Pavliashvili's wife forgave him for treason and ... made friends with her mistress! Worthy women of a bright Georgian soso pavliashvili Pavliashvili Irina year of birth.


And there are good reasons for that. For ten years now, the heart of the "singer of love" has been given to one single woman - the former dancer and singer of the Pavliashvili musical group and just a wonderful person - Irina Patlakh. Two years ago, their daughter Lisa was born. Now their family is in complete harmony. But it was preceded by a whole series of trials, misunderstandings and gossip.

Soso and Irina overcame all difficulties and today, in the MOST exclusive interview with our portal, they talk in detail about their relationship - without hiding and embarrassment.

- Tell us about your first impressions, how you saw each other ...

Irina: Tell me!

Soso: No, tell me! Come on, come on!

Irina: It was in the Palace of Pioneers, where I went to study at the drama studio. Soso's studio was and still is nearby. One day I saw him, I decided to get an autograph. Came up and said: "Hello!" He was sitting with his back to me. And so slowly, slowly turned around. With a serious face - and broke into a smile. And I thought: “Here, cool such! Not pretentious!”

Soso: Although Irochka was very young, I immediately noticed that she was a very beautiful girl, I saw her roundness. I remember she was standing on some kind of huge heels, similar to irons - such a platform was then in vogue. And at first I thought: “Shizanuty! But appetizing! She was then sixteen. And after the first minutes of communication, I was touched by something else. This new generation girl said that she was crazy about my songs, especially one of the most lyrical songs - “I'm with you!”

Irina: In principle, I came to ask for a soundtrack of this song, because I also sang and wanted to ask permission to perform this composition.

Best of the day

Soso: I was very pleased. Because then everyone listened to “Tender May”, and then a young girl comes up and just asks for good music. Do not think, I do not praise myself: it's just that the music that I write comes from outer space, I pass it through myself. Something worse, something better...

- Which of you was the first to be active in a relationship?

Soso: As a man, of course, I started to take the initiative first. But as a girl, for her part, Irina was also not idle. It was obvious to me that our interest in each other was mutual.

Irina: Oh! He was very proactive! But I, as far as possible, restrained this initiative. Although it was not easy (smiles).

- Soso, what did you like most about Ira?

Soso: Her parents! When I met her family, I realized that they are very advanced, modern people. And somehow, without much effort, we became friends. If not for this, Irishka and I would not have stayed together.

- And what struck you Soso?

Irina: I remember how on the first day I stayed at the studio when he was recording the song "Me and You". We sat until night, and I talked with his musicians, watched him. Then I realized what a great guy he is, what a creative person and what he does in music. This attracted me greatly. Only in this way I realized what an expressive and bright man he is.

Did you do any surprises for him?

Irina: At first, we talked as if we were going to reconnaissance. I was interested in everything about this adult man, the artist. For my part, I tried to impress him somehow, to make him laugh. I came to the concert under the guise of a journalist and pretended to be interviewing him.

- What about the distance between you?

Irina: He was too temperamental, and I had to restrain this pressure. But there was a pleasant feeling - that he was delighted with me.

- Didn't it scare you that he had a lot of women, a lot of experience and a lot of fans?

Irina: Why should this scare me? (smiles) On the contrary, I was pleased that among all the fans he chooses me. And why do I need an abandoned man who no one needs? On the contrary, I relied on his experience, and the development of our relationship was interesting to me. It was immediately obvious that he was a sincere person, that there would be no meanness from him. And everything else is great when there is real passion between people, a romance!

- Why did you need such a young girl? Couldn't you have chosen a more experienced lady?

Soso: If we are talking about sex now, then I can sleep with anyone. But Irka was special. I can't even draw parallels. She became for me not just a girl whose location I sought. I was pleased to feel her spontaneity. This girl had a sincere reciprocal feeling for me, she was all at a glance. And I, along with a purely masculine interest, from the first minutes of communication with her felt responsible for her as a senior. It was an unusual, wonderful feeling for me. Our relationship developed not only as a stormy romance, but also as a friendship. She was interested in me, and I was interested in her.

Irina: It was during this period of serious courtship that Soso began to have health problems. And then I no longer doubted that he needed it.

Soso: I could call at three in the morning, say that I feel bad, and not even hint: come! She herself came. Despite her beautiful rounded shapes (smiles), Irochka still turned out to be a true friend. And I needed this friendship much more than sex. Ira will not let me lie: I then tried my best to make sure that she did not get used to me. Didn't really connect. I considered myself a lone wolf, a person around whom there are too many problems. And I didn't want her to be constantly in the circle of these problems. But Irka is stubborn by nature, and even now I cannot defeat this stubbornness. If she sets a goal, she will simply achieve it.

- So which one of you sought location?

Soso: I managed to pick her "bud", and she achieved this state: today Ira, Ira and our little daughter are a real family.

- Ira, did you boast to your girlfriends that you had an affair with Pavliashvili?

Irina: And I never had real girlfriends either. Most of my peers are not very goal-oriented people, many got into bad company. And I did not share my life with them, because we were, as it were, from different planets.

Soso: But I also had a hand in ensuring that all her girlfriends left us alone. Because even those few friends who surrounded her usually called when they had difficulties of a different nature. And I just sent them all in three letters (smiles). We are together. And we do not need anyone in life. Irka, indeed, in education and mind was different from her peers. And one of our first conversations with her parents was just about this. I said: “Look at her classmates, peers! Do you want her to repeat their path? To watch in the entrance how they smoke or drink beer? Let her be better with me, learn a lot of good things from me, be protected!”

- Did they believe you?

Believed! God bless them for entrusting their daughter to me, although there was no question of any guarantees. The question of marriage was not even discussed. But I felt a huge responsibility for Ira. I just couldn't offend her under any circumstances. She was not just a friend to me - she was a daughter, a child ... And she trusted me much more than her parents.

- Was Ira the only one for you at that time?

No one dared to encroach on my personal freedom. I continued to date women. But, apparently, such a serious feeling was already arising in me, which I myself did not understand at first. Irka has already become truly dear to me. And if I were an ordinary pop singer, I wouldn't care what happens to this girl. But I just had no right to offend her. I needed her devotion.

- So the relationship did not develop right away?

Gradually, with trials. When I didn’t have a penny of money, but only problems, I told her: “You are a young beautiful girl, your father is a wealthy person, plays tennis with Yeltsin, works in prestigious places ... You will find your happiness, you will go abroad ... Don't get attached to me. It is forbidden! I am a man without tomorrow." I had that feeling of life at that moment.

- How did Ira react to this?

She said in response: “But I am not interested in tomorrow. I live for today. I am happy with you today! And she didn't leave me. And then, little by little, things began to unravel. You know, in principle, I deserved a good attitude: after all, I was not a drug addict, an alcoholic, a psychopath. I am an artist who needs understanding. And I am grateful to this young stubbornness and loyalty of her (smiles).

- Really for so much time she did not give a reason to be jealous? After all, a young girl loves to play pranks, flirt, flirt ...

My horoscope is Cancer. Jealousy is the lot of every Cancer. And this is normal. If you don't love, don't be jealous. We've been together for ten years. And, probably, outbursts of jealousy do not allow us to fall asleep and miss each other. Jealousy is a good paint in a relationship. Orgasm from jealousy is brighter. And I don't even think about cheating!

- Can I say that you helped Ira take an adult look at the relationship between a man and a woman?

Irka's character is this: she wanted to show herself in front of me. Not even as a woman, but as a teenager. And I had to be patient to educate her, as I raised my son Levan. And this is not just a relationship between a man and a woman, but a completely different approach. There was a time: I put pressure on her and showed aggressiveness. But now, looking back, I understand: if I had not done this, we would not have been together.

- Did Ira have enough wisdom not to be offended and not to accumulate resentment?

God forbid! She is too determined. She just wanted to be with me and nothing else mattered. I did not understand then why she needed it. And now I am grateful to her for her patience and natural wisdom: we are all happy people together. And this is our common world. And Lisa is with us.

- It is believed that each song of the composer is a love story. Some composers say that they dedicate all the songs in their lives to one woman. And how are you?

If I say tomorrow: “Ira, I don’t recognize a single woman except you!” She will spit in my face. My art belongs to all people. My songs are my heart. And I put my whole male being into it. Ira is absolutely right about this. I would like women to always believe me and cry only from happiness. All my songs are written for this. Irka has always been proud that women love me and trust me. She herself is always for women, in any conflict she takes the female side - so that no one oppresses them, does not humiliate them.

- How did Ira find a common language with Levan?

They were not looking for a common language, they just grew up together. Ira, Levan and Irkin brother Danya. And when it came time to explain something, I sat Levan next to me and asked: “Do you want me to be happy?” He agreed. And then I said: "Wait for my sister."

- Who made the decision to live together as one family? And how did you decide to live with Ira's parents?

And we love it! And we found a common language a long time ago. And now, when it became possible to build a family country house, where everything is good and spacious, it is generally wonderful. Ira's mother, Larisa, bought a piano especially for me, because I miss my piano, which I left in my apartment. We also go on vacation with the whole family. And we are very good together. Now I have my own flock.

- Can we say that you brought the traditions of the Georgian family into the family of your girlfriend?

Certainly! I am a Tbilisi person. And in Moscow, I really missed such a family life. My heart is in Tbilisi. And the closer we live, the better! We are now building new apartments in Moscow, and I also intend to move my mother and father from Tbilisi.

- What determines the intensity of passions in the family? How not to get bored with each other in a relationship?

Soso: It all depends on the woman! If I wake up in the morning and wonder every day how scary she is, I'd rather run away from her altogether. Why do men start looking for something somewhere? Because in their lair they see no joy.

- At the beginning of your relationship, Ira danced and sang in a team. Now she has completely forgotten about creative activity?

Soso: We came up with this creative activity later, so that we had something to do (smiles). And at first I just fell in love with her as a man. I had a simple desire to possess a beautiful girl. Well, then I already did everything so that this beautiful woman would be with me as much as possible - both on tour and in Moscow.

Irina: I have not stopped being a creative person. I like to sing and dance. And in Moscow now I am again performing with Soso, and we go on tour together when it is possible to take Lisa with us, and the conditions allow us to live as a family.

- Soso, are you a happy man?

As a man, I am absolutely happy. I know that not only do I get happiness, but I also bring happiness and pleasure to my loved ones. The main thing is that I am not alone, as I was a few years ago.

- Ira, and you?

I have the same feelings and thoughts. But I would like to realize myself more in creativity. Now I am a beloved mother, a beloved daughter, a beloved woman. Everything is great with me. But still, I love to sing and I want to do it further. But this does not mean that I want to become a pop star ...

Soso: You are already a star! Trust my word...

Irina: You are witnessing the beginning of a family scandal ... (exchanging glances, laughing)

- What can you wish to couples who are just starting to live together?

Soso: Don't look for yourself. Everything will come by itself. I believe that any two people can get along with each other if they are united by the main goal - to be together. If someone does not want to give in, but wants to prove something, this is the cause of all conflicts. At the beginning of my life together, I had a conversation with Ira: if we want to be together, then we will be together. And if we don’t want to, then we don’t have to torture each other. And it's not about the child, not about some kind of responsibility: if you don't want to live with a person, then you shouldn't do it.

Irina: The mistake of many young people who start a life together is that they try to figure everything out “on the shore”, proving something to each other, forgetting about compromises. No need to run ahead of the locomotive, you should not invent conflicts when there are none. Let everything go by itself. You just need to be able to enjoy each other.

A real Georgian macho is about Soso Pavliashvili! Over the long years of his musical solo career, he was credited with novels with various domestic songwriters, including the famous singer Irina Ponarovskaya in the 90s, as well as Irina Allegrova. However, no one until today knew how love affairs influenced his life. Watch the issue Let them say “The real wives of Soso Pavliashvili” dated 07/02/2015 (repeat from 06/24/2014)

Two wives of Soso Pavliashvili

Nino Uchaneishvili is the name of Soso's first and only official wife today. The woman lives in the capital of Georgia and is ready to speak frankly about her husband, who has been living with another woman in Moscow for many years.

When Pavliashvili returned from the army, he married Nino, and then went to Moscow, as he dreamed of making a singing career there. After a while, having become popular, he met Irina Ponarovskaya. Nino was very worried, because in newspapers and on TV she heard more than once about her husband's romance with the singer. Soso denied everything. Later, the man met a young 16-year-old girl, also named Irina Patlakh, and subsequently she bore him two daughters, despite the fact that Pavliashvili is still not married to her.

“I don’t like it when they demand something from me, when they pressure me, and Ira understands this very well,” the singer said in an interview.

Today you will learn and see everything: did Soso Pavliashvili forgive his legal wife Nino, who is the mother of his adult son, as well as the meeting of two wives in the Let them talk studio! All the secrets and real wives of Soso Pavliashvili are on this air.

Irina Patlakh let them talk

Left: Nino, right: Irina

Irina admitted that she knew about Soso's wife. The couple began dating when the girl was 20 years old. Next, the Pavliashvili family shows their home and children.

Nino Uchaneishvili - wife of Soso Pavliashvili

The first and legal wife of the artist also came to Moscow for the program "Let them talk." She went into the hall after Irina and sat down with her on the same sofa. And then Soso himself appeared in the studio and handed both ladies huge bouquets of white roses.

Soso's sister and children

The now popular singer Soso Pavliashvili, a graduate of the Tbilisi Conservatory in the violin class, became interested in the light genre when he served in the Soviet air force. Then he became a member of the VIA Iveria, known to the whole union, and then went into free swimming on the waves of pop music in order to start writing his songs.

Pavliashvili is 53 years old, and he is a father of many children. The eldest child of the singer was born in his first marriage. Levan is already thirty, and now his famous dad calls the guy more often a friend than a son.

Two daughters were given to him by the artist Irina Patlakh, with whom Soso still lives. When they met, she was only 16, and he was already 32 and two. Now both say that at first they were close friends, and they joke that until she, Irina, comes of age. They have been happy for many years, two daughters are growing up in the family. Liza is 13, and Sandra will soon turn ten. The singer introduced the audience to the program “When everyone is at home” with his loved ones. Pavliashvili does not have a soul in his girls. Of course, they are smart and beautiful, but Soso appreciates his wife not only for this. According to the singer, he owes Irina his life.

In 1996, Pavliashvili was in a car accident, after which he began to have severe epilepsy attacks that lasted for several years. It was then that Soso realized that Irina was "his wolf."

“There comes a moment when you understand - this woman is your she-wolf ... I had a serious accident in 96, and in 97 I got epilepsy, and lasted 7 years. And Irochka was with me. Although if she left, I would say and did the right thing. I myself said: “go away, why do you need me like that,” Soso Pavliashvili said.

Irina remembers those years without hiding, although she admits that it was not easy. Seizures, as Pavliashvili's wife said, happened only at night and when he woke up he did not understand what had happened to him. And ten minutes before the next attack, Soso began to talk like a demon with someone - “like in horror films,” Irina adds. But the woman did not have a moment of doubt, she says that she never thought of leaving her beloved.

“Then he had nothing to do - neither to the family, nor to love, nor to me. But I knew that my love would be enough for both of us,” said Irina.

// Photo: frame of the program "When everyone is at home"

Despite the illness, the couple decided to have a child. Now the eldest of the daughters - Lisa - the singer calls nothing more than a guardian angel. With her birth, Pavliashvili connects his healing. “The most important thing is that after her birth, I was cured. And completely without the intervention of doctors. But they even wanted to do a craniotomy for me. But then Liza was born and everything passed as if nothing had happened,” Soso Pavliashvili said.

Iosif (Soso) Raminovich Pavliashvili (Georgian. Born on June 29, 1964 in Tbilisi. Soviet, Georgian and Russian pop singer, composer, theater and film actor.

Father - Ramin Iosifovich Pavliashvili, architect.

Mother - Aza Aleksandrovna Pavliashvili (nee - Kustova), a textile technologist by profession.

From an early age, he showed an attraction to music, he showed a perfect ear and a good voice. From the age of six he learned to play the violin. Later he graduated from the Tbilisi Conservatory in the violin class, and at the final exams he received the highest score and became one of the most famous graduates of this musical university.

After demobilization, he decided to pursue a career as a singer. He became a member of the Tbilisi vocal and instrumental ensemble "Iveria", with which he performed for a year. He performed with the team in front of Soviet athletes at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada.

It was triumphant for Soso Pavliashvili to participate in the 4th All-Union Television Competition for Young Performers of Soviet Pop Songs in Jurmala. July 8, 1989 Soso Pavliashvili won the Grand Prix. It is worth noting that he sang the song "Rodina" ("Samshoblo"), in which he sang the independence of Georgia, i.e. played along with separatist sentiments and focus on secession of the republic from the USSR.

And his patroness was a popular singer at that time, who was on the jury of the competition in Jurmala. A year later, the Georgian singer broke into the Russian stage. Often performed a duet with Ponarovskaya.

In 1992, he won the Grand Prix of the Step to Parnassus festival.

In 1993, he released his debut album "Music to Friends", which was a success. Then the albums "Sing with me" and "Me and you" were released.

His songs were actively rotated on TV, finding their listeners in different age categories. The famous dancer Makhmud Esambaev called Pavliashvili "The tuning fork of Georgia".

In 2000 he received the Grand Prix of the Baltic Music Festival in Sweden.

Has his own recording studio.

In the 2000s, with varying degrees of success, he released the albums “About my love”, “A Georgian is waiting for you!”, “The best songs for you”, “Remember a Georgian”, “Oriental songs”, “The best”, “Caucasian”, “Jubilee ". He shot popular video clips for the songs “Georgian is waiting for you”, “He”, “Take your love”, “Baby, ah love you”, “Russia” (duet with Tamara Gverdtsiteli).

As a rule, Soso Pavliashvili is the author of the music that he performs on stage. But sometimes he attracts other composers to create his songs. So, the singer fruitfully collaborated with Mikhail Tanich, Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, Georgy Karapetyan, Konstantin Gubin, Karen Kavaleryan and others.

Soso Pavliashvili - White veil

Soso Pavliashvili played the main role in the play "The White Knight", based on the novel by the Marquis de Sade. A well-known actress became his partner.

Since 1997, he began acting in films, making his debut in the musical-crime comedy "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio" based on the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy with and in the lead roles.

Later appeared in the films "33 square meters" (Hans), "Ice Age" (Givi), "Lost the Sun" (Kardava), "Daddy's Daughters" (Timur), "Golden Key" (carpenter Giuseppe), "The New Adventures of Aladdin "(merchant), etc.

Soso Pavliashvili in the series "Ice Age"

In 2016, he starred in the crime drama Swing, in which he played a thieves' authority named Maho. The tape tells the story of the confrontation between two thieves' clans.

According to Soso, he has a great resemblance to his character: “Maho is close to me for various reasons. Firstly, for me it is romance. I was born and raised in Tbilisi, and, like a normal Tbilisi guy, from childhood I dreamed of becoming a crime boss. Thanks to the film, my dream came true. Secondly, my hero has a craving for justice, he is not alien to the concepts of honor and truth. This Maho corresponds to my personal principles. And thirdly, it turned out that the character was written specifically for me. "

Soso Pavliashvili in the series "Swing"

Scandals of Soso Pavliashvili

In the summer of 2004, the singer, among other well-known Russian artists, performed with a concert program on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarded this act of Russian artists as "a negative fact that damages the constantly developing Azerbaijani-Russian cultural ties." Pavliashvili was banned from radio and television of the republic, he was also banned from giving concerts in Baku.

In October 2016, the Azerbaijani media reported that Soso Pavliashvili and singer Timur Temirov, having addressed the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry with a letter, asked to lift the ban on entry into the republic that was in force against them. In the letter, the artists expressed respect for the Azerbaijani people, their culture and music, highly appreciating the traditions of hospitality in Azerbaijan, and also expressed their desire to visit Baku soon and perform concert programs there. After considering this appeal in the appropriate manner, Soso Pavliashvili and Timur Temirov were given permission to enter Azerbaijan.

On November 30, 2016, Pavliashvili performed at the Heydar Aliyev Palace in Baku with a solo charity concert organized by Emin Agalarov. And on July 30, 2017, Pavliashvili performed at the International Music Festival "Heat" in Baku.

In March 2013, the media reported that the singer could face trial. Earlier, Georgian law enforcement agencies issued an arrest warrant for Soso Pavliashvili on charges of contract killing of his longtime friend, businessman Avtandil Aduashvili. In addition to Soso Pavliashvili himself, charges were brought against six more people. After a protracted trial, the case against Soso Pavliashvili was dismissed. The Prosecutor's Office of Georgia dropped all charges brought against him earlier.

Soso Pavliashvili works in Moscow, lives in Tbilisi and Moscow.

Soso Pavliashvili - Secret for a Million

Soso Pavliashvili's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Soso Pavliashvili:

First wife - Nino Uchaneishvili (born 1965). We got married in 1985.

As Soso said, the first marriage was early and therefore family life did not work out. He recalled: “When we got together, I was 19 years old, and Nino was 18 - young, hot, succumbed to euphoria. Then I went into the army, wrote her five letters a day. When I served, they got married, Levan was born, but I had to to leave for Moscow, it was necessary to build a career. She was listed as my wife only in the passport, we stopped living as husband and wife ... Our parting is fate, it was so necessary. "

Since the late 1980s, they no longer lived together, although they officially divorced only in 2003.

In 2002, when his son Levan turned 15, Soso decided to take him to Moscow. Levan Iosifovich Pavliashvili studied at the Suvorov Military School, then graduated from the Military Technical University under the Federal Agency for Special Construction (FGOU VPO "VTU under Spetsstroy of Russia"). He is in the construction business.

In the early 1990s, he had a stormy romance with the popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya, who opened the way for him to the big stage. They began to sing in a duet, the whole country was talking about their romance. Soso noted that Ponarovskaya made a great contribution to his development as a singer. “We did a lot for each other, we had a very stormy relationship, we lit each other. Ponarovskaya next to me became a queen,” he said.

According to rumors, Ponarovskaya was counting on marriage with Pavliashvili, waiting for an offer from Soso. Himself: "I have not deceived a single woman in my life. I have never made promises in my life, so that later these promises would not be kept."

The second wife (civil marriage) is Irina Patlakh (born 1981), a psychologist by education, although she did not work by profession. She was a backing vocalist for the Mironi group, and also periodically performed with Soso as a dancer.

Together since 1997. We met when Irina was 16 years old - she studied at the theater studio of the Palace of Pioneers, in the building of which the Soso studio was also located. Pavliashvili recalled: “Once a sound engineer told me that a very beautiful girl came in and asked me to copy my song“ I am with you ”to her on a disk. This message intrigued me ... And the fact that the stranger is also beautiful interested me doubly, because at that time I was a womanizer on an all-Union scale. And I decided to watch for her. You could say, I sat in ambush. Finally she appeared, but, as time showed, I became a victim. Because I fell in love with her. "

In addition, acquaintance with Irina Patlakh happened at a time when the singer was in a difficult psychological situation. In 1996, in Tbilisi, he had an accident. He said: “My drunk friend was behind the wheel. He began to have wild aggression, and I understood that one should not let go. We drove home, a woman in black with a child suddenly appeared on the road. No one understood where she came from, there was no crossing on this section of the road. A friend turned sharply to the side, and the car crashed into the curb at breakneck speed. A strong blow, and that's it - it turned off. I woke up in the hospital, I had a severe concussion, and not a scratch on the driver. I I was treated, I was regularly examined, and the doctors themselves allowed me to continue touring. A year after the accident, epileptic seizures began. I began to go to church often. Apparently, God heard my prayers and sent me Irochka. "

For 7 years, the singer could not get rid of seizures. They, according to him, passed when the couple had a child.

On December 4, 2004, Soso and Irina had a daughter, Lisa. On June 2, 2008, daughter Sandra was born.

As Soso said, they do not need a stamp in their passport: "We are already a family, without any official papers." However, on October 16, 2014, at a concert in Moscow, Irina came on stage to Pavliashvili with her two daughters. The singer knelt down in front of his beloved and presented her with a box with an engagement ring.

Filmography of Soso Pavliashvili:

1997 - The latest adventures of Pinocchio
1998-2005 - 33 square meters - Hans
2002 - Ice Age - Givi, bandit, Guram's assistant
2003 - On the corner at Patriarchs-3 - Soso Pavliashvili, singer
2003 - Friendly family - cameo
2004 - Lost the sun - Kardava
2006 - 1st Fast - episode
2007 - Kingdom of crooked mirrors
2008 - Daddy's daughters - Timur, friend of Vasily Fedotov
2008 - My favorite witch
2009 - Golden Key - carpenter Giuseppe
2010 - The last secret of the Master - episode (uncredited)
2010 - New Year's matchmakers
2011 - Kiss through the wall - cameo
2011 - The New Adventures of Aladdin - Merchant
2011 - New Year's SMS
2012 - 8 first dates - cameo
2016 - Swing - Maho

Discography of Soso Pavliashvili:

1993 - "Music to friends"
1996 - "Sing with me"
1998 - "Me and you"
2001 - "About my love"
2003 - “Georgians are waiting for you!”
2005 - "Best Songs for You"
2007 - "Remember the Georgian"
2010 - "Oriental Songs"
2013 - "The Best"
2014 - "Caucasian"
2014 - "Jubilee"

In this article we will talk about who Soso Pavliashvili is. "Without You" is one of the artist's most famous compositions. The full name of our hero is Joseph Pavliashvili. We are talking about a Russian and Georgian singer and actor. In addition to the already mentioned composition, the most famous of his creations include the following: “Pray for the parents”, “Me and you”, “Please”. Fans call our hero the tuning fork of Georgia, the guardian angel, the knight of the mountains, the king of oriental music. Details about this person are given below.


Soso Pavliashvili was born in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. His father, Ramin Iosifovich, is an architect. Az's mother is a housewife. While still a preschooler, our hero began to attend a music school and started learning to play the violin. Many hours of study and hard work brought quick results. Very soon, the young musician began to take part in republican and regional festivals and competitions. The violin captivated our hero. After graduating from general education and music schools, Soso Pavliashvili became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. He chose the direction of violin playing. While serving in the army, our hero moved away from classical music. He joined the pop direction. After receiving his diploma, he became a member of the Iveria vocal and instrumental ensemble.

Thus began the creative path of Soso Pavliashvili. He began to sing songs a little later. The singer's talent in him was revealed by chance. The young man was a member of the team mentioned above for a year. After he left it, because he realized that there is something more important than a musical instrument. One day he walked up to the microphone. It happened in Canada. There was a concert dedicated to the Winter Olympics held in Calgary. The performer presented his performance of a Georgian song called "Suliko". This speech shocked those present. Soon our hero received the Grand Prix at the vocal festival in Jurmala as a solo artist. He gained fame. A feature of the repertoire of our hero is that he is the author of music for most of his hits. Only occasionally does he resort to the services of famous Georgian and Russian composers.


Almost any concert of Soso Pavliashvili is a success. The reason can be called the uniqueness of such events. Our hero is able to express love, tenderness, passion from a male position through singing. The artist's debut studio album "Music to Friends" was released in 1993. This disc attracted mainly the attention of women. The next albums "Me and You" and "Sing with me" strengthened the artist's popularity. To date, our hero has an impressive number of works, and each composition is filled with love lyrics, soulful lyrics and gentle romantic melodies. The songs “I won’t call you by name”, “Let’s pray for parents”, “Heaven in the palm of your hand”, “Me and you”, “Please” became big hits. In addition, our hero often performs with other stars in a duet. With Lyubov Uspenskaya, he performed the composition "Stronger than before." With Leonid Agutin he recorded the song "Some Thousand Years". With Larisa Dolina, he performed a soulful composition called "I love you."


Soso Pavliashvili also tried his hand at cinema. Moreover, he did not limit himself to the cameo format familiar to many musicians. He embodied real film images in the following films: "Ice Age", "Matchmakers", "Daddy's Daughters". However, most of all, the singer has musical holiday tales. Among them: "The New Adventures of Aladdin", "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Pinocchio".

Personal life

The yellow press writes about our hero without much enthusiasm. On the contrary, if information about this person appears in the media, then most often it concerns creativity. He is mentioned as an actor, composer and singer. In the life of our hero there were no third-party novels. And he loved few. The first wife of Soso Pavliashvili is Nino Uchaneishvili. Former spouses maintain friendly relations. In addition, these people are brought together by a common child - a boy named Levan. The first-born of our hero did not follow in the footsteps of his father. He was educated at the Suvorov Military School. Then there was the study at the university. As a result, he chose the path of a military man.

The second love of our hero was the pop singer Irina Ponarovskaya. They did not officially marry, but for several years they lived like a real family. Since 1997, our hero has been in a relationship with Irina Patlakh, a singer. From the chosen one, he has two daughters - Sandra and Elizabeth. The civil union of these people lasted 17 years. In 2014, our hero from the stage made an offer to his beloved.


The performer in 1993 recorded the album "Music to Friends". In 1996, his disc "Sing with me" was released. In 1998, the work "Me and You" appeared. In 2001, the album "About my love" was recorded. 2003 brought the disc “Georgian is waiting for you!” to connoisseurs of the work of our hero. In 2005, the disc "Best Songs for You" appeared. In 2007, the album "Remember the Georgian" was published. In 2010, the work "Oriental Songs" appeared.


In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili took part in the film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio". In 2002, our hero worked on the painting "Ice Age". In 2003, he got a role in the film "On the corner at the Patriarchs - 3". In 2004, the film "Lost the Sun" appeared with the participation of our hero. In 2007, our hero played in the films "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" and "Daddy's Daughters." In 2009, he received a role in the film The Golden Key. In 2010, the film "New Year's Matchmakers" was released with his participation. In 2011, the performer starred in the film Kiss Through the Wall. Soon, another film with the participation of our hero, "The New Adventures of Aladdin", was released on the screens.

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