West Africa: countries and their features.


Part of the African continent located south of the central Sahara and washed on the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean. The natural border in the east is the Cameroon Mountains.

West Africa covers the Sahel and Sudan regions, as well as the rainforests of the Guinea region. Due to the trade winds, the climate is variablely humid with varying seasons of drought and rain. There is almost no vegetation in the Sahel, savannas dominate in Sudan, and there are strips of tropical forest along the coast.

Before the arrival of Europeans, West Africa had significant states such as Ghana, Mali and Songhai. In the 15th century, the Portuguese, and later the French and English, began to establish their colonies on the Guinea coast, engaging in the slave trade, in particular with America.

The Guinea region has long been considered the "white man's grave." Tropical diseases such as malaria, yellow fever or sleeping sickness killed between 25 and 75 percent of newly arrived Europeans in the first year in the 18th century. In subsequent years, about ten percent more died. Diseases were spread by large numbers of mosquitoes and tsetse flies, and poor hygiene conditions during the rainy seasons also affected. In the 20th century, colonial borders in West Africa strengthened, but in the 1960s. the wars of independence began.

West Africa is divided by contradictions between French-speaking and English-speaking countries, consisting not only of a language barrier, but also of different mentalities and worldviews. The ties of former colonies with former metropolises are often closer than with neighboring states. The West African community ECOWAS serves integration in the region and tries to create peace in various hot spots: Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire.

The road infrastructure is poorly developed, railways exist only from the interior to the coast and are a legacy of colonial economic policies. Significant ports are Dakar, Conakry, Abidjan, Accra, Lomé and Lagos.

The Sahel states are among the poorest countries in the world; Nigeria, despite its rich oil reserves, is also far behind in development. On the coast, agriculture produces monocultures intended for export. Most West Africans are self-sufficient.

West Africa is home to more than half of African languages. Most of them belong to the Congo-Kordofanian and Afroasiatic language group. Oral folklore and the transmission of knowledge, as well as the use of masks and dances for ceremonial purposes, are of great importance to the traditional culture of peoples living in savannas and tropical forests.

The following states belong to West Africa:

  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Gambia
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Cape Verde
  • Ivory Coast
  • Liberia
  • Mauritania
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone

Sometimes West Africa includes Western Sahara and Chad.

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West African countries

West Africa is the part of the African continent that is located south of central Sahara and is washed to the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean. To the east, the natural border is the Cameroon Mountains.

A country Population, million people Capital
Benin 10,32 Porto-Novo
Burkina Faso 16,93 Ouagadougou
Islamic Republic of Gambia 1,849 Banjul
Ghana 25,9 Accra
Guinea 11,75 Conakry
Guinea-Bissau 1,704 Bissau
Cape Verde 0,499 Praia
Cote d'Ivoire 20,32 Yamoussoukro
Liberia 4,294 Monrovia
Mauritania 3,89 Nouakchott
Mali 15,3 Bamako
Niger 17,83 Niamey
Nigeria 173,6 Abuja
Saint Helena, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha 0,005 Jamestown
Senegal 14,13 Dakar
Sierra Leone 6,092 Freetown
Togo 6,817 Lome

History of West Africa

The culture of this region has its roots in the ancient West African empires of Ghana, Mali and Sopgai, which flourished between the 6th and 16th centuries. These empires fell into decline, and small independent kingdoms appeared in their place. In the 15th century, Portuguese merchants arrived here, followed by the British, French and Dutch.

Over the next 400 years, Europeans continually invaded and founded colonies. The conquerors exploited the people and the land, building gold mines, establishing plantations to grow coffee, coconuts, sugar cane and cotton, and forcing Africans to work for them as slaves. Europeans took the indigenous people on ships to America, where they sold them to local planters as slaves. Many died along the way, and those who survived faced a painful life as slaves.

Britain abolished slavery in 1807, but independence was still a long way off for these countries. Colonial authorities remained in West Africa until the mid-20th century. After this, military and dictatorial regimes were established in some countries. Today many countries have become democracies.

West African EGP

The EGP of West Africa is characterized by a higher level of development compared to its eastern neighbor, but a lower level of development compared to North Africa. This region is one of the richest mineral reserves in the world. Quite large reserves of manganese, tin, gold, diamonds, and iron ore are concentrated here. Oil and gas reserves are significant. The largest oil supplier in the region is Nigeria.

Mangrove forests and mudflats stretch along the coast of West Africa. They are washed by warm rains brought from the ocean. Further from the coast, lagoons and coastal swamps give way to tropical rainforests that stretch for hundreds of kilometers.

Winding rivers are often the only means of communication as roads, already washed out during the rainy season, are swallowed up by the jungle. Evaporative forests cover the cooler central elevations. Rivers, falling from great heights into narrow gorges, form picturesque waterfalls. During rains, rivers flood the surrounding lands, releasing fertile silt, periodically washing away entire villages. And finally the landscape turns into endless savannas, shimmering under the hot sun.

Agriculture in West Africa

Despite the recent intensifying process of industrialization in the most developed countries of West Africa, agriculture in this region continues to be the basis of the economy. The main branches of agricultural production: nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle breeding, which is especially common in the Sahel zone.

In West Africa, cattle breeding is harmoniously combined with agriculture. Complementary sectors increase overall agricultural productivity. Main crops grown: corn, sorghum, peanuts, palm oil, cotton.

West African Industry

Industrial production is generally quite poorly developed. There is a preponderance towards extractive industries. The main development was in the mining industry and oil and gas production. Manufacturing industries are at the stage of initial development and are represented by the processing of mineral resources, textile production, cotton processing, and furniture manufacturing.

Some of the West African population works on modern machines on rubber plantations owned by foreign companies. Scarce land and an arid climate make farming difficult, but the land itself contains priceless treasures. Nigeria is one of the world's largest oil producers. Deposits of phosphorites, diamonds, bauxites and iron ore are the key to further prosperity.

Population of West Africa

The population of this region is about 300 million people. There is rapid population growth, the birth rate exceeds 50 babies per 1 thousand inhabitants. Consequently, West Africa is still in the second stage of the demographic transition.

Most of the population belongs to the Negroid race. In the northern part of Mali live the Berber-speaking Tuaregs, who belong to the Mediterranean type of the large Caucasian race. Negroid peoples are: Fulbe, Diola, Wolof, Kisi, Serer, Senufo, etc.

In the cities of West Africa, people live in modern multi-storey houses or in wooden, tin-roofed houses. Many city women go to the countryside every day to work in the fields or livestock farms and poultry houses. Around the coastal lagoons, village houses with thatched roofs are built on stilts above the water. Fishermen and traders living in these places travel by boats. Most West Africans live in rural areas and are fairly poor farmers and herders. They grow millet, cassava and rice for themselves. And cotton, peanuts and palm oil are sold.

West Africa from A to Z. Population, countries, cities and resorts of West Africa. Map, photos and videos, descriptions and reviews of tourists.

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Between the Sahara and the Atlantic, between primitiveness and civilization - this is about West Africa. The tourism fate of the region so far has not been very successful, to put it mildly: to date, only Cape Verde (not least thanks to the barefoot Madame Evora) and Senegal have succeeded in shedding the centuries-old label of a stronghold of the slave trade and the grave of the white man - again as the end point of the rally Paris - Dakar, which annually hosts the cream of European society. Otherwise, the west of the African continent is an ambiguous place from the point of view of a traveler: tropical diseases - one, intertribal strife - two, rich deposits of minerals and cheap labor - three, and in addition, a not very convenient flight and the most basic level of comfort when staying on site .

However, there are several advantages in West Africa, which for “highly specialized” fans outweigh all the listed disadvantages. Take surfers, for example. The Atlantic Ocean, steadily rolling its round waves near the Cape Verde Islands, has been attracting surfers from all over the planet for decades, so successfully that Cape Verde is considered one of the five best places in the world to practice this sport. Thanks to him, the father ocean, the local waters are teeming with rare, plump and tasty fish, which professional fishermen consider it an honor to catch on a fishing rod. So for those who dream of catching, if not a goldfish, then at least a blue marlin, the direct route is here, on the coast of Cape Verde and Senegal.

For example, in Senegal alone, 550 species of animals live and millions of migratory birds winter, and the entire diversity of the region’s fauna can easily be found in the one and only Niokolo-Koba National Park! With an area of ​​1 million hectares, this is not at all surprising.

Travel to West Africa

Let us also mention the souvenir diversity of West Africa. What you should bring from here is high-quality cotton with authentic prints. By the way, to this day the best calico fabrics are supplied to the region from the Netherlands: from the former metropolis to the former colonies. The colors are downright life-giving: a life-affirming extravaganza of bright colors and unexpected (and therefore interesting) images from a European point of view: the fabric can be decorated with prints in the form of shoes, laying hens, personal computers, chairs, diamonds and lemon circles - and often all of the above is located on mixed fabrics. Other useful household items: a variety of wood products, wicker baskets for bread and dry foods, grass mats and all kinds of interior items - from ritual masks to willow ottomans.

Most often, West Africa is understood as that territory on the mainland that is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the western and southern parts, bordered on top by the Sahara Desert, and separated in the east by the ridges of the Cameroon Mountains. When scientists make attempts, they try to take into account various factors, however, it is not always possible to draw imaginary boundaries in accordance with geographical data and geopolitical system, therefore the number of countries in the region may vary depending on the author of the classification, but usually this number in this case is - around twenty.

The western region is rich in all kinds of natural resources, but the leading role in its economy is given to agriculture, and most often one crop is grown in local fields.

However, some places have a developed mining industry, and some countries are world famous for their oil exports, for example.

Due to the fact that West Africa has a diverse ethnic composition, clashes between ethnic groups living nearby are commonplace. Therefore, there is difficulty in establishing interstate relations throughout the subregion, which repeats the problems of some where there are also contradictions between peoples.

In order for the countries of this region to develop and achieve success, they, first of all, should bring the metallurgical industry (ferrous and non-ferrous), chemical industry and mechanical engineering to the proper level, as well as create a network of roads and fill it with modern transport.

Natural conditions and resources of West Africa

The nature of the Western subregion of Africa is greatly influenced by the Sahara Desert, which is located in the north. The transitional areas from desert to savanna are called the Sahel, within which precipitation falls, but it is less than 200 mm per year. Natural conditions are such that the local population sometimes feels the full tragedy of prolonged droughts. So, in a few years without rain, livestock and all plants die out, even wells dry up. Just such a tragedy happened in the last century (70s), which led to famine and numerous deaths.

To the south of the Sahel, a strip of savannas and forest savannas passes through the entire region, then there is a zone of forests (variably humid, evergreen and tropical). These natural conditions and resources of West Africa have felt the impact of activity and therefore their appearance often resembles savannas. But true evergreen forests can be observed only in some coastal areas near mountain rivers. Their areas are still significant, however, the degradation of landscapes is constantly getting worse.

The geological conditions of this region are calm, since the main part of the territory is located on the stable African platform. The relief is mainly represented by low, flat plateaus, but in the coastal regions low-lying plains predominate. There are few mountain ranges: Futa Djallon, Togo, Atakora, the North Guinea Upland, the elevated Joey plateau and some other low landforms. There are also lengths and protrusions that create the effect of mountains between the plains.

There are many mineral resources in West Africa, however, they began to be mined only recently. The following ores are found in the local depths: iron, aluminum, tungsten, manganese, uranium, chromium, tin and valuable metals (gold and diamonds have been known to local peoples for a long time). The found phosphorites are exported to the whole world, as well as oil, the discovery of which made it possible to begin numerous searches for “black gold” and natural gas along the entire coast. Heavy minerals also began to be found there.

The local climate is also diverse, which is associated with different climatic zones: in the north - subequatorial, in the south - equatorial. The region owes the bulk of its moisture to the Gulf of Guinea, but almost all of it falls near the coast. In this regard, as you go deeper into the mainland, the amount of moisture and precipitation decreases, from seven to three months of the rainy season.

The winter season is characterized by numerous winds that carry dry and relatively cold air, raising hot dust. The change between the rainy season and the dry season is clearly visible throughout West Africa, and in connection with this the agricultural calendar was built.

In general, temperatures in the subregion do not usually fluctuate much (except in semi-desert areas), with temperatures ranging from +20 to +26 degrees Celsius, while in the south, where tropical rainforests are located, temperatures average around +26 degrees or slightly higher . An unaccustomed person has a hard time tolerating the local climate, since extremes are either high humidity or scorching wind.

Beautiful and vibrant Africa is the second largest continent in the world. More than 1 billion people live in its vastness. And its lands are conventionally divided into 5 regions. By tradition, African countries, the list of which consists of 62 items, are classified as the following regions:

  • Yuzhny.
  • Western.
  • Northern.
  • Eastern.
  • And Central.

This division is due to different geographical and climatic conditions, differences in cultures and forms of government of states.

Africa has dependent and independent territories. There are 37 countries with access to seas and oceans. Present (10 units). And 16 countries located in the interior of the continent.

African countries: list of states in the Southern region

South Africa retains memories of the colonial period. Nuclear weapons were developed on its territory, which the government later abandoned. It includes the following countries:

  • Zimbabwe;
  • Mozambique;
  • Comoros Islands;
  • Seychelles;
  • Mauritius Island;
  • Reunion;
  • Madagascar;
  • Lesotho;
  • Botswana;
  • Swaziland;
  • Namibia.

The largest country on this earth is the Republic of South Africa (RSA). Almost the entire population of the Southern Region lives and works there. There are 11 officially accepted languages ​​in this territory. The ethnic composition of South Africa is a diverse group of numerous religious affiliations.

The proximity of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean makes South Africa attractive for tourism. The southern part of the continent is warm and humid all year round. But the climate is temperate, so the heat is tolerated quite easily.

African countries: list of states in the Western region

The humid and windy climate of West Africa is directly dependent on the capricious trade winds. This territory consists of the following countries:

  • Sierra Leone;
  • Senegal;
  • Benin;
  • Burkina Faso;
  • Gambia;
  • Ghana;
  • Togo;
  • Guinea;
  • Guinea-Bissau;
  • Cape Verde;
  • Cameroon;
  • Mauritania;
  • Nigeria;
  • Niger;
  • Mali;
  • Liberia;
  • Cote d'Ivoire;
  • Saint Helena Islands.

The Western region is home to many African languages. On its territory, oral folklore is still valued today. And ceremonial dances are included in the program of every significant holiday.

The natural border of this land in the east is the Cameroon Mountains. In the south of the region itself the legendary Sahara Desert begins. And in the west, the natural border is formed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria several years ago received the status of the largest oil producer. Most of the population speaks several dialects at once. There are 527 officially recognized languages ​​in this country. Among them there are 11 “dead” dialects; English and several other languages ​​of the local ethnic group are taught in state schools.

Abuja is the Nigerian capital, chosen by the government as the most ethnically neutral place in the Western region. After the completion of the main stages of construction in 1976, Abuja received the status of the main city of Nigeria instead of the overcrowded Logos.

African countries: list of countries in the Northern region

A significant part of the Northern region is occupied by the sands of the Sahara Desert. The largest states of the entire African continent border the endless sandy sea:

  • Sudan;
  • Tunisia;
  • Algeria;
  • Morocco;
  • Libya;
  • SADR;
  • Egypt.

The Mediterranean natural area is considered very comfortable for living. Therefore, large tourist sites of the African continent, which are known throughout the world, are located there.

The region's economy is in better shape than other parts of Africa. The proximity of Europe affects not only the development of the region, but also its cultural heritage.

Tunisia is a country that has the most competitive economy of all African countries. Tunisia is home to about 10 million people, most of whom speak Arabic. Almost the entire population of the northern state professes Islam. The Mediterranean climate makes Tunisia an important tourism sector. The country's culture contains many diverse trends that are organically woven into the daily life of the Tunisian people.

African countries: list of states in the Eastern region

To the East of the mysterious Nile there are several countries that make up the Eastern Region. Among them are such states as:

  • Ethiopia;
  • Eritrea;
  • Uganda;
  • Tanzania;
  • Somalia;
  • Mayotte;
  • Kenya;
  • Djibouti;
  • Zambia;
  • Comoros;
  • Malawi.

The climate of Eastern Africa is arid in the central regions. But on the coast it quickly changes to tropical. Former colonists set state boundaries quite arbitrarily. Due to the fact that cultural and religious trends were not taken into account, the development of the Eastern region is happening at a very slow pace.

Kenya is not only a favorite destination for tourists, but also a place that has amazing flora and fauna. On the territory of Kenya there are a large number of nature reserves that are protected by the international organization UNESCO.

In Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, people speak English and the local dialect Swahili. For a long time this country was a colony of Great Britain.

African countries: list of states of the Central region

The following states are located in the heart of Africa:

  • Angola;
  • Congo;
  • Sao Tome;
  • Equatorial Guinea.

These countries are endowed with a subequatorial climate. Thanks to the extensive river system, it is there that you can see endless forests consisting of evergreen and deciduous trees.

The Republic of the Congo is extremely rich in mineral resources. This circumstance several centuries ago contributed to the emergence of the African “gold” rush in the country.

The capital of the country with the unusual name Brazzaville is quite developed in terms of education. The literacy rate of the population there reaches 82%. The state's economy is based on oil production and agriculture. The cultural sector is represented by folk art. The direction of contemporary art is also well developed.

All African countries, the list of which is given above, are considered officially recognized states. Meanwhile, many territories of the African continent have recently embarked on the path of international recognition and are not yet real states. But they still have symbols of borders on some maps.

Anthropologists call Africa the cradle of civilization. According to research, human culture first appeared there. It’s paradoxical, but in the place where all living things originated, there are still corners where no human has set foot. Of the 29 million square meters, only a small part is inhabited by people. The rest of the area is deserts and tropical forests. African fauna is unique. found nowhere else on this continent.

Exploring the countries of Africa, the list of which is so diverse, it is difficult to imagine that the Sahara Desert occupies an area larger than the entire territory of the United States. Also, half of the world’s gold is mined on the continent. And the name of this part of the world comes from one of the most ancient tribes, “Afri”.

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