Glyzin's wife sania. Personal life: Saniya Babiy is divorcing Glyzin due to cheating


So, our today's hero is Alexei Glyzin. His biography began in the city of Mytishchi. There he was born in 1954, on January 13. His parents are Sergey Vasilyevich and Serafima Alekseevna. Now we will tell you how Alexey Glyzin first got acquainted with music. His biography is closely connected with art and creativity. Our hero entered a music school, choosing the piano class. After graduating from the 8th grade, he was a student of the radio apparatus building technical school for three years. Before graduation, he dropped out of school, began performing in the Mytishchi ensemble.


We have already told how Alexey Glyzin began his life. His biography as a musician began in "Good fellows." In 1977, he performed in the team "Gems". In 1978 he was a member of the VIA "Rhythm". This group accompanied Alla Pugacheva. He was an artist of the ensemble "Merry Fellows". He gained popularity there. As part of the team "Jolly Fellows" he took part in the "Yerevan-81" festival. Also, as a member of this group, he visited the Bratislava Lira competition. He took part in the creation of the albums "Banana Islands" and "Just a Minute". In the Merry Fellows group, he recorded many popular songs: Rosita, Wandering Artists, Bologoe, Ships, Triangle, The Time Has Come, It's Easy to Say. As part of this ensemble, he traveled abroad: to Finland, Bulgaria, Germany, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Hungary. In 1988, the artist assembled the Ura group and began his solo career. In 1990, he performed in the "A" program. In 1999, he competed with the Musical Ring. Recorded 7 albums, 3 of them are collections of songs.


Our hero was married several times. His first wife was Lyudmila Glyzina. The second time he married in 1992. He married Saniya Babiy. She is the world champion in gymnastics, master of sports, director of the Releve ballet. The wife's team often takes part in the programs of our hero. The musician has two children. Alexey was born in 1975, he became a director. Igor was born in 1992, he is engaged in dancing, swimming, music, chess, learns Chinese, plays in the group of our hero on filming and concerts. The artist also has a grandson. His name is Denis. Was born in 2005. Now you know who Alexey Glyzin is. His biography was discussed in detail above.

Singer Alexei Sergeevich Glyzin was born on January 13, 1954. Father Sergei Vasilyevich is a war veteran. During the fighting, he reached Poland, received a shell shock and two wounds. After the end of the war he worked as an employee. Alexey Glyzin's mother worked as an employee of the Ministry of Railways. Awarded with a diploma - Honorary Railwayman. In childhood, when Alexei was 4 years old, his parents divorced and he was raised by his grandmother and mother.

Alexei graduated with honors from a music school. For three years, the future singer studied at the radio engineering college. But almost before his graduation, he leaves the technical school and enters the Mytishchi ensemble.

After the Glyzin ensemble, Alexei studied at the Tambov Cultural and Educational School, from which he transferred to the full-time department of the Moscow State Institute of Culture. After completing the third year, he was drafted into the army. Just before demobilization, Glyzin was transferred to a musical platoon. Returning from the army, Alexei plunges headlong into pop life, as evidenced by his biography.

Musical career

After the army, the artist performed in the VIA "Good Guys" and in 1977 participated in the VIA "Gems". Throughout 1978 he worked with VIA "Rhythm".
During 1979 - 1988 he performed together with the ensemble "Merry Fellows". As part of this ensemble, Alexey Glyzin took part in the international competition "Bratislava Lyra". He took an active part in the creation of the famous magnetic album LP "Just a Minute" and "Banana Country". Together with the soloists of this ensemble, he recorded such hits as: "Ships", "Rosita", "Bologoe" and others. The ensemble went on tour abroad to Finland and Bulgaria.

In 1988, Glyzin assembled his own group "Ura" and from that time his solo career began. Records seven albums, three of which are collections of his personal songs.

Since 1993, the singer has been trying himself as a co-host of the radio program "Inexplicable Facts". But the program was not popular and after a few months it was closed.
At the beginning of 2006, Alexey became an Honored Artist of Russia.
In 2007, he took part in a TV show called "You are a superstar", where he took second place. In 2008, Glyzin took part in the First Squadron show, taking second place there.
The year 2008 was unsuccessful for Alexei, when he took part in the reality show "Cruel Intentions" where he was injured and was even hospitalized.
In 2012, Glyzin released an album with a number of hits.

The divorce of a married couple occurred because of the mistress of the artist. Alexey Glyzin and Evgenia Gerasimova met at a party. According to the artist, it was love at first sight. The novel developed rapidly and rapidly. As a result, Alexei Glyzin left his family and moved in with his 17-year-old mistress.

The second wife of the singer was the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Sania Babiy. Their wedding took place in 1992.

Wife and children of Alexei Glyzin

Alexey Glyzin met his second wife, Sania Babiy, in 1989. In her youth, she already showed great promise in rhythmic gymnastics. Their first meeting took place in Leningrad at a combined concert. This was followed by courtship lasting 3 years before Sania agreed to marry the singer. After the wedding, Sania completely went into family life, leaving the big sport. In 1992, a son, Igor, was born in the Glyzin family. For many fans, their married couple was an example in everything.

The son of Alexei Glyzin graduated from the school of foreign languages ​​and is fond of choreography and swimming. In the future, he became the successor of his father's work and performs with sufficient success in concerts of various levels.

Over time, persistent rumors began to circulate among the artistic beau monde that Alexei Glyzin had many stormy romances over the past 18 years of marriage with Sania. The singer Irina Saltykova and Elena Lenskaya, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, are mentioned as secret lovers. The singer's wife began to complain to her friends that her husband could sometimes disappear from home for several days. In the family, various kinds of scandals began to arise more and more often. There are rumors that the singer still has an illegitimate daughter, but they are not confirmed by anything.

In this family, both spouses have the title of Honored. The famous singer Alexei Glyzin is an Honored Artist of Russia, and his wife Sania Glyzina is an Honored Master of Sports. She directs a show ballet, works as a choreographer in a sport such as women's aesthetic gymnastics.

Sania, you have such an unusual name.
- This is a Tatar name. I am an international child, I was born in Odessa on Moldavanka in a family of cryogenic scientists involved in ultra-low temperatures. When I was three months old, my parents left for Omsk to study at a scientific research institute. I grew up there, studied at a physical school, but I, probably, like all girls, wanted to dance to the music in a beautiful swimsuit. Therefore, the parents brought to the gym, though instead of a bright swimsuit they gave out a T-shirt and shorts. And so began the years of hard labor. But I do not regret them, because thanks to sports, at a time when the country was closed, I looked almost the whole world.
- I remembered the story of Maria Nikulina, the president of a large travel company. She sat at home with the children for nine years and went into business when she felt that she might stop being interesting to her husband. Did you have something similar?
- No. I didn't stay at home. The child was 11 months old when we went to the gym. There was a terrible scandal at home, because Alexei thought that I would be such a stupid house cat. I told him that I didn’t get a red diploma at the institute for this, and it’s not at all the kind of girl who wants to achieve nothing but successfully marry and then go with the flow. I think that a man should know that a woman will always do without him, of course, I'm not talking about emotions and feelings, but about the material side of the issue. And it should whip the man.
- Really, he forbade you to play sports?
- He did not forbid, but did everything so that I myself would eventually get tired and refuse. For example, he could take me to the hall by car himself, but I got with my little son under my arm by subway. He fell asleep on my arm like a shrimp - he was very unpretentious. I turned out to be a hard nut to crack and survived everything.
- And now, when you have settled down and manage a successful team, how does he feel about this?
- Also two ways. He is pleased to hear that I am a talented choreographer, that my teams take first place. But sometimes, when he wants to rein me in a little, Alexey starts saying that nothing should worry you, except for the house.
Sometimes he uses my ballet during his concerts, and then, of course, he likes everything: the back is beautiful, the girls are pretty, the ballet is professional. In these cases, he's all for it.
- Does he pay you money for such performances?
- The girls, of course, pay. I work at his concerts for free.
- Who is the head of your family?
- Alexei, of course, thinks he is. And I let him think so.
- Which of you contributes more to the budget?
- Of course, Alexei. Otherwise, he would have run away from me a long time ago. Indeed, as practice shows, men are very complex if a woman earns more.
- Alexey performs a lot, constantly tours, and you never know what can happen there. Are you sure about it?
- Until the end, you can not be confident in anyone, even in yourself. I can’t give my hand on cutting off, that tomorrow I won’t go crazy, and I won’t fall in love with someone. But while a person loves, he forgives something, of course, there are things that cannot be forgiven. I trust him, but not 100 percent.
- I heard that your acquaintance has some kind of funny story connected for some reason with a melon.
- No, this is not an acquaintance, but my first impression associated with Alexei. "Domodedovo". I'm 16 years old, the team is flying to the training camp, March, it's cold, I'm hungry. And suddenly musicians appear with nets with large yellow melons, apparently, they flew in from Asia from a tour. I looked at the largest melon for a long time, then I recognized the singer Alexei Glyzin in its happy owner. And when he later asked me when I looked at him for the first time with feeling, I told him about this incident.
How did he take care of you?
- It was a little timid, awkward, because there was a noticeable age difference between us. Therefore, everything was very delicate, relations developed gradually. When, six months after our first meeting, he confessed his feelings to me on the phone, I was very surprised. He tamed me cunningly and cleverly, using his experience.
- In general, as a real strategist and tactician, and in the end he won. Do you regret it?
- No, I'm not sorry. Although there are, of course, moments when I am very angry with him, and then why don’t I just think about him and about myself. But we rarely fight.
- How do you raise your son Igor? And do you have time for this?
- Usually rehearsals take me two or three hours a day, so there is enough time for the child. But the boy needs to communicate more with a man. If a woman starts sawing a boy, this will not lead to good. I close my eyes to triples and petty pranks. My grandmother, a teacher, once told me that the boy is an excellent student, with exemplary behavior - this is a dangerous child. Alexei does not have enough time to take care of his son, so he spoils him too much, then, on the contrary, when Igor does something, he punishes him too much.
- Do you have a feeling of family happiness?
- I'm afraid of feeling a family idyll, full of happiness, because life is like a sinusoid, and after the rise, the decline follows ... Marriage of convenience, probably, is more calm. But this is not our case at all. Although I often joke that Alexei had a calculation: he saw me in a good fur coat, bought with his own money, realized that the girl was hardworking, and decided that I was quite suitable for him.

Alexey Glyzin is a wonderful singer who, in his entire life, was able to give his fans a lot of the most wonderful songs. Which remain in memory for a very long time. They cheer up and give bright emotions and impressions.

The songs of this man have already become cult for several generations of listeners. And it is likely that his time (meaning the time of his popularity) has really passed. And the songs, most likely, are no longer as relevant as they used to be. But at the same time, no one will argue with the fact that the entire contribution of this person to the domestic show business industry is difficult. Currently, this singer and composer does not perform as often as before, he is still remembered and still loved.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Glyzin

The most popular request now regarding this musician is about his height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Glyzin to calculate is not so difficult, because the date of his birth is publicly available. The man is currently 64 years old.

With a height of 170 centimeters, its weight is 75 kilograms. The man looks great for his age. It is quite possible that this is because he takes good care of himself, and, in addition, he always tries to maintain a positive mood, not only with his creative, but also in everyday life. And he does it well. Without a doubt, music is simply of great importance in the life of this person. And he just loves what he does.

Biography and personal life of Alexei Glyzin

The biography and personal life of Alexei Glyzin, in any case, deserves the attention of those music lovers who are interested in the past generation of show business. Even despite the fact that now his songs are rarely heard on music channels. But it wasn't like that before. During the heyday of his career, Glyzin easily attracted the attention of the public, and conquered the halls of many thousands not only by the way he composed songs, but also by the way he performed them. The musician touched souls, could cause both a smile and tears. He wrote lyrics with deep meaning, which is lacking in many modern performers. And all this, taking into account the fact that Alexei comes from a family far from any creative direction.

Unlike his parents, Glyzin loved music from childhood and really wanted to learn how to play various musical instruments. In his youth, he even arranged small concerts in his apartment for his first grateful listeners. After graduating from school, the guy decided to develop his talents further, began to perform with the ensemble. Alexei entered a technical school, but did not graduate from it. He went into the army, and after returning from there, he continued his performances with a musical group. He realized that there was no escape from fate and that everything possible should be done to fulfill his dream of becoming a musician and performer. As a result, he was able to assemble his own group, with which he began his own career in the musical field.

Currently, the musical career of Alexei Glyzin, of course, is no longer as saturated as before. But at the same time, it cannot be argued that he has completely disappeared from the media world. He continues to give performances of a private nature, sometimes he still shines on television. But now he seems to the younger generation as an artist from a completely different era, where his star burned brighter than the rest. But now it's just a glimpse of its former glory. The composer has two marriages on his personal account. His first wife had nothing to do with the world of show business, and she did not like publicity, because only her name is known about her - Lyudmila. And his second wife is gymnast Sania Babiy. Both of his sons, who were given to him by these women, are already adults. For Alexei Glyzin, the family is simply of tremendous importance. According to him, no matter what your career is, it is very important that someone is always there.

Family and children of Alexei Glyzin

The family and children of Alexei Glyzin is a topic of interest to all fans. Currently, his family consists of his beloved second wife, named Sania Babiy. The woman was able to give him a son who is already 24 years old. However, in addition to this heir, Glyzin also has a son from his first marriage, whose name is Alexei, in honor of the pope.

He was born in 1975, which means that he is already slightly over 40. Little is known about him, but Aleksey Glyzin Jr. has already got his own family and works in show business, like a father. Alexei Glyzin himself, too, undoubtedly, has something to be proud of, because he was able to fully realize himself not only creatively, but also in family terms.

Sons of Alexei Glyzin - Alexei and Igor

The sons of Alexei Glyzin - Alexei and Igor - are his own children and direct heirs, half-brothers, since they were born from different women.

Alexei - the eldest son - was born in his first marriage, in the 75th year. His mother's name is Lyudmila, but little more is known about her than about her son. Alexei Jr. himself has long been an adult man who managed to make his father happy with the appearance of his grandchildren.

As for the youngest son - Igor - he is only 24 so far, and he was born in his father's second marriage, from a woman with the unusual name Saniya. The guy often plays in his father's group, performs with him and is preparing to fully embrace his own legacy.

The ex-wife of Alexei Glyzin - Lyudmila Glyzina

The ex-wife of Alexei Glyzin is Lyudmila Glyzina. Very little is known about this woman. Lyudmila is a non-public person, and in no way related to the world of show business. The future musician met her when both were still young.

Lyudmila waited for him from the army, and soon after that they got married. The wedding was celebrated on a grand scale - in the golden hall of the Rossiya Hotel. And on November 15, 1975, his wife gave Alexei a son, who later became a film director. Soon after the divorce, Glyzin still managed to restore friendly relations with Lyudmila. But now, unfortunately, the woman is no longer alive.

Wife of Alexei Glyzin - Sania Glyzina

The wife of Alexei Glyzin, Sania Glyzina (nee Babiy), was born in May 1971. The girl met the musician when she was only 18 years old. Sania was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and today boasts the title of world champion in this sport. She currently directs the Releve ballet, which can often be seen at Glyzin's performances.

The couple got married three years after they met. By the way, Sania got married already pregnant. And in December of the same year, Alexey gave birth to a son, who was named Igor. They had, of course, a time when she was going to divorce her husband, but it did not come to that.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Glyzin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexei Glyzin - these are the resources that Glyzin's fans turn to in the first place, in modern conditions.

But it’s worth starting with the fact that the musician does not have his own Instagram page. But fans can always turn to the Wikipedia page, which contains all the possible information not only about the parents and family of Alexei Glyzin, but also about his personal life, creative path and becoming a full-fledged singer and composer. Among other things, there you can view all the albums of the musician, the names of all his songs, when and where he performed, what awards he received.

Singer Alexei Glyzin is divorcing his wife, having lived with her for 18 long years. It would seem that the story is banal: the wife was tired of numerous betrayals and her patience snapped. Therefore, she wants to sue half of the property, valued at more than 30 million rubles. As this thunder struck over the singer's head, ZhG tried to figure it out.

Was at Saltykova for the soul and for the bed

Sania Babiy (married Glyzina) is the second official wife of the singer. We met in Leningrad in the late 80s at the Sports Palace, where the performer of the hits "Winter Garden" and "You're Not an Angel" gave a concert, and in between the country's national rhythmic gymnastics team took the stage. Sonya, as her relatives now call her, was part of the “artists”.

“A pretty girl, thin, looked like 14 years old,” Glyzin later recalled, who at that time was 35.

Behind her marriage to the artist Lyudmila, the birth of a son, work in "Merry Fellows", when the group was mega-popular and had crowds of fans who were ready at any moment - just beckon - to communicate closely with idols. Of course, he walked and did not consider it necessary to hide it from his first wife, and therefore fled.

For several years, the artist lived alone, having short-lived romances, although he had serious feelings for Irina Saltykova. Later, the singer admitted that Lyosha was with her "for the soul and for the bed," but she was not going to get married - she hoped to meet a more promising business lover who was ready to invest in her solo promotion. And she succeeded.

Finally Glyzin met Sanya. They got married and had a son. Now Sonya draws all the years spent together with black paint. Like, she was sitting at home with a child, she only went to a hairdresser, spa, massage or fitness, leaving the baby with a nanny. And her husband traveled around the country. But he made good money. Somehow, on March 8, he brought home three fur coats, several hundred thousand rubles each. “I didn’t know which one you would like, I took everything,” Alexei said then to his wife.

Comforted Presnyakov's ex-wife

True, while providing the family with a comfortable life, Glyzin did not consider it shameful to rush to the left. Moreover, as in the first marriage, he did not conspire.

- Somehow Lyosha was on the air with me when I worked on the radio, - the actress, and in the past radio host Marina Kudelinskaya, told ZhG. - I found out that according to the horoscope he is Capricorn. She asked: “Probably you are walking from your wife?” It’s just that my ex-husband is also Capricorn, we had a difficult relationship, this is an extremely despotic sign. "Yes! Lyosha answered proudly. “What is it here?”

It is known that it was Glyzin who “consoled” designer Lena Lenskaya after her divorce from Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. And in one of several apartments of Alexei, the aspiring singer Sasha Antonova lived for quite a long time.

Yes, we are sleeping. The wife knows, but she is a wise woman and understands that a man is a polygamous being, the singer told reporters.

But everything that he earned, he carried to the family. Those material goods that he has did not fall from the sky, - a close friend of the artist, well-known producer Alexei Muskatin, expressed the male point of view ...
Now Glyzin is 56 years old. But the profession requires maintaining the image of a playboy, although in fact Glyzin's latest high-profile novels are just zilch.

- They thought that he had an affair with one of the soloists of my group "Diamond", it was a small PR move, - admitted producer Muskatin. - In fact, he treats the girls from the group like sisters, and the rest of the women - just like casual acquaintances.

Doesn't want to get divorced

It would seem that he had worked up, the wife now had to relax and enjoy in a quiet family haven. But then a young woman - and Sonya is only 35 - filed for divorce. One of two things: either she doesn’t need a husband without novels on the side, or she decided to secure the future of her child and not share anything with her husband’s illegitimate children. After all, their existence is very likely.

Her friend Oksana Pushkina has already found herself in such a situation. A little over a year ago, three young people began to call the TV presenter in turn, who turned out to be the illegitimate children of her loving husband. Some of the kids hinted, and someone openly stated that, since daddy did not help in education, now let him help financially.

ZhG asked the singer to comment on the situation:

I'm not ready to talk about my divorce. While this is a sore subject. I can say one thing: I don’t want to get a divorce, ”Alexey Glyzin answered in a dead voice.

Evelina VETROVA.

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