The life of Madina Tamova after filming in the project “The Bachelor. The winner of the third season of "The Bachelor" wished Glinnikov's bride patience The brightest and most romantic moment on the show that you remember


Fans believe that the Caucasian beauty n

e worthy of life with the hero of "Interns"

In the last series of the TV project "The Bachelor", an enviable groom - Ilya Glinnikov brought the girls to Georgia to get acquainted with his relatives. First on a date with a subsequent family dinner, he called Madina Tamova. The actor took the girl to the cable car, where his parents once went on a first date. Madina took this as a good sign.

There is some subtle hint in this. Or I really want him to be, - Tamova laughs.

While the two were in the cabin and hovering over the beauties of Tbilisi, the actor decided to take advantage of privacy and tell the story of his family. He said that he had never seen his father, he was a neurosurgeon, then, protecting his mother, by an absurd accident he got to places not so remote, then he chose a path along which no one was supposed to know that he had children. Ilya just called him. And not so long ago, his parent passed away. Note that the hero of the "Interns" was not so open with any of the girls.

“For me, it is very valuable and dear that a person shares such intimate things with me,” Madina comments on the story of the artist on camera.

After walking around the city, the couple went to a family dinner, where the protagonist's family was already waiting for them. At the table sat: Glinnikov's mother, two grandmothers, sister and niece. Also present was the younger brother - Vlad.

The older ladies were wary and separately informed the operators that if they didn’t like something in the applicant, they would immediately tell the girl about it. They also warned that the new lady of the heart would be evaluated extremely strictly, so that something bad would not happen again. After all, Glinnikov barely recovered from the break with his wife.

When Madina and Ilya entered, all those gathered gasped happily. The tension disappeared, the girl began to hug and compliment.

“Come to our house and be at home, my good one,” the mother of the “Bachelor” said, hugging her daughter-in-law.

“You are pretty, you look like a Georgian, and I really like it,” the oldest participant in the feast, grandmother Nina, expressed her sympathy.

No tricky questions were asked to Madina and they did not check at all, as promised. On the contrary, they immediately began to call her “our girl”. Ninu's grandmother even said that there was no point in watching the rest.

“It’s enough for me to just look at a person and it’s already clear. Madina is a well-bred girl in whom the breed is felt. The only daughter, they invested all the best in her, - this is how Ilya's mother described Tamova after talking in private.

— It seems to me that we found a common language, the meeting went very well. I want to join this family with pleasure, - the Caucasian beauty shares her impressions.

After Madina, not one of the participants in the show who came was hugged and praised so much in the family circle.

In total, Glinnikov brought the four girls who remained on the project to get acquainted. At the rose ceremony, he kicked out two, leaving Madina Tamova and Ekaterina Nikulina. The next series will be the last, "The Bachelor" will finally give one of the participants a ring and invite them to continue the relationship outside the project.

In a few months, the finalists of the project formed an impressive army of fans. They discuss heroines daily and follow their lives in social networks. There are much more fans of Madina, among them there are those who categorically do not want Tamova to win. Despite their sympathy, they want to find a real man for their favorite, and not an amorous actor who kissed most of the participants, chased another girl to the city of Sochi with pleas for her return. Also, viewers believe that Madina should not hang out with Ilya's punk friends in basements and bars.

Russian actor Ilya Glinnikov provoked rumors of an affair with the ex-participant of the show "The Bachelor" of the 5th season, Madina Tamova.

The 33-year-old artist is credited with a romantic relationship with a former participant in the 5th season of the Bachelor talk show, 26-year-old Madina Tamova.

The actor himself added fuel to the fire by posting a photo with a mysterious stranger on his Instagram microblog. The frame shows only the silhouette of Ilya and his companion, but the most ardent fans of the movie star noticed a geolocation mark, according to which it became clear that Madina was captured in the photo. The fact is that the lovers almost simultaneously published pictures on their accounts with the same geolocation - the Bagration bridge in Moscow.

Ilya Glinnikov and Madina Tamova

“You and I are two drops of different one water. Tears are clouds, we will break on the ground with rhinestones. We will scatter around and around,” Glinnikov signed his frame.

The girl signed her post: "Ayo- What is love"

Fans of the Interns star showered him with congratulations and noted that this time Ilya made the right choice. The subscribers also noted that on the girl with the photo in Ilya's microblog, the details can really recognize the outlines of Tamova's outfit.

"Madina and Ilya, you are made for each other!!! create a family already!", "Madina?! I'm happy for you Ilya in any case! Let your personal life get better!", "You look great with each other!", " Finally, Ilya chose a normal and decent girl”, “Glinnikov don’t exchange Madinochka for anyone!”, “Ilya, well done!

The portal site recalls that Ilya Glinnikov was the main character of the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor". The actor met Madina on this project. The girl was one of Ilya's favorites and even fought for his hand and heart in the final. However, then the film actor chose Ekaterina Nikulina.

Already this Saturday, the final of the fifth season of the popular show on the TNT channel will take place. The main character, actor Ilya Glinnikov, chooses between the oriental beauty Madina Tamova and the sensual Snow Maiden Ekaterina Nikulina. Before the final, both girls frankly told Woman`s day what they think about each other and how they see their future life with Ilya.

Ekaterina Nikulina: “Before the final, I came down with a fever”

In the project, Katya was confident and immediately showed herself special: fearless and passionate

Ekaterina, why did you decide to go to the Bachelor show?

To be honest, I did not plan to go to the casting. I worked as an art director in a restaurant - it was possible to exist comfortably. Once I read a message on VKontakte that the casting of The Bachelor was taking place. A friend literally yelled at me: “Go urgent! This will help you open up and show yourself from new sides. I watched several episodes of different seasons, I didn’t see anything bad there and decided to try it.

How was the casting?

Everything was a little strange. That is, the usual casting: the girls are beautiful, no vulgarity or vulgarity. The unusual part was an interview with a female psychologist. She asked me about life, looking for very personal moments in my past. I didn’t really want to open my soul to a stranger, I didn’t want to get into the project to such an extent. There was another girl with me at the psychologist’s appointment, who, on the contrary, painted stories from her life in detail and colorfully (this girl appeared in the first series with drums, and Katya was taken to the show at the last moment precisely thanks to the recommendation of the project’s chief psychologist, - note Woman's day).

How did your parents and relatives react to participating in the show? Did you tell them?

Yes, sure! My mother is my best friend, so I was the first to know about this project. She began to study the show, looking for information about it on the Internet. And for a while she tried to dissuade me from participating. I explained that I needed a new impulse and a surge of emotions. As a result, my mother understood and supported me.

Did you set any goals or objectives for yourself when you started the project?

No. I thought I'd leave in the first episode. I'm not very comfortable when your whole life is under the gun of cameras. But after meeting with Ilya, I became interested. It was the first time I met such a person.

All attention in the project is only Ilya


At the first meeting, looking into his eyes, I saw there the depth of the soul and insight. As if he immediately knew who I was. It was like I was an open book to him. After the first face-to-face dialogue, I realized that I was pleased to communicate with this person. I have a philosophical nature, which is probably why there are few like-minded people. But in Ilya, I immediately saw a kindred spirit and at the same time a man with a capital letter. This is a worthy person who thinks the same way as I do. I was very interested in what is in his soul if he has such eyes.

Have you seen the work of Ilya in the cinema?

I rarely watch TV. Mostly my parents watch it. When I lived with them, I involuntarily looked at the screen out of the corner of my eye. I saw "Interns", several episodes. I liked it, it’s a pity that we don’t have such series: with subtle humor and a good cast.

Did you recognize him as you stepped out of the limousine?

I looked closely for a long time - who is standing at the house, who is a bachelor? I eventually found out, but I couldn't remember his name.

When did you feel that you have feelings for Ilya?

Already during the first dialogues with him, I began to feel something. I wondered what kind of soul this man had.

And when did you become afraid of losing him?

For me, everything became clear after the first date. Because I always pay attention to inexplicable symbols, circumstances that make it clear - someone brought this person to me, we met for a reason. The show "The Bachelor" was the strangest place to meet.

Katya either ignored or provoked other participants

What was it like for you when so many girls fought for Ilya's attention? Who were considered the main rivals?

The project brought together a large number of girls and women of different characters and natures, but for me only Ilya existed in the show. I did not come to the competition and was not going to compete with anyone. Therefore, there were no friends, no enemies, no rivals. In the project, I was interested in communicating with one person - a real man, whom I saw in Ilya.

Was it difficult to get along in the women's team?

Not that difficult. Just unusual. Basically, I'm a loner. And it was amazing for me to see when the girls started to pair up and create mini-coalitions. I didn't understand it. I don't have a single girlfriend in my life. Female friendship is highly questionable. But, I repeat, I was inspired by Ilya, and this gave me strength. During general gatherings, as a rule, she was silent. Because I had nothing to talk about with these people, I did not understand who they were and why I should communicate with them. I wrote a book during the project. But I had a feeling of paranoia, I thought that we were being followed, so I had to hide the sheets with notes in my shoes (laughs). Closer to the final, I talked a little with Lesya - it seemed to me that we were on the same wavelength.

Judging by the broadcasts, it seemed that the girls boycotted you.

Oh... I don't want to offend anyone, but... I'll quote Maxim Gorky: "To each of us, a chicken is clearer than a swallow." Truth has always been my priority in life. I speak only the truth - since I was 13 years old. And that turns a lot of people off. But I don’t care, I continue to speak as I think - honestly and directly. Of course, when the members talked to me, I shared my opinion, but basically I turned away from them myself. I saw flattery, deceit and hypocrisy. In this project, I became more insightful: I felt how they were talking behind their backs, how they were whispering. Apparently, hence the kind of detachment that you are talking about.

Katya believes that the other participants in the show did not like her for telling them the truth

Do you think that a girl should be beautiful, and a man should think and make decisions?

(laughs) Funny question. This is sheer stupidity. I do not pursue beauty, like most modern girls. When they tell me that I have puffy lips, it's funny. I think that a woman should use the potential of the brain to the maximum. You have to be a man with a capital letter, try to bring goodness and light into this world. You can't be a zombie - a mindless body, incapable of anything.

I started modeling at the age of 13. I received my first fee, was able to buy things and spend money on myself and worked in this industry for a long time. But at some point I realized that this was a stupid and “plastic” occupation. Although it is beautiful and fashionable. They were waiting for me in Paris for filming in world modeling agencies. But I changed my mind in time: I realized that my brain is capable of more. I wanted to do something else. I gave up modeling career.

How did you decide what to do next?

First of all, I tried to enter the theater school of Oleg Tabakov. I was 17 years old. At the exams, I read "The Harlem Tragedy" by O. Henry and the fable "The Fox and the Crow", which Oleg Pavlovich laughed at. And I went through two rounds. The competition reached 100 people per place. But she simply did not come to the third, decisive round. At that time, I met a young man who put me in front of a choice: either he or the profession of an actress. And already at that age I chose a relationship between a man and a woman.

Mom Katya is only 41 years old. They are girlfriends, and by the way, the beauty has no other girlfriends

You talked about your dream of getting married and having a baby. Why such a hurry?

My beautiful mother turns 41 this year. She always understands me and remains a friend. It is a pleasant feeling when your mother is on the same wavelength with you. She is often referred to as my sister. We can go to the club together in the evening, drink champagne and listen to music. It seems that I am with my mother, but at the same time with a friend. Borders are not felt. A lot of it has to do with age, I think. When parents are much older than their children, they may misunderstand many things. And is it important! Therefore, it is more pleasant and better to be a young mother - to establish a connection between the child and the parent. Recently, I see more and more young mothers walking with children. They are happy, they enjoy life, they are not concerned about anything. The sun, fresh air, a walk, a beloved child - just fine.

There are already the first shots from the finale. But it's just a dress. Will Katya become a real bride, the last episode will show ... and time!

How was the last night before the final ceremony? What were you thinking?

I became very ill after the date Ilya and I were on. The sensations were very strange and incomprehensible. The temperature rose, my throat hurt, I felt bad. But I got stronger.

The brightest and most romantic moment on the show that you remember?

I really enjoyed our sleigh ride in the snowy forest. And the date I came up with at the end. Since I was engaged in equestrian sports, I decided to ride horses with Ilya. There will be another unexpected moment, but it is better to watch on the air.

Read the interview with Madina Tamova on page 2

Madina Tamova: “In the show“ Bachelor ”you need to be strong”

Madina had no doubts throughout the show that Ilya would choose her

Madina, why did you decide to go to the Bachelor show?

I wanted to test myself, perhaps to find that one worthy man. But the show "The Bachelor" is not only about the relationship between a man and a woman, not only about the struggle for the heart of a bachelor, but also about relationships between people.

What attracted you to Ilya Glinnikov?

Initially, I really liked the position, reflections and views of Ilya. At the first party, he told me: "Don't worry, there won't be any vulgarity here, I won't allow it, I myself am against vulgarity." I believed him and am very grateful to Ilya for the respectful and caring attitude towards me.

What do you have in common with Ilya?

Ilya and I are similar in our desire to find our soul mate, with whom it will be interesting to go through life, with whom it will be possible to create a family.

Madina was brought to the show by brothers (apparently cousins)

Did your parents and brothers easily let you go to the Bachelor show?

I am old enough to make decisions and be responsible for them. And my family is my fortress, support and support. My parents know who they raised and they don't have to blush for me.

Relationships and families should be built on mutual trust and respect. I'm ready for a serious relationship. I have an ideal example of a family - this is my own.

- Your most vivid impression on the show "The Bachelor"?

“I will forever remember the moment when I saw the first whale in my life, and he waved his tail!” Everything was in slow motion for me.

– What attracts you to Ilya Glinnikov?

- Initially, I really liked the position, reflections and views of Ilya. And also respectful and caring attitude towards me.

- How do you feel about competitors?

- I don’t see anyone as a competitor, we are all too different. Here the choice is up to Ilya - depending on what he needs from his girlfriend.

- How difficult was it for you to act in the show "The Bachelor"?

It was my first experience of participating in filming, it was very difficult, scary, exciting and nervous. Filming in the project is a way out of the comfort zone: starting with the lack of communication with loved ones and personal space, ending with being under the gun of a huge number of cameras with a narrow circle of people in a confined space. It's very hard.

- Did Ilya support you in any way?

- At the first party, Ilya told me: "Don't worry, there won't be any vulgarity here, I won't allow it, I myself am against vulgarity." I believed him and am very grateful to Ilya for the respectful and caring attitude towards me.

- Did your parents and brothers easily let you go to the Bachelor show?

- I am an adult to make decisions and be responsible for them. And my family is my fortress, support and support. My parents know who they raised and they know they won't have to blush for me.

- You said that your profession is to be a beloved daughter. What are you doing in real life?

I sincerely believe that, first of all, the main female job is to be the keeper of the hearth, but this does not prevent each of us from engaging in self-development. I plan to learn French, get a second degree in psychology. And also in the near future I hope to fulfill one of my childhood dreams - to open a shelter for homeless animals.

- What qualities and abilities should a man and a woman have?

For me, one of the most important qualities in a person is education. The key to a happy relationship are similar views on life: principles; the concepts of what is good and what is bad, the correct distribution of women's and men's responsibilities.

– Were there moments when you were not sure that you would receive another rose at the ceremony?

- Human emotions are always present - of course, there was excitement.

- How did you react to the stories of other girls about your dates with Ilya? Jealous or passed by ears?

- Abstracted. And we didn’t have frank stories, but rather a retelling of actions.

- What kind of relationship did you have with Katya Nikulina during the show?

- None, her life principles with mine do not intersect in any way. Like her relationship with people.

How did you spend the night before the final shoot? Were you able to sleep? What were you thinking?

- I thought that I was looking forward to Ilya's decision and the end of this torment, this painful expectation.

You must have a lot of fans. What do they write to you?

- I do not like the word "fan", these are my like-minded people, people who are interested in me. They write words of support, gratitude and many other good and pleasant things.

Do they recognize you on the streets? Do you enjoy this kind of attention?

- I rarely walk the streets, but yes, they recognize me, they ask me to take a picture. Of course, I'm pleased.

What has this show been like for you? What did you gain and what might you lose?

– This show gave me experience, new knowledge, new people. I lost a lot of nerves.

– What advice can you give to girls who want to participate in the next season?

- Everything is not as easy and cloudless as it might seem from the TV screen. You need to be strong.

What was the hardest part of the show for you?

- The need to communicate with people unpleasant to me in a confined space. Lack of contact with loved ones.

- What do you have in common with Ilya?

- Ilya and I are similar in our desire to find our soul mate, with whom it will be interesting to go through life, with whom it will be possible to create a family.

Girl proudly and with dignity

vom left the project

The fate of the heroes of the television project "The Bachelor" was followed by millions of viewers. With special attention to the inhabitants of the KChR. And although many of them did not approve of the participation of their countrywoman in the scandalous show, they even condemned her for appearing on the blue screen, they rooted for her. And when the protagonist of the project, Ilya Glinnikov, made his final choice, the Caucasus converged in anger: Madina, a Caucasian beauty, a worthy and decent girl, was rejected. Glinnikov preferred her rival, Ekaterina Nikulina.

The finalists were given the opportunity to arrange last dates for the actor. Madina took an unusual risk and surprised the “intern” with paragliding in the mountains of Georgia. Then the Caucasian beauty asked the local team to sing for Ilya in order to touch his "mountain" nature.

“I believe that blood is not water, so I prepared such a surprise,” the girl commented on her choice.

After high-altitude walks, the couple went to dinner, where Tamova confessed her feelings to the actor, read a poem, played a psychological game with him, which she herself invented and kissed. At the end of a pleasant evening, she asked Glinnikov to choose a mate with her heart.
Compared to her rival, her date went like clockwork. Goryanka was confident in her own victory and said to the camera that the choice was obvious:

- Naked sexuality is the simplest thing that can be shown to a man. This is wrong and stupid. Such behavior can only be in private. If he chooses her, he will quickly become disillusioned. I think he understands all this. We have the same views on the future, he looks at me with loving eyes, and I look at him, ”says Madina before the final.
But the mountaineer's rival, judging by the issue, sealed her date not just with a kiss, but went much further. Glinnikov did not spend that night alone (the editors of the TV program hinted at this).

On the day "X" the girls put on wedding dresses, tiaras and waited for the "verdict".

- Madina is my safe harbor, behind this woman, like behind a stone wall. With her, even a boy will be a man. This is confidence, decency, nobility, family, traditions ... And Katya is a leap into the unknown. And it’s not clear where he will lead me, ”Ilya Glinnikov thought, choosing whom to hand over the ring of the winner and his heart.

The final ceremony took place on the snow-covered top of the tower. Ilya stood on the red carpet, strewn with scarlet rose petals. Madina came up to him. He started talking about how she had a rose of the first impression, after they saw whales together and he was then impressed by her “Hand up!” when he tried to put his arm around her waist. Later, he became more and more convinced of her morality and honesty. They were married by his parents because she is the noblest of them all. He was impressed by her friendly family, who asked to wait and did not call him "groom".

- Undoubtedly. you are an ornament, you are a gem of this project. You asked me to choose with my heart, I will not deceive you. Another one settled in my heart, - this is how the actor ended his sweet-tongued confession.

Thanks for the experience. The lesson is over,” snapped Madina.

Glinnikov tried to justify himself in the eyes of the girl by saying that he was not deceiving her. I wanted to take Tamova by the hand to the car, asked "not to spoil everything they had." But the Caucasian beauty was clearly angry: her eyes were already sparkling, she did not allow herself to be touched, did not want to go along and asked not to see her off. The rejected "princess" threw such glances at him that it was time for him to fall through the ground.

At parting, she said only: "bye!" and got into the car. In the car, the operators tried to talk to her:

- He lost me. Question: Am I missing something? That’s it, there’s nothing to comment on, I won’t say anything else, ”the girl said, unfastening the microphone.


“Unfortunately, in the life of each of us, for sure, it happened that our illusions and charms did not coincide with reality. But I want to ask each of you not to put out the fire in your heart and goodness in your soul by any disappointments and insults. Whoever is happy is right, and if someone is happy without you, then this is simply not your person. Thank the Universe, draw conclusions, become stronger, wiser, be sure to find the strength in yourself to get up and move on with a smile to each new day. Thank you for having me, thank you for walking this path with me, thank you for the criticism, for the kind words - you make me better! I wish each of you to love and be loved, live in harmony and cultivate goodness in yourself! I appreciate you, hug and love you!” Madina Tamova addressed her fans in social networks (author’s spelling and punctuation).

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