The life and death of the leader of the rock band Nirvana Kurt Cobain (50 photos). "cobain ruined everything"


Kurt Cobain is an American musician, the leader of the famous rock band Nirvana.

The main films of the actor Kurt Cobain

  • short biography

    Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington. In a family of Irish, Scottish and German roots, waitress Wendy Elizabeth Cobain and car mechanic Donald Leland Cobain, Kurt also had a younger sister, Kimberly. The Cobain family was musical, Kurt's uncle Chuck Freidenburg played in a band called The Beachcombers, his aunt Mary Earle played guitar and performed at local eateries, and his great-uncle Delbert was a famous Irish tenor. Therefore, little Cobain fell in love with singing from the age of two, and at the age of four he sat down at the piano for the first time and wrote his first songs, during his school years he sang in the choir of the Baptist church.

    Kurt also liked to draw, which was actively supported by his grandmother Iris, a professional artist. When Cobain was seven years old, his parents divorced, later in an interview he said that this greatly traumatized him and changed his personality. According to the court, Kurt stayed with his father, who soon remarried a woman named Vesteby, who already had two children of her own - James and Mindy, and later she gave birth to a common child, who was named Chad.

    On Cobain's fourteenth birthday, Cobain's uncle offered a bicycle or a used guitar as a gift, Kurt chose an instrument and soon learned to play Led Zeppelin's first song, "Stairway To Heaven."

    In high school, he met Krist Novoselic, and they formed the now famous band Nirvana, which released three studio albums that sold millions of copies. The ensemble took 27th place in the list of legendary rock bands according to Rolling Stone magazine. In 1990, in one of the nightclubs in Portland, Cobain met actress and singer Courtney Love, she is still the leader of the Hole rock band and is known for her roles in such films as The Man in the Moon, The People vs. Larry Flynt "," Sid and Nancy ". And in 1992, the couple had a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, shortly after that, in one of the conversations with journalists, Courtney inadvertently mentioned that she was taking heroin while she was carrying a child, this was followed by a lawsuit, as a result of which the girl miraculously remained in the care of her parents. Now Francis is studying at the university, works as a model and, like her father, draws beautifully.

    In March 1994, in Italy, Cobain made his first suicide attempt with drugs and alcohol. Returning home, he tried again with a firearm, but Courtney managed to call the police in time. After that, he agreed to treatment for drug addiction in one of the clinics in Los Angeles, but, having gone out on March 30 for cigarettes, he did not return to the hospital, but bought a ticket back to Seattle. They searched for him for almost a week, but to no avail, already three days after his death, on April 8, 1994, his body and suicide note were discovered by an electrician who came to fix the security system. Although Kurt's death was officially ruled a suicide, many fans believe that it was a murder, in favor of this version is the huge amount of drugs in his blood that would have prevented him from using a shotgun, the dissimilar handwriting in the suicide note and the fact that his credit card was still used some time after death.

How it really was

Cobain's name - "John Lennon of his generation," as he was called - also became synonymous with disillusionment and disappointment in life. He was a "poet of suffering." The whole world after his suicide wondered: why?

Cobain has long been a victim of psychiatric "help". While still at school, “experts in child psychology” diagnosed Cobain with “hyperactivity.” An energetic, talented, creative child who loved to sing “Beatles,” Cobain was among the children who, in the 60s and 70s, under the guise of providing “ help in studies” were stuffed with psychotropic drugs that form drug addiction. Cobain was the "child of Ritalin".
Ritalin is a substance similar in properties to amphetamines, which acts as a tranquilizer in children. This drug is on Schedule 2 of the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances, along with opium, cocaine and morphine.
In Cobain, this drug caused insomnia. Accordingly, in order to neutralize this effect, he was prescribed sedatives. Despite claims by psychiatrists that stimulants help children learn, Cobain studied poorly and dropped out of school. After years of taking addictive drugs prescribed to him, Cobain easily switched to street drugs. Cobain's years-long struggle with heroin addiction was widely publicized as he constantly tried to end his addiction but couldn't.

The situation was complicated by advanced chronic diseases that haunted him all his life: the weight of an electric guitar hanging around his neck increased the curvature of the spine, and "burning in the stomach and nausea" often drove him to thoughts of committing suicide. Stomach pain is a side effect of Ritalin. Cobain used heroin to "put out the fire in his stomach."

Cobain's drug problems became critical. In desperation, his wife Courtney Love and several friends referred him to a psychiatric drug rehabilitation center. 36 hours after admission, Cobain escaped and in a small room above the garage, in a quiet suburb of Seattle, shot in the head with a pump-action shotgun, committed suicide.

In his suicide note, he mentions two things that forced him to make this decision: stomach pains that haunted him for years, and the pangs of musical creativity, which he described in these words: "My passion has cooled down." The chemistry dissolved the artist, the music stopped, and Kurt Cobain lost the meaning of life.

Rules of life

My name is Kurt I sing and play the guitar, but in general, I'm a walking and talking bacterial infection. I don't want to get too close to anyone. I don't want anyone to know how I feel and what I think. And if you are not able to understand what I will make of myself, listening to my music, well, alas.

Hope, that I won't turn into Pete Townshend. It's pretty funny at 40 to do what we do on stage now. That's why I want to quit my career before it's too late.
It's better to burn out than to fade.

I have a message for our fans. If for any reason you hate homosexuals, people of color and women, please do us a favor. Leave us alone your mother! Don't come to our concerts, don't buy our records.

I never didn't want fame or anything like that. It just so happened.
Until I was 9 years old, I was firmly convinced that I would become either a rock star, or an astronaut, or a president ..

All drugs- it's a waste of time. They destroy your memory, self-respect everything that has to do with self-esteem.
When I started taking heroin, I knew it would be as boring as smoking marijuana, but I couldn't stop, heroin became like air.

I love everyone - that's what's sad.

Life is what you build that your crossword puzzle.

I have always felt being an outcast, and that couldn't help but worry me. I could not understand why I did not want to communicate with my peers and classmates. Many years later, I understood why - I could not get along with them, primarily because they were indifferent to my work.
I'm tired of constantly pretending to be a nice guy just to get along with others and have friends. He wore a simple flannel shirt, chewed tobacco, and for many years became a reclusive monk in his little room. Over time, I even began to forget what normal communication with people is.
When I realized that I would not find a person like me, I simply stopped making friends with people.

I'm really glad that I have a lot of money. This gives me confidence. In addition, I know that my child will grow up in abundance and will always be provided. This makes me feel good.

I was looking for something heavier and at the same time quite melodic. Something that would be fundamentally different from heavy metal and would have a completely different attitude to the world.

Nobody dies virgin... Life has us all.

February 20 to the leader of the American group Nirvana Kurt Cobain would have been 45 years old.

Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 at Grays Harbor Community Hospital in Aberdeen, Washington, near Seattle. Kurt was of mixed Scottish, English, Irish, German and French blood.

Kurt's father was 21-year-old Donald Leland Cobain, a mechanic at a service station, Irish by birth, his mother was Don's wife, 19-year-old Wendy Elizabeth Cobain (maiden name Freudenberg), an Irish of German origin, who changed several professions in her life. She worked as a teacher, and a secretary, and a waitress in a bar. Kurt also had a sister, Kim (Kimberly), who was born in April 1970.

At the age of two, Kurt showed an aptitude for music, which is not surprising since he was born into a family of musicians. According to Aunt Marie Earle, Wendy's 14-year-old sister, at the age of four, the boy sang and wrote songs. She even tried to teach him to play the guitar, which she herself played, but nothing worked. Kurt enjoyed listening to songs from artists such as The Beatles and The Monkees; he often visited rehearsals with his aunt and uncle, who were performing at that time in a country ensemble. Wendy sang well, and his great-uncle Delbert made a career as an Irish tenor in The King of Jazz (1930). Cobain has been described as a happy, excitable and sensitive child. When he was seven years old, Aunt Marie Earl gave him a Mickey Mouse drum kit. Kurt loved drawing his favorite cartoon and movie characters like Aquaman, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Disney characters like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Pluto. Here's what Kurt had to say about his childhood.

At the age of 14 Kurt gave up drumming and started learning to play the guitar given to him by his uncle Chuck for his birthday. Warren Mason, musician of The Beachcombers, became his first teacher. Around the same time, he became interested in punk after reading an article about the Sex Pistols in Creem magazine. It was almost impossible to get their records in Aberdeen, so he had a rather vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat such music should sound like (by his own definition, “three chords and a lot of screaming”), but in his heart Kurt was already on fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a punk band. Soon he met the members of the Aberdeen Melvins, who played music that combined elements of punk and hard rock (later this style was called "grunge"). At the Melvins, he met Chris Novoselic.

In 1985, Kurt formed a group called Fecal Matter; It consisted of bass guitarist Dale Crover, drummer Greg Hokanson and actually Cobain - vocalist and guitarist. About a year later, the team disbanded without releasing a single disc; after that, Kurt began to distribute the demo of Fecal Matter among his acquaintances - he wanted to create a new group. One of the tapes went to Chris Novoselic, Kurt's friend. For a while he seemed to forget about it, but a few months later he suddenly started a conversation with Cobain about how they should form a rock band (he listened to the tape and liked the material). The newly formed team (in which a third member soon appeared - drummer Aaron Burkhard) changed several names: "Skid Row", "Ted Ed Fred", "Bliss", "Pen Cap Chew", but in the end it was chosen " Nirvana ". "I was looking for a title that was pretty or nice," Cobain explained. In 1988, the band's first single, "Love Buzz/Big Cheese", was released, and the following year, Nirvana's debut album Bleach was released.

In 1991, the 2nd album was released Nirvana - Nevermind, which was very popular; the compositions Smells Like Teen Spirit, Lithium, Come As You Are became hits on MTV, the disc had the status of "diamond". Cobain was taken aback by the unexpected success of the album: "I certainly couldn't let my ego admit that we are so big that we deserve so much attention... I felt stupid that there are many bands in the underground scene that are just as good like us, or better than us, but for some reason only we attract attention. He also noted that he was somewhat dissatisfied with the sound of the disc - very much, in his opinion, "smooth" and "pop". But, be that as it may, it was with the release of Nevermind that Nirvana gained popularity and commercial success, and Kurt was proclaimed the "voice of a generation" (a title that he denied all his life).

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love first met in 1989. Subsequently, both claimed that even then they were imbued with mutual sympathy for each other. In 1991, Love met Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl. He brought her back to Kurt, noticing that Cobain and Courtney had a mutual interest in each other; soon the couple began an affair, and in 1992 Kurt and Courtney got married (by that time Love was already pregnant with their child). According to Cobain, he "couldn't believe how happy he was": "At times I even forget that I'm in a band, I'm just blinded by love ... I know it sounds strange, but it's true."
Frances Bean Cobain was born on August 18, 1992, the daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love.

Kurt was a loving husband and caring father, which, at first glance, did not really fit with his image. “Every time I watch a television show about dying children… I can’t stop crying,” he writes in an unsent letter to his father. - Every day I am haunted by the thought that I can lose my child. I even get a little nervous when I take it in the car, afraid of getting into an accident.

On April 8, 1994, an electrician named Gary Smith arrived at the Cobain home at 171 Lake Washington Blvd East in Seattle at 08:30 to install the security system. Smith rang the house several times, but no one answered the door. Then he noticed a Volvo car parked in a garage next to the house, and decided that the owners of the house, perhaps in the garage or greenhouse, which was located directly above the garage. Smith checked the garage, then climbed the stairs to the greenhouse. Through the glass door of the greenhouse, Smith noticed the body and assumed that someone was sleeping, however, looking closely, he saw blood at the left ear and a gun lying across the body. So it was discovered Kurt Cobain . At 8:45 a.m., Gary Smith called the police and the local radio station. Kurt left a suicide note written in red pen. Below is the full text of this note.

For Bodda it is spoken

In the language of an experienced simpleton who would rather be castrated, an infantile whiner. This note will be fairly easy to understand. All warnings from 101 punk rock lessons over the years. from my first exposure to, let's say, ethics related to independence and the perception of your community, turned out to be very correct. For many years I have not felt excited when I listen to or create music, and also when I read or write. I can't put into words how embarrassed I am about this. For example, when we are backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins, it does not move me, like Freddie Mercury, who seems to have loved, bathed in the love and adoration of the crowd. This is something I admire and envy to no end. The fact is, I can't fool you. None of you. It's just not fair to you or me. The worst crime I can imagine is ripping people off while pretending I'm having 100% fun. Sometimes I feel like I have to start a timer before going on stage. I tried everything in my power to be grateful for it (and I am grateful, God, believe me, I am grateful, but this is not enough). I appreciate what I am and we have touched and entertained a lot of people. I'm probably one of those narcissists who only appreciate something when they lose it. I'm too sensitive. I need to become a little deaf in order to regain the enthusiasm that I once had as a child. During the last three tours I have felt a lot more gratitude towards all the people I know personally and the fans of our music, but I still can't get over the annoyance, guilt and compassion towards everyone. There is something good in all of us and I think I just love people too much. So much that it makes me fucking sad. Sad little, sensitive, ungrateful, fish, Jesus man! Why don't you just enjoy it? I don't know. I have a goddess wife who oozes ambition and compassion, and a daughter who reminds me too much of who I was. Full of love and joy, kissing everyone she meets, because everyone is good and will not harm her. And it terrifies me to the point where I can hardly do anything. I can't bear to think that Frances will become the pathetic, self-destructive death rocker that I have become. There are good things in my life, very good things, and I am grateful, but from the age of seven I began to hate all of humanity in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along with each other and have empathy. Sympathy! I think it's only because I love and empathize with people too much. Thank you all from the depths of my burning sick stomach for your letters and care in recent years. I have too much of a fickle, capricious child! I no longer have passion, so remember: it's better to burn out than fade away. peace, love, compassion. Kurt Cobain

Francis and Courtney, I'll be at your altar.

Please don't stop Courtney

for the sake of francis

for her life, which will be much happier

without me. I love you. I love you!

The protocol of the inspection of the scene was drawn up formally, without an in-depth analysis of the details. According to one version of the investigation, Cobain injected himself with a dose of heroin that was incompatible with life, and shot himself in the head with a gun. Forensics also concluded that Kurt died on April 5 and his dead body lay in the house for three days. There is also speculation about the deliberate murder of Kurt. The list of suspects unofficially included Courtney Love.

After cremation, some of Cobain's ashes were scattered over the Wishka River in his native Aberdeen, and Courtney kept some for herself. The unofficial place of worship for the singer's memory is a memorial bench in Viretta Park, located near Cobain's last home in Seattle. The greenhouse above the garage where Kurt's body was found was demolished in 1997 and the house sold.

Kurt Cobain is an American rock musician and singer, songwriter, artist, lead singer of the cult rock band Nirvana. Even during his lifetime, he became a symbol of his generation, and Nirvana's style influenced many of today's famous musicians.

Childhood and family

Kurt Cobain (Kurt Donald Cobain) was born on February 20, 1967 in the town of Aberdeen, Washington, in a poor family of auto mechanic Donald Leland and housewife Wendy Elizabeth. Kurt had Scottish, English, Irish, German and French roots. In 1970, the boy had a sister, Kim (Kimberly).

According to relatives, already at the age of two, Kurt showed an ability for music - even then he was singing the songs of The Beatles with might and main. Later, Cobain discovered the music of rock legends - AC / DC, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Queen and Kiss.

He often went to rehearsals with his aunt and uncle, who performed in a country ensemble. At the age of seven, Aunt Marie Earle gave Kurt a Mickey Mouse drum kit.

When the boy was only 9 years old, his parents divorced. This had a very strong effect on him - he became gloomy and withdrawn, it seemed to him that the former world collapsed before his eyes.

Cobain later admitted: “Then I was ashamed of my parents. Because of their divorce, I could not communicate properly with my classmates. I terribly wanted to have an ordinary complete family with a mother and father. I wanted that reassurance and protection from them, and because I didn't have that, I got mad at my parents for years."

For some time, Kurt lived with his mother, but then moved to his father. At this time, Kurt's uncle, whom the boy loved very much, committed suicide. Soon his father remarried, but Kurt could not get along with his stepmother and left his father. Then he began to live with Donald's parents, then with relatives on his mother's side.

At the age of 14, Kurt began learning to play the guitar. His first teacher was Warren Mason, a musician from The Beachcombers. Soon Kurt met the members of the Aberdeen Melvins band. It was then that Cobain became interested in punk rock - his tastes were influenced by the famous British Sex Pistols, whose music he did not even hear at first, but only read about it in magazines. He was very interested in the description of the Sex Pistols style as "little music and a lot of screaming", and he wanted to create something similar himself.

After leaving school, Kurt wandered a little, but then he still got a job - for some time he worked as a cleaner in the hospital where he was born. On May 18, 1986, Kurt was arrested for trespassing and drinking alcohol. He served eight days in prison.

The birth of Nirvana

In 1985, Kurt Cobain created the group Fecal Matter, which included bass guitarist Dale Crover, drummer Greg Hokanson and Kurt Cobain himself as vocalist and guitarist. The team disbanded a year later. Kurt wanted to start a new band, so he started distributing the Fecal Matter demo. The recording was heard by guitarist Chris Novoselic, a friend of Kurt's.

The new team, in which a third member soon appeared - drummer Aaron Burkhard, changed several names, as a result, the choice was stopped at Nirvana. In 1988, the band's first single, Love Buzz/Big Cheese, was released, and in 1989, Nirvana's first album, Bleach, went on sale.

In 1991, Nirvana's second album "Nevermind" appeared and literally shot to the masses. This was not expected, and the musicians themselves did not really want it - the hype and admiration of the crowd were not included in the plans of the group defending its independent sound. The album sold out at 400,000 copies a week - such numbers were not dreamed of by their colleagues in the shop, Sonic Youth, who collaborated with the same label. In 1992, "Nevermind" moved the album "Dangerous" by Michael Jackson on the Billboard 200 chart.

Nirvana - "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

The main breakthrough of the album was the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit", although the first single was planned to be released more melancholy, but no less explosive "Lithium".

Cobain later admitted that he hated "Smells Like Teen Spirit" for the countless times he had to perform it in concert. Nevertheless, it was this song that literally became the anthem and protest of generation X, and the subsequent "Ys" and "Zets". Kurt hated popularity even more - the crowds of fans at concerts gave him more and more discomfort, and the ridicule of connoisseurs of alternative music pissed him off.

Nirvana - "Lithium"

In 1993, the group released a new album - "In Utero" with the songs "Heart-Shaped Box", "Rape Me", "All Apologies" that became popular. Despite the fact that Nirvana tried to make the sound heavier on this record, the disc sold well, and the catchy compositions were a success with the listeners.

Nirvana was for the most part an apolitical group, but Kurt often used the status to draw attention to issues such as homophobia, sexism, racism. At some concerts, he arranged improvisational performances, shocking the audience.

Nirvana - "About A Girl"

Despite the fact that many consider Nirvana the progenitors of the grunge genre, this is not entirely true. Kurt Cobain's band brought the genre into the mainstream of rock music, but its founding fathers include Soundgarden, Melvins and The U-Men. "Grunge" from English means "dirt", "neglect", "anguish", this style is characterized by dirty guitar sound, sound distortion, "lazy" vocals with wheezing and screaming.

Personal life of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain met Courtney Love around 1989 or 1990 at one of the concerts in Portland, where she also performed with her band. In 1991, Courtney met Kurt again, and an affair began between them. In 1992, Kurt and Courtney got married on the Hawaiian island of Waikiki. At this time, Love was already pregnant, and on August 18, 1992, she gave birth to a girl, Frances Bean Cobain.

Shortly before the birth of her daughter, Courtney mentioned in an interview that she used heroin during pregnancy, but when she found out about her situation, she gave up drugs. She had no idea what such a confession would turn into for her: after the birth of Francis, a case was initiated against the Cobains to deprive them of their parental rights. The trial lasted several months, as a result, the Cobains won the case, but were required to undergo regular drug tests. Kurt was deeply hurt by such suspicions, because he was a loving husband and caring father.

Drug addict

From childhood, Cobain was in poor health. He suffered from chronic bronchitis and severe stomach pains that doctors were never able to diagnose. From the age of 13, Cobain used marijuana, smoked, took drugs and hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. He began using heroin in the hope of getting rid of stomach pains, but they only became more frequent, and the drug quickly became an addiction.

On March 4, 1994, in Rome, Cobain almost died from an overdose of Rohypnol. He took about fifty pills, which he then washed down with champagne. Courtney found him lying unconscious and called an ambulance. Then Kurt said that it came out by negligence, but many were sure that it was a suicide attempt.

On the 20th of March 1994, Cobain decided to undergo therapy at the Exodus rehabilitation center in California. On March 30, Kurt flew to Los Angeles to begin treatment. However, on April 1, he escaped from the hospital.

DeathThe true cause of the death of Kurt Cobain is still unknown to anyone

After cremation, some of Cobain's ashes were scattered over the Wishka River in his native Aberdeen, and Courtney kept some for herself. An unofficial place of worship for the singer's memory is a memorial bench in Viretta Park, which is located near Cobain's last home in Seattle. The greenhouse above the garage where Kurt's body was found was demolished in 1997 and the house was sold.

"The Last Days" (Trailer)

In addition to numerous documentaries about the life and death of Kurt, Gus Van Sant dedicated the film The Last Days to him in 2005, in which Michael Pitt starred as the legendary musician.

17 years have passed since Kurt Cobain passed away. His death is shrouded in mystery, but everyone agrees on one thing - to die was his personal decision. In memory of this unique person, and in honor of his 44th birthday (02/20/1967), we present to your attention 44 facts from his life.

1. Before his participation in the Nirvana group, Cobain tried to get into the Melvins group, but he was not accepted.
2. As a teenager, Cobain lived at his friend's house for more than 8 months.
3. At a time when Nirvana was just starting their career, they received a fax from Metallica, where they were offered a collaboration.
4. Over the years, Cobain has been making a series of films called "Super-8", in one of these films there is a scene of Cobain's suicide.
5. In his free time, Kurt liked to buy cuts of meat and then shoot them in the nearby woods.
6. For a period of time, Cobain threw up before every performance.
7. In June 1976, shortly after his parents divorced, a young Cobain wrote on the bedroom wall this inscription: "I hate mom, I hate dad, dad hates mom, mom hates dad, it's just impossible not to be sad."
8. One of Cobain's friends, Carrie Montgomery, once said: "he made women want to protect him and take care of him, it's just paradoxical, while being cruel and strong at the same time, he could seem fragile and vulnerable to them"
9. Cobain had a chance to join the US Navy, he discussed it with recruiters quite a lot at one time.
10. In an interview, Cobain said: "I have met many minds that can store and digest a huge amount of information, but none of them had an ounce of wisdom to appreciate passion"

11. Cobain recorded his first compositions in 1982 at the house of his aunt Marie and called "Organized Confusion"
12. Cobain began daily heroin use in order to relieve chronic stomach pain.
13. According to some sources, he spent $100 on heroin daily.
14. In an interview, Cobain stated that the Sex Pistols were much cooler than the Clash.
15. After Nirvana became famous, they offered to play at the first international underground festival in Olympia, but the project coordinators turned them down, which deeply hurt Cobain.
16. Started wearing boxers during his affair with Courtney Love
17. Kurt sometimes had moments where he could sit in a corner for 45 minutes and not say a word.
18. Cobain once said: "Art that has long-term value cannot be appreciated by the majority, only a small percentage will understand and appreciate it"
19. Cobain could read Close Encounters of the Third Kind dialogue word for word.
20. Hours after his Saturday Night Live performance and literally a week before Nevermind hit number 1 on the chart, Cobain overdosed on drugs. He was found by Courtney Love at 7am, lying on the floor. She managed to revive him with a spray of water.

21. On Christmas Eve 1991, Cobain and Courtney Love moved in together in a small room in a friend's apartment.
22. As a boy, Cobain was prescribed Ritalin to reduce hyperactivity.
23. When asked if he wants to be number 1 on Billboard, Cobain replied: "It's like being 16th, except that more people will kiss your ass"
24. One of Cobain's most prized possessions was the first edition of Naked Lunch signed by the author, William Burroughs.
25. In 1992, Cobain claimed to have spent a million dollars with Courtney Love: $80,000 for personal expenses, $380,000 for taxes, $300,000 for a house in Washington, and the rest for doctors and lawyers. "It's not that much," he then stated.
26. After performing "Territorial Pissings" on Saturday Night Live, Cobain and the band's bassist began kissing, which SNL, which aired the show, refused to replay.
27. Before he became famous, Cobain worked as an instructor in the children's pool.
28. At the age of 6, he started throwing 7-Up cans filled with rocks at police cars.
29. In a letter to a former drummer, Cobain wrote: "Making a name on records is not a thing, someone can certainly do it, but there is a huge difference between how you do it and whether you achieve self-respect"
30. After listening to “In Bloom” for the first time and realizing how good the composition is, Courtney Love said: “I felt sorry for Kurt, I already imagined the nightmare that awaits him after this composition is released”

31. As a child, Kurt had a drum kit in the form of Mickey Mouse.
32. Cobain wrote: "I was forced to become a reclusive rock star. No performances, interviews or anything. All this because of those who did not contribute to the development of rock, who only interfered with the manifestations of artistry"
33. Cobain first saw himself on TV on September 28, 1991. It was a video from MTV.
34. At the age of 1 year, Cobain was dressed up for Halloween in a cut rubber woman costume.
35. Cobain once said: "I spent most of my life as a man, but I always preferred to communicate with girls, I liked softer music. But everything changed when I started smoking marijuana"
36. Before the launch of the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” show, Kurt exclaimed, “Courtney Love is the best fuck in the world.”
37. Cobain's favorite song is "Gigantic" by Pixy
38. Courtney Love once stated, "Kurt was clean and incredibly ambitious, whatever he wanted, he got."
39. At a time when Nirvana was just starting their career, Kurt claimed that they train 5 nights a week.
40. In elementary school, Kurt's father signed him up for wrestling, but the boy did not want to fight, all the time he sat on the carpet with his arms crossed and doing nothing.

41. Cobain had an imaginary friend "Boddah" as a child
42. As a child, Kurt often watched TV until late at night.
43. In a letter to his father, Cobain wrote: "I didn't learn anything from you and your mother because when I was just growing up, I received the same dose of hatred from both of you."
44. Being homeless, Cobain slept in the waiting room of Grays Harbor Community Hospital, where he was born.

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