Lesson "Journey through fairy tales" in the preparatory group. Lesson in the preparatory group "Journey through winter fairy tales" Lesson of a fairy tale in the preparatory group



Target: consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales and fairy tale characters.


Educational: - Form consistently and expressively convey the content of the work;

Strengthen the ability to write a descriptive story by pictures.

Educational: - develop figurativeness of speech, creative imagination;

Develop the desire for accurate word usage;

Educational: - Cultivate love for fairy tales;

Cultivate the ability to cooperate with each other, adults.

preliminary work: reading fairy tales.

Materials and equipment: illustration for fairy tales, musical accompaniment, writing, disposable plastic spoons, napkins, scissors, stapler, PVA glue, eye stickers, colored paper.

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanations.

Lesson progress:

1. -Good morning guys! Look at our guests today, let's say hello to them!

- "Circle of Joy"

"We looked at each other

Hold hands tightly

Left - turned right,

And they smiled at each other. Let's smile to our guests, give our smile. Well done! Have a seat!

2. Guys and you likes fairy tales?

Children. Yes. We love. Like very much.

Educator. And how can tell about the story, what is she?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

caregiver: Fairy tales there are funny and sad, funny, they are familiar from childhood. Our first ideas about the world, good and evil, about justice are connected with them.

Fairy tales loved by children and adults, they inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. On fabulous performances and films are staged, operas and ballets are created.

Tales is"Soul of the People" Passed down from generation to generation fairy tales came to us from ancient times.

Guys you want to fly with me to the country fairy tales and test your knowledge about fairy tales.

But how do we get into the country fairy tales? Let's remember what magic items help fairy tale characters move.

Children: Aircraft carpet, flying ship, walking boots, etc.

caregiver: And we get into fairy tale magic shoes will help. And flew around. Guys, our shoes do not want to fly. What shall we do?

Need to cast a spell "shoes put on fairy tale flew» . (fabulous music) .

caregiver: Here we are in the world fairy tales. 1 slide. Look at the magic screen meet us fairy-tale heroes.

2 slide Letter. Oh, here is some old letter, signed preparatory group. It says here that we guys have to overcome the tasks and for each completed task we will receive a golden key. When we collect all the keys, we can open the magic chest. Are you ready to complete all tasks?

1 task. Need to solve riddles fairy tales and fairy tale characters.

Slide 3 is a riddle, slide 4 is a guess.

Grandmother and grandfather roared:

How are we going to have lunch now?

The mouse ran across the table

And the testicle suddenly fell.

(Ryaba hen)

Ruddy round boy

Ran away from home for a day.

Wandered with a cheerful song

And bypassed all the dangers

Until the one in the forest

Did not meet a cunning fox. (Kolobok)

She is the most important of all in a mystery,

Although she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandfather and grandmother.


A hut was lost in a dense forest.

A difficult old woman lives in a hut -

Sits on a broom

And then it flies over the forest like a bird!

(Baba Yaga)

slide 11,12

I persuaded my brother

older sister:

“You drink from a puddle of it

Muddy water."

The boy did not listen

He turned into a goat. (Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka).

slide 13,14

In the forest, a girl is crying

He hides everything from the cold.

And the nose is frozen and the ears too,

Everything looks like a snowman.

Frost began to speak to her,

From all sides to her suit: and ask

Are you warm, girl? ( "Morozko").

15 slide. Guys, a golden key appeared on the magic screen, which means you completed 1 task. Well done boys!

2 task. It is necessary to name from which fairy tales these things?

16 slide: 1. Magic mirror - FAIRY TALE


AND ABOUT SEVEN BOGATYRS. And who remembers what words the princess said looking at the mirror “My light, mirror! Tell

Yes tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

2. Broken trough - "Gold fish". And how many wishes did the Goldfish fulfill for the old man? Well done look ahead.

3. Whose glass shoe is Cinderella's. How did Cinderella lose one shoe? She ran away from the prince.

4. Who had this item - a golden key, Pinocchio.

5. What fabulous character can be defeated with this item (with a needle)- Koshcheya.

6. Broom - Baba Yagi. Well done guys, you know everything well fairy tales and your knowledge helped us overcome the challenge.

Oh guys, the golden key appeared on the screen! We have completed the 2nd task.

You guys must be tired, let's have a rest. Look at the magic screen and we will watch fairy forest.

3 task. You will need to guess songs from familiar cartoons. Listening to the first piece of music

1 song Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. Look, you guessed right!

2. Cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". (Nothing in the world is better than wandering friends around the world)

3. Cartoon song "Flying ship". (Stretch the harmonica, sing, play, play)

4. Song from the cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino". (If there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never know these fun days)

5. Water cartoon song "Flying ship". (I am a merman, I am a merman who would talk to me, otherwise my girlfriends are leeches and frogs)

6. Cartoon song "Little Raccoon". (A gloomy day is brighter from a smile, a rainbow will light up from a smile in the sky).

7. Cartoon lullaby "Umka". (Your neighbors are sleeping polar bears, sleep and you soon baby)

Well done boys! The key appeared, so we coped with this task. Let's play with you, have a rest!

Fizminutka: "Shoes"

One two three four five! (children jump forward)

I'm running along the path.

One two three four five!

I'm learning to jump a shoe. (jumping in place)

One two three four five!

The heel broke off. (children squat)

One two three four five!

Started jumping again (spread arms out to sides)

(music is cheerful or Russian-folk song)

4 task "Describe fairy tale» . Guys you need to describe the actions fairy tales and the rest of the guys have to guess.

5 task. Doll painting. We need to make puppets. Let's all go to the table. We will make dolls from plastic spoons. Us need:

1) Disposable plastic spoons.

3) paper napkins

4) Scissors, stapler.

5) PVA glue

6) Eye stickers.

7) Colored paper.

Let's start with the hair for the doll. We take a paper napkin, fold it into four, draw a circle and cut it out. We fix with a stapler. Making a pompom (spread the ball). Pour glue into a spoon. Glue and lightly press our pompom to the spoon. Glue on the eyes. Cut out and glue a mouth out of red colored paper. We draw a dress on a napkin and cut it out. We make a cut to insert a spoon. We insert our spoon into the cut for the neck with a chopstick down. We tie a ribbon, fix the dress.

So our plastic spoon doll is ready! You can make dolls from plastic spoons from various materials (hair and beard from cotton wool, woolen threads, and clothes for dolls can be made from all kinds of fabrics, paper napkins).

3. Independent work of children (soft music).

What beautiful dolls you have turned out, so elegant. Each child describes his doll. Let's take your dolls to our group to the corner of the Puppet Theater and teach other children how to do it. Key 5 appeared on the screen. We guys coped with all the tests, our chest opened and fairy tale gives us coloring pages fairytale heroes.

The guys must have been waiting for us in kindergarten. IN fairy tale good and even better at home. For our magic shoes to take off, we need say a spell“They put on shoes, flew to kindergarten”. Guys, here we flew back to the d / s. Did you like it journey? Let's remember what tasks we performed? About whom made up a fairy tale? What exactly did you like? I really liked the guys how you all answered the questions, most importantly, you were very friendly and therefore you succeeded in completing all the tasks. Well done! Let's say goodbye to our guests! Thank you!

Synopsis of educational activities in the field of "Speech development" in the preparatory group for school

"We read fairy tales - we know a lot"

Purpose: To form children's ideas about Russian folk tales, to enrich the stock of literary impressions.



1. To form a personal perception of fairy tales;

2. To consolidate the ability to determine the name of fairy tales according to the statements of the characters of fairy tales.

3. To consolidate the ability to compose words from the proposed set of letters.

Development tasks:

1. Develop auditory, visual perception;

2. Develop children's speech.


1. Cultivate goodwill,;

2. To cultivate emotional responsiveness, the desire to help the hero of a fairy tale).

Preliminary work:

1. Reading Russian folk tales;

2. Conversations about the actions of the characters,

3. Didactic games "Guess what a fairy tale." "Determine whose magical item."

4 Learning the role of Alyonushka (dialogue).

Course progress.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let's welcome so that the words do not repeat. (Hello, good afternoon, glad to see you, welcome, nice to meet you (a girl is heard crying).

Teacher: Who is crying there? Girl, what's your name?

Alyonushka. : Alyonushka.

Teacher: Why are you crying?

Alyonushka: Father and Mother left me to look after my brother. I didn’t listen to them, I went for a walk with my girlfriends and started playing. Geese-swans flew in and carried away my brother on wings. Oh, it will be bad for me from my father and mother.

Educator: Do not be sad, Alyonushka, look how many helpers you have. Guys, let's rescue Alyonushka?

Children: Yes.


To get into a fairy tale

Words to be said:

Close your eyes,

Everybody try

1,2.3 - turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale.

Here we are in the field. Guys, look what is this?

Children: stove.

Educator: Hello, mother-stove.

Stove. Hello good people.

Educator: Stove, can you tell me where the swan geese flew?

Stove. I will say, just do my task first: open the shutter and look inside.

Educator: Guys, I found the disk, which means that the task is encrypted on it. Guys, you should find out from the illustration which fairy tale the hero is from (children guess from the images).

Cooker: We did the job. I'll tell you, swan geese flew to the apple tree.

Educator: And how do we get to the apple tree?

Stove: I have a magic ball, it will show you the way.

So tnank you,


We went to the forest clearing,

We raise our legs higher.

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

We walked carefully

Didn't stumble, didn't fall.

Friendly, fun ran.

And they weren't tired at all.

They came to the meadow

We found a miracle apple tree.

Educator: Hello, apple tree! Can you tell me where the geese, swans, where they flew?

Apple tree: GOOD DAY. I'll tell you if you pick my magic apples and complete the tasks.

Educator (reads) Guess which character the words belong to:

1. Get into one ear with me, and get out into the other, everything will be fine ... (Cow).

2. Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat (Alyonushka).

3. Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red? (Frost)

4. The beaten one is lucky (Fox).

5. Na, chrysalis. eat, listen to my grief (Vasilisa the Beautiful).

Yablonka, Well done, did it. The swan geese flew to the milky river (the teacher rolls a ball, the children walk like a snake).

Educator: Hello, milky river - kissel banks! Tell me. where did the swan geese fly?

River: I will say, but in order to cross to the other side, you need to build a bridge, not a simple one, but from letters. Listen to the riddle, the word is the answer for the bridge.


An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

He became sweet, beautiful, comely. (Word-answer: Princess-frog).

River. Completed the task. Cross over the bridge.


Let's cross the river now

Let's get to the other side.

We will come to Grandma-Ezhka

And we will save Vanya.

Baba Yaga appears. Sniffing.

Baba Yaga: FU, FU, FU. Who is it that bothered me? It smells of children's spirit, oh, how many of you there are. Why did they come? I don't expect guests.

Educator: OH, Baba Yaga, how angry you are, what a loud voice you have and unfriendly words.

Baba Yaga: Stop talking. Why were they not dusty?

Alyonushka: We came for brother Vanya.

Baba Yaga: Look what you want, I won't give it to you just like that. Koschei sent me a crossword puzzle, I can’t guess anything. If you help me, my dears, then we'll see.

Joint guessing of a crossword puzzle (questions about Russian folk instruments)

Baba Yaga: But where did you come from so smart?

Guessed the whole crossword

Very smart people here.

I invite everyone to stand in a circle,

Dance with Grandma-Ezhka!

Dance-game "Grandma-Ezhka"

Alyonushka: Baba Yaga, it's time to return brother Vanyusha. We coped with your task. Please return Vanechka.

Baba Yaga: Well, okay, you took it. Take your Vanya (offended).

Educator: For some reason I feel sorry for Baba Yaga. Maybe she does such bad deeds because no one loves her and she has no friends, no one cares about her?

Let's make her happy

Pick a flower and give it to her.

To make her not sad

To make her life more fun.

Children collect flowers and give to the character.

The introduction of health-saving technologies in order to strengthen the mental health of children, the development of children's cognitive activity.

Software content.

Educational tasks:

  • Consolidation of knowledge about sounds and letters, a geometric figure - a circle, counting objects.
  • Strengthen the ability to navigate the picture. To consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales, to teach them to recognize a fairy tale on assignment.

Development tasks:

  • Develop cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking, perception, imagination.
  • Develop the ability to work in a group, act in concert. Develop children's speech.

Educational tasks: cultivate interest in fairy tales.

Wellness tasks: relieving emotional stress with the help of sand.

Methods: game, verbal-logical, partially exploratory, problematic, independent.

Material and equipment: presentation, sand , trays , stick for drawing on the sand, wooden table theater "Three Little Pigs", "Teremok", petal blank, glue stick, colored sand, drawing paper, wet wipes, pointer.

Lesson progress

Today we have an unusual lesson, we will go on a trip.

Do you love to travel?

To find out where we are going, you need to solve riddles and, by the first sounds of the guessed words, compose the resulting word.

(After each guessed riddle, a letter appears on the screen corresponding to the first sound of the guess.)

1. The girl is beautiful,

Unloved by the stepmother.

I accidentally got to the ball

And she lost her shoe. ( Cinderella.)

2. He will heal everyone, heal, good doctor. ( Aibolit.)

3. The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone. ( Carlson.)

4. The red girl is sad, she doesn't like spring.

It is hard for her in the sun, the poor thing sheds tears. ( Snow Maiden.)

5. In fairy tales, he is always a simpleton, everyone calls him a fool.

But the mind will still show its own, this fairy-tale hero. ( Ivanushka.)

6. Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window.

Round side, ruddy side, rolled. ( Kolobok.)

It turned out an unusual word (ZAKSIK). (Slide 2.)

This word needs to be deciphered.

Numbers appear below the letters on the screen

The word appears on the screen. FAIRY TALES. (Slide 2.)

Today we will "travel through fairy tales", where various tasks and magic will meet on our way! Are you ready to start our journey?

Kolobok.(Slide number 3.)

We are met by the first fairy-tale hero. Who is this? (Kolobok.) What story is he from? (From the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".)

He wants to play with us.

The children are given trays of sand.

Draw on the sand with a stick or finger what geometric figure does our hero look like?

Children draw a circle in the sand.

And now the transformation begins. Draw a circle to any object. What objects did the circle turn into for you?

(Sun, clock, ball, apple, ball, etc.)

How well the bun played with us. What other characters from this story do you know? (Children's answers.)

Compare pictures from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"(Slide number 4.)

The gingerbread man met a wolf in the forest. Look at my two pictures from this fairy tale. We need to compare them and find the differences.

The stories are mixed up. "Find the mistake"(Slide number 5.)

We played with Kolobok, we are going to travel further through fairy tales, and Kolobok will help us with this.

The next task that we need to complete in the land of fairy tales is "Find the mistake."

I will name the fairy tale, and you find the mistake and name the fairy tale correctly.

  • "Cockerel Ryaba" - "Ryaba Hen".
  • "Sasha and the Bear" - "Masha and the Bear".
  • "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs" - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"
  • "Cockerel and pea seed" - "Cockerel and bean seed."
  • "Ducks-swans" - "Geese-swans".
  • Chanterelle with a saucepan - Chanterelle with a rolling pin.
  • "At the command of the fish" - "At the command of the pike."
  • "Zayushkin's house" - "Zayushkin's hut".
  • The tramp princess
  • Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf
  • Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka
  • Cockerel-Golden Shepherd
  • boy with fingernail
  • Sivka-Murka

"Collect a fairy tale"(Slide number 6.)

We continue to travel.

The next task "Collect a fairy tale"

The heroes of two fairy tales hid in the sand. Each of you will come up and find one hero of the fairy tale. Your task is to collect a fairy tale on the sand and name it.

Fizminutka "The fairy tale will give us a rest"(Slide number 7.)

We were playing fairy tales and we were a little tired,

we will rest a bit, we will get into a fairy tale again!

The story will give us a rest.

Let's take a break and get back on the road!

Malvina advises us:

The waist will become aspen,

If we bend

Left - right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

To keep your back straight

Get up on your toes

It's like reaching for flowers.

One two three four five,

Repeat again:

One two three four five.

Little Red Riding Hood Tip:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One two three four five.

Repeat again:

One two three four five.

Gave us a fairy tale to rest!

Have a rest?

On the road again! (Children repeat the described movements.)

Learn by shadow(slide 8-12).

Other fairy-tale characters also live in our fairy-tale country, they also want to play with you (shadows).

You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale by the shadow and name it.

Let's count our fairy tales "Favorite fairy tales"(Slide number 13.)

And now the bun invites us to play, to count fairy tales. I will read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and count how many fairy tales I have named.

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok - ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

We know a fairy tale about the Firebird,

We don't forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the goats.

Everyone is happy with these stories.

How many stories did you count? (Children's answers.)

Let's see the correct answer.

What fairy tales do you know where the number 7 occurs?

(The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs. The Wolf and the Seven Kids. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Seven-Color Flower and others.)

Wishing flower made of sand.

There was a magic flower in the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik", but do you want us to have such a flower? Let us also make a flower of desires, but it will be unusual, it will be made of sand.

You have one of the petals of our wishing flower on your table. While you do it, then make a wish.

Apply glue to the petal, and then pour colored sand in an even layer. You will get a beautiful, magical petal. You need to work carefully so as not to spill the magic sand.

To make a flower of desires, we need to connect all the petals.

Look what a beautiful flower we have turned out, let's leave this flower in the Land of Fairy Tales, and all your wishes will come true.


All fairy tales end well: Good triumphs over evil. And so our journey comes to an end. What interesting things did you learn today?

Used Books:


Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic creativity".

Program content:

Expand children's ideas about the types of fairy-tale genre;

Continue to teach children to evaluate the actions of the characters in fairy tales;

Develop the ability to make generalizations, simple conclusions and conclusions;

- To develop the ability of creative self-expression;

Cultivate emotional responsiveness, empathy.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales about animals, fairy tales, social fairy tales, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, talking about fairy tales, reading proverbs, game exercise: “Explain the proverb”, conversations: “What is magic and witchcraft”, “Magic objects”.

Material and equipment:

A disc with songs: “Come a fairy tale”, “There are many fairy tales in the world”, illustrations for fairy tales: “Porridge from an ax”, “A man and a bear”, “A fool and a birch”, “Like a fool guarded the door”, “Like a man of geese divided”, magnetic board, magnets, projector, laptop, screen, slides with the image of magical objects, plasticine, modeling boards, napkins.

Course progress.

Listening to the song "Come fairy tale."

Poet Yuri Entin, composer Yevgeny Krylatov.

Educator. What do you think we will talk about today?

The children answer. About fairy tales.

Educator: What is a fairy tale? Where did fairy tales come from? What are fairy tales?

The children answer.

Educator: A fairy tale is a story about fictitious events, about something that does not happen in the world.

Fairy tales have come to us from time immemorial. People composed them and told each other, and then they began to collect and write them down. So fairy tales have come down to us. Funny and sad, scary and funny fairy tales are familiar to all people since childhood. There are three types of Russian folk tales: fairy tales, household and children's tales about animals.

Guys, I invite you to make a fascinating journey into this magical fairy-tale world.

Now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Game: "Guess and name"

The teacher makes a riddle, and the children name a fairy tale.

Educator: If Petya-simplicity had not looked out the window,

The fox would not have carried him away for the dark forests.

("Cat, Fox and Rooster")

The girl went into a hut

He sees there is a table, three chairs.

I sat on every chair

I ate Mishutkin's stew.

("Three Bears")

A cunning cheat sent him to fish with his tail.

The tail was frozen, and as a result, he was left without a tail.

("Fox-sister and wolf")

The mother taught the children

do not open the door to strangers,

the kids did not obey and fell into the mouth of the wolf.

("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
Both lived in the swamp,

Went to marry each other

But they couldn't agree

Stubbornness is also characteristic of birds.

("The Crane and the Heron")

caregiver: Who are the heroes of these fairy tales?

The kids are in charge

Educator: Fairy tales where the main characters are a wolf, a fox, a hare, a bear, a cat, birds, fish are called fairy tales about animals.

What is the difference between fairy tale characters and real animals?

The kids are in charge

Educator: Animals in fairy tales can speak, behave like people, differ from other animals in cunning, quick wits.

What other animal stories do you know?

The children answer.

caregiver: What is the fox (bear, hare, wolf) in fairy tales?

The children answer.

Educator: The fox is cunning, the wolf is stupid and greedy, the bear is gullible, cowardly.

What bad qualities of character are ridiculed and condemned in these tales? What positive character traits are celebrated?

The kids are in charge

Educator: In fairy tales, laziness, stupidity, cowardice, cunning, greed, lies are ridiculed, and friendship, kindness, hard work, honesty help the heroes get out of the most difficult situations.

Educator: Anecdotes are now being composed about funny cases from life, and our ancestors composed fairy tales and called these fairy tales everyday. Everyday fairy tales are similar to fairy tales about animals.

They also talked about some situations only from people's lives, their daily activities, about grief and joy. Poor people are often offended by the rich and evil, and in order to achieve justice, the main character has to show intelligence, ingenuity, and cunning. In these fairy tales, malice, greed and stupidity are defeated not by magic, but by kindness, courage, resourcefulness and a sense of humor. The heroes of everyday fairy tales can be people and animals.

Game: "Find an illustration of a fairy tale to which the proverb fits."

“Send the fool, but follow yourself!” (“How Ivan the Fool Guarded the Door”, “The Fool and the Birch”).

“To regret the cereal - and do not cook porridge” ("Porridge from an ax").

“A stupid one turns sour, but a smart one will provide for everything” ("How a man divided geese").

“Looks like a simpleton, but a cunning soul” ("The Man and the Bear").

How is the rich shown in the fairy tale, and how is the poor?

The children answer.

Educator: The rich are stingy, stupid and greedy, and the poor are hardworking, honest, kind.


The girl was walking through the forest children walk in place

And came across the house put their hands together over their heads with a house

He sees that there are no owners. Stretch on toes, pull the head forward

There is lunch on the table. Squeeze your left hand into a fist, put your right palm on top)

She drank from three cups, show how to eat

She lay in three beds. Put your palms together under your cheek

Educator: The oldest fairy tales are fairy tales. They begin with the words: "In a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state, they lived, they were ...". In fairy tales, transformation occurs.

Name fairy tales with elements of transformation.

The children answer.

Educator: What evil forces is the hero fighting there?

The children answer.

caregiver: The hero does not fight alone with Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, wonderful helpers and magic items come to the aid of the hero.

What animals act as wonderful helpers?

The children answer.

caregiver: Animals - a horse, a wolf, birds, fish - can act as wonderful helpers.


Game: "From which fairy tale is the magic item?"

Educator: At the end of fairy tales, the hero triumphs over the evil spirits. Why?

The children answer.

Educator: The protagonist is strong and kind, and if he makes mistakes, he corrects them by passing tests. Good is rewarded and evil is punished. The hero of a fairy tale must go through trials, which each time become more and more difficult.

What do fairy tales teach? What can happen to a person if he does bad things?

The children answer.

Educator: Fairy tales teach courage, kindness, how to behave correctly. From fairy tales, we learn that trouble can happen to a person if he does bad deeds. Remember, guys, recently we read the fairy tales “The Frog Princess”, “Tereshechka” and “The Firebird”, and now let's imagine what would happen if the main characters of these fairy tales behaved differently.

Problematic situation.

“And if Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale“ The Frog Princess ”would not have been so impatient, and hadn’t burned the frog skin, then .......”.

“And if Tereshechka hadn’t been so resourceful, then ....”.

“And if Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale “The Firebird” was more careful and obeyed the gray wolf, then ....”.

Educator: In fairy tales, the heroes had objects that helped them in difficult times. Now each of you will fashion his own magic item and tell what he would like to ask him.

The song sounds: "There are many fairy tales in the world" poet Y. Entin, composer A. Rybnikov.

Sculpting: "Sculp your magic item."

Children's stories about what they would ask for a magical item.

Educator: So we visited with you in a fabulous country.

Fairy tales teach us goodness. Whoever listens to fairy tales becomes smart, kind and fair.

Download presentation

Deputy Head for Educational and Methodological Work,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" Rainbow ",

Rybnoye city, Rybnovsky district, Ryazan region, Russia.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "Journey through fairy tales."

Program content : To develop the ability to recognize fairy tales by characteristic features, to recognize them in separate parts, illustrations and various attributes. Learn to recognize a fairy tale for a specific task. Continue to enrich vocabulary and activate speech. Develop thinking, imagination and memory. Raise interest in fairy tales and theatrical and gaming activities. Develop the ability to act in concert. Develop a sense of color.

Equipment: Colored cards with letters, books with fairy tales, a stand with books, split pictures for the fairy tales "Masha and the Bear", "Kid and Carlson", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "The Frog Princess"; an envelope with a letter from Baba Yaga; an image of a tower, masks depicting the heroes of a fox, a mouse, a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a frog; paints, brushes, paper; audio recording with melodies.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today I suggest you go on a very interesting journey. But what kind of journey, you can guess for yourself by guessing the encrypted word on the board. You will guess it by the first letters of the words you guessed riddles.


- The daughter of Winter came to visit us,

it's good for her among us,

only summer has come - melts, cries at the same hour. (Snow Maiden).

- Round side, yellow side, so it came out ... .. (Kolobok).

- Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses, good doctor ... (Aibolit).

- He cleans the room and sweeps the ashes all the time. (Cinderella).

- This is who lives on the roof, he loves jam, do you hear? (Carlson).

- In fairy tales, he is always a simpleton, everyone calls him a fool.

But the mind will still show its own, this fairy-tale hero. (Ivanushka).

(Children guess riddles and open the word "TALES").

Educator: Before we go on a journey through fairy tales, I really want to ask you how you can say about a fairy tale, what is it like?

Children: Interesting, kind, wise, magical, instructive, wonderful, mysterious,

joyful, witty, etc. In fairy tales, good always wins, and evil is punished.

Educator: Guys, fairy tales are folk and author's. Why do you think they are called folk?

Children: Because they were composed by the people. (Other children's answers)

Educator: People told each other fairy tales and so the fairy tales were preserved and passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, fairy tales belong to oral folk art.

Educator: Well done guys. And now let's go on our journey through fairy tales.

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