What school did Zemfira go to? Zemfira plagued Renata with wild jealousy


She graduated from the pop vocal department of the Ufa College of Arts.

Since 1996, she worked as an operator at the Ufa branch of radio "Europe Plus". At the same time, she wrote her first songs: "Why", "Snow", "Forecaster".

In early 1998, she organized her own group "Zemfira". For the first time, the group performed on June 19 of the same year at a celebration dedicated to the birthday of the Silver Rain - Ufa radio.

The recording of the group came to Leonid Burlakov, the producer of the Mumiy Troll group, and he decided to record an album with the new group. Work on the debut album continued for several months, and in May 1999 the presentation of the Zemfira album took place. The album became very popular and quickly sold out in large numbers throughout Russia.

In September 1999, in Moscow, the singer began her first concert tour, which ended in early January 2000 in Riga.

In March 2000, the next album of the singer was presented, called "Forgive me, my love." In 2000, this album became the leader in sales in Russia, the circulation of the album exceeded one and a half million copies.

The first big solo concert of the singer was held with great success on April 1, 2000 in the capital's sports complex "Olympic".

In 2002, the third album "Fourteen Weeks of Silence" was released. The album includes 13 new songs. By this time, Zemfira completely changed the composition of the group. The tour in support of the new record started in Chelyabinsk in April.

In March 2004, she released the album "Vendetta" and in May began a new tour. In the same year, she was admitted to the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, but during her studies she took academic leave to record the next album, after which she did not begin to recover at the university.

A significant event in Zemfira's life was the performance on October 16, 2004, together with the Queen group, with the song We Are The Champions at the MTV Russia Awards ceremony.

On June 13, 2006, the singer performed in St. Petersburg at the "Stop Counterfeit" festival together with the Scorpions.

In 2007, Zemfira continued to perform with concerts, held the Deja Vu tour, during which she performed songs from previously released albums. In the same year, she released a DVD with clips Zemfira.DVD, which also included a clip shot by Renata Litvinova.

In October 2007, the album "Thank you" was released with songs written in 2006-2007. After the release of the album, Zemfira held a tour that ended with a final concert on April 1, 2008 in Moscow at the Olimpiyskiy.

In the same period, a film was released on the screens, shot by director Renata Litvinova during a concert in the "Green Theater" of the park. Gorky June 8, 2007.

On March 21, 2009, an album of b-sides (songs not previously released on numbered albums) Z-Sides appeared on the Internet. The singer planned to release this album a few years ago, but postponed the release due to work on the albums "Vendetta" and "Thank you".

On January 1, 2010, on New Year's Eve, the second "live" album "Zemfira.Live2" appeared on the singer's website. The album includes 11 songs recorded during the "Thank you" tour.

On February 14, 2013, the sixth studio album "Live in your head" was released on the Yandex.Music service. Its official release took place on February 15, 2013. The income from the album sales for the first month amounted to two million rubles, which was a record for online sales of works by Russian artists.

In total, Zemfira has released six studio and two live albums (including an album of b-sides). Most often, she produces her albums herself.

Many of Zemfira's songs became very popular and topped the charts in Russia. Among them are such compositions as "Sky of London", "Arividerchi", "Do you want", "Daisies", "Infinity", "We are breaking", etc.

In 2008, Zemfira became the producer of the film "Green Theater in Zemfira", which was highly appreciated by critics.

In 2012, Zemfira and Renata Litvinova became the producers of the film "Rita's Last Tale". In addition, Zemfira wrote the musical score for this film. The picture took part in the Odessa and Moscow film festivals.

The singer began the Little Man tour. During a concert in Nizhny Novgorod, Zemfira said that this tour would be her last. The first part of the tour covered 20 cities in Russia and neighboring countries and ended with two concerts in Moscow on April 1 and 3, the second part will open on September 26 with the only concert in Russia in Yekaterinburg. After that, the singer will give concerts in Germany, the UK, the USA and Canada.

The singer is actively involved in charitable activities. She directs the funds from the concerts to financially support large families, orphans, and for the treatment of cancer patients.

In 2000, Zemfira was awarded the State Youth Prize of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the field of culture named after Shaikhzada Babich.

In 2003 she became the winner of the Russian youth award "Triumph" for outstanding achievements in the field of culture and art and the MUZ-TV award for the best album ("Fourteen Weeks of Silence").

In 2008, Zemfira received the prize of the annual music award in the field of rock and roll "Chartova Dozen. Top 13" in two categories: "soloist of the year" and "music" (for the song "We are breaking" from the album "Thank you").

In June 2008, the singer became twice the winner of the Stepnoy Volk alternative direction award, established by music critic Artemy Troitsky.

In 2010, she became a laureate of the honorary award "For contribution to the development of science, culture and art" of the Russian Authors' Society (RAO).

In 2013, Zemfira received the MTV Europe Music Awards in the category "Best Russian Performer".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Biography of Zemfira

Childhood. Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova was born on August 26, 1976 in Ufa. The parents of the future star were not connected with music, but the girl got involved in creativity early - at the age of five, she began learning to play the piano at a music school. She was a soloist in the choir, additionally played the guitar. She wrote a song at the age of seven. Her passion for rock music was passed on to her from her brother. She attended several circles, but she gave preference to music and basketball: she was the captain of the junior team of the country, she graduated with honors from a music school.

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Career. 1996-1998. After school, she successfully passes the entrance exams at the School of Arts, she is immediately enrolled in the second year. He graduated from his studies in 1997 with honors. For a short time, the future star with her friend Vlad Kolchin performed in restaurants. From the 96th, her work begins on radio "Europe +" in Ufa. At the same time, works were written that became hits - “Why”, “Snow”, “Forecaster”. In 1998, a rock group called "Zemfira" was created. On June 19, the team made its debut at the celebration of the anniversary of the local radio "Silver Rain".

At the Maksidrome rock festival, the recordings of the future star get to Leonid Burlakov. It was he who suggested that the talented performer make the first album. 1999 In the autumn of 1999, work began on an album named after the singer at the Tonstudio of the Mosfilm film concern. On November 7, it was completed. In February, the songs "AIDS" (an absolute hit of the season), "Rockets" and "Arivederchi" appear on the country's radio stations. In the spring, clips are shot for the popular compositions "AIDS" and "Arivederchi". At a briefing on March 24, 1999, the rising star is introduced to the media. May 8 - presentation of her debut work in the famous club "16 tons". Since September, tours around the country begin, which lasted until the beginning of 2000. By the end of 1999, remixes for the songs "Snow", "London Sky" were recorded. Zemfira's performances begin to be broadcast on television. On December 11, the group was invited as a headliner to the largest national rock music festival "Invasion". Since December, work on the next collection has already begun. year 2000. On March 28, the new album “P. M. M. L. ”, which surpassed the mark of 1,500,000 copies in sales, becoming the best-selling. In August, the rock star receives the Shaikhzada Babich Award for special achievements in the field of art. 2001-2002. In 2001, she was awarded the "Record" award in the "Performer of the Year" and "Album of the Year" nominations. In April 2002, another collection of "Fourteen Minutes of Silence" appeared. He wins in the nomination for the award of the Muz-TV channel "Album of the Year". Then the award in the field of the highest achievements of art "Triumph" was won. 2004-2006. In 2004, the singer entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. But in winter, he takes academic leave to record an album and never returns to study. On October 16, 2004, the award ceremony of the MTV-Russia RMA channel took place, where Zemfira sang "We Are The Champions" with the legendary rock band Queen. March 1, 2005 was the presentation of the new work "Vendetta". Critics greeted her with enthusiasm, calling her the second take-off of the singer. In 2005, the video clips and compositions of "Vendetta" were nominated in several categories for the award of the MTV-Russia RMA channel, the video for the composition "Blues" was awarded the prize. 2007-2010. At the beginning of 2007, a DVD with video clips “Zemfira. DVD". In the spring, the Deja Vu tour begins with already well-known songs in a new arrangement. In October 2007, the release of the album "Thank you", which includes 12 songs, begins, the next tour begins, ending with a concert at the "Olympic". On February 21, 2008, the premiere of the musical film by Renata Litvinova "Green Theater in Zemfira" took place. On January 1, 2010, the concert collection “Zemfira. Live 2" recorded on the "Thank You" tour. In August 2010, a collection of previously unreleased songs written from the beginning of his creative activity until 2006, Z-Sides, was released. 2011-2013. Work is underway on the next album "Live in your head." July 2012 was marked by a performance at the Olimpiyskiy at a Queen concert. The year 2012 is devoted to work on the music for the next directorial work by Renata Litvinova "Rita's Last Fairy Tale". 2013 began with a tour of Zemfira. Tour 2013, which included performances in 50 cities. At the same time, the TV channel MTV Europe Music Awards received the award in the category "Best Russian Performer". 2015-2016. In the fall of 2015, it becomes known about the Little Man concert tour. There will be performances in 20 Russian cities, in Belarus, the Baltic states. The tour started from Omsk in February 2016 and ended in April in Moscow. This is the final tour of Zemfira Talgatovna. “It’s hard, troublesome, nervous,” she explains the refusal to tour, but she will not refuse concerts and songwriting.

Zemfira's personal life

There are many rumors about Zemfira's private life. It is known that she is not married, there are no children. Her first hobby back in Ufa was Vlad Kolchin. Their romance ended with Vlad's departure to St. Petersburg. For some time, the singer lived in a civil marriage with sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov. They broke up because of his passion for alcohol. At the beginning of her career, she announced her wedding to Vyacheslav Petkun, the leader of the Dancing Minus group, but this was just a PR move.

Information appeared in the press about the closeness of the singer with Roman Abramovich, and later - about relations with Anastasia Kalmanovich. In recent years, the media have claimed that Zemfira and Renata Litvinova have a closer relationship than just friendship, but the girls leave such information without comment. Dislike for interviews and secrecy allows journalists to speculate about the singer's personal life. Millions of fans love her for who she is. The rock singer, the idol of several generations, has not lost her popularity over the years.

Zemfira is an incredibly talented Russian singer who opened a completely new movement in Russian rock, called “female rock”.


Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova was born on August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa, which at that time was part of the Bashkir ASSR. The girl grew up in an intelligent Bashkir-Tatar family. The girl's father, Talgat Talkhoevich, taught history at school. Zemfira also has an older brother named Ramil.

From a very early age, Zemfira woke up musical talent. From the age of 5, the girl went to piano lessons at a music school, later she was accepted as a soloist in the school choir.

Also at the age of 5, the future singer first appeared on television: on a local TV channel, the girl sang a song about a worm.

As a child, the future singer had many hobbies, she attended 7 circles at once, but paid more attention to music and basketball. Despite the fact that Zemfira was the lowest in the team in the school basketball team, the future singer became the captain in the Russian junior team.

Zemfira in his youth

After graduating from school, Zemfira decides to seriously take up music and enters the department of pop-jazz vocals at the Ufa Art School. In parallel with her studies, the girl performs the hits of her favorite performers on the street: “Cinema”, “Nautilus Pomilius” and “Aquarium”, and also sings compositions by Freddie Mercury and George Michael in the original.

After graduating from college, Zemfira, together with her classmate Vlad Kolchin, who plays the saxophone, sang songs in restaurants in Ufa. But soon the girl got tired of it, and she decided to find another job.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1996, Zemfira was hired as a sound engineer at the local branch of the Europa Plus radio station. At the same time, she begins to write her first songs in the Cakewalk program. With the help of this program, the compositions “Snow”, “Forecaster”, “Rockets” and “Why”, which were included in the first album of the singer, were recorded.

The girl also manages to work as a backing vocalist in the popular band of that time, Spectrum Ace. In the same year, Zemfira persuaded Arkady Mukhtarov to record a demo CD of the performer.

In the same year, Zemfira decides to assemble her own group. Bass player Rinat Akhmadiev becomes the first member, then Rinat brought his friend drummer Sergei Sozinov, next year keyboard player Sergei Mirolyubov and solo guitarist Vadim Solovyov join the band.

The newly appeared group goes to Moscow to promote their team. In the capital, at the Maxidrom festival, Zemfira, through journalists, passes a disc with the songs recorded by the group to Leonid Burlakov, the producer of the Mumiy Troll collective. He, after listening to the songs, decides to record an album.

Since 1998, active work has begun on the creation of the first album. The Mumiy Troll group actively helped the newcomers with the recording - vocalist Ilya Lagutenko acted as a sound producer, and Yuri Tsaler and Oleg Pungin participated in the recording. In January 1999, the album was mixed in London. On May 10, the first album called "Zemfira" is released, which incredibly quickly gained popularity among listeners.

Clips were soon shot for the songs "AIDS", "Arividerchi" and "Why", which only increased Zemfira's popularity. The team went on tour three months after the release of the disc, full halls of listeners gathered at the concerts.

Upon returning from the tour, the Zemfira group is accepted to record the second album. On March 28, 2000, an album called "Forgive Me My Love" was released, which was called the most popular album of 2000. Zemfira herself received the title of "Performer of the Year" from the publication "OM".

The album includes well-known songs that are still popular today: “Looking for”, which became the soundtrack of the film “Brother 2”, “Do you want”, “City” and “Dawns”. After the release of the record, Zemfira organizes an all-Russian tour, which was a resounding success.

On April 1, Zemfira performed a solo concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. At one of the concerts, held in Ufa, there was an unpleasant incident - 19 people were injured from a stampede. After the incident, the singer said that she was taking a "sabbatical", canceled all concerts and did not appear on stage for a year.

The exception was participation in the project "KINOproby", organized in honor of the memory of Zemfira's favorite performer Viktor Tsoi.

Zemfira after a "sabbatical"

After a year of silence, the singer decides to completely change her style, so from that moment the Zemfira group disbands. The singer asks musicians from Mumiy Troll, Oleg Pungin and Yuri Tsaler, to help with recording a new album.

The release of the new album "Fourteen Weeks of Silence" took place on April 1, 2002. The number of discs sold quickly crossed the one million mark, and critics began to actively discuss the new disc. In 2003, the singer received the Triumph award for this album.

In 2004, two significant events took place: first, Zemfira performed with Ilya Lagutenko at the Maxidrom rock festival, then at the MTV Russia Music Awards, together with the Queen group, the singer performed the legendary song “We are the Champions”.

In the same year, Zemfira recorded the track "Goddess: how I fell in love" for the film by Renata Litvinova. In gratitude, Renata directed Zemfira's video for the song "Itogi".

Also in 2004, the performer decides to get a higher education and enters the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. But the singer spent all her time on music, so she did not have time to study. During the first session, Zemfira took an academic leave, but then she never recovered, for which she was expelled in 2006.

In March 2005, the fourth album of the performer called "Vendetta" was released, consisting of 15 songs. The album received only positive reviews from listeners and critics, and was also called the second "take-off" album after her debut "Zemfira". On May 10, a tour began in support of the record.

In the fall of 2007, the album "Thank you" was released, which consisted of 12 songs. On October 21, a tour began in support of the album, and the tour ended with a performance at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. The following year, the singer won in the nominations "Soloist of the Year" and "Music" at the "Chart Dozen" award.

Since 2011, Zemfira has begun work on the sixth album "Live in your head". Prior to this, Zemfira also released a collection of her b-sides called "Z-Sides". On July 8, 2012, Zemfira closed her official website for some time, dissatisfied with the fact that too many users discuss her image and appearance on social networks.

In 2013, work on the album “Live in your head” was completed and on February 15 the album was released, which again made a splash in the world of Russian rock. This album set a record for domestic online sales, collecting 2 million rubles in a month.

Before the release of the album, the singer organized a tour in which she traveled to 51 cities. In the fall of the same year, Zemfira received an award in the nomination "Best Russian Performer" at the MTV Europe Music Awards.

In February 2016, a new "Little Man" tour began. The singer traveled to 20 cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, the tour ended with an enchanting performance in Moscow. On this tour, Zemfira announced that she was completing her touring activities.

Personal life

There are many rumors about the personal life of the performer, but the singer does not give any comments on this matter.

It all started with the fact that the singer announced her wedding with Vyacheslav Petkun, the lead singer of the Dances Minus group, but this statement turned out to be just a PR stunt. After that, Zemfira was credited with an affair with Abramovich and Anastasia Kalmanovich, the director of the singer.

Recently, Zemfira has been credited with an affair with Renata Litvinova, a friend of the performer and film director, but they do not comment on the information.

Beloved and adored by many, Zemfira, whose biography will be described in this article, grew up on the music of such legendary performers as Viktor Tsoi, and the groups Queen, Aquarium, Nautilus Pompilius, Black Sabbath. Her older brother introduced her to rock. It can be said that thanks to him the world learned about who she is.

Biography of the artist: childhood

The future singer was born on August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa. The girl showed her ability to music from an early age. At five I went to a music school for the first time, at seven I already wrote my first song. Zemfira was born in her father taught history, her mother worked as a doctor. The daughter pleased her parents - she was an excellent student at school and achieved considerable success in sports: in 1990 she became the captain of the Russian women's basketball team. Despite the fact that the monotony at the music school began to get on Zemfira's nerves, at the insistence of her mother, she nevertheless completed her studies, moreover, with

Zemfira: biography - education and early career

At first, the future singer planned to enter the Faculty of Philology, but accidentally saw an announcement about entrance examinations at a music school - she decided to try. She was immediately admitted to the second year, but after a year Zemfira becomes bored, she regrets her choice and hardly finishes the school that has become disgusting to her. In 1996, he worked as an operator at radio Europe + (branch in Ufa) during the day, and at night he recorded his first songs on the computer, which later became real hits: Weatherman, Snow, Why, etc.

In 1998, the singer creates her own group Zemfira. At that time, the singer's arsenal had already accumulated a lot of material, which she decides to transfer through her friend Leonid Burlakov (producer of the Mumiy Troll group). Leonid does not doubt for a minute that Zemfira is a real nugget and immediately invites her to the capital to record an album. On March 24 of the same year, the new singer Zemfira was presented to the public for the first time at a press conference of the Utekay Zvukozapis company. The biography of an extraordinary artist, of course, contains information that not everyone accepted her work, and there was criticism. Vladimir Polupanov, in a review of the album, wrote that Zemfira's lyrics are illogical, "do not bring truth to the world" and have philological flaws. But this did not stop the singer from capturing the hearts of millions of fans.

Zemfira: biography - on the wave of fame

In 2000, the country heard the artist's second album, which was sold in a crazy circulation (more than one and a half million copies). The album became one of the most successful in the history of Russian show business. 2002 gave fans the third copy of which sold more than one hundred and eighty thousand on the first day. In 2003, Zemfira became the winner of the Triumph youth award. And in 2004, her biggest dream came true - she sang the song "We are the Champions" in a duet with the Queen group at the MTV Russia Awards.

Zemfira: biography - personal life

It is known that the singer is not married. Rumors of a romance with musician Petkun in the late 1990s turned out to be just a well-thought-out marketing ploy to promote her first album. The press contains unconfirmed information about Zemfira's unconventional orientation and her special attitude towards actress Renata Litvinova.

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova is a singer who opened a new direction in music called "female rock". The girl leads a secluded life, flatly refuses to communicate with journalists. There are incredible rumors about her life, which she does not confirm, but does not refute either.

Among the producers, she was known for her strict requirements, so she often acts in this role herself. With her work, she set the musical tone for aspiring bands in the early 2000s.

Despite her sometimes shocking appearance, Zemfira was included in the magazine's lists in the "One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia" nomination.

Height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira

Since Zemfira changed her images many times during her musical activity, fans are in a hurry to find out not only her biography, but also her parameters: height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira also remains an urgent question, because due to the fact that she weighs only fifty-seven kilograms, with a height of one hundred and seventy-three centimeters, it is difficult to correctly name her age.

Here, lovers of Russian rock performed by Zemfira are lucky - the singer does not try to hide these data from the public. This year, in August, the singer will turn forty-two years old. She does not sit (like most singers) on strict diets, does not like to visit sports clubs. It's just that Zemfira is constantly on the move, and this is enough for her to be in excellent physical shape.

Biography of Zemfira

Zemfira's biography began in the city of Ufa. Even as a child, she began to show a craving for music. At the age of five, she was sent to a music school. There, the girl studied piano, then sang in the choir, was a vocalist. Two years later, little Zemfira wrote her first song. The choice of the musical genre was influenced by the elder brother Ramil.

Music was not the only hobby of the child. Despite her average height, she was the captain of the women's basketball team.

In addition to school, she graduated from a music school in her hometown, a vocal department. She worked as a radio presenter.

In parallel with work, the girl creates her own group, called Zemfira. In 1998, she decided to move to the capital in order to be able to further develop her musical career.

The producer of the then-famous Mumiy Troll group, after listening, invited her to record an album. From this moment, the ascent of a new star in the world of show business begins.

The singer's debut album was released literally the following year. Many songs from the album began to play on popular radio stations. Zemfira shot a video for one of the songs in the city of Prague.

The girl instantly became popular. Her songs "Speed", "London Sky" and "Snow" won the love of millions of listeners in a short period of time. At the end of the same year, the singer went on a tour with concerts, which ended only in January of the next.

Zemfira presented her second album in the spring of 2000. It was called "Forgive Me My Love". This album became the most successful in the career of the singer and the best-selling. Thanks to the songs included in the album, the girl and her group were awarded several awards. She has planned another tour. However, this popularity also brought negative results. At her concert, which took place in the city of Yakutsk, more than ten people were injured due to a strong crowd. The authorities blamed the performer for this, but it was not her fault. It was not she who sold the tickets and the stadium was filled to capacity, also not a singer. This incident unsettled the artist a little, she apologized to the fans and did not appear on stage for almost a year.

The next album of the singer took first place in the nomination "Album of the Year", arranged by Muz-TV in 2003.

In 2005, the fourth album "Vendetta" was released, which was highly appreciated by critics and fans.

Zemfira released a live album, which included about ten hits from previous albums.

In subsequent years, several more albums were released. They included new songs and already beloved hits, but in a new arrangement.

As mentioned earlier, the performer does not like to give interviews, rarely appears in her videos. In 2012, Zemfira closed her official website due to the dirt and gossip addressed to the singer. Many criticize her lifestyle, image and demeanor. However, the multi-million fans of the creativity of an extraordinary artist sincerely wrote to her not to pay attention to the opinions of others and wished her creative success.

In 2016, her album "Little Man" was released. During the tour in support of her album, Zemfira announced her intention to end her touring activities. Nevertheless, she continues to delight fans with new songs. Last year, the directors began to negotiate with her about the singer recording and performing the soundtrack for the film "Sevastopol 1952". Whether Zemfira will agree to this proposal, time will tell.

Singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married photo 2015

Information about the unconventional orientation of the singer often appears in the press. People, when the behind-the-scenes life is carefully hidden from them, begin to fantasize in order to somehow satisfy their curiosity.

In 2007, the girl began to communicate closely with the Russian actress Renata Litvinova. Together they gave an interview for a fashionable glossy magazine, Renata acted as a producer of the singer, and she, in turn, recorded soundtracks for her films. After that, they were often seen together.

It even got to the point that a few years later they started talking about the fact that the singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married - a photo of 2015 was allegedly attached and it all happened secretly in Stockholm. Ramazanova and Litvinova did not react to this statement in any way. Listeners can only guess: is this true, or another "duck" of unscrupulous "hacks".

Zemfira's personal life

The singer herself is a secretive person. She is categorically against any interviews. Journalists have long come to the conclusion that Zemfira's personal life is generally a closed topic. Nevertheless, this part of the biography worries not only the press, but also her fans. There are a lot of rumors, gossip and speculation about what is happening with the musician on the love front. In part, Zemfira herself provoked such increased attention from fans when she announced an allegedly upcoming engagement. Things didn’t go further than conversations, and it became clear to everyone that it was just a PR move to rive people’s attention to their person.

The public was quite surprised when they found out about the acquaintance of Zemfira and Roman Abramovich. If you believe the information that circulated on the network, it turns out that they were connected not just by friendship, but by something more.

The private side of the singer's life raises many questions, both among the press and ordinary people. However, people are not one hundred percent sure that they will ever hear true information regarding Zemfira's personal life.

Husband of singer Zemfira

The husband of the singer Zemfira - does he really exist? Knowing the secretive nature of the producer, fans of her work write that they will not be surprised if it suddenly turns out that the girl has been married for a long time. Be that as it may, Zemfira is now alone and has not yet found a life partner.

Zemfira and Vlad Kolchin - the singer's youthful hobby

Zemfira is an interesting person both as a singer and as a person. Her musical works are often criticized negatively. However, she does not pay attention to the statements from the outside and continues to sing the way she likes. Fans hope that the singer will still find her soul mate and it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, the main thing is that their idol is truly happy.

Zemfira family

Zemfira's family consists of numerous relatives. She is a Tatar, and the people of this nation, as you know, are very friendly. Zemfira's father, Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov, worked all his life at school. Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova is a doctor by education.

The singer has an older brother and two paternal half-brothers. The fact is that for Talgat Talkhoevich it was the third marriage. As a young man, he was the first handsome man and enjoyed success with women. In the first two marriages, he had a son, but he became happy only with a third family.

Zemfira is kind to her loved ones. Coming to her hometown with concerts, she always left seats in the forefront for her family. In an interview with her father, he said that her daughter achieved everything in life on her own, they could not help her financially. Ramazanov boasted that Zemfira, having received one of her first fees, did not purchase housing for herself in the capital. The daughter bought her parents an apartment in one of the central districts of the city of Ufa, made repairs there and furnished it with furniture. He also proudly recalled when, at the beginning of the year 2000, his daughter was awarded the youth award named after Sh. Babich. Then he first got to the Bashkir White House, where the Prime Minister handed over this award to him.

The spring of 2009 can be called tragic for Zemfira. Her beloved father died of a massive heart attack. Ramil Talgatovich's health has deteriorated greatly over the past four years. The fact is that two of his sons from previous marriages suddenly died. On top of that, while working in the country, he stumbled and fell, the result - a concussion. The body could not stand it and on May 10, Zemfira's father passed away.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, a series of losses in the singer's family was only gaining momentum. A year later, Zemfira's brother Ramil dies. He was an entrepreneur, worked as a director of a well-known trading network. My brother was fond of spearfishing. Something went wrong in one of these “outings” and Ramil tragically dies. For the singer, this was a real blow, because she and her brother were very close, they trusted each other with all the secrets.

Zemfira began to worry about her mother, for her health after the loss of her husband and son. She was going to transport Florida Khakievna to her place in Moscow, but did not have time. The woman could not stand the pain of loss and died in 2015. The parents were buried together, according to all the laws of Islam.

Zemfira was very upset by the death of loved ones, refused concerts and tours, no matter how tempting they were. But still she found the strength to go on.

Children of Zemfira

Zemfira's children are her nephews Arthur and Artem. Probably, only thanks to them, the girl did not withdraw into herself, she continues to perform on stage and delight the audience. After the tragic death of the twins' father, Zemfira considers it her duty to take care of her brother's children.

Although the two brothers are similar, their characters are radically different: one was a closed, well-educated child at school, and the other was the soul of the company, who was not at all interested in knowledge or grades. They graduated from a prestigious gymnasium, their father wanted to send them to London, but did not have time. Zemfira fulfilled her brother's wish. The nephews went to study directing craft abroad. In 2013, the aunt performed with her nephews at a concert in Luzhniki. This was the only performance of the Ramazanov brothers. They returned to Ufa, they record songs in the studio, but so far they do not seek to advertise their activities. They plan to go to England again, this time to get knowledge in the field of pop vocals.

The singer loves her nephews, tries to take an active part in their life. They, in turn, wish their aunt to become a mother and please them with brothers or sisters.

Photo Zemfira before and after plastic surgery

Very often, the singer changes her appearance, style of clothing. Since she herself is a closed person and does not like to talk to journalists, often the latter, together with the fans, begin to think out, or invent something that does not really exist. When the girl began to lose weight dramatically, someone posted two pictures of different periods of her life online and signed "Zemfira's photo before and after plastic surgery." In fact, the singer believes that she does not need plastic surgery. She is of the opinion that if someone is not satisfied with her appearance, let her not look, it is impossible to please everyone.

Zemfira only once starred in a photo shoot. She agreed to this only in order to promote her new album. She was not comfortable in long dresses, high platform shoes and a ton of makeup on her face. Be that as it may, for her it became a kind of test, which she withstood with honor. The artist herself does not favor printed publications, believing that this is a waste of time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zemfira

Knowing the pathological dislike of the musician for his person, it would be ridiculous to think that she has a page on Instagram and Zemfira's Wikipedia, in fact, is the only official page on the Internet where you can find reliable information about the singer.

Nevertheless, Zemfira has an Instagram page: it was made by the singer's fans. There, basically, they post photos from concerts and parties in which the singer takes part.

The official site is more like a "memo-business card". Here you can find all songs and albums of Zemfira.

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