Jasmine: For kids, I'm the evil cop. Jasmine Where does Jasmine live singer


"I will sing as long as the music lives in me!"

After each concert, her dressing room is literally buried in flowers. Each bouquet is dear to the singer as a sign of love and appreciation of fans for her work. But there is one special month - June. It was then that fans would certainly bring her branches strewn with white fragrant jasmine flowers. It is difficult to come up with a more symbolic gift for the singer Jasmine. This sonorous and easy-to-remember pseudonym was offered to the novice performer by the famous composer Vladimir Matetsky. Jasmine literally bloomed overnight in the sky of Russian show business and took its rightful place on it. She has 9 albums, about 40 clips, bright film roles and the most prestigious music awards of the country on her creative account. It is not surprising that now many, having heard the word "Jasmine", first of all remember the singer, and only then the flower of the same name.

Sarah Manakhimova, now known to everyone as Jasmine, grew up in Derbent. The narrow streets of the city scatter in different directions. Early in the morning, locals rush to the market, where there are armfuls of aromatic herbs on the shelves, and oriental spices blaze in the sun with yellow, red, orange strokes. Buses with tourists drive up a little later, the guests rush to the foot of the mountain through narrow streets and patiently climb to the very top. There, standing on the walls of an old fortress, they finally see the vast bowl of the Caspian Sea. How many times little Sarah went up to the fortress - do not count. But every time her heart sank with delight, she wanted to sing, so that the wind tore the words from her lips.

Sarah grew up in an intelligent and very musical family. Her father, Lev Yakovlevich, is a choreographer, and her mother, Margarita Semyonovna, is a conductor. As befits a real oriental girl, Sarah received a strict upbringing, but she does not regret it at all. “Mom brought me up in strictness,” recalls Jasmine, “I wanted to play with my friends in the yard, but my mother sat me down for lessons. I was offended then, but now I think she was right. Her exactingness made me strong, tempered my character.

Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Dagestan Lev Yakovlevich Manakhimov is the founder and leader of the children's choreographic ensemble "Pirouette". He also plays almost all musical instruments very well. No wonder they had guitars, a saxophone, an accordion and drums in their house. Little Sarah tried to play everything, but her parents never sent her to a music school, perhaps because of her older brother Anatoly. He was the first to learn the basics of music. However, the boy had only enough patience for three years. Very soon he began to shirk from classes, and soon he completely abandoned it. Disappointed parents in their hearts said to their daughter: “No music! on the children of musicians, apparently, nature is resting. But it turned out differently.

Grandmother Sarah, who knows a myriad of fairy tales and legends, had a huge influence on the girl. Little Sarah began to sing thanks to her. Grandmother often took her granddaughter to the holidays, where, according to mountain customs, all relatives and neighbors are invited. Dressed in a smart white dress, the baby bravely stood up on a chair, began to sing and was sure to break a storm of applause.

And my grandmother is a great cook of national Tat dishes, her cherry jam is famous throughout the district. Sarah once decided to help her prepare a national birthday cake. It is made from a simple dough with nuts and minced chicken and baked in a large oven. The dough should be very thin, that's the main secret. The grandmother sent a sloppy pie to the oven, and threatened: “You will eat what you cooked yourself!” Everything you undertake must be done well, with soul - Sarah learned this grandmother's lesson for life. And the dough, by the way, she learned to roll out thinly, thinly, and now she is preparing pies - you will lick your fingers!

In the senior class, Sarah finally decided to become a linguist, she dreamed of entering the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. True, caring parents were worried about how their little girl would go to the capital alone. Family disputes lasted until the acceptance of documents ended. In order not to lose a year, Sarah, heeding her mother's advice, entered a medical college. “My mother, a very wise person, made an undeniable argument: the profession of a nurse is that bird in the hand that will give confidence in the future.”

It was in college that the future singer first appeared on stage. The KVN team of doctors called the students of the music school to the competition. Sarah performed with such brilliance that she managed to outsing everyone, and even her rivals applauded her.

Success literally inspired the girl, she even began to dream of a professional stage. but then my beloved mother fell ill, and three months later she was gone. “This grief,” Jasmine recalls, “changed my whole life, somehow I immediately matured. But even now I really miss my mother's love, advice, her praise and strictness.

And then she got married and changed her last name, becoming Sara Semendueva. She gave birth to her beloved son Misha. It would seem that you can enjoy a calm, prosperous life with your family, but she always wanted more, creative forces were looking for a way out. “My friends and I, and among them were very famous musicians, often went to karaoke. Surprisingly, in these song competitions, I often came out the winner! So, at the suggestion of friends, the thought arose: “Why not take vocals seriously?”

Jasmine's first teacher was a teacher at the Gnessin School, Natalya Zinovievna Andrianova. For three years, the diligent student sang everything: classical, jazz, pop music. “At first, I didn’t think about concerts and performances. Singing seemed like a sweet hobby to me. Self-confidence appeared only when the strict Natalya Zinovievna said that it was time for me to practice vocals professionally.

With the light hand of Vladimir Matetsky, Sarah received a new and memorable name - Jasmine. Now it only remained to find a hit and go on stage with it. In 1999, the aspiring singer presented her first composition, “It Happens,” to the audience. And a year later, her song "Long Days" blew up all the airwaves and immediately received all the most prestigious musical awards in the country: "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year", "Ovation" and "Stopud Hit" awards. And since that time, her songs have annually won the love of listeners and critical acclaim. In 2005, Jasmine was awarded the MTV Russia Music Awards, winning in the Best Performer nomination.

“Now I understand that music is my vocation,” Jasmine admits, “I am absolutely happy, because I am doing my favorite thing.” Papa Jasmine, who once didn’t want to think about his daughter’s musical career, now closely follows her work and supports her in everything. Unfortunately, mother never saw her daughter on stage... But the song "Mother's Heart" sounds in her honor. “I don’t sing it very often,” the singer sighs, “tears immediately well up. Every time I'm afraid that I won't be able to sing to the end.

When they were looking for Zeynab for the television musical Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, there was no doubt: no one would play Ali Baba's beloved wife better than the oriental beauty Jasmine. So the pop star also became an actress. After that there was another musical "Beauty requires ...". All facets of Jasmine's acting talent were revealed on the project of the First Channel "Two Stars". The singer performed in a duet with Yuri Galtsev, and their joint numbers turned out to be one of the most unforgettable episodes of the show. They did not just sing songs, but created real acting sketches. The audience liked the artists so much that they not only made it to the finals, but also took an honorable third place! Therefore, it is logical that the project of reincarnations "Just the same" could not do without the participation of Jasmine. The singer showed the whole country vivid images of Maya Kristalinskaya, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alla Pugacheva, Jennifer Lopez and other stars.

In addition, Jasmine has considerable experience in television. For two years she was the host of the Wider Circle program on the TVC channel. In 2011, she delighted the audience of the Music Box music channel. And in 2012 she led the column “I am a mother” in the Health program of Elena Malysheva on Channel One.

The artist does not forget her small homeland, she often comes to Derbent with concerts. “The first solo concert in my life,” Jasmine recalls, “I gave in my hometown at a stadium that can accommodate 25,000 spectators. And now, at some point, I ask into the microphone: Are my classmates here? and the stadium replies suspiciously loudly: Yes-ah-ah-ah! I shout: Classmates, raise your hands! and the whole stadium immediately raised their hands ... Apparently, I studied at a very large school and didn’t notice many classmates ... ”.
By the way, the proceeds from this concert went to the purchase of equipment for a computer class at the school where she studied. The singer helped her father Lev Manakhimov build a children's club in Derbent, which was given the name "Jasmine". Gifted children attend for a nominal fee.

I must say that charity occupies a special place in the life of the singer. Jasmine often travels to orphanages, boarding schools and hospitals in our country. On Children's Day, she always takes part in charity concerts held by Channel One. Jasmine dreams that all orphanages will be empty, and all children will find their parents. In 2010, Jasmine, Irina Dubtsova, Alsou, Tatyana Bulanova and Lera Kudryavtseva teamed up to record the children's lullaby "Sleep, my sunshine" in support of one of the charity projects. When this song was performed at the new for our country holiday "The Day of Peter and Fevronia", it became a kind of anthem for family, love and fidelity.

The singer herself in 2011 married businessman Ilan Shor, and the following year they had a daughter, Margarita. And at the end of 2015, the singer announced that she was expecting her third child.

At the same time, the singer manages to find a harmonious balance between her personal life and concert activity. In 2014, her fourth Moscow solo concert gathered a full hall of the State Kremlin Palace. In the show "The Other Me", Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Iosif Kobzon, Alexander Buinov and Valentin Yudashkin went up on stage with Jasmine. The singer showed this program to all her fans on a big tour in Russia and neighboring countries, gathering full houses.
President Vladimir Putin presented Jasmine with the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
The popularity of Jasmine received official recognition. In 2009, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan, and in 2015, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin awarded Jasmine the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

“Each person, when he is born,” Jasmine believes, “already initially has some kind of vocation. But not everyone can solve this most difficult, in my opinion, puzzle, invented by nature itself. I was lucky, I was able to solve it. I will sing as long as the music lives in me!

The world of show business is characterized by inconstancy and deceit. Thousands of stars flash and immediately go out in its sky, although celebrities do everything possible and impossible to stay in the clip of the most stylish, popular, beautiful as long as possible. But this can only be done by a few.

Biography and career of the singer Jasmine

The history of the popular singer, model, actress and TV presenter began in 1977, when a girl appeared in the Minakhimov family of Mountain Jews in the small town of Derbent, who was named Sarah in honor of her grandmother.

Although Sarah's parents devoted their whole lives to serving art (father is a choreographer, mother is a conductor), they decided not to give their daughter a musical education, having suffered enough with their eldest son. Anatoly (Sara's brother), despite all the efforts of his father and mother, did not become a musician, choosing the profession of a jeweler for himself.

In her school years, the girl did not dream of an artistic career at all, but connected her future with foreign languages, but she obeyed her parents and entered the local medical college, which she graduated with honors and even managed to work as a nurse for some time.

Sara considers her debut on stage to be a member of the KVN team in her student years, when she easily quailed all her rivals from the music school. Neither a flurry of applause, nor the admiring approval of her performance by professional musicians made the gifted girl seriously take up vocals. She continues to consider singing only a pleasant hobby.

1996 was a turning point in the fate of the future singer. Shortly after the sudden death of her mother, eighteen-year-old Sarah Minakhimova marries a successful entrepreneur, Vyacheslav Semenduev, and moves to Moscow.

Sarah's bright appearance led her briefly into the advertising business. Quite by chance, in a Parisian boutique, a young beauty was noticed by Jean-Claude Jitrois. The famous French couturier persuaded the girl to take part in a photo shoot, after which Sara Semendueva became the face of the Jitrois brand in Russia. Shields depicting an oriental beauty in chic furs and leather were hung all over Moscow. The contract with Zhitrua opened Sarah a wide road to the modeling business, but the girl's talent required an exit in a completely different direction.

Sarah finally decides to seriously take up vocals and for three years she has been studying with great zeal with the best teachers of the Gnessin School. Experienced mentors were not only able to give her a voice, but also made her believe in her talent.

In 1999, the first album of the singer "It happens" was released, thanks to which the whole country learned about the rising star. This beautiful stage name was invented for the aspiring singer by Vladimir Matetsky. Hearing the word “jasmine” today, many first remember a charming brunette with a gentle voice, and only then about a fragrant flower, because the artist has 8 studio albums and several dozen wonderful clips on her creative account.

When in 2004, in tandem with the STS channel and the Ukrainian "1 + 1", a New Year's musical project based on the fairy tale "Alibaba and the 40 Thieves" was launched, Jasmine was immediately approved for the role of the beautiful Zeynab. So the pop diva also became an actress. Later, she flashed in two more musicals: The Three Musketeers (2005) and Beauty Requires... (2008).

The interest of TV people in the girl was not limited to this. For two years, the singer has been hosting the Shire Krug program on the TVC channel, in 2011 she periodically appears on the Music Box, and in 2012 she was invited to the Health program as the host of the I Am Mom section.

She was able to demonstrate her acting skills on the projects of Channel One: “Two Stars” (2007) and “Just Like It” (2014).

In 2009, she received official recognition - she received the title of Honored Artist of Dagestan.


The songs are distinguished by an amazing manner of performance, permeated with tenderness, sincerity, love.

The debut of the singer took place at the end of 1999, when the composition “It happens” was released. Just a year later, the song "Long Years" broke all records of popularity and received the most prestigious awards and prizes: "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", "Stopudov Hit", "Ovation".

Since then, each new song has become a hit, and in 2005 it was she who was awarded the MTV Russia Music Awards as the best pop singer.

Beautiful melodies, catchy lyrics "I'll rewrite love", "Puzzle", "Yes", "Dream", "Dolce Vita", "Drink love", "The most beloved", "How I need you", "I'm not sorry" fell in love many of our compatriots.

Refinement and femininity is manifested in the songs sung in duets with the most popular male performers of our stage: “Names in Heaven” (with Rosenbaum), “Only You” (with Nikolai Baskov), “Shalom” (with Kirkorov), “It Happens So "(with "Tea for two").

If we talk about joint work with star friends, then here she did not stand aside. In 2010, at one of the charity concerts, Irina Dubtsova, Tatyana Bulanova, Lera Kudryavtseva, Jasmine and Alsu together sang the touching lullaby "Sleep, my sunshine."

With special trepidation refers to the song "Mother's Heart". She performs this composition very rarely, because the memories of her mother, who never saw her beloved daughter at the zenith of glory, every time make the singer hold back her tears, and she is afraid not to sing the song to the end.

Family and personal life of singer Jasmine

Marriage with Vyacheslav Semenduev lasted 10 years. In 1997, a son, Misha, was born to an outwardly prosperous couple. Star Destiny took place thanks to the powerful financial support of a wealthy restaurateur. However, the fabulously beautiful family life actually turned out to be an illusion. The husband, as it turned out later, often beat his young wife.

In 2006, after a high-profile scandal that thundered throughout the country, Sarah took her son and officially terminated her marriage to Semenduev. After the divorce, the singer will write the book “Hostage” about her far from sweet life with her despot husband.

With her current husband, Moldovan millionaire Ilan Shor, the star met at a charity event (Ilan manages his father's fund, and his wife participates in charity concerts). For a long time, their relationship was only of a business nature, but over time, Shor managed to win the favor and love of a woman, despite a significant difference in age (Jasmine is almost 10 years older than him).

The wedding took place in 2011 in the Chisinau Palace of the Republic. This marriage has already entered the history of Moldova as one of the most luxurious and memorable. Luxurious wedding dress did not betray the "interesting position" of the singer. In February 2012, the star of Russian show business became a mother for the second time.

Today, the spouses are forced to spend most of their time away from each other: Ilan cannot leave his business in Moldova, and his star wife continues to implement her numerous creative projects in Moscow. Children (Mikhail and Margarita) live with their mother. So far, the singer cannot move in with her husband, because her artistic potential is far from being exhausted.

The diet of the singer Jasmine

In her youth, she did not differ in thinness, and after the birth of her daughter, she looked like a rather magnificent lady. This is how she was remembered at the presentation at the end of 2012 of the Golden Gramophone award. Extra pounds stubbornly resisted the numerous diets that the singer resorted to.

But it is not in her nature to retreat from the intended goal. A year and a half later, the singer made a splash when she appeared on the Yudashkin show in a very revealing dress that perfectly emphasized her impeccable figure. The fact that Jasmine now looks great, viewers all over the country were able to make sure, because she recently became a member of the popular show "Just Like It".

The question of how she lost weight interested many women, because she managed to safely part with 20 kg.

At first, the singer followed the Dukan diet, which became the impetus for weight loss. In parallel, she began to practice yoga and Pilates. She managed to lose 8 kg pretty quickly. But then the weight froze tightly at around 70 kg. The protein diet and training to the point of exhaustion stopped working.

I decided to continue my weight loss on a buckwheat diet, but this did not help either. The desperate artist fell into despondency and for some time waved her hand at herself, instantly recovering by 3 kg.

Feeling the approach of severe depression, she turned to professionals: a fitness instructor compiled an individual training plan for her, including dancing and strength exercises, and a nutritionist - a daily low-calorie menu.

Now she weighs 62 kg with a height of 170 cm. There is no mysticism and surgical manipulations here, but only titanic work and a willingness to completely change her usual way of life.

Here is a list of rules that have become a mandatory nutrition program for every day:

  • Sit down at the dinner table when you are actually hungry. Sometimes people just think they're hungry. If you are ready to eat a cabbage leaf or a cucumber, then it’s really time for you to refresh yourself, but if such prosaic foods do not appeal to you, then it’s better to wait a while with food.
  • Poultry and seafood dishes can provide the body with all the necessary substances and energy, so the disappearance of meat products from your diet will only benefit.
  • The main and most difficult thing in the singer's diet is to count calories. After all, you need to know exactly the weight of everything that you are going to put into your mouth, then find out their energy value from the table in order to meet the daily requirement of 1200 kcal.
  • Sugar and salt are completely banned. Raisins, dried apricots will help you suppress cravings for sweets (their calorie content will also have to be taken into account). A spoonful of honey can sweeten unleavened porridge.
  • Eat at least 5-6 meals a day. But the amount you eat should not exceed 200 ml. To do this, get a special bowl and eat only from it.
  • No snacking 4 hours before bedtime. If you are really hungry, then nibble on a carrot or eat a few grapefruit slices.
  • Follow the drinking regimen. You must drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Forget about the existence of packaged juices, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

When it was necessary to lose weight quickly (before a concert or appearance at a fashionable party), she arranged fasting days for herself on cucumbers and kefir, or ate only a special “weight loss” soup for several days.

Vegetarian Soup Recipe

  1. 5 meaty red bell peppers, cut lengthwise into 4 pieces, and bake them in the oven until their flesh is browned. Remove the skin from each piece.
  2. 1 onion, 4 tomatoes, 1 chili pepper (canned) Simmer 2 cloves of garlic in a frying pan for 10 minutes, then add bell pepper there, mix and simmer this mass under the lid for another 5 minutes.
  3. Put the contents of the pan into a pot of boiling water and cook the soup for another 2-3 minutes. The taste of a vegetarian soup can be varied with your favorite spices (within reasonable limits) and sprinkled with herbs.

After losing weight, he continues to work on himself. Her goal is to bring her weight to 55 kg. That's when she will allow herself a grandiose shopping and buy outfits of 42 sizes. Although Jasmine looks amazing now, she can no longer imagine her life without training. And every time, approaching the mirror, she meticulously examines her figure and will certainly find places on her body where something else needs to be “pulled up” or “pumped up”, because, as everyone knows, there is no limit to perfection.

Jasmine (née Sara Lvovna Manakhimova, in Semenduev's first marriage, in the second - Shor). She was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent (Dagestan). Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, model and designer. Honored Artist of Russia (2014). Honored Artist of Dagestan (2009).

Sara Manakhimova, the future Jasmine, was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent in a family of mountain Jews.

Father - choreographer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan Lev Yakovlevich Manakhimov (born 1950).

Mother - Margarita Semyonovna Manakhimova (1956-1996) - was a conductor.

Brother - Anatoly Lvovich Manakhimov, two years older than her.

Nephews - Lev Anatolyevich Manakhimov and Sergey Anatolyevich Manakhimov.

As a child, Sarah did not think of becoming an artist. She wanted to study English and therefore intended to enter the philological faculty. But in Derbent there was no necessary educational institution, and her parents did not let her go to the capital.

Sarah's mother persuaded her to enter a medical college, which Sarah graduated with honors (during her studies she was the headman). While studying in college, the future singer first appeared on stage. The KVN team of doctors called the students of the music school to the competition. The future nurse managed to outsing her rivals.

First, Sarah tried herself as a model.

“In Paris, together with a friend, we went to the boutique of the famous French fashion designer Jean-Claude Zhitrua. I tried on leather trousers and a vest, spun in front of the mirrors and did not even notice how the couturier himself appeared in the hall. He noticed how perfectly they fit on my figure things, and offered to do a photo shoot.At first, I didn’t even understand what this important monsieur was talking about, because I didn’t know French.When we switched to English, I just laughed, taking his offer as a nice compliment.After all, such stories only happen in fairy tales!” she said.

She became the face of the Fashion House of Jean-Claude Jitrois in Russia.

Sarah's first teacher was Natalya Andrianova, a teacher at the Gnessin School. For three years, the diligent student sang everything: classical, jazz, pop music.

“At first I didn’t even think about concerts and performances. Singing seemed like a sweet hobby to me. Self-confidence appeared only when the strict Natalya Zinovievna said that it was time for me to practice vocals professionally,” Jasmine recalled.

With the financial support of her first husband, Sarah, who took a pseudonym, began her career with the composition "It Happens" and the video of the same name for it at the end of 1999. Producer Oleg Chelyshev took part in the initial production of the singer.

The song brought fame to the singer "Long Days", released in September 2000 and quickly became a real hit. At the end of 2000, the singer Jasmine with this song for the first time became the laureate of the Song of the Year festival, and also received the Golden Gramophone award.

Jasmine - Long days

In January-February 2005, Jasmine gave a series of concerts in the cities of Russia with the program "Yes!".

She was the host of the Wider Circle program on the TVC channel.

She starred in the musical "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves", where she played one of the main roles (Ali Baba's wife - Zeinab).

She starred in the Ukrainian musical The Three Musketeers (2005), playing a circus performer.

Since the end of 2007, she has participated in the Two Stars project on Channel One. A pair of Yuri Galtsev - Jasmine took third place.

In 2008, she starred in the musical "Beauty Requires ..."

On December 8, 2009, the presentation of Jasmine's seventh album "Dream" took place on the 21st floor of the Lotte Plaza center, in KalinaBar. The album includes 12 songs, all of them are already well-known hits + 3 video clips for the songs "Night", "Guilty" and "Drink Love".

In the spring of 2010, Jasmine released the first single "I do not regret" for the eighth studio album "From Love to Love". Then he shoots a music video for this composition, directed by Pavel Khudyakov. For this composition, Jasmine received the "Song of the Year - 2010" award.

Alsou, Tatyana Bulanova and Lera Kudryavtseva teamed up to record the children's lullaby "Sleep, my sunshine" in support of the Pampers and UNICEF charity project "1 Pack = 1 Vaccine" to prevent tetanus in newborns and their mothers. The music and lyrics for the song were written by Dubtsova. As a result, the composition became a kind of anthem for mothers.

In the fall of 2010, Jasmine released the second single "Hello, new love" for the album "From Love to Love". In early 2011, a video for this song was released, directed by Irina Mironova. On stage, Jasmine presented her new song at the Armenia Music Awards. The award ceremony was held in Moscow at the State Kremlin Palace.

On April 2, 2011, Jasmine again appeared on the podium at Mercedes-Benz Russian Fashion Week, where she presented a new collection "For her" of wedding and evening dresses of the Eleonor Fashion House. According to observers, Jasmine was the muse of this collection.

At the end of May 2011, a new song "Labu-Dabu" was released, and soon it hit the country's charts. The composition became the third single for the album "From Love to Love". For this song, Jasmine received two awards: "20 Best Songs of 2011" (according to the project of the First Channel "Red Star") and "Song of the Year - 2011".

Jasmine - Labu Dabu

Since May 2011, Jasmine has been participating in programs on the Russian Music Box channel. First, she appeared on the air as the host of the month in the TOP-10 program, and then began to host the Junior Box program.

On June 28, 2011, Jasmine received the Mom of the Year 2011 award, where she was recognized as the Most Refined Mom.

On September 10, 2011, at the Crimea Music Fest 2011, which was held in Crimea, Jasmine presented a remake of the song "Drink Love", the original of which was included in the seventh album of the singer "Dream".

On December 20, 2011, the singer, together with Zara, and Slava, released the New Year's song "Like in Childhood", the premiere of the composition took place on the singer's official website. Jasmine announced the release of the song on her Facebook and Twitter profiles. Later, the premiere of the solo version of the composition took place. The single premiered on December 22, 2011.

In the spring of 2012, Jasmine introduced the new song "The Road of Life", which she sang with her daughter Margarita under her heart even before she was born.

In April 2012, the artist became the host of the "I'm a Mom" ​​column in the "Health" program on Channel One, and also maintained her blog on the website of the "Health" program.

At the end of May, Jasmine releases the fourth single "From Love to Love". The song eventually becomes the title track for the album of the same name. At the end of the year, Jasmine won the Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year 2012 awards for this composition.

In November 2012, the performer releases the song "Hands in the Sleeves", and then at the end of December presents a music video for this song. The clip is notable for the fact that it is presented in the fashion video format. The video premiered on Jasmine's YouTube channel, and in January 2013 on music TV channels.

In the spring of 2013, Jasmine released the fifth and final single "Twice" for the album "From Love to Love", and then a music video for this song. It is noteworthy that the concept of the video formed the basis for the design of the album "From Love to Love". In the fall of 2013, the singer released the dance single "No, Don't" together with DJ Leonid Rudenko, and in December 2013 a video for this composition was released, which was filmed in Israel.

In the summer of 2014, Jasmine releases the single "Wedding Stories" - this is a Russian-language remake of a famous Moldavian song, and then a video for this song is released, which was filmed in Moldova.

In the fall of 2014, the album "Oriental Love" was released, which included new compositions, as well as completely re-recorded songs from different years with elements of oriental music.

She performed several times at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" with solo concerts ("I'll Rewrite Love", March 2002; "100% Love", October 2003; "Yes!", March 2005) and once at the State Kremlin Palace with a solo concert "The Other Me ”, October 2014 (hosted by Swedish director Mike Adelica). A solo concert "100% love" was organized.

Jasmine: from love to love. Let them talk.

The height of the singer Jasmine: 172 centimeters.

The personal life of the singer Jasmine:

From 1996 to 2006 she was married to the owner of the Moscow restaurant "Eldorado" Vyacheslav Semenduev. He invested significant efforts and funds for the entry of the aspiring singer into the world of Russian show business.

From this marriage in 1997, a son, Mikhail, was born.

The marriage with Semenduev broke up in 2006 with a scandal widely reported in the press, Jasmine filed for divorce due to beatings.

In 2011, she married a Moldovan businessman and millionaire Ilan Shor (born in 1987 in Tel Aviv). He has Israeli citizenship, is the president of the Moldovan-Israeli Center for Foreign Economic Relations, Medicine and Education, and the CEO of Dufremol, which owns a chain of duty-free shops in Moldova. The businessman also has shares in the equity capital of the Chisinau airport and three banks. On June 14, 2015, Ilan Shor was elected mayor of the city of Orhei.

Moldovan authorities charged Ilan Shor with fraud and abuse of office as chairman of the administrative board of the Banca de Economii.

Jasmine discography:

2000 - "Long Days"
2001 - "I will rewrite love"
2002 - "Puzzle"
2003 - "100% Love"
2004 - "Yes!"
2005 - "You'll like it"
2009 - "Dream"
2013 - "From love to love"
2014 - "Oriental Love"

Singles Jasmine:

1999 - "It happens"
2000 - "Snow was falling"
2000 - "Summer Day"
2000 - "Long Days"
2001 - "Loli-lyoli"
2001 - "I will rewrite love"
2001 - "Hurry up too"
2001 - Don't Tell Me
2002 - "You are far away"
2002 - "Don't Let Me Go"
2002 - "Puzzle"
2002 - "Mom's Heart"
2003 - "Cold"
2003 - "Dolce Vita"
2003 - "Yes!"
2004 - "The Most Beloved"
2004 - "A drop of summer"
2004 - "Unravel Love"
2005 - "How I Need You"
2005 - "Indian disco"
2005 - "You'll like it"
2005 - "Let's declare peace between us"
2006 - "History"
2006 - "Guess"
2006 - "First Close"
2007 - "Pain"
2007 - Deja Vu
2008 - "Drink Love"
2008 - Eyelash
2009 - "Night"
2009 - "Guilty"
2010 - "I'm not sorry"
2010 - Hello New Love
2011 - "Labu-Dabu"
2011 - "Can"
2011 - "Like in childhood"
2012 - "From love to love"
2012 - "Hands in the sleeves"
2013 - "Twice"
2013 - "No, don't"
2014 - "Wedding Stories"
2014 - "Rains"
2015 - Addiction
2015 - "Heart"
2016 - "Three dots dash"

Video clips of Jasmine:

2000 - It happens
2000 - It was snowing
2000 - Summer day
2000 - Long days
2001 - Lyoli-lyoli
2001 - I will rewrite love
2001 - Hurry up too
2001 - Don't tell me
2002 - You are far away
2002 - Don't let me go
2002 - Puzzle
2003 - Cold
2003 - Dolce Vita
2003 - Yes!
2004 - The most beloved
2004 - Drop of summer
2004 - Unravel love
2005 - How I need you
2005 - Indian disco
2005 - You'll like it
2006 - First close
2007 - Pain
2007 - Deja vu
2008 - Drink love
2008 - Eyelash
2009 - Night
2009 - Guilty
2010 - Sleep, my sun
2010 - I do not regret
2011 - Hello new love
2011 - Hello New Love (remix)
2011 - Labu Dabu
2012 - Hands in sleeves
2013 - Twice
2013 - No, don't
2014 - Wedding stories
2014 - Rains
2015 - Addiction

Bibliography Jasmine:

Biography Jasmine singer

Jasmine (real name Sara Lvovna Manakhimova) is a talented Dagestan singer who has been one of the brightest stars on the Russian pop scene for many years. She is beautiful, sweet and, of course, very talented. That is why her songs are constant participants in various charts, and her concerts always gather hundreds of people. But what else do we know about this extraordinary Caucasian performer? We will try to understand the intricacies of Jasmine's star biography today.

Early years, childhood and the Jasmine family

Russian singer, actress, model, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan, multiple winner of the Stopud Hit, Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year awards.

Sara Lvovna Manakhimova known by her stage name Jasmine, was born in the fall of 1977 in the city of Derbent, Dagestan. Her father is an honored worker of arts of the Republic of Dagestan, choreographer Lev Manakhimov, and mother Margarita was a conductor. The girl's parents were distinguished by strict morals and excellent musical taste - in their house one could find guitars, drums, an accordion and a saxophone.

Jasmine's elder brother Anatoly spent only three years studying at a music school, after which the parents decided that their daughter Sarah had no abilities either. However, her grandmother encouraged the girl's desire to sing at all family holidays.

Most women are pushed by a man to lose weight. But Jasmine's husband Ilan was unhappy with the fact that his wife took up the figure. “I like you like this! You look beautiful! I love you in this state!” he told his wife. In a year, Jasmine lost 20 kg and wrote a book about it, which will be published by the Eksmo publishing house. The singer tells readers what it all cost her.

- You are incredibly lucky with your husband! He didn't want you to lose weight! Why did you still go against his will?

- My husband, although he was against it, but when he realized that it was vital for me, he supported me. After the birth of my daughter Margarita, I gained weight. And, like many women, she hoped that over time he would go away on his own, resolve. (Laughs.) A month or two passed, and I remained in the same form. No, I didn’t suffer from obesity, I didn’t experience any big problems with being overweight. But, taking out my dresses from the past from the closet, I sadly realized that they were small for me. And it was frustrating. And then I decided to take on myself: I went on a protein diet - and the result was not long in coming: minus 8 kg in a couple of months. I was delighted, but the achievements ended there, the weight stopped going away. Then I tried a lot of other diets: I sat on buckwheat and kefir. But all to no avail! The thought continued to spin in my head: “What to do?” The first thing I decided to do was go to a nutritionist. An old friend, as you know, is better than two new ones, so I went to the long-familiar Margarita Koroleva, who helps other artists lose weight. She once again explained to me the elementary things that I already knew, but her words are like a pill that restores you psychologically. She recalled the rule: in no case should you stress the body. All these calorie restriction diets only make things worse. Our body is smart and understands that if it is deprived of food, then we need to accumulate energy reserves just in case. As a result, he does not give away excess fats, but hides them in the corners, so to speak, in reserve. When you start to eat right, that is, in a balanced and varied way, then order is built in the body, it easily gives away the unnecessary and accepts only the useful. What is the problem with many women? They believe that a balanced diet is expensive, not available to everyone, and go on a mono-diet - they eat only a certain product for months. I can safely say that eating right is available to anyone. I don't start my day with oysters, I don't dine on lobster, I don't eat lobster, I don't dine on a slice of freshly picked mango. I eat meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, greens. In a word, nothing supernatural. Another important point is to follow a diet: there should be three full meals a day and several light snacks.

- With the birth of my daughter Margarita, I gained weight. And, like many women, she hoped that over time he would leave on his own, resolve himself ... With her husband Ilan, 2011. Photo: Jasmine's personal archive

From book: “When you prepare meals for the day, use different foods. For at least one day, they should not be repeated. If there was rice for breakfast, it is not recommended to eat it for dinner. It is also advisable not to eat yesterday's products and dishes the next day.

You can’t always eat the same thing, even if you really like the dish. Otherwise, the body gets used to it, hence the metabolic disorder. Monotonous food quickly becomes boring. This leads to a decrease in appetite and poor production of gastric juice.

A variety of food ensures the presence in the body of all the basic elements: water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. Due to this, the body relaxes and relatively easily gives off excess fats.

Proteins are an indispensable component of the diet menu. They are the "building material" for cells and muscle mass.

Without healthy fat, the normal functioning of the body is also impossible. Such fat is used to "build" cell membranes and assimilate fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).

Even for people who are severely obese, fats cannot be completely eliminated from the diet. It is only important to limit their number and balance their consumption with sufficient physical activity. It is necessary to consume fats of both animal and vegetable origin.

— I want my children, who grew up in the capital, not to forget the traditions of their ancestors. I already missed a lot in this matter ... With my son Misha. Photo: Julia Khanina

“You talk so easily about all this!” But in fact, as a rule, everything turns out to be much more complicated. You look into a cafe or a restaurant - cakes and pastries, the smells of fried meat and baked potatoes beckon there. How to deal with it?

“Are you telling me about temptations?! Restaurants and cafes are even lesser of evils, believe me! Here family feasts are a real test. It is customary for us to gather for the holidays for all relatives at a large table. From one edge to the other, everything is filled with pickles. There should be no space between dishes at all. So people demonstrate not their well-being and prosperity, but respect for guests and themselves. Of course, it is impossible to resist and not eat something at such moments! I want to try everything. But the desire I'm trying to strangle in the bud. Eat a slice of eggplant - and that's enough! In the morning I wake up with ease and praise myself that I was able to resist. When you see some changes in yourself every day, excitement appears. Continuing to work on yourself becomes not flour, but pleasure.

- I can safely say: eating right is available to anyone. I don't eat anything supernatural. Another important point is to follow a diet: there should be three full meals a day and several light snacks. Photo: Arsen Memetov

At first, in Moscow, it was difficult for me. It was surprising that you had to come to visit according to the schedule and sit at the table practically at attention. And I suffered a lot from it! I missed the friendly atmosphere, where the doors of any house are open to you, where the guest is greeted as the dearest person, where in the most difficult situation you have somewhere to go. I want my children, who grew up in the capital, not to forget the traditions of their ancestors. I've missed out on so much on this one. My parents spoke to me and my brother in Farsi, but, alas, I could not convey this to my children. I console myself with the fact that, if they wish, they will learn the language. But the traditions of gathering at the table all together, they must absorb from childhood. After a hearty dinner, someone from the family always offers us: “” And this is where all the fun begins! Passions boil Italian! Misha (Jasmine's son from his first marriage. - Approx. "TN") is the most gambler! God forbid he lose! It won't be a joke! It would seem that we are playing for some 100 rubles - ridiculous money. But the point, of course, is not in them! These games bring the whole family together. Margarita also began to get involved - sorting through the casks, asking what and how to do with them. In these moments, I feel absolutely happy. And you don't need food! (Laughs.)

- And do you limit your husband at family feasts in food?

- When we were just starting a relationship with Ilan, he was in great shape. And all because I did not let him down. She tormented me with her uncertainty, whims, did not allow her to see each other often. Of course, he was worried about this, he ate little and practically did not sleep. As a result, he lost a lot of weight, was slim. I play a joke on him: "He got me - and relaxed!" Although, I confess, he will remain for me the most beautiful man in any form. What does the size of clothing matter if a person is beautiful? I love him and, of course, I want him to enjoy the small joys of life. He works a lot, is often stressed and, when he comes home, he wants to relax, eat well. On occasion, I can tell him that it would be better if he ate not a plate of fried potatoes, but a piece of juicy meat - after all, it is healthier. But I do not consider it necessary to constantly terrorize him with my remarks. If you want to take care of yourself, I will be glad. But he must come to this on his own.

But I have already begun to accustom Margarita to proper nutrition. I feed her what I eat. If in my childhood, instead of pies, pasties, freshly baked bread and cabbage rolls, they gave me kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt, then for sure I would not have to exhaust myself with diets. Eating a balanced diet would be the rule for me. Margarita, at her two years old, does not know what buns, buns and pies are. And she doesn't care for them. I think that by instilling gastronomic habits in our children, we contribute to their future. Grow up and say thank you!

- To get such an amazing result - minus 20 kg, only a diet will obviously not be enough. You probably didn't get out of the gym?

- Of course, properly organized nutrition is only the beginning of the journey. You can't lose weight on diet alone. The body does not like this. After all, by seriously changing the nature of food intake, you deprive the body of the very substances it needs: vitamins, minerals, “building materials for muscles”, etc. The hormones serotonin and endorphin necessary for normal well-being are not produced. It's so easy to get depressed! When the diet is combined with competent physical activity, the mood improves. Physical activity gives us a surge of strength and energy, the desire to create and even perform feats.

- Initially, my workouts were no more than 20-30 minutes a day. This was enough for my coach to squeeze all the juice out of me! Now I work out three times a week for one and a half to two hours. Photo: Arsen Memetov

From book: “The main stimulant of fat burning in the body is strength training. But in order to “turn on” the body before a full-fledged strength training, it is imperative to pay attention to aerobic exercise. It conditionally includes step, skiing, swimming, jumping rope, dance aerobics, walking, running, cycling and any other cyclic sports.

Aerobic exercise includes cyclic exercises in which at least 2/3 of the muscle mass of the body is involved. To achieve a positive effect, the duration of aerobic exercise should be at least 20-30 minutes.

Under the influence of regular aerobic cyclic exercises, important changes occur in the human body. After aerobic exercise in our body, the number of mitochondria (a kind of "energy stations" of the body) increases, enzyme activity increases, muscle endurance increases, the respiratory system trains, and the heart strengthens. It is aerobic exercise that increases the body's ability to mobilize fats as an energy source, so the reserves of internal fats gradually decrease. Such changes have been recorded in people who even just regularly walked up the stairs! Aerobic exercise helps to burn fat, but this does not begin to happen immediately, but only after the complete depletion of glycogen stores. The first 20 minutes of training, fat almost does not burn out and only after 40 minutes does it become the main source of energy!

- Margarita, at her two years old, does not know what buns, buns and pies are. And she doesn't care for them. I think that by instilling gastronomic habits in our children, we contribute to their future. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- For active physical training, you need to find more time! It is not so easy for an office worker. Eight hours at the computer, and then also to the fitness room?

- Initially, my workouts were no more than 20-30 minutes a day. This was enough for my coach to squeeze all the juice out of me! Now I work out three times a week for one and a half to two hours. Many people believe that without individual sports training you will not lose weight. Of course, it is important that there is a person who guides you, develops

for you a set of exercises for certain parts of the body. However, an active lifestyle may well be a substitute for intense training. When I go on vacation, most of my suitcase is occupied by sportswear and equipment. In the absence of simulators, I run along the seashore, do stretching exercises in the room, master new sports. In general, I think it is important not to sit still, but to take on everything new. I recently vacationed with my husband in Turkey - there I learned to play squash. It's kind of like tennis, except you're playing in a square, enclosed space, and the little black ball has to bounce off the wall. Running after that ball like crazy! And the process captivates you so much that you don’t get tired at all! By the way, in the same place, in Turkey, I tried kengu jumps. You put on special boots with a springy 20 cm sole and perform various exercises. At first, of course, it is not easy, but it is worth overcoming yourself a couple of times - and everything will work out. The pleasure is indescribable! In winter, we sometimes go to the mountains. Although I am not a professional skier, I always ski. Misha and Ilan, as a rule, leave me with an instructor to master simple slides, while they themselves go to the "black" and "red" slopes. I want to say that it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself in the fitness rooms, you can just take a walk in the park in the evening or do squats, tilts in front of the TV. The main thing is desire.

- It was enough for you to get rid of 5-10 kg so that your loved ones noticed the result. How did they react to changes in your figure? Praised?

- As I said, my husband and son support me in everything. When my grandmother saw me for the first time, having lost weight, she asked if I was sick. I had to convince her that I was healthy: I suggested that she feel my legs so that she could evaluate the muscles. She explained that thinness is in fashion now. When you say to your grandmother that "it's so fashionable", she understands everything.

(Laughs.) Of course, it is difficult for older people to accept the new canons of beauty. My uncle, for example, still, when he meets me from vacation, exclaims with horror: “You are so black!” In his time, the white color of the skin was held in high esteem - it was considered a sign of noble blood. And all conceivable and unthinkable ways tried to whiten the skin. Now it's the other way around. Everything is changing. Many of the changes make me happy. For example, I noticed that in Moscow women began to get married later, build a family. I don't see anything wrong with that. A woman today wants to realize herself, become independent, get an education. And only then raise children and equip the hearth. Why not? I would not want my daughter Margarita to get married early, like me or my grandmother.

- I do not like too thin people and do not set myself the task of becoming like a model. With my height, you can be even slimmer. But I don't want to, because I think that a woman should have forms to look attractive. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Fashion is, of course, good. But not in everything. How many young women, wanting to squeeze into the fashionable framework, bring themselves to anorexia!

- I can say for sure that I will not bring myself to a state of exhaustion. I do not like too thin people and do not set myself the task of becoming like a model. With my height, you can be even slimmer.

But I don't want to, because I think that a woman should have forms to look attractive. During my work on the Just the Same project, I lost a lot of weight. Constant rehearsals, sleepless nights brought me to the point that I became literally skinny. And I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I did not like the reflection. Excessive thinness does not suit me at all! Now I'm just fixing my result. And I continue to eat right not to lose weight, but to be healthy. With a balanced diet, not only weight goes away, but also the skin of the face becomes better, circles under the eyes disappear, etc. Finally, my husband wants me to give birth to his son. And for this I must be full of strength and energy! If I am in shape, then after childbirth it will be easy for me to recover!

Are you happy with yourself now?

- Of course, to put in order the figure is important for any woman. And success in this business is a reason for pride. In addition to external changes, there are also internal ones. I experienced a surge of strength and energy in everything. Now I feel renewed and ready to perform feats. I have a very eventful period in my life! In about a week, my solo concert will take place in the Kremlin Palace. We have been moving towards this for a long time, and we had time to select the most creative ideas for our show, introduce new technologies and animation effects. Viewers will hear and see many old songs in a completely different format. There will be many surprises, premieres and transformations! Wonderful artists will take the stage with me: Iosif Davydovich Kobzon, Alexander Buinov and many others. The artist of the show will be my old friend Valentin Yudashkin. We put all our imagination, soul and love into this program. Almost immediately after the concert, I will present my own collection of oriental-style dresses at Moscow Fashion Week. I have been nurturing this idea for a long time, drawing sketches, making sketches and ... finally it happened! This painstaking work pleased me. Fabrics were searched all over the world: a friend sent me something from Hong Kong, I found something myself in Europe. Our models have a lot of complex decorative elements, exquisite patterns and oriental chic. I hope we will have something to surprise the demanding Moscow public. Immediately after the show at Fashion Week, I present my oriental album. And then a book, excerpts from which your readers will see first. In a word, there is absolutely no time to relax! I can say with confidence that without the support of my husband, my new projects would not have come true. Do you know what I realized for myself? In any business - losing weight or realizing something - the main thing is required: the love of the dearest people and your own desire.

“Do you know what I realized for myself? In any business - losing weight or implementing a new project - the main thing is required: the love of the dearest people and your own desire. Photo: Arsen Memetov

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