Female surnames are beautiful modern Russians. List of beautiful surnames for girls


Beautiful surnames for girls have always been an interesting topic for discussion. Sometimes we don't get the best. Surely, everyone in the class had at least one student with a funny last name, for which he was teased by the whole class. Sometimes, this remains a stumbling block, causing an irresistible desire to change the surname at the first opportunity.

Today it is easy to change the data by choosing any family name you like. There is an opinion that the meaning hidden in the surname can greatly influence the character of a person. Some people claim that their life has changed radically after its change. It is unlikely that it will be possible to verify the authenticity of such statements, however, the surname can really keep a mysterious history and tell about ancient ancestors. Before being tempted by beautiful female names, we recommend that you find out the history of your family.

Guaranteed - this is an interesting and exciting journey into the past, capable of changing the attitude towards both the surname and family values.

Where did Russian surnames come from?

The curious history of Russian surnames goes far back to the 13th century. Previously, they were more like nicknames or nicknames given to each other by the nature of a craft or occupation. Already later, by the 16th century, real surnames began to appear, but this concerned only families of aristocratic origin.

The origin of such surnames mainly came from the names of the area or the possessions of wealthy gentlemen. Ordinary peasants did not have surnames until the beginning of the 19th century, but after the abolition of serfdom, they became mandatory for everyone. Nicknames given by occupation began to be recorded as surnames.

It is likely that your last name carries some very interesting historical meaning that can completely change the past opinion about yourself. Along with how Russian surnames arose and changed in the historical course, in other countries the story is a little different.

Origin of German surnames

For example, the first German names are found in the chronicles of the 6th century BC. They consisted of two parts and had a magical meaning, that is, the name endowed its bearer with certain powers and character traits. Much later, Italian names with a Christian meaning began to “flow” into the German language, for example, the name Adam meant “original”.

With the development of Christianity in the 15th century, they began to bear the names of saints or the names of biblical characters. German surnames began to appear in the Middle Ages, they were formed from the names of the carrier's birthplaces. Many surnames also came from nicknames, but here they reflected a characteristic physical trait of a person, for example, Frederick Barbarossa - Redbeard.

Origin of English surnames

The English also have a very interesting history. They were built from a person's belonging to a particular family. As in most countries, the British did not have surnames until a certain time. In England, the same names were often used, which created a huge number of namesakes.

For example, in the 11th century, about 25% of the male population of England bore the name - John. This gave rise to the need to give individuality to each John, adding some nickname to the name. Historical analysis has deduced the main 4 groups of the emergence of English surnames:

  1. genealogical origin. Many surnames originated from the name of the father and did not change the form at the same time - Mark Anthony. There are also English surnames containing an additional explanation, such as - son (son). The result was: Thompson is Tom's son.
  2. Place of Birth. The family name was determined by the name of the locality, city or country. For example, Wales, Langley, Ingleman.
  3. Profession or position. Depending on what kind of activity a person was engaged in, he was given a family name that reflected this occupation: Spencer - the manager, Sayers - the one who tastes the food before being served on the royal table.
  4. Descriptive. This group of surnames reflects the physiological characteristics of a person, originating in nicknames. For example, Cudlipp is a cleft lip.

Read also: How parents teach their child to read English in 3 steps

As we can see, the surname can tell very interesting information about its carrier. Perhaps you are a descendant of some aristocratic family - or your ancestors are from overseas countries, then the history of the surname can have a multinational meaning and an interesting history.

Nevertheless, we are talking about beautiful surnames that the fair sex would like to have. Here are the top 10 most beautiful, forcing their carriers to walk with their heads held high:

  1. Tsvetaeva;
  2. Lebedev;
  3. Voskresenskaya;
  4. Zolotarev;
  5. Obolenskaya;
  6. Romanova;
  7. Tverskaya;
  8. Volkonskaya;
  9. Illarionov;
  10. Sheremetyeva;

It is equally important for boys to have a strong family name that can build confidence and purpose in them. Beautiful male surnames contain power, dignity, nobility and many other magnificent qualities that a man should possess.

We present only a small list of the most powerful male surnames in terms of energy and sound:

  1. Gromov;
  2. diamonds;
  3. Derzhavin;
  4. Mayorov;
  5. Lyubimov;
  6. Sobolev;
  7. Morozov;
  8. Bogatyrev;
  9. Vorontsov;
  10. Admirals.

As a result of a small analysis, you can see how interesting and informative it is to find out the origin of the surname. Such an analysis can lead to a respectful and responsible attitude to family history. Most grandparents keep a rich history of their own origin, the origin of surnames and family traditions.

The family tree may well turn out to be a luxurious historical chronicle. Changing a surname is a rather serious step that can change the life and the person himself. If a decision is made to take a new one, make sure it goes well with the name and patronymic. The surname should be in harmony, sound and echo with him.

By the way, I would like to note one more interesting fact. Any family, for sure, has a unique history of the origin of the name.

It is interesting to find out who exactly gave the name - mother or father, or maybe both parents came to a unanimous opinion. What names sounded originally and why the choice fell on one particular name. It often happens that a name is given in connection with family history, carrying a completely unique meaning. Some parents name their child after a deceased close relative as a tribute to their memory.

Beautiful surnames are a fairly wide range of names in the Russian language. However, here you can’t fix clear criteria for beauty, since different people will like different surnames. No matter how many people are interviewed on this issue, the list of surnames will be constantly different. So we can only designate a few groups of surnames that both sound good and whose meaningful meaning is lofty and solemn.

the royal surname Romanov: the surname goes back to the male canonical name Roman, which is translated from Latin as a Roman; Rome is a classic example of everything that is highest and most correct, so that the surname is quite worthy to name crowned persons;

Shuisky: a native of the city of Shuya, which is located in the Ivanovo region, could get such a surname; however, settlements with this name were scattered throughout Rus', so that the Shuiskys could also come from them; the old Russian word oshuya meant left, but the name could also be formed from the Finnish word suja - melted, flood;

Obolensky: the princes received this surname from their princely family estate in the Kaluga region, the city of Obolensk (the Russian word to envelop meant to protect, shelter);

Vyazemsky: the surname is formed from the name of the ancestral town of Vyazma (the river was called viscous if there was a lot of silt in it);

Lermontov: the surname comes from the Scottish name Lermont, over the origin of which disputes have not subsided so far:
1. Old Norse word leir - clay soil + French mont - high mountain;
2. Old English words lear - sea and mouth - mouth;
3. one of the variants of the Scottish name Lamont - legislator;

Pechorin: the surname is based on a geographical name, the Pechora River, so most likely they come from the banks of this river (pechera is a forest dweller);

Favorsky: a seminary surname, which was given to the future priest for euphony (favor from Latin - goodwill);

Kostomarov: Kostomarov in Rus' was called large-boned, strongly built, strong people;

Onegin: the surname originates from the name of the Onega River, so people with such a surname inhabited its banks (the word Onega in Finnish means a waterfall, a swift stream);

Polonsky: the surname meant that the people of this kind were from Poland;

Bolkonsky: the surname appears in the lists of the times of Ivan the Terrible among the most eminent Moscow boyars, but the origin of the surname is still a mystery to linguists.

Animals and bird names.

Agree that in the world of fauna there are sonorous names, from which very beautiful surnames are formed. Such surnames were often given to those who resembled a bird or animal in character or appearance:

Orlov, Orlik, Oryol: such surnames could be given to a person with a big nose;

Lvov, Leo: such surnames were probably given to strong people who had weight and respect in society;

Zaichik, Zainkin, Zaichikov: the affectionate original form speaks of a good attitude towards those people who were given such cute surnames; agree that it sounds completely different from Zaitsev;

Lebedev, Lebed, Lebedyansky, Lebedushkin: people with such surnames, most likely, were distinguished by fidelity in character or a graceful, slender figure;

Korolek, Korolkov: the king always aroused the love of the people, therefore, such a surname could only be given to those who gained fame and respect among people;

Kotyonochkin, Koshechkin, Kotik: such nicknames could be given to affectionate, gentle people.

Surnames from plants.

Floristry is also full of the most beautiful names. Yes, and a flower cannot be called a deaf, abrupt word. Accordingly, the surnames, which are based on the names of plants, are very beautiful:

Kolokolchikov: a person with a sonorous voice could get such a nickname;

Rozov, Rozanov, Rozochkin: such surnames were given for harmony to seminarians - future priests;

Vinogradov: grapes were very much appreciated in Rus', so such a surname was not given to everyone and everyone, but only to the most distinguished; according to some versions, this is a seminary surname;

Sokolov, Sokolik, Falconer: such a surname could be given to people who not only outwardly resemble this noble bird, but also those who were engaged in falconry and raised specially trained birds for this;

Berezkin: a person with such a surname could be engaged in the processing of birch bark, for example;

Poplar, Poplar: so they could call a tall and slender person;

Aspen: Aspen has always been considered a cowardly tree - perhaps a fearful and modest person was called that.

Military families.

Military people are always discipline, smartness, accuracy and accuracy - military ranks sound beautiful and solemn, like in a parade. Surnames formed from such titles are conditionally called military, and they definitely fall into the category of beautiful and euphonious: Majors; Admirals; Dragoon; Hussar; Colonels; even Soldiers sounds very nice and dignified.

First names.

This group of surnames in Rus' has always been the most common. In addition, diminutive forms could be formed from names, which often served as the basis for creating surnames that sounded affectionate and gentle.

Adam: the surname is an exact copy of the male name, which is translated from Hebrew as a person;

Aksyutochkin: from a diminutive form of the female name Xenia (the Greek word for hospitable);

Andreychik: a diminutive form of the male name Andrey (translated from Greek - courageous);

Mashechkin: a diminutive form of the female name Maria (a Hebrew name meaning bitter);

Lyubim, Lyubimov, Beloved: they go back to the non-calendar, but common in Rus', male name Lyubim, which is more eloquent than any explanation.

Other sonorous surnames.

Sometimes surnames arose by chance, spontaneously. Some did not receive the suffix formation typical of surnames and remained tracing papers of common nouns. Now, when we hear them, we have associations with the subject that formed the basis of such a surname, a stereotype of consciousness works, and the surname begins to like:

Zhemchuzhina, Zhemchuzhnikov, Zhemchugov: this could be called a handsome person or someone who in those days traded in such a rare commodity;

Good: a surname could be given to a kind and sympathetic person;

Bely, Belenky: surnames sound completely different than Belov; so they could call a blond man;

Dear, Kind, Krasavin: the surnames are quite speaking and sound very beautiful.

Beautiful surnames give their owners a certain weight in society at the first meeting, because in Rus' they have long been greeted by clothes. So we wish everyone who has a sonorous and attractive surname to justify it with their worthy behavior.

However, we are talking about beautiful surname x that the fair sex would like to have. Here are the top 10 most beautiful, forcing their carriers to walk with their heads held high:

Words spoken in the "language of love" have a special charm. French surnames sound mysterious and elegant. Below are the most common ones. These options were formed from the most revered names in France.

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls alphabetically. Detailed information.

Beautiful family designations in Germany appeared from the names of rivers, mountains and other words associated with nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names came from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Muller in translation means "miller", and Schmidt - "blacksmith". Rare German family names sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmermann. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are:

Beautiful Russian personal data is often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Despite the fact that they fabulous suitable for all European names, it is important to follow so that your The full name did not seem overloaded, as in the case of Yana Romanova Romanova.

The name of a worthy person with incredible human qualities will give the new carrier the best qualities and positive energy. A child bearing such a name is always surrounded by care, attention and love of relatives. Over time, the child acquires a deep understanding of family values ​​and traditions. Family cohesion and mutual assistance are instilled from childhood. A family that values ​​inner peace, harmony and comfort always has a close family relationship that is passed down from generation to generation.

If you like to stand out, then the original surname from this list will suit you: Starry, Golden, Brilliant, Naughty, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Beloved, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Spark.

The most beautiful surnames in the world for girls price list of Russian and foreign surnames. Latest events.

Women's generic names are not much different from men's. French history ordered that there are no differences and other endings, as in Russian, between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names of women also bear a proper name, for example:

As for American women, as in the rest of the world, they take their father's family name at birth, and their husband's at marriage. Even if a girl wants to leave her family name, after marriage she will have a double surname, for example, Maria Goldman, Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

Choosing a new surname for yourself, see if it is Fine Suitable for you, combined with your name and patronymic. Remember that when you decide to change your last name, you are taking an important step that may even change your destiny. Think before you do this. Maybe your real name is not quite harmonious, but it connects you with your clan, family.

Unusual and most beautiful surnames can be found in foreign languages. Many girls change their personal details, choosing a beautiful English or German version. But there are still so many beautiful surnames - Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French.

Beautiful surnames for girls hit parade of Russian and foreign surnames. Exclusive.

It is not recommended to take personal data based on patriotic reasons: Bykap, Vlapunal, Nacilip or Slaveput, although they were popular in 2015. The fact is that preferences can change, but the surname remains for life.

If Russian surnames do not suit you, although there are many wonderful ones among them, you can look for something suitable in the list of foreign ones. Among the harmonious German surnames for girls, the following can be distinguished: Mayer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann. There are a lot of beautiful English surnames: Alison , Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills. The Poles have many good surnames: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Vitovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Troyanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya , Koval. Some Belarusian surnames also sound good: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Chaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Ostrovskaya, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk. Bulgarians have a lot of beautiful surnames: Apostolov, Angelov, Vladov, Danailov, Dimitrov, Blagoev, Nikolov, Tonev, Lyudmilov.

Beautiful Russian personal data is often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Despite the fact that they are great for all European names, it is important to ensure that your name does not seem overloaded, as is the case with Yana Romanova Romanova.

Among the British and Americans, the most popular surname is Smith (4 million people), while among Russians it is Smirnov, not Ivanov, as is commonly believed. It came from the word "appeasement" or "put up", which is typical for the native Russian population. Watch the video, which takes a closer look at the most common surnames in the world:

It is not necessary to take a surname of foreign origin, because among the Russians there are very beautiful options. For example, the list of beautiful surnames for girls can easily be replenished with the names of Russian writers and poets. Nekrasov, Lermontov, Pushkin, Tolstaya - all this sounds noble and historical. Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva - it's so romantic and creative. Almost any female name will be combined with the surname Dostoevskaya. In addition, you can take a surname in honor of any time of the year. So, Spring or Summer sound very bright and encouraging. And the surname May will become more of a permanent nickname. In fact, if you have such a beautiful surname, they may forget about your name, constantly using the surname and its derivatives (Mai-Maika, Nut - Nut). In addition, do not forget about the Russian surnames Bereza or Woody, which is very impressive.

The most popular names of girls for VK are borrowed from famous actresses, singers, models and other famous personalities. You can use the pseudonym of your idol or choose a fashionable option from those offered below.

Women's names are so diverse that at the birth of a child, disputes often arise between parents about how to name the baby. Our list of names is the largest, and is constantly updated, so here you can easily solve this pleasant task. This page presents the most beautiful modern and Russian female names, and the topic will primarily concern newborn girls.

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their carriers are popular people, which means they are happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the family name Lee. In second place in polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is the family name Garcia, common in South America (about 10 million people).

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from other European counterparts. If the English name is always pronounced correctly, then the French ones are pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen may sound like "Le Pen", "Le Pen", "De Le Pen". The first French family names were bestowed on the highest circle of the nobility in the 11th century. And only in the 16th century, by royal decree, was it ordered to give every citizen of France a hereditary nickname.

What are the beautiful surnames for girls unusual and strange surnames. All latest information as of 01/27/2018

When choosing a new surname for yourself, see if it suits you so well, combines with your name and patronymic. Remember that when you decide to change your last name, you are taking an important step that may even change your destiny. Think before you do this. Maybe your real name is not quite harmonious, but it connects you with your clan, family.

If you like to stand out, then the original surname from this list will suit you: Starry, Golden, Brilliant, Naughty, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Beloved, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Spark.

As a result of a small analysis, you can see how interesting and informative it is to find out the origin of the surname. Such an analysis can lead to a respectful and responsible attitude to family history. Most grandparents keep a rich history of their own origin, the origin of surnames and family traditions.

For example, in the 11th century, about 25% of the male population of England bore the name - John. This gave rise to the need to give individuality to each John, adding some nickname to the name. Historical analysis has deduced the main 4 groups of the emergence of English surnames:

German popular surnames Hartmann (Hartman) and Werner (Werner) are derived from male names. If the value doesn't matter, you might like an option from the following list. The most harmonious German surnames:

Later, Russian surnames became a pantry for the history of professions and life: Bochkarevs, Melnikovs, Telegins. But the most famous family nicknames were and still are those that came from the name of the head of the family: Grishina, Sidorov, Ivanov, Pavlov. As for the most beautiful Russian surnames, here opinions converge - these are the surnames of tsars (Romanovs, Rurikovichs), nobles (Volkonsky, Vyazemsky, Obolensky). Many people like the derivatives of the beautiful names of animals and birds: Sokolov, Lebedev, Orlov, Medvedev, Volkov.

It is likely that your last name carries some very interesting historical meaning that can completely change the past opinion about yourself. Along with how Russian surnames arose and changed in the historical course, in other countries the story is a little different.

For example, the first German names are found in the chronicles of the 6th century BC. They consisted of two parts and had a magical meaning, that is, the name endowed its bearer with certain powers and character traits. Much later, Italian names with a Christian meaning began to “flow” into the German language, for example, the name Adam meant “original”.

Video list of the most beautiful surnames for girls. Latest events.

The most beautiful surnames for girls 2018-01-27

No one will argue that some names are considered funny. There were several boys and/or girls in each class who were teased about it. The Kozlovs, the Durakovs, the Petukhovs... We can say that they were not very lucky: the "second name" was successfully transformed into an offensive nickname. How many boys and girls have received serious psychological complexes just because they were born in the Korytkin or Trusikhin family? Many people even strive to start a family as soon as possible just to change their last name, and one of the main criteria for choosing a "soulmate" is the harmony of his "second name". This is especially true for girls: some of them are ready to forgive the chosen one for many shortcomings just because he is the bearer of a noble or beautiful foreign surname.

The most beautiful surnames in the world, harmonious and giving self-confidence, will be listed in this article.

What is a surname?

The word "surname" literally translates as "family". That is, this value indicates that a person belongs to a certain genus. In Russia, most of the surnames come from the profession or the village where the family lived. The ancestors of the Kuznetsovs were the most skilled blacksmiths, the Popovs were clergymen, and the Tolmachev family was probably initiated by a translator from the Tatar language - an interpreter. You can list such examples endlessly: the Rybakovs, the Goncharovs, the Melnikovs... If you are the bearer of such a generic name, you should think about it: maybe the genes of your ancestors are dormant in you and you should change your occupation, focusing on your own middle name?

Surnames that originated from the name of the ancestor of the family are very popular in Russia: Ivanovs (Ivan), Semenovs (Semyon), Zakharyevs (Zakhar) and so on.

Initially, in Russia there was no such difference - there were only names and patronymics. In the XIV century, the first owners of surnames were noble people - boyars and nobles. The peasants received the right to a "second name" only after the abolition of serfdom.

Beautiful Russian surnames

Interestingly, the most beautiful surnames for Russians are those that once belonged to nobles: Vyazemsky, Orlovsky, Obolensky. This is not surprising, because it emphasizes belonging to the aristocracy, giving its owner an indescribable charm. However, surnames ending in -sky can also belong to people whose ancestors were from Poland.

By the way, the surname Romanov, which was worn by representatives of the last ruling dynasty of the Russian Empire, is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. This is not surprising, because Rome has always been one of the most powerful powers that created a unique cultural heritage. In Russia, she is considered not only one of the most beautiful, but also crowned.

Naturally, a rather positive impression is made by Russian male surnames formed from the names of animals. Of course, we are not talking about banal roosters, cows or even pigs. Volkov, Orlov, Lebedev - male surnames that evoke associations with sublime, noble animals and, of course, seem beautiful and pleasant. Similarly, the best female surnames are those associated with beauty, tenderness, kindness, motherhood. It can be: Krasnikova, Mariinsky, Rucheykova, Tsvetkova.

"Cool" Russian surnames are very popular, the carriers of which left a mark in the history of the Russian state. For example, Mamontovs, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Golitsyns, Trubetskoy, Yusupovs, Potemkins. Usually their carriers really belong to a noble family: such "second names" were given to high-ranking people, while the rest had to be content with a surname derived from the profession or the name of a great-grandfather.

The most beautiful foreign surnames

Polls show that the most popular surname in the world is Rodriguez. She seems beautiful and very melodious. Maybe that's why the actor Antonio Rodriguez managed to achieve his popularity?

By the way, a huge number of people have such a surname: it is very common in the world. Interestingly, it came from the name of Rodrigo, which, in turn, comes from the ancient Germanic name Rodrigo. The first part of the name - "kind" - is translated as "glory", and the second - "rig" - means "strength", "power". So, the Rodriguez are simply doomed to loud fame and inexhaustible energy.

In second place on this list is Francois. The sound of this word evokes associations with a leisurely walk through the quiet Parisian streets, the aroma of coffee and croissants and wonderful French chanson. Yes, and by ear it is perceived easily, unusually soft and euphonious.
Fitzgerald is rightfully in third place. This "middle name" was taken as a pseudonym by writers, musicians and artists: apparently, it contains a creative charge that feeds creators and gives them strength for new works. This surname is a transliteration of the Norman phrase, which can be translated as "son of Gerald."

Another beautiful foreign generic name is Werner. It is of German origin and translates as "protect and arm". However, there is another, very prosaic hypothesis: some researchers believe that the word "Werner" means a banal barley on the eye. Therefore, it is possible that the ancestors of all living Werners had a common physical defect. Of course, this does not exclude the fact that they were brave warriors. But be that as it may, the surname sounds just great: it is associated with the "gloomy German genius", pedantry and accuracy.

Beautiful English surname - Buckingham, Clifford, Mortimer, Lincoln, Cornwall, Wiltshire. As you can see, English famous family names are associated with the aristocracy.

This list must also include oriental motifs. The Japanese surname Yakomoto is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. When you hear it, there are associations with cherry blossoms, medieval Japanese engravings and concise, capacious haiku. And this is no coincidence, because it is translated as "the foot of the mountain." Probably, the ancestors of all Yakomoto lived near the famous Fujiyama and, admiring its peak, composed magnificent poems.

American residents prefer the ancestral name King. It seems to them very beautiful and, so to speak, prestigious. Indeed, "king" is translated from English as "king". It is this generic name that the recognized king of horrors Stephen King bears: it is possible that it was a beautiful surname that brought him worldwide fame and good luck. At the very least, it's hard to imagine a king being a shy and insecure person.

The surname Miller is extremely popular in the English-speaking world. It is she who is usually chosen by people who decide to change their "second name". Miller points to the nature of the occupation of the ancestor of the family, as it literally translates as "miller". In England, you can meet a huge number of Millers: the profession of a miller in this country was in great demand. Very often American subjects are also Millers.

Completes the list of Lehmann. This name sounds pretty good. In addition, psychologists have found that its carriers inspire the trust of business partners. Therefore, if you are planning to do business abroad, you should start collecting documents for changing your passport, as Lehmann will become a real talisman for you!

Should I change my last name?

A logical question may arise: maybe you should just take and change your last name? After all, people automatically treat the owners of beautiful surnames a little better, giving them certain qualities associated with the second name. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that Durakov and Vyazemsky will be treated equally. Should I change my last name? The answer to this question will be ambiguous.

On the one hand, people really react to how your name sounds. If it evokes pleasant associations, then those around you will subconsciously perceive you a little better. However, it is known that they are greeted by clothes, but escorted by mind. Before becoming Dostoevsky or Romanov, it is worth considering whether you will match the chosen big name.

Many dream of becoming owners of a foreign surname. After all, it has always been customary to treat foreigners in Russia with some reverence. But do not rush to change documents. "Cool" foreign surnames are beautiful in combination with foreign names: you should think about how this combination will turn out in your case. Owners of international names, such as Elena or Maria, are lucky: they can safely take foreign surnames. But for the girls "Love King", "Hope François" or for the guys "Sergey Rodriguez", "Vasily Miller" sounds pretty ridiculous.

In addition, the surname has some influence on you. We are talking about the fact that the full name contains some information about your gender. Do you want to erase this information and write a new one? This issue should concern girls who get married: fortunately, in our society there is no need to take the husband's surname. In extreme cases, you may well become the owner of a double surname. By the way, they seem to many people especially beautiful and noble.

This list is subjective. Each family name is beautiful in its own way, because all of them are evidence of the history of our country and your family!

Established at the end of the 18th century the American nation is very heterogeneous and at the moment combines not only the descendants of immigrants from all parts of the world, but also the indigenous population - the Indians. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the surnames and names of the inhabitants of the United States, one can trace various national roots: European, African, South American, Asian. These features often make American surnames and names so interesting and exotic.

How are they formed?

Nicknames, including Native American ones, became the basis for many modern surnames. Also, quite often, surnames were formed from the names of professions (Smith, Miller, Taylor), geographical places (England, Lancaster) and objects (Bush, Rock, Moore), father's name (Johnson, Stevenson) and just names (Stuart, Williams, Henry) , as well as animals, flowers and various objects (Fish, White, Rose, Young).

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a tendency to change hard-to-pronounce national surnames: reductions, translations, transformations in order to make them look like English-speaking ones. But in recent decades, the opposite process has been observed: the desire for one's national and cultural identity, which is manifested in the rejection of the Americanization of names and surnames. This is especially true for people from African countries, Spain and Latin America. Modern American surnames and names increasingly emphasize the origin of a person.

Also a very common phenomenon is the invention of pseudonyms. Most often they are taken by creative personalities: musicians, actors, artists.

American names, male and female, are often abbreviated in everyday communication. Examples: Adam - Ed; Gilbert - Gil; Michael - Mike; Robert - Rob, Bob, Bobby, Robbie; Richard - Dick, Richie; Arnold - Arnie; Eleanor - Ellie, Nora; Elizabeth - Lizzy, Liz, Elsa, Betty, Bet; Katherine - Kathy, Kat. Young guys (and even mature men) are often referred to by their initials. For example, a man named T.J. Morris most of the acquaintances will probably call TJ.

As in English, American male and female surnames sound exactly the same. In official communication, addresses are accepted by last name with the prefixes "Mr" or "Sir" to men, and to women "Miss" or "Mrs."

Women's names

The top ten names of girls most beloved by American parents include Isabella, Sophia, Emma, ​​Olivia, Ava, Emily, Abigail, Madison, Chloe, Mia.

Women's names are often formed from the names of beautiful plants or precious stones. Examples: Rose, Daisy, Olive, Evie (Ivy), Lilly, Violet, Ruby, Beryl, Jade, etc.

Male names

According to statistics, most often American parents call boys the names Jacob, Ethan, Michael, Jayden, William, Alexander, Noah, Daniel, Aiden, Anthony.

There is a strong tradition to name in honor of the father or grandfather. In this case, the word "junior" (junior) or the serial name is added to the name: second, third, etc. For example: Anthony White Junior, Christian Bell II.

American male names are often consonant with surnames (White, Johnson, Davis, Alexander, Carter, Neil, Lewis, etc.). And all because once both of them were formed from nicknames.

Most Popular American Surnames

More than two million people in the United States have the surnames Smith and Johnson. With slightly more modest results (over a million people), the owners of the surnames Williams, Jones, Brown, Davis and Miller follow. Rounding out the top ten are Wilson, Moore and Taylor.

The most beautiful American surnames and names

Of course, they don’t argue about tastes, but you can still select a list of the most euphonious and even poetic names. Some of them were specially formed from suitable English words: Summer - "summer", Joy - "joy", May - "May", Love - "love", Hart - "heart", etc.

  • Alisha.
  • Bonnie.
  • Vanessa.
  • Gladys.
  • Jade.
  • Imogen.
  • Cassandra.
  • Lillian.
  • Miriam.
  • Nancy.
  • Olivia.
  • Pamela.
  • Sabrina.
  • Tess.
  • Heidi.
  • Angie.
  • Alex.
  • Brandon.
  • Darren.
  • Kyle.
  • Mitchell.
  • Nicholas.
  • Peter.
  • Ronald.
  • Stephen.
  • Walter.
  • Fraser.
  • Hunter.
  • Charlie.
  • Sheldon.
  • Adrian.

There are not only beautiful American names, but also surnames.

For example:

  • Beverly.
  • Washington.
  • Green.
  • Crawford.
  • Aldridge.
  • Robinson.
  • Stone.
  • Florence.
  • Wallace.
  • Harris.
  • Evans.

In general, names and surnames in the USA have different origins: Smith, Will - English; Miller, Brunner, Martha - German; Gonzales, Federico, Dolores - Spanish; Magnus, Sven - Swedish; Peterson, Jensen - Danish; Patrick, Donovan, O'Brien, McGill - Irish; Mario, Ruth - Portuguese; Isabella, Antonio, de Vito - Italian; Paul, Vivien - French; Li is Chinese, etc. Combinations are not uncommon when the name is purely American, and the surname has a national flavor. Or vice versa. For example: Martha Roberts, Brandon Lee, etc.

The more you study American surnames and names, the more interesting discoveries you can make. In addition, the American nation is still being formed, so it is possible that soon new unusual and beautiful names of various origins will appear in the everyday life of the inhabitants of this country.

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