There lived an old elderly grandfather Gia in the village. My golden shelf


15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Mikhail Viktorovich Panov: “A language is like a multi-storey building. Its floors are units. Sound, ..., word, phrases, sentences ... And each of them takes its place in the system, each performs its work.

I think that language is a very complex and clear system, but at the same time it is alive and everything in it is interconnected. Linguist M.V. Panov not in vain compared language with a building. For example, the author of the text Yu.Sergeev writes that Grinichka sang "rollingly, powerfully" about Stenka Razin. In these words, everything serves to enable us to imagine the manner of grandfather's singing. Many vowels and sonorous consonants give an idea of ​​sonority, the words are very expressive in terms of lexical meaning, homogeneous members create an integral description.

Another example is sentence 22, which is very long, with a variety of syntactic constructions. With its slowness, it seems to emphasize the variety of songs of grandfather Grinichka and the slowness of his “performances”.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “When Grinichka sang, the soul warmed up and the dope of a vain day left and everyone became kinder and cleaner.”

I think the author here wants to talk about the influence of art on man. People, when they listened to grandfather Grinichka, felt the beauty and sincerity of the performance, and this made them feel good at heart and wanted to become better than they are. The text describes how tomboy children listened to their grandfather's songs for a long time and wiped their tears, because art touches everyone. And when a person cries not from his resentment, but from sympathy for someone else's grief, he always becomes better.

The text says that they also went to their grandfather for advice, wanting to sort out their lives. And grandfather Grinichka, unlike his peers, retained vigor and wisdom. Probably, this is the result of singing, music, which always touches the human soul especially deeply and makes us purer and more merciful.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word BEAUTY?

I think that the word beauty can be understood in different ways. This is the beauty of man, and the beauty of nature, and the beauty of art. This text, for example, speaks of music, which, with its beauty, elevates a person, makes him purer and kinder. This happens, I think, because music and singing touch the soul, make a person sympathize with another - for example, the hero of a song. The text talks about how the children wiped their tears while listening to their grandfather. So, they became kinder, learned to empathize.

More than once I was convinced that music, more than anything else, makes a person experience some feelings. This beautiful art delights us with the pure and expressive beauty of sounds, which acts directly on the soul. I read this saying: "A person who picks up a violin cannot be a bad person." I think it's true. The beauty of music ennobles and makes anyone purer and more merciful.

Should I send my parents to a nursing home? The wife's grandfather poops everywhere...and forgets about everything...old Bolshevik...and got the best answer

Answer from Laponka[guru]
young man, remember one thing: treat people the way you want to be treated.

Answer from Galina Boyarinova[guru]
You can find a decent house with a commercial department, where the care is appropriate, but the payment is not small. If a grandfather has fallen into insanity, then it is hard to perceive him, and it is not yet known what is better for him, to live in an institution where he receives appropriate qualified care, or in a house where all his relatives begin to quietly hate. In the end, no one forbids visiting him, but I repeat once again, we are talking about a decent, commercial department.

Answer from Calibri[guru]
Put yourself in the place of your grandfather and think, and you would like to die alone, without relatives and friends, in a strange place. Here is your answer.

Answer from Natalya Kuzmina[guru]
Yes, it happens - the one who spoiled you in your youth continues to poison old age, and literally spoils. But it’s easier to say goodbye to spouses at an early stage, it’s more difficult to say goodbye to parents ... It’s always easier to talk about humanity when you don’t scrape the smeared g ... from the walls, don’t throw away your things cut to shreds, and a lot of things like that - multiple sclerosis is a terrible thing. I know several families with such old people. In general, everyone endures, waiting for the end and quietly hate the one whom they already hardly perceive as a grandmother, mother or grandfather. They have the feeling that they are deliberately mocking their children, forcing them to "repay debt" to their relatives. And it is not known what is better - to be placed in a nursing home and visit from time to time, or to look "decent", and in your soul "sigh and think to yourself:" When will the devil take himself?! "(A. S. Pushkin, and he knew what he was saying)

Answer from Alicia[guru]
Each category has its own holy fools ... For philosophers, this is Jaspis, here - you? Is it cool to provoke people? Yeah? .. And now the essence of the question ... . In Japan, old people were thrown off a cliff (or what did they do with them there?) ... It is a pity that you did not live in those days in the land of the rising sun ... especially in old age...

Answer from Yatiana[guru]
Do you think he poops... because the old Bolshevik? ! I don’t know about the nursing home .... I don’t presume to judge, there are different situations ...

Answer from Ўliya Litvinova[active]
Well, your parents didn’t send you to a baby house, because you pooped everywhere !!!

Answer from Yatiana Svetlaya[guru]
and you know what it's like to live in a nursing home, where old people are quickly sent to the next world. My grandmother was also very difficult, but we looked after her to the last and no one thought about this. I just sympathize with you, it's hard to live with such a person, but this is your cross.

Answer from accountant[guru]
there are plenty of such old people .. only we don’t have such fashion and such nursing homes to give away and not worry about. But if it’s like abroad, there are sanatoriums for the old .. they feel good ... I saw an old woman in the hotel in Egypt .. she lives there all winter .. apparently the children send so that she doesn’t freeze in Europe .. so follow her employees look after .. everything is paid for ... the grandmother is like a tanned black man .. all toned up ... in general, what is such old age bad for

Answer from Nailya Nurzhanova[expert]
And when you reach his age, your children will ask someone the same question.

Answer from Nada Konnova[guru]
and if you are handed over to a nursing home, when you poop THINK ABOUT THIS, I’m even sure it’s livelier then in his apartment

Answer from October[guru]
On business, he would have to be patient, well, how much is left for him, but when he dies, no one knows where and how - will you forgive yourself? Conscience will not torment? Think well, then you won't turn back

Answer from Dev1L[newbie]
Family is sacred...

Answer from Ekaterina Veselova[guru]
Exactly! “Strogov, when will you be banned with your crazy questions? You read and wonder)))) You can write a whole encyclopedia of mental disorders!

Answer from Annette)[guru]
I'm glad that Grandfather gave you all the shit)))))))))))) I would also spit in some places))))) Excellent grandfather.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Strogoff, when will you be banned with your crazy questions? You read and wonder)))) You can write an entire encyclopedia of mental disorders according to you!

Answer from Îla[guru]
Didn't you poop as a child?

Answer from Larisa[guru]
difficult question .. but, if we discard the moral aspects, then most likely, yes .... by the way, there are very decent establishments

Mikhailovskaya village was already large, crowded and was the administrative center of the Cossack regiment. Atamans, clerk, treasurer and judge N. Kamynin lived here. In the center of the village, on a market square of 5,000 square fathoms, stood a church. A dirt road from the Stavropol fortress to the Don fortress passed through the market square and was called a tract, popularly called a “way”.
Large streets ran in the direction from west to east. The huts were built of adobe and wood, covered with straw, reeds, iron - rarely, and since 1870 - tiles. They were built from two rooms: a room and a living, heated room, between them a canopy. The walls of the rooms were decorated with photographs, there was a holy corner for icons and lamps, which served as illumination on religious holidays. At the holy corner was a table with benches to sit on. There was a Russian stove in the living room at the entrance. In the yard there were barns for livestock, a barn for storing grain. The rich had huts-kitchens in the yard. Hired workers slept in them during the warm season, and in winter - calves and piglets warmed up. Yards were fenced with a stone wall or poles, and kitchen gardens with a ditch. Food was cooked in Russian stoves, in the summer in the yard on a taganka or a stove made of stones.
* * * * *
Family and family. Cossack families were large: old parents, sons with wives, unmarried daughters, grandchildren. For example, Nestor Lagodin had 20 souls, Stepan Mishustin - 13 souls, Grigory Komarevtsev - 12 souls, Denis Nartov - 12 souls, Andrei Konev - 16 souls, Isai Moskvitin - 10 souls, etc.
In the village, the Nartovs had 20 families, the Solgalovs had 14 families, the Pereverzevs had 10 families, and the Slashchevs had 11 families.
The head of the family was the grandfather-father. Everyone obeyed him. The old one knows the Cossack customs and orders, teaches, instructs children in the grain business. The young ones work in the fields, and the old father is at home. Carts, sledges, collars and all harness are put in order, as well as stables, sheds, barns - everything will be put in order.
The old father disposed of the grain in the following way: he left part for sowing, part for food and sale. He sells bread and buys whatever he needs for the family, as well as for the household. And in the hut the old mother, a smart, much experienced hard worker, is in charge. She shed many tears from grief in her lifetime, but there were few joys. She keeps the good Cossack traditions, she is always at work: she knits, she swings, she looks after her grandchildren, she watches her daughters-in-law how they work, she will help them in business, she will teach them without swearing. For this, her daughters-in-law were respected and obeyed. In the morning, the family will give a routine, who will cook food, who will milk the cows, who will go to work in the field, and who will wash the clothes.
For all the women in the house there was a strict routine.
In summer, the Cossacks worked from sunrise to sunset, and in winter they rose to the cock singing until dawn. In the long winter evenings, women spun flax and hemp fiber, as well as wool. Stockings, gloves, scarves were knitted from wool; on a homemade loom weaved a cloth 33 arshins long. Quietly at work, they carried on everyday conversations, sang soulful songs:
The Cossack rode through the valley,
through the Caucasus region.
He jumped in the green garden
The ring glittered on her hand.
A Cossack is coming from a distant land,
A young Cossack rides
Gay, dear side of the heart,
Steppe expanse of gold.
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Steppe expanse of gold.
The men begin to tell interesting tales, various stories, and everyone goes to bed on the stove, on beds, on benches and on the floor, spreading straw. They covered themselves with sheepskin coats, blankets and calmly fell asleep.
* * * * *
The Cossacks taught their children to work from childhood. To drive horses to a watering place, to go for cattle, to go to the Russian forest for firewood, to be plowing, and also to harvest; in gardens, in vegetable gardens to help adults harvest. There were games of rare fun - Kazanka, siskin and others. The girls were more likely to nurse the younger children. The children loved their village, garden and vegetable garden, forest, fields and animals.
The education of children at that time was not long-term. Learned to read, write - and well. The school was empty during the summer. In the fall, at a stanitsa meeting, the teacher reminds the Cossacks about the school, that the time has come to send children to school.
- Yes, we are not averse to sending boys. Serve them, but why do girls need a diploma? - answered the men.
The day of rest began with a bathing day - Saturday. The steam bath in the village was a kind of hospital for people. Naked in a steam bath, people slapped themselves with oak brooms for the benefit of the body and the destruction of hot steam of lice in clothes, of which the negligent had a lot. After the bath, people felt unusual lightness, then they went to church for worship.
Evening, the moon is shining. Is the youth up to sleep here? Girls and boys are having fun. The girls have braids to the waist, it's nice to see. The guys in shirts with buckles, on their heads Cossack caps are shifted to the side, so that the girls look at the Cossack forelock. They danced, sang songs, joked, laughed. Then each Cossack escorted his girlfriend home. Youth is a good time.
They worked on weekdays, they didn’t have fun and didn’t get bored on fasting, but they also worked. Meat-eater - it's time for weddings.
Son turned 18. It's time to get married. Choosing a bride is a problem for non-blood relations. “What a mother is, such is a daughter,” parents said to their son. - In appearance, your bride is nothing, beautiful. Yes, here's the mother on the street sewing laces, the children are not well-groomed. The rooms are dirty. What can her daughter do? Never mind. The father does the work in a blunder, a loafer, the fields are not well-groomed. How will you live? We like another girl. She is hardworking, friendly, stately and healthy. What is her genus? Father, mother are quick to work. Father is a craftsman, a hard worker, smart. Mother is gold. It's nice to come into the house. Daughter - what you need, everything is trained.
The guy agrees with the arguments of his parents. He sends sensible matchmakers who know the order of matchmaking, the honor of the groom will not be dropped, the masters will say the word. Married. The young people were announced that they are now the bride and groom. A month before the wedding. The matchmakers reached an agreement, the so-called "reprimand", in favor of the bride ...
Wedding! On a horse line with arched bells in a beautiful dress, the bride is taken down the aisle to the church. And at the gates of the church, decorated with multi-colored ribbons, there is a cart of the groom with his friends, waiting for the bride. A wedding train with relatives and guests is also going here. Everyone goes to church. The priest performs a ritual wedding ceremony.
From the church, the bride and groom ride together on a cart to the groom's house, and behind them the wedding train rushes with harmony, with songs and ditties.
It also happens that the bride and groom do not agree with the arguments of their parents, because they love each other. The bride is told that the groom's father is a quitter, a drunkard and a fighter; the hut is falling down, the economy is bad, and the groom is bad. In this case, the young people have only one solution: a wedding on the run, i.e. secretly the groom takes the bride to his house. The father of the bride is raging, cursing the groom and his daughter, who is threatened with murder. But time passes, and peace sets in in the family: a Cossack grandson was born.
And further. According to the legend of the old in the village of Mikhailovskaya, there lived a girl named Dunyasha. I walked with my girlfriends, picked flowers, wove wreaths. Childhood has flown by. The girl blossomed, and love came to her.
On a holiday, on a quiet summer evening, the girlfriends call Dunyasha to the mound to dream, laugh and sing songs, to swear their loyalty to their beloved.
The time came and the rich came to the matchmaker's house, but not those whom she was waiting for. They married Dunyasha against her will. She walked down the aisle cheerful, and at home at the table with the word “bitterly” she became sad. Dunya went out into the yard for a minute on a starry evening, but never returned to the table.
They searched, checked all the nearest wells and ponds on the river, and found her body on the mound. Since then, the villagers have called this mound "Dunin".
Now there is no Dunya mound - they dug it with a bulldozer. In memory of the Dunin Kurgan, the authorities named the street Kurgannaya.
* * * * *
Trade in the Mikhailovskaya village took place, one might say, almost from its foundation. In archival documents it is written: "... In 1790, the merchant class of 18 men came out ...". And the "merchant" in the law of Russia is an entrepreneur-merchant. Merchants were benefactors. In Russia, they were awarded medals and orders. They were awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen", and they were enrolled in the nobility. In the stanitsa bazaars, Nekrasov's poems were sung about them:
Uncle Jacob's
About you goods of any kind,
good sitz,
Pretty and cheap!
Printed chintzes, cashmere shorts with patterns, rings, crosses and earrings, beads and ribbons in red, white and blue. Pots and bowls for cabbage soup. Horse harness and tar for lubricating harness and wheels. Sickles, the sharpness of which was tested on one's beard, like a razor, and braids were tested for suitability when struck with a flint on the scythe: if the spark is long, then the scythe is kind, good. Leather shoes were sold so that water does not pass.
And on Shrovetide they traded fish, brought mostly from the Caspian Sea.
* * * * *
During the Caucasian War, the border military line moved south. In the upper reaches of the Kuban, new fortifications arose - Cossack villages. Stavropol lost its military significance, and the remaining 12 villages in the rear, including Mikhailovskaya, were turned into a civil state and included in the Stavropol province. The officers and Cossacks of these villages, who wished to remain in the Cossack regiments, were obliged to move to the newly established villages of the Trans-Kuban Territory. But they didn't go. The documents dated December 30, 1869 say that “the officers of these villages with their families, as well as their widows and orphans, are ranked among the nobility of the Stavropol province, hereditary nobles - to hereditary, and personal - to personal; constables and Cossacks with their families, as well as their widows and orphans, - into the state of rural inhabitants. On January 1, 1870, the village of Mikhailovskaya was renamed the village of Mikhailovskoye. But for many years the Cossack traditions were preserved in the village of Mikhailovsky.


In our time, a multi-million Cossack people inhabit the banks of the Don and Kuban, Terek, Ural and Lower Volga, Irtysh and Amur, as well as Transbaikalia, Ussuri and Kamchatka.
The Cossacks stood and will stand for their freedom, for their lands, for their faith. The Cossacks have always defended and will continue to defend the rights of the offended and oppressed, without imposing their customs and customs on other peoples. They faithfully served the Motherland and their state. The tsarist government turned peasant settlements into a Cossack state and rewarded them with land.
With the advent of Soviet power, for which many Cossacks laid down their little heads on the battlefields of the civil war, they were illegally repressed, so much so that the word "village" was erased, destroyed, replaced by another.
Now, 70 years later, the union of the Cossacks of Russia is being legally revived.
On February 16, 1991, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the first large Cossack circle was held in the village of Mikhailovskaya (now the village of Shpakovskoye) to elect the first ataman of the Cossack village of Mikhailovskaya. A prayer service was served by the priest of the local church, Pyotr Nikitich Merkelov.
The first ataman was elected a Cossack descendant of the village of Mikhailovskaya Apalkov Vasily Vasilyevich, also elected the ataman council and the council of the elderly.
Cossack family - no translation!

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