisting of 3-4 parts, volumedinennyh common artistic intent.

    Moderate or fast dance in three beatsnominal size.

    Musical piece as a kind of exercise.

. Crossword "Musical triangle" (Composers)

Crossword questions:

Vertically: 1. The most famous modernRussian composer, author of wonderful songs.

Horizontally: 2. Author of the opera "Prince Igor". 3. Norwegian composer. 4. French composer. 5. Famous Baltic composer, avTor of many songs written for A. B. Pugacheva.6. Russian composer, author of the operas “Rogneda”, “Enemy Force”, etc. 7. Russian composer, author of the song “Lonely Harmonica”, etc. 8. Russian compozitor, author of The Musical Snuffbox, Kikimory”, etc. 9. Italian composer, author of the opera “Rigoletto”. 10. Finnish composer of the 19th century. eleven.The most famous contemporary composer, laureateUSSR State Prizes, laureate of the Lenin Prize, People's Artist of Russia, Hero of Socialistic Labor. 12. Popular composer Rossi, author of the Hymn to the Democratic Youth of the World,songs "Vasya-Vasilek", "Oh, roads", etc.

X . Crossword "Cello" (performers)

Crossword questions:

P about vertical:

    The Greatest Cellistmodernity.


    Polish composerXIXcentury.

    Famous Russiansky violinist.

    famous symphonymusical conductor, composerthor and pianist, FolkUSSR artist.

    Russian pianist.

    Famous Leningrad (Petersburg) pevica.

    Brilliant Russian pianist, Narodny artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

    Famous American pianist.

    Outstanding Russian violinist, National Artist of the USSR.

    Famous Russian harpist.

XI . Crossword "Barrel"

Horizontally: 1. Sign exhibited in saat the beginning of eachstaff lines. 2.Separate picture forfilm. 3. Briefcontent of the operaoperetta, ballet. 13.Prominent NorwegianRussian composer of the 19th century. 14. Applianceof twocount, isusemy atabnormal vision.15. In music it is called "accent". 17. Moldovan dance.20.Group m musicians, withjointly performingmusical worknie on various instruments.21. Snooze signniya in music.

Vertically: 1. Transcription of an orchestral piece for piano. 4. Percussion musicinstrument in the form of a rim, covered with leather, with a tambourinechicks around the edges. 5. Azerbaijani and Armenian string instrument. 6. Stringpeoples' plucked musical instrumentTranscaucasia, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey. 7. Peresonant, tremulous sound from rapid successionniya of two adjacent tones (sounds). 8. A small vocal work of a lyrical nature. 9. The pitch of the voice or instrument. 10. A device for issuing a whistle. 11. An old French dance of a lively character. 12. Someone who rings church bells. 15. Caring for someone, helping someone. 16. French composer of the 18th century. 18. A group of singers performing a vocal piece together. 19.Sound distance between two sounds.

XII . Crossword "Painting and music"


    A play by E. Grieg, depicting the dawn of a new day.

    The hero of the opera by M. Mussorgsky, who is very similar to the image of the priestka in the painting by I. Repin "Protodeacon".

    Beauty, euphony.

    Russian composer who had a "colored" hearing.

    French composer who has been called an impressionist in music.


    What most often inspires artists and composers to create?

    Lithuanian composer-artist.

    Russian artist, to whom M. Mussorgsky dedicated his cycle “Karteens from the show.

    Music paint.

XIII . Crossword "Literature and Music"


    Song without Words.

    Musical performance, oswhose nova is dance.

    Ancient Greek singer, hero of myths.

    musical performance whereall the artists sing.

    House designed forperformances.

    Ensemble of four performersthreads.

    Romantic content songzhaniya with instrumentalescort.

    The literary basis of the opera andwhether the ballet.

XIV . Crossword "Means of musical expression"



    Stringed instrument.

    Musical thought, the "soul" of music.

    The power of sound.

    way of presenting musical material.

    Coloring of musical sound.




    Alternation of sounds of different duration.

    The relationship of musical sounds, their consistency.

    Invoice type.

    The speed of the music.

    Method for extracting musical sounds.

    Alternating strong and weak beats.

    Simultaneous sounding of several sounds.

Crossword Answers

Crossword I. Answer: NOTES

Crossword II. Answer: KEY

Chinword "Musical Spiral" (opera). ANSWERS:

ainvord "Music path" (singing). ANSWERS:

TO crosswordIII"Magic Castle" (tempo of performance). Answer: Allah.

Crossword IV"Fruit". Answer: OBOE

Crossword V"Piano". Answer: MINOR

H ainvord "Big Drum".

Crossword VI"Egyptian Pyramid". Answer: PIPE

Crossword VII"Guitar".

Crossword VIII"Xylophone".

Crossword IXMusic Triangle. Answer: BOGOSLOVSKII

Crossword X"Cello". Musicians.

Crossword XI"Street organ"

Word CROSSWORD formed from two English words - CROSS(cross, intersection) and WORD(word). In general, the word CROSSWORD means word intersection. The first crossword puzzle appeared in 1913 in the United States in the New York World newspaper. In Russia, the crossword puzzle was first published in the Ogonyok magazine in 1929. The world's longest crossword puzzle consisted of 50,400 words and was 31 meters long and 53 centimeters wide. The author of this crossword is Belgian Bruges Roger Bokar.

Crosswords come in different types, and they are called differently (chainword, crossword, etc.), but the principle of solving them is the same.

The work presents thematic crosswords for music lessons of the 4th grade, compiled in accordance with the program of educational institutions. Music. 1-8 grades. Auth. count under the direction, edition, - M .: Education, 2006.

The use of crossword puzzles is expected when summarizing the material of the topic or after a generalizing repetition based on the results of a quarter or a year.

We invite you to solve musical crossword puzzles compiled for the following topics "Musical Instruments", "Dances", "Composers".

Crosswords on the topic "Musical Instruments"

CROSSWORD No. 1 (I half of the year).

1. Enter the names of folk musical instruments.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 1. Balalaika, 5. Sopel, 7. Guitar.

Vertically: 1. Bayan, 2. Domra, 3. Zhaleika, 4. Spoons, 6. Gusli.

CROSSWORD #2 (IIhalf a year).

2. Enter the names of folk musical instruments.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 1. Chonguri, 4. Domra. Vertically: 2. Doira, 3. Rubab 5. Cymbals.

CROSSWORD #3 (IIhalf a year).

3. Enter the names of folk musical instruments.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 5. Bandura. Vertically: 1. Rubab, 2. Kankles, 3. Zurna, 4. Nay.


5. Enter the names of musical instruments. https://pandia.ru/text/80/126/images/image005_66.jpg" alt="Tools 4 cl.bmp" width="564" height="306"> !}

Horizontally: 2. Percussion instrument of a symphony orchestra. 6.Kyrgyz folk three-stringed plucked instrument. 7. Russian folk percussion instrument. 10. The lowest sounding brass instrument. 11. Georgian folk plucked instrument. 13. Ancient Greek string-plucked instrument. 14. Estonian folk string instrument. Vertically: 1.Ukrainian folk stringed-plucked instrument with an oval body and a wide neck. 3.Klavishno-wind instrument. 4.An old string-plucked musical instrument. 5.Armenian string-plucked musical instrument. 6. Japanese folk string-plucked instrument. 8. Indian steam drum. 9.Uzbek folk two-stringed plucked instrument. 12. Russian folk push-button wind instrument.


Answers. Horizontally: 2. Bells 6. Komuz. 7. Ratchet 10. Tuba 11. Chonguri 13. Kifara 14. Cannel.Vertically: 1.Kobza 3.Organ 4.Lute. 5. Tar 6. Koto 8. Tabla 9. Dutar 12. Bayan.

CROSSWORD based on the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf"

1. What musical instruments play these roles?

2. Name the author of this work?
Crossword Answers: 1. Violin, 2. Flute, 3. Bassoon, 4. Timpani, 5. Horn, 6. Oboe, 7. Viola, 8. Clarinet. S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

Crosswords on the topic "Dancing".

CROSSWORD No. 1 "Dancing" (3rd quarter)

Horizontally: 3. Moldavian folk dance. 4.Ukrainian folk dance. 5. Russian folk dance.

Vertically: 1.Belarusian folk dance. 2. Georgian folk dance. 3.Uzbek folk dance.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 1. Moldovenyaska, 4. Gopak. 5. Trepak

Vertically: 1. Bulba 2. Lezginka. 3. Mavrigi.

CROSSWORD No. 2 "Dancing" (4th quarter)

Horizontally: 1. Polish mobile dance. 2. Czech folk dance.

Vertically: 2. Polish majestic dance-procession. 3. Dance, descended from Lendler.

4. Hungarian folk dance. 5. Spanish dance.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 2 . Polonaise 3. Waltz 4. Czardas

Vertically: 1. Mazurka. 2.Polka

CROSSWORD No. 3 "Dancing"

The final crossword puzzle on the theme of the second half of the year "There are no impassable borders between the music of my people and the music of different peoples of the world."

Horizontally: 5.Modern Brazilian dance. 6. Czech folk dance. 8. Jazz dance that originated in the USA in the 20th century. 9. Norwegian solo male dance. 12. Uzbek folk dance. 14. Russian folk dance. 16.Italian folk dance.

Vertically: 1.Polish folk dance. 2. Fast ballroom dance of French origin. 3. Dance procession. 4. Hungarian folk dance. 7.Belarusian folk dance. 10. Ukrainian folk dance. 11. Greek folk dance. 13. Spanish folk dance. 15. Dance, descended from landler.


Crossword answers. Horizontally: 5.Samba 6.Polka 8.Foxtrot 9.Halling 12.Mavrigi 14.Trepak 16.Tarantella. Vertically: 1. Mazurka 2. Gallop 3. Polonaise 4. Czardas 7. Bulba 10. Gopak 11. Sirtaki 13. Hota. 15. Waltz.

K R O S V O R D on the topic “Composers” (4th quarter).


2.Norwegian composer. 4.Austrian composer. 5. German composer.

Vertically: 1.Polish composer. 2. Russian composer. 3. American composer.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 2. Grieg 4. Mozart 5. Beethoven.

Vertically: 1.Chopin 2.Glinka 3.Gershwin


1. Methodical lesson developments.

2. Programs of educational institutions. Music. 1-8 grades. Auth. count under the direction, edition, - M .: Education, 2006.

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