Lesson in the senior group “Excursion to the museum. Outline on the topic: Lesson - an excursion to the Museum of Folk Life


Maria Abrashina
Summary of the lesson "Excursion to the museum" (senior preschool age)

Lesson summary« Excursion to the museum»

senior preschool age


* Educational: to teach to convey the emotional state, your mood; exercise in drawing Gorodets flowers - blue and pink cups, chamomile and roses, in applying animation with the tip of a brush. To consolidate the skills of mixing paints on the palette to obtain the desired color. Learn to independently choose elements for your pattern, select their color.

* Developing: develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully arrange a pattern in a given shape. Develop speech by expanding vocabulary (exposition, exhibit, museum, exhibition). Develop creative abilities, ear for music; development of the emotional-sensual sphere of children.

* Nurturing: to cultivate love and interest in folk art.


Familiarization of children with the history and culture of the Russian people through works of oral folk art and folk arts and crafts;

Creation of a unified educational space "Kindergarten - family";

Get joy from joint creativity, dance;

Continue acquaintance with the Gorodets painting, its color; give an idea of ​​other folk crafts (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Filimonovo toy, Dymkovo);

Learn to create a composition, develop creative imagination, a sense of rhythm;

Exercise in reading poems, develop the strength of the voice, the timbre of speech, the setting of stresses;

Develop musical ear.

Material for classes:

Silhouettes of wooden products;

pattern samples;

Fragments of Gorodets painting;

Didactic game "Collect a picture";

Demonstration material of folk applied art;

Wooden painted products;

A game "Happy - sad"

preliminary work: excursion to the exhibition, acquaintance with the history of folk crafts; collection of information on fisheries; learning poems on the topic; showing children illustrations, reproductions related to the topic; display of samples of folk applied art, children's drawings, conduct a conversation, didactic game "Learn by description". Independent production of blanks for collective work. Parent survey.

final preliminary result: Children know the history and culture of the Russian people through the works of oral folk art and folk arts and crafts; know the characteristic features and differences of folk crafts (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel, Filimonovo toy, Dymkovo); Know poems on the topic; get joy from joint creativity;

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear parents, please (or write) answers to the following questions.

Full name of the child___

1. How many children are brought up in the family?___

2. Does a child attending kindergarten have their own room or play area?___

3. Is there fiction and folklore in the play corner?___

4. The name of Russian folk tales, poems that your children know ___

5. Do you read to your child every day? What time of day___

6. Do you draw the child's attention to the bright illustrations of books, their content and meaning. Does your child ask questions after reading or looking at books. ___

7. How often do you buy art books for your child?___

8. Do you think it is important for your child to instill a love and respect for books, or would you prefer to buy a computer and watch TV shows?___

Lesson progress

Glory to the Russian side!

Glory to the Russian antiquity!

And about this antiquity

I'll start talking.

So that the children can know

About the affairs of the native land.

Guys, in what mood did you come to the hall today!

Let's see who's in the mood. These mugs will help us, take whatever you want. The game is being played "Happy-sad".

Let's see what colors you have chosen (consider and summarize discussions)

So what is a compliment?

Now close your eyes and imagine that you were given a brush and black paint. Paint everything around with black paint. What are you experiencing?

Now paint everything white. What color was the hardest to paint over? Would you like the world around you to be black and white?

That's right, you are surrounded by a beautiful, colorful world, beautiful things.

Children, who will tell me where beautiful rare things are kept?

That's right, in museum.

Guys, this morning when I came to work, I saw something on my desk! (show large envelope). The address of our kindergarten is written on it and specified: "Children senior group number 1» from the director museum. Since the letter is addressed to all of you, I did not open it, I waited until we all gathered in a group. Want to see what's in this letter? Who can read it?

"Hello children! Employees write to you museum. We are in our museum we want to organize an exhibition of folk products”.

caregiver: but for… (answers children: exposure) lacks… (answers children: exhibits). Can you help us? We send a sample. But it did not fit in the envelope, and it had to be cut. I hope you can collect it?

Children: Yes!

A game "Collect a picture".

So you made a sample, and you guessed what kind of painting it is? (Answers children: Gorodets painting.)

What elements did you guess?

But we still know poems about this folk fishing: reading a poem "Gorodets".

There is an ancient city on the Volga,

By name - Gorodets.

Famous throughout Russia

With his painting, the creator.

Bouquets open up

Bright colors of grief,

Miracle birds flutter there,

As if in a fairy tale calling us.

If you look at the boards

You will see miracles!

Gorodets patterns

Subtly withdrew hand!

Gorodets horse runs

The whole earth beneath him trembles!

Birds fly bright

And the water lilies are blooming!

Now I will give you riddles, and you find these elements on the sensory grid.

1. He is not catchy, he is round - not revealed ... (bud).

2. She will not be hot in the heat. She's in the water, she's... (kupavka).

3. Like a miracle blooms here and there ... (rosan).

4. She is round like a cup, and her name is ... (chamomile).

Well done! You know all the elements of the pattern. Well, now we, together with our parents, will compose a composition based on the Gorodets painting. In the hall on the floor, to the music, they lay out a collective composition according to the model.


Oh Russia, you are Russia

Glory has not diminished

You are a city, you are a city

She became famous all over the world.


All work is good

And we will dance from the heart!

Dance "Samovar"

caregiver: But our Russia is famous not only for Gorodets painting. IN museum there is another room and we are talking about it now tell:

(The child shows a Dymkovo toy or stencil and reads a poem)

Clay horses rush

On stands that there are forces!

And don't hold on to the tail

If the mane is released!

Here is a smart turkey

He's all so foldable

At the big turkey

All painted sides! (Filimonov toy)

Blue fairy tale - a feast for the eyes

Like spring drops.

Kindness, care, warmth and patience -

Russian voiced Gzhel!

Like a sorceress Firebird

Doesn't go out of my mind

Enchantress - craftswoman

Golden Khokhloma!

Our dishes - for cabbage soup, for porridge

Doesn't break, doesn't break

There is no damage! (Khokhloma)

caregiver: The decoration of the Russian table was a samovar.

Steam above, steam below

Boiling Russian samovar!

With tea dashing does not happen! -

That's what the people say.

Tea health, everyone knows

Drink, at least five hours in a row!

Containers-bars, containers-bars-

Let's drink tea from a samovar!

Coughing is heard, Lesovechok enters

Hello guys! (cough)

caregiver: Lesovichok, why are you sick?

Lesovichok: yes, I caught a cold, but spring still does not come. I heard that you are pouring tea from a samovar here, so I decided to come in and warm up.

caregiver: Drink, warm up!

Lesovichok: oh well, and the cough is gone. Tea is health, everyone knows. Or maybe you guys will help me call spring!

Children: Yes!

Sun! Sun!

Red bucket!

Look over the mountain

Yes, until spring!

Larks! Arrive!

Take away the cold winter

Bring on the warm spring!

The child comes out - the sun:

I saw, the sun, a red spring!

I saw, clearly, my sister!

caregiver: and it really got warmer!

Lesovichok: oh thank you, warmed me up. And for this, I will also make gifts for you, but the trouble is, I forgot the magic words.

caregiver: and we will help you Lesovichok

Oh you, the stove - ma'am,

Help us, noblewoman!

Warm up, light up

And feed the kids.

Lesovichok: That's right, and now I'll look into the stove, but I'll find a treat. I take out cookies, but unusual - "larks" it's called. IN antiquity when spring comes, the birds will sing, they baked "larks" children, and they threw it up to the sky, and asked for Spring to be brought! Help yourself! And it's time for me to go to the forest.

Irina Fedorova


Develop children's interest in history, local history, to form the first ideas about the life of peasants on the Bologovo land. Instill interest in folk culture, introduce objects of ancient Russian life: kitchen utensils, tools, clothes, needlework.

To acquaint children with oral folk art - small genres of folk folklore: proverbs, sayings, sayings, riddles, popular expressions. Learn to understand the educational and cognitive meaning of proverbs and sayings.


Vintage household items: samovar, wooden bowl, clay pots, cast iron, wind 11111, kerosene lamp, sickle, linden box, bast shoes, spinning wheel with linen tow, spindle, linen shirt with embroidery, linen towels with lace, linen valances on the bed, rugs.

Course progress.

In our museum collected antique things that were used by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers: kitchen utensils, household items, clothing, needlework. Rus' in the old days was called wooden. A long time ago in Rus', peasants built their dwellings out of logs. They called them huts. Everything in the hut was made from tree: and floors, and ceiling, and walls, and furniture, and utensils. They cooked food in it, baked bread, slept on it, it heated the hut in the cold.

The dishes in the peasant's hut were wooden and earthenware: pots, spoons, bowls (they were called patches) later appeared metal dishes: cast iron, samovar-father and metal objects life: grip, iron, sickle, kerosene lamp. From a linden splinter they made baskets, boxes, from bald bast shoes. (Teacher showing these items)

Flax has been cultivated for a long time in Rus' and on the Bologovsk land. They called him affectionately: nice little lenok, white. And every year from October 14, flax began to be spun. They spun flax on such spinning wheels (show). There was a spinning wheel in every house. For all the daughters for the wedding, the father made such a spinning wheel as a gift.

The spinning wheel consists of a riser with a comb, a blade to which the tow is attached, and a bottom on which the spinner sits. The spinning wheel was decorated with patterns.

The spinner twisted the thread and wound it onto a spindle. (Show) From the resulting threads, a fabric was woven on special looms. Clothes, towels, tablecloths were sewn from linen. We talked: “Linen exhausts, flax and makes rich”. In our museum there is a linen shirt with embroidery, linen towels with lace,

linen valances on the bed.

Colorful rugs were woven on special looms, colorful and elegant. Our great-grandmothers were craftswomen and needlewomen. From ancient times came to us proverb: “Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework”.

Our ancestors knew how to work, knew how and loved to have fun, joke. spoke in Rus': "Song is a friend, and a joke is a sister". Many Russian people have put together various jokes, jokes, proverbs, popular expressions, riddles. Now I will tell you old Russian riddles, and there are riddles for them in our museum.

1. Top hole, bottom hole,

And in the middle, fire and water.


What is the comparison with a samovar in Rus'? (Pot-bellied, important, like a samovar) About a fat, stupid person.

2. I was dug, I was trampled,

I was at the fire, I was at the market.

While he was young, he fed a hundred heads,

And as he fell, he disappeared.


What was cooked in the pots? (shchi, porridge) We talked: "Schi and porridge are our food.". "Where is shchi here and look for us".

3. The trough is full of people.

(bowl with spoons)

4. Horned, but not a bull,

Enough, but not full,

Gives to people

And he goes on vacation.


- .They say: "Grip guy, grew up with a grip". What kind of guy is this? (strong, strong)

5. From corner to corner

Iron rogue

We iron everything. concerning,

And if you touch it, it bites.


6. Small, humpbacked,

Searched the entire field.

He ran home - he lay all winter.


7. Made of iron,

They know how to cut and cut. .

When they meet-

Parts are separated.


8. The ridge is hanging all in patches.


Boxes and boxes were woven from a torch.

They say: "I spoke from three boxes", (lied, babbled)

9. Cells go to the forest.

Cells come from the forest.

(bast shoes)

- Why say: “The bast shoes are new, but are they flowing?”

Who are they talking about: "Oh, you bastard!"(about a stupid, stupid person.)

10. The more I spin,

The fatter I get.


- Who were they talking about?: "Thin as a spindle?" (about a thin, slender girl)

In which fairy tale did the spindle play a fatal role in the life of the main character? ( "Sleeping Beauty")

11. Hanging on the wall, dangling,

Everyone grabs for it.


12. Pout, don't pout,

Stick over your head.

Dance day by day

And you will go to rest.

One entry, two exits.


Proverb: “The shirt will wear out, but the good deed will remain”.

13. What a simpleton

Lie down at the door on the barrel,

On the road, on the threshold stops the legs?


Our great-grandmothers were so skillful and funny. We talked: “Day to evening is boring, if there is nothing to do”.

Now let's play the old game "Kuzovok", which was played by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

Rules of the game:

The driver is selected, he has a box in his hands, bypasses all those playing with words:

Put a bail in the box with an ending in - ok!

Children lay down with words:

I'll put a handkerchief in the box (Strap, patch, bast shoe, sock, circle, etc.)

Then the driver takes turns taking out the put items from the box, gives them different tasks:

Whose will be the pledge, he will tell the poem (or a nursery rhyme, or make a riddle, etc.)

Proverbs are repeated at the end.:

"The end is the crown of business."

"Business before pleasure."

Related publications:

On the eve of the seventieth anniversary of the Victory, we visited the local museum of local lore. Particularly much time was devoted to the Hall of Military Glory. Where.

There is a local history museum in our village, and my children and I went on an excursion. Already at the entrance to the museum, we saw tubs (barrels) for salting.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the great victory in our garden MBDOU No. 21 "Brusnichka", a museum exposition "I.

On the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Great Victory, the children of our institution visited the museum, which was created by teachers and parents. Victory Day takes.

One of the main areas of patriotic education in the system of preschool education is local history. Raising a love for nature.

Target: To acquaint children with the history of their native city, what Alekseevka was like several centuries ago, what great achievements were in this era. What has happened in this century, how the city has been transformed. Develop curiosity, mindfulness, observation. Raise interest and love for your city, pride in its achievements.


Group pre-talk

Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? And in what area? What is the main city in the region?

There are many small towns in our region - these are Shebekino, Stary Oskol, Valuyki, Alekseevka and others.

Today we will talk about our hometown, get acquainted with its history, find out how it arose and what happened in it until our time. To this end, we will go to the Museum of Local Lore, which is located on Nekrasov Street. You need to behave very quietly and calmly in the museum. Listening to a guide is a person who will talk about our city.

Guide's story

Guys, we are in the local history museum, where we will get acquainted with the history of our region and city. You all know very well that our city is called Alekseevka. And earlier, a long time ago, when your grandparents were not in the world, Alekseevka was a very small village - Alekseevka settlement, patrimony (ownership) Count Sheremetiev. He was a very rich man, and Alekseevka was his property. Then in Alekseyevka there were no such high-rise buildings in which many of you live. Look here guys (photo show)- this is Count Sheremetyev himself and his wife. You see, before people wore other clothes, camisoles embroidered with gold, luxurious dresses with ruffles and jewelry - this, but they lived in such houses (show photos). You will probably recognize many of these houses. They have survived to our time. Their houses were distinguished by the strength of stone buildings and beauty. But the houses of ordinary residents of the then settlement of Alekseevka did not differ in such beauty (showing pictures, photos) You see how miserable they were, almost dug into the ground shacks and their clothes were not so rich. Look at their torn shirts. People were mostly peasants: they plowed the land, sowed bread. But they plowed the land not with tractors, as they do now, but with the help of a plow on cows, horses (showing paintings, reproductions) At that time there were no plants, factories, or shops in the Alekseevka settlement. There were only shops where artisans (people who practiced their craft) sold their product. Someone sewed boots - shoemakers, someone made pottery - potters, someone made horseshoes - blacksmiths.

There was a very famous event in Alekseevka. For the first time in our settlement, a method for obtaining sunflower oil from sunflower seeds was invented. It was invented by Daniil Semenovich Bokarev - our countryman.

You all know with sunflowers, you have seen sunflower seeds. And now sunflower oil is also obtained from them. Your mothers and grandmothers use sunflower oil to fry and bake. Now it is obtained with the help of special presses. Then Daniil Bokarev received it with the help of such a wooden device (show).

Currently, sunflower oil is in great demand not only in our country, but also in other countries.

Then courtyards appeared in the Alekseevka settlement, streets began to form. Some of the street names have survived to this day. For example,

New street, Goncharovka. Pobedy Street used to be called Bolshaya Torgovaya, part of Karl Marx Street was called Mostovaya.

Do you know what kind of river we have? Yes, Silent Pine. Who knows why it's called that? Yes, that's right, it flows very quietly, there are no whirlpools or large rapids on its way. Why Pine? Because earlier in our settlement there was a large pine forest. It was cut down and built sea vessels. Now the river has become dirty, overgrown with reeds.

(The guide told the children about the flora and fauna of the region, the Great Patriotic War, the factories of the city)

This is where our tour ended. What needs to be said for an interesting story? Thank you.

Guys, in the group we will draw the houses that used to be in the Alekseevka settlement.


with older children


To give knowledge that the local history museum is the custodian of authentic monuments;

material and spiritual culture of our city;

To acquaint children with the life of our ancestors;

Cultivate a sense of pride in one's land, love for it, the desire to keep

and multiply its history.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance of children with the history of the city of Voronezh;

To form the "image of the museum", to introduce children to folk culture, to activate the vocabulary: guide, exhibits, collection.

Development of the route by the educator. A conversation about the rules of conduct on the road, walking and in public places, a conversation about the museum.

Conditions : time - November.

Tour progress

Guys, today we will go on an excursion to our local history museum. What is a museum? (children's answers.) Right. The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in those distant times.

Have you been to museums? In what? What did you see? (children's answers).

Today we will visit the Voronezh Museum of Local Lore and see an exhibition of exhibits. And who knows what an exhibition and exhibits are?(children's answers - when they show us something)

Yes, an exhibition is a display of items put on public display, and exhibits are those items that are put on display.

And who leads visitors through the halls of the museum and talks about the collections of the museum?(Children's answers: guide).

Well done, and now let's remember how to behave in the museum and other public places. (children's answers- It is necessary to behave quietly in the museum, because other sightseers come there and we should not interfere with them. In the museum, you can not touch anything with your hands without the permission of the museum staff.

The Voronezh Provincial Museum, the founder of the Voronezh Regional Museum of Local Lore, was opened in the fall of 1894. From the first days of its existence in 1894 to the present day, this museum has been and remains one of the largest centers of historical and cultural heritage of the Central Black Earth Region. More than 3,000 exhibits reflect various aspects of the history, culture and nature of the native land, cause genuine admiration and respect for the amazingly colorful history and culture of the Voronezh land.

During the First World War, in 1915, the building was a military hospital.

The Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 caused enormous damage to the city, not sparing the museums either. Museum workers launched an active work to save the perishing historical and artistic values. But during the Great Patriotic War, only an insignificant part of the funds was evacuated to Kazakhstan and Siberia, and the remaining collections were mostly lost. In 1943 the museum resumed its activities. In 1948, the museum was returned to its former building, which also housed the Museum of Fine Arts. A few years later, the museum was allocated a separate building on Plekhanovskaya Street, in which it is located in our time.. The history department presents materials on the history of the Voronezh region on the topics: archeology, the foundation of Voronezh, the era of Peter the Great, Voronezh in the 18th-19th centuries, Voronezh in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the modern industry of Voronezh and many others. There are also two exhibition halls for constantly changing thematic expositions.

“Today the museum has about 170 thousand exhibits. It has 18 halls, several exhibitions "History of the Voronezh Territory", "Weapons of eight centuries XII- XX centuries”, “Animal Kingdom”, “Winged Miracle”The museum's collection contains items from the archaeological excavations "Frequent mounds" and "Khozar settlement.

Stop 1: Archeology

It all starts from ancient times, the first small room is Archeology 1.

Late Paleolithic period. Mesolithic. It houses a diagram of Paleolithic sites.

Also in this hall there are busts depicting the approximate appearance of ancient people living on the territory of the modern Voronezh region.

On a separate stand there are bones of ancient animals, mainly mammoths, but there is a skull of a woolly rhinoceros and a horn of aurochs.

Stop 2: Archeology 2

This hall is also dedicated to ancient times - the Neolithic. Eneolithic. Age of Bronze.

Found dishes and tools are on the stands in this hall.those times.Separately, there are the remains of ceramics of the Bronze Age III-II century BC.

Separately, I want to say a word about the ancient fishermen. They were happy people! Judging by the hooks on display at the museum, our ancestors were very ambitious food hunters. Nature allowed them to fish out not the small things that current fishing enthusiasts carry, but trophies that could be eaten for more than one day. This can be seen from the photographs of the fish themselves, and from the hooks that are presented on the stands.

Stop 3: Archeology 3

This room is dedicatedNomadic peoples of the early Iron Age. Ancient Slavs.

Here is a long stand displaying finds from different times, from the pre-Scythian period of IX-VII BC to the period when the ancient Slavs of the 7th-10th century AD began to live in the Voronezh region.

Separately, an image of the reconstruction of the Mayatskaya fortress of the 9th-10th centuries hangs on a whole wall.

Stop 4 Foundation of Voronezh.

The fourth hall is dedicated to the founding of Voronezh. Officially, the year of foundation is 1586, the year the fortress was built. Although there was already a settlement here before the fortress.

In this room there is a map of the Russian state and the Crimean Khanate of the first half of the 16th century. Coins, armor, documents and other things of that time.

Stop 5: Petrovsky times

The fifth hall is associated with the time, which, apparently, Voronezh residents are especially proud of. Namely - with the period of shipbuilding in Voronezh. This is the time when, at the direction of the Boyar Duma and Peter I, the navy began to be built.

In the hall there is a model of the first Russian battleship Goto Predestination, its recreated copy stands near Admiralteyskaya Square and is a museum ship.

There is also an example of what the Voronezh shipyards looked like at that time. They worked from 1696 to 1711, until the Voronezh River became shallow. After that, a new shipyard was built downstream in the village of Tavrovo.

Stop 6: Shipbuilding in Voronezh.

The sixth hall is also connected with shipbuilding in Voronezh. When you go to it, you pass a small room. It contains an anchor, a cannon, diagrams, paintings and other things related to the navy of that time.

Weapons are displayed in the hall itself. Scheme of the uprising on the Don in 1707-1708. A copy of the posthumous bronze mask of Peter I next to his portrait.

In the hall with the mask of Peter the Great and the mask of his hand, there are a lot of portraits of other figures of that time with a description of their life and how they relate to Voronezh.

It would seem, where is Peter I - and where is Voronezh? However, the monarch did not spend all his days in the center of Russia or in St. Petersburg under construction. He took care not only of the fleet in the Baltic, but also in the Black Sea.

On October 20, 1696, the Boyar Duma decided to start building the first state navy in the history of Russia. By decree of Peter I, the Voronezh Admiralty was created in Voronezh, to which cities on the Voronezh and Don rivers were assigned. By the spring of 1699, 10 ships, 2 galleys, 2 small ships and 4 sailboats were launched...

Stop 7: Voronezh region at the beginning of the 19th century.

In this room there is a small exposition depicting one of the rooms of the nobles of that time, and peasant clothes weigh opposite it.

There are vases, dishes, things related to Orthodoxy. Weapons, including a duel kit.

Stop 8: Life of the Voronezh province in the XIX - early XX century.

There is an installation of a peasant hut. Separately, there are things representing the life of that time. At the end of the hall there is a model of a steam locomotive and things related to railways.

Stop 9: Civil War 1917-1922.

The walls here are red, apparently, the color of the Bolshevik flag. Leaflets, posters and photographs of the revolutionary time hang on the walls. There is a machine gun and an apparatus from an underground printing house,medals, weapons, sabers, mortars!

Here is the legendary tachanka, on which various robber gangs drove across the Voronezh steppes and destroyed the whites. It must be said that during the Civil War the city was twice occupied by the White troops, the first time in September 1919 by the Don Corps of K. K. Mamontov and in October 1919 by the detachments of A. G. Shkuro. However, both times he was quickly released.

The First World War also distinguished itself with caricatures. Our ancestors had a funny sense of humor! The postcard, which was sent from the front to his native Voronezh by a soldier of the Russian army, depicts the valiantly retreating enemy troops.

In general, in Voronezh, as in not the most distant from the fronts of the First World War, there were hospitals and the Red Cross Society was very active.

Remoteness from the center - the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg did not affect the events of 1917. In Voronezh, too, everything was very cruel and bloody. On October 30, 1917, after the uprising of the 5th machine gun regiment located in Voronezh, power passed to the Bolshevik military revolutionary committee headed by A. S. Moiseev.

Stop 10: banknotes of Russia XIX - XX centuries.

The hall presents the first tsarist money, a lot of money from the Provisional Government, then there are accounting tickets, treasury tickets and all sorts of "money substitutes" from the time of the Civil War.

Several piggy banks are presented. Near them are the coins that were kept in such piggy banks. And, by the way, they buried it right in these tin cans. Treasures in the Voronezh land are not uncommon, because the history here was very turbulent, and, as usual, people preferred to keep money not at all in savings banks.

Stop 11: Space Voronezh.

Voronezh turns out to be closely connected with domestic cosmonautics. Hereinfo from wikipedia:

In the late 1950s, the Voronezh KBKhA enterprise developed the RD-0105 oxygen-kerosene liquid-propellant rocket engine for the third stage of the Luna launch vehicles, which made it possible in 1959 to reach the second space velocity for the first time in the world. On the basis of the RD-0105 engine, an engine was created for the third stage of the launch vehicle of the Vostok spacecraft with the world's first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin on board.

This hall contains exhibits of the space industry, including a model of the RD-0109 engine.

Stop 12: Exhibition “Weapons of eight centuries (XIII-XX centuries)”.

In the hall, behind glass, there are various military armor and uniforms, sabers and guns, as well as other edged and firearms.

Stop 13: Winged Wonder Exhibition

In this room you will meetthe world of butterflies and interesting samples of arthropods of the world fauna and private collections of a number of Voronezh collectors.

This exhibition introduces the unusually bright and diverse world of insects on our planet. More than 3500 of the most interesting and famous representatives of butterflies, beetles, dragonflies and some other insects are exhibited. There are also tarantulas and scorpions. An amazing exposition will interest not only children, but also adults.

Stop 14: Animal Kingdom

At this exhibition, you can get acquainted with the fauna of the Voronezh region, look closely at stuffed animals, birds, fish and reptiles, as well as see archaeological finds - fragments of the skeletons of prehistoric animals: bones of mammoths and trigontheria, shark teeth, etc.

At the end of our tour, I want to say the following

Topic: Excursion to the local history museum.

Purpose: creation of conditions for the correction and development of cognitive activity of pupils.
to consolidate the concepts of "museum", "historical sources"; form an idea of ​​the local history museum; expand and deepen the knowledge of pupils on the history of their native city;
develop logical thinking, curiosity, the ability to conduct a comparative analysis;
to cultivate love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in our talented people.

Lesson progress:

Which one of you has been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

Museum(from Greekμουσεῖον - house of the Muses) - an institution that collects, studies, stores and exhibits objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational activities.

There are a lot of museums in the world of various subjects.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts…local history)

What is local history?

Local history- a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements. Such a study is usually carried out by scientists who are limited to this region.

Today we will make a trip to the local history museum.

How should one behave in a museum?

What do you think we can see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, tour guide.

I advise you to listen carefully, because after the tour, the older guys and I will ask what you remember.

I give the floor to the guide.

    Krasnodar during the war.


2. Collection "Flora and fauna of the Krasnodar Territory"

The unique geographical position has created the prerequisites for the conservation of many species of birds and animals in the region under natural conditions.

First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.

Who are the birds?

Birds- a class of feathered, warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates whose forelimbs are wing-shaped. Initially, the structure of birds is adapted for flight, although at present there are many species of flightless birds. Another distinguishing feature of birds is the presence of a beak. To date, more than 9800 different species live on Earth (in Russia - 600 species).

How do birds differ from other flying animals, such as bats.

How many birds do you know? (we call one by one, in turn).

Look around, what is the biggest bird you see?

And the smallest one?

Solve riddles.

a) Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again


b) arrives at the feeder,

Smartly pecks seeds,

And before spring

He sings a song loudly.

How to distinguish a titmouse from a bullfinch?

Look at stuffed real birds and say which bird you see for the first time.

- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak - big or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat sounds it hears and even words?

And what birds stay with us for the winter?

What do winter birds eat?

Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and the body is covered with hair.

And now let's get to know what animals live in the forests of our area.

Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)

Do all animals have their own home?

Bear - ... in a den.

Fox - ... in a hole.

Hare - ... under a bush.

Squirrel - ... in the hollow.

A wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deaf forest

There is a hole - a safe house.

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter

A squirrel in a hollow by a spruce.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Heaps up the leaves.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,

Until spring, he sucks his paw.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm, cozy in it

Listen to the riddle and come up with the answer.

Who lives in the forest deaf,

Clumsy, clumsy?

In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Higher cat growth,

Lives in a hole in the forest

Fluffy red tail

We all know ... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter

Walking through the woods hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)

Rushing without looking back

Only heels sparkle.

It rushes that there is a spirit,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

All animals are scared

Saved under a bush

Yes, the wolf comes across the tooth. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears - brush-horns.
In appearance meek, but do not believe:
Terrible in anger this beast! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen building a house without an axe.


    Now we offer to see the ethnographic collection.

The museum of local history is rich in products of applied art. The museum collection contains many examples of embroidery, weaving, and woodcarving.

Over the years of work, a lot of furniture has been collected: tables, chairs, mirrors, sofas, bedside tables, sideboards with decorative carvings, as well as metal products with chasing and engraving.

Our distant ancestor lived among dense forests and therefore considered wood the most valuable material. It was always at hand for everything, it was easy to process. It was from wood that the Russian man created everything that surrounded him in everyday life.

Vyshnevolotsk carpenters built not only outbuildings and residential buildings, but skillfully made household items, tools, boat parts.

In our region, carving and painting on wood was widely developed. This is evidenced by everyday peasant household items of the 19th and early 20th centuries, presented in the museum's collection by various samples. The collection of ordinary household utensils consists mainly of chiselled, carved and turned utensils. These are brackets, ladles, bowls, bowls, salt shakers, spoons. Among the tools of labor, the largest part is made up of spinning wheels, which have been used in everyday life for a long time, or were preserved as a memory.

What do you think spinning wheels were used for?

Among the various objects for drinks, flat-bottomed vessels prevailed, which traditionally retained the natural color of wood, occasionally painted with brown or red paint, or covered with drying oil. All products of local craftsmen are distinguished by their beautiful shape, expressive silhouette with smooth lines.

Which of you have already met with this item of utensils and where?

Various dugout salt shakers were made everywhere. One of the ancient types of folk art is the artistic processing of metal. Blacksmiths knew how to skillfully forge iron and furniture. Artistic craftsmen also worked here. The museum's collection contains many samples of blacksmithing skills of the 18-19th century, torches for torches, barn locks, keys, bells, etc. Pottery is one of the most ancient types of folk applied arts common in our region. Its development was facilitated by the deposits of red, white, blue and gray clay available in the region. Many potters worked as families in their residential buildings, firing their products in ordinary kilns. With this, our tour comes to an end.

III. Summarizing.

In what year was our local history museum founded? (1932)

Who took us to the museum? (guide)

What did the tour guide say?

What section of the museum did Nastya and Il introduce us to.

Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which? (Historical)
- What did they introduce you to there? (with life, how people used to live, what clothes they wore, with folk crafts).

What kind of furniture is in the hall?

Guys, what did you like most about the museum?

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