Wives of Igor Nikolaev: Yulia Proskuryakova spoke about her attitude to Natasha Koroleva. What is the former, what is the current: famous men falling in love with similar women Where is Igor Nikolaev from?

August 24, 2017

The chosen ones of these artists are surprisingly similar in appearance, some can even be confused by mistake. Women obviously have a hard time, because they are discussed and compared with a vengeance. What types attract Igor Nikolaev, Sergey Svetlakov, Alexei Chadov and other artists, the site tells and shows.

Yulia Proskuryakova (wife), Igor Nikolaev, Natasha Koroleva (ex-wife). Photo: instagram.com/uliaveronika, Globallook

Natasha Koroleva - Igor Nikolaev - Yulia Proskuryakova

The creative and love tandem of Nikolaev and Koroleva broke up in 2000. Three years later, Natasha has already found her happiness in the face and body of the dancer Tarzan, but Igor remained single until 2010. When the artist led the young singer Proskuryakova down the aisle, the public was alarmed: they discussed not only the difference in the age of the lovers, but also the external similarity of the man’s real and former chosen ones. The Queen herself did not stay away from the conversations: “I think that, of course, it is difficult for her. Living when you are constantly being compared - similar or different - is very difficult. She is well done, courageously endures, ”said Natasha Koroleva about the new darling of Nikolaev Yulia.

At first, the relationship between Yulia and Natasha was cool. The Queen, by her own admission, did not care about the appearance of Nikolaev's wife, more often the artist compared the weddings that the singer arranged for her beloved - the third celebration in Igor's life turned out to be the most magnificent. Over time, the disagreements remained in the past: now the Queen even willingly lights up to the songs of Proskuryakova.

Yulia Svetlakova - Sergey Svetlakov - Antonina Chebotareva

Antonina Chebotareva (wife), Sergey Svetlakov, Yulia Svetlakova (ex-wife). Photo: Social networks, LEONID VALEEV (KP)

Fine features, bright eyes, blond hair - in these pictures of women, Sergei Svetlakov is easy to confuse. We tell: on the right - the first wife of the humorist Julia. We met at the institute, got married in 2000, moved to Moscow together, gave birth to a daughter, Nastya. And in 2012 they divorced, because they became just cohabitants and did not love, but tolerated each other. After a short time, Sergei again put on a wedding ring and became a father for the second time - Antonina Chebotareva, the artist's new chosen one, gave him a son, Ivan. She is in the picture on the left.

Now both women have changed a lot: Antonina, for example, has become a brunette and got rid of her straight bangs. And Julia did start a new life: a year ago.

Irina Bezrukova - Sergey Bezrukov - Anna Matison

Irina Bezrukova (ex-wife), Sergey Bezrukov, Anna Matison (wife). Photo: Globallook

In September 2015, the Bezrukov couple stopped hiding the truth about their personal lives: the artists confirmed that they had decided to divorce. Soon a new lover appeared in the life of the actor - director Anna Mathison. At first, the woman seemed to be the complete opposite of Irina, it never occurred to any of the fans to compare Sergei's partners. Now, more and more comments are appearing that marriage and motherhood have changed Mathison: her facial features have become softer, and a certain resemblance to the former Bezrukov has appeared.

Who certainly became different is Sergey himself. “With the advent of Anya and Masha (daughter - ed.) in my life, a lot has changed. For the first time, I truly felt like a father. Yes, I have other children, and for many it is not a secret for a long time, as for my parents and my wife Anya, who adopted them. But it was with the birth of Mashenka that I was able to fully experience my father’s happiness: to be at birth, sleepless nights, fatigue (but happy!), The first smile, the first tooth, ”the actor said in an interview.

Inna Makarova - Sergey Bondarchuk - Irina Skobtseva

Photo: Irina Skobtseva (last wife), Sergey Bondarchuk, Inna Makarova (ex-wife). Photo: frame from the film "War and Peace", Kinopoisk

“The first thing Sergei did when he saw me was to take out a black pencil. The fact is that for the role of Lyubov Shevtsova in the film "Young Guard" my eyebrows were plucked. Sergey didn’t like it, and when he met, he immediately painted on them, ”Inna Makarova (first wife - ed.) tells with a laugh about their dates with the director. Relations became serious on the set of The Young Guard - after the first night together, Sergei asked for the hand of his beloved.

Makarova and Bondarchuk were connected by cinema, and she separated them. On the set of the film "Othello", a man fell in love with the main character of the tape, or rather, her performer Irina Skobtseva. But he was in no hurry to divorce Makarova. Four years of torment, anonymous letters, reports of treason. In 1959, after almost 12 years of marriage, Inna and Sergei broke up. The director lived with Skobetsva for 35 years - until his very last day.

Agnia Ditkovskite - Alexey Chadov - Leysan Galimova

Photo: Agniya Ditkovskite (ex-wife), Alexey Chadov, Leysan Galimova (girlfriend). Photo: Globallook, Instagram

It is not so easy to figure out who is the former in this trinity and who is the real one. The romance of Alexei and Agnia, which began on the set of the film "Heat", turned out to be stormy: the artists quarreled more than once, parted and reconciled again. For the past two years, the couple tried to maintain a relationship for the sake of their common son Fedor, but failed and officially divorced. According to some reports, both artists have already established a personal life: Agnia, and Alexei appeared on the red carpet of the MIFF with.

It would seem that you can put an end to history, but no. Apparently, Chadov and Ditkovskite reunited for the sake of their son. At least: although they do not publish common pictures, they are photographed against the background of the same landscapes. Whom Chadov will choose from two beauties similar to each other, so far one can only guess.

The fact that the personal life of Igor Nikolaev is no less bright than his work is evidenced by the composer's three official marriages. Only his first wife was far from show business, and for the other two, he became the reason for meeting and starting a romantic relationship with a famous musician. And Nikolaev experienced his first great love thousands of kilometers from the Russian capital, in his homeland.

Where is Igor Nikolaev from?

Igor Nikolaev was born in Kholmsk on Sakhalin. His mother worked as an accountant, and his father, Yuri Ivanovich, was a sea captain, a marine painter, so Igor inherited his penchant for creativity from him.

Noticing his son's creative abilities, his parents sent him to a music school, where he learned to play the violin, and as a teenager he began to earn money with his creativity, playing in restaurants and bringing home good money. After graduating from school, Nikolaev entered the Sakhalin College of Music in the Department of Music Theory.

The first wife of Igor Nikolaev Elena Kudryasheva

Yuri met Elena Kudryashova as a child, at school they sat at the same desk. This youthful romance lasted until graduation, and as soon as they crossed the threshold of adulthood, they hurried to sign, and the reason for this was very significant - Elena's pregnancy.

Then Igor studied in Moscow, at the Musical College at the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky and very often came home, including in order to see his beloved, and after the next vacation, the girl announced that she was expecting a child - so, at the age of eighteen, Elena and Igor became the parents of a little daughter, Yulia.

In 1983, Nikolaev moved his family to Moscow, and at first their life together in the capital was successful - Igor Nikolaev's first wife was always proud of her talented husband, supported him in everything, providing a reliable rear for her husband, who was actively building a musical career. However, their marriage turned out to be significantly shorter than the romance that had lasted before, and the composer's new love became the cause of the break.

Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva - wedding and divorce

Young Natasha Poryvai, who at the time she met the musician was only sixteen, was one of the many aspiring singers who were casting for Nikolaev's group. The audition did not give the expected results, and then the mother of the future star got down to business, who managed to get backstage to personally talk with Igor.

Thanks to her feminine instinct and sociability, she managed to establish close contact with the composer - Break the elder fed Nikolaev with sandwiches and was able to convince him to take his daughter on a tour. Thus began Natasha Koroleva's romance with a popular musician, whose age difference was fourteen years.

Nikolaev fell head over heels in love with her and tried with all his might to win the heart of the Queen - he gave expensive gifts, waited at the entrance, fell asleep with flowers. Natasha, who was only sixteen at the time, did not immediately agree to a relationship with an adult man, she knew that he was married, and therefore, when a serious romance broke out between them, she began to insist that he divorce Elena.

The first wife of Nikolaev did not give up right away - she was already used to the fact that Igor turned intrigues right and left, so she was ready to endure relations with the Queen, but after three years Natasha, nevertheless, managed to win the fight for Nikolaev. To seal the relationship officially, Natasha Koroleva called the registry office workers home to Igor, and they were painted there.

There were loud quarrels and stormy reconciliations in their family life, and one of the serious reasons for the disagreements was Igor's desire to become a father, but the Queen delayed this event, saying that she was not yet ready for motherhood.

Igor helped his second wife become a real star, for a long time she remained his muse, he dedicated his songs to her, but after a few years of marriage, his personal life cracked at the seams, and in 2001 they broke up. True, Nikolaev, who almost openly had an affair with his director Angela Kulakovskaya, was not going to divorce, but Natasha did not like this, and, in the end, the couple divorced.

The third wife of Igor Nikolaev Yulia Proskuryakova

The divorce from the Queen hit Igor Nikolaev's pride, despite the fact that he continued to have an affair with Kulakovskaya, especially since Natasha did not remain in debt and began dating Tarzan, to whom she gave birth to a child a year later.

Nikolaev broke up with Angela Kulakovskaya, as with his first wife, because of the young singer Yulia Proskuryakova, whom he met almost the same way as Natasha.

The aspiring Ural singer, following the example of her predecessor, ambushed the star backstage and invited Nikolaev to evaluate her vocal abilities. The audition was successful, and the composer helped Proskuryakova get on the People's Artist project.

The debut on the big stage turned out to be unsuccessful for Yulia, but she found much more - the love of a popular musician, who six months later offered her to move into his apartment.

She was not going to return to her hometown, so she happily agreed. Before that, Proskuryakova got a job at one of the capital's law firms - she is a lawyer by training, and the first one decided to call Nikolaev, hoping for a continuation of the acquaintance, and she was not mistaken.

The fact that Proskuryakova was four years younger than Igor Nikolaev’s daughter from his first marriage embarrassed him at first, but over time he reconciled himself, and they began to live together, and Yulia exchanged her dreams of a career as a singer for the role of the common-law wife of a Russian show business star.

It was destined to become the official wife of the composer Proskuryakova a few years after the start of their relationship - they signed in 2010, and their wedding took place in the Vegas shopping and entertainment center. Three hundred guests were invited to the celebration, including the brightest stars of the national stage.

The third wife of Igor Nikolaev, Yulia Proskuryakova, decided that since the wedding was arranged on such a grand scale, then she should be dressed accordingly - the wedding dress was ordered in the workshop of the famous Italian designer Tory Ward, who specially flew to her to make a fitting. The luxurious Milanese dress was made in Beirut and embroidered in Switzerland.

Instead of a honeymoon, the newlyweds went on tour to America.

Daughter of Igor Nikolaev

Nikolaev still dreamed of another child, and five years after the marriage, Yulia made him happy with the birth of her daughter Veronica. The girl was born premature and very weak.

Little Nika at first could not even eat on her own, and Yulia, with the help of doctors, had to do a lot in order for her daughter to finally begin to develop normally.

Now Veronika pleases Igor and Yulia with her achievements, and they do everything to make her happy.

The eldest daughter of the composer Yulia, after the divorce of her parents, stayed with her dad, having matured, she studied at the American High School of Arts and, like her father, composes and performs songs.

Julia Proskuryakova and Igor Nikolaev.

“Natasha and I never had conflicts. I appeared in Igor’s life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who still have not come to terms with their separation, and they write nasty things about me on the forums. But this could be addressed not only to me, but also to any other woman who would appear next to Igor. For them, everything automatically becomes bad. These are people living in the past. We met Natasha Koroleva at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. Like between adults. We rarely contact. But there is no negativity between us," Yulia told reporters.

That she was very lucky with her husband. For ten years, lovers have been trying to have a baby, and only two years ago, Julia gave birth to a daughter, Nika. For Igor Nikolaev, the girl became the second child, the composer repeatedly admitted that he was happy to become a dad again. Also, the couple continues to work together. "And we are planning joint duets and concerts with my husband Igor Nikolaev. Recently, a video clip for the duet song "I'm a Mother" was released, which we recorded with Elena Yesenina. The song became very popular on the Internet, and flash mobs were made all over the country, " - Julia emphasized in an interview

Yulia Proskuryakova is 10 years younger than Natasha Koroleva and 23 years younger than her husband Igor Nikolaev. At the time of this writing (2018), Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova have been together for 12 years. In 2006, at the premiere of the film "Saw-3", they kissed for the first time, in 2010 they married magnificently, and in 2015 the couple had a daughter, Veronica.

Julia met Igor when he came to Yekaterinburg with a solo concert, the girl loved to sing since childhood, but at the insistence of her parents she learned to be a lawyer, but her craving for creativity did not disappear. And so she went to the concert of her favorite singer, and after the end of his performance, at the insistence of a close friend, she raised her voice from the crowd of fans and asked the idol to listen to her singing, she sang right there in the hall. Igor Nikolaev liked the brave beauty and he asked her to bring him a disc with her recordings. And there was a disk! There was something to show. Julia got to the hotel closer to the night, and took her friend with her to support her. Igor, Julia and a faithful girlfriend talked until the morning. And today, Yulia Proskuryakova is touring with her husband throughout the country. They sing songs together.

I have not listened to Igor Nikolaev's songs for a long time, but he is a very good composer, his early creations are amazing. I had records in my childhood with such songs as: “Queen”, “Ferryman”, “Forgive me, goodbye”, “Iceberg”, “Tell me, birds”, “Coral Beads”, “Two Stars”, “One Hundred Friends”, "Balalaika" - I really liked these compositions. Well, after the life of Igor Nikolaev settled down, and he was no longer tormented by the pangs of creativity, his songs began to turn out to be very mediocre, at least those that he writes for himself. Nevertheless, Igor Nikolaev is happy, now his house is a full bowl. The singer loves his daughters very much, the eldest Julia, who was born when he was 18 years old and the youngest Veronica, who was born when the maestro was already 55. Igor Nikolaev speaks of his daughters unusually tenderly, the fact that he was ready for fatherhood is interesting and at a very young age, hurried home with all his might to cuddle his baby. Surprisingly touching, the singer treats his mother. I listened to an interview with Igor Nikolaev and concluded that this man is quite wise and interesting, he thinks sensibly, and arouses obvious sympathy.

Why did Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev break up? We cannot know the real reasons, but judging by all the interviews they gave, the whole point is that Natasha never really loved him, and starting from some point in their life together, Igor Nikolaev began to move away from his wife , began to have affairs on the side in the open. This is all a complex topic, it is not easy to understand who is right and who is wrong, most likely both, as is often the case. But Julia Proskuryakova is a more accommodating girl in this regard, she agrees that Igor is the head of the family and tries not to argue with him. And if you look at the joint interviews of Igor and Natasha, you can see how often the Queen interrupts her husband, she wanted to be on an equal footing with him, this desire is completely understandable to me, but the nature of men is this - if he is not henpecked, then such a family will not last long , the husband will smooth out sharp corners for the time being, but then he will definitely rebel. It can spill over into anything.

In the photo Igor Nikolaev, his wife Yulia Proskuryakova, as well as their daughter Veronika.

On the left in the photo is the daughter of Igor Nikolaev Veronika.

Igor would have shaved off his mustache, or at least his beard!

And in these photos, the daughter of Igor Nikolaev - Yulia Nikolaeva, the girl composes songs and sings them.

In this photo, Igor Nikolaev with his first wife Elena Kudryashova, they studied in the same class, she saw him without a mustache.

I look at this photo and imagine how Igor Nikolaev tickles the bust of his wife Yulia Proskuryakova with his mustache...

And here is another photo in which Igor Nikolaev together with his first wife Elena Kudryashova.

I don’t know who the girl on the left is, but the one on the right is the eldest daughter of Igor Nikolaev.

In this photo, Yulia Proskuryakova, Natasha Koroleva and Yulia Nikolaeva (daughter).

With daughter.

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